
love those first pics
(205 KB, 1647x1200, unknown-7.png)
(Made by JuacoProductions)
I know it's grogyty but here did you pull this pic? I can't find it
it was originally a request from anon on /trash/, they have a booru called trashdump, there were those pics.
isn’t that mf like 14
Sauce? Also more Jellybean
Sauce for the third image?
>>24047 (OP)
Holy fuck OP, where did you find the last 2 images?
Bump for Jiggly Jaiden
Cough, bump, cough, bump
(294 KB, 750x969, jaiden_s_cake_batter_by_kingcreep105_dejxg8e.png) (746 KB, 3729x1692, okaythatsenough_by_Necron-EX.png)
can you people please stop bumping the thread without posting any art? you're just clogging it at this point. i get that there's not a lot of this art but i was kind of hoping we'd get more drawfriends and less beggars when i started this thread.
i wish i knew, i found it on a dscord server and the poster didn't say the source. i've been unable to locate it myself either.
Anyone have those Rebecca Parham pics from last thread?
Fat jaiden picture dump
(33 KB, 435x383, c200c29c3c0adc21a405512443724cc25ec25e249b2e98b0827abdebc58df35e.jpg) (272 KB, 1346x768, 81dbacb01c3d6cb21fbb14de5a4d76095b8c4afdd999f0ee10b9a7459fe95cea.png) (33 KB, 905x883, jaiden_berry_mations_1_2_by_ms_chemi_df0b0ec-pre.jpg) (495 KB, 2000x1125, 90e4311faea152d43c08b5ee9c5e3d88b3d7025db89b105096ff0e007d56b381.png) (33 KB, 1264x632, jaiden_berry_mations_2_2_by_ms_chemi_dfe10yd-pre.jpg) (568 KB, 1545x970, a56b693f0969e045cf99aa7682b975b41819112882c2ef35dbcd1397dca61ee6.png)
More Jumbo Jaiden my friend.
Keep it coming!
More Rebecca Parhams please. Anyone have the ones of her from the last thread?
Thank you for sharing my art around!
I will now use "Trustworthy Chief" as a pickup line
Thanks for making it! That pic of Penny and Joy especially's one of my favourites
What's the artist's actual username? I can't find anything under that name
alright, give me a few
could you do blob cellspex or Jaiden?
This looks great, thanks man 👍
what storytime animator/v-tuber you think is the slobbiest?
Probably Rebecca Parham, she already has some chub on her
Does anyone have those Rebecca immobile pics from the last thread?

good choice, I would also say Akidearest too
(1.4 MB, 3117x2401, 20221023_220818.png)
I love do some edits so if I got time, I could do some more if someone like it.

(Used a draw of Batspi2 for this)

oh can you do a Emirichu edit?
(489 KB, 1920x1080, jaiden_ddr_1.png) (226 KB, 1080x1080, jaiden_ddr_2.png)
two jaiden edits. the second one's more subtle but sometimes that's a good thing.
(2.4 MB, 3196x2564, jdn.png)
This thread has a criminal lack of Wolfychu and Emirichu

Does he have more content of jaiden ? Also does he has a Twitter or something?

the original artist is @piffledoodle but this is an edit with Jaiden added after. The original picture is not jaiden
Who made the edit ?
Noice, if only someone would do Rebecca.
Where was this posted?
Please keep the Jaiden coming friends!
(505 KB, 1950x1665, FatButterfly.png)

