
Anyone here got Size-of-Melons' edits before they were known as choccymalk?
I’ll make a trade, what’s your da?
I don't have one...
What about d-cord?
You can't do it here?
Images were made to be too big for this site
make a wetransfer
Or you can not?

Support your artists, don't pirate as it kills their longevity making more content.

There might be an free Alice image posted soon.
>Taking an anti-piracy stance on a chan that has actively encouraged and significantly contributed to the sharing of artist's paid works for years now.

Don't even bother lmao, literally no one here gives a fuck. You're not even going to make it to the top of a hill to die on for this shit.
bump for inflated Alice
>>27365 (OP)
I really want the editor who made these to come out, they're an editor from the inflation requests thread. I'd ask for more Alice edits lol
Are there any Alice stories where she floats up the rabbit hole after inflating with helium? Someone should write that!
That’s an animation I’ve seen somewhere
>>27365 (OP)
Who made those edits? They are great.
An unknown editor who resides or resided in the inflation edit request thread, back in the golden era
Who is the artist?
do you have the story that comes with this?
No sorry, I only have the sequence
Any news on the Booberries Morphs?
Ask booberries?
If anyone bought booberries gallery, download it here.
I have got only Trollface image.
(1.5 MB, 320x162, wtf-rkelly.gif)
Literally how are you actually this fucking stupid?
>>36417 that's not Alice, that's a image of a celery, liar...
No it’s a leek
>36504 Oh... dang, I named the wrong vegetable, I hate saying the wrong vegetable... :/
Just found out that Lewis Carroll was a pedo.
After running off into the night like the others, Alice was captured and corralled into a warehouse pen by the dockworkers. Terrified Alice waited a single girl in a herd of victims while one by one each donkey was brought out of the corral, striped, then sorted into crates. Alice remembered those crates, she remembered those were the crates she was told to unload if she wanted to go home, but instead she chose to have fun. Each crate had a label on it but she could no longer read what they said, it all looked like scribbles to her.

Eventually it was her turn and try as she did to run; she was quickly and painfully dragged out by her ears. Once they had a good grip the dock worker heaved her in front of a familiar face. It was the Man in the Red Coach Jacket, but he was different. He no longer had that jolly grandfather expression on his face but instead a deviant look in his eyes as he stared down on Alice.

Too afraid to do anything all the little donkey did was shiver in front of the Coachman. The large man bent over coming down to her level to look the blue dress donkey in the eyes to do his favorite part of his job, gingerly asking the question that he has done to all donkeys prior.

“And what’s your name, little miss?”

The words were said to Alice clear as day but she was almost completely at a loss as what he said, not only was she not able to read but she wasn’t even able to understand English anymore. She almost understood one word, but she struggled to remember what it meant. Her mind raced as she saw a smug grin begin to spread across the Coachman’s face.

Then it came to her. NAME, HE SAID NAME!

If I can say my name maybe he will turn me back.

It was a desperate hope but it was all that Alice had left. She opened her snout as she focused on manipulate her foreign donkey muzzle into a shape to pronounce words. The coachman leaned in in anticipation of what she would say with a fully cracked smile.
Alice has been having the time of her life on Pleasure Island; the last couple of hours seemed to have passed by as if it were a few minutes. The sun had already went down and the festivities went were going into the night. She had ridden the rides, eaten candy and sweets and even found herself joining the other kids in more mischievous fun such as vandalism and even smoking, although she didn’t enjoy the later very much. Now she found herself in a tavern with several other kids who were all swilling down an amber colored liquid and acting peculiar with the smell of alcohol in their breath. Not wanting to be left out of this Alice followed suit obtaining her own glass of the drink. Although hesitant at first, she was given some light encouragement from some of the other kids.

With one motion, Alice quickly poured half of the beer down her throat as if it were medicine. But instead of a foul taste, she noticed a light inoffensive aftertaste that she somewhat liked. She then brought the glass back to her lips and began drinking the rest of it. by her 3rd mug she started to feel the drinks dulling effects on her mind, she looked around the bar and to her some of the other patrons began to look Funny. Although she wasn’t sure as her vision became a bit blurred and her mind felt slower the Farm girl next to her seemed to have a swollen nose above her mouth that seemed protrude slightly with pronounced bucked teeth along with 2 long hairy ears. The boy to her right looked even odder as he contained similar features as well as a matted brown hair that seemed to crawl over parts of his face and arms.

