
Looking good so far 👌
(124 KB, 703x877, Willow Pudge.png)
Here's a little something Mintrimo/Ramironia put together before he cucked out and stopped drawing lolis.
That looks lovely
Ok that's adorable, I'm broken after watching the episode right now
(196 KB, 2042x1008, 20221016_160903.jpg)
Let's take a moment to pay our respects to flapjack
(79 KB, 854x936, tumblr_03b8c8d7aa0a6aa3d19117de87ae4e7a_a6bacd1d_1280.jpg) (71 KB, 854x936, tumblr_b04075e75c1593fd06a91b01c97cab97_23c6903e_1280.jpg) (95 KB, 854x936, tumblr_39457c07d30a5efb5f4436386c182b37_96374081_1280.jpg) (91 KB, 854x936, tumblr_77cbf507c3284dff1c8357a9b6d5421b_5c1ff33e_1280.jpg) (86 KB, 917x871, tumblr_eeacff241cc984303a940357c6d96b5a_c0653ce3_1280.jpg) (97 KB, 917x871, tumblr_6abc8b2e16abe865012345244f58790c_ce45cf7b_1280.jpg)
Any Amity belly stuff?
(67 KB, 768x1024, amity_is_enjoying_the_food_of_the_human_world_by_natan055_dfg8n6l-fullview.jpg) (97 KB, 816x979, one_more_bite__by_knownmusk_df6o1hw-pre.jpg) (67 KB, 770x1038, amity_s_loving_tummy_by_blackoutsiderz_df3b96s-pre.jpg) (98 KB, 848x942, big_booty_spell_deux_by_leonfetishlove_dezaz6p-pre.jpg) (86 KB, 894x894, lumity_s_fat_selfie__tribute_version_by_me__by_natan055_dfc49kx-pre.jpg) (67 KB, 1014x788, more_than_the__un_expected_effect__by_me__by_natan055_dfbwnj0-pre.jpg)
Who is the artist for this one?
Any Owl house stuff from SB99
>>26072 (OP)
Uh hey, sorry to bother you but did you make that Skara art?
Uh hey sorry to bother you but did you make that Skara art?
I stand corrected.
a lot of these are by ScoBionicle99 but i can't find them on their dA they're always just reposted by someone else, does ScoBionicle99 post them elsewhere or do they delete a lot of their own items? or what?
What I remember the most is that SB99 had a Mega account where he kept all his artworks and edits, once I remember that they made it public but they deleted it, however it seems that certain people still have contact.
Someone really needs to update sweetandsofty's kemono account
You are a legend. I dunno how you got these but thanks. Wish I could ask for more but the other stuff locked rn isn't Owl House related so it would be off-topic here but thanks fr
Any new content from SB99?
Nothing's wrong with big butts, but we could use some more fat art on this thread
I really wish there was more ship art of the characters all fat
Does anyone have any fat Hunter?
Could we get more fat Camila?
Could we get some fat Emira?
Could we get some fat Vee. Both human and baslik
That was already on the site
(49 KB, 512x800, 312160785-512-k959283.jpg)
So I was looking through some stuff and I found some cover art for an owl house wg story. I think the artist's name is fetishwritar, but I can't seem to find them anywhere
You have a link to the story?
is there any of Willow, she's the one character canonically plus sized and there's barely any art of her
any slob art?
Thank you so much : )
Filename artist lives up to the name.

Jesus christ, these are beyond garbage.
I think there fine
Still would like to know the source on the other three drawings. Saucenao isn't doing shit for me, neither is google search.
I want to see some more fat Hunter
You're in the wrong place.

This is BBWalt, and guess what that W stands for?
(591 KB, 1883x1695, vee.png)
I want to see some Odalia art

These are beautiful! I've been searching for the artist but I can't find them. Can you upload a link, please?
fart art?
(61 KB, 1150x695, comm__owl_moms_by_johndraw54_dfosqxj-pre.jpg) (198 KB, 1024x1828, odalia_blight__booty_bright__color__by_doomberryart_dflv5b2-fullview.jpg) (99 KB, 1280x1280, odalia_blight_weight_gain_by_hakumen5150_dfjcg9d-fullview.jpg) (79 KB, 1130x707, comm__mom_is_growing_by_johndraw54_dfnvss7-pre.jpg) (116 KB, 1006x794, mamadalia_by_cooldeverage_dft9i9v-pre.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1280x1766, the_owl_house_bad_ending_by_voretoons_dfd3j28-fullview.png)

