
who made the akane one?
One day we'll get a slob dating sim lads, one day
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Honestly, the idea of a super dialog heavy game where the girls can't even go a full second without interrupting themselves with a deep belch or a putrid wet fart is amazing
does anyone have the-fun-police's slob images from their patreon?
Whoops! Meant to post these in the WAL thread!
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Some quick stuff I made
Source of the Miku art?
New gnibbles art? was worried he'd fallen off the face of the Earth but this rocks.
If possible, does anyone have Fun-police's Winter Schnee pic that he did? The nude version and clothed version?
Does someone have the full version of the "Wendy and the Infinity Pizza Slice" comic? I remember someone posted it on the last thread.
artist for first pic?

overlord-wrath on deviantart
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Moxxie: "Nnngh...Sir, can we leave? It fucking stinks!"
Blitzo: "Quit being a baby! Stolas' farts smell 10 times worse."

I was still in the mood for Helluva Boss stuff after the poll. Now have some toxic imp gas~!
sauce on the first one?
Anyone have b-mages avatar stuff
Anyone got that art of Melina from Elden Ring burping and asking for belly rub. There are literally 3 good arts with her and this is the only one I can't find
I NEED the sauce on this one please
Puntthepoodle/ afroskunkfromthe90s
Who made these?
@exponentialmass on twitter. Fantastic stuff
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Why are (((they))) always so angry and spiteful at us, bros?
Berryfags don't deserver human rights.
Please tell me all this low-quality furry shit is being spammed by an asshurt inflatefag and doesn't actually count as worthwhile content, right?
(3.8 MB, 3500x3800, (Comm)_Slob.png)
Why, whatever seems to be the problem, berryfuckers?
Just read them.
Very good shit.
Have my follow.
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I know this was in the first thread, but it’s long gone now. Any one still have it saved? Pretty sure there was a non slob/freckle alt too.
holy shit is this new b-mage? please tell us
New art or from a pack? Link.to the thread?
He already abandoned drawing slob and just draws basic bitch fat girl garbage now.
He literally still does slob, what are you talking about?
I thought he stopped drawing in general, does he post somewhere else now?
Not lately he hasn't. He seems to have totally abandoned it.
He made an alt account on twitter
Under what name?
where did he post those two tho, they arent on his twitter
I know HeheheGross is someone's alt, but what's his main?
B-Mages I belive
Uh, no?
It's an alt of Cheche. I'm 100% sure of it.
Sauce on that 1st pic?
got anymore of their slob stuff?
I'd like to know too, as far as I know they never drew anything like that
what's the actual name of the account, nothing pops up
i meant the OTHER one.
Least narcissistic berryfucker
"...I really wish he wouldn't accept EVERY damn request our clients can think of..."

"Ah, nevah mind, Mox, jus' keep them pies comin'! Yah know Ah love yer cookin'!"

"That I do, honey-bun~! That I do~..."

I.M.P. wasn't unfamiliar with unorthodox requests - death often brought out the creative side of folks, and those with a score to settle weren't always satisfied with a simple stab in the back or a bullet to the head. Their current client was no different: a veritable mountain of meat and flab that poured through their door with the ease of an octopus squeezing itself through a pipe to escape... With the exception that the woman was soaked in her own grease, smelled like a ton of lard left to bake in the sun, and was pissed beyond all reason,
The "victim" of a "mad feeder" (though, more like a willing feedee, with neither parties knowing when to stop, by the description of her death), she was out for revenge, still remembering the last words of the man before she croaked it: "I only wish I could've taken that fat ass before!"
Incensed at being seen as a slab of meat ("Because you minded being seen as bacon fat before?" quipped Blitzo), she demanded that the man be put to death by his own wish, crushed under a fat ass. And since she could no longer return to mortal world (well, not legally, and none of them wanted to risk having her end up stuck in the portal, and risk exposing Hell even more than their murder sprees did), it fell upon Millie to sacrifice her lithe body for the job, after Blitzo flat-out refused to "volunteer" Loona, and the Hellhound seemed to balk at the idea, after seeing "Ms. Meat Mountain".
Hell, she even stopped stealing Moxxie's lunch in revulsion!

"I still don't know why it couldn't be her..." the marksman fumed, as he prepared the turkey "All she does is sit on her behind on most days! She would've been perfect for this job!"

"Aw, don't be so harsh on her, sugah! Lil' Miss had been getting out more and more with her friends, and she needed that! Best not smother her while she's bloomin'! And like yah said, she also doesn't just sit on her ass all day anymore! Can yah blame Blitz for not wanting her to become a fat dog?"

"Still don't see why you have to do it..." her husband muttered, sliding the bird into the oven, and then setting out to prepare the potato salad.

"Well, we don't exactly have anyone else..." Millie shrugged, somewhat bemused "Ya know Blitz, even if he knew someone who'd be willing ta do it, he burned that bridge long before he knew us! Besides..."

And she laid her arms on Moxxie's shoulders, massaging them.

"...Ah know ya wouldn't mind lil' ol' me havin' me havin' more cushion for tha pushin', Mox-Mox..."

He purred, involuntarily, as the tension began to ease in his back.

"You've been so tense lately, it feels like yah need a big, soft stressball to squeeze it all outta yer system!"

She leaned in close, whispering onto his ear:

"...Or perhaps, yah need somethin' more... Intimate..."

Thoroughly reinvigorated, Moxxie set out preparing a veritable feast. There was roast turkey, roast chicken, roast duck galore, ham and pork in all shapes and sizes, french fries, potato salad, mashed taters, tater tots, and so on. Egg in every conceivable form, with plenty of greens to keep it somewhat healthy, too.
Millie could only stare, mouth agape and salivating, at the veritable feast before her.

"Gosh, Mox..." she muttered, wiping the drool "Yah really went all out on this, didn't ya...?"

She honestly felt intimidated.
But then, she found her seat reclining (tugging on the table cloth she behind her neck as a bib), with his loving husband staring down at her, a fork in his hand with a piece of juicy meat on it.

