
Can someone make an archive of the other thread then?
Cheers man, I owe you one
Any characters you'd wanna see Dark draw?
Either more or hasn't yet
i have shit taste so i'd love to see him do one more hex maniac pic
Kind of a pipedream, but seeing a Nanako Dojima in his current style and quality would be mint. Not expecting at all, but hey, a lame lolicon like me can dream
Not really a pipedream since he still does loli comms, just doesn't post all of them on his public gallery. He did Eri from BNHA just a few months ago.
(912 KB, 3100x2400, undead__unfed__feels_like_uncooked_bread_by_darkfireballz_dcqrmz1.png)
I meant pipe-dream in the sense of any of us losers being able to even see it. It's kind of wild how much stuff of his that you just encounter out in the wild and it's something that isn't uploaded anywhere publicly.

On a completely unrelated note, there's something I really like about the way Dark draws fat hands (and feet, too). I think it's because it's kind of a niche thing, but I appreciate that it is done in taste and you can tell it's something that he likes doing when the drawing calls for it. It's sorcery how it can actually turn something as wholesome as handholding into an erotic sensation.
Cinder from RWBY, Demona from Gargoyles, Flamewar from Transformers, and Aspheera from Ninjago...are my tastes weird?
junko from danganronpa
Sonia, Misty amd Elisa from Pokémon, Sophia, Kasumi and Makoto from Persona 5 and Chie from Persona 4
I wanna see him drawn an unhealthy mikan from danganronpa ad tatsumaki as well also kirigiri since he surprisingly hasn't drawn her yet
(1.3 MB, 2580x2700, darling_in_the_butt_by_darkfireballz_dcbqudb.jpg)
I'd love to see some more girls in skintight bodysuits that outline every roll, fold and crack of their blubbery bods.
I have a few ideas to be completely honest, I'm just hoping he opens comms sometime in the near future.

Those footfall pics from the last threads really hit the spot. Dark is just great at giving a real sense of weight to his women that's absurdly erotic.
seeing some jojo girls in his style would be INSANE, but i'm also more than happy to see more kaedes-- especially at some non-blob sizes since he hasn't done her like that before
Osaka from Azumanga Daioh
does anyone have those scat pics from him?
Could you link it?
People have brought up his extreme content to him in his twitter DMs before and he's always given responses to the effect of "Oh yeah I draw that sort of stuff occasionally haha" , he just does the absolute bare minimum of acknowledging it and that's about it. I think it's pretty self explanatory that if he wanted to post any of the nasty and weird stuff publicly he would've done that by now instead of circulating it exclusively in whatever secret circle he has, considering that this has been going on for a couple of years now. So yeah, Dark making an alt account is a pipe dream.
I don't blame Dark at all for not wanting to deal with twitter more, I just wish I had some way to view all of their content
(60 KB, 950x900, b5dcddcc043638956fd246f582f13f50-imagejpeg.jpg) (270 KB, 2200x1800, 1317172296977686530_1.jpg) (523 KB, 3750x2275, 1337058911262826496_1.jpg)
I find it interesting because Darkfireballz DID have an alt account before on his tumblr. Granted, I don't think it was anything to the extent to some of the stuff we've been finding, but still, there's at least somewhat of a precedent for it.
I also think it's interesting because there has been a few times where he's uploaded this supposed more extreme stuff on his regular accounts, such as the medical Toga one.
Still, I'm not gonna flame him for not being comfortable with uploading that kind of stuff more often and showing a bit of restraint.
Yeah this is pretty much my thought. If his private drawings are gonna get leaked then I'd at least like it if they were uploaded at a good quality and to have them not just sporadically posted deep in random 4chan threads
That looks like it was a commission for the artist known as Currents
Do you have this in higher quality tho?
why did you censor the pun?
Smh why do the discord people always have the good stuff.
That's sadly the quality I found it in
Cause they get the goods directly from the source
Can someone dump his more recent stuff from his twitter too!
I don't think that first tetra pic is made by Dark.
Also why did you just upload a bunch of the exact same image multiple times.
Yeah, that Tetra wasn't made by him. In fact, I drew that.
Do you take requests?
Does anyone have his discord or any art from the discord

who is the character?
Christina Mackenzie from mobile suit gundam war in the pocket.
Absolute legend for uploading it here in good quality for us losers 👌
I was tempted to comm him as well but missed the chance.
Exceptional taste. Gundam slob art is extremely rare. I do have a few questions about the context of the pic.

I get that this is some sort of newtype related test but what specifically. Is the Federation attempting to create cyber-newtypes via forced fatteneing? Also, the screen mention Christine as Subject 003. I presume Sayla is another subject but who would be the other?
Thank you! I envisioned the fattening being a grotesque side effect of the federation's attempt at a cyber-newtype experiment rather than anything intentional. The contextual information on the monitors was something Dark came up with entirely by himself, I just asked for the monitors as a background element and he went ham with it. So in that regard I didn't really think of any other specific characters as subjects, so let's just say the nebulous one is whoever you want it to be!
(4.0 MB, 3750x2500, lunatic_landmass_by_dimentedchaos_dfheubl.png)
Pure luck that I randomly stumbled upon this Dark pic.
It's not uploaded by him, but by a commissioner, and I assume it's new. I find it interesting that he doesn't upload his commissions right away.
That’s a great find! Is there any alts of that pic?
These are great, thanks for sharing them!
Yeah, this seems to be a first for Dark actually publicly putting this kinda stuff out there. Only thing close to it is the forehead alt for the furry Toga blob, but that one is buried in the stash of his Furaffinity which not many know exists anyway.

