
(113 KB, 750x1095, 280237E1-D913-4DB4-A4E0-D40BAA12E076.jpeg)
New thread soon to be filled with girls small in stature but with appetites far bigger than others 3 times their height, having a shelf of an juicy fat ass and overflowing, lap filling gut to prove it.
(99 KB, 698x866, _cm__ruby_kurosawa___love_live__by_goblant_de9nn82-fullview.jpg) (79 KB, 933x856, _cm__tanya_von_degurechaff___saga_of_tanya_the_evi_by_goblant_de9nn7f-pre.jpg) (59 KB, 979x816, _commission__youkai_induced_belly_stuffing_by_haxxstra_ddcdoxl-pre.jpg) (148 KB, 1280x1436, _commission_peni_parker_by_remvelvet_dfbw6hz-fullview.jpg) (89 KB, 994x804, _request__burpy_chan_s_ultimate_pizza_feast_by_haxxstra_de60i4f-pre.jpg) (302 KB, 1350x1107, _request__sore_loser__by_haxxstra_dcfc4ah.png)
Got any fats of Saikawa from Dragon Maid?
The only person complaining is back once again. sad
Anyone have Anyas or Dragon Maid characters?
(5.4 MB, 3541x5016, 99960555_p0.jpg)
Only thing I've found is pic related of Anya's friend but it has her peeing.

I was really hoping Guild Wars would cause someone to create a pic of both Kanna and her knockoff stuffed fat off of the mountain of leftover meat.

Has Chloe from Dragon Maid gotten anything yet? Seems weird that the only character with the means to engorge herself, Saikawa, and Kanna, fat and not feel any hit in the pocket book is the only one without any.
Yes to more Digimon girl fats/chubby/inflation
Anyone got any Hat Kids or Ashleys or more Pokegals?
(541 KB, 892x1224, p.png)
Who wouldn’t want their very own fat ass loli
Here's a couple.
>Peacetime and being a growing girl causes Tanya to slowly overeat which also causes weight gain.
>Visha has a fat fetish and lusts over a fatter Tanya
>Mage experiment goes wrong and Tanya slowly starts to gain weight
What would you do if I told you I want a fat ass loli?
(120 KB, 1314x1184, f8eb546070d1d688856f1bf8e79ac5b0b42eabc17151953020ba08d9054de805.jpg) (457 KB, 1058x1510, e74e4da6436fe7515d41430486d0ef35c8c75441e64780412cf766ea7c29c519.jpg) (76 KB, 727x866, d1fd4d9afe10cd4d70386f7a2c740fc5cafa4bbf04e785a42493a112c489da43.jpg) (843 KB, 1280x1106, 7c3c66f9667ada87ac68ccfac01ff473cb84a2236c88d9ba202c022e55cf1760.jpg) (445 KB, 2048x1775, 451464c37e9a57c8def1013abf049cbbf5a7d93208f45291a1a2711f19eaa4d7.png)
Same, imagine having nothing better to do with life than engorge yourself and watch your body edge closer to immobility.
Do any of you proud tubby loving lolicons have social media if so what do you use because this opportunity speaks for itself
(428 KB, 1086x1455, e8e817125c59189b5b5777f0a5a9b1df74dc53c62a4af028a3b1dcf7d5fa1a87.jpg) (171 KB, 1448x2048, e4525855ce4a304ba7bd93a033a9f2e54ca6e70886dcd4a00e8c625418ccdb6c.jpg) (411 KB, 1068x804, b5be20004e4ecc4778158731a3db861fc0fecfae42857b6e53d743c70e0106c4.png)
Give them the lardy life they deserve and desire. I'd cuddle them, feed them, spoil them. Though, I wouldn't just let them sit around all day. Physical and mental wellbeing matters after all.

It makes me feel all fuzzy thinking about having a chunky loli waiting for me coming home from work.
(1.5 MB, 4096x3808, media_FboFYdeVQAAgx6v.jpg)
Min/max her stats until she's a doughy little knight who is so broken that she accidentally wrecks everything while never realizing she's in a fight from still being so innocent she still sees everything as good and potential friends.

The people who love the thought of a fat loli sitting her fat ass in their lap so they can fondle the girls large round belly but can't bear the thought of the loli having gotten her huge ass stuck in said chair and pinning them from escape while fighting with a surprisingly large amount of strength to keep your hands fondling her soft belly as the door nob slowly turns and the lolis big sister begins calling her name behind the couple inches of wood between the pervert and death.

A good loli or a degenerate?

>Peacetime and being a growing girl causes Tanya to slowly overeat which also causes weight gain
I wouldn't even say slowly; with Tanya's mind from her previous life completely intact, I think once everything calms down and she gets her comfortable life; she'll end up finding herself accidentally ordering meals the size that a full grown man would put away, along with a little more to make the most out of her comfortable life. Each night she'll go to bed with a rounder and round belly from putting away a little more each day but ending up with her belly aching less and less as her tiny body grows accustomed to being packed full.

Question if you want a sentient booty with the mind of a loli or a loli donkey girl.
(1.3 MB, 3400x3000, 741de5a0c51692c4d0c9a889606839b28ce4ce4438088c6c116eef31c8ec5cd7.png) (674 KB, 3027x4096, 0e6232fdf5d9918b87aa011c859598687077a1e8f9dc4ae70639f62f9d4a0a86.jpg) (181 KB, 848x1200, 6c0c79ec78126e4b5c5a85615bc46a28a8f66f844f9470044448766f3d58eb31.jpg)
possibly, I dont really use social media all that much.

Same here. Either or though for myself. I love the thought of being a lardy loli but also feel the same about caring for one. Maybe in another life.

