
(109 KB, 700x394, download.jpg) (37 KB, 1464x1044, EIaN7w1XUAEMcDp.png) (250 KB, 1058x848, c668335a98e67116730c963d09a13be782464bc7.png) (427 KB, 2048x1626, ExiotmBWEAMTx8j.jpg) (447 KB, 3000x2790, FKEl6zwXIAIoag9.jpg) (6.5 MB, 4312x2920, 1644745709.redmiles-alternate_1.png)
In short, this thread is for inflations that are less than sanitary, including but not limited to inflatees filling/filled with their own gases, solids or liquids.

I'll also allow inflations where the less-than-sanitary leaking is a biproduct of the filling, because why not.
(503 KB, 713x666, brap.png)
No idea why, but fart inflation is weirdly hot, while regular inflation does nothing for me.
I really want to see or read a story/sequence where a girl and a boy are having sex bit just as soon as the boy is about to cum he starts to pee and fills her up like a ballon
(1.3 MB, 5110x3407, v.jpg)
If only there was more gassy inflation involving humans. It mainly seems to be a furry thing.
I remember this one scat inflation where a girl was wearing a special type of panties made by NOTaperture that had a portal connected to another pair
(1.2 MB, 3400x2613, 1587973118299.png)
Since this fucking thread is bumped, I've now jerked off to shit inflation because of this awful thread, thanks for the terrible subfetish that I'll never find anyone willing to draw
Source for the last image?
Best thread ever
Scat/fart inflation is shamefully underappreciated
It's hundred times hotter than a regular inflation to me
Too bad it's a very niche fetish and it's extra hard to find any content
I'd like to try writing something about it since I have literally no skills in drawing
Too bad it's a very niche fetish and it's extra hard to find any content
I'd really like to try writing something about it since I have literally no drawing skills
If you got ideas feel free to share them
I got a couple:
>gluttonous queen's court is introduced to overseas products for the first time - principally among them turkey, chili and beans -, and in the ensuing feast that night, the Queen refuses to get up, wanting to sample everything and eat it all in one sitting, leading to a gradual build-up of gas {she refuses to fart, as it is impolite), as well as shit, while her hefty frame also grows even fatter
>by the end of the night, she is so fat and bloated that she can't even get off her throne, and is too drunk to reason with, refusing to pass gas so long as she's on her throne, so she just continues to eat and expand, either until the throne collapses and she begins defecating in surprise, or until she just flat-out explodes

>dragon ess uses her own gas to spew fire (from either end), so some knights capture her while she's asleep, plug up her ass, and then keep feeding her with all sorts of gas-inducing stuff non-stop, until she pops

>witch and female plague doctor face off in a duel of magic vs science, tasked with curing the other's gastrointestinal problem
>the witch "cures" the plague doctor's excessive flatulence with an enchanted, gem-encrusted butt plug that magically syphon all the excess gas out of the doctor's bowels
>in turn, the doctor attempts to cure the witch's diarrhea with some clay pellets and a cheese-heavy diet
>both methods fail spectacularly:
>an accidental fall on her ass causes the gem on the doctor's butt plug to shatter, which, in turn, causes part of the magic to fail: rather than being syphoned elsewhere, all of the Doctor's trapped gas flows back into her, causing her to bloat into a fart-balloon, until someone removed the plug, leading to her fumigating an entire village
>the witch, meanwhile, ends up horrendously constipated from the doctor's solutions, and in her frustration, decides to use magic to push the turds out - bu that only ends up causing her bowels to go int overdrive, causing the shit to back up and fill her GI track, and then, her whole body