do you have a link?
i downloaded it but the file didn't work to open. Any help or other link to try pls?
Hmm, sounds like something's wrong with your registry, you might have to go to your computer's Windows file and delete the folder system32
yeah... i just use macbook and it download well but it said "There is no application set to open the document" when opening it
Mega pipe dream but could always use more Mai Sakurajima out there
I just thought of something.
Why doesn't Dark post some of his "secret" art to his Deviantart stash? Probably not the extreme scat stuff or whatever, but like, that Shinobu + Mitsuri one from before and other sketchy stuff? He did that before, so I'm kinda not sure why he doesn't do that. Same for a lot of the stuff he posts on twitter too tbh, like the wrestler Miku.
(2.4 MB, 1900x1700, hugeimaru_by_sir_wales_dedfwft.png)
Wtf this image is just right in the open the whole time on one of Sirwales stories. Now I wonder what else we are easily missing
ikr it will be easier to find them if the deviantart search engine works properly
i feel like there's an obscure junko art he did
anyone got more of his loli art? like those eri or nezuko pics?
How has your experiences been with commissioning Dark?
I have a question, does Darkfireballz have a secret social network?

I have seen that here they post several of their drawings, which are not even on their twitter and Devianart.
Higher Quality?
I'm pretty sure they post more frequently on their their account on ligma.io, probably because there's not as much restrictions on there as there are on deviantart or twitter.
Can confirm, most of the good shit is actually on there. Going to need the plugin though.
I laughed. Well played.

(but fr tho, where are you getting this stuff?)
We went over this before a bit on the last thread, but most of this "secret stuff" we've been getting is from other anons leaking it to us after finding it from yet more anons on 4chan, twitter and discord. They're more than likely private commisions and rough gift sketches that dark doesn't feel the need to upload to his main accounts. There has been a running joke/half-joke about a theoretical place called the "Slob-cabal" in which many artists upload their secret alt stuff, but over time people have come to realise that this is less likely to be the case as evidence suggest that we clearly aren't receiving this content all from the same source.
Can we get this in a quality that isn't 144p?
Hopefully dark will post this in his twitter acc
I'm no wrestler, but I'm pretty sure Ochako wins instantly on virtue of Toga's belly touching the ground here lol
Thanks mate!
Does anyone have the art of his monkey gal?
(2.7 MB, 3000x3003, blobeni.png)
not exactly an original work but heres an edit based of one of darks works that I made, its kobeni from cahinsaw man I just wanted to see a stupidly big version of her
Do you have a version without the sweat?
I do not, ill make one later
Looking for a sketch Darkfireballz made of Naoto Shirogane in her Persona Dancing outfit. I think she had big titties in the pic too. Like a fat hourglass bodytype
This was it, yes! Thank you so much!
Any idea why his Twitter's locked?

I mean 4chan fuck
I humbly again, what happened to his twitter?
Its privated stop asking
But like, why though?
He hasn't said anything about it on other platforms
Did you find anymore of his stuff on 4chan? Or like, in servers?
Sorry nate that's all i could find i think there was a version of his OC the milf just chugging beer but idk
Art of his ocs are good too though
They’re all pretty cute, it’s a shame he doesn’t post any freaky stuff with them tho
Anyone got that sumo ochako pic that dark did?
(134 KB, 1362x904, Fy0wkRFXsAAufOV.jpeg)
Should have gone straight into Rulkallos instead of making generics from the extra deck.
does anyone here have some Junko stuff from him?
(38 KB, 603x453, IMG_3390.jpeg)
Do any of you have the full art of Darkfireballzs’ Mika commission?
Didn't think I'd get MHA manga spoilers in a fat fetish image board thread that has nothing to do with MHA, but here we are. Also, "Someone dies in canon reminds me of Deathfeederism" is the most brainrotten logic I have heard.
>>40025 sorry mate horny brain sometimes just takes over
>Posts to thread with no new content from the artist and casually spoils piece of unrelated media

Can you delete your post and then do everyone here a favour by promptly taking a long walk off a short pier? Thanks.
>>40035 i would actually love to delete my post i jusst dont know how
(241 KB, 828x479, 5A655921-87E4-4EF5-A51A-7E2475A2F58A.jpeg)
Dark has been doing a couple streams on picarto recently, with one currently live as of writing this. Is the art from these being posted anywhere? Because they look really good from what I’ve seen
And apologies for shit quality. By the looks of it though, this will be a fully finished piece that I’m guessing will be posted somewhere, obviously in better quality