"Oh, Millie..." he crooned, softly "...This is just the start!"

Heart racing and licking her lips, all she could do was grin, and then open her mouth, as the meat was lowered in.
From then on, the feasting began. Moxxie would gently and methodically feed her dish after dish, only stopping for drinks and breathers. Soon, the chicken was gone, as were the fries and the onion rings, with some celery salad sent after to break up the pace of raw calories. A tall pitcher of soda followed, and a pause for belly rubs, as Millie belched and digested, making room for more. She already had to undo her ratty overalls to let Moxxie reach that rounding gut, and he didn't disappoint: his hands deftly kneaded and massaged the big meal down, and soon, she had enough room to continue. The greasy duck followed, with the tater salad, and fresh spring onions, lentils and lettuce, then a pitcher of beer to wash it all down, and more massage to the now overflowing potbelly weighing down on her lap.

"Perhaps, we should call it a day?" she moaned between belches, but her husband was adamant.

"Not until you empty your plate!" he said, with mock sternness, as he loaded a turkey leg and mashed potatoes onto it.

Millie just moaned again, but soon enough, she was at it again, allowing him to stuff her face, now varying between dishes to break up the monotony, and with more frequent pauses for a drink of wine to break it up.
Besides being fattened, she was getting thoroughly sauced, but the growing buzz made eating all the more easier. Soon enough, she finished the last of the beasts, and all plates and trays were empty. With deep gulps, she finished her desert: a nice, creamy, sweet milkshake. Setting the last pitcher down, she let out a deep guttural belch, her seat creaking underneath as she leaned back further, hands weakly rubbing the vast, red expanse of her full belly (with Moxxie assisting).

"Off to bed you go now, my sweet..." he cooed, helping her get up, and guiding her to the bedroom "Tomorrow, there shall be more!"

She could only moan at the sound of that, feeling thoroughly stuffed, but didn't protest much more. The bed was soft and inviting, and she had a LOT to sleep off...

Come next morning, she woke up groggily, with the smell of a greasy breakfast reaching her nose. Groaning, she hefted herself out of bed, and was startled to see the feast having already taken effect: her previously svelte form gone, replaced by a ridiculously voluptuous (and some would say, even doughy) body sporting thick thighs, broad hips, a big, bouncy bubble but, a plush tummy and huge, heaving breasts, each the size of her head. Her arms were thicker, too, and one look in the mirror confirmed that her cheeks had softened up as well. Startled, she made her way to the kitchen unsteadily, still adjusting to her newfound weight - her thicker tail wrapping onto everything along the way for support.
Moxxie was busy in the kitchen, finishing the last of touches on a huge, English breakfast: ham and bacon and scrambled eggs, beans on toast, sausages, tomatoes...
Pouring out some freshly squeezed orange juice for both her and himself (for his meager meal of two fried eggs, some rye bread, bacon and some spring onions for greens), he pulled out a noticeably thicker, more comfortable-looking chair for her.

"Come, honey!" he said, cheerily "You need to finish your breakfast before we begin your new routine!"

"Routine...?" she thought, puzzled, but the smell of it all was too inviting to think, so, she slid onto her chair, her strained, once-loose tanktop ruffling, as she set about filling her belly.
The meal turned out to be surprising light, all things considered, and soon, she found herself in a trainer bra and sweatpants.

"I know you need to become big for this job..." Moxxie began "But I want you to remain fit as well! Not like that greasy avalanche! Plus, you'll need your muscles for future jobs, too!"

"Uhhuh..." was all she could reply, feeling somewhat bemused... But he quickly sidled up to her, wrapping his arms around her plush middle, his own sleeveless shirt and shorts squished against her thicker body.

"I love you." he whispered "No matter how you look like. I'm still just as madly in love with you as the day I first saw you."

He squeezed even tighter, planting a kiss in the crook of her neck.

"I want you to be happy and healthy, that's why we're doing this. But no matter how you look, big or small, you'll always be my angel of death..."

She let out a husky breath, as his hands traveled up and down her body. He let out a growl.

"...Not gonna lie, I love that there's more of you." he murmured, almost absentmindedly "...And I'd love to see how you look with even more..."

But then, as if catching himself, he stepped in front of her, hands reaching up to her cheeks.

"...But I want you to be alright, at the end of this. I'll pamper you, my sweet, as much as you like, and make sure you're nice and soft and... Fat."

He said that last word with unadulterated desire.

"...But I want you to remain healthy as well."

Blushing, she grabbed his hands, and smiled at him.

"Well, what are we waitin' for, then?" she asked "C'mon, coach, show me tha ropes! Ah wanna work up an' appetite!"
And so, he did.
Stretches, squats, push ups (often done together), and just light exercise to keep her joints limber and adjust her muscles to the added weight. She worked up a bit of a sweat, and he supplied her with plenty of water to drink. She was quite fit to begin with, so it was he who ended up tiring out first.

"Awww, what's the matter, Mox-Mox?" she asked, impishly "Can't handle a few sit-ups?"

"Just... Give me... A moment..." he panted, soaked in sweat as well "You have... Plenty... Of... Energy..."

"Well, ah AM tha bruiser of tha team..." she replied matter-of-factly, with a smirk "Now, c'mon! Let's take a shower, an' then yah can cook me sum' grub!"

At the word "shower", he immediately perked up, and soon, it was he who was tugging her into the bathroom, tossing off his damp, sweat-soaked clothing while she laughed. But that laughter soon gave way to a moan, as they made out under the falling, hot water. He was thorough in his scrubbing, but those swaying cheeks with her nethers playing peek-a-boo with him soon eroded his concentration, and before long, she found herself pushed against the milky glass, as he took her from behind, watching as her new bubble butt jiggled, and reaching down to catch those swaying breasts.
They needed a second shower after that.

