
I took the liberty of playing all the jam entries so you dont have to; the only objectively good one is Greed's end. Honorable mention to Pandora's Sphere. I would mention Draconic expansion as well because the basebuilding concept is interesting but it is far too poorly implemented (and the characters are drab as fuck) to warrant spending a few hours on
>>24718 (OP)
That game is nothing but just generic ass
>>24718 (OP)
>how to kill a thread before it starts
>make new game thread
>advertise WIP RPGmaker that will never finish based on terrible track record with other abandoned projects
>"play my game edition"
I hate the "no drama plz edition" threads, but this somehow manages to be worst.
Anyone has that soulstream game please
Anyone has the last version of "Coven of Calahree"?
(3.0 MB, 498x371, cry-about-it-cry.gif)
Fuck off you braindead retard, you keep spamming these fucking threads with "I want the latest fattening career." SHUT THE FUCK UP AND EITHER BUY IT OR FUCK OFF. I MAY BE WASTING A POST BUT I'M SICK OF YOU AND THE RETARD SHILLING ANOTHER SHITTY DAZ3D VN that will never get fucking finished properly.
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>>24718 (OP)
I've resigned myself to the fact that I will never be able to make an actual game(maybe)
"You will know our names" from Xenoblade Chronicles 1
Does anyone manage to grab Feed my Affection 0.15.0 before it went down? The link in kemono is down
yeah wg games are cool and all but are there any with slob/farting content? because afaik it's EXTREMELY rare
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I'm probably just being dramatic, but I don't think I have the chops for it. I'll probably keep pecking at it but I feel there are several places that hinders me and then i'm just stuck there for a while before I move past it
Animation by Konkaro
(14 KB, 762x204, underage retard.png)
There are too many children on weightgaming and in these threads. Really makes me sick, frankly.
Some of them are just mentally stunted adults.

Who also happen to be retarded.

But Full_Name as your username just screams child.
I've been playing Pandara and I'm really liking it, is Axugaem similar in terms of quality?
anyone have the newest versions of wholehog or thicker treat by vocalabs? thanks guys
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I was wondering when I was going to get a Kemono lol Weird that they got my name wrong
You absolute Bozo! I made it the wrong name so he wouldn't find out then you're dumbass just posts the link here smh, no good pirates these days
>>25449 he'll find it someday-somehow you know, and now we're fucked up lmao
(159 KB, 1024x684, 1652286751851_copy_1024x684.jpg)
Yep, its over.
Those images game me shivers. I don't know much about 3d enjoyers, but personally I find that thelustlord and jellnill are by decent measure better than the rest.
Greed's end flew under my radar, but I'll check it out, despite my distaste for the generic 2-tile characters. Something about those unbending sticky legs just makes me cringe.
My fav rpgmaker games are FeederFantasy, Long maid vacation and Slave Feeder.
Western games are just too autistic, with boring textwalls and incredibly stingy in regards of decision freedom. And I like freedom.
So non-linear games with tiny bit of open world game play is my precious little treasure.

However, there's an exception. Failmuseum does some good stuff. Hope he doesn't mind me Fabius Biling his work for some clues and insights, after all I plan t make my own little game as well.

I don't want to read those scrolls upon scrolls of autist donut steels, linear gameplay incredibly long and boring storyline, whatever else. That Axugaem thing, for example.
Holy fuck, I simply want to beat my meat, why would you even wreck it all like that?
I can't even tell you how many times I was blueballed, cockblocked and ssxually frustrated by such gameplay. So much even, that I had to grab my sports gear and chimp out in the local calisthenics park.
>>24718 (OP)
Nigga, I did.
I know that posting your stuff here and there activates your sweet dopamine pump, but for once in a while, please take some time and finish it.
Exercise your discipline and willpower. It's barely anything worthwhile right now, maps are too big and with too much negative space, sprite sizes are not consistent and their choice is weird, story is lacking. Oh god, it's a mess.
Get better with your business, ład.

where do they post? it's too common a word for me to google succesfully
>Western games are just too autistic, with boring textwalls and incredibly stingy in regards of decision freedom. And I like freedom.

Well, freedom is kind of the price you pay for content in any project that goes beyond the eastern style quick romp leading into a few different endings.

For any branching path the dev has to make content that the players won't see. And as someone who initially tried going that route with my first project, I burnt myself out.

I'm thinking of doing a multiple endings, straight to the kink spin-off based on some of the same spritework and mechanics of my main game tho for the apebrains like yourself

I probably prefer playing those games too
Everyone loves games where choices matter. However as the guy above is saying, coding them is a development and writing nightmare. Sadly a lot of branching games have continuity errors or just give you the illusion of freedom.
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It is expected to be harder to develop, I simply don't like to be dragged the one way dev intended to. I want to take some time, "explore" something, rock back and forth with mundane things to keep myself occupied. Maybe that's autistic on my part, but it's the way it is for me.
Self-regulation of the game pace is also appealing.
Maybe I prefer those smaller non-linear, if you will, games because I cannot relate to the story of those linear and bigger? ones.
I view those like a personal project for the developers, and unfortunately I can't share the same feelings they have playing/developing the game they respectively made. Statistically, one for all approach would fit better, but of course miss the extra niche audience. It's a dilemma, you can make a game for yourself, but since you've made it and know everything of it, you (or me, at the very least) would not enjoy it. And I don't have the memory erasing tool. So, I would have to rely on the others for content. And I would rather make an apebrain game for many, than a special one for myself and myself alone.
If we live in the deterministic universe, we can still have the illusion of freedom, believing it to be the real deal? So would it even matter if it's all an illusion? After all, you are still reliant on the person who made the game, and since that person is not allknowing and all present, to offer some real multiplicity of choices and room for some large manoeuvres, there's no way to implement the "true" decision freedom.
Best you can do is to simply win the game of numbers to build that illusion.
>t. rant

Anyway, I've spent some time vivisecting the rpg maker games at my disposal. I've learned something, but obviously not enough. I don't understand why some things work the way they do, so I ended up replicating them. I really should find some answers on "why it is the way it is"

Currently fleshing out an idea for my game, maybe it will be too large for handling, but I dont care about it right now. I want to broad stroke the world building by emphasizing it's geographic structure, followed up by economic and sociopolitical layers. It would have some weak points, but it's a fetish game anyway.
Nevertheless, I want the distances on the map to be felt as if they were pretty much real, regarding the level of technological advancement in that particular world.
>but how?
>>but how?
I want to achieve the desired results in a few steps.
>make a world map (L1), would need to think of its scale for some autistic reasons
>you can travel a certain distance (number of tiles on L1 map) which may vary depending on the terrain type, mode of transportation and your weight level
>smaller map (L2) where the most of the stuff would take place
>intermediate map (L0) distance between tile x and y on the (L1) map, where you get to choose the vehicle. Some cutscenes may be put here, with some random encounters or events.
At my present level of knowledge, I'd say it would be necessary to use control variables and control switches to keep track of the movement.
Maybe it's too much for real, eh.
Does anyone remember a DDLC weight gain game where you feed the girls that correct food and they get a bit bigger each time? I knew it was on itch, but I can't find it.
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I'd take that as compliment, thanks.
They never fail to amuse me. You can find such things all over the WG forums, but it's not like such antics are limited to that place alone.
Kids aren't stupid these days, especially when they are horny teens. As if faking your birth date on a forum was ever a challenge, lol. It's put there for legal reasons, but everyone knows that fig-leaf doesn't change anything at all.
Same can applied to twitter and coom artists. If someone wants to coom, there will always be a way. People were jerking off to their fantasies, numbers on the calculator, whatever else really! And still some think that 18+ badge will come to save the day.
Despite how much we shit on them, there are a handful of helpful people on the weightgaming forums. You could probably post on there about whatever your issue is, and there might be some bored dev that could help. Interested to see where your game idea goes anon
Made by Purrine on DA, afaik, it don't work no more as a standalone so you can only access it via having the full DrBlackJack DDLC VN downloaded.
Does anyone have the latest versions of Fattening Career, D.I.E.T or Whole Hog, i don't mind which one
I don't really mean to shit on anyone or whatever because I have really specific and niche tastes but I just personally feel like quality's been in the gutter lately. Either really long, drawn out RPGM stuff with characters I don't really care about to begin with or just something that hits a completely note than what I'm after at least, especially with a lot of like furry/goblin/male stuff popping up lately. It's already bad enough to be near exclusively into Asian girls and preferring slow burn gain in this already niche fetish but now it's just brutally dry.
I'm used to like conceding in certain areas all the time and don't ever want to make a scene over someone not making smut that doesn't fit my tastes exactly, but it's just such a drag to struggle to even do that now I guess. I was already cursed, just give me a break lmao
Be the change you want to see. The only dev out there best able to cater to one's niche interest is you yourself. Lots of creators get inspired by horny - show us what you're made of!
"Good" games only come out once in a blue moon. Most fat fetish games, like most fat fetish artwork and stories, are unpalatable garbage. And that's not because fat game devs are especially incompetent or uninspired. Rather, that's just the norm for any type of creative outlet where people can't make much money or really gain anything of value.