And finally, something a bit different:
>mage summons a demoness to clean up a polluted canal, which has a ton of slaughterhouses dumping their waste into it, causing the still water to be caked by a seemingly solid layer of fat
>demoness agrees, but in exchange for each day of her labor, the mage must corrupt a good, honest woman
>so, while the demoness spends her days eating animal scraps, carcasses and discarded fat, the mage turns the the wives and daughters of the slaughterhouse owners into hedonistic sluts
>by the end of their bargain, the demoness is too fat and bloated to through the portal to Hell, having literally inflated herself with the lard to finish the job when it was getting too long in the teeth, yet still demands the mage's soul
>the mage, rendered depraved by the marathon of debauchery, takes advantage of thee stuck demoness, and, using a series of incantations, channels all his sin into his member, before having his way with her, with each thrust of his fattening her even further as he passes his sin, but not his soul onto her, until he finally cums, filling up the demoness to the brim, with her newfound weight finally dislodging her, causing her to plummet into Hell, and pop like balloon filled with lard once she lands
By Insanely-mature69
warning, contains inflation, scat, urine, gas, lewdness, humiliation, messy popping

Sans had turned on the tv just in time to watch the debate discussing Frisk's actions as ambassador, and they haven't been all that great with Jessica Grey laying out the transgressions while Frisk stood beside her, both in business pencil suits with the former standing behind a podium, the latter's consisting of dark blue jacket and skirt, a pale pink shirt, and black high heels, Frisk being a shortstack would require a stool to stand up on, not that it would do much considering her massive tits that strained the buttons of her suit shirt, her rotund rack having been used to seduce others into granting her slush funds (if she didn't use them to just clobber the other person to death and TAKE it), and if that by itself didn't obstruct her vision, she either had them resting on the podium as she glanced over the fleshy balloons smarmily or on her bloated belly, another topic of her unsavory actions as it had been involved in a few bad deeds, having been used to steal things from others or for kidnappings, and yet also used alongside her boobs as it somehow appealed to her swollen sex appeal, and she was fully aware of this, massaging and caressing herself to buy the audience's favour, her skirt doing very little to conceal her womanhood, her thicc thighs and dumptruck derriere forcing it up just above the bottom of her clit and asscheeks , tools she used not only to hoard away objects and persons that her mouth couldn't fit, but to snuff out any competition, Sans recalled having seen her ram Amber's entire head up her ass before letting loose, the taller girl's slim figure quickly filling up with gas, boobs, belly and butt lifting the aroused assailant higher and higher into the air, until a horrid explosion launched the jizzing girl away from the scene, pieces of clothes and skin all that remained of the inflated girl. Grey has just finished laying out the facts and now it is Frisk's turn to rebuke them, or at least try, the former stepping away from the podium while the latter took the stand, hopping up on the stool provided before putting her full weight on the stand, boobs and belly holding her up in the air as she adjusted the microphone, tongue poked out in concentration while her blubber was sandwitched between her person and the podium, Grey warily eyeing Frisk as she, now satisfied with the mic, lifted herself off the podium, spinning around and presenting her nude ass to the audience, bending over and poking her butt up in the air while smiling at her opponent, her clit and sphincter smothering the mic while her tits and stomach gurgled loudly, gasses churning inside as Frisk explained exactly why they should side with her in the matter.


...Sans had no idea what any of that was supposed to mean, but she's lying damnit!

Frisk won the argument by with loud moaning, even louder farting, and possibly the loudest queefing anyone was ever exposed to, smirking sassily at Miss Grey as her bowling ball bearing hips quaked from the ruckus, tits and belly noisily jiggling and gurgling under her clothes as she moved to the edge of the stage, giving her audience a sultry smile before once more presenting them with her colossal rear as she lay on the stage offering "close up questions".

Sans watched as Frisk hungrily swallowed microphones with her clit, seeing as waving one's ass around while farting and jizzing in front of a crowd was an acceptable way of addressing them, apparently, he just couldn't stand that she was getting away with everything, how could they not see she was lying, how couldn't the see how full of shit she is!?!?...

Sans had an idea.

He had once fallen down a manhole while walking about, intrigued by the underground tunnels and their usage, Sans explored and fully memorized every human sewer system there is, cataloging all the coordinates so that he could teleport there to vent about shit (lol), so now he had a new use of that knowledge, Teleporting to the crowd where the debate was happening, putting himself in range so he could pull this off, his target had just stood back up, standing at the edge of the stage while spreading her clit for the crowd, giggling as she gushed on a few up front, tits and stomach swaying side to side and masking her expression from most, and making it easier for Sans to put his plan into action as he opened up portals in every sewer line he knows before focusing another one into the centermost fleshy orb, the girl haulting when a loud splash suddenly sounded from her, balloons bouncing from the suddenness of it all before suddenly swelling outwards, slowly filling up as Frisk looked around in confusion when she started feeling a little gassier than ever before.