Also learned from chat that Dark doesn’t go on bbwchan
have you asked him on why his twitter is protected
Didn’t sadly, but I remember a Twitter post essentially saying he had the problem a lot of artists have where they weren’t confident in their skills. Might be related to why the account’s protected
Just found in the replies of that post someone directly asking, but by a twist of cruel fate I can’t see the reply. Know a reason why?
Is he even accepting follower requests?
Is he posting art at all? There isn't even an update on Deviantart, heck, on his Deviantart there isn't even anyone asking about it. From the sounds of it, there aren't a lot of answers for the questions us out of the loop want. We're kind of clueless here. It's kind of frustrating
A reply that is there but isn't visible could be from another account of someone who's private, or it could be deleted/restricted or something else.
From the sounds of sings, I really hope he doesn't go the route of many other past artists where they deactivate everything.
(32 KB, 680x520, 1A258D70-B60D-46B1-AABD-C68C8689EABB.webp) (52 KB, 680x390, AC0862E3-C162-404E-9C9F-8B8134D2A624.webp) (10 KB, 360x240, C23ED6D5-05B9-41F9-9FA4-B1D5483581CF.webp) (10 KB, 360x195, FDDC21EA-1AAA-432D-B744-AF94B1B0D12B.webp) (33 KB, 680x342, 145F2A8C-BCEB-4D04-8633-348A370B3599.webp) (20 KB, 680x441, 90CC1DE1-FA6E-4731-911D-77801C2781C0.webp)
I think they are accepting follower requests still but not sure, just gotta try. As for art, there’s just been a few sketch posts (included in post), discussion about games, and then the few livestreams already mentioned (no clue if they post anywhere else). I’ve only tuned in to the one stream, and from the looks of it it’s just Dark, a few other artists like chillday, and one or two randos hanging out having a good time. Overall, I think Dark is getting back into the swing of things.

I’ll start posting everything from twitter up until what was in the last deviantart post.
I think some of these have been posted already, but thanks for the drop either way.
Twitter guy again. Thinking about personally asking Dark a few questions we all have, here’s the current draft.

“I hope you don’t mind a rando asking a few questions, but a lot of people are out of the loop, me included.
1. Why is your Twitter protected?
2. Works of yours that can’t be found anywhere else occasionally pop up on boards, such as a recent tomoko blob. Where are these being posted?”
Any other questions that have to be asked?
Dark has already been asked about the images he doesn't post to main accounts. Most of them are either private commisions/gifts that aren't posted to his main accounts because, well, they're private, except some of the people he does them for might be use them as profile pictures or share them around until low res versions of them end up on 4chan. Some of the pictures also might drastically differ from the main content that he normally posts and can be difficult to find a suitable hub for posting them like scat for instance. He did have an alt tumblr, but, well, it obviously didn't survive the purge.
Oh, that makes a lot of sense actually. So I’ll just be asking about the twitter then?
If you want. Might as well
The closest idea I can get from why his Twitter is private at the moment is to do with the confidence thing mentioned before and not feeling like making things public for whatever reason. He already has lots of stuff that he doesn't post to public spaces for various unrelated reasons, but some of them he has also mentioned in the past he says he doesn't upload because he says they're not that good in quality, which also seems to be why theres lots of stuff on twitter he doens't upload to deviantart, not even in scraps or stash which he used to regularly update with sketches. This is just speculation though.
>Also learned from chat that Dark doesn’t go on bbwchan
This isn't really a surprise. Ironically peeps from this circle seem more likely to go to 4chan than bbwchan ironically. I kinda doubt he uses 4chan either though.
Also it seems that he's not accepting followers at this time because if he wants to keep things a little bit quieter and on stand still with a bit of break, then accepting followers is not something that is likely to happen (Even though on a private account, the only people that would actually begin following would be people that already know Darks work and want to see more of it but whatever). I would know, because I've been left on pending for following Dark for a few days now with no updates.
Anyone have any of darkfireballz fox oc from Twitter? I think it was a sumo girl or something
So about that Tomoko blob. . .
Guys! please find more of his scat art and loli art!
(1.1 MB, 3750x2500, 32261526.png) (299 KB, 2775x1350, 32261674.jpg)
anybody got any of dark's other kaedes?
can someone reuoload please?
He didn't nuke his twitter, it's just twitter itself shitting the bed (as per usual)
Ah I jumped the gun then. His latest tweet being followed by all his tweets vanishing for me cause of twitter being ass made me think he nuked it.
Holy shit, Dark was doing an absolute fuckton of comms at once. No wonder things were quiet. I'd be tired af too if I had worked on all those at once while trying to deal with the slowly worsening state of Twitter, never-mind adding in real life responsibilities to the mix.
(3.9 MB, 1944x1520, Dinomoreflabia.png)
They all go hard, here's hoping he rests up and comes back with some real bangers.
Yu-Gi-Oh bros eating well as usual.
Please tell me no one actually thought that image was feminist/body positive propoganda
(76 KB, 1200x900, IMG_2804.jpeg)
Officially the funniest comment on this website
Got seiko from danganronpa?
Does anyone have that one mt lady sketch?
Where on earth did you get that first image?
I read a fanfic that describes a similar situation once so I assume it's a commission
Yeah reminds of that SirWales story. Dark's done loads of stuff for him in the past and vice versa.
where did you get the Shouta one?
(405 KB, 2047x1304, 38d0c3f27de45aaf50304bb8846db4bdbaa92c88a123ae7af6c45434d3a5eb85.jpg) (366 KB, 1500x1000, 00756381d1cc147e51db8e71065a5fb8288fcbbbe08bc3d74894f222f00606bb.png) (511 KB, 1080x432, 918199149671890984remix-1698847492903.png) (387 KB, 1500x1000, 02d492dfdfdc17a79aecba7d583969e162d1e68f268f05e555eb3b5d3569846e.jpg)
Hey does anyone have alt versions for this pic ir healthplay art for other dangab girls he's done?
(357 KB, 1280x720, nanako.png)
For some reason this pic is missing, so for preservation purposes, Imma put it here
Was made for a story but people in the comments threw bitchfits so author removed the pic.
...it was one person who made one single complaint comment, and said comment got barely any attention
Anyone has more of his countless Toga pics?
Kinda. That was a different story.

