
Source on the Pandaren? No luck with reverse image search.
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How has this fallen so far down the catalog? This has become my biggest fetish and I know there's way more content out there. Please I beg you.
I like chub but this just makes me kind of sad. No way to move and no one left to see you if your feede leaves you.
Bump or should I say babump? Anyways does anyone have darkfireballz health issues and death feederism pics?
>>258 (OP)
Does anyone have any where the atmosphere or tone is really sad? Like they're flatlining or any other characters in the picture are mourning?

Not sure why but I've seen this scenario in a movie (I cant remember the name) but it stuck with me and this thread peaked my curiosity to if there's a niche.
The concept of the feedee being left by their feeder for essentially dead be it they don't love them anymore or left for another skinnier or fatter one as they sacrificed their health for their past lover really hits a note of sadness I never thought of until now; horrifying really.
That's what makes it hot. Even better if the feedee is immobile.
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Imagine being fattened to immobility in some dark basement, penned down by a literal ton of lard. Your feeder one day doesn't come down for the breakfast funneling of weight gain shake and melted butter. The hours pass, and your health monitor starts recording low blood sugar, your stomach rumbles and you're confused and frustrated. You attempt to dial and message your feeder with sausage fingers, but you left the phone in the bathroom anyway. You try to wriggle your bed of blubber you built on yourself around as you call out deeper and louder, chins wobbling, for your feeder to quit the games and come down already.


Hours of silence. Days of silence. You wet and soil yourself after you can't hold it in any longer - your catheter and bucket overflow.

More days. Constant torturous pants of hunger. Bedsores and terrible odors, and boredom and fear and loneliness. Wriggling in (slowly shrinking fat).

A couple weeks of Hell pass...

Thirst (you licked back some neck fat sweat) and sepsis get to you before you can get skinny enough to get out of bed (you're too weak anyway).

The last thing you saw was a bright light, and then a sudden shift to a very chilling, ominous black. "I've been waiting for you, Anon..."

Feeder never returned.

Neither did you.
Is this for dm or a server?
Genuinely would be interested in a WG horror story or Visual Novel now. Like a game or story touching on the horror aspect more than the fetish aspect; untapped market.
>bariatric diapers

Always a nice touch.
sauce on these?
Not that I know of. But I do find the idea of another person (or people) around their bed just so sad about what their friend has become...
attempting to do the reply feature thing but im still really new to the site so idk if im doing it right; if not someone asked about discord rp of unhealthy fatties, so yee id be down dude, my user is BatQuinn#2496
(1.0 MB, 5964x5559, MARCY 6.png)
a few of my works related to health issues

Wouldn’t Marcy and PB be perfect to be extremely unhealthy balls of lard, I mean one’s a vampire queen (which means immortal) and PB is just a humanoid form of gum (possibly doesn’t even have organs), so if they ever get extremely obese it would take AN UNREASONABLY amount of fat to come close to giving one of these girls health issues.
Honestly i didnt even took that into consideration. i just will draw characters from the land of Ooo having heart attacks until i grow tired of the idea

jesus christ tadano clean your wife
(2.3 MB, 5964x5559, MARCY 6.png)
have a helluva boss one
He would, but she just shits herself again anyway.

Besides, they both enjoy it.
hey guys, if any of you want to rp with some extremely unhealthy fatties, here's my discord, im completely limitless and i like even some illegal stuff, so the more disgusting and dark your kinks are, the better!


even so, man, you should always clean your wife, if only so you can tease her about how quickly she makes everything filthy
fair, fair.
but hey, the filth is hot lol, that's why we're here, aint it?
Would be much better if it was Millie

yes and no - for me, it's hot because the person is incapable of keeping clean by themselves, not because they're disgusting in and of itself
Hey i want to roleplay with almost any fandom and cool with most any kink. I really want to do stuff with extreme health issues and other extremes.
Here is my discord Mad Knight#3153

my f-list https://www.f-list.net/c/hung%20shota%20daniel/
Wait, could heart attacks of too much fat kill residents of hell or would be like some sort of limbo. They would be dead for a while then suddenly they are resurrected back to life since only angelic weapons can kill a denizen of hell permanently
The "angelic weapons kill only" only applies to Sinners, not Hell borne species like imps.