The feast he prepared was even larger than before, and now included various pastries for dessert. She ate with gusto, and knew how to pace herself. Even so, she would eventually lean back, and allow her husband to feed her, as the last of the meal proved to be too exhausting to eat alone.
Afterwards, it was a slow crawl into her now creaking bed, with both of them nursing her big, round stomach, tails wrapped around it, as it groaned and gurgled, digesting. Soon, he had fallen asleep against her, leaving her to ponder... Was this all worth it?
The full feeling was nice, but her belly felt stressed, and her clothes were already struggling to fit.
But then, she felt something hard against her but, and Moxxie's hug tightened... Seems like even in his sleep, he was more than drawn to her.
Smiling to herself, she laid a hand on his, drifting up to sleep, worries alleviated.

And so, they fell into the routine, with Moxxie getting up earlier to make them breakfast, her following suit, admiring her growing form in the mirror as she did so.
Her thighs and calves thickened, muscles keeping pace with the fat, while her hips broadened to baby-begging width. Her belly would eventually grow down to serve as an apron (a billowing, multi-folded one at that), and provide some decency, covering up her plumpened pelvis and mons pubis, while her breasts continued their expansion, sagging little, and remaining mostly pert. Her short stature meant that the weight was most profound, and though her bingo wings hid ample muscles, she still found herself hindered by her own width at times. It wasn't long before the doorframes began to brush against her hips, then breasts, too. Her plump face (steadily growing a second, then third chin, as her chipmunk cheeks grew into jowls) flushed red, then, first, from embarrassment, but then, from arousal.
Breakfast was, though broad in variety, was still comparatively light (well, compared to her growing appetite and capacity), allowing her to easily follow it up with exercise (tops and sweatpants being the only that still fit her, eventually), under Moxxie's guidance and company (with him joining in so she wouldn't feel like she was busting her chops alone)... Although, they soon upgraded the process to "sexercise", as all the sweating, pushing, moaning and stretching awakened HIS appetite. A shower followed (with more sex, despite the shrinking space in the cabin), and then, while she relaxed, he went on to prepare her big meal. The feast would then last from afternoon to evening, as Millie packed away more and more, leaving her belly drum-tight by the time she finished, with her increasingly reinforced chair groaning and creaking.
While she could shovel it all in most of the time, she preferred to have Moxxie feed her, and rub her belly as he did. His hands caressed and dug through her rolls, rubbed her lovehandles and pinched her ass, or sometimes, when he would get extra frisky, they would reach into her top to play with her breasts.
Reaching down into her pants was proven to be a greater challenge, and with her saving all that energy by having him feed her, she could still allow him to scratch that mutual itch they had once they've gone to bed (which soon rocked, under her shaking and quivering form, as he panted, finally being able to reach her flower in more than one way).
Her thighs and asscheeks shook with each thrust, her belly swayed before it reached the bed when she was on all fours, after which it could only quake, growling and grumbling as it digested, and her breasts jiggled and jittered.

Of course, all that eating and fattening wasn't without its side effects. While her regular (s)exercises kept the most dire effects at bay, she still found herself huffing and puffing, though moving with relative ease. Her belly, though used to being filled to the brim (she was a farm girl, after all, and knew how to pack it away), was often less than happy with the extravagant meals her hubby would prepare, just to surprise her with something new. Even the beans on toast didn't sit right during exercise.
Thus, her often overfed organ groaned and gurgled, causing her to belch more and more. Moxxie didn't seem to mind, and would always offer to rub her gut, or prepare some antacid, if needed. More embarrassing was the gas her ass was producing, being both loud and rank at the same time, and increasingly frequent, too, especially during exercises. She would regularly ask Moxxie not to stand behind her, less a deep cheek-flapper came roaring out from behind, dousing him with her stink and sweat. And yet, Mox seemed to just soldier on - if he was disgusted, he didn't comment, and his smile remained unbroken, though, as she grew larger, still, less and less time was spent making out in the shower, and more on actually scrubbing her squeaky clean.
The feasts have also brought out the piggish side of her, and she was often quite glad that she used the tablecloth as a bib, for the number of foodstains she made only kept growing with her weight. Hell, even eating made her sweat at this point, and soon, Moxxie incorporated a second shower before bed.
A bed, which had all but collapsed at this point, as Millie's belly was threatening to reach the floor, while her hips flared out to the point where no doorframe could allow them through, forcing her husband to... "Modify" them, with a sledgehammer. Her ass jutted out like a shelf behind her, with the back of her lovehandles and rolls being layered on it. Though relatively dimple-free, thanks to the frequent exercise, her massive cheeks still sagged a bit, her thick tail curling lazily between them, with the frequent farting and sweating leaving it rather swampy. She could still spread them easily, which was good for their nightly bedroom activities (as well as for her lengthy trips to the toilet), so that's what mattered to her. Her thunderthighs and fat calves shook and quivered with each step, and though she had avoided joint pain so far, she was getting more and more easily winded. All this extra weight down low and at the back was more than necessary to balance out her now enormous breasts. Though still large and pert, sagging had now definitely entered the picture, as they now draped over the shelf of her bulbous, multi-rolled belly, with her stack of chins and jowls, pinched somewhat between her plush shoulder, crowning it all well. Her bingo wing arms would frequently reach down to rob the fleshy apron she now had, if only to give her rolls some air.
Moxxie remained close and supportive, and despite the sweat, the gas, and... Other effects, he clung to her obsessively.
He'd changed, too, as all the exercise, regular eating and just hard work needed to pamper her (to mention nothing of the stamina he needed in the bedroom) had made him fit. Buff, even!
When the day came to carry out their hit, Blitzo and Loona were left loitering before the office, the former waiting impatiently for the team's other half to arrive.

"Where the fuck are they?!" he cried out, for the umpteenth time, while the Hellhound just rolled her eyes...
...When a certain smell hit her more sensitive nose, that made her wrinkle it. Looking up, her eyes widened to saucers, while Blitzo spun around, hearing the dull thumping approaching them.

"Fucking FINALLY!" he snapped "It was about time you two showed uuuuuu---..."