Fat games will only get better if the gain jam prize pool goes up and/or they stop using a bone-headed theming system for the gain jams.
It's not a bad theory but I'll respectfully disagree for a couple of reasons. Game jams will attract quality of all sorts, from professionals who can whip up magic in 48 hours, down to rank amateur who haven't coded before; all are welcome to attend with no barrier for entry. This is irrespective of the size of the prize pool, or if there's even a prize pool at all. People aren't motivated to make games purely for the sake of a cash prize and it would be both cynical and incorrect to erroneous to assume so when regarding all the free game jams out there.
So where does Weight Gaming fall down compared to other more popular jams? The biggest hurdle I see is that it's simply a fetish site before being a game dev site and so the talent pool of those professionals or top-tier developers is going to be that much smaller when compared to a dedicated indie game dev site like itch.io. When dealing with a pool of talent that is mainly concerned with getting a game out to simply satisfy horny, professional quality stands aside. That's not to say that genuine talent within Weight Gaming doesn't exist, it's just that there are a lot of coomer-devs and amateurs stepping up to the plate when the Jam rolls around.
With that in mind, I would argue that increasing the cash prize would widen the net for a greater percentage of participants, perhaps for better and most definitely for worse; who wouldn't want to take a punt if you had a juicy cash prize? If anything, with more riding on an entry I could only see a greater prize pot bringing more drama to proceedings without really improving overall quality.
Maybe someday, not really sure where to start and beyond some really surface level stuff all I've ever really done is mess around with other people's code for my own purposes. Might be interesting to try once I'm not totally in over my head about where to begin though.

Yeah, can't really blame people in that regard either, I'm out there enough as is so no sense in expecting the world out of this kind of thing. Really though, this year's gain jam blue balled me hard because I'd rather just have a big pool of simple, but sweet games to mess around with but it ended up with most of them just being active turnoffs instead... I think it can be good for giving potential great long term projects the kick in the pants they need to get off the ground, but if you choke out dev's creativity up front then you're just going to get sludge churned out to be tailor fitted to the mod's expectations there.
Also I don't know why but the one called Greed Coin in particular makes me like actually upset to look at. I never played it but it's existence feels like an affront to everything I find appealing and/or attractive.
I'll second this request.

Fat games will only get better if devs have more money to spend on resources. And these games dont make a profit so nobody is willing to risk making a big loss developing better games. We are stuck with RPGmaker, Renpy and Daz
download link doesn't work anymore
update thicker treat link again please thank you
update today thank you
can we get a fattening career/ thicker treat download link or a kemono update pls? thanks
Someone could please update the kemono of the whole Hog? It did not received an update from long time.
I don't think it's entirely about money or resources. I think you it takes time and passion too. Eat The Dungeon is a great game because of that. The developer works on it on their own time. They're an artist and have a Patreon for this project and their art. A lot of the game is finished in terms of levels, but there is a steady stream of new content like new characters. new levels, cutscenes, etc. The core gameplay is really fun and satisfying too. Sprites and artwork are great too. It's not another RPG maker game either. It's not made for money or attention like at a Gain Jam, but out of passion.
I believe Debu Complex is my favorite project on the site for this reason. I don't think the dev makes any money off of it, but it's something that constantly meets the goal of it's scope and has been steadily improving over the last 2 years or so. It doesn't try to be anything more than it needs to and for that reason it's just about checks all the boxes for me. Whole thing just feels like it's made with a lot of consideration and care.
Who played in Thicker treats v. 04 tell me there is a new stage for Georgina or only Patrizia, Sakura, and Lola
Last update was Just Lola
Chub Chomp Chill is such overrated trash
I just can't stand the artstyle. Especially the eyes. They're soulless! Soulless!
Better artstyle than the sewage line of unfinished Daz projects that some of us seem to obsess over at least.
Man i just don't know, the two devlopers from last year's jam i was most excited to see (urgurgurg and icedev) both put out broken garbage games this year. i dunno if it's the wildcards or what but whatever it takes to make devs do good, weightgaming seems to be doing the opposites
My issue isn't the artstyle it's the awful pacing
I don't get it too.
It's better than DAZ shit, but it doesn't make it good. Honestly, I think it's a boomer thing. They will rather jerk off to 3d renders looking like single moms in the shartmart rather than some animu. I dare to say, furry art is better than that. Nearly everything would be better at this point. Thinking that dude with untitled fedee game tapped right into those sentiments.
Anyone got the latest version of coven of calahree? I've heard some pretty bad things about it and I just don't really feel like paying 10 bucks only to be dissapointed at the end
>>25867 First VL and now... Just wait...
Here man just please for the love of all that is holy turn the begging down just a couple of notches, aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvdzVSQ1NTSkIjY0ZRVlBiRUpaSUVrNXpDa0FoS1pFeEJBUFFkUjlQRXRpX0phbks4ZWNfRQ==
>>25884 you are an hero, you changed my day.

Congratulations. Pandering to this fuckwit has shown him that constant whining works. Next time something he wants comes out, the begging is gonna be epic.
Ijust don't understand why anyone would want this uncanny nightmare full daz garbage with boring af writing
Any1 have Feed my Affection v 0.16?
Some people have literally zero standards and just want a "fat-of-she"
The best way I could describe it is like eating greasy scummy fast food you can't stop eating, It's passable and easy to swallow but I'd never defend it as good food.
But if there's anything I'd complain about it's how my fucking meal is never finished. Like what was the last game that actually released? CoC is the only thing that comes to mind and I hate the dumbass rpg maker assets so don't even wanna mention it is a runner up
A) Can you guys please upload Feed My Affection 0.16 and Thicker Treat 0.4?

B) A shit ton of us just come here to enjoy the freebies and having to scroll through piles and piles of manure from curmudgeons shitting on games feels like an unfair punishment
>Feed My Affection 0.16
Its impossible to get it off Kemono because Tonberry constantly does edits to keep us from downloading it
>Oh no! How dare people actually discuss and criticize games while I e-beg for the same thing 50 fucking times in a row!
You poor soul. Your life must be so hard, having to read the opinions of people who disagree with you while you incessantly spam the thread. Life truly is cruel and unfair to only you.
does anyone have the latest version of D.I.E.T by any chance?

pretty sure all of these were available on kemono for a day, so, instead of spamming here, favorite them on kemono, and f5 spam this page instead of spamming here?


yeah, the links get changed after the artist notices it's kemono, that just means if you're f5 spamming you'll beat them and get the game for free.
could someone perhaps update CoastalBunny's Kemono page?

Nice try but lets face it, that would involve these people actually making an effort and doing something rather than just begging.

Plus most of them are at highschool when stuff gets posted...

it's been updated every few days... shesh
drive says its empty
It says it's empty
drive is empty unless it was intended to be
Anyone have worshippers of the gain all files?
just played gain of life 0.26 from kemono and holy cow i cant believe that crappy half-assed game has being running for more than two years. biggest scam there ever was.
Idk if anyone remembers dungeon attacker by some dude called sheepboy but it's a Japanese RPG maker game with a sketch of a body that changes with weight gain and numbers that go up and down, which makes me quite fond of it so far. It had a new release yesterday and no one seemed to get the first one working but I think I managed to throw together a stable enough hackjob of a translation for the stuff outside of the dungeon at least. I genuinely hate computers and know very little about them so I can't really promise a ton beyond generally legible text wrapping and the game not nuking itself more or less, but at least it's free and not DAZ.

>Thinking that dude with untitled fedee game tapped right into those sentiments

I don't know how to model real people.

Sirmister is laughing. He's made a fortune from this pile of shit. Charges so much for updates hes probs the only guy in history to make $$
This game is nothing but bad jokes and the same old blob sprites that have been reused in RPGM games for half a decade. Don't bother.

I really like role reversal stuff and its pretty hard to find so your game is the exception for me as far as all these visual novels go.

I hope you include a bit more of an embarrassment path instead of every path just being "I am now all in on being a feedee," but good work so far.
>I hope you include a bit more of an embarrassment path instead of every path just being "I am now all in on being a feedee,"

All things in due time. There's a lot to do. Next update should have two alternate routes for two characters. Just wish I had more time to work on it.
So what game is this?or is it just a animation?
Hey, may someone please upload screenshots for the game "Gourmage vs the Dragoness"?

Basically, you have to stop a dragon from approaching a kingdom by force feeding her, and she gets fatter and heavier until she falls over and you win.

May someone please upload screenshots of the Dragoness getting bigger?)

Link to some gameplay:

You got a pretty good start, cant wait to see what you got planned
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Understandable, don't worry about rushing things.
I'd expand upon my post here >>25457, and say that the only rpg maker games I deem worthy are following ones:
1. Long maid vacation
2. Feeder Fantasy 5.0
3. Slave Feeder
4. Raising money in town
5. Draconic Expansion
0. Heroes on a Budget (unfinished)
There are some okay-ish games out there too, but they don't fit my tastes well (Pandara's sphere, goblin princess and greedy guild master).
Read the thread, and you'll find out eventually.
Dude, are you joking? Is it that hard to it by yourself? Maybe it's even possible for you to butcher the game file and get those animations out?
In my case as bad as coven of calathree sprite work, story and characters can be, which makes me want to pirate it a bit more tbh, at least is one of the few projects I've seen that actually got finished even if it's a pretty bad product, and honestly in my case I'm not very picky with fetish games so I'd give it a shot if I had it or if there is some steam sale for it sometime
Any Fattening career news?
Aww, come on. I'll admit to reusing the RPGMaker templates, but the jokes aren't THAT bad lol.

For a first attempt, I'll admit that Coven of Calahree has a lot of rough edges. I started the project knowing literally nothing about the UI. I'm primarily a writer and not a game dev or much of an artist, for that matter.

My next project is using an upgraded engine and full-body character portraits, so hopefully that'll help make it stand out a bit more. I'll still be using the top-down sprite assets available to me, but at least I'll be able to include body shots of the characters at various weights throughout the game.

(...I don't think that'll help with any of the bad jokes though.)

But I'm still sorry to hear that you didn't like it!