I've spent the morning archiving Shihoroma's Patreon. Flavor text is included, but only translated when it actually pertains to the image. Some images are also translated, but only those with horizontal text that the image translator could understand. I don't speak Japanese, so I just tweaked the output of the translator to make it comprehensible.

you are legend, man
hehehe glad you like her, i might draw her more
gonna bump this because im really horny for unhealthy fatties and need someone to talk to about em lol
Are there any other artists out there who draw unhealthy obese lolis?
Sadly, I don’t think I can find another artist, maybe there is one but I don’t remember it lol, but I could always try myself with drawing some
oh yes please, cute obese unhealthy slob lolis!
heheheh tell me whatever you want me to draw, i need some ideas,you can tell me here or in dms
Anything with mobility difficulties is good in my books.
Maybe a short progression from a perfect girly girl to an obese slobby glutton in a mobility scooter!
Fuck, that’s a great idea! Maybe parents pampering her too much? Or just a tiny cute glutton?
Whichever! But I like the idea she is such a gluttonous slobby little greedy girl she got immobile by herself!
Sounds perfect! Might make it a sequence just for this thread lol
Good. Go all out, if you wanna add gas or mess or whatever go for it.
The link doesn’t lead me anywhere, what was it about?
Ooof, just check the unhealthy furs thread, posted some stuff there
do you have DA?
Hmmm I should make one
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Angel about to have a MASSIVE heart attack
such a good girl being a good piggy
Yes heheheh, plan to keep on going with the drawings
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Loona with overgrown, lardy heart
fuck, overgrown organs are so hot, thanks for awakening that kink to me lol

Finally, someone who has drawn this concept in an appealing way.
Not a fan of Loona, but good stuff my guy.
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lovers having some heart expansion issues
(1.8 MB, 1754x1240, 180217R_bV.png)
Desperately trying to keep this thread "alive"
Source for the first image?
Sauce on the final image?
So what happend to Ultrahand?
Is he still around or did he completely fuck off from the internet?

I'm finding some of his art but no seemly official account anywhere.
am I missing something or is he just gone?
Dude who did this pic? This is like all of my kinks in one image holy hell
I dunno who the character is though
The artist is suitcat and the other one is made by pivko the character is komi-San also suitcat is making a remake of it
Thanks! Got any links to any of their galleries? Are they a pixiv artist or something?
>>25603they are on twitter thecoreofspace2 on DA they wrote a story called komi can't live without medicine for komi birthday
Who made these?
Bin_gob on Twitter and DeviantArt
This is great, can I get a source on this?
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Unsure of where either are from. I know the first has been around for a while, but only just stubmled into the latter one.
AaronFly98 / (forgor his tt username)

ThatThiccOwl / nolovehugepleb
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Even though I fucking adore plumpy's art, I gotta say that you posted this in the wrong board
Where were these posted to? I recognize its Robot001 but I've never seen them on his DA or FA.
I commissioned them i think that he said he was going to post them but i got tried of waiting
Hey people. First post here so bare with me.
You've got something to say or share?
>Welcome! Expect: Fats, Politics
Yeah, no thanks bud
Who is the artist of the last two
Good effort. Probably quite easy to make edits for this kink from existing art, think you're on to something
Yup.. Muricants r g
Hm, sure I guess so. Maybe not something most people would expect, but I'll let it pass for the rare hidden secret Gnibbles pic
Dude This image has been widespread and public for like 2 years now
I know, but still, it's not "Public" in the sense that I've only seen the full image posted in places like here rather than through official means, as well as a cropped version as Cooly52's banner.
If I remember correctly, recently Gura is on medical leave, so you could probably spin it so that the little shark has been going on a feeding frenzy and is on break until she can fit back into frame.

All while gasping for air, and for more nacho fries, as her heart struggles to continue to pump
where can i find more of these
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I hate the amount of crossover between people into fictional fatties with health issues and actual IRL death feederism weirdos
ain't this a movie or sumn
... you're upset there's people out there that are exactly what you're into but 3D?

Go outside.
>I can’t limit my twisted tastes to fiction
You sound well adjusted
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Pretty much FEED. There's also She-Wolf which had canonical WG and slob in a RL movie where the nazi babes force fed brown girls into obese pigs
Do you know what the she wolf movie was called?
Something some of you guys here might be interested in, I've been talking to this chick on reddit who's basically eating herself as huge as she can and seems happy, and pretty into it, to talk all about health issues, her username on there is u/blob-of-lard
Speaking of unhealthy pics

Can someone download and copy all the pics from the fairy tail alt thread?