Thought they were cute so I doodled them fat real quick, hope you like it.
I love this! Thanks!
We need more fat and inflation art of her
Yooo. Y'all got any Discord accounts or other accounts? Y'all have some good talent.
No but I’m willing to do edit requests
Wish we had more slob gassy fat Jaiden pictures or story’s or anything hehe
Honestly any gassy slob Youtuber stories would be great
We could brain storm some stuff if you want. Not write it and just come if ideas actual writers can use. Jaiden as a bottom heavy gassy fat is peak
Sure, and agreed lol
Maybe a story about a Youtuber streaming and getting more and more gluttonous as it goes on
Maybe someone like Jaiden, snapcube, stupidbutterfly, etc
Jaiden is doing her big stream marathon right now or soon, what if that but she has a weight gain goal and has to rip gas ever mile stone
Dammmnnn, ya got anything like a DA or Twitter? I would love to see more of your works.
I don’t really post my stuff anywhere, but I do have a discord
I'd like to chat there, if ya don't mind.
Alright sure
(7.1 MB, 1920x14656, Jaiden Inflations Full.png)
hey i found out i had a jaiden animations inflation comic
so here it is! :3
Is there any Rebecca Parham stuff?
Who's this girl?
seems ive got your order wrong, this is valbun1 not valbun. sorry chief
Yeah... I'm inclined to draw her myself but I feel wrong about it
you're already on bbwalt, your ethics sailed away a long time ago
>>29564 I love bbwalt. What does bbwalt sex have to do with my "ethics"? You can't possibly know what my ethics are, but do you even know what proper ethics are? Are you sure you're not high again? I love sex and I love bbws and I love boobs. What do ethics have to do with any of that? I have no problem judging between right and wrong. Everybody knows right and wrong. Ethics are for people who think bad is good.
I'm still looking for a reason to draw it, apparently it's her OC and not actually her sona I believe but I have my doubts
fuck's wrong with you
>>29565 I forgit the most important part lol. When discussing ethics it is wise to remember that the Bible says that not everything that isn't bad is beneficial to you. I paraphrase bug basicly it means what it means. Just because something isn't bad doesn't necessarily make it good. Obviously when discussing morality and sin we are each judges of our own decisions that decide our destinies. Understanding morality, if anything, can help you overcome temptation, but it can not help you make a decision, and it can not help you avoid ending up in hell. That is within you to decide for youself for we are all sinners and none of us are perfect.

Have you ever been in love? Do you know what it's like? Love doesn't belong to you and it isn't something that you manifest either, and yet while it is a choice that we make it is also not a choice at all. That is what morality is like. Either you love the Devil or not. For the Bible also says you can not love 2 masters. You either love Jesus or you hate him.
I came here for fats not a lesson from the goddamn Bible
i was just saying you may as well, it's not like making fat art of sonas is anything new here.
(1.5 MB, 2102x2029, jaidensmom.png)
I do too but it's also completely understandable why they wouldn't want to, it's an edgelord thing to do desu
(549 KB, 1722x850, Untitled.png)
jaiden stuffed with pizza from their blindfolded mario vid, unedited
(32 KB, 800x602, 6c9b91ecffe916c8d799cd25975df4ed1b8bf9fe197e6c678e9b946d0f153657.jpg) (31 KB, 1335x1469, Jaiden.png) (185 KB, 570x800, unknown-71.png) (187 KB, 702x717, unknown-144.png) (118 KB, 1200x600, 0aecc374de2f15c666639afdc632edade57f2fea1ae695c40929800393c87a14.png) (323 KB, 1024x743, 45cae3bcda6721f457e311d1efa5a99e.png)
A boop and a share of the stuff I got saved up! Sorry if some of them already are on this thread,I didn't really recognize them
Finally, some Rebecca Parham.
We still don't have nearly enough of our beloved jiggly Jaiden
Has anyone done Jaidens mon yet?
(145 KB, 684x567, Shantae Jai Jai.png)
Hello bbwchan! It's-a me, Ma- Actually, Pivete-o-Grande/RionWillians. Apparently some of my pics are here, and I'm pretty glad, so I'm posting this before it arrives in DA and Twitter as a sign of gratitude (It's arriving early in Newgrounds too)
Veronica and jelly
(699 KB, 3000x3000, savannahxyz-donuts.png)
very nice

also hey if anyone's interested i have a d​scord dedicated to this kind of content, just use a base64 decoder for the inv​ite