"A good loli or a degenerate?". I like both types honestly, but the thought of a loli not being able to reach places because of their own blubber.
(293 KB, 450x642, 18804639_p0.jpg)
>Either or though for myself. I love the thought of being a lardy loli but also feel the same about caring for one
Why not both? Just roll for a high cal yuri anime when Truck Kun comes for you.
(1.5 MB, 2067x1447, 86361288_p0.jpeg) (1.6 MB, 1447x2046, 88661510_p0.jpeg) (1.3 MB, 1158x1637, 90324384_p0.jpeg) (1.1 MB, 1240x1754, 91501792_p1.jpeg) (1.5 MB, 1240x1754, 95913683_p0.jpeg) (844 KB, 1181x1748, EhyzBEGU4AAgoIZ.jpeg)
Imagine this.
>You come home from a long day of work.
>You hear excited little pitter patters of heavy footsteps run across the house
>Your chunky loli welcomes you come and gives you a big hug
>Her belly rumbles
>You already knew this would happen, so you didn't come home empty handed, as you brought a big bag of fast food
>You sit down to watch TV while your loli sits in your lap
>She begins to eat the fast food while cutely mewling with every bite
>You calmly rub her stuffed but still squishy belly while she eats
>She falls into a food coma and curls up in your lap
>You give her head pats while she's asleep
>This is the good life
Does anyone have some fat tatsumaki tornado from opm
Shes not a loli though?
>>25514 I thought the loli appearance was enough apologies
This is a very good and cute thought
(1.7 MB, 1117x1940, 1662876784141615.png)
I'd make her as huge as possible, then have other lolis stuff each other on top of her
(2.2 MB, 3714x2867, 79808227.jpg)
Who's your favorite legal loli? Mine is definitely May
Can anyone spare any good Warden Twins pics?
(1.1 MB, 2260x1187, paz_by_ashgallalla_dd81jbe.png)
Loli is bodytype; Tatsumaki is short and flat enough to fall under the banner.
>Goes to watch a clip to make sure
>Hear her voice
>Think it's Medusa
>It's Tanya
That VA sure did end up with the role of a lot of high ranking conceited lolis.

Isn't that by Cakecatboy who started attacking loli/shota overnight just for brownie points?

Closest for me in my minds foggy state, would be between Presea from Tales of Symphonia and Llenn of Gun Gale Online.

Is it just me or was almost all of their fat art made by Darkfireballz?
Where’d you find this?
(236 KB, 850x1200, 1574971456324.jpg) (428 KB, 1086x1455, e8e817125c59189b5b5777f0a5a9b1df74dc53c62a4af028a3b1dcf7d5fa1a87.jpg)
"Isn't that by Cakecatboy who started attacking loli/shota overnight just for brownie points?". I'll give that name a look now ig

"Llenn of Gun Gale Online". Llenn is one of my fav legal lolis too. I dont see much GGO loli art.

Adorable. I wonder what she sees with all that blubber in the way and how difficult it is to stand.
(424 KB, 1206x1184, kids-lunch.png) (1.2 MB, 1071x1200, loli-lucky-charm.png) (491 KB, 621x1200, loliember.png) (3.3 MB, 2181x2349, family_moovies_by_cowszers_dbtzz3l.png) (921 KB, 1159x1200, chub-taiga.png) (1.9 MB, 1800x1013, wp.png)
>I've seen this art before its really cute. Sauce?
It's by CakeHoarder/CakeCatboy/CatboyMech. Unfortunately, you won't be able to find any of this type of art in her galleries anymore, because she purged all Loli/Shota content. At first she kept them up on her website, but when she changed to "Catboymech" she made a new website and sneakily didn't include her old Loli/Shota stuff when she put her art on it.
>Isn't that by Cakecatboy who started attacking loli/shota overnight just for brownie points?
It was less "For a brownie points" and more because she just kinda became traumatised of it. It was something to do with weirdos being influenced by her art or something? She mentioned it in an FAQ on one of her websites. It's a bit weird though since she has retroactively went and changed the ages of her previously underage OCs to over 18 even though they were clearly kids and teens. It's a bit sad, but hey, what can you do.
(1.0 MB, 1092x1200, a7a5fc15d810b60f25eef4a8f1f789a19e36f0919987bffc9ddb4a214bac1bff.png) (746 KB, 1450x700, b686a8422506d373d343c558524c93c9c9589b04394801c4ea42037bd27c6cc2.png) (31 KB, 1297x952, 3f1777e97efaddb30caf921996723869d455a7788a39971fffe9d90647b51a75.png) (110 KB, 900x1200, cb8790047aa1f65f50f7f3f3e493576b14dcd5b4e01a2f3a2dd2d2e59d16b3a6.jpg)
a shame they wiped their old stuff, but ah well people move on from this shit understandably. I think I have a few of their loli stuff saved. One of the above images is one of them I think...?

Also nice Taiga sauce btw
>Cakecatboy who started attacking loli/shota overnight just for brownie points
Most of the time when an artist disavows all their loli/shota stuff it's just virtue signaling, but allegedly Cake found out about someone using her art to erp with actual irl minors and got turned off from making any more because she was afraid of attracting an actual pedo audience. It's a shame because her loli/shota stuff was good but I at least get why that would scare off an artist
>most if not all pictures have been reposts
Have we hit a wall in terms of content?
(1.7 MB, 1158x1637, 94200377_p0.png)
Yeah it kinda sucks but it's at least a little understandable. It's a little sad that almost all the high quality artists used to do underage and loli stuff years ago, and just as their art becomes a lot better they stop doing it. Meanwhile everyone else hides their stuff deep in discord.
It's why we should be greatful for the rare few new artists we do have that have done Loli stuff like しれど, Grogy, 内山和人, Piv (While his loli account lasted, at least) and others
To be fair, it's only been 3 days since this thread has started, so not getting much stuff in that time is to be expected.

On a completely unrelated note, Onee-Loli is top tier
(767 KB, 2480x3508, media_FbBXMFWaAAEf2R9.jpg) (1.3 MB, 559x415, 1497852043041.gif) (1.6 MB, 700x1476, 101132545_p0.jpg)
>I dont see much GGO loli art
I don't know how I ended up finding more art of her avatar than what Llenn looks like outside of the game.

>It was something to do with weirdos being influenced by her art or something? She mentioned it in an FAQ on one of her websites
Was any proof presented?

Might as well quit making art entirely because someone's gonna use it for something sick.

Loli production has always been slow and with how chatty it has been, I think we got a couple of new guys.
(693 KB, 790x1032, 1576708755828.png) (140 KB, 1024x1243, lolli_is_a_squish_by_trinity_fate_d8dd2zi-fullview.jpg) (410 KB, 2048x1448, 1577471223094.jpg)
That explains a lot, thanks mate.