It would be a waste to lose all that
Thanks for uploading it for me lol I was gonna do it today

Yes! My new gal "Cynthia Lodge!" I'm gonna get more art of her. Prob from AKjonson or someone
the link doesn't seem to work
it works now, but it says "The meta package has expired"

and to download it i have to purchase a susbscription to that site
Does maybe
Google Drive work in your country?
kilotroll polemics
This is amazing, is this all of his Erika stuff? Never seen this before
I'm getting really tired of these artists uploading absolute heart-stopping bangers behind the discord iron curtain.
Something something the unhealthy cabal
Has he ever publicly posted the discord before?
The commissioner was the one who posted that in a server

there are a fuck ton of servers dedicated to this type of shit, not only one, gotta lurk more

Also, DFB and Gnibbles never post these works in any server
I've been lurking these threads for years and I don't think I've ever seen a health issues server link posted.
>the discord
That's because there isn't an explicit dedicated server to these things. That's what people have to understand. There isn't this single secret underground dedicated treasure trove that has a motherload of different artists all posting in one space. 99% of these are private commissions and gifts being posted in private dm's. In the Darkfireballz threads there were people that were convinced there was some kind of easily available discord server that could be archived and everyone was running around trying to find the link to it without even realising that it doesn't even exist. Even if you did somehow manage to access one server that a couple artists occasionally visit, it's only at most going to have a tiny sliver of everything that they make, because
The relatively unfortunate fact of the matter is that many of these artists don't really have an all purpose single archive/gallery that they post literally everything to, so oftentimes their whole body of work is scattered across a dozen sites. Tumblr and Twitter were the closest sites that worked for a lot of artists in this manner, before the Tumblr 2018 incident happened.
What I do think is a fair criticism for these types of things is when people just tease their cropped secret commissions out publicly and don't provide the image in full resolution. I'm sure it's not in malicious intent, but it's a bit annoying when it's clear that the OG artist isn't going to post it properly. Cooly52 has done this about 3 times, Sirwales has done this many times across numerous different artists, but at least for many of them he was able to provide the links to high quality stash uploads of the art in the description.
Pretty much the only way to get these art directly from the source is if you are literally one of the people that these artist's do the art for, and even then it's not like you would have access to everything. Most of the time it would only be your own commissions.
I'm in a bunch of them. They vary in quality from REALLY good, really dead, and really awful mod management that makes you want to neck yourself.

The Unhealthy Fatfurs has gone completely soft. You need a role just for even looking at death feederism stuff in a HEALTH issues server. Everyone in there basically bullies you into thinking like they do. Hell, They even got on someone's ass for saying the word "degenerate." It's a fucking zoo.

I feel this. People go crazy looking for secret Discord servers like it is the pioneer gold rush.
Wealth, heart attacks, scat art.
Darkfireballz the king of the lardasses obtained this and everything else the
World had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas.
“You want my private Commissions? You can have it! I left everything I gathered
Together in one place. Now you just have to find it! ”
Can you share a link to a good health / fat discord server ?
Do you have any more of paperweegy’s stuff?
as I said most of are dead or have a bunch of obnoxious asshats in it. Sadly Unhealthy Fat Furs right now is probably your best bet since they invited a bunch of people towards it so basically every furry with the kink is in there. I can provide you a link if you really want.
This thread deserves better tbh
We can't let this thread die!
>extra-wide wheelchairs with support padding

Underrated, you don't see them as often as I'd like.
No, dimmerrolls.
He only draws actually good content when he's forced too by an art trade. His art nowadays is like, 99% retarded "self-sona foot hands goomba tf elephant ear inflation" shit.
something is wrong me with me i swear
Unironically what fetish even is that?
weird ass shit by artists that think normal is an insult
I swear I've seen a movie that had the antagonist do something similar as a sort of punishment, maybe the leprechaun?
That wasn’t The Leprechaun, that was a shitty leprechaun knock off movie. I think it was made by Blue Moon pictures or something because it had a bunch of weird puppets.