I was liking it a lot towards the beginning, but I ended up being disappointed when it became apparent that the plot was going to be a lot less character-focused than I expected. Felt like the "big bad" escalating to world-ending got in the way and things I wanted to see were happening off-screen.
Hay i thought it was good,I got it on steam!
anyone got the 4.5 update of thicker treat?
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Last time I've played it, I was frustrated for an obvious reason. And of course I'm in no position to force my preferences on others.
I don't like too long and dragged out story that doesn't have the fetish as it's main emphasis point. To illustrate my point, if in a normal there are some objectives and such, in a fetish game it would be a coomjectives. In other words, something directly linked to the sexual needs. Everything should be interactive with sexual undertones. After all, it's a fetish game.
And of course I'd want to see some direct control over my fetish interest points. Like being able to control the character's weight, unlocking the respective line of content.
I'd replay your game, let me see what it is now.
The world may be ending, but I want to see some girls getting big and chunky.
>At last, Faust utters the dreaded words: "Stay, thou art beautiful!
And how was it?
Anything that've caught your eye?
I think you used the wrong engine for that kind of linear-narrative game, fwiw. It had the feel of something better suited to a point-and-click adventure. Without the constraints of rpgmaker and with maybe offboarding dev work more (you have the name recognition to get help there), might've had a bit more time to bring the script up to your usual standards.>>26474
Honestly, I liked it well enough when I played it, but damn are those templates overused. Every time the situation has great buildup just to fumble it by having the climax be those awful sprites. I know art isn't your talent, but those old things have been beaten like a dead horse.
I'd say the writing was the best part,the idea of a town/community gaining overtime was pretty good.I do wish there were more sprites/artwork to convey things other than text.For example like cloths ripping sprites.
Honestly, I liked it! I didn't mind the spritework, but, if people are bitching this much, maybe just include more long texts in your next game?
Even then, I think the game has likeable characters and a solid story. For a first game, I think it holds its own
Woof, I didn't expect to get so many responses lol.

I'm sorry to hear that! I really liked Calahree and Malary and all of the nefarious stuff that the two of them got into sort of behind the main action of the Grimoire sisters, but I understand that it's not for everybody.

If it were up to me (and there were three times as many hours in a day and I had all of the time in the world and a crack team of devs working with me at all times) I probably would have drawn everything out into a vast fantasy world with lots of esoteric lore and long and drawn-out scenes with each character. A LOT got left on the cutting room floor, like options that affected Kara and Remi, the Fat Housewife, and so on. But it was getting to the point where I knew I'd never release it if I didn't stop adding onto it at some point, and me going back and making things more complicated wasn't really what needed to happen at that time.

Now all that lore just lives inside my Discord channel and in my head, rent-free lol.

Thank you for the support!

I know that this is a piracy board so I won't do the whole "support creators so they can keep making content" thing. Money's tight all over for a lot of people, and I'm sure y'all have heard it before from people before that probably said it better than I ever could. I'd also be lying if I said that I hadn't scooped some free stuff either here or on /bbwdraw/ every now and then. The fact that y'all used ten of your dollars on my game and/or Patreon means a lot, and it really does make a huge difference in my life.

That's all fair. I made the game in a way and pace that I enjoy, and I enjoy the longer narratives and the slower burns. Not everyone does though, and that's totally cool!

I will say that it's come a long way, even just since I finished up Chapter 7. If you get the chance and you haven't played the full game yet, I think that the rewrites and the "streamlining" stage that took up the last few months of development (I feel) really helped. A few more overtly fetishy tidbits got worked into the game as early as chapter 2 (like Dr. Balala and the feeding tube) to sort of help with that slower pace.

I can gel with that. That's why I (initially) started using another software for my next project before it fell through and I 'ported it to RPGMZ. RPGMaker MV, especially with games this size, are basically as fragile as sandcastles. MZ is more stable, but I'll admit that it still wasn't my first choice for Cicada Springs.

Again, first project, lots of mistakes, but I appreciate the advice! Game dev is probably going to become a permanent part of my Patreon stuff at this rate, so I'm always happy to take notes where I can get them on this subject that I'm still pretty new at.

Yeahhhh I didn't realize how overused they were until I had already gotten knee-deep into the project. Again, my next project has art to help add something new to the mix.

Longer descriptions would definitely have played more into my strong suit. Since I'm going back and updating it with Bad Ends every few months (they should just be free updates, btw) I'll try and fluff that part up where I can.
If you ever decide to switch to Ren'Py or anything Javascript related, give a yell. I love your writing and would be more than glad to code whatever.
Did anyone snag FMA 17.0 or 17.1
Someone could please share the Last version of D.I.E.T Version 0.7.0.?

imo you're a great author and a pretty mediocre games developer, as such, you should be using ren'py and making visual novels.

I guess you want to use rpgmaker for some reason though. Maybe you're afraid of pythons and the phobia is preventing you from trying ren'py.
Ill be honest im gettin really bored with sprite only or uncanny 3D model games. Also a lot of games that are super mechanic heavy and not jack off friendly. Why are simple vns or point and clicks where you make girls fatter so rare these days?
Man now I want to buy (and I'm planning to) your game and I agree with other opinions here that your storywriting and storytelling are magnificent, but in my case Visual novels are a big no since I don't like how the whole concept works, oh and I really liked the characters and I'm pretty much ok with the classic rpg maker fat spritework so your game is a must rn

Is slave feeder sill text only or is there sprite work now?
The fgo one in chaldea is mostly that long ass development for the next update sadly

what's fgo? I've never heard of that game and I thought i'd heard of all the fat fanservice games..
Fate/Grand Order
Basically a Fate gacha game.
Not him but I like the story and its not a giant grindfest compared to other ones but, well, Its a gacha game.

As far as the game goes, Chaldea Feeder Master is pretty good but its currently undergoinging a bit of a rework on its gameplay loop and some of the earlier servants/girls are getting art updates so its taking a bit.
(272 KB, 1042x1500, D_qSKBEVUAo8yWJ.jpg)
>its not a giant grindfest compared to other ones
Because you don't grind in game, you grind in real life so you don't end up in bankruptcy before you've rolled your team into being strong.
Well yes but thats all gacha.
In this case I'm more talking ingame mats.
Compared to GBF its exceptionally casual.
I'm a huge fate fan,FGO is ok,but I wish could get the arcade version I feel it'd be way better.Hope Chaldea Feeder Master comes back or something.
Someone have the d.i.e.t 0.7.0 ?
(1.9 MB, 2121x1500, media_FCJ3XpCVkAMroqL.jpg)
>Compared to GBF its exceptionally casual
I guess that and so little fat art short of Narumaya, are the trade offs for all the gibs.

>I wish could get the arcade version
I thought they released that on Steam; was it something else?
yeah, some GBF girls need some more fats.
And with GBF its more the Unite and Fight/Guild Wars
Those things burned me out heavily.
Text only, and that's the way it should be. Fat sprites always look bad. How could you get off to a chibi RPGMaker sprite?
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>>24718 (OP)
study rpgmaker before you pull out WIP shit like this that only lasts 5 minutes. don't let your legacy on WG be known as the guy with a bunch of unfinished projects to their name. build some discipline instead of relying on dopamine rushes like this hasty OP.
also noticed a lot less shit flinging in this thread, so lemme fix that real quick with picrel
>Draconic Expansion in top 5
(6.8 MB, Can_You_Feel_The_Only_Thing_I_Know_For_Real_Gigachad_Sa_ZBsCnKuYY8Y.mp3)
Handler Hazing was okay, and so was the Untitled Feedee game. Others, however...
I don't get the appeal of DBZ. But that won't stop people from playing them and devs spewing out a dozen more of those games.
Huh, interesting. Will have to take a look.
I don't know a lot about Fate, but it's not like I will stop fapping to the characters.
>Draconic Expansion
Based. It has soothed my 'tism by a good measure.
He racks disciprine.
If only we had a literal boot camp for beginner RPGMV devs...
I study it bit by bit, and won't release anything unless it will be completely finished and bug-tested.
Honestly I hope it wins, if only to prove that this years jam was definitively the shittiest one so far. Though I have no doubt they'll somehow find a way to make it even worse next year.
(90 KB, 719x630, judging.png)
All of the games ranked. The scoring system is a bit unintuitive, but here's how it works:
>If the game runs, it gets 50 points
>If the game uses the theme, it gets 50 points
>Then there's a series of categories which should be self-explanatory, they're ranked from 0-10
>Finaly, there are three judges each with their own scoring, so all of their totals are added up
I got 8th place which is cool, I wish I didn't submit it being broken though.
Sirmister got even greedier. Dude made an android version of his shity game and has the fucking cheek to charge even more for it than the regular version
(320 KB, 2000x1376, media_FcdqnHYWYAEzM61.jpg)
>Those things burned me out heavily
There's your mistake; you put in the bare minimal effort to get your valor and maybe helping more with the occasional guild wars that you have a strong team for or the fights against other crews that would make it hilarious if they lost or if there's eye candy.

>Making phone users suffer more
>Profiting more from their suffering
I approve.
>Goes to look at the game
They were all asking for it; people already can barely put out RPG Maker games, it'll be a miracle if they can put out a 3D game.
I had decent teams at the time (outside earth), its more that my schedule wouldn't allow me to really join in on the raids as I had to be one of the first guys in at work and being up to 2am or whatever couldn't help that.
I'd also joined what supposedly was a casual guild which turned out to be anything but.
Easy way to do art for a game, well easier way that regular art to an extent and games with visuals added in tend to be more appealing to humans than straight up text.

Jesus Cowgirl Casino is really down there while some of the ones near the top while I'll give credit to them for the work that's gone into hem they're kind of basic and also just Vampire Survivor but feedee content.

Say what you want about Cowgirl Casino it's at least somewhat original in the Weight gain games niche (yes I know strip poker games are a dime a dozen) but there's like 2 Vampire Survivor like games in the Jam this year.
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I did the same thing but after a while the ones carrying the guild left or cooled down which led to me finding myself slowly upping my own game. God help me if there's ever a magfest where I'm not bogged down with other stuff in or outside of the game and I find out I can hold my own in the endgame raids.

Has anyone ever finished a text WG game? Seems like none actually do or there's not much to them. I'd kill for someone to something more like what Noone did with that furry one, even if there were no art.