"On a completely unrelated note, Onee-Loli is top tier". Trueeeee, thats in my top 3.

"with how chatty it has been, I think we got a couple of new guys."
I've been a lurker for a long while now on bbwchan and other sites, I've just decided to start talking now.

New stuff takes a while, although I am thinking of getting some stuff on commission when I get the money.
The only legal lolis I know are saionji from danganronpa and tatsumaki now I'm wondering what others are there nad us there art of em as tubs of lard
(1.7 MB, 1900x1106, commi___vern101z__2__by_bysmile0824_ddnu78k.png)
There's lots.
Of the top of my head from series I've seen:
Maho from Steins Gate 0
Natsuki from DDLC
Nico Yakazawa from Love Live
Futaba Igarashi from My Senpai is Annoying
Biscuit Kruger from Hunter x Hunter
Aoba Suzukaze from New Game!!
Nene Sakura from New Game!!
Konata Izumi from Lucky Star
Utage Douraku from Noucome
Misato Wakana from My Wife is the Student Council President
La Brava from My Hero Academia

That's all I can think of right now
(129 KB, 500x785, media_E6s9ml2VkAAkZGE.jpg)
Think there was a vampire loli in the original Hellsing anime.
Maybe Kanna from Inuyasha depending on how you see her creation.
Rory Mercury from Gate
Wakaba Kusakabe from Idol Master
Elma from Dragon Maids aunt.
Ghost Girl and Yukino Houjou from Gatekeepers
Think every non-human loli in Bleach
Beatrice from Wild Arms 3
Harvins and Primal Beasts from Granblue Fantasy
Lalafell and Tarutaru races, Mindy of the Magus Sisters, and maybe Prishe in Final Fantasy
Roll any character in Disgaea and you're likely to receive a legal loli.
Slyph of the spirits from Tales of Symphonia
Ai Haibara from Detective Conan
Aura from Overlord
Becky and the cat girls from Dungeon Fighter Online
Donut vampire and orange sherbert colored lolis from Monogatari
Ffion and Fleta from Maginogi
Alma at the start of F.E.A.R.
May from Guilty Gear
Kai of Time from Dragon Ball
And as of Trigger being given Cyberpunk 2077: https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2022/09/16/studio-trigger-on-cyberpunk-edgerunners-the-loli-must-stay/

**Maybe if Drifters ever gets continued to the Halflings, we might get something.
I like the new dbz loli the old supreme kai of time is cute
More Tanya
Imagime mock propaganda posters with her. They would say something like "Fight For You County l, Do It For Her" and it's a pic of her with a huge, soft belly that hangs one to the ground and titanic ass.
I'd like her to be the star in a propaganda campaign to show how plentiful their food supply by constantly stuffing her with food
(1.8 MB, 2878x4096, media_Fc7oRbKaIAY8ZuR.jpg)
Look who got a degree of translation https://nitter.kavin.rocks/utiyamakazuto/status/1571450273662640131#m

Imagine having to keep your loli miserable so that she can still do her favorite things.

Speaking of Dragonball, what the hell happened with Super Hero? I've only see like two pics of reboot Pan; did they fuck her character up?

Maybe if hey used it as demoralization combined with cutting off an enemy countries food source while including posters of other nations under their control being well fed porkers.

Throw their fit.
Unfortunately not but I wish I did. I'd love it if the third image was translated.
wow thanks man, I've liked their work for a while.

I wish the image above where me honestly. So big and squishy. I wish there was more POV art. Like what it would be like to wake up and see your pair of fatty breasts and a bulging belly towering over you. Not being able to see your feet or reach between your legs.
(730 KB, 1015x1488, 1576298651794.png) (948 KB, 1219x1699, 1576124732134.png) (587 KB, 700x990, ee3914912b5647af2ee080953f0ad86d-imagejpeg.jpg) (431 KB, 3000x2200, 478756b6ddd902317bf63f3b1698c83022c8f58a58fe8992f4e4703081e1b2da.jpg)
lolis struggling to do basic tasks because of their fat, bliss.
I've liked their art for a while, thanks man.

I wish there was more obese loli POV art. Like what it would be like to wake up and see your pair of fatty breasts and a bulging belly towering over you. Not being able to see your feet or reach between your legs.>>25649
(1.9 MB, 1448x2048, 595a17e16062989f50c2759cddab95d8657db01f84757871c6a6ad4eaa20750f.png) (2.2 MB, 2046x1447, 63163a03b401d0073106b17f24cc482f4d1b9345f07cdc656fbf2a436a975431.jpg) (46 KB, 514x887, f206ed48872d4803a698b6203d3dcdbb1346c0d5c05fd9f46997914cfe9cdf8e.jpg) (34 KB, 605x622, ca4628354842f2df1751771ada967a16e0fe444e575239a167f52ba8699858a3.jpg) (598 KB, 646x800, fbcc875834ab3c016776be55c7874a7ec670e7099d04a27e02b386f188eb7f6c.png)
Dont know why it tagged a post twice, here's more.
(66 KB, 500x316, S6yQVSv.png)
>Like what it would be like to wake up and see your pair of fatty breasts
Pic related; your fatty breasts towering over you before they remember gravity.

The alternate universe where the big sister doesn't steal all of her little sisters food whenever she can but instead goes out of her way sneak snacks into the little ones already aching tummy while ignoring any refusal from her sister or the worrisome groans of her belly. Who gets extra large servings for her meals, so that she can spoon feed her sister most of it, once the little one is finished with her large meal while their parents are off busy with work. Whose only doing it because she got too used to over feeding her little sister from having to take care of her a lot while she was really little and ending up overfeeding her on accident a lot before turning into a game of seeing how much she can cram into her little sisters gut before she has to stop, to pass the time.
(76 KB, 1201x667, dragon-ball-super-pan.jpg)
>Speaking of Dragonball, what the hell happened with Super Hero? I've only see like two pics of reboot Pan; did they fuck her character up?
I don't know what you have been hearing, but Pan was fine in the movie. The "End of Z" looks like it's being rebooted anyway because Goten, Trunks and Pan look way different.