Alice’s eyes scanned the room as she took sips from her drink, noticing all of the other kids sharing these strange features. It was at that point that Alice felt a tug at her ears as they abruptly stretched up over her head becoming identical to the other children’s, complete with grey fur. Alice feeling a strange sensation reached her hand up scratching behind her furry ears taking no notice of the change as her ears flicked back in response.

She walked past another girl on her way to getting her 4th drink, noticing the that came up her neck from her shirt as she itched away at it. A boy groaning out in pain. A bulge in the back of his trousers grew; he bent over until a tail broke through the seat of his pants as he sighed in relief. Alice could not tell if what she was seeing was real but when she heard a hoarse laughter turning to see a farm girl with a furry donkey face laughing at the sight. Alice couldn’t help but giggle a bit, until her attention was taken away when a pressure hit her own lower back. With a sudden throb, the pressure grew causing her to bend over grabbing the table for balance. After a moment and another jolt, the pressure was relieved. She stood back up and took a large Swig while unbeknownst to her, her new tail snaked out from under her dress.

Drinking deep from her mug Alice felt tingle spread out from her mouth across her face and all the way down her chest. Putting her mug down away from her face revealed the extent of her changes as her petite nose flared out along with her mouth leading to the appearance of a Bucktoothed overbite. An itchy feeling around her neckline shortly followed this before new fur began to creep up her neck and down her arms. As she listlessly began scratching with her one hand she drunkenly spilled her entire stein of beer with the other.

“Oops he he HEE”
(234 KB, 1076x1280, 1646354628.gonadthebarbarian_bstf_alice_2_0_jpeg.jpg)
Alice now quite drunk looked over the other kids around the bar, all as drunk and as oblivious to their own changes as she was, too busy pulling on each other’s tails and ears to realize something was wrong. Instead they just laughed at the absurdity it was to have such features. Most of them were beginning to look more like donkeys than children. Snouts replacing what was once their face and hair receding into an animal mane, such things began happening even to Alice.

A boy made his way back from the keg after getting a fresh drink, his donkey head looking down in a hunched over posture walking on his tip toes. Seeing him apparently so drunk he could barely keep balance on his own two feet gave Alice an uncharacteristically mischievous idea as her tail swished behind her. Just as he was moving past her, Alice stuck out her leg catching his foot as he passed. This sent the boy tumbling to the wood floor with his shoe slipping off from his hoof and his beer spilling on the ground before him. Not even standing up, the donkey boy wasted no time as he began lapping up the spilled beer off the floor with his long equine tongue. Her plan being executed so well sent Alice into a laughing fit. Her voice becoming more animalistic with her still face losing the last of its girlish visage, pushing out into a furry muzzle just like the others.

After recovering from her laugh, Alice decided it was time to freshen up her drink. Making her own way to one of the kegs, she noticed a girl beside her, her hair seemed a rough and messy brown; most of it tied with a pink ribbon into a ponytail before the rest was left trailing down her back, disappearing into her dress. Alice then reflectively reached back passing her hand through her own hair, which had almost completely transformed to a coarse donkey mane of a similar greyish brown. Noting her hair feeling similarly rough, Alice lamented the damage the sea air has done to it.

Filling her 5th drink Alice began moving back to her table. But with each step it became more difficult to walk. Alice’s shoes began to feel tight and her balance felt off causing her to lean more on the front of her feet, not unlike the boy she tripped. Her white tights began to rip revealing her now changed legs as grey furry donkey haunches. Each step causing her more difficulty until her morphing feet outgrew her black mary janes, landing on the floor with a clop. Almost tripping, Alice regained her balance on her hooves as she clutched her glass between her two human hands. Her drink secure and un-spilled, She prepares to bring the drink up to her muzzle when suddenly a scream is heard across the room.