This one was in my sta.sh which went with the story. I was cleaning up folders and didn't realize until later that that'd happened.

If only DA just let me use thumbnail images before they switched to eclipse.
(1.9 MB, 3750x2305, dfworqv-638fd324-22a8-4062-ac12-134928ec4bda.png) (3.7 MB, 3750x2305, dfworp2-1e1a87df-40c0-43f6-b8ea-f3f27b228e27.png) (3.7 MB, 3750x2305, dfworhh-b0b16339-6759-43b2-b500-de5e4328f5af.png)
Just realised that the recent batch of coms from Dark were never posted here.
Sup Wales 👌
And yeah, they were two different stories. Kinda funny I haven’t seen anyone bitch about shota stories from writers. Heck, most of them have people praising the stories, some people that I would of never suspected them to be into that stuff. Not trying to rant or anything, but I just think it's kinda funny that, aside from the Pokemon franchise, if you make any kind of fetish/erotic literature for a female character that's young, then we have to tip-toe around it, but for males characters it's just not the case and we'll have people drop all facades when they see Kotone Shiomi fatten Ken Amada. Something something we live in a society.
>>49673 the scat ain't there-
...you are correct...
There is an alt with scat but there's no HQ versions of it that are publicly available.
I like it when famous people interact with the community :D
I have never seen either of those images before.
Is there a full version of the left pic?
>>50799 that's what I'm looking for as well... I think it's a private comm for solodoots
Nah I've actually seen that right one. It's actually just a sketch that Dark posted on his twitter that was then coloured by another guy. I have literally never seen that first one though. Where are you even finding these?
Believe it or not fucking amino
...What the actual fuck??? That was the last possible place I would of expected. I would of first expected something like a random twitter or discord account that gets commissions from him or something but amino?????
Does anyone have more haru art from him?. I saw an extreme health issues one on 4chan but the thread was lost
Anyone have the other alt to this?
From what I can tell, no one on this thread has found the full version of the alt to it. It's just cropped
Anyone Have New Or More Darkfireballz's Pictures ? Or Someone Have Darkfireballz Archive ?
>Post new art pls
Do you just not check his deviantart or twitter? 99% of any new art he posts on either of those is posted here within a matter of days. If there hasn't been any new art posted to this thread for a while it's because he hasn't fucking done any recently, simple as. The fact that I even have to say any of this...don't make pointless pea-brained posts like this.
Alright, Thanks This Is No Kind Reply. I Leave This Site Forever.
Okay, like anyone fucking cares lol. At the end of the day you came here to make a braindead post without using your own common sense or initiative first, don't expect to be spoon-fed.
Shut Up. I Hate You.
(53 KB, 360x749, ZambieWeegee.png)
"I'm very fucking angry, my nuts are boiling, Mario is a big fat cunt, i fell into lava LOL"
Sorry If I Maded Someone To Angry And I Know Now My Ask Is Pointless.
When you ignore narcissists these tactics being used
When did he make that?
Wait your name isnt on it. By legalities youre not obligated to pay. Call your lawyer.
Cool collection… why the fuck is this here?
why did you fucking post this
Not the guy but he posted it because those cards are the source material of the characters drawn above them (someone thought one of them was a dude which she was not)
Try reading the post he's replying to you knuckledragging subhuman retards? You probably have the IQ of a /booty/ poster between the two of you.
>>53261 she heard my mouth after that picture was posted. Thanks for sending that to me. Street watching. I don't approve of it. Where my big booty ex at the dominican one since we on some disrespectful shit today. Or the Italian one. Or how about autumn she was my best lead. Tird of these hoes. Tirdd of these niggas
Is that even an insult at this point? With the downwards spiral this board's userbase has been going on for the past few months, 'retard' just describes the average alt user.
(43 KB, 558x375, IMG_1463.png)
Hot off the premises
anyone got any new art from him
Why tf do people even ask this question? Go check his deviantart or twitter, do you see any new art there? Of fucking course you don't, because there isn't any. Like I genuinely don't understand how you can think to come here and as this question, but at the same time not think to just take 5 seconds to actually check his fucking pages.
I'll give anon the benefit of the doubt and assume they meant if there's any "new" comms that fire never posted to his socials. Feels like every week one of those pops up from ages ago.
That Toga scat picture is so good
(2.6 MB, 5000x2375, cargo.png) (1.9 MB, 3750x1875, dec6t6y-fa34c1b9-aba3-4deb-9aac-37b0c243d9b9.png) (1.9 MB, 3375x2025, demrxwl-3de98c3a-3cd4-4b2e-8e79-60c1ce680492.png) (669 KB, 1350x1040, velvet_twin_peaks_by_darkfireballz_da8ivjv.jpg) (70 KB, 1250x650, 1049652399122604032_2.jpg)
I love the art Dark has done of Caroline and Justine. Makes me curious how he'd do Lavenza.
>Not new stuff
Whilst obviously not new art here, that Nonon and Tsuyu I have legit never seen before. I'm going to obligitorily ask for how you found those.
Call back curse her out again. She didnt get it. New number. See she watches porn
Has DFB done any more junko enoshima stuff aside from the fairly common ones?
But would you lose?
That Hilda blobface is unf
Never thought I'd see Lobotomy Kaisen seep it's way into BBW-chan of all places.
What high paid ceo doesnt like porn. All of them are on here say hi boss
I love how there are mass hires when the market start to go up. Keeping ppl distracted from making real money stock market has zero ties to employment gain or decrease. Fuck out of here
Obligitory bumping the thread
Tie them up. Fuck em
Humiliate them for me record it
Miss robbie home invasion. Is that why she stop filiming
not as familiar with the dude's work as you guys probably are, does he have any more vore stuff lying around that anyone's found? really liked the mina and momo pics with it that've been posted around here already.
Since when did Dark do vore of Momo? Went through this entire thread again and I saw nothing of the sort. You have a pic like that?
It's been 4 months and I only just realised that last pic is new.
Sounds dope. What was the name of the thread? Perhaps it was archived or something
I've collated the majority of Dark's public and non-public work over the past few years and I have literally no idea what the fuck this momo piece you're referring to is. For starters the dude just does not draw vore, this universe devourer comm he did recently is more or less the closest to it we've ever gotten in an explicit fashion. Racking my brain I think he did one other previous piece of Toga(?) that implied hard cannibalism much like the Mina one, but that is literally it. It's just not his thing.