Pan was pretty cute in the movie and they kind of parodied the damsel in distress thing they did in GT by making her purposely get kidnapped even though she knows she can break out anytime, but she's just doing it to give actual motivation for Gohan to step up.

Plus, she was pretty cute.
I'm sure there are lolicons out there that appreciated another loli martial artist.
(734 KB, 750x1125, 26aede69230c69853922111c6eef0f79.png) (1.6 MB, 2400x1200, 17534277_p1.jpg) (1.8 MB, 809x1500, bd498a878f6b7a5958c76632c3ef788b.jpg) (962 KB, 1280x1807, 1596302403544.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1000x1342, 5687f7db55d2601c9cacb8c0658fd277.png) (873 KB, 1000x1000, 1596319098393.png)
>I don't know what you have been hearing
That's it, I haven't heard anything; only been one crappy butt pic and one or two porn pics. The only talk of the movie was just people saying that they liked it but not much detail. Did they say how old she is in the movie?

>The "End of Z" looks like it's being rebooted anyway because Goten, Trunks and Pan look way different
Well yeah, that was the point of Super since no one liked GT; pretty much the same shit as Digimon where 02 got overwritten by the new movies that supposedly were worse than 02.
Nanako Dojima by SoulInflatioN, please.
oh, my old edit, nice
(174 KB, 640x835, da385eb4879431c55da7bbdc762d8615e9486765091292d66728cb5e11e1e2d5.png) (187 KB, 1200x1717, 566d5e565b5478b456ddccea489169eeff41802772da4ce84ef693c78677fecf.jpg) (915 KB, 868x1228, d19cf0889f815a62fc9cbc42df0e89047ff8fc45f48a4416b1e06c7e88f59e93.jpg)
>Pic related; your fatty breasts towering over you before they remember gravity.
Bliss. Although not being able to see over a mountain of a tummy is an interesting perspective to me.

>oh, my old edit, nice
yeah I nabbed it a while back, good shit for an edit ngl, at least to me.

Also, any of you lot got any oppai loli stuff? I also remember that a long while back somebody made a whole choose your own adventure type scenario with fattening up a loli. If that anon is still around honestly consider making a full on story or something because that shit was fire.
(359 KB, 2000x1500, media_FZWGKBpaQAAyzKf.jpg) (575 KB, 648x906, 3be583414bdfbbd3bd43cb92c17cd25a.png) (722 KB, 650x908, 880af8e5e1b0bf6f67812fb0ae4b9fda.png) (306 KB, 724x791, 21607292_p0.jpg) (315 KB, 844x910, 18456026_p0.jpg) (464 KB, 936x780, d4b7989579438b884a2eeef6ee64c414.png)
You've asked for that for months, everywhere; it's time to admit defeat.

There's not much you can do with a blob of fat in a story.

Ah, you're a Zoomer.
(4.2 MB, 2000x3000, 99935467_p0.png)
Well drawn outies are lovely
(685 KB, 1141x1383, [;[;.png)

Artist sauce plz.
Oooh yes to more fat Kari from Digimon, she needs more love in editis and drawings
(102 KB, 786x1225, media_FdHzKl9XoAEHPJe.jpg) (495 KB, 2994x3259, media_FdNKVbrWAAEdaJp.jpg) (548 KB, 2758x4096, media_FdOYaEkXgAYK7Ds.jpg)
Being X having become frustrated by the little progress made; uses Tanya's idea from when they first conversed and found massive success. Wanting more ideas but knowing full well how pig headed Tanya can be; puts her in a position that she can't help herself from blurting out the information he needs, so that she can feed her hunger while also being too large to find help to stem the growth and rid herself of the hunger.

Of which?

It's looking like chunky lolis are gonna be augmented for a couple weeks.

Anon, she’s an adult. What the hell are you people smoking to label her as a loli?
(303 KB, 1920x1080, 1599614130337.jpg)
Same guy as the Dinosaur King pic https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/17534277

Loli is a bodytype, not an age; so long as she's short and at least as flat as a waterboard, she's a loli and after that she'll become an oppai loli if she gets large tits, she'll become a big butted loli if she gets a fat ass, and if she gets a huge rack to go with her shelf of an ass, she'll no long be a loli and become a shortstack.
the other 2 full pages should be on the subscribestar
>Loli is a body type
Ah, changing the definition from meaning a childlike female character to petite-slim bodied woman. You know what? Sure, whatever you say, champ.
>Loli is a bodytype, not an age
not really, no, but whatever makes you feel better about your choice in fap material
It's less that Loli is a body type for "short + flat chest" and more that as long as they look like a child, usually with those attributes, that they are considered a loli, regarless on whether or not they actually are a child or not, because legal lolis, loli-hags and immortal lolis are also a thing. The same goes for how little girls in anime does not automatically equal a loli. For instance, even though Nazuna Takanashi from 'Working!!' is 11, she's 5'8" and looks the same age as her teenage older brother.
Dude really sees himself as the loli investigator
It's perfectly normal and healthy to be attracted to fat little girlsヽ(´∇`)ノ
(132 KB, 1280x722, KimetsunoYaiba-Yuukaku-Episode1-95.jpg)
I'd need a loli as an assistant before I started thinking that. She'll have silver eyes hidden big circular glasses sitting atop her cheeks just chubby enough to bulge beyond the frame of her face for that cute pinchable but not big enough to start encroaching on vision or look like they'll be jiggling along with her belly whenever she's walking off to get herself a snack. She'd have a flat cap topping long raven hair that flows down to just over her bulbous seat her dress pants 5 or 6 sizes too big for someone her age and yet are so stuffed with her legs and rump that they cling to every curve of her lower body like a second skin and occasionally giving off an omen of impending doom in the form of the steadily louder creaking of the pants seams. The little assistants belly will be large enough that whenever it's not being constricted under her tight button up dress shirt and vest, it'll dip past the tight waistband of her pants and have a nice jiggle to its porcelain clad softness with every movement of her body, but when its restricted under her shirt and vest, it's still large enough for its curve to easily be discernible under her sizable trenchcoat. And it'd be criminal to not always have suspenders digging into her large doughy belly and the back of the heavy muffintop wrapping around her middle.