Eh, there were a few I enjoyed this year, although that Fairy one just gave me headaches with how the controls would make it start flickering/assets freaking out.
Last years was worse as they were basically asking for automation/simulation games but no one knows how to do it.

Draconic expansion had some neat bits to it but didn't have an exceptionally fun loop and felt more like an advertisement for the other game he's doing.
Fate/EXTELLA? Its kinda its own thing,big thing with fgo arcade is it had way more characters.
Wait. Did noone actually finish their game? I played it a lot over the years but never all that committed, basically new files each time. I get the sentiment though, I’m one who really doesn’t need images to get off. I kind of prefer text based sandbox type games for this reason. I don’t really need a cohesive game experience If like, the “content” I’m going for is there and can be replayed with at least some variety. It works.
>2 of the top 3 are gay furry shit

Honestly incredible to me how every time I think it can't get worse, this site proves me wrong. Like I expected it to not be a great jam this year but what the hell man. Can't even find basic smut with normal girls nowadays and mods are fully on board with it apparently. Just end it man
The top three winners haven't been announced yet so not sure what you're basing that on.
As someone who has one of those perpetual text games, there's not really that much interest in text games compared to games with visuals, so there's not really a feeling of urgency to finish it unless you've got a singular game like noone's. Without a fire under you, it's hard to solo dev a horny project at any respectable pace, so I end up pushing updates every 6 months or so lol
>first three
Considerable nausea
Projectile vomiting, I don't like fetish game with some sort of pretentious undertone. Fat grim reaper, lmao. More like pants ripper.
His big furry one, or that new game that he posted a link to on WG forums? I think both of them are finished.
Dude fucking drove Toro into retirement.

What a fucking mess.
(32 KB, 781x323, image_2022-10-13_114011289.png)
It gets worse. Jesus fuck. This is why you don't decide to make a new game when you haven't even finished the first one.

In the end we lose a great artist, and neither games fans get their end product.

This shit right here is why I hate Patreon supporting games when it's not merely early access to the game but any access to all but to the demo for the game.

1) So much burnout from creators that I've seen over this stuff and other people who do Patreon stuff.

2) No certainty it's coming out or when

3) and rather importantly linked to the last one, no fucking timeline because it's a subscription model.

4) Even worse you screw up and lose stuff on your computer or your hard drive dies and it's bye bye game unless you subscribe again and you better hope the creator hasn't closed their Patreon or whatever.

Dear Devs


you want $20 have $20 to let me keep accessing the game and new versions as it develops. Itch IO doesn't seem to care about adult games even unfinished so ones stick the game there with a buy once price if you can and use it like Steam Early Access.

It gets better too because I'd imagine people would be far less pissed if the game they spend $20 on has a content delay or stops development say 2 years down the line. However people who have been and are paying a monthly subscription for the development to keep going they will be pissed it's not still going especially if they've been paying $3 a month for 2 years. Well done for $16 extra you get tones of headache. Hell at $30 on Itch it's only $6 extra for all the headache you get from doing patreon subscription stuff.

What's weirder still is Patreon has an option for I think it's $12 per 12 months and no creators seem willing to do that. I'd drop $12 upfront and sti back and take updates as they came for 12 months if that was an option but no-one seems willing to do that more upfront money model, it's really just annoying to me.

To be clear I have no issue with people using Patreon to fund their game them releasing build to everyone else free later on. It's just the people who release the 0.10 build of a game for free and nearly a year on are on a majorly updated 0.7 build and the only option they give to get access is to subscribe on Patreon.

Also unlike say Steam, people going to Itch IO expect unfinished games or unpolished shit so there's not even that community issue.

The reason why you don't see anyone doing that is because these people aren't developers. Most of them don't know the language they're developing in, and they have no idea how to properly run a project. (e.g. Ask any of them if they are using version control, or hell, objects or even lists. You open up 90% of Ren'Py games made in this community and it's one solid file filled with thousands of variables.) They do know they want to make a game where you make characters fat and maybe they're okay at writing or art, so they can focus on that and watch tutorials whenever they don't know how to do a thing.

Nobody has any clue what they're doing. These are hobbyist games that get popular and maybe, just maybe, they'll get finished eventually. So, how do you fund that? How do you go to any community with a roadmap like "yeah, no milestones or goals here, but I'm going to learn how to do this as we go, and maybe I'll finish this, so please pay me for my time"? Or worse, how do you turn to your patrons/fans/investors/whatever after a year of doing this and go, "I'm going to need maybe another 2 years to finish this, and I'd really like to keep making $1,000/month or whatever, but I have no clue what I'm doing because this got popular before I could learn how to do this properly but I like money, so please continue to support me"?

You're expecting professionalism and accountability from people that won't or can't learn to set up a free account on Bitbucket, set up a repo, and push daily changes to prevent from "hard drive failure."

Not saying you're wrong, but it ain't gonna happen.
I own unfinished and abandoned Early access games and in all but 1 case I'm fine with it I bought in when I felt there was enough there enough to warrant the price.

It's not even really about professionalism so much or needing repos or anything like that really Itch seems to just let you upload new versions and keep old ones up. Like they fuck up and their Hard drive dies? Doesn't matter they can just push the new version onto the page when it gets done. Like a lot of Itch content is amatuer hobbyist dev stuff from people who aren't deep into programming.

I don't need a roadmap or stuff like that I've bought Corruption of Champions 2 on Steam in Early access and that shit isn't going to be done in years most likely. I just see a pop up saying there's some update been pushed out and read the notes and decide to jump back in or not.

Patreon seems like a whole different beast though due to the subscription.

I can get Patreon for certain stuff (games with dubious useage rights and permissions like porn parody games etc) but for actual original stuff? yeh Itch seems for better as a choice.
Forks has been in development for 3 years now and all we have is a 30 minute demo that hasn't even scratched the surface of what's to come in the story.

Toro I'm sure took everything in his personal life more seriously than working on Forks but I can't help but not think that he is sick of Tron's bullshit. He doesn't know what backgrounds or CG scenes to draw because Tron doesn't know either because he hasn't written the fucking script yet. Then, Toro needed to redraw all the sprites because its been so long since he drew the original ones his art style is different. I couldn't imagine how pissed he must have been when he realized that and wished he never worked with this idiot for years.

If this game is truly finished, Tron owes everyone all the sizes and sprites for every character because at the end of the day this stubborn so called "project lead and project writer" refused help for years and has now payed the price.
Does bbw chan finish the story? tron just dumped everything and said its fine to use as long as we give team spoon creddit
Omg this is hilarious,wtf Forks man I kinda felt something like this would happen.Its just as slow as it was going and with Aria in production.The writing was on the wall I guess,also hasnt Toro retired around 2 to 3 times now?lol Lastly this reminds me of supporting Tigger and then he closed the pateron,now he only lets people he choses to test lol.These people wonder why so many would rather pirate with the way they run things lol.
It's honestly hilarious that he couldn't even upload the files correctly. We now get to wait another 6 months until he realizes the files are broken if he even does come back after today.
it's like that last big fuck you of today lol
Hoping someone if anyone got them and drops them so we don't have to wait on tron
All that's left is for tigertoo to have another autistic hissyfit and axe the weighting game.
Lmfao Don't even joke about that man. Just knowing the abysmal percentage of weight gain games getting finished leaves me shaking at night and i can only handle so much
Got all the portraits, give it a minute
My hero man thanks a ton
Does someone have 4.5 thicker treat update

It blows my mind that the thread on weight gaming is full of surprised reactions as if this hasn't happened a thousand times before.

Did anyone actually think this would end any other way the second it was first announced?
Are you here yet again?
How are you even able to consume that Daz abomination?
Oh no. Is it that game that dragged for years and is an uncanny mess of DAZ assets and cringe writing?
(1.0 MB, 1080x1920, tumblr_pbza8ymmXE1vo6az0o1_1280.png)
>game art was completely finished
The cold, harsh truth is that 90% of games on WG will never be finished, let alone evolve past beta testing. It's no secret that gamedev is not only time consuming, but also puts strain on the team (or person). For this reason, it's no wonder people try to monetize their projects to sort of justify the time and effort they put into this hobby. But it's as >>26999 says, most of these guys lack the technical skill for consumers to justify spending on a WIP that's likely to be cancelled for whatever reason. So, how does one avoid being the 90%
Ideally, I'd tell aspiring WG devs to make a simple project or two to show the community they can commit to an idea and make a game out of it. Then collaborate with a team who can stick out a long project/your magnum opus once you've shown to have a proven track record. You could pay them a percentage from the P-site or itch if you plan to monetize your game. Rinse and repeat and boom, you're not only working on kink games, but making a stable income out of it. Straightforward path, but that caveat is that it'll take months, if not years to reach that end stage. That's a tradeoff most devs aren't willing to accept, and end up skipping step one altogether and eventually getting burnt out once they realize their technical skills don't match up to their ambitions.
TL;DR: use forks as an example of what not to do as a gamedev, and don't bother becoming one unless you're willing to put in the countless hours to become a semi-competent dev.
I don't have a problem with dev's having grand expectations for their game, but if you can't live up to them asking for help is not a sign of incapability. Look at that "Love Is The Way To My Heart" game, the dev constantly is asking for co-writers and people have been working with him to speed up the writing process. Could you imagine how many people would line up to write Forks, the backing of the community could have pushed this game out a long time ago but Tron never asked or admitted he wasn't capable.

Aria's Patreon to me should've been for Forks and then he could've created Aria and teased ideas, but not halt your main game and decide to make a more ambitious game.

All in all, we lost one of the most popular games on the forum and still have many half assed money grabs still around.
Are there any good fat vr games aside from Vrchat?
To be clear though, that's the games industry in general, you just don't see it normally as a lot of the half finished stuff and ideas devs want to develop more just ends up in Itch or in internal company vaults never to be seen again and not other better known services.

