
(1.5 MB, 3904x2135, fat_armbs_1_by_cloudboyo_deyi6nn.png) (540 KB, 1687x1709, fat_armbs_2_by_cloudboyo_deyi6op.png) (747 KB, 2484x1953, fat_armbs_3_by_cloudboyo_deyi6rz.png) (212 KB, 2001x1210, fat_armbs_4_by_cloudboyo_deyi6su.png)
The way this trend from a few months ago played out seemed a bit weird to me (then again, most "trends" like this seem to be like that), but some people, like CloudBoyo over here, really did do it justice and showed some well-thought-out love for this somewhat-underrated part of a truly fat body.
(1.3 MB, 3590x4096, FJFOauEX0AMnou_.jpg) (106 KB, 2048x1453, FH5wbT4WUBEQwJq.jpg) (312 KB, 2500x2500, FH52e1HVUAA9JOw.jpg)
Saw the 2nd and 3rd pics next to each other in a Twitter post once. Gotta admit, I was a bit charmed by the more realistic and more cartoony hand representation, respectively.
(2.0 MB, 2048x1833, 0ijoij.png) (273 KB, 686x473, sefsf.png) (1.1 MB, 1815x1751, opkpkl.png) (40 KB, 688x316, sgsgg.png)
I've always enjoyed how Smokii and Mabo handle this sort of stuff
Would love to know the source of the image please.
Sorry, friend. Not sure myself. Found it in a /d thread a long while ago.
Seems by Kraban, but can't find it...
Looks like sooftly

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