She'll be a little genius that always has a calm, focused look to her face except whenever there's a potential morsel of food for her to gobble down, leaving her expression completely changed to that of a wide eyed child looking for a reward, and whenever her being a complete klutz leaves her embarrassed. Her clumsiness seemingly always leaves her unscathed from her surprisingly innate ability to always recover before she ends up falling on her cushiony rear or belly but always ending up taking everyone else out in the process, but No matter how clumsy she is, she'll always do whatever she can to make sure she leaves the crime scenes unaltered. Her mind will be a well of almost any information you can gain from a book, a devotion you can easily see in bulges and folds of her large body from doing nothing for most of her life beyond staying inside to read books nonstop but with her life pretty much leaving her a gluttonous little shut in, she's very gullible and easily manipulated by almost anyone who has live their life in the outside world and isn't a complete idiot; except when it comes to money because less money means less food.

2484 characters.
Whatever turns you on anon since you only hang around on the loli threads
Loli who's mom is getting more and more obsessed with seeing her larger. Starts as an innocent offering of extra food but gets more intensely forceful and yandare about it. Before you know it, she's using her own daughter as a bed while she plays with herself, dreaming up more creative ways to get more food into her little blob of sunshine.
(721 KB, 800x1200, 18863878_p0.jpg) (663 KB, 1170x940, 18863878_p1.jpg) (797 KB, 800x1200, 19233253_p2.jpg)
>since you only hang around on the loli threads
You only see my name on the loli threads.

I forgot to give the loli a gun.

How does her yandere nature deal with her daughters friends?
Which AI is this? Looks incredible.
Depends on how dark you want to go.i Iike the idea that she brainwashes the friends and forces them to help out, or uses experimental formulas on them to make sure they're safe enough for her daughter that enhance elasticity, or lower metabolism
Hey guys, do you remember who draw the hourglass expansion of Edna Konrad & Lilli from Edna & Harvey in inflatechan.net?
The creator of the hourglass expansion of Edna Konrad & Lilli from Edna & Harvey is ButLova.
I have discovered this myself, without anyone's help. Now I am looking for the pics of Nanako Dojima and Lili Zanotto by Sou1Str3am.
Any jahy works? Been searching for those.
(289 KB, 848x1200, media_Fdfs4vEVEAExZXz.jpg) (76 KB, 905x983, media_Fdib2gfWYAEAPky.jpg) (324 KB, 2047x2048, media_FdCSiAHXEAAHkFm.jpg)
She'll have to do a lot more if she wants to keep it all secret, when her test subjects parents notice a pattern.

Dude, give up, no one has it and your wanting Butlova's art makes me think it may have just not been good enough for anyone to put it in storage.

I don't even think I saw much for her powered form.
what generator?
CD Projekt Red wanted to remove her from Edgerunners but Studio Trigger explicitly stated, "the loli must stay."
(1.5 MB, 3000x3680, media_FdyaE2YUAAA0IAs.jpg) (294 KB, 2093x2267, media_Fd1zLEnacAEGyCk.jpg) (733 KB, 3400x4000, media_Fdja49BWAAIpnSh.jpg)
That alternate timeline where Kobayashi couldn't overcome the love potion that Tohru slipped her and threw herself at Kanna, and because she made the connection, it ended up permanent; leaving Tohru to become a yandere who force feeds the loli who stole her lover in an attempt to break Kobayashi out of her infatuation by turning Kanna into a ball of blubber.

Only time I've ever had any real respect for Trigger.
(825 KB, 1080x1690, 101482243_p1.jpg) (860 KB, 1080x1690, 101482243_p2.jpg)
Isn't Stable Diffusion the only one that you can make lolis and also characters without faces that look like a photo of someone being haunted in a horror movie?
Where you found it?
Where did you find this Becky?

In the old loli thread it was orginally a vore pic, but I cropped it and edited it to remove the vore part

The next pic from this guy is shaping up to be a monster. Everything we could want from the 11yo catgirl glutton.
Eh, a little too realistic and uncanny for my liking for most of those. Would prefer to just draw it myself tbh if no one else is gonna draw fat lolis
Who's the artist for the first two?
I think is novel ai image generator
I also want to know this, posted in a sauce thread the other day no no avail
Oh yea that’s all I’ve ever wanted
More Qiqi and Klee please.
(679 KB, 1200x1697, 1.jpeg) (588 KB, 1200x1697, 2.jpeg) (685 KB, 1200x1697, 3.jpeg) (594 KB, 1200x1697, 4.jpeg) (645 KB, 1200x1697, 5.jpeg) (551 KB, 1200x1697, 6.jpeg)
The rest of the files form fanbox. Our boy actually drew some weight gain.
I can't believe it...This is everything I could of wanted 🙌
can i sue for the incredible amount of damage this artist and his fat cat loli have done to by beener?
TBH we need more Loli ai stuff
(426 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, plump, pink hair, pajamas, short, small breasts, big belly, sitting on bed, child, torn clothes, s-2102851108.png) (535 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, plump, pink hair, pajamas, short, small breasts, gigantic belly, sitting on bed, child, torn clothes, s-2494504938.png) (476 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}},fat, {obese}, pink hair, underwear only, petite, small breasts, large belly, younger, loli, [bad hands], eating, s-1682707150.png)
Here's some I've made. Spoilered for those who don't like AI stuff.
Nice I liike the middle one
Absolutely lovely, can’t wait for more if your willing to
It's my opinion that when determining a loli, their age is not important. There's even a handful of adult characters who are deemed lolis.
(461 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, {plump}, big belly, child, pink hair, pajamas, short, small breasts, sitting on bed, midriff peek, midriff peek stuffed, [bad hands] s-1026844920.png) (395 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, plump, pink hair, panties, short, small breasts, big belly, child, pregnant, [bad hands], [multiple hands], embarrassed, s-1378956948.png) (407 KB, 512x768, {{anya (spy x family)}}, plump, fat, {big belly}, stuffed, pink hair, panties, short, small breasts, child, [bad hands], [multiple hands], embarrassed, sleeping, s-131246655.png)
A few more, though slightly edited.