Her body slowly rounded out, forcing her legs apart as she let loose more winds than she generally would, buttons popping as her tits and belly were freed, skirt tearing before a loud belch forced its way up out of her, leaving a horrid taste in her mouth that made her grimace with the realization that she was in for a shitshow, body swelling until her crotch touched the stage floor, her notorious navel and belly swallowing most of her mass as she grew, turgid tits sloshing as her ruined clothes fell off of her in tatters, her ballooning body burbling as she teetered on her cunt, her feet no longer touching the ground and now steadily reaching the 9 ft mark.


When Frisk thought the taste was bad enough, the rancid rot began ejecting itself through her ass and clit, publicly shitting herself while growing past 10 ft (is she shitting herself if it technically isn't her own shit? questions for later), the horrid muck leaking from her tits as the feculent Frisk wobbled from the force of it all, teetering more and more until she rolled onto her back, infamous clit and sphincter on full display as she herself was too full to hide it, flatulence festering within, heel'd feet flapping uselessly as she rocked back and forth on her back, shit spewing from her tits as well as her box and cunt while more was transported in, sloshing and churning insider her while her tongue hung out from being grossed out, her body turning a nasty shade of brown as she filled with more shit than she started with, the spherical shortstack partially protruding from the stage, clit and and ass to be prodded by any without the common sense to evacuate.


Atleast 20ft at this point, Frisk had shit spewing from each nipple, gushing from her vag and ass, and some even coming up with each burp, punishing the bullshitting blimp on what is essentially public tv, some viewers laughing as the swollen sphere sloshed with sewage, writhing and contracting while her heels continued to wiggle hopelessly, more starting to burble up out of her navel, her body soon becoming a crap-filled cocoon as it swallowed her the rest of the way, limbs disappearing into her body as her head followed, burping out what she could before being body blocked by her own flesh, the bitch ballooning out as she turned darker, leaks springing across her body as she spasmed in place, squirting and gushing while her dilating clit and sphincter showcased to the world how full of shit she was
infact, she was so full of shit...