>game art was completely finished

Nah that isn't full game art unless there was literally going to ave 0 nudity in it. Also only some of te girls look like they're at maximum.

>I'd tell aspiring WG devs to make a simple project or two to show the community they can commit to an idea

Take it from some-one who realised early on in his first project that it was too ambitious and put it on hiatus early and has secretly been working away on a more achievable project just in the odd bit of time here and there maybe a hour a month if that for years.

My advice if you really want to actually make stuff. Watch through Yahtzee's Dev diary and take some of the advice from there. One of the bigger ones is schedule your time so you have say 1 hour a week or 1 hour however often you feel comfortable with doing dev stuff and then stop don't push yourself beyond that just because you're enjoying it because then you'll start to brun out at some point or feel bad you put in so much time before but now it feels like a slog.

Also go into it just because you enjoy it. That's why I hate the Patreon as income model or whatever. I'm probably going to consider the Ko-Fi route or something like that just using it as a tip jar, no benefits just a "Hey if you enjoyed this crappy text weight gain game drop me a tip"
What absolutely blows my my mind is that all of this could have been avoided if Tron just handed the writing job to someone else 2 years ago when Toro had all the art already done. Theres a massive amount of good wg kink writers with fast turn arounds. This is a rare case in game dev where the writer is holding everything back, and could have been completely avoidable
I agree 100 percent. Like I said above, if Tron put out a request for writing positions, I guarantee people would sign up in a heartbeat.

If the community does pick this back up, and they do add more sizes and backgrounds, we could see the vision that Tron had for Forks. The way he described the different paths were interesting but he could never figure out how to get there and that ultimately is the main reason this all fell apart.
>I don't have a problem with dev's having grand expectations for their game, but if you can't live up to them asking for help is not a sign of incapability. Look at that "Love Is The Way To My Heart" game, the dev constantly is asking for co-writers and people have been working with him to speed up the writing process.

My day job is web dev, and if you want to hire even the dumbest developer with experience, you're looking at $25 - 50/hour minimum. Meanwhile, as a writer, people have no problem asking me for free labor and wasting my time. It's just how it goes.

For example, the "Love Is The Way To My Heart" dude was willing to invest time and money into that project from the start, but after a while, he realized that the only way the game would get done was if he did the coding and project management himself. Because it's really, really difficult to find a decent coder that's so completely dedicated to your game as an unpaid volunteer, because, after all, if they were that good, why wouldn't they simply make their own game? Or worse, what if they ask for a cut of that sweet, sweet Patreon money?

So, unless there's a sudden appearance of incredibly charismatic and professional motherfuckers with time, money, and/or patience out there that need to make a WG fetish game, I wouldn't bet on most things getting finished.

>My advice if you really want to actually make stuff. Watch through Yahtzee's Dev diary and take some of the advice from there. One of the bigger ones is schedule your time so you have say 1 hour a week or 1 hour however often you feel comfortable with doing dev stuff and then stop don't push yourself beyond that just because you're enjoying it because then you'll start to brun out at some point or feel bad you put in so much time before but now it feels like a slog.

This is actually kind of terrible advice. To anyone looking to make a game, I'd say carve out the time, come up with a plan to an MVP, find a mentor or another dev that you can bitch to about problems, and attempt to do something that is a little bit beyond what you think you can do. In the end, you'll have a game to show off and learn from, and once you've done one, you'll know what you can do better next time and how to google for the answers like a real dev.

When someone is paying for software to be developed, they don't care if it's good - just that it's put into production in a good enough state. Hobbyists and fans and probably anyone reading this thread doesn't want to do that, because it means their first effort looks like shit, but 6/10 done is always going to be better than 10/10 abandoned.
>This is actually kind of terrible advice. To anyone looking to make a game...

The part I forgot to say is that if anyone here *is* actually working on a game or thinking about working on a game, don't take anything in this thread seriously, even the talk of money grabs and piracy killing games and whatever.

At some point, every creative coding project is going to turn into a bit of a slog, because you hate what you're doing because it's not good enough and you focus on complaints about how much your game sucks and how difficult writing and art are and and how Daz 3D sucks and how RPG Maker sucks and so on and so on. And yeah, maybe your game won't be great, but hey, at least you're doing the thing. You'll keep plugging along and complete a game, and the rest of us can go jump up our asses and turn inside out for all you care, because we couldn't do that, because we spend all of our time on bbwalt complaining about games instead of making them. Thanks for your work, and keep going.

Literally nothing is stopping those writers from finishing the game, they won't do it, but it doesn't seem like tron's ruined much, any writer he could've gotten before, could just finish the project now. The bottomline is that there's no one interested in doing so.

Also I wasn't expecting any nudity, so I don't think it's missing, I think tron just didn't want nudity.
(175 KB, 522x295, 522x0.png)
Where wg game
What is the obsession with goblins and kobolds?
Common fantasy races that are easily 'bullied' and allow people to get their shortstack drive out.
>This is actually kind of terrible advice.

I mean the dude did 1 hour of game development a day and made 12 small games in 12 months following that approach and his normal weekly review series as a game reviewer + content creator.

If nothng else you'll have a minimum viable product you can put out and work from there rather than just aiming for the MVP standard and yes it may be crap but yeh knowing when to stop and let something be release is kind of something some people need to do.


Hence the idea of set time ammounts to work on a game. If you do get in a slog period you only have to slog for that ammount of time then feel you can stop.

One Dev I know of (in actual development) uses is Patreon to fun dev time for free DLC for the game. Every x ammount he gets at the start of the next month he looks at and calculates the time based on if it were a paid job (well not high paid but paid acceptably) and then does hours of dev time each month based on that.
Does anyone have access to fork’s extra stuff? Hopefully people can combine some the faces with the bodies that we could have had
Anyone has the new version of D.I.E.T??
This hurts, its rare to see girls get that big in a VN AND have good art.
It would be good to see Rea with the face full since she does have the biggest belly,
Does anyone have the latest version of thicker treat?
Did you find ???
(388 KB, 512x768, fox girl, white chest wrapping, plump, flat chest, red eyes, red kimono, blonde hair, black obi, multiple tails, smile, full body, long hair, sitting, tatami, s-3751780052.png) (379 KB, 512x768, fox girl, white chest wrapping, {{plump}}, flat chest, red eyes, red kimono, blonde hair, black obi, multiple tails, smile, full body, long hair, sitting, tatami, s-3751780052.png) (376 KB, 512x768, fox girl, white chest wrapping, {{{plump}}}, flat chest, red eyes, red kimono, blonde hair, black obi, multiple tails, smile, full body, long hair, sitting, tatami, s-3751780052.png) (410 KB, 512x768, fox girl, white chest wrapping, {{{plump}}}, small breasts, red eyes, red kimono, blonde hair, black obi, multiple tails, smile, full body, long hair, sitting, tatami, s-3751780052.png) (390 KB, 512x768, fox girl, white chest wrapping, {{{{{plump}}}}}, {{flat chest}}, [[[cleavage]]], red eyes, red kimono, blonde hair, black obi, multiple tails, smile, full body, long hair, sitting, s-3751780052.png) (418 KB, 512x768, fox girl, white chest wrapping, {{{{{{{plump}}}}}}}, {{flat chest}}, [[[cleavage]]], red eyes, red kimono, blonde hair, multiple tails, smile, full body, long hair, sitting, tatami s-3751780052.png)
What would people think of AI art inserted into the Slave Feeder RPG?
Here's some of best girl Kuuko.
Would be nice, having a cute, overpowered blob of a fox wife would be worth it.
Granted, that will need to wait until people either train or figure out a way to get the bigger sizes out of the AI
(457 KB, 512x768, succubus, twintails, pink hair, full body, demon tail, simple background, torn clothes, white clothes, medium breasts, covered nipples, loincloth, pelvic curtain, rags, standing, u s-325600458.png) (457 KB, 512x768, succubus, plump, twintails, pink hair, full body, demon tail, simple background, torn clothes, white clothes, medium breasts, covered nipples, loincloth, pelvic curtain, rags, stan s-1861454856.png) (484 KB, 512x768, succubus, {{plump}}, twintails, pink hair, full body, demon tail, simple background, torn clothes, white clothes, medium breasts, covered nipples, loincloth, pelvic curtain, rags, s-3751780052 (2).png) (543 KB, 512x768, succubus, {{{plump}}}, twintails, pink hair, full body, demon tail, simple background, torn clothes, white clothes, medium breasts, covered nipples, loincloth, pelvic curtain, rags s-391859074.png) (499 KB, 512x768, succubus, {{{{{plump}}}}}, {{{fat}}}, weight gain, twintails, pink hair, full body, demon tail, simple background, torn clothes, medium breasts, nsfw, nude, standing, naughty face, s-2568802820.png) (494 KB, 512x768, {{{{{{{{{plump}}}}}}}}}, big belly, {{{{{fat}}}}}, {{{{{weight gain}}}}}, {{thick thighs}}, {thick arms}, twintails, pink hair, full body, {{{demon tail}}}, simple background, larg s-3489068498.png)
The problem is that NovelAi's based their training on Danbooru, which is historically hostile to images of fat girls. I wonder if the way to victory in genning fatties is through somehow getting it so that many images of relevant subject matter are both submitted and not deleted.