They had multiple belly buttons.
Would you be willing to do Shimakaze if you know who she is
I think someone needs to do a novelai alt edition thread
Seeing Hiyoko from Danganronpa would be good
Show us the Ashley one, coward
(157 KB, 320x512, 1.png) (169 KB, 320x512, 2.png) (174 KB, 320x512, 3.png) (183 KB, 320x512, 4.png) (173 KB, 320x512, 5.png)
Gentlemen, I have come bearing a surefire way of generating expanding lolis with NovelAI.

Step 1: Create your own loli using text2img. Ex: loli holding a glass of white milk, long hair, tiny breasts, open shirt, sad, lewd, nsfw

Step 2: Throw your favorite gen from the above prompt into img2img. Decrease denoising strength to somewhere around 0.40-0.60. Copy all of the above prompts, but slowly increase the size of the prompts. If adding new terms or things like "large" -> "massive" is no longer having an effect, put ((around them)) to increase the weight of the prompt. Ex: loli drinking milk, long hair, exposed massive breasts, huge thick thighs, chubby, open shirt, happy, excited, lewd, nsfw

Step 3: Continue incrementing terms and ((weight brackets)) until the generations break. Ex: loli drinking milk, long hair, ((exposed massive breasts)), massive thick thighs, big belly, fat, open shirt, climaxing, lewd, nsfw

I will now post the exact gen I created while writing this up
(188 KB, 320x512, 1.png) (196 KB, 320x512, 2.png) (189 KB, 320x512, 3.png) (178 KB, 320x512, 4.png) (180 KB, 320x512, 5.png) (183 KB, 320x512, 6.png)
Some more gens I did.
Wait wow you generated all of these?
Dude youve broken my brain thats incredible
Bump for big belly lolis
Fatty Young Zelda is so rare and it's always so good.
Yesss more Zelda content!
where did you find this originally
You got anything in mind you'd want to see with her? Might write something in my free time.
Where did you get that Klee
Shes so cute, definitely want to see more of her
prompt and configuration?
Why are you here in a loli thread then
All I did was ask a question dumb fuck, tone it down and hop off my dick
(407 KB, 848x1200, media_FfrrX8CUYAEDYa3.jpg) (344 KB, 848x1200, media_FfrrYm-UoAACH4d.jpg)
Maybe you shoulda thought of that before you whipped out your dick to ask a stupid question about an Anons interest in loli because of donuts while the thread is filled with pudged up known and loved lolis like Anya and Kanna.
Do you have a point or are just going to keep on babbling
pariah gonna pariah. nothing changes.
Exactly’s it’s honestly sad, the guys lives chronically online in this loli thread specifically
Because i want to see the lolis get fat. What i don't like is seeing AI generated garbage.
Deal with it cause there’s most likely going to be more if said person brings more
(195 KB, 802x537, 1663900962652564.png)
I agree, I think all this AI stuff looks awful and seeing it flooding the thread is depressing
A.I. stuff is absolutely flooding Deviantart and Pixiv too, especially for Loli stuff. The oppai loli related tags keep getting overtaken by accounts that post hundreds of Ai artworks. It's very unfortunate.
Actually epic. Good thing it doesn't require premium
This is what happens when people refuse to draw underage characters
this is why people need to get over icky fictional content. I dont like rape or noncon you dont see ME trying to cancel and call out people for making and enjoying art and stories made about it.
Stfu all you pathetic degenerates and post more plump lolis please

The AI art is a thing now. Get the fuck over it. It's happening wether you want it to or not. Stop bitching on this forum about it we already know you 'save as' the Art anyway. Fuck off troll you don't need to comment about it.

Now post some plump loli cuties
Rebecca's a loli?
Oh damn that belly~!
Yes, I think the same studio that animated Edgerunners comfirmed she is a loli
Legal loli more or less
I realize how rare this might be but can we have some more Annie Hastur from LoL

Hat Kid and Gura is much loved too <3
Thanks in advance!
(431 KB, 1118x1558, media_Ff6tidpUcAA_Kmo.jpg) (151 KB, 731x1024, 101625804_p0.jpg) (254 KB, 1928x2788, media_FgPX4sUUoAEMePu.jpg) (54 KB, 1091x1001, media_FFZSUncXIAMSszs.jpg)
If only Pixiv could go back to before it started choking on script, it would easily wipe out DeviantArt.

Loli hardware.

League seems like it only gets the munchkins and the floating red headed loli; even when it was popular and getting a flood of content.

Probably a bunch that can be transplanted here from the VTuber thread on /bbwdraw/.
I welcome our new AI overlords with open arms.
Anyone have the picture of peni parker's belly inflated?
They did. "The loli must stay."
(465 KB, 1086x1678, eri.png)
(287 KB, 1000x1000, pr3.jpg)
Here's the non blue berry shit version.

Artists who do alts of images are based.
Artist? i can't find it with Sauce now .
Don't know the character but this is great
(178 KB, 1280x1164, 4AD03B6C-1C52-4FCA-B7A5-D9512F667A8A.jpeg) (429 KB, 828x591, 070C505A-4CA5-440C-B2EA-FD15BC122206.png) (43 KB, 600x600, 2A191777-CDE3-4208-997D-B85CF013A874.jpeg)
An interesting creator you all might like is PKMSHN


They are an artist who specializes with drawing swollen fat loli’s. I like some of their art and dislike certain others. They cover a wide basis like gas (like burps and farts), spherical inflation, slight slob, red tight bellies, immobile, pregnant, chubby and endowed)

do you have the non-berry version of part 2?

