
(89 KB, 994x804, 79b0061a5a23fa555be71f229cd8db79a4f49ef992b4d83fa9d887e30889f0bc.jpg) (99 KB, 698x866, 5d897aa2f52052460b022e72dd1c6c45531ba27e73fae4aaf58757874e32ce9f.jpg) (311 KB, 905x1280, 79d1b0587fbcf39f06bcec1ad28df4bf588b4cd9cbfaee884794fde7ac95423f.jpg) (162 KB, 1280x905, 02c0feecba8da14dbdde3347acf25dd21f28a6d323c74ba3112a107d03aa6efd.jpg) (116 KB, 850x991, 90f611849f0b1f754f8a8a7de9cff825892f9a68a2428dcd000c6a1e24c2582c.jpg) (99 KB, 850x1176, 17e08dd74687506091399e89cbb1e2c01dc7c2cab38da899b9ce711158f1df7a.jpg)
New successor thread to >>25358 (Cross-thread) soon to be filled with girls (Boys, and young anthros, too.) small in stature but with appetites far bigger than others 3 times their height, having a shelf of an juicy fat ass and overflowing, lap filling gut to prove it.
This is BBW/alt

You know what that W stands for?

You guys have your own boards.
Keep your furry boy shit out of here.
Goodbye. I will keep that in mind.
Terribly sorry.
(939 KB, 468x352, New to sites.mp4)
>>25845 (OP)
>Can't properly create a thread title
>New successor thread
It hasn't even reached a quarter of the way to a sage!
I wouldn't even say furry is a total loss; you just gotta have it be a transformation with them starting to pile on the pounds, mid transformation before the animal features overwhelm the human.

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