...That she turned the entire stage brown, her rotting remains drenching everything in the area, heels lodged into a wall after having been ejected by the explosion, Sans went back home, the world knowing now that Frisk was the biggest sack of shit in her time, and that she was now just a splash in the pan.
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youre right, just seems to be real popular to them. its good but still wish there was more human art.
I tried to write something based on the ideas from thread
It's my first try and English isn't my native language so don't be cruel (constructive criticism welcome)
Queen Valeria the First was standing before the entrance of a large hall in her palace. Because of the quite tight dress and the obvious excess weight every curve of her body was on display. Her body was quite plump compared to the average woman of her kingdom, thin from the lack of food and nonstop hard work. From head to toe she was a sign of wealth and overindulgence. 250 pounds of royal beauty, with round belly and thick ass, pampered and spoiled by the best chefs money can buy. Despite her obviously large figure she got mad every time somebody said something about it. She beheaded a jester that joked about her being "the queen of feasts" and the duchess that laughed at the joke soon went missing without a trace. Some people say that she is still chained to the wall in the palace dungeon and turned into a waste disposal 1000 pounds blob that eats all the leftovers from queen's table and has a pipe coming from the palace's bathrooms inserted in her ass. But that's all rumours.
The queen was having a meeting with foreign diplomats that day. Knowing the appetite of the monarch they brought a ton of their native food. So the queen had assigned a large feast which had turkey, beans and chili as its main dishes.
She went into the hall and sat on the throne. Leaning backwards she announced the start of the feast.
"Let's start! Bring in the turkey!"
Innumerable amount of servants with plates entered the dining hall. Queen's mouth started dripping with saliva. She quickly wiped it with the sleeve of her dress to hide her ravenous appetite. Plate after plate she gulped down the new meals and the mountain of bones near her was only growing. She decided to wash it down and ordered the servants to pour her wine. She didn't notice how she drank two whole bottles of the best wine from her reserves. Her mind already blurred with gluttony was now under the influence of alcohol. If only she could knew where this combination would bring her...
She swallowed another piece of meat and felt a significant buildup in her gut. The turkey was giving her gas. She put a hand on her midsection and felt a noticeable bulge. Her advisor, who also noticed that leaned to her shoulder and said: "Your highness, maybe you could consider letting some... winds out? It seems you have some discomfort with it". She just ignored him. She knew that farting publicly would ruin her reputation and going out to the bathroom in the middle of a feast was against the royal etiquette. Besides there already were rumours among the servants about her abnormal shit and gas production so she didn't want to worsen them. She asked for more wine to relieve the stress. With two bottles that she had gulped down already it was a really unwise decision but she didn't care.
After four hours of feasting she felt really heavy. Like if she swallowed a rock. It was turkey obviously. The damn thing clogged her guts shut like a cork. Her personal healer would consider this a bad case of constipation but her blurred mind thought that this situation is good because no fart or turd could escape and put her in shame. So she continued indulging herself with the foreign delicacies. When all the turkey was eaten she exclaimed:
"Bring in the beans!"
Her loyal advisor tried to tell her about the "side effects" of the new products but she was too drunk and too arrogant to listen. Bowl after bowl she swallowed them greedily. It was something special about them. The taste, the smell, the texture - everything was perfect. Little did she know how devastating they are to her stomach. After another couple of bowls she rubbed her constipated gut. The beans added a lot of gas to her already full intestines. Despite being packed with rock-hard shit to the brim it stretched enough to contain the unreleased farts. Her already hefty frame put on a noticeable amount of fat and with the waste, trapped inside it upscaled her weight to solid 400 pounds. Her belly looked like she swallowed a beer keg whole. Under the richly decorated dress her skin was red and the web of stretch marks covered it. She should have stopped. She must have stopped. But her gluttony, pride and alcohol in her blood made it impossible.
"Bring in the chili!"
After another couple hours of stuffing her face the drunk bloated monarch started to notice something. A loud gurgling could be heard even from the opposite part of the hall. The royal gut was like a boiling cauldron with diarrhea and farts instead of water. The only thing that saved her from massively shitting her pants was a constipation that held everything in. She desperately gulped down burps that tried to escape from her lips but it didn't help. However after another bowl of chili (which was definitely too much) everything changed. Maybe if not this bowl she would just have a gigantic dump in the palace's bathroom after the end of the feast. But her unbelievable gluttony made it impossible to resist. It was a mistake. She felt something strange. It was in her abdomen. The mass of gas and shit started moving right to her butthole. Even her clogged lower part of intestines filled with solid turds started to twitch. It seemed that the pressure inside her was too great for her sphincter to hold and even the worst case of constipation she ever had couldn't help. Human body wasn't supposed to hold so much waste inside. In fact at that moment she was more a large flesh sack with crap than a human. Every part of her body was inhumanely stretched with shit and gas. The throne started creaking. It wasn't strong enough to support the 600 pounds of lard, shit and undigested food. It collapsed and the massive woman fell forward. She landed right on her stomach and all the guests freezed, awaiting for the consequences.