Attached is a sequence for Lilith, but I feel annoyed that I wasn't able to capture her gigantic ass as is focused on in the game. Whenever I tried, it'd turn the legs into harem-pants-looking monstrosities.
Wow, 98% of this thread is just textwall, 1.9% are shitposts, and the remaining 0.1% is the fatty wank
yeah no games as the thread suggests
Honestly this would be preferable for some games like Project Fat where the creator insists on using their own very low quality art in which I mean that in the kindest way possible. It honestly takes away than adds. Only the issue wasn’t everything associated with AI art at the moment
probably the best place for it to go

theres a fat mod for KOTOR and KOTOR 2, has anyone downloaded and played it?
it apparently makes all the female companions fat or something, i'd love to see some screenshots outside of the ones on the mods webpage
I may need to start avoiding unity games on pure principle at this point.
No one seems to know how to do cameras right and it keeps leading to motion sickness.
New version of fattening career is up and already uploaded on kemono, but it is saying that file no longer exist, was somebody able to download it?
anyone got the latest fattening career and d.i.e.t game ?
Here is D.I.E.T 0.7, if somebody will post new version of fattening career, he will be my hero

could you do a mega link instead? the download doesnt work. thanks
this morning was a bad day to sleep in I missed diet and fattening, and we all missed fattening it seems

kudos to the artists going 50/50 in f5 duels this morning
>>27384 works fine to me and please if somebody out there uploading 0.4 Fattening Career please do it on google drive since it's much easier to download

I think a mega with this many files instead of a zip runs into an api antiddos style wall which is what some people experience?

and on google drive the people who can't figure it out just aren't logged in.
Was always curious about what D.I.E.T was.
Well it's a 3d game so of course it was underwhelming.

(Am I doing it right? Am I shitting on 3d content properly or is that too gentle?)

Its not so much the 3d art as it feels more like a collection of very limited short stories than an actual game.
100% agree. I've gotten that feedback before. But I opted to instead have a collection of stories involving multiple individuals rather than one main character that has a bunch of branching options. Because 1) making the same girl 200 pounds in a multitude of branches where the only difference is clothing sounds like hell to me. And 2) Because I wanted to have people see a bunch of different characters with different visuals and personalities. It would literally have to be my full-time job to make it a game with a bunch of different branches (and it'll never be my full time job).
No worries in that case.
And I went in blind without really knowing much about it so its a very real probability that I went in expecting something different.

you can't just copy/paste the official link because the dev can just take it down.

download it then reupload it yourself that puts you in control of the new link and the dev will have a lot more trouble getting it to go away
Are you why the KP link is defunct?
I checked and it's dead.
Someone can share the last version of f33d m. aff3ct... ftom t0nb3lly?
he latest public build (non patreon)


Decryption Key: rcQuuh0ysisWxSGoFuSk7Q

The creator literally posts these themself publicly so I don't get why you needed this short of being a fucking moron though.

because the patreon version is up to 0.18
he's asking for 0.18 not 0.16

personally though with the author posting 0.16 for free i'm not keen to share 0.18
The fairy one from the game jam.
It was clipping and doing a bunch of flashing to place stuff which gave me a bad headache.
Pretty sure there was another unity one I can't remember that did the same thing.
Seems like there's some controversy regarding the use of AI generated art in games. At least from some people on weightgaming.
>AI art
honestly, who the fuck cares. It's the shiny new tool that will eventually get old once everyone in the forums starts using it for themselves. It'll just become the next DAZ3D craze, except uglier.

How do you play this ? I legit can't find how in the folder
I won't mind the AI art if its done right and someone puts in effort to make sure its a uniform look for the characters. I certainly like it better than the 3d stuff.
My issue will be someone just haphazardly slapping it in or not doing quality control on it.

I certanly like it better than some of the custom art done by people like me that can't draw

Some of the controversy of AI art is what it is, and where it comes from, AI art is a program that scours the internet to create the image you wanted from countless images on the internet, that's why some look like a eldritch horror. So the problem with it is that its technically art theft, now AI art is a long stretch compared to just copping a piece of art and claiming it as your own as its not clearly copping a single piece of art.

The another problem is people offering commissions of AI art and almost charging the same price of someone drawing it traditionally.
>AI art is a program that scours the internet

Tell me you don't know how the AI art works, without telling me how it works.
got that bento game

Neat to know, and sorry about that. I didn't have that issue when testing the conversation-focus logic so I didn't think about this being a potential issue at all.

It's made in Unreal though.

3D camera stuff is hard. I'll try not to do sudden movements or procedual camera angles next time.
And yeah, Unreal not unity.
Yeah, the camera would stick on things and placing objects would 'flicker' a whole bunch which gave me headaches.

Otherwise it was an interesting little idea.
He's not completely wrong and the compmete truth isn't much better. AI programs still take art from a database which can come from [insert popular art site], artstation, boorus, rule34, e621, etc, and even those sites have "trending artists". Now the program is taking from a select few artist instead of "scouring the internet."
>DAZ3D craze, except uglier.
literally cannot be uglier than DAZ3D
problem is its in japanese
and i think there are corrupted files

Machine translated, seems to work so far. The buttons on the building part are small, medium, and large portions of rice, then a button for finishing, and a button for removing a side dish. It's easy enough to figure out just by clicking on each.

There's some bits that didn't translate surrounding the work part, choosing not to sleep makes inputs reset if you mess up a command and choosing to cut food expenses makes it to where it takes longer to recover from making a mistake.
(Alternatively you can skip work altogether and have it autocomplete by pressing "Shift + Alt + Up" then releasing them in the order of "Alt + Up + Shift")

Also, the files not working comes from files getting their names jacked up from not being in Japanese. I believe I fixed this, but I included a file in the bgm folder of what to rename the files to in case it starts giving audio errors again. Let me know if something doesn't work.
Forgot to add that the command needs to be done at the very first screen of the game where it says the intro can be skipped using "Shift+Esc"
i hope there is a way to get her to her fattest size without running out of money
Haven't tested it incredibly thoroughly, but you should be fine with the bit that skips work with both options checked. If not, I just used an online save editor to give myself a shitton of money for my first run to make sure everything was functional and it worked that way with a pretty generous amount of time to spare.
Does anyone have Insatiable Hearts V0.1.1H or can update the kemono.party page?
usually, stuff not translating in RPGM games is due to the use of plug-ins, which translator++ doesn't like. Luckily it doesn't look like translating it broke anything, or if it did I didn't notice anything.

I've gotten to the largest size legitimately, it took me around half an hour. It's not trivial, you should choose not to sleep and feed yourself less every month because the latter months get really expensive.
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Can someone share the wip version of starpounds mod from discord?
Asking for a friend.
>just join the discord
I will not.
Does anyone have the last version of f33d m1 affect10n version 0.19 or can update the kemono.party page please?
It's crap, but I've purchased it anyway.
The file is somewhere on my pc, I believe.
In short, I really do have this game.
The feed my affection WIP files on kemono have been taken down. Anyone have the newest build?
You mind posting it? I used to have it myself, but I absentmindedly deleted it and now I kinda miss it. I can't buy it again because the old BOOTH link is dead and that new site is all in Japanese and doesn't accept PayPal.
I appreciated that literally all of the dialogue in the game changes depending on the PC's weight (even if there are only 3 stages and the game is short).
how tf does every new FMA build get taken down the same day? i just learned 19.1 was done and now its gone.
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Does anyone know how the hell Five Nights With Fatties 2 still doesn’t have the gallery? This is legit incompetence at this point and there’s almost no reason that I think of why they can’t take like 10 minutes to add it in. Dev team isn’t even answering questions about it, like they’re ignoring jt
And if you ask on Weight Gaming, the hotpocket mods will delete your post because reasons
I second this. anyone have it?
Since its been over a week, and Owlkaline will probably release it soon anyway, here you go.
alright thanks. But that's just a string of text? where am I supposed to take that to? mega? anonfile?
Base 64. Keep putting it through until you get the link.

An interesting list but I really think it's kinda unfocused and needs pruning. OR at least you replying here to help direct people better.

You've got such a mix there and part of the issue is it's not all Weight gain games. Or not ones with much weight gain other than maybe a passive reference.

You've got a ton of furry vague vague weight gain games but ones that really aren't sexy ones as such.

Then you've got a variety of inflation games or games with a small ammount of cumflation in them rather than weight gain / fat.

Then you've got some on there I can't even tell why they're there:

Does "Our life now and Forever" even have weight gain in it? Is it even worth me playing it hoping for that?

I know for having zoomed through it on Skip mode that "My Sweet Zombie" doesn't seem to beyond maybe two scenes about where one character feeds another and they don't end up really that much as feeder / feedee scenes.

Does Scarlet Law even have any weight gain in it? I swear I'm about 3 hours in with using the skip function and I'm seeing nothing yet too.

Also for anyone who has tried it, is it even worth bothering trying to get Life Play running with the weight gain / fitness mod?
Wait has this thread reached bump limit already?
Oops... My fault, forgot to mention that this list mostly contains my favorites of Itch.io. But most of it is fetish related
Does anyone have apocalypse xl 0.4.1 from Zenthicks Patreon?
Ah fair enough but still any chance of an elaboration on the titles I mentioned and if they contain much worthwhile WG content, seeing as you've pressumably played them already?
Scarlet law but where you fatten them up would be a great game for this niche.

I'm so tired of those overused RPGmaker and Daz assets games that people shill as games.
Worshippers of the gain plz
Probably shitty and grindy as always, but I’m curious anyway: anyone got Yuliya Kovach’s latest ‘Roommate’ game?
I second this. Waiting 2 weeks for the public release is a bit too long, honestly. 1 week, sure, but 2? No.
How does one edit his saves in Chub Chomp Chill 4.2? as in increase the food out have in stock, the stats of the character, the level and how many happiness points she has?
I'm also curious on how to do this
i meant for $10 patreons
Does anyone have the last version of f33d m1 affect10n version 0.20 or can update the kemono.party page please?
if anyone here is a patron and is willing to upload CCC 0.5 that would be cool
Yeah how dare the evil dev try and cover some of their costs by making you wait a whole two weeks before giving their work away?

They should just give it to you for free the second they finish the latest version.