You must be conflating his work with an entirely different artist's, post the inage in question and we can tell you if it was done by him.
(199 KB, 2048x1410, Mystery_image_I_guess.jpg)
Doesn't seem like his thing, but the dude clearly goes out of his comfort zone for some of the stuff he doesn't post publicly/does for friends or whatnot like the cannibalism. Might be he didn't do this one but it looks roughly similar to some of the other older weirder shit from him, he's drawn the elements in it before and I don't have another source on it. This one's not really my cup of tea, to be frank, just didn't know if there might've been something else similar floating around.
Yeah this isn't him bruh
At most it's mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybe a sketch that someone else coloured, but that's a stetch.
From another thread here it was posted in, seems suitcat comm'd the sketch and colored it; not sure who from in particular. Somebody claimed it's chillday but it sure doesn't look like anything from them to me.
Yeah kinda figured it would be this image, that's not by Dark. It's a comm dirtysuitonacat got from Chillday.

Chillday has a slob alt account @ https://x.com/Chilly_Steps , but its limited to approved followers only and I haven't been able to get in every time I've requested. If anyone here has or gets access to this account, do let me know because I would be really interested to know what's on there.
So many people are making private slob accounts and sometimes they'll even link to it or talk to other private accounts on public accounts, and yet the barrier for entry is either super strict or impossible to get the follow accepted. The alts of Chillday, Triplemeat and even Dark when his main account was private just don't seem to accept follows on locked accounts. It's like the only possible way anyone could have access is if you were just lucky enough to be friends with them when they started. It's even more annoying when you'll see a bunch of replies to a private post saying stuff like "Omg this looks so good" and you can't even see the post whatsoever. Like bruh, I aint a minor and I'm not gonna cancel you, just accept my follow bruh 😭
(116 KB, 428x421, IMG_1600.png)
Is anyone sure they don’t have this image? Darkfireballz did say it was a private com, but hearing someone say they got non-public may have my hopes up for more than just this pic
go beg for your pedo shit in one of the loli threads retard
(116 KB, 428x421, IMG_1600.png)
Ok, I don’t know what happened to my post, but does anyone have this pic?
Where on earth are you even getting these? These are extra weird cos they actually have full "Name + Artist" filenames, which leads me to think that these are actually being posted somewhere somewhat publicly. Is there some extra gallery of his?
Bless Dark
I love him
Anyone have the needy streamer art he did?
Does anyone have art of their wolf girl oc?
Heavily seconding i want to witness what he cooked
Obligitory bump
(4.2 MB, 3795x2547, df2lskt-3c30b096-4028-41e1-90bb-73d35585d0f0.png) (238 KB, 2500x1450, 1141723380015669248_1.jpg) (409 KB, 4095x2234, 1143347994500243457_1.jpg) (142 KB, 1300x1400, 1143347994500243457_2.jpg) (224 KB, 2250x1500, E8MliQVXoAMJICV.jpeg) (3.2 MB, 2625x3827, deev6zd-4b15baa4-64fb-4613-818b-352edd31e075.png)
Lil bit of a shame that we probably won't see MHA art from him anymore, considering he's recently called the series "Slop". Doesn't help that a lot of other peeps in the space are knees deep in trashing it, so it's gonna be a bit before any of the really good artists in this space will feel invigorated enough turn that energy into something else. Still patiently waiting for Star and Stripe or Lady Nagant stuff.
Heck, patiently waiting for Darkfireballz stuff in general tbh