His voice died in his throat, as his jaw slackened at the sight.
Walking slowly towards them was Millie, wider than she was tall, wearing only what appeared to be a black "top" stitched together from a duvet case, and nothing else besides.
Her apron of a belly (with sweat dribbling down on it) provided her plenty of decency, as it covered up her front, while her asscheeks had grown large enough to be visible from where Blitzo stood, her fat tail kinking and curling atop them. While she was huffing and puffing, she didn't appear breathless, just a bit winded, her stomach growling and gurgling before her, and the ground shaking from her steps.
She stopped before them, panting, but quickly catching her breath, as Moxxie stepped (or rather, leisurely waled) around her, revealing his presence).

"Holy fucking shit, Mox..." Blitzo gasped, before gagging from Millie's B.O. "...You didn't have to turn her into a fucking hamplanet!"

"Oh, please, sir!" the marksman replied, his suit sleeves groaning as he crossed his arms "You said it yourself, that she'll have to be BIG for this, remember? She still pales in comparison to our esteemed client..."

"Not quite sure about that..." his boss muttered, looking Millie up and down, noting the enormous funbags threatening to burst out of her makeshift top "...But I guess you two had PLENTY of fun fattening her into your soft sex toy, didn't you!"

Moxxie was about to protest, but instead, he just stood up straight, pushing out his chest.

"Why, yes..." he replied, calmly "Indeed, we did!"

"Tch. Well, good for you!" Blitzo groaned, rolling his eyes "Anyways, let's get this over with! Loona?"

But Loona didn't reply, as she was busy looking Moxxie up and down. All the cooking, cleaning, sexercise and just the sheer amount of heavy lifting required had left the imp ripped. His old clothes were straining against his muscles, and he had to loosen his bowtie and shirt a bit, allowing a clear view of his broad, hairy chest.

"...Guess you're no longer the fatty anymore, huh?" she mused trying to hide her blush, and opening the portal on the ground.

"So, how are we gunna do this?" Millie asked, lumbering closer.

"Simple, nothing special..." Blitzo replied, as the portal opened, revealing the top of the head of some beanpole of a man, busy darting around in a filthy kitchen that smelled of grease, hovering over pots and pans cooking something that smelled like it belonged to a whale oil processing plant, and not on someone's plate.

"Eeeugh..." Blitzo groaned, disgusted "Looks like he found himself a new slut to fatten... Right, I don't wanna spend any more time on this than we already had. Mils, I hope you have enough cushion for this drop..."

"Ah believe ah do, yeah..." she replied, trying to judge the distance, while also trying to not look at the contents of the pots. She just had breakfast, and knew the fall would already jostle her something fierce, so she tried not to loose it to the smell.

"Alright, so she just falls down on him, and... Wait."

Moxxie looked up at the boss, searching his face, pensively.

"How are we going to get her back out?"

"No point in trying to hoist her up." Loona replied "Even if she doesn't weigh a ton, we don't have the equipment to lift her, and it would take too much time. I'll just open a second portal underneath her, and make her land..."

And she pointed across the parking lot, onto a large, worn-down Olympic landing mattress, resting somewhat lumpily on top of a car.

"...Onto that."

"...Wait, isn't that Miss Verosika's ca--?"

"No time to lose!" Blitzo declared, spinning Millie around.
The obese impette let out a yelp, stopping to find herself with her back to the portal. Then came a hard shove from the side, and she found herself tumbling back...
She didn't fall for long, and the wet crunch underneath her ass confirmed that Blitzo had aimed well.
Down there, in the filthy kitchen, the smell was even worse, and combined with her now jostled and upset stomach, she could hardly keep her breakfast in.

"Uuuurgh..." she moaned, suppressing a wet belch "Get me outta here!"

"On it!" Loona replied.

The next second, the portal closed (much to Moxxie's alarm), only for another one to open right above the mattress, allowing Millie to neatly fall through. In an instant, the car underneath collapsed, a now freed wheel rolling away beside her teammates, who approached her.

"Well, I guess that's that..." Blitzo mused, as his bloated bruiser slid down from the mattress, leaving a bloody smear underneath her. Quickly snapping a picture and sending it to their client, Blitzo's eyes lit up with glee as his phone dinged, signalling that the payment for the hit had been received.

"You okay, Millie?" Moxxie asked, as his wife stood up, wobbling unsteadily, her belly in an uproar.

"Uuugh..." she moaned "Hol' on..."

Leaning forward slightly, she grunted, letting out a rip-roaring, cheek-clapping fart. It sprayed the gore stuck to her ass away from it, spreading it far and wide behind her, coating the nearby firewall with an impromptu modern art piece.
Her entire, flabby body quivered, her gurgling, rippling, undulating belly now sweeping the ground and soaking it in her sweat, while her enormous breasts slipped out from underneath her top, nipples erect in the air that was colder than her own, overheated body. Her ass, shaking and quivering from the gas, jiggled like jello on either side of her, rippling and trembling her thunderthighs, threatening to top her over, as her fat tail stood on end atop, like a red, white-stained arrow, as thick as a telephone pole. Fists clenched at the end of her doughy, thick forearms that telescoped into the fat of her upper arms, and were topped by her padded shoulders, which pinched and propped up her quivering jowls, flushed black with her infernal blood, while her multitude of chins spilled over her cleavage. Her entire body shook and jittered, from thick ankles to the tip of her horns, with all her extra flab quaking like jelly, and soaked in her sweat.
It was quite a spectacle... One which left a teammate unfortunately slack-jawed again.

"FUCK! I HAD MY MOUTH OPEN!" Blitzo screamed, gagging as the smell reached him.

Loona just pinched her nose, and stood sternly before the two of them. The confidence boost she gained from hanging out with some actual friends, and seeing to it that her adoptive father didn't blew through their erstwhile finances had equipped her with enough maturity to know when to step in.

"Get a shower." she said "Both of you. And afterwards, roll your wife into the nearest gym, and start working off that extra flab before she gets a heart attack."

"HEY!" the imp snapped, louder than even he himself expected, as he paused, eyes as wide as the others', before quickly regaining his composure "I made SURE that my Millie would be healthy during this! She's fine!"

"Sure. "Healthy" for someone with a bodyweight in the quadruple digits." Loona replied, dryly "She still needs to be mobile to do this job, remember?"