Still looking for the og posy and more of this character
>>31390 Don't you have somewhere better than bbwalt to be nerd? Like watching Netflix?
i'm sitting here trying to understand what this insult even means
Bumping in hopes of Jaiden content
I'd also like the sauce as well
Does someone have the jaiden and rebecca stuff by baugh bee
grogygoty, they deleted it though I believe
(133 KB, 1023x579, 1676310753779531.jpg)
if there's any drawfags in this thread can one of you do an edit or redraw of this pic where she's fat and the hands are feeding her please and thank you:)
Is there anywhere I can contact them about it? They're super fucking elusive
It’s a really damn nice model, I wonder if the artist will do more story time animation girls
Apparently the artist is also doing a rebeca parham model, booty focused
More of a Rebecca guy, right up my alley.
Let’s see how she ends up looking on 3D, I have seen some of the guy models and the ones with a fat ass looks damn good
who did seocnd pic?
deviantart, probably
>Universe sized Jaiden
I did lol
Made both of them on discord
Glad you like it lol
what'd you have in mind??
stuffed round belly vannamelon
I don't have one, you're on an anonymous site though you can tell me request
Oh lol. I'll be sure to draw her in the future then, I actually like her design

What do you mean? She's driving? Who's driving the truck?

What is the truck carrying as its load?

Who is driving the truck and how many passengers? What is the load of the truck?
little busy at the moment
Probably not the first person to suggest this, but someone should make a Jaiden blueberry inflation animatic to the same shapes and audio of 05 Violet. Wouldn’t it be funny as hell if she made a blueberry video in response that no one had to pay for?
Sauce? And More please
Please, allow the girls to be fat, but PLEASE allow the girls to be thinner if they want.
sure yeah, I respect all sizes I just prefer obese and up
Simply Jaiden is all I ask for my friend.
front ver and round belly
(160 KB, 762x1013, vannamelon 1.png)
I really do like this character design, props to whoever suggested it
me, got discord?
i wanna see more pics
any other way to contact ya
I'm right here, and my other pics are not much trust me

could u make a discord also more vanna meloj
>make a discord
>more vanna melon
that I can do
but with a round belly and no fat cheeks and all her clothes intact
(1.4 MB, 3000x2700, rebecca.png)
Big fucking Rebecca Parham
(110 KB, 601x832, Vannamelon 3.png)
Drew Vanna again
holy shit this is great, I especially like her behemoth of an ass
God I'm glad I found out about Vannamelon, Love the design good shit.

I like how everyone just draws Rebecca Parham with a dumptruck ass to polar opposite Jaiden's boobs.
clothed version?
Well it definitely fits her lol
Could you try something with gomotion?
(260 KB, 893x797, EvAxPhCXMAMKc6Z.png)
Ehhhh I don't like that design sorry, I'm open to more suggestions though after I draw this obscure one
Make a dumptruck rebecca

What color, do you suppose, are those pants that she's wearingm

Does that look like gray to you? Okay I'll give you 1 more chance. Onemore try.
On second thought it looks like neon green

Yeah, it recently occured to me aswell that gray inverted is still grey. Anyway, I looked it up on the PC color picking tool, but thanks for your reply and help.
can you draw vannamelon being immobile
(568 KB, 729x569, Untitled.png)
I'd like to suggest a mutual pic of PantslessPajamas and her OC Blankie (the white-haired fellow on the right) where their bellies are squishing against each other.

I don't know if you're willing to draw male fats, so it's fine if you don't wanna do this one.
I love hetero weight gain (or bisexual weight gain?) anyways I can do it but i'm not sure if I can post it here since this thread is for wamen
vanna round belly
Eh, you should be fine.
Your art is pretty good, btw.
Don't you fucking dare.

This might be /alt/ but it's still BBW.