Who's that guy?
(601 KB, 1280x605, always_wanted_to_try_this_by_voretoons_dg0ln93-fullview.png) (435 KB, 1220x655, _cm__lumity_kiss_by_voretoons_dg0f1j2-pre.png) (583 KB, 1107x722, how_to_hide_a_girlfriend_by_voretoons_dfxq20v-pre.png) (592 KB, 1120x713, _cm__little_white_lie_by_voretoons_dfrzsxr-pre.png) (671 KB, 1166x685, how_it_started_and_how_it_s_going_by_voretoons_dfq9r9g-pre.png) (566 KB, 1153x693, vee_is_for_vore_by_voretoons_dfp0my1-pre.png)
Owl House Vore
(515 KB, 1065x750, _cm__overprotective_owl_mom_by_voretoons_dfm8ibk-pre.png) (554 KB, 1152x694, lesbian_predator_power_couple_by_voretoons_dfloikp-pre.png) (507 KB, 1280x550, _cm__skara_s_milf_out_meal_by_voretoons_dfjygxf-fullview.png) (1.0 MB, 1280x1913, meeting_of_the_mothers_by_voretoons_dfh0nbn-fullview.png) (1.3 MB, 1280x1548, _cm__meeting_of_the_mothers_2_by_voretoons_dfi8cpb-fullview.png) (611 KB, 1280x1276, just_watching_anime_with_the_gf_by_voretoons_dffxycc-fullview.png)
Owl House Vore PT2
(631 KB, 1103x725, _cm__a_teammate_that_wants_to_be_a_soulmate_by_voretoons_dfgl0rk-pre.png) (625 KB, 1099x727, _cm__lots_of_butts_about_it_by_voretoons_dfh0nb9-pre.png) (459 KB, 1280x417, _cm__one_big_happy_couple_by_voretoons_dfhq4da-fullview.png) (668 KB, 1275x626, strange_magic_by_voretoons_dffxyct-pre.png) (1.1 MB, 1280x1846, meeting_the_gf_s_mother_by_voretoons_dfdoc6r-fullview.png) (976 KB, 1280x1473, family_secret_by_voretoons_dfd3jjs-fullview.png)
Owl House Vore PT3
(550 KB, 1280x520, trying_something_new_by_voretoons_dfav4c9-fullview.png) (909 KB, 1280x1389, a_girlfriend_who_can_vore__awesome__by_voretoons_df7yc99-fullview.png) (500 KB, 984x812, a_human_custom__by_voretoons_df58vnz-pre.png) (463 KB, 1280x428, down_into_the_dark_2_by_voretoons_df1tu75-fullview.png) (781 KB, 1280x1614, _cm__witches_eat_mice_by_voretoons_df1go1u-fullview.png) (862 KB, 1280x1494, surpassing_your_teacher_by_voretoons_dema6l1-fullview.png)
Owl House Vore PT4
(33 KB, 374x409, IMG_5721.jpeg) (32 KB, 374x386, IMG_5720.jpeg) (53 KB, 622x350, IMG_5713.jpeg)
Dose anyone have or can find this comic by lamosca99 in HD, called Luz’s Training Arc? It has 7 parts and 2 bonus. The two on the left and middle are the bonuses, while the last one on the right is one of the pages of the comic.
Thank you so much. : )
(1.6 MB, 1280x1746, she_can_t__take_it_by_knownmusk_df71f7a-fullview.png) (308 KB, 1280x1920, she_can_t__take_it_2_by_knownmusk_dfp8ymd-fullview.jpg) (222 KB, 1280x1536, one_more_bite__by_knownmusk_df6o1hw-fullview.jpg) (299 KB, 1280x2560, two_more_bites______by_knownmusk_dfo57kb-fullview.jpg) (4.2 MB, 1200x5200, dg1j98s-fc988fd6-18b2-485e-ab63-6b61d33488f2.png) (153 KB, 1280x1746, _commission__little_cute_couples_by_knownmusk_detyrmv-fullview.jpg)
who drew the third one?
(240 KB, 1800x2000, 20230726_152505.jpg)
The 3rd one is made by nicecock on twitter
Male shit does not go here.
>owl house thread
>bitching about male shit when some of the other threads have male shit mixed in at times
Shut the fuck up you stooge.
Male goes in the male board, not that hard to figure out.

>hurr durr but other boards have them
Yes, people's inability to read isn't exclusive to one board
what is the male thread called?
I'm sorry, but I'm calling bullshit. There is no way they Disney made an actual weight gain episode for Owl House.
Yeah, they probably made that up for effect. It's clearly edited.
Thank you so much (:D
(659 KB, 1920x1382, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f5645715532586d5a3868546876773d3d2d313234373539323836382e313730346638376437623436376565373731303631313731343131342e706e67.png) (947 KB, 1920x1849, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f644b344c4f624c4f5858736362413d3d2d313236343032313835332e313730666564663362306334653063363439313934323932353237362e706e67.png) (1.4 MB, 1920x1824, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f754a77643334675868566c3846513d3d2d313236343032313835332e313734376632633664346564663935363931393132353431383630312e706e67.png) (1.8 MB, 1920x1824, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f44617332743447582d39456e46413d3d2d313332303237353336332e313734383137393934383139633161363131343831343930323431342e706e67.png) (1.1 MB, 1920x1824, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f744f666c765243675579395673513d3d2d313332303237353336332e313734383764646332633135633061653934333434353736393630382e706e67.png) (1.3 MB, 1920x1824, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7162513649483745554a524754513d3d2d313332303237353336332e313734386535386430363130656264363434393937393834313238302e706e67.png)
Oh? I didn't realise there was a male board, apologies. What's it called?
I can’t draw or animate worth shit, but maybe someone can take the audio from that one Bratz episode where the pink blonde lady eats a burger and blows up and play it over an animatic where Eda gets big. They’re both voiced by the same person. Maybe give her a speech bubble that says