"Hey! Ahm PLENTY mobile!" Millie snapped back walking up to her... Only to find herself winded, once more.

"That was, what, a couple of yards?" the Hellhound mused "Sure, she's isn't hooked up to an oxygen tank and in need of a bedpan, but that's kinda the bare fucking minimum. Just... Get her to slim down to the point where she can run again, OK? For MORE than five minutes!"

With orders given, she then turned tails, picking up her still dry-heaving dad off the pavement, and making her way back to the office, leaving the two imps to just stare, still struggling to comprehend what just happened.

"Did... Did she just tell us off?" Moxxie muttered.

"...Ah... Think so?" Millie replied "She had a point, though."

And she patted her still rumbling gut, soothingly.

"As much as Ah like all this fluff - and as much as Ah know ya do, too..." she said, giving him a wink "Ah still can't go back to regular work like this."

Though frowning, Moxxie sighed, and gave a conceding nod.

"Ah, well..." he muttered "It was fun while it lasted."

"Ah'll say..." she replied, smirking, before grunting and letting out another cheek-clapper, this one longer than the last, though not as violent or bassy.
Sighing, and then chuckling, she waved her hand before her nose.

"Hooo-weee... What a stink!" she exclaimed, giggling, as sweat continued to soak her "top".

Moxxie chuckled as well, and smiled, wryly. Perhaps, it was indeed time to get her back in shape as well...
Then again...

Round was a shape, wasn't it?

But then, another, louder, fouler and wetter fart, followed by her more nervous chuckle, quickly dissuaded him.

Mods just don't care anymore do they
When the day came to carry out their hit, Blitzo and Loona were left loitering before the office, the former waiting impatiently for the team's other half to arrive.

"Where the fuck are they?!" he cried out, for the umpteenth time, while the Hellhound just rolled her eyes...
...When a certain smell hit her more sensitive nose, that made her wrinkle it. Looking up, her eyes widened to saucers, while Blitzo spun around, hearing the dull thumping approaching them.

"Fucking FINALLY!" he snapped "It was about time you two showed uuuuuu---..."

His voice died in his throat, as his jaw slackened at the sight.
Walking slowly towards them was Millie, wider than she was tall, wearing only what appeared to be a black "top" stitched together from a duvet case, and nothing else besides.
Her apron of a belly (with sweat dribbling down on it) provided her plenty of decency, as it covered up her front, while her asscheeks had grown large enough to be visible from where Blitzo stood, her fat tail kinking and curling atop them. While she was huffing and puffing, she didn't appear breathless, just a bit winded, her stomach growling and gurgling before her, and the ground shaking from her steps.
She stopped before them, panting, but quickly catching her breath, as Moxxie stepped (or rather, leisurely waled) around her, revealing his presence).

"Holy fucking shit, Mox..." Blitzo gasped, before gagging from Millie's B.O. "...You didn't have to turn her into a fucking hamplanet!"

"Oh, please, sir!" the marksman replied, his suit sleeves groaning as he crossed his arms "You said it yourself, that she'll have to be BIG for this, remember? She still pales in comparison to our esteemed client..."

"Not quite sure about that..." his boss muttered, looking Millie up and down, noting the enormous funbags threatening to burst out of her makeshift top "...But I guess you two had PLENTY of fun fattening her into your soft sex toy, didn't you!"

Moxxie was about to protest, but instead, he just stood up straight, pushing out his chest.

"Why, yes..." he replied, calmly "Indeed, we did!"

"Tch. Well, good for you!" Blitzo groaned, rolling his eyes "Anyways, let's get this over with! Loona?"

But Loona didn't reply, as she was busy looking Moxxie up and down. All the cooking, cleaning, sexercise and just the sheer amount of heavy lifting required had left the imp ripped. His old clothes were straining against his muscles, and he had to loosen his bowtie and shirt a bit, allowing a clear view of his broad, hairy chest.

"...Guess you're no longer the fatty anymore, huh?" she mused trying to hide her blush, and opening the portal on the ground.

"So, how are we gunna do this?" Millie asked, lumbering closer.

"Simple, nothing special..." Blitzo replied, as the portal opened, revealing the top of the head of some beanpole of a man, busy darting around in a filthy kitchen that smelled of grease, hovering over pots and pans cooking something that smelled like it belonged to a whale oil processing plant, and not on someone's plate.

"Eeeugh..." Blitzo groaned, disgusted "Looks like he found himself a new slut to fatten... Right, I don't wanna spend any more time on this than we already had. Mils, I hope you have enough cushion for this drop..."

"Ah believe ah do, yeah..." she replied, trying to judge the distance, while also trying to not look at the contents of the pots. She just had breakfast, and knew the fall would already jostle her something fierce, so she tried not to loose it to the smell.

"Alright, so she just falls down on him, and... Wait."

Moxxie looked up at the boss, searching his face, pensively.

"How are we going to get her back out?"

"No point in trying to hoist her up." Loona replied "Even if she doesn't weigh a ton, we don't have the equipment to lift her, and it would take too much time. I'll just open a second portal underneath her, and make her land..."

And she pointed across the parking lot, onto a large, worn-down Olympic landing mattress, resting somewhat lumpily on top of a car.

"...Onto that."

"...Wait, isn't that Miss Verosika's ca--?"

"No time to lose!" Blitzo declared, spinning Millie around.
The obese impette let out a yelp, stopping to find herself with her back to the portal. Then came a hard shove from the side, and she found herself tumbling back...
She didn't fall for long, and the wet crunch underneath her ass confirmed that Blitzo had aimed well.
Down there, in the filthy kitchen, the smell was even worse, and combined with her now jostled and upset stomach, she could hardly keep her breakfast in.

"Uuuurgh..." she moaned, suppressing a wet belch "Get me outta here!"

"On it!" Loona replied.

The next second, the portal closed (much to Moxxie's alarm), only for another one to open right above the mattress, allowing Millie to neatly fall through. In an instant, the car underneath collapsed, a now freed wheel rolling away beside her teammates, who approached her.