Non-bursting ending
With a loud PLOP a turd flew out of her ass like bullet, ripping her panties and the leftovers of her dress. It hit the wall and smeared across it. After the series of solid logs that blocked everything the royal ass started to fountain with chili caused diarrhea.
It was a typhoon of farts and liquid shit. The poor servant that was standing behind her before the throne collapsed was сбит с ног with the stream of waste. Some of the aristocrats lost consciousness from the terrible smell. Others fled in panic holding their noses. It was a total mess. The queen was pinned down by the mass of waste still concentrated in her body. She didn't understand what's happened and more importantly how her royal body that supposed to be a sacred thing could held so much filth. She crawling in a pool of her own scat and couldn't do anything. All the servants had ran away and the person who was allmighty five minutes ago turned into a helpless dirty blob covered with her own shit. After this incident she will be eternally remembered as Valeria the Dirty or Valeria the Slob despite she forbade to call her like that on pain of death. And she ordered to install a new throne. Strong enough to support her growing figure.
Bursting ending
It was obvious that the skin on her belly was too stretched. She was too full. Inhumanely full. Every part of her body was stuffed with shit and gas to the brim. The impact from falling just accelerated the inevitable. Her belly started shaking. A couple of thick logs had escaped from her ass but they couldn't change the situation. It was her last moment. Her crap packed gut ruptured into pieces with a loud KABOOOOOOOOOOM. The hall was covered with her insides mixed with shit and half-digested food. It was unbelievably horrible. Valeria the First was remembered as Valeria the Bomb and the old palace was closed due to the stench that was impossible to remove. People say that you could see a large ghost in its halls. It was eating without stopping and rubbing its enormous stomach. Sometimes you could hear "Bring in the chili!" followed with a loud KABOOOOOM, and the smell of shit but it's all rumours.
Awesome ideas dude
I tried to write something based on them
It's my first try and English isn't my native language so don't be cruel (constructive criticism welcome)
Queen Valeria the First was standing before the entrance of a large hall in her palace. Because of the quite tight dress and the obvious excess weight every curve of her body was on display. Her body was quite plump compared to the average woman of her kingdom, thin from the lack of food and nonstop hard work. From head to toe she was a sign of wealth and overindulgence. 250 pounds of royal beauty, with round belly and thick ass, pampered and spoiled by the best chefs money can buy. Despite her obviously large figure she got mad every time somebody said something about it. She beheaded a jester that joked about her being "the queen of feasts" and the duchess that laughed at the joke soon went missing without a trace. Some people say that she is still chained to the wall in the palace dungeon and turned into a waste disposal 1000 pounds blob that eats all the leftovers from queen's table and has a pipe coming from the palace's bathrooms inserted in her ass. But that's all rumours.
The queen was having a meeting with foreign diplomats that day. Knowing the appetite of the monarch they brought a ton of their native food. So the queen had assigned a large feast which had turkey, beans and chili as its main dishes.
She went into the hall and sat on the throne. Leaning backwards she announced the start of the feast.
"Let's start! Bring in the turkey!"
Innumerable amount of servants with plates entered the dining hall. Queen's mouth started dripping with saliva. She quickly wiped it with the sleeve of her dress to hide her ravenous appetite. Plate after plate she gulped down the new meals and the mountain of bones near her was only growing. She decided to wash it down and ordered the servants to pour her wine. She didn't notice how she drank two whole bottles of the best wine from her reserves. Her mind already blurred with gluttony was now under the influence of alcohol. If only she could knew where this combination would bring her...
She swallowed another piece of meat and felt a significant buildup in her gut. The turkey was giving her gas. She put a hand on her midsection and felt a noticeable bulge. Her advisor, who also noticed that leaned to her shoulder and said: "Your highness, maybe you could consider letting some... winds out? It seems you have some discomfort with it". She just ignored him. She knew that farting publicly would ruin her reputation and going out to the bathroom in the middle of a feast was against the royal etiquette. Besides there already were rumours among the servants about her abnormal shit and gas production so she didn't want to worsen them. She asked for more wine to relieve the stress. With two bottles that she had gulped down already it was a really unwise decision but she didn't care.