(Do you know who I am? I’m Eda Clawthorne. The owl lady of The Owl House. And the greatest witch on the Boiling Isles…)


Kinda shocked nobody else has thought to ask for this.

amity turned into such a pig <3
Looks like the amount of Owl House fat at is dying down.
(282 KB, 1382x786, amity2.png)
drew this quickly to keep it alive
Does anyone have the full picture of this one?
Enough with the SpongeBob meme shit!!!
Where's amity1? did she ate the file?
(101 KB, 894x894, IMG_9300.jpeg)
Decided to post some milf action
Camilla simping pigs....
(149 KB, 1032x774, IMG_6808.JPG)
Lardy Luz, by Bluespider17.
This was deleted due to DeviantArt getting up his ass about his content.
Thank you so much. :)
why are you on bbwchan then?
(34 KB, 850x638, download.jpg)
This counts right?
Hope yall enjoy my poor attempt at an edit

It's great, good job!
Do you think you could do more edits?
Maybe I'll do a couple or so more edits of the other ones by the original artist. I'm still a novice at best, but I'll consider it. Happy yall enjoy the one I already made tho! >>46181
I haven't seen how the original artist draws nipples so I had to guesstimate on what would look good
I can't find the artist for the first two regardless of which way I write the name on it. Is it "Schpog'22", "Sohpog22", "Schpog22", or "Sohpog'22"?
And now the post has been deleted before I could even save the images. Fuck.
Nevermind, I found their Kemono. It's Schpog.
Who made the last 2?
IcicleCrash from Twitter
(83 KB, 850x987, IMG_4873.jpeg)
Got another Willow

Made by “Ota”
>>50408 Finally, some good fucking Willow art
That's why I got it, was also annoyed that there wasn't any
Very funny...but still trash
The comic or Odalia?
Is it only allowed to repost art in this thread or we can also share fanfics, headcanons etc.?
Got link to his discord or any of his other sketches/WIPs

Will you share it please?
Unfortunately, they were considered private art and I just posted them without his permission. his discord is around somewhere though, so it's only a matter of going through servers to find him.
dafuq ya talking about?
Remember to give credits! Missicake in Deviantart.
>Circle tool girls
>Literal children scribbles

Can you put these back where they belong? In the trash.

Fuck you
Fr that stuff is legit disgusting to even look at. Why do these autismos even think of posting this shit? Feels like theres been an influx of them recently
Oh go to hell you autism hating savages
Shut up bitch I'll poop on your dick bitch
I'm thinking of drawing someone to keep this thread going. Any suggestions of who + under what conditions?
Hunter pls. He barely has any art. Maybe have him stuffed after a big meal
Male doesn't belong here.

Go back to the BHM board.
Odalia, she's being force fed
>>55263 I'll try it in a bit, but by who? Also give out any other details if you can.
Grown ass woman stroke my penis & I like
Who forced her naked on the internet
>>55273 I'll try it out, I don't find Eda particularly attractive though so it might be hard.
I was gonna suggest Luz' mother instead of Eda but that might be too taboo
Force fed by Amity
I suggest an scenario where Camila and Luz are being force fed by The Collector's magic
Or another one where a chubby Luz fattens Amity with "human realm" foods
May I suggest Luz and Eda going through Magical Build Up?
Eda stuffing Lilith, with both of them being like 300 pounds, and Lilith in her season 2B outfit
I'm going to stop taking requests but thanks for the suggestions. I'll try doing what I can do.

So are you the same person that came here to be hateful earlier? I'm surprised children even know how to use an imageboard.
Nah he looks like Chris Griffin in that last panel
I may be a bit late on this but who the fuck posted a moringmark comic here
They cut their overtime & kept their wages lower because who the fuck they think theyre right. Youre no bridge engineers
Humbled them real quick. All that macho attitude died out. 👀
Limit their overtime.
Incest artists belong in hell
How did you end up getting that sketch?
Found it on 4chan /ceg/ archives
Deal with it.😎
I hope your bones break
So like... any progress on this?
I also would like to know
(58 KB, 1280x720, Luz-the-big-fat-giant.png)
Damn, I thought that was the thumbnail and it was going to be an animation lol. Still good though.
Agree and thank you so much
A giant Woman is a terrible artist
This sucks!
Any slob artwork?
(1.5 MB, 2664x2108, luz.jpg)
Where you find it?
Some idiot named rubypandalover1976 stole those Luz images
(1.6 MB, 1805x773, file.png)
It's one thing to reupload art that isn't available anymore but why the hell is he uploading whatever those things are inbetween all that art he stole?
(105 KB, 878x911, IMG_5975.jpeg) (185 KB, 1280x596, IMG_5976.jpeg) (113 KB, 1192x670, IMG_5974.jpeg)
I love these edits of vee and stuff I wish they did more they keep doing more male stuff then female stuff
With how many times you come back to this thread I think you have a fat fetish.
Disgusting... *starts fapping*

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