Fucking. Excellent.
(2.0 MB, 1038x2120, Sage.png)
Could anyone spare to find pics of this girl since Frontiers is out now?
well that didn't take long before Sage got the treatment XD
That was made when she was revealed
(86 KB, 1004x650, 20221111_061814.jpg)
The new elite 4 in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet got leaked, and one of them is a loli
easy to draw a circle lol
Huh, really glad I pre ordered violet then XD (but also mainly cause of iono)
(293 KB, 512x640, 00231-4124712860-(((very round belly))) pregnant (petite) ((loli)) wearing a tanktop at lunch, cute, hungry, food, soda, drooling, painful expres.png) (344 KB, 512x512, 00262-252783656-(((perfectly round belly))) pregnant (petite) ((loli)) wearing a tanktop at the supermarket, cute, hungry, food, soda, drooling,.png) (235 KB, 512x512, 00468-4280132196-(((very round belly))) pregnant (petite) ((loli)) wearing a tanktop at McDonald's, cute, hungry, food, overeating, drooling, pai.png) (186 KB, 512x512, 00687-3828595103-very round belly pregnant petite loli wearing a tanktop standing at an eating contest, cute, hungry, food, overeating, drooling,.png) (398 KB, 512x512, 00384-821432602-(((perfectly round belly))) pregnant (petite) ((loli)) wearing a tanktop at the supermarket, cute, hungry, food, soda, drooling,.png) (197 KB, 512x512, 00767-3419723105-very round belly pregnant petite loli wearing a tanktop standing in a kitchen drinking a giant bowl of soup on her belly, cute,.png)
Made some stuff with waifu diffusion, these were the best so far
Я люблю печеньки
Dude that is so hot
Rebecca is so damn hot
More Pan expansion art in general would be neat
(414 KB, 512x768, 00261-2874364728-masterpiece, high quality, 1girl, long hair, pink hair, loli, small_breasts, pink bra, pink panties, huge round belly, sitting a.png) (401 KB, 512x768, 00272-2699823329-masterpiece, high quality, nsfw, 1girl, blonde hair, loli, small breasts, nipples, white panties, huge round ball like belly, si.png) (402 KB, 512x768, 00258-354632588-masterpiece, high quality, 1girl, long hair, pink hair, loli, small_breasts, pink bra, pink panties, big_belly, sitting at resta.png) (481 KB, 512x768, 00414-1692976491-masterpiece, best quality, plump body, loli, flat_chest, sitting, bed, white_panties, medium length hair, shirt lifted above bel.png) (410 KB, 512x768, 00410-942920871-masterpiece, best quality, plump body, loli, flat_chest, sitting, bed, white_panties, medium length hair, shirt lifted above bel.png) (388 KB, 512x768, 00413-4001203202-masterpiece, best quality, plump body, loli, flat_chest, sitting, bed, white_panties, medium length hair, tank top lifted above.png)
could you post your prompt for the 4th and 5th images please?
masterpiece, best quality, plump body, loli, flat_chest, sitting, bed, white_panties, medium length hair, shirt lifted above belly
The only pan images I have left are vore, idk if you want to see that or not.
(308 KB, 512x512, 00058-4285490467-very round belly pregnant petite loli topless with white panties standing at a food cart, cute, hungry, food, overeating, drooli.png) (344 KB, 512x512, 00089-1782428426-very round belly pregnant petite loli wearing a tanktop at a food cart, cute, hungry, food, overeating, drooling, painful expres.png) (293 KB, 512x512, 00124-583038681-very round belly pregnant petite loli standing at a bakery, cute, hungry, food, overeating, drooling, painful expression, full b.png) (316 KB, 512x512, 00176-1496440374-very round belly pregnant petite loli wearing a transparent tanktop at a food cart, cute, hungry, food, overeating, drooling, pa.png) (300 KB, 512x512, 00485-3498549687-very round belly pregnant petite loli standing in a light purple bikini at the ice cream truck, cute, hungry, food, overeating,.png) (280 KB, 512x512, 00521-4215802906-very round belly pregnant petite loli lower belly exposed standing at a food cart, cute, hungry, food, overeating, drooling, pai.png)
Some more. Some of these come out perfect in one try and some take like 500 generations
prompt and configuration? These look amazing.
(586 KB, 519x713, new1.png)
veyr round belly pregnant petite loli (clothes, place, action), cute, hungry, overeating, drooling, painful expression, full body, smooth, pixiv ranking, 4k, 8k

I use 7CFG (default) for initial text-to-image, then 7CFG and .55 denoising for img-to-img. If I get something really good I touch it up with paint/fotor. Inpainting will also fix weird hand/body horror stuff.

This is the stable diffusion web ui version running locally.
In the mood for some gassy slobby lolis. Does not mater who just want some pictures. Feel free to post what ever
Any one have more gassy loli pictures
(385 KB, 512x768, 03134-2140087467-masterpiece, best quality, medium black hair, loli, small breasts, camisole, short shorts, dressing room, big belly, 1girl.png) (376 KB, 512x768, 03128-1103400955-masterpiece, best quality, medium black hair, loli, small breasts, camisole, short shorts, dressing room, big belly, 1girl.png) (473 KB, 512x768, 03133-2140087466-masterpiece, best quality, medium black hair, loli, small breasts, camisole, short shorts, dressing room, big belly, 1girl.png) (436 KB, 512x768, 03149-3944264958-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, embarrassed, touching belly, sleeping, red school swimsuit, tan, white hair, pi.png) (430 KB, 512x768, 03155-4200978231-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, lesbian, kiss, touching, plump, big belly, bed.png) (380 KB, 512x768, 03154-4200978230-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, lesbian, kiss, touching, plump, big belly, bed.png)
(423 KB, 512x768, 03170-2514523188-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, white dress, sunhat, outside, cute, viewed from above, blush, black long hair, p.png) (440 KB, 512x768, 03168-2514523186-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, white dress, sunhat, outside, cute, viewed from above, blush, black long hair, p.png) (491 KB, 512x768, 03167-4252086970-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, white dress, sunhat, outside, cute, viewed from above, blush, black long hair, p.png) (446 KB, 512x768, 03177-2514523195-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, white dress, sunhat, outside, cute, viewed from above, blush, black long hair, p.png) (417 KB, 512x768, 03175-2514523193-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, white dress, sunhat, outside, cute, viewed from above, blush, black long hair, p.png) (451 KB, 512x768, 03174-2514523192-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, white dress, sunhat, outside, cute, viewed from above, blush, black long hair, p.png)
(93 KB, 1908x1146, pb.jpg)
Can any post some fat gassy loli pics please
lord forgive me
(375 KB, 512x768, 03427-1002948107-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, child, pointy ears, long hair, chibi, white underwear, 1girl, blonde hair, blue.png) (369 KB, 512x768, 03410-3450206815-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, child, pointy ears, long hair, chibi, white underwear, navel, indoors, big belly.png) (368 KB, 512x768, 03423-1002948103-masterpiece, best quality, loli, small breasts, child, pointy ears, long hair, chibi, white underwear, 1girl, blonde hair, blue.png)
less mass-produced AI garbage and more real art pls
>mOrE rEaL aRt
Put it in your twitlonger and stay mad.
Seething poojeet. Kek-lmao
(414 KB, 512x768, 03472-483128355-masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, loli, child, chibi, small breasts, smile, short eyebrows, pregnant, sitting, navel, white pan.png) (411 KB, 512x768, 03474-161198635-masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, loli, child, chibi, small breasts, grin, pregnant, school uniform, thighhighs, upskirt, panti.png) (477 KB, 512x768, 03487-3381706663-masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, loli, child, chibi, small breasts, tired, pregnant, gym uniform, shirt above belly, pink hair.png) (492 KB, 512x768, 03469-3110565250-masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, loli, child, chibi, small breasts, messy medium hair, expressionless, short eyebrows, fox ea.png)
cry about it idk
These are great, do you have a blog or website?
I didn’t notice that until you pointed it out. And thanks for the actual loli stuff.