"Well, I guess that's that..." Blitzo mused, as his bloated bruiser slid down from the mattress, leaving a bloody smear underneath her. Quickly snapping a picture and sending it to their client, Blitzo's eyes lit up with glee as his phone dinged, signalling that the payment for the hit had been received.

"You okay, Millie?" Moxxie asked, as his wife stood up, wobbling unsteadily, her belly in an uproar.

"Uuugh..." she moaned "Hol' on..."

Leaning forward slightly, she grunted, letting out a rip-roaring, cheek-clapping fart. It sprayed the gore stuck to her ass away from it, spreading it far and wide behind her, coating the nearby firewall with an impromptu modern art piece.
Her entire, flabby body quivered, her gurgling, rippling, undulating belly now sweeping the ground and soaking it in her sweat, while her enormous breasts slipped out from underneath her top, nipples erect in the air that was colder than her own, overheated body. Her ass, shaking and quivering from the gas, jiggled like jello on either side of her, rippling and trembling her thunderthighs, threatening to top her over, as her fat tail stood on end atop, like a red, white-stained arrow, as thick as a telephone pole. Fists clenched at the end of her doughy, thick forearms that telescoped into the fat of her upper arms, and were topped by her padded shoulders, which pinched and propped up her quivering jowls, flushed black with her infernal blood, while her multitude of chins spilled over her cleavage. Her entire body shook and jittered, from thick ankles to the tip of her horns, with all her extra flab quaking like jelly, and soaked in her sweat.
It was quite a spectacle... One which left a teammate unfortunately slack-jawed again.

"FUCK! I HAD MY MOUTH OPEN!" Blitzo screamed, gagging as the smell reached him.

Loona just pinched her nose, and stood sternly before the two of them. The confidence boost she gained from hanging out with some actual friends, and seeing to it that her adoptive father didn't blew through their erstwhile finances had equipped her with enough maturity to know when to step in.

"Get a shower." she said "Both of you. And afterwards, roll your wife into the nearest gym, and start working off that extra flab before she gets a heart attack."

"HEY!" the imp snapped, louder than even he himself expected, as he paused, eyes as wide as the others', before quickly regaining his composure "I made SURE that my Millie would be healthy during this! She's fine!"

"Sure. "Healthy" for someone with a bodyweight in the quadruple digits." Loona replied, dryly "She still needs to be mobile to do this job, remember?"

"Hey! Ahm PLENTY mobile!" Millie snapped back walking up to her... Only to find herself winded, once more.

"That was, what, a couple of yards?" the Hellhound mused "Sure, she's isn't hooked up to an oxygen tank and in need of a bedpan, but that's kinda the bare fucking minimum. Just... Get her to slim down to the point where she can run again, OK? For MORE than five minutes!"

With orders given, she then turned tails, picking up her still dry-heaving dad off the pavement, and making her way back to the office, leaving the two imps to just stare, still struggling to comprehend what just happened.

"Did... Did she just tell us off?" Moxxie muttered.

"...Ah... Think so?" Millie replied "She had a point, though."

And she patted her still rumbling gut, soothingly.

"As much as Ah like all this fluff - and as much as Ah know ya do, too..." she said, giving him a wink "Ah still can't go back to regular work like this."

Though frowning, Moxxie sighed, and gave a conceding nod.

"Ah, well..." he muttered "It was fun while it lasted."

"Ah'll say..." she replied, smirking, before grunting and letting out another cheek-clapper, this one longer than the last, though not as violent or bassy.
Sighing, and then chuckling, she waved her hand before her nose.

"Hooo-weee... What a stink!" she exclaimed, giggling, as sweat continued to soak her "top".

Moxxie chuckled as well, and smiled, wryly. Perhaps, it was indeed time to get her back in shape as well...
Then again...

Round was a shape, wasn't it?

But then, another, louder, fouler and wetter fart, followed by her more nervous chuckle, quickly dissuaded him.

He was carrying two bags of trash
The artist for this is sadapplex on twitter/deviant art, they have a ton more stuff like this
When the day came to carry out their hit, Blitzo and Loona were left loitering before the office, the former waiting impatiently for the team's other half to arrive.

"Where the fuck are they?!" he cried out, for the umpteenth time, while the Hellhound just rolled her eyes...
...When a certain smell hit her more sensitive nose, that made her wrinkle it. Looking up, her eyes widened to saucers, while Blitzo spun around, hearing the dull thumping approaching them.

"Fucking FINALLY!" he snapped "It was about time you two showed uuuuuu---..."

His voice died in his throat, as his jaw slackened at the sight.
Walking slowly towards them was Millie, wider than she was tall, wearing only what appeared to be a black "top" stitched together from a duvet case, and nothing else besides.
Her apron of a belly (with sweat dribbling down on it) provided her plenty of decency, as it covered up her front, while her asscheeks had grown large enough to be visible from where Blitzo stood, her fat tail kinking and curling atop them. While she was huffing and puffing, she didn't appear breathless, just a bit winded, her stomach growling and gurgling before her, and the ground shaking from her steps.
She stopped before them, panting, but quickly catching her breath, as Moxxie stepped (or rather, leisurely waled) around her, revealing his presence).

"Holy fucking shit, Mox..." Blitzo gasped, before gagging from Millie's B.O. "...You didn't have to turn her into a fucking hamplanet!"

"Oh, please, sir!" the marksman replied, his suit sleeves groaning as he crossed his arms "You said it yourself, that she'll have to be BIG for this, remember? She still pales in comparison to our esteemed client..."

"Not quite sure about that..." his boss muttered, looking Millie up and down, noting the enormous funbags threatening to burst out of her makeshift top "...But I guess you two had PLENTY of fun fattening her into your soft sex toy, didn't you!"

Moxxie was about to protest, but instead, he just stood up straight, pushing out his chest.

"Why, yes..." he replied, calmly "Indeed, we did!"

"Tch. Well, good for you!" Blitzo groaned, rolling his eyes "Anyways, let's get this over with! Loona?"