Eitherway, it’s not hot. Would not recommend.
I don't think it was blue moon because the situation described would require some effor and that goes against blue moon's work ethic of making the shittiest movies imaginable

Dimmerolls out here drawing shit that looks like something you'd see listed as an antisemitic caricature

Honestly Dimmerolls does kind of give off vibes of being a psycho so I wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually an antisemite and somehow gets off to the features of caricatures in propaganda.
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first time drawing healthplay, might polish it up later but I'd like some feedback from the experts
good job, anon! I like it. Maybe you can add oxygen mask in different version. On her face or just near on floor/stand. Do you have Deviantart page?
Oh you're that guy!
I like your Asuka pics
I'm the guy who requested it and I second this! Some nose tubes/heart monitor would rocket my dick into orbit
You also earned a watch from me! Based you were following me to begin with! I loved the art you did with Andy/Leyley!
got anywhere you post your art? tempted to comm ya NGL
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Found two healthplay-themed captioned pictures. Not that dark, and it's really only the captions that are health inspried, but figure it coulds.
who made these captions
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Full disclosure, most of these guys are male, but I think it's appropriate to post here since you asked.

My understanding is that they come from deathfeedingfan on tumblr (see the DFF in some image posts). They haven't posted too many cartoons. They also drew this one here >>49334

Highly hope they keep up the good work. Male or female, their stuff kicks ass
I’m not trying to hate I’m actually wondering. What’s the appeal of health issues in fat art? Because it feels like a lot of artists go out of their way to avoid it. I just wonder what draws people to it especially because the darkness and gravity of most health issue art turns me off. It just feels too real, especially as somebody who’s had a family member die of Type 2 diabetes
Lost alot myself. Not one should feel no shame.
It’s not shame, I just don’t see the appeal and I’m wondering what draws people to the sub-fetish.
thats just it for me tbh; its realistic
For me it's a mixture of realistic consequences for extreme weight gain and also emphasizing the physical struggles of becoming so huge. I always loved the difficulty, the struggle of near-immobility, the burden of all that wobbling blubber. I guess health stuff is just an extension of that fucked up, kinda backwards idea of life-affirming struggle with obesity.
Also type 2 diabetes can supercharge weight gain and appetite with enough insulin on hand. The idea of being hooked on the jab in order to keep gorging on burgers and milkshakes makes my brain fuzzy.
>gotta lurk more
Yeah, but barealy any of us even have the tiniest idea of where to lurk. That's like listing sources as just "From 4chan or something idk gotta lurk bro".
There are no such accounts. Did you misspell it?
Dude he was always into it. He just pretended he wasn't into his more whack kinks for a bit. Probably to not scare away the thots he was simping over
Sauce for this?
Ngl I wish there was health problem stuff that wasn’t just blobs, like alcoholic fatties with massively swollen bellies filled with ascites from their cirrhosis and congestive heart failure or something
No idea what artist would be willing to do that shit though, let alone well
You did great on this one. Ngl the only thing I'd improve is the dialogue making her even hornier over her disgusting health would be hot as fuck.
Thank you! I'll make sure next time she's extremely horny to her decadent body! Gotta make her the unhealthiest fatfuck slut lol
Exactly! Health issues are a trophy. It makes sense she'd constantly be at her limit horny over how they're slowly killing her. Have fun lol the worst the better
Now you need to draw her in a motorized wheelchair with an oxygen tube in her nose.
holy fuck, yes. Rolling out her last doctors appointment after being told she wouldnt make it to 30 like this.
Hell yesss, she'll celebrate the good news with an artery clogging feast! Such a hopeless glutton
Do you have a ref sheet of Stephanie
diablo, no sabia que te gustaba tanto los health issues xd
that's adorable, celebrating an early death by eating herself towards it like a proud type-2 diabetic death feedee. I can't wait for what you do next.
Are you gonna upload this to your Twitter?
anyone got any good health issues fics/stories?

Unhealthy lolis, ironically, give me life
the fatter, the cuter and i want to feed her treats despite the low hanging belly telling me they already have enough of those
That was the artist themselves that posted their own work, scroll up the thread and you’ll see more of it. Though I’m fairly certain they also posted it to deviantart but I don’t remember their username
>>66388 I edited it myself but the art is by mayonnaiseidol on pixiv
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Sorry but i couldnt find an higher quality one

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