Attention from all the donkey boys and girls is drawn as many long ears pivot and all the drunk listless eyes open up in a brief awareness. A boy fumbling with his hooves desperately tries to grab on to something as he sinks down to all fours, no longer able to stand upright. His pleas for help swiftly become brays as realization sweeps the room followed by panic. The boys and girls so eager to drink and have fun all finally realize the price they paid for it. Some turn to the less changed for help, others run out the door to escape, none make it far. Before even reaching the door most collapse to their front hooves as they stampeded out.
Looking around her at the chaos Alice begins to come to her senses once more. The other kids begin to fall on to their front legs losing their voice to brays before flailing their donkey bodies, knocking over tables and bucking off some of their clothes. Still clutching her glass of beer, she begins looking herself over as if in a shocked denial of what is happening. Bringing her one hand up feeling her fuzzy ears her heart skips a beat, before something brushes the back of her thigh. She turns around hiking her dress a tad discovering her own tail behind her, and behind that her eyes are drawn to a 2 legged donkey in a blue dress staring back at her from a mirror.
(212 KB, 1076x1280, 1646354170.gonadthebarbarian_bstf_alice_1_0_jpeg.jpg)
Alice has been having the time of her life on Pleasure Island; the last couple of hours seemed to have passed by as if it were a few minutes. The sun had already went down and the festivities went were going into the night. She had ridden the rides, eaten candy and sweets and even found herself joining the other kids in more mischievous fun such as vandalism and even smoking, although she didn’t enjoy the later very much. Now she found herself in a tavern with several other kids who were all swilling down an amber colored liquid and acting peculiar with the smell of alcohol in their breath. Not wanting to be left out of this Alice followed suit obtaining her own glass of the drink. Although hesitant at first, she was given some light encouragement from some of the other kids.

With one motion, Alice quickly poured half of the beer down her throat as if it were medicine. But instead of a foul taste, she noticed a light inoffensive aftertaste that she somewhat liked. She then brought the glass back to her lips and began drinking the rest of it. by her 3rd mug she started to feel the drinks dulling effects on her mind, she looked around the bar and to her some of the other patrons began to look Funny. Although she wasn’t sure as her vision became a bit blurred and her mind felt slower the Farm girl next to her seemed to have a swollen nose above her mouth that seemed protrude slightly with pronounced bucked teeth along with 2 long hairy ears. The boy to her right looked even odder as he contained similar features as well as a matted brown hair that seemed to crawl over parts of his face and arms.

Alice’s eyes scanned the room as she took sips from her drink, noticing all of the other kids sharing these strange features. It was at that point that Alice felt a tug at her ears as they abruptly stretched up over her head becoming identical to the other children’s, complete with grey fur. Alice feeling a strange sensation reached her hand up scratching behind her furry ears taking no notice of the change as her ears flicked back in response.

She walked past another girl on her way to getting her 4th drink, noticing the that came up her neck from her shirt as she itched away at it. A boy groaning out in pain. A bulge in the back of his trousers grew; he bent over until a tail broke through the seat of his pants as he sighed in relief. Alice could not tell if what she was seeing was real but when she heard a hoarse laughter turning to see a farm girl with a furry donkey face laughing at the sight. Alice couldn’t help but giggle a bit, until her attention was taken away when a pressure hit her own lower back. With a sudden throb, the pressure grew causing her to bend over grabbing the table for balance. After a moment and another jolt, the pressure was relieved. She stood back up and took a large Swig while unbeknownst to her, her new tail snaked out from under her dress.

Drinking deep from her mug Alice felt tingle spread out from her mouth across her face and all the way down her chest. Putting her mug down away from her face revealed the extent of her changes as her petite nose flared out along with her mouth leading to the appearance of a Bucktoothed overbite. An itchy feeling around her neckline shortly followed this before new fur began to creep up her neck and down her arms. As she listlessly began scratching with her one hand she drunkenly spilled her entire stein of beer with the other.

“Oops he he HEE”
(255 KB, 1076x1280, 1646354919.gonadthebarbarian_bstf_alice_3_0_jpeg.jpg)
“NOOOOO!” Alice screamed

What was happening to everyone else was also happening to her, this was worse than Wonderland. She had to escape before it was too late.

Just then a spasm overtook her hands causing her to drop the mug as it crashed on the floor. Alice brought her hands up to her eye level just in time to see fur fully envelop her arms followed by her fingers as they fuse together, stretching until they was only one long stocky digit on each arm capped off by a hard clumsy hoof.

Alice began to hyperventilate as her mind was going blank from terror

This wasn’t supposed to happen!

She’s not a donkey!

She should be home!

Why didn’t she go home like a good girl?!

All these thoughts rushed through her head, but all she could express was a single sorrowful cry that in the end choked up into a bray.