Keep the men out of this and in /bhm/ where they belong.
Rebecca does peach bomber on Jaiden?
(7.2 MB, 360x200, Donald Duck.gif)
BBWChan users when they discover that not everyone is straight:
I'll say this as a lesbian:

Get your head out of your ass.
(111 KB, 784x885, jaiden.png)
fuuuuck this one's good, have a wip
Something about Rebecca's sassy n' sultry eyes gets me every time if her tacky yet simple wardrobe didn't already catch me with those sandals and bland blue blouse and skirt.

Great Jaiden; please continue.
more vanna
Just don't look at it then.
It's that easy
What kinda scenario? I'm looking for a good slob one (not just of this character feel free to suggest other e-celebs)
This is a really good sequence, I wanna draw a slob Jaiden too some time

can you draw emirichu?
amazing drawing, what's the clip though?
(721 KB, 3000x3000, jdn.png)
I hate internet microcelebs, but I love drawing porn of em!!! If anybody's got some good ideas involving Jaiden, I might even draw them.
Jaiden breaking her chair on stream
Jaiden sat at her gaming setup where a comment comes from screen that suggests "You 'sound' fat" where's she's insisting that's not the case as she's a total chonk and sweating and heavy breathing behind the screen.

Slob alt: She farts but blames it on a squeaky chair or something.
Jaiden streaming and ripping ass in front of her viewers
Holy shit you actually did it, perhaps next she is showing off her body to the stream?
Maidens pants ripping msybe
the whale (2022)
killer drawings by the way, do you have a page somewhere?
For the next one, how about Jaiden doing a mukbang?
>>34311 Hey, do you have any other drawings apart from those and if so, could you show them?

can you draw a fat jaiden and fat jaiden mum blushing when one of the chat of the livestream talk about how fat they are?
Nope, I don't have a particular place where I keep all my stuff online. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't draw very often so I'm just drawing for other anons for shits n gigs right now.
oh too bad, I wanted to see more drawings, you draw very well and I wanted to see more
(2.3 MB, 798x3442, MyAutismKnowsNoBounds.png)
Been trying to get this done over on /trash/ for a while.
Requesting an "evil" version of the Illuminaughtii's avatar, with a fat-hourglass shaped body, and wearing a keyhole turtleneck and fishnet pantyhose instead of the original's outfit, gleefully shouting "SPONSOR TIME!"
Holy shit your art's so good.
I'd love to see just an absolutely massive blobby Jaiden - crushing whatever she's sitting/laying on, just as absolutely massive and flabby as you can make her, chubby cheeks and all. Go absolutely hog wild.
Noice noice noice noice! Thanks buddy pal!
Jaiden but she weighs a pound per subscriber? I.E. sweaty blob Jaiden
(972 KB, 3000x3000, jdn4.png)
Gotcha anon. I'm gonna do one more in this thread then I'm all out of time for the weekend.
please draw her mom breastfeeding her holy shit
do Jaiden trying the coke mentors bloat challenge
Can u do Jaiden trying the coke mentos bloat challenge
(506 KB, 3000x3000, jdn5.png)
Alright! That's the last of em for the weekend.
Think they meant Rebecca Parham.

Best one. Nice job!