NGL dude its entitled fucks like you who cause half the games in this fetish to get cancelled
Some Bullshit was done completely for free and not put behind any sort of paywall whatsoever. And that game is far better than most of the crap on here. If any game gets cancelled because the developer is some bitch who quits the instance someone is not okay with retarded paywalls, then good riddance. So go fuck yourself very much, you oh so righteous simp-
you know I forget sometimes that it's not a joke and some of us are just actually this stupid
I third this because i'm impatient
You can wait 5 days.
Honestly. SB was alright. Maybe because I'm not as fond of it's game play. But I wish we could get more like CCC and move away from 8-bit rpg games.
i can do that but i wanna know how to cheat in the last update of CCC
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Anyone here care for roundbound? I'd say its pretty hot for whats it worth, the characters can be made to be this big in normal game play and can be inspected, the dude uses koikatsu models for that
>Some Bullshit was done completely for free and not put behind any sort of paywall whatsoever
>comparing a community project to solo devs trying to make a living
I swear this fucking game gave you coomers a false precedent on how time consuming gamedev can be.
Feel free to drop a demo of the same caliber on the WG forums and I'll PayPal you $100 if it's so easy to do.
>>28564 It's easy, the thing is that like everything else in life there are some things that require much more time, effort, expertise, experience, talent, etc. In other words if you are lazy and have no talent gamedev is exactly what you should not be doing, but it is because of those few or so hurdles. Some people try to leverage software or premade assets for example with varying degrees if success because as with any other artwork the more you put into it the more you get out. So you will have to put work into it one way or another whether you like it or not. Even if you have millions of dollars to invest you will still make a shitty game that only idiots play for 2 to 3 months maximum.
Played it after seeing this sprite sheet. The writing is a little rough around the edges, both in terms of dialogue and the horny stuff, but it seemed to improves a fair bit as it went on and I assume the dev got more practice. Enjoyed that NPCs seemed to have a lot of different reactions to your party's sizs too. Furthermore, the actual gameplay is probably the best I've seen in a fat fetish RPGmaker game, which is a huge plus. I was torn on the koikatsu models at first but I ended up really enjoying the inspect function at bigger sizes, probably on account of all the sound effects that came with it. Definitely keeping an eye on this one from now on, shows a lot of promise. Madeline best girl!
the one thing i wish it did more was require the player to keep certain pary memeber at a certain weight, for stuff like puzzles and stuff, maybe enemies that can be eaten
Ngl, out of all the badender games(games in the vein of G.U.T) it's my favorite, I may be alone tho
The biggest thing I was annoyed about throughout the experience was that there were certain sections where you had to reset your weight before entering a new area, but it never really had anything to do with what followed once you were there. I like the feeling of continual gain progression in these kind of game, it fundamentally meshes well with an RPG system.
I really appreciated that this one has content outside just the bad ends too.
I can't enjoy the sprites as much as I want to because the default walking pace is at warp speed and havin a three frame walk cycle going at like 10fps looks jankey as hell


okay sure. you want people to wait less long? you pay for it leak it yourself. no one here is stopping you from doing that.

turns out people who do leak shit tend not to go out of their way to leak something that's about to come out for free anyways.

by whining about such details you just prove that you're never going to be the one who considers leaking it themselves, because if you were you'd instantly realize why the leakers' motivation is reduced in this case.
So, for Chub Chomp Chill, I can locate the save file. It's an encrypted ES3. Anybody know anything about working with those?
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Wasn't there a konosuba WG visual novel being made? Whatever happened to that?
Schizo's on the forum reee'd because Megumin the fictional character was underaged, game got put on the backburner while they "corrected things" and now Jack has his hands in so many bloody projects that it's pretty much in limbo.
Actually it was a schizo on here that pointed it out and ultimately messed up the development.
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I hate those fags that freak about underage fictional characters. It's like they're desperately trying to convince themselves they're not a pedophile when in reality they are.
anyone got D.I.E.T v 0.8 for Mac or pc if not.

Dude it's been 24 hours. Please at least give me some time to recoup the time and money it takes to make these... :(

Nobody on here cares if you run out of money and have to quit as long as the latest version gets pirated ASAP. TBH 24 hours is a long time. One version of weighting game was up inside an hour

lots of people care. like I do for example. I don't leak brand new shit. although in 2022 yeah most pirates don't give an F.

I also wouldn't leak something that's eventually be free. I know i'm in the minority nowadays. But that is why so many patreon fetish game devs release stuff for free a month or two after it comes out paid.
I believe you can in fact eat a fat dick sir.
Someone could please update the kemono of t0nb311y and share the last version o d13t please?
Hey guys, does anyone have access to the Weight Gain Dating Sim by DamarcusArt?
Here's the link:

there's an old version up on Kemono, but it hasn't been updated since the end of august
Would be much appreciated!
this guy doesn't understand reality.

ask for update on forum=always deleted

so? standard policy, prevents 1000s of useless thread bumps, and lots of people use the thread tracking feature to check for updates.
if i ever get around to making the fetish game ive been planning on i intend to have exactly one fat loli in a village where it thematically makes sense.
it'll be funny telling people
>she only has a sprite, its not intended to be viewed as a sexual thing.
>she just has to be fat for the area's theme
>you dont ACTUALLY see a child and instantly think about sex, do you?
and watching the forums have a meltdown.
Do we think we can convince the guy who made the updated Project Bob to post it here.
I'm pretty sure even Nerds and Clinko would tell you to go fuck yourself, braindead take. It'd be nice if all the most skilled creators had enough leeway in their schedules and finances to work entirely off of passion, but surely you realize that SB was a miracle of miracles.
>retarded paywalls
A delay is not a real paywall, especially one as insignificant as a measly two weeks.
Which game was this?
Can someone upload Fattening Career on a non-MEGA site?
the most up to date version is free rn bud just go to the itch.io page
It still uses MEGA for the downloads when you click on it and I kind of understan the issues people are having because MEGA downloads can clog up systems that aren't higher end rigs (It does with mine I basically have to leave it until the download is finished or it risks weirly locking up my system as it uses a lot of the disk write capacity at once).

My advice to them is try something like Chrome or Brave to download it if you can they seem to work better with Mega

Ok this is not meant as an attack on the Dev for this game but why are you guys so intent on getting leaked versions of DIET?

I've played the 7. whatever update the dev recently uploaded (for free) and it's fine as games go, better than I've done so far but the regular calls for leaks on here I thought it was going to be some revolutionary title and well it's just fine, nothing exceptional. A few stories to go through and some art that's fine but nothing super stand out that I'd say would call for this ammount of calls for leaks.
No offense taken btw. I think there are only a few people who actually ask for leaks. But I am consistently updating the game every month so it gets asked by the same handful of people each month.

It's definitely just an OK game even in my opinion. There's more capability that TyranoBuilder brings to the table than what I use. I just don't have the time to implement a full game since this isn't my full time job.

Is one of the better games since forks and waiting game got cancelled
>>29231 HAHahaha Waiting game yeah I remember that one I remember I chuckled.

I'd like it if the introduction were redone, it takes way to long to get to the menu where you select which plotline to play. Each new release nukes the persistence save data so you can't just warp speed skip to the menu select chapter selection screen.

That screen should maybe just be one of the first screens in the game. The stories aren't really that interrelated that they need to show a generic introduction.

Also soon the menu will be to long. So you'll need a pre-menu menu. It should probably just be like

versions 0.1-0.9
versions 0.10-now

then clicking first option would load the current menu? I guess? maybe?
Weighting game isnt cancelled anymore btw.
>>29255 Thank you. It's shit.
>>29257 ........

Is that you waifu, nerd? She's cute. Could be a little cuter yet though.
She's one of the main characters of my game D.I.E.T.

Anyways, carry on then cacographer.
>>29260 Could you make her look more like Remy Lacroix? Like is it concievably possible? I've always wanted to fuck the shit out of Remy even if in a VR or 3D. That hoe is dope. Can you give me a BBC but paint it white? Like a horse's cock.

if you want this, you need to find a passport style photo of remy lacroix, aka, picture of her face, looking straight at camera, no bangs, no smile, no glasses, bright lighting. best resolution possible.

that's the first step in making look-a-likes and the number1 thing keeping your favorite vam artist from making the thing you want to beg for.
I was just going to ask if someone has the d.i.e.t 0.8.0 link but the literal coastalbunny it's here so forget about it lol
Dr. Black-Jack is completely incompetent. They can’t even add a fucking gallary into Five Nights With Fatties 2 because they got ONE, that’s right, ONE programmer working on multiple games. They need to be forcefully called out for this bullshit

I am sure Dr Blackjack will be totally devastated at a whining anon on a piracy board
this game
is so fucking ugly
and every patch
keeps adding more ugly shit
and the characters
are so cringe

That is all. No need to defend it or anything, I just wanted to get it off my chest.
>decide to look through the announcements of WG's discord to see if i missed anything recent
>four :grimacing: reactions in the announcement channel
>meanwhile foxwood, a game where you play and gain weight as a feral animal, is allowed to stay up
>no negative reaction either
Specifically the main girl in the game too
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You can also tell that they haven't played the current version of the game (or at least the english version of it) since it explicitly says all characters are 18+. Even makes a comment about the forum in it.
There was an awful lot of drama surrounding it, as I see.
Is it from that opera "she is only 17 years 11 months 30 days 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds you sick fuck"?
I swear muricans are all over the place with this minor issue.
Not only its a failure to enjoy a fantasy, but its also a troubling indicator of how the society behaves as a whole.
In the same way as a thief, caught red-handed, shouts "Stop the thief!", they do it.
Who on earth would even think that by playing a JRPG with no explicit sexual content makes you a child predator?
This shit is full of projections.
Can you post the link to the current English version?
Also the game creator has a fanbox where he posts progress updates. There is no payment needed to look at anything right now from what I have seen.