I wouldn't worry too much about not seeing anymore MHA content from him. You can have personal gripes and criticisms about a series' overall direction/narrative, but still really like it's characters, which is definitely one of MHA's strongest aspects.
Very true. Objectively MHAs character designs are really great
Bumping for this
Where did you get that? (I don’t have twitter in case it’s from there.)
What's the green thing above her turd? Also is there non-scat alt of this or no?
(5.9 MB, 5900x4095, df3h20f-a3512891-9fa5-435e-a862-9a5117fbf89a.png)
Oh never mind, I found out both. Its a bamboo thing and its the scat alt of a drawing is from like 2 years ago. This further reinforces the idea that Dark has drawn scat alts of like, almost all his drawings. Where do you even find the scat alts to this 2 year old peice?
no clue but i need all of them immediately
These are great, I hope Dark will do more after pics
The filename said it was a commission so it's probably just something not posted publicly yet.
(116 KB, 2048x1365, GUlASQBX0AEJfZE.jpg) (35 KB, 685x547, GFgnyOAWQAEUD79.png)
Found some stuff in the depths of twitter searches. (Spoilered one I think might be male stuff cos the account I found it from is hella gay so I'm gonna be safe)
It's getting so random what Dark does and doesn't put on his own accounts
Bro, please share your stash please, I wanna see all the stuff ya got! There has to be some really nice hidden gems in it for sure
Was it the SicStories, server?
Ok, now I genuinely do not understand at all why these are not posted to twitter. Like idk man the technicalities of what he deems worthy enough to put to twitter just seems a little silly at this point.
Something something the cabal was real
Either way, thank you anon for being our secondary source so we don't have to rely on reposts of reposts of reposts of archives of 4 chan threads that a low quality dark image on it from 5 years ago.
If I were to guess, private commisions?
(202 KB, 2322x480, Hm.png) (2.8 MB, 635x270, vZE4WD.gif)
>Pic related was posted shortly after you asked that
Yeah probably
Nah, I'm 80% sure Sic closed the server because people kept joining and leaving over and over because anyone could join. It's full of like 200 lurkers lol
Understandable I guess, but severs like that are pretty much built for lurkers tbh
(1.0 MB, 3150x1600, dhfl70c-4e522bd6-c7e3-4b30-abe2-6d793da402bb.png)
Funnily enough i saw an extreme slob haru sequence a few weeks ago no idea where but it was definitely darks it had fat face extreme slob and healthplay you could barely tell it was a girl in part 3~
have you tried using the wayback machine?
If it was 4chan you could probably find it on desuarchive
This thread was on life support for ages. What happened to suddenly give it so much life with new never before seen stuff popping up out of nowhere? I'm not complaining, but I can't deny that I'm surprised and curious at how all of this stuff is only just coming to light now
People just hoard shit, it's not really rocket science. There are few artists out there who are willing to draw things within extreme niches for this kink and those who do will 99% of the time keep that stuff private because of the percieved bad optics of posting scat or "weird" kink content publicly.

If someone comissions Dark to draw a blob shitting her brains out then it will probably only circulate between that comissioner and people in their inner circle. We're talking a small double digit amount of people on the entire planet here who are seeing this content, compared to the thousands of hits a publicly posted piece would get.

Any of this stuff getting out to us bottomfeeders is entirely reliant on someone down the daisy chain posting it to other people who then share it publicly, usually in some random fuck-off discord server that's in of itself obscure. And that's what happened here, someone posted what they had in a sever and another user brought it here. But most of the time that doesn't even happen.

A lot of artists are content to just make stuff for their own self-enjoyment and only share it among peers and friends, it is what is. Chillday has a follower-locked slob alt twitter account that I've been clamouring to get into since the Momo vore/scat piece, have never had my request accepted and there's probably hundreds of images on that account that has never been seen outside of a certain group of people. Hell the only reason that Momo picture even made it here is because the comissioner posted it to their own twitter account and someone here incidentally had access to that locked account.

Pretty sure Crossedcurrents is another artist who dabbles a lot in this stuff and yet only a fractional amount of his work seems to be public. I don't even know where the couple of scat/extreme wg pieces I have from him came from, again it just is what it is.
Hi, same anon different id. Sorry for not responding sooner. Full disclaimer, my "stash" does not have anything that hasn't already been posted to this thread or the prior iteration of it. It's merely a compilation of what's on Dark's public accounts and the oddities people occassionally post here.