But Loona didn't reply, as she was busy looking Moxxie up and down. All the cooking, cleaning, sexercise and just the sheer amount of heavy lifting required had left the imp ripped. His old clothes were straining against his muscles, and he had to loosen his bowtie and shirt a bit, allowing a clear view of his broad, hairy chest.

"...Guess you're no longer the fatty anymore, huh?" she mused trying to hide her blush, and opening the portal on the ground.

"So, how are we gunna do this?" Millie asked, lumbering closer.

"Simple, nothing special..." Blitzo replied, as the portal opened, revealing the top of the head of some beanpole of a man, busy darting around in a filthy kitchen that smelled of grease, hovering over pots and pans cooking something that smelled like it belonged to a whale oil processing plant, and not on someone's plate.

"Eeeugh..." Blitzo groaned, disgusted "Looks like he found himself a new slut to fatten... Right, I don't wanna spend any more time on this than we already had. Mils, I hope you have enough cushion for this drop..."

"Ah believe ah do, yeah..." she replied, trying to judge the distance, while also trying to not look at the contents of the pots. She just had breakfast, and knew the fall would already jostle her something fierce, so she tried not to loose it to the smell.

"Alright, so she just falls down on him, and... Wait."

Moxxie looked up at the boss, searching his face, pensively.

"How are we going to get her back out?"

"No point in trying to hoist her up." Loona replied "Even if she doesn't weigh a ton, we don't have the equipment to lift her, and it would take too much time. I'll just open a second portal underneath her, and make her land..."

And she pointed across the parking lot, onto a large, worn-down Olympic landing mattress, resting somewhat lumpily on top of a car.

"...Onto that."

"...Wait, isn't that Miss Verosika's ca--?"

"No time to lose!" Blitzo declared, spinning Millie around.
The obese impette let out a yelp, stopping to find herself with her back to the portal. Then came a hard shove from the side, and she found herself tumbling back...
She didn't fall for long, and the wet crunch underneath her ass confirmed that Blitzo had aimed well.
Down there, in the filthy kitchen, the smell was even worse, and combined with her now jostled and upset stomach, she could hardly keep her breakfast in.

"Uuuurgh..." she moaned, suppressing a wet belch "Get me outta here!"

"On it!" Loona replied.

The next second, the portal closed (much to Moxxie's alarm), only for another one to open right above the mattress, allowing Millie to neatly fall through. In an instant, the car underneath collapsed, a now freed wheel rolling away beside her teammates, who approached her.

"Well, I guess that's that..." Blitzo mused, as his bloated bruiser slid down from the mattress, leaving a bloody smear underneath her. Quickly snapping a picture and sending it to their client, Blitzo's eyes lit up with glee as his phone dinged, signalling that the payment for the hit had been received.

"You okay, Millie?" Moxxie asked, as his wife stood up, wobbling unsteadily, her belly in an uproar.

"Uuugh..." she moaned "Hol' on..."

Leaning forward slightly, she grunted, letting out a rip-roaring, cheek-clapping fart. It sprayed the gore stuck to her ass away from it, spreading it far and wide behind her, coating the nearby firewall with an impromptu modern art piece.
Her entire, flabby body quivered, her gurgling, rippling, undulating belly now sweeping the ground and soaking it in her sweat, while her enormous breasts slipped out from underneath her top, nipples erect in the air that was colder than her own, overheated body. Her ass, shaking and quivering from the gas, jiggled like jello on either side of her, rippling and trembling her thunderthighs, threatening to top her over, as her fat tail stood on end atop, like a red, white-stained arrow, as thick as a telephone pole. Fists clenched at the end of her doughy, thick forearms that telescoped into the fat of her upper arms, and were topped by her padded shoulders, which pinched and propped up her quivering jowls, flushed black with her infernal blood, while her multitude of chins spilled over her cleavage. Her entire body shook and jittered, from thick ankles to the tip of her horns, with all her extra flab quaking like jelly, and soaked in her sweat.
It was quite a spectacle... One which left a teammate unfortunately slack-jawed again.

"FUCK! I HAD MY MOUTH OPEN!" Blitzo screamed, gagging as the smell reached him.

Loona just pinched her nose, and stood sternly before the two of them. The confidence boost she gained from hanging out with some actual friends, and seeing to it that her adoptive father didn't blew through their erstwhile finances had equipped her with enough maturity to know when to step in.

"Get a shower." she said "Both of you. And afterwards, roll your wife into the nearest gym, and start working off that extra flab before she gets a heart attack."

"HEY!" the imp snapped, louder than even he himself expected, as he paused, eyes as wide as the others', before quickly regaining his composure "I made SURE that my Millie would be healthy during this! She's fine!"

"Sure. "Healthy" for someone with a bodyweight in the quadruple digits." Loona replied, dryly "She still needs to be mobile to do this job, remember?"

"Hey! Ahm PLENTY mobile!" Millie snapped back walking up to her... Only to find herself winded, once more.

"That was, what, a couple of yards?" the Hellhound mused "Sure, she's isn't hooked up to an oxygen tank and in need of a bedpan, but that's kinda the bare fucking minimum. Just... Get her to slim down to the point where she can run again, OK? For MORE than five minutes!"

With orders given, she then turned tails, picking up her still dry-heaving dad off the pavement, and making her way back to the office, leaving the two imps to just stare, still struggling to comprehend what just happened.

"Did... Did she just tell us off?" Moxxie muttered.

"...Ah... Think so?" Millie replied "She had a point, though."

And she patted her still rumbling gut, soothingly.

"As much as Ah like all this fluff - and as much as Ah know ya do, too..." she said, giving him a wink "Ah still can't go back to regular work like this."

Though frowning, Moxxie sighed, and gave a conceding nod.

"Ah, well..." he muttered "It was fun while it lasted."

"Ah'll say..." she replied, smirking, before grunting and letting out another cheek-clapper, this one longer than the last, though not as violent or bassy.
Sighing, and then chuckling, she waved her hand before her nose.

"Hooo-weee... What a stink!" she exclaimed, giggling, as sweat continued to soak her "top".