I guess I’m just not as bothered about it. It is a shame though how it’s spreading through all the threads like wildfire.
(5.0 MB, 3393x2590, 102866409_p0.png)
I guess the logic is that "Why wait for actual artists to draw the rare chonky loli when A.I. can do it for us!"
Not that I really agree with the idea, but it doesn't exactly suprise me, especially for something as relatively niche as Loli WG.
This is more appealing to me than all the soulless AI spam
hey so fair warning, some normalfag "friends" found this artist and are upset cause of the whole loli thing, might be a good idea to archive his stuff incase it snowballs to being pushed off the internet.
What is this thing and what am I supposed to win? Is it laughter?
Yep, it's been happening for a while
My guess is it's because artists who had no idication of liking lolis like Scythejudgement/Pulsewave are leaving likes on his stuff, but that then appears in their followers feeds which then causes them to go rabbid when they recognise a loli like Anya. It's really sad honestly. Doesn't help that these morons are also literally sending borderline death threats. So tell me, who's the real "Problematic" one here?
That's a huge risk in drawing loli stuff. The second someone finds out you like/draw lolis, everyone hates you.
(57 KB, 394x656, 1650854450939.jpg)
>some normalfag "friends" found this artist and are upset
So what you're saying is that you pop lolis where your buddies can see?

>might be a good idea to archive his stuff
That was the moment you liked a picture, especially if it's loli but I don't see someone who almost totally puts out gigantic loli lardballs, let alone one that also does gas on a near scat level and slob, being self conscious enough to give that much of a damn.

Does he even regularly put out enough art to keep people attached? I wonder if any of them looked the other way from Shiki being 15 yrs old.

Anyone ever made art of her attacking Mr Peanut, like a wild animal?

>who's the real "Problematic" one here
Current year, everyone is.
>So what you're saying is that you pop lolis where your buddies can see?
nah, just noticed them complaining about it and thought id let the thread know.
i should mention that im doing this cause its a public server that the complaining is in, which means it could very easily snowball.
I see that loli in the pic everywhere but I don't know who she is or where she's from.
(1.7 MB, 1280x720, 1636223072130.webm)
Noa Himesaka from the series Wataten. If you like lolis and yuri, it's the series you should look at. It's getting a second season next year and hopefully a scene of Hana visibly stuffed or properly fattened.
(272 KB, 816x1000, Fif1Q6eagAAdJZC.jpg)
Antis/fancops, whatever you want to call them aren't right in the head so "normal" isn't applicable.

Also if his DA account goes down he already has a Pixiv account.
(388 KB, 512x768, Loli, flat chest, fat belly , sitting, hand on own stomach, tight top, s-1843603489.png) (390 KB, 512x768, Young, loli, lying on bed, chubby belly, fat rolls, belly overhang, tight shorts s-89902413.png) (369 KB, 768x512, Young, loli, embarrassed, blush, nervous, pudgy belly, nude, big belly, belly fo s-3246311657.png) (388 KB, 512x768, Young, loli, sitting on bed, chubby belly, fat rolls, belly overhang, embarrasse s-3371227942.png) (487 KB, 512x768, Young, loli, sitting on bed, embarrassed, blush, nervous, pudgy belly, nude, fro s-1812807997.png) (388 KB, 512x768, Loli, flat chest, fat belly , sitting, hand on own stomach, tight top, s-1843603489.png)
Dumping a bunch of novelai bc I think I got some decent ones
(366 KB, 768x512, young, chubby, weight gain, female, loli, embarrassed, nervous, blushing, solo, s-101042432.png) (457 KB, 768x512, Female, Young, loli, species_goblin, green skin, pudgy belly, fat rolls, small b s-1673167537.png) (369 KB, 768x512, Young, loli, embarrassed, blush, nervous, pudgy belly, nude, big belly, belly fo s-3246311657.png) (365 KB, 768x512, Young, loli, embarrassed, blush, nervous, pudgy belly, nude, big belly, belly fo s-2474212298.png) (488 KB, 512x768, Loli with older woman, 2girls, belly fat, yuri, grabbing other's belly s-2347238425.png) (476 KB, 512x768, Pigtails, Green skin, 1girl, species_goblin, chubby, belly focus, flat chested, s-1839410588.png)
(449 KB, 512x768, Human, solo, female, loli, flat chested, pudgy belly, anime style, blush, fat be s-383524843.png) (452 KB, 512x768, White hair, Green skin, 1girl, species_goblin, chubby, belly focus, flat chested s-2063596020.png) (473 KB, 512x768, 2girls, yuri, siblings, Brown hair, Messy hair, freckles, Human, female, loli, s s-920480606.png) (437 KB, 512x768, From side, Green skin, Female, Young, Solo, Flat colors, species_goblin, loli, f s-4113106677.png) (450 KB, 512x768, Female, species_ shark, Loli with older woman, 2girls, yuri, small breasts, chub s-1266725132.png) (445 KB, 768x512, Female, Young, loli, species_goblin, green skin, pudgy belly, fat rolls, small b s-3801035620.png)
And with that ends the fifth thread.
Does anyone have decisivetang's art archived?

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