But if you want to see it, sure. Might save some of you the trouble of having to scrape his account. Just give me a couple days to sort it out and I'll post a we-t link, admittedly haven't done my due dilligence on the collection for a while so there's a lot of new stuff I need to add to it.
>Chillday has a follower-locked slob alt twitter account that I've been clamouring to get into since the Momo vore/scat piece
He'll probably accept people eventually, I saw him commenting under a scat piece with his public account on another private account's post
Well, yeah. What you're saying isn't rocket science cos it's what I do. I was that one anon towards the end of the previous thread that dumped a ton of secret pics I had randomly stumbled upon in my time just randomly stumbling across his art in unexpected places. What I was saying is I'm surprised that there seems to be some sort of chain reaction in the past month or so where more people are coming out of the woodwork finding stuff and posting it here, when previously it would take months to get even a single crumb of anything interesting and it wouldn't even be remotely close to good quality and would be from, like, a 6th party and 10 layers down in reposts across guys from 4 chan posting it.
And heres the thing, so many artists are into this kinda stuff while trying to hide it from one another and their followers to try not to seem weird and its getting ridiculous because a higher percentage of notable people in the scene are into it then they even realise. It's slowly getting better somewhat since some somewhat newer artists just don't care for trying to hide it, but the majority of THOSE artists are furries so it might as well not count cos shamelessness is the name of the game with those guys. Not to mention more people are actually creating private alts for this stuff, which is good in theory but in execution it's annoying because so many of them just don't accept follows unless it's a fellow artist.
So, basically, the slob cabal didn't exist, but it became real through a self fulfilling prophecy.
As a normie, I do wonder wtf places people are even visiting to find reposts of this stuff
Thank you for your service.
So, according to the channel, a bunch of you dipshits started bugging the artists for art shortly after that message was posted. Then ppl got booted and server got locked.
damn, i don't think i've ever seen that Momo picture, could someone share it?
That one has been public for a while like I'm pretty sure suitcat posted it somewhere
That reminds me actually do any of you guys hoarding stuff came around a bunny girl toga and ochako pic? I got kicked from sic's server before i could grab the sketch but dark said he was gonna finish it that was about 3 months ago me thinks
I’m still in it, I’ll take a look around and see if there was anything like that posted.

I won’t ask for art and stuff though, I’m gonna try to fly under the radar as to not end up like some here
Did you upload the wrong pic? Where the death?
Barely noticeable but it's the eyes in the normal pic they are black while she's chugging in this alt they are glassy and lifeless like the stash is called tomoko uhoh and it's next to one called tomoko mess hairy
You could just upload the link to the stash folder since you apparently have acess? The alts for that pic havn't been posted in hd yet, just blurry screenshots or whatever
Yeah so uh.. My friend with the link kinda deleted it a few minutes after he send it..
Just go into your browsing history and find the link? You clicked on it and visited the page so this shouldn't be an issue, unless you're making up excuses to not share it.
Holy fuck the place got nuked
(7.4 MB, 5250x3500, tomokoscat.png)
Thanks for sharing. I was able to make the alt I wanted with this, in this one she doesn't have pubes and she's also not dead
(1.6 MB, 992x1164, wow.png)
No way
(37 KB, 1024x576, 0i8pz05zfk651.jpg)
I don't suppose there's any chance of a new one starting up? I've briefly dabbled in slob art myself.
It was because of the complaints of art leaks most of the slob cabal was watching this thread for a while.
(6 KB, 225x225, images (6).jpeg)
>Most of the slob cabal was watching this thread for a while.
Oh okay, so you mean to tell us these circlejerkers have actually been here on the chan lurking for this entire years-long saga KNOWING the demand and desire for this stuff in the community and yet they still kept this content all to themselves. And now they're having tantrums over which one of them was the cockteasing carrot-dangler who intermittently fed this thread literal crumbs every half-year.

That is so cool. Just awesome. Brilliant. What a swell group of individuals. They sound like such nice people.
I really love the Toga
Please tell me that Komi is part of a bigger picture
Listen, I'm not upset or anything. I just think it's REALLY fucking stupid. Oh and also, since I guess since this whole thing is in ruins, might as well share a secret of my own. I'm actually an artist in the community and have been doing so to get popular/get friends in the community, not because I actually wanted friends or to be popular, but because I noticed how gatekeepy so much of this community has become and I wanted to be a people pleaser so I could potentially get a slice of that pie. Finally uploading art for myself was really just knocking out two birds with one stone, it's something I've been meaning to do for a while. I had no idea that the slob cobal itself was actually a real thing though, all evidence led me to believe it was a myth, so really all I was doing was just trying to make friends and hope they'd eventually accept my follow requests on their private accounts. And no, I'm not gonna reveal who I am. I'm way too unpopular so even if I said my handle all I'd get as a response is a "Literally who?", and even if my little operation is essentially a bust, I still did enjoy my time drawing, so there's no point in burning everything down (It would be kind of hypocritical of me to do so after the reactions to the slob cabal vanishing wouldn't it?)
It literally is. Scroll up and you'll see a pic of Komi's mother with the "Live Komi reaction" in the corner.
I was a lurker in the slob cabal the reason for the purge definitely originated from a OC sketch getting posted here from the OC sharing discussion in the cabal. Dark was mostly neutral about the art leaks but they didn’t want private oc drawing leaks. Sics server nearly purged lurkers right after it was leaked. If we ever get access again just don’t repost private oc pics here and we’ll probably be fine.
No? A lot of us are just frustrated man, if you factor in the predecessor to this thread the clamouring for this stuff has gone on for about 3-4 years straight. After that much time waiting, people are going to get pissy. The artists go on to create this obnoxious institution where their stuff is only shared within a scared clique that gatekeeps the hell out of everything. And then that's compounded by the fact the few people here who have access to that place beat around the bush and only share the absolute bare minimum to this thread every few months. Dark has almost 2000 uploads to his stash, the amount of privately circulated art he's done outnumbers his public works by several orders of magnitude. We just want to see the fattywank.