Moxxie chuckled as well, and smiled, wryly. Perhaps, it was indeed time to get her back in shape as well...
Then again...

Round was a shape, wasn't it?

But then, another, louder, fouler and wetter fart, followed by her more nervous chuckle, quickly dissuaded him.

God damnit it's out of order! fuck!
Wasn’t there a bit more to the sequence?
Artist? This style is really cute.
Who is the artist of the last two?
Sauce?? looks a lot like woot's art style
(110 KB, 800x600, skull7.png)
Thank you, this guy's art is insane
is this the only fart piece nickgam has done??
thank you based Pyro for commissioning this
She's the server mascot for SICstories discord server.

Unfortunately, I'm just a lurker on the server so I don't have a direct pipeline to more gnibbles art.
Discord exclusive content is lame af
Almost as lame as "Deviantart thumbnail/banner" exclusive art that stopped working properly when DA eclipse became a thing.
Shut the fuck up
i remember one of karen from pokemon but she was a milf and she was burping, does anyone have it?
Huh, do you have any more Gnibbles art?
Literally where is this Gnibbles stuff coming from. Gnibbles themselves has been on silent mode for ages but I randomly keep seeing their art pop up here or through people doing "Trades" with them. Is this a resurgence of evidence for that "Slob cabal" myth
>>33767 Kaigan I think
Could anyone upload Radical Rich's patreon content?
Anyone got the image of the in the bunny outfit. It's not colored and she's burping and farting and completely round.
(920 KB, 2000x2000, 547909321767.png)
Cube from JSR. first time doing this kind of stuff
(10.1 MB, 2700x2700, slob_aub.png)
fairly tame
Looks like heheheGross has deaded their Twitter

Anyone have backup of their gallery?

Nope, just cleaned it and put all their stuff in an archive, links on their twitter lol.
does anyone have keij's fart pics?
I want to know this too, I had no idea Keij was still drawing much less started drawing brap stuff.
(470 KB, 4096x1604, F6Iu26oXEAAJMae.jpg)
Ragbucket on FA/Twitter

They do a few fat/fart/slob things I really love
pic related
Who is da artist?
who's the artist i forgot
I know this is just conflicting personal tastes, but if someone was to ask me, "what's the fastest way to ruin a good piece of erotic art," one of my answers would be "have her flatulating a noxious haze of fart clouds."

However, I see a learning opportunity, so for the sake of my morbid curiosity, I want to temporarily suspend my personal disgust long enough to ask, as cordially as I can: why? What/where is the appeal in fetishizing farts?

Even for other fetishes that I personally can't stand, like WG and futa, I can kind of understand the reasons why people are into that, and I've even talked with people who are and they've given credence to my hypothesis. But farts is just one of those things that I can't even think of reasons for why it arouses some people. It strikes me as an aromatic version of scat porn, which is another thing I cannot fathom: not without proposing some ultra Freudian speculations as to how anyone could have a kink for human biological waste.

Please, enlighten me.
To me it's fun as an embarrassing side effect of being a fat glutton. The appeal comes from a humiliation/shamelessness angle.
I can't speak for anyone who really likes the smell or whatever, that's kind of a different thing.

you're not fucking slick this is a copypasta, Ive seen this exact same post before, and no one is that autistic to save a post they made on a 4chan slob thread from years ago, shut yo bitch ass up
Seems its from a berryfag with a reputation for starting shit
>and no one is that autistic to save a post they made on a 4chan slob thread from years ago
Evidently he was lmao.
That's all of them. Undertaker has been on a rampage for years now because he thinks a slobfag criticized him once.
Source on first and second?
Source on the erza? >>53915
sauce on that last pic? searching by the artist named in the file yields nothing, and reverse image search yields nothing.
I must be confused because ass like that in my face im usually deep with cock. Its always in my face.....
the first one is punt the poodle (formerly anthroskunkfromthe90s) and the second one is weirdassyankovic
>>482238 (Dead)
TAD always posts cropped pics and I never know where the full ones end up. Praying someone finds this one
(97 KB, 267x189, images.png) (109 KB, 223x226, images (1).png)
Yo brapfriends anyone got a larger image of these two? The last thread they were on got deleted.
Hot damn! Who’s the artist?
Context for this?
Rupert blouse & skirt
there's a new meme of feels guy (the original meme in its intended use, not soyjak) fucking obese women

Where can one find more?
I's on gen's meme thread
Source for the first drawing?
what you need to eat to fart very loudly often
Who is swayne
I feel his energy. He walked me to let me out. Golf. I remember. Come on I analyzed the perimeter lol

Not until four.
Does anyone have pivk00's slob alts?
(123 KB, 905x1200, GOxp8cTXoAAIpVR.jpg)
>The usual suspects are getting angry again
Does anyone have the sauce to this?
anyone have link for this?
I recognize the artist for that second one, I'm surprised he drew slob
it's an edit actually lol
why does callie make the perfect pig?
(66 KB, 370x320, IMG_9551.PNG)
Hinamiki is my favorite Danganronpa ship
Does anyone have the fart alt of the first page for “bayonetta’s cosmic feast” by saxxon?
Anyone willing to do an edit for me?
Thanks a bunch man
(132 KB, 1200x465, 20240903_071008.jpg)
I know its in low quality cozldnt find an higher quality one. Maxbe someone could post an high quality one
does anyone know if the artist for #3 is still active anywhere? they were on itaku.ee as splitendss, but they haven't posted there for more than 6 months now. hopefully they just have another account
Not gonna lie. This guys art is a guilty pleasure of mine.
I mean he's one of the best and most consistent artists within this niche, provided you like gratuitous slob and extreme sizes. A shame the dude's kind of a fucking weirdo tho, honestly wish that he would start uploading to DA again just so I don't have to read his genuinely cringeworthy tweets every time I scour his page for new posts.
>A shame the dude's kind of a fucking weirdo tho
We're fapping to drawings of morbidly obese women ripping ass, we're all weird. But yeah the guy is kind of reaching for explanations to his art when it's not really necessary I've noticed

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