Tears streamed down her snout when a sudden crack sounded out from her arms as the joints realigned themselves to a fixed position downwards, hindering Alice from using her arms as a counterbalance. Her back legs then began to quiver as she struggled to remain upright until another jerk caused her back to realign, forever traping her in a quadrupedal stance, sending her cascading to the floor before catching herself on her front hooves. Rips are heard as stitching gives way to her new beastly proportions that her dress was never meant to accommodate. With the feeling of distress she instinctively bucks her back legs, flinging her shoes off that until then clung to her ankles. Another shred of humanity lost.

In one last vain effort for salvation, Alice cries out for help.



Her transformation completes as her pleas die in her throat, only to come out as brays that join the other nearly identical donkeys’ that were once the children doomed on this island. The only thing distinguishing Alice from the rest being her once fitted blue dress that now hung loosely on her animal form and the black ribbon still in her mane.
(266 KB, 1076x1280, 1646356063.gonadthebarbarian_bstf_alice_4_0_jpeg.jpg)
After running off into the night like the others, Alice was captured and corralled into a warehouse pen by the dockworkers. Terrified Alice waited a single girl in a herd of victims while one by one each donkey was brought out of the corral, striped, then sorted into crates. Alice remembered those crates, she remembered those were the crates she was told to unload if she wanted to go home, but instead she chose to have fun. Each crate had a label on it but she could no longer read what they said, it all looked like scribbles to her.

Eventually it was her turn and try as she did to run; she was quickly and painfully dragged out by her ears. Once they had a good grip the dock worker heaved her in front of a familiar face. It was the Man in the Red Coach Jacket, but he was different. He no longer had that jolly grandfather expression on his face but instead a deviant look in his eyes as he stared down on Alice.

Too afraid to do anything all the little donkey did was shiver in front of the Coachman. The large man bent over coming down to her level to look the blue dress donkey in the eyes to do his favorite part of his job, gingerly asking the question that he has done to all donkeys prior.

“And what’s your name, little miss?”

The words were said to Alice clear as day but she was almost completely at a loss as what he said, not only was she not able to read but she wasn’t even able to understand English anymore. She almost understood one word, but she struggled to remember what it meant. Her mind raced as she saw a smug grin begin to spread across the Coachman’s face.

Then it came to her. NAME, HE SAID NAME!

If I can say my name maybe he will turn me back.

It was a desperate hope but it was all that Alice had left. She opened her snout as she focused on manipulate her foreign donkey muzzle into a shape to pronounce words. The coachman leaned in in anticipation of what she would say with a fully cracked smile.
Alice's cries and screams were heavily muffled, as her head sank into her body, she couldn't even move, let alone scarcely breath, and the only thing she could see was the scrap of paper. The words Chew Me written on it, as if the paper was taunting her, seeing the gum she popped it into her mouth, and Alice began to chew wholeheartedly. The more she chewed, the more blueberry flavor seemed to gush down Alice's throat, unaware that she was turning violet, and slowly started to swell. As she continued to walk through Berryland, her apron's ribbon got caught, after loosening it did Alice receive a nice surprise, and that a couple of berries offered to help. Using their vines did they tie Alice's ribbon very tightly, inadvertently making her swallow the gum, thanking them politely did Alice continue on her way, and shook her head at the nonsense of being called a strange blueberry. Upon entering a clearing in the forest, did Alice felt a sharp pain, it was than she saw her arms were blue, and her hair as well.

"What... What's happening to me?" Alice cried out "Oh... Oh... I'm feeling so... full." she continued

Much to her shock, Alice's body began to swell, she whimpered in pain as her ribbon resisted, and felt she would be cut into two. However a large snap could be heard, the ribbon now fluttered in pieces, with the strength of a tidal wave, and Alice swelled far faster. Rounder and rounder she became, bigger and bigger, both in roundness as well as height, and whimpered as her feet and hands sunk into her body. Alice cried for help, but as her head started to sink, her pleads became muffled, and whimpered in pain as her body felt so tight. Not knowing that by swallowing the gum, the juice would endlessly fill the body, and Alice let out one final muffled cry in pain.....


The entire clearing could be found covered in blueberry juice and blue hair
(660 KB, 1424x1080, bigbimboalice.png)
big bimbo alice bump

I do edits on my pixiv
Can you post a link, please? I can't find it...
Who ist the artist?
whoever you are, keep up the Alice content!!
inflate her with helium and make her float up the rabbit hole plz?
Does anyone have Size-of-Melons' old Alice edits? The ones from before his "Return to Wonderland" set.