Here is the link:
Thanks a bunch, and I’ll look at the fan box as well
does anyone have the latest version of thicker treat? thanks

do you copy the english version over the nonenglish version?

or do you mean to say that the english translation patch for 0.5 isn't out yet and you can't play the new update unless you know moonrunes?
>>29473 lol I love guy. What is his name again? I forgot.
Just copy what is in the English patch into the main game files. While the numbers don't match up, they are for the same version.
Benedict Cumberbatch
looking for 0.1.1I of Insatiable Hearts
Anyone has Fill me up 0.2.0?

It's been less than a day.
I spent quite a few late nights making it. But if someone is planning to leak it I'd really appreciate it if they wait a few weeks. It would be pretty devastating to me if it got out now.
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Basketball Harambe the second
Lold, I remember you in that thread.
Unfortunately, that's something you've got to face here. And I can't say that is something that you would be able to dodge completely.
Of course I do not know if you are willing to play the patreon editing game with them, since the kemono doesn't fetch the posts that have been updated.
Some people just dont have enough patience to wait.

Yeah, I figure it's inevitable at some point. If there at least a few weeks gap between me releasing the game and it being leaked I can consider it free publicity and bring out new content to attract the people who otherwise wouldn't have found it. There always is a middle ground.

The idea that it gets pirated immediately however, would feel pretty bad. I think most people here are at least respectful enough to understand my reasoning though.
Lol. They will not, I assure you.

most people who have 5$ they spend on games or porn understand.

however the dev absolutely has to monitor kemono like a hawk and edit their post's links to new links are kemono scrapes their release.

Why? because the default option on kemono for an import is to automatically let kemono re-do it without further input from the leaker.

TLDR: kemono leaks are done automatically without further input from the leaker, so most leakers literally can't prevent themselves from leaking your game, hence, kemono patreon whackamole post editing
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>Exceptionally ugly 3dshit (Daz and others)
>trash writing
>updates once a year, but the patreon is up still
>WIPs that never were
>Dozens upon dozens of unfinished >games
with a page worth of content

Does the game end after the mayor appoints his daughter as your overseer?
ohhhhhhhhhhhh, The legend so back
Yes. That is the end of the current available version.
anyone got d.i.e.t version 0.9 or thicker treat?

Dude maybe half of one percent of the people on here care if you make money.

The rest just want your game ASAP
I would've tried it if the male stuff was avoidable but it doesn't seem to be, so that's a pass unfortunately
see you're right, but at the same time, weightgaming is obviously primarily furry, so you really shouldnt be surprised
if theres anything i know about furries, its that a good 70% are morally fucked (see the Growly situation, Zoophiles, Zoosadism Leaks, etc.)

Some of the mods may be furry, but of the top 20 most popular games on there only 2 are tagged as furry

doh, coastalbunny won today's f5 race :)
Since there aren't any good or really functional weight gain games coming out now, why don't we share some of our favorite projects from years past?
My pick would be the ghost game from J8867bbw
Forgot the name of it though
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Honestly, gotta say, this thread has been more about criticizing games more than sharing access to them...so why not split this thread into 2?
Anyone know any good cyoa or text based wg or expansion games?
Stuff sort of like weeblords wonka cyoa itch.io game.
>why not split this thread into 2
Because not only does these threads barely contribute anything of worth, you guys have the weightgaming forums if you only want to be around other people sucking dick.
>>30087 honestly the only reason to have a second hread would be to move the main convo from alt to draw so i can see who is begging this week without scrolling thru 3 pages of braps, babies and furs
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anyone else getting sick of this guy's shovelware visual novels?
in 14 months he has released 17 short and ugly daz visual novels. all of them stuffing/weight gain.
wish he would just make a main game and stick with it.
not surprised, just disappointed
but building on what >>29978 said, the fact that furries make up so little of the top 20 (and the ones that are up there are of exceptional quality. being actual game maker studio games) and yet are a majority of the mod team/consistent problems in the community should speak plenty.
>>30108 That seems to be a female artist. Why don't we instead leave female artists alone and let them do whatever the hell they want? Just an idea.
i dont really care what gender the person is. the problem is that we all share the same website with very little in terms of being able to filter stuff. much less a persistent filter
its quite annoying to see the new thread icon every few weeks only for it to be a shitty daz visual novel thats never going to be touched again.

Really? I think the problem is nutters, but these things too will pass. Only a few things last forever.
>>30084 they updated some artists in kemono but they changed the download links (too bad i saw this 12 hours after they upload it), there's gotta be some mf with the games, but just like you said, they gotta keep criticizing them.

you can use the eye icon to watch a thread, so you can watch this thread and never visit /bbwalt/ again

oh btw, just thought of this. love is the way to my heart actually REFUSES to accept volunteers who aren't willing to accept a share of the patreon revenue, which is actually the opposite of the problem you're describing.

But the patreon is almost 0$ so who would want to disclose their financial information and risk potentially getting caught moonlighting over it?

also, in regards to forks, forks had a dedicated coder who was adding features that ren'py didn't have at base.

ren'py is so easy to use a ren'py VN doesn't particularly require any coder or coding skills.

love is the way to my heart has more advanced gameplay mechanics that are complicating the coding practice, although on the other hand, twine is so simple to get started with that most twine projects also don't require a dedicated coder.

on the subject of tron hiring a writer two years ago. tron didn't want to work with another writer, and I don't blame them. plus, to me, it doesn't feel like much if anything was lost, any writer who would've volunteered two years ago could volunteer today. The only problem is that this new writer and volunteer wouldn't be able to slash want to pay for tron to make new CGs. As I understand it tron paid toro a lot of money for comissions for forks.
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Short and attention span, not that uncommon for the women at all.
Being a woman doesn't mean you are immune to criticism.
Just because she has a pussy, doesn't imply you will get to fuck her if you are knighting her out.
Anyway, I wouldn't argue about that. There are no women on the internet.
Anyone got Bobo The Hobo's Coven of Calahree 1.1.3 or Cicada Springs?
Has anyone got a copy of thicker treat past v0.2?
I may be dumb but why is it divided in 3 parts?
Since the Thicker Treat patreon was shut down is it even possible to get the latest version without someone sharing it?
You'd have to ask Bobo. That's how he chose to distribute it on itch.io.
What are the best Japanese games? I ignore most of them since they are unfinished and never end up getting a proper translation (not a machine translation with weird Japanese idioms). So, far Feeder Fantasy and Maid's Long Vacation are the only one I've liked. There was also one were you play as a witch(?) and fatten up various girls, like your apprentice, a foxgirl, a captured paladin, and a captured demoness, but the game was not finished and the translation sucked.
Not him but its got some enjoyable writing...but I don't know why there's still combat in it.
Maybe I'm just jaded from all the RPG maker games but the combat in it isn't anything special.
>>24718 (OP)
So what's the name of the game where you have to figure out quickly the flavor of a milkshake and give it to the girl in front of you so she could get massive?
Hey, did anyone manage to snag the newest update to F33D MY AFF3CTION before it was taken down? I'd really appreciate it!
What happened to that Japanese RPGMaker game where you're a mom making bento lunches for your kid? I'm assuming it got taken down from WG because the girl is underage or whatever. Anyone manage to keep a copy of it?
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Download link for the game is still active in this thread. Right here: >>27788

>I'm assuming it got taken down from WG because the girl is underage or whatever.

Pretty much. They'll still keep the slave game that allows for pedophilia content up on the website, but what do we dirty anons know about the mental gymnastics that goes on for what qualifies as inappropriate (or as the furry mods phrase as illegal and against the law) for a fetish forum or not.
did anyone ever do a translation patch for it?
Are there any koikatsu-like games that are based around weight gain?
...ok i kinda wanna bite, has anyone gotten access to the dev build for fatsona breakout? the dude's being pretty smart and holding the files on an exclusive server, so no kemono
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None as far as I'm aware that are non-machine translated (assuming that's what you meant)

For games that use koikatsu assets, you have the following options:

Any game made by FieryLion on WG, latest game being A Bellyful Life as a sandbox life simulator. Most of their older games feel unfinished or as a proof-of-concept, so it'll be a mix-up whether they're your jam or not. Hope they pull through with Bellyful Life, but I wouldn't be shocked if it's left unfinished or in development hell based on prior history with these kind of niche games within the WG community for how much effort it takes for solo game devs.

If you aren't averse to RPGMaker games, koikatsu models are used minimally in Roundbound (via character descriptions in the menu for varying weights + certain story specific instances) and heavily in Paladin Princess (CGs, character model always on screen, but game's still early in development so very little weight gain for the MC outside of BE)

There's a few renpy games that use HS2 on WG Forums which are alright. Handler Hazing has a basic match 3 bejeweled gameplay but the models look really jank. Cowgirl Casino and Overstuffed have models that look great, but gameplay is nothing noteworthy.

Much as I love the heroes who pirate, metrack gives me tiggertoo vibes with their ego based on their Moratorium post on WG. Might risk a meltdown / ragequit from them, but to each their own if they want to bless us with a download.
I wish comfy companion and feed the crown had a sequel.

Why did the devs give up on game dev?
Cowgirl Casino 2 is out on patreon. Hoping a based anon leaks it.
create new thread pls this one is locked
Ican't wait until 10 years from now when anime and manga are officially dead.
Fattening Career got an update to 0.05 on oatreon, frde release is in feburary

Lol stop being greedy. Just wait a couple weeks and let the dev make a few pennies
I tried downloading it, but it doesn't seem to be working. Most annoyingly I ran out of transfer data. It's given me a write error on the Windows version.

Can anyone else check and see if it works?
anyone have any luck on downloading fattening career 0.05 and getting it to work? already taken down from mega
Anyone got the latest version of Thicker Treat from vocalabs? It's on kemeno but it must've been taken down since the link doesn't lead to anything
Anyone got cicadia springs alpha 0.3.0?
(3.3 MB, 1920x1080, hyuge.png)
anybody got Fatsona: Breakout?

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