this is super good anon thanks!
How about an SSBBW Jaiden twerking?
This is so great!
Could have a sequel where Jaiden got stream problems and reveals her fat self, shamed of be discovered?
Where can i see all of your art?
k-k-k-k-kino, I really wish more artists drew sonas
(542 KB, 2850x1800, donations.png)
You done good anon. Felt like doing a sort of continuation.
could you do jaiden fat in her v-tuber outfit
holy shit man thanks, this is exactly was I was hoping for
Is there any scribble juice x jaiden stuff out there or is that too niche?
(599 KB, 3500x2500, export202304162134245402.png)
IDK if this counts, but I drew this yesterday of Louise, TheOdd1sOut's mom from his Netflix show Oddballs.
could you do jaidens being tubefed
(389 KB, 1280x1005, iilluminaughtii_s_new_look_by_roxas617_de1gikl-fullview.png) (275 KB, 1040x1471, deiqycz-e6d5f6a7-77ac-46a7-a42e-f54c663559fd.png) (1.1 MB, 1024x1024, iiluminaughtii_by_spazknot_ddaduqj-fullview.png) (127 KB, 1280x942, why_diets_dont_work_by_dudewhoparties_dfj56ng-fullview.jpg) (1.2 MB, 1973x1473, dfvjboq-92de3e98-4ea0-4b4a-9608-c1892c1e27ba.png)
...Well, in light of recent things, this feels kinda silly.
Still would love to see it, though!
You've piqued my interest; please return at another time to entertain us with that.
Nice to see popperfans stuff here just finished getting a commission from them myself dude does some decent shit half the time.
bump for more fattening fats of gomotion?
oh that is the stuff yess
(1.8 MB, 5780x3832, goth7.png)
anyone got more pics of valbun?
You know I have yet to see any weight gain, blobs, or inflation art of Jaden's vr Avatar like it's basically her with more details you figure at least a few artists would go nuts with it by now
i assume people like the og design better because it's simpler and gets the point across, the new design just looks like any other anime girl
Most, if not, every single piece of fatart made of her, comes from Aaronfly98 so go check his stuff on DA.
(1.2 MB, 2952x1027, choco.png)
Any fats of Chocovania?
(567 KB, 640x800, unnamed.png)
I've never heard of her up until this moment, same for most of the other E-celebs in this thread

my bad I just meant this
Knowing who she is, feels a fit wtf (but I like it somehow xD)
Basically just a Fnaf/Horror youtuber
I just think her sona is hot as hell especially when most stuff of her has been fat art lol
Oh I agree there needs to be more fatty art of her. the ones I've seen in here are amazing so far
Thats the stuff hell yes. Some fatty art of her current sona would be amazing to see
I don’t have the money or the skills
>>37195 (Cross-thread)

My Deviantart/Fa is GravitySecretAgent. Some of you may know me. I actually got a rough draft of the story. I finished it a year ago but I'm rewriting it to make it grosser/bigger/better. I can show you if you'd like!

I haven't watched Rebecca's stuff but I can throw her in. Katzun, Too.

