
(168 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20220728-124910_YouTube.jpg)
Does anybody remember an old commerical that featured a woman in a leather suit? She would cut it open with fat pouring out revealing her to be obese. It seems lost but I was wondering if anyone has found it? I have attached a very low res screenshot of the commercial from another video that had snippets of it.
I remember this! I haven't been able to find it!
I've been looking off and on for a while now. Apparently it was an old German tyre commercial but that really hasn't narrowed it down
>>23082 (OP)
>tyre commercial
So some sort of female Michelin Man? The Krauts never cease to amaze me at how violently horny they just bellow the surface.
I really wish this got more attention, it’s fucking amazing

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