And with the revelation that a lot of people from that server have been lurking here the entire time, it's hard to not view them as pricks and I don't think you can really argue much otherwise.
I still don't get why Dark is hiding all this shit (pun not intended) when it's clear his audience loves it.
Exactly. It's especially hard to fathom if what's been said by >>67421 is true. If Dark doesn't give a shit about his art being posted here, why is this hoarding behaviour still being maintained?

Like, if his concern is that he doesn't want his more extreme proclivities in art on show in public then he can just make a second twitter account set to followers only and regulate the audience that sees his more extreme stuff. That achieves the goal of 'hiding' that sort of content from Joe everyman, whilst not being as ridiculously exclusionary as this artist supergroup circlejerk server is. Everybody's happy then. Its just silly someone here had to teach themselves art and social engineer their way into the server to get even a peek at this stuff.

We know he draws scat, vomit, loli, death etc so why even bother keeping the pretense up at this point? Those are all niches, but there's plenty of people here who enjoy and support that sort of stuff. He's just stifling his potential audience growth. Hell I'll just come out and say it, at this point I'd be willing to pay money to see his treasure pile and I doubt I'm the only person here who would. Like if he just stuffed everything he's ever done within those niches into an art pack or opened up a patreon/subscribestar then I would happily part with some cash if the price of admission was reasonable.

There's no way he isn't aware of the demand for his art here and he's evidently someone who is drawing sketches pretty much every day, so I don't understand why he would shun the prospect of contuining to do that and make some extra money off it too. I just want those floodgates to finally be opened.
I'm not mad at Dark or how he chose to share/not share this kind of art or anything, however I am still stunned at the sheer circlejerkiness of some of the people surrounding him to have THAT level of gatekeeping. It would have been one thing if the leaks were being shared to hate mobs or some dumb shit like that, but almost all of the response to the leaked stuff has been "Oh shit, this is some good stuff. Is there any more?" It's been a mostly positive reception.
I almost get the feeling that this whole thing isn't even really a big deal to Dark. I doubt he is actually that miffed by any of this (Both the leaks, the response to them, and the response to the response). Even still, I second the idea of him gauging interest on a mega pack. He's said in the past that he's not really the type of person who wants to do a Patreon, but even still, I would unironically pay good money for a art pack of just a bunch of the stuff he's done. It's good shit. And hey, with the way site rules have been treating stuff like loli and other more sus fetishes, it's probably his best bet if he actually wants to put that kind of art out there, because Deviantart and Twitter can be quite ruthless.
The simple fact of it is that a "positive reception" from random strangers is utterly worthless, and that most people on the internet are assholes who contribute nothing and except everything in return. The reason they gatekeep so hard was probably because they wanted to create a community of contributors that the people there actually wanted to interact with instead of a sea of brainless sycopants who just want to silently jerk off or ping you to say "yummers 👅💦💦"
I mean, logically we're all on much of the same platforms. We can probably all meet up on /d/ for example.

Still, it is a shame.
Chance for a new, centralized slob forum, perhaps? But still a grand shame.
Shut the fuck up lol. I can barely even take this post seriously as it just comes off as some pathetically tryhard attempt to be a contranarian just because. You're either some terminally online doomer who's become sad and jaded enough to unironically believe all these trite stereotypes of Internet users or you're a member of the slob cabal who's trying to smear and put us down in a vapid attempt to try and justify this gatekeeping clique.

The shit you're saying is so utterly dumb and ignorant that it barely fathoms comprehension, genuinely what the fuck do you mean that artists don't care about the reception their works garner online. My brother in christ, the entire fucking reason people upload their art online is to share it in the hopes of building a wide audience or establishing a fanbase that they can sell their artistic services to. Every publicly viewable artist makes a conscious decision to put their work out there and they always have the choice and right to not share it with anyone at all. If you genuinely think that the millions of individuals who actively partake in maintaining artistic endeavours online don't care about what random strangers think of their work, you're insane. Servers like the slob cabal would not even exist if not for the connections formed by individuals bonding over a mutual appreciation of each other's fattywank shared online, you make no sense.

No one on this thread is being entitled nor have they ever, Dark and any other artist has every right to withhold their work. I'm not saying otherwise. But as long the fact that they distribute their art to select individuals is public knowledge, we're within every right ourselves to rationally discuss these happenings and express a desire to see that artwork without actually demanding anything. Pontificating about how we have to "contribute" is such grade A bullshit when these artists freely distribute this content to friends and members of the clique with no strings attached. And it's also a ridiculous expectation to set when these artists are already willingly sharing work elsewhere for free public consumption. It's not some crime for people to lurk and enjoy fetish content without interacting with the artist, Jesus christ.

You're so unequivocally full of shit, please leave and never come back.
not reading all that, sorry for your loss or some shit
kek, I was going to preface it with a "I'm not trying to insult anyone here, however..." but considering you wrote all this you were probably going to have your delicate feelings hurt anyway.
You're an oversensitive bugman faggot who can't conceive that anyone would create simply for the joy of creating and being able to share their works with likeminded people.
I wonder why artists like dark are sharing their art with a small community they actually like to be around instead of whiney, entitled losers like yourself who know the only way you'll ever get their time is offering them money.
Actually since the slob cabal is gone couldn't you guys just post everything that you got saved here
They can still make their priv discord of slob artists while also posting stuff on their actual socials you know.

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