I *am* including Vannamelon. She'll get her own story where Lemon is forcefeeding her or something as she gains weight while doing her impressions/V-tuber videos
I second this, make fat milf femscrub.
please include Emirichu
(157 KB, 283x292, gass.png)
This page needs a hero!
Any fat Jellybean?
Honestly more fat art of gomotion would be great
>says he won’t draw Jaiden again
>draws Jaiden again
Guess he couldn’t fight the urge to make another lol
Funny how fat artist who say they move on from it or wont draw/make a character again relapse like a addict.
(685 KB, 2200x3000, valb2.png) (1.1 MB, 3000x3000, valb.png)
Lol here, felt in the mood for drawing some valbun.
Thanks for the ref anon.
No, thank YOU for drawing her, this is incredible man
>>38581 Thank ME? No, thank you for staying a virgin.
np lol, I might draw more
>>38439 this singlehandedly tells me everything i need to know about you
Might be an odd choice but any fat LavenderTowne?
Yeah I got some let me go get it for you
(112 KB, 1086x736, lavendertown_fatty_by_eldrichartist_dfbmm1c-pre.png) (1.3 MB, 2358x1836, dfd7jo2-508866b1-fe0e-444e-9dc8-8c346d3c8672.png) (163 KB, 868x921, lavendertowne_have_been_eating_way_too_much_jam_by_pitwithabow_deplsac-pre.png) (212 KB, 894x894, lavendertowne__showing_off_her_fat_body_by_pitwithabow_deq2iau-pre.png) (152 KB, 768x1024, lavendertowne_squeezing_her_belly_by_pitwithabow_deqeyjs-fullview.png) (198 KB, 894x894, lavendertowne_showing_off_her_big_belly__by_pitwithabow_derhd77-pre.png)
She is beautiful with all that extra fat on her
wonder if there's something of that other argentinian feminist youtuber, valentina something
(95 KB, 3840x2160, jaidenanimation__my_huge_pregnancy_m3_part_1_by_rabbidsfan_dg03y20.jpg) (75 KB, 3840x2160, jaidenanimation__my_huge_pregnancy_m3_part_2_by_rabbidsfan_dg03y56.jpg) (26 KB, 1920x1080, jaidenanimations__my_huge_pregnancy_m1_part_1_by_rabbidsfan_dg03x33.jpg) (93 KB, 3840x2160, jaidenanimations__my_huge_pregnancy_m1_part_2_by_rabbidsfan_dg03xal.jpg) (324 KB, 3840x2160, jaidenanimation__my_huge_pregnancy_m4_part_1_by_rabbidsfan_dg17b6q.jpg) (371 KB, 3840x2160, jaidenanimation__my_huge_pregnancy_m4_part_2_by_rabbidsfan_dg17bg3.jpg)
I liked it, the slob was a nice touch. Is it teasing a weight gain pandemic? because fuuuuck me that'd be hot
Who made these two?
i need more slobby jaiden <3
holy shit this is great. need more of jaiden with this, would love to see her get even bigger
Yes it is! I'm thinking of making it like a sort of youtuber WG pandemic where all of these different youtubers are undergoing weight gain/morbid obesity/slob/health problems and reacting to it in their own way/style so like video game jokes or storytime animations

Its still really early as you can see, the thing at the bottom was writtena a year ago and i am redoing it to be longer/more depraved
begging for her to get like waaaaayyy bigger in the redo, this is great

a nice slobby pandemic of youtubers would be great! still wanting to Emirichu and maybe Fillian to be in
Very good, anon.
YES <3 those videos are pretty much exactly what I've been looking for this whole time! i haven't been able to find any videos or clips of fatties eating and pigging out like that. The sounds, the moans, the burps, demanding more food, it's such a turn on. I have to find a way to save them in case they get taken down, but I need more now! Are you taking requests?
Yes! I love your videos so much! Love that pic too <3 I bet she was such a perfect slim school girl, and look at her now <3 surrounded by so much unhealthy junk food, sweaty, and so fat. I'm so looking forward to more! Already subscribed <3

I would love to see you spoil maybe Hinata, or Sakura next. Choose whichever you want to see get spoiled first!. Anything you're not into when it comes to your videos btw? Like limits or something? Because I would love if you added farts, or like wheezing or heavy breathing but ofc idk if you're into that so please let me know! Again, seriously love your videos and looking forward to more! Oh and would love to know if you have like a discord or something, I would love to stay in touch!
Shoot my YouTube account a dm. I think you can still do that..
I don't think I can? I left a comment on your Zelda video though
shoot me your dcord name
My discord is RealTChallaMama, and uh, I have story ideas I want to share with that person.
I wrote it but I'm not really down for requests/ideas since I'm overloaded on comms and trying to work through a bad time in my life. You can tell me your ideas here tho if you want
(167 KB, 964x703, Untitled1767_20230808221654.jpeg)
She isn't a storytime animator, OhTheSunnySide's sona needed a bit of fattening.

Hope she fits in here.
Is there a sauce for these?
Learn to read file names.
Sauce for these videos? Post is gone
Sadly I think the videos are gone :( They were so good though, but the dude who made them deleted their account on Discord so I guess they're just gone
he draws the best jowls imo and this pic really shows
Source for all three?
(569 KB, 1170x1063, IMG_9315.jpeg)
Jaiden posted this to her Twitter. Tiny Jaiden eating bogar. You know what to do fellas.

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