After four hours of feasting she felt really heavy. Like if she swallowed a rock. It was turkey obviously. The damn thing clogged her guts shut like a cork. Her personal healer would consider this a bad case of constipation but her blurred mind thought that this situation is good because no fart or turd could escape and put her in shame. So she continued indulging herself with the foreign delicacies. When all the turkey was eaten she exclaimed:
"Bring in the beans!"
Her loyal advisor tried to tell her about the "side effects" of the new products but she was too drunk and too arrogant to listen. Bowl after bowl she swallowed them greedily. It was something special about them. The taste, the smell, the texture - everything was perfect. Little did she know how devastating they are to her stomach. After another couple of bowls she rubbed her constipated gut. The beans added a lot of gas to her already full intestines. Despite being packed with rock-hard shit to the brim it stretched enough to contain the unreleased farts. Her already hefty frame put on a noticeable amount of fat and with the waste, trapped inside it upscaled her weight to solid 400 pounds. Her belly looked like she swallowed a beer keg whole. Under the richly decorated dress her skin was red and the web of stretch marks covered it. She should have stopped. She must have stopped. But her gluttony, pride and alcohol in her blood made it impossible.
"Bring in the chili!"
After another couple hours of stuffing her face the drunk bloated monarch started to notice something. A loud gurgling could be heard even from the opposite part of the hall. The royal gut was like a boiling cauldron with diarrhea and farts instead of water. The only thing that saved her from massively shitting her pants was a constipation that held everything in. She desperately gulped down burps that tried to escape from her lips but it didn't help. However after another bowl of chili (which was definitely too much) everything changed. Maybe if not this bowl she would just have a gigantic dump in the palace's bathroom after the end of the feast. But her unbelievable gluttony made it impossible to resist. It was a mistake. She felt something strange. It was in her abdomen. The mass of gas and shit started moving right to her butthole. Even her clogged lower part of intestines filled with solid turds started to twitch. It seemed that the pressure inside her was too great for her sphincter to hold and even the worst case of constipation she ever had couldn't help. Human body wasn't supposed to hold so much waste inside. In fact at that moment she was more a large flesh sack with crap than a human. Every part of her body was inhumanely stretched with shit and gas. The throne started creaking. It wasn't strong enough to support the 600 pounds of lard, shit and undigested food. It collapsed and the massive woman fell forward. She landed right on her stomach and all the guests freezed, awaiting for the consequences.
Non-bursting ending
With a loud PLOP a turd flew out of her ass like bullet, ripping her panties and the leftovers of her dress. It hit the wall and smeared across it. After the series of solid logs that blocked everything the royal ass started to fountain with chili caused diarrhea.
It was a typhoon of farts and liquid shit. The poor servant that was standing behind her before the throne collapsed was knocked out with the stream of waste. Some of the aristocrats lost consciousness from the terrible smell. Others fled in panic holding their noses. It was a total mess. The queen was pinned down by the mass of waste still concentrated in her body. She didn't understand what's happened and more importantly how her royal body that supposed to be a sacred thing could held so much filth. She crawling in a pool of her own scat and couldn't do anything. All the servants had ran away and the person who was allmighty five minutes ago turned into a helpless dirty blob covered with her own shit. After this incident she will be eternally remembered as Valeria the Dirty or Valeria the Slob despite she forbade to call her like that on pain of death. And she ordered to install a new throne. Strong enough to support her growing figure.
Bursting ending
It was obvious that the skin on her belly was too stretched. She was too full. Inhumanely full. Every part of her body was stuffed with shit and gas to the brim. The impact from falling just accelerated the inevitable. Her belly started shaking. A couple of thick logs had escaped from her ass but they couldn't change the situation. It was her last moment. Her crap packed gut ruptured into pieces with a loud KABOOOOOOOOOOM. The hall was covered with her insides mixed with shit and half-digested food. It was unbelievably horrible. Valeria the First was remembered as Valeria the Bomb and the old palace was closed due to the stench that was impossible to remove. People say that you could see a large ghost in its halls. It was eating without stopping and rubbing its enormous stomach. Sometimes you could hear "Bring in the chili!" followed with a loud KABOOOOOM, and the smell of shit but it's all rumours.
Entire thread is furries and blokes
It's fantastic, pal!
Think you'll do some of the other ones as well?
Nice! Keep up the good work, man!
I guess anon never came back, huh?
Are there any animations or comics?
There's that Loona animation by Calorie on his patreon I haven't got just yet
Octoboy is the best. I wish I could be in the scenarios that he draws up.
Damn, what're the sources for these, never seen em before
All by Octoboy iirc.

He does some pretty weird shit, including copious tf, stuff to do with scat, weird anal and recently had a ball-clenching phase.

It's a ych made by IkkiGae

It was bought by Redmiles-Alternate

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