Saw someone mention having em in another thread but thought to ask here too.
Can someone use bing?
Unlikely, considering that the filters are constantly being updated to not allow NSFW content - it automatically blacklists phrases that can be remotely perceived as innuendos so you'd have to be very clever in order to get around it
I seriously can´t even tell what is supposed to be going on in these AI images. They are so bad...
I think her dress is inflating and not her?
(217 KB, 850x850, IMG_2022.jpeg) (127 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_2023.jpeg)
I wish someone would write a story of the caterpillar losing his patience with Alice not telling him who she is and as punishment blows magic smoke in her face and when she inhales it she turns into a hookah.
Alice Turned into Cow
Alice slowly starts acting more and more like a lioness, to the point, where he grows fur and rips his Dress off
All these low quality AI arts have officially killed the thread
Hard to make the actual her inflate and not her dress. Looks like they're trying
This entire thread is nothing but slop
why do people like this her?
bumping this. Can't seem to find SOM's older tumblr, but the newer one with Return to Wonderland is still up. Looking for their earlier Alice edits
You mean why do people like this version of Alice? Hmm, maybe it's to do eith the fact that the 1951 Disney film is the most well known adaptation of the boom.
She's not real mate
please stop posting
(952 KB, 2048x1516, 1706203622807227572262.png)
A part of an idea for a story featuring Alice inflated as a blueberry:

As Poor Alice tried to keep her balance after she swallowed the gum out of curiosity, Alice was scared to death thinking she would explode due to her ginormous girth and thought to herself how she was able to hold all the juice in her body. Luckily for Alice, her body was starting to soften and relax as the juices that were sloshing inside of Alice's blueberry body actually comforted her in a very adorable but sweet and cute way.

"My goodness!" said Alice in a surprised thought, "My body is so full and Ive gotten too big for this place, but at the same time, my body is so calm and collected. Its so..........refreshing!" as Alice said in a collected yet relaxed way. "I feel like an Airballoon in this body but yet, I dont feel pain but comfort! Curiouser and Curiouser indeed for my big ballooned body!"

As Alice started to control her body, she started to waddle as if she was a penguin learning how to walk. After which she fell on her back, though she wasnt hurt by any means. By this point she was like a turtle, or in the case of the Mock Turtle, on the back of his/her shell.

Alice got a bit worried there. "Oh dear! I must get up before someone tries to pop me! Being on my back is the worst and Im stuck on my beautiful back! This juicy body cant handle all this pressure!" said a worried Alice while she rocked back and forward left and right like as if she was rolling like a boulder. After many tries, Alice rocked left to right slower and slower until the sloshing was helping her relax even more of her cute petite body.

Eventually, Alice's body was starting to relax, which caused Alice to lay on her back and stop. "My goodness, my body is really relaxing so much when rocking like I was in a baby craddle I dont feel bad at all and feel even more relaxed!" said Alice. Then Alice smirked, which then turned into a smile and she then got so excited she flapped her hands which were suckd into her body and giggled since she loved her predicament so much she stopped worrying. She then also kicked her feet up and down and laughed even harder next to flapping alot.

Miss Alice then got tired and started yawning and sounded sleepy. After a while, Alice was getting tired and thought to herself "my goodness, being a massive blueberry is actually relaxing and makes you feel good! This is amazing and I think......I think........zzzzzzzzz."

And just like that, Alice Liddell fell asleep and blushed in her new puffy cheeks, causing to really feel good in her body as the sloshing sounds made her enjoy her new blueberry body even further.

"I wonder if after this, I might go to a kingdom filled with Fruity Girls that are as big and as sweet like me!" dreamed Alice as she was relaxing like she was in heaven.

Alice at that point stopped worrying.
Looking for the Locofuria Alice comic
Looking for old Size-of-Melons Alice edits
Goddamn that's good. Source???

Huh. Guess that's all that's left, huh. Thanks anyway.
Can we please keep this thread alive?
trying to decide on whether or not to draw alice but that stuff about the author makes me have second thoughts
(25 KB, 160x120, 2e1.gif)

Do you have stuff from Size-of-Melons' old deviantart?
What exactly are you looking for?

Size-of-Melons' old Alice edits. There were a few but he wiped them from his old deviantart.>>57182

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