
(81 KB, 657x680, FWwSQaXXwAAkBHO.jpg)
After seeing the work of James Coley (a video/photo morpher) I've been sorta inspired to try my hand at it. The minor problem is that I'm not fully sure where to begin. I have _some_ experience with vfx, but as you can imagine, finding tutorials to make a good animated belly morph is not really feasible. Might anyone have an idea on the techniques he might be using to achieve these results? Thanks in advance.

Artist in question: https://twitter.com/JamesJColey
I only know the gist of morphs, which is stuff like knowing photoshop enough to separate layers, lassos, and transforming. Photoshop has limited ability to animate and make .gifs, that or its the extent of my own knowledge of it. I think youd need to learn After Effects

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