
(8 KB, 256x256, 1.png) (10 KB, 256x256, 2.png) (7 KB, 256x256, 3.png) (9 KB, 256x256, 4.png) (10 KB, 256x256, 5.png) (8 KB, 256x256, 6.png)

I don't know if anyone has tried/posted this before, but here goes nothing~

For a robit, this AI sure knows what some sexy BBW look like! If you squint a bit... (Please overlook faces of abject horror)

Why not try it and post for yourself? Note, system is often overloaded, so you might need to run the generator multiple times before it works
And here we have the absolute bottom of barrel.

Are you that desperate for fat of shes?
works with sexy cartoon womens screenshot too?
Eventually it feels like you've seen everything...
So yes
you came from Markiplier's video didn't you
(6 KB, 256x256, download (1).png) (6 KB, 256x256, download.png)
first decent outputs. I'm going to experiment more later. I can't wait for the day when ai is able to generate photorealistic images
Damn those are actually pretty decent. What prompts do you guys use? All I ever get is some malformed abstract art looking shit.
i have a question about it
(13 KB, 256x256, 1.jpg) (12 KB, 256x256, 2.jpg) (10 KB, 256x256, 3.jpg) (12 KB, 256x256, 4.jpg) (16 KB, 256x256, 5.jpg) (10 KB, 256x256, 6.jpg)
(14 KB, 256x256, 7.jpg) (9 KB, 256x256, 8.jpg) (15 KB, 256x256, 9.jpg) (12 KB, 256x256, 1.jpg) (9 KB, 256x256, 2.jpg) (9 KB, 256x256, 3.jpg)
(11 KB, 256x256, 4.jpg) (12 KB, 256x256, 5.jpg) (12 KB, 256x256, 6.jpg) (10 KB, 256x256, 7.jpg) (9 KB, 256x256, 8.jpg) (12 KB, 256x256, 9.jpg)
It's either because the ai isn't able to create such specific details like facial features, or the faces are messed up so the pictures don't look like real people. It's still possible gen images of celebs though, there'll be a few examples when I spam my results later.
but happens the cartoon character too?
you guys know you can click on each result to make them bigger right; take a screenshot of the scaled up image
they're still the same resolution. I am currently experimenting with a notebook that has an upscaler. I've gotten a few good results so far, but it's harder to achieve results similar to mini. Still possible though, just takes a lot of patience.
The notebook is linked on GitHub page if y'all are interested. The GitHub link is at the bottom of the page where you usually gen images.
(1.3 MB, 1024x1024, download (21).png) (1.3 MB, 1024x1024, download (20).png)
that's all for now, but I'm still generating stuff. it's kinda a shot in the dark with dalleflow, most of the time you get stuff that isn't great, but then you strike gold. and even then, it's kinda blocky and you have to squint to make it look realistic, but close enough with the level of the ai
Let me know if you guys have any ideas for prompts, sometimes I have trouble coming up with stuff. and I'm sure there are a lot of awesome possibilities that haven't even crossed my mind
we want AI gerenate images pages will be shutting down when NOW!
This AI just isn't capable of creating regular faces. Once DALLE 2 comes out, photorealism will be almost perfect. No horrifying faces.
And I'm pretty sure there's no stopping AI development, so good luck lol
(1.5 MB, 749x748, big girls.PNG)
I love the realistic way it generates fat
no stopping stopping? NO STOPPING?!!!
I don't understand your argument. Why exactly are you so against AI?
i against of dall-e mini
he's a schizo, don't worry about it.
I hope you guys all are aware the "AI" stuff, and a lot of technology in general, allowed to be leaked to the public is essentially scraps for the peasants. Like throwing the dog a bone.

The "real" toys, the "good stuff" refined in the top labs, are already nearly photorealistic, Turing Test approved and can do things you don't know. Cope.
yeah, I know I am aware of that. but I'd rather live enjoying what I have than focusing my attention on what could be, and when I do look towards what could be, it's in a positive note. you know what i'm saying?

Yeah. You're saying you suck, but we already knew that and it was no surprise
type in "obese" when describing your preferred girls
can somebody please send me a link to the dall-e ai thing?
no you not have google?
It's in the first post of the thread
So... this is what we get with dall-e mini and other versions of dall-e 1...

I'm wondering, what kind of shit will we be getting in just a couple years when we have access to stuff like dall-e 2, seeing how much better it is already. It even does amazing 2D art...
really unsurprised if a lot of these go into reference work for drawing fats , a lot of images are really just perfect for drawing over and correcting
I have access to midjourney. what do y'all want to see?
isn't mid a lot more grotesque and good for psychological shit? but fuck it , ā€œ morbidly obese captain marvel from marvel comics ā€
not entirely sure yet, but it seems pretty versatile from what I can tell. I'll definitely give captain marvel a shot and post some pics later if I get something good. it might be a while tho, I have to wait for my check to deposit so I can pay for a subscription. my free trial ran out
obese Windblade from Transformers
Is this the beginning of the end for fetish art as an industry? I realise itā€™ll be years before the likes of us have access to something as powerful as DALLE-2, but time flies and I think weā€™ll reach that point sooner than we expect. Money makes the world go round, and I think thereā€™ll be big money in AI generated fetish art. Iā€™d pay for it myself! I wonder if weā€™ll see subscription services or something like that for AI generated porn before the end of the decade? At that point, itā€™s curtains for anybody looking to sell their art. Weā€™ve seen what DALLE-2 can do, from photo realism to Picasso and everything in between. It can even rework an image that you give it, apparently. I donā€™t see how anybody could compete with something like that.

As exciting as it is, I find something deeply troubling about it at the same time. Itā€™s another frightening step into a future where every one of us is cocooned in a warped reality of our own making. What happens to us once weā€™re so completely detached from the real world? Right now, we can only imagine what horrors weā€™ll see. What a time to be alive.
Right now AI like DALLE-2 can only copy preexisting art styles. It might kill a lot of demand for real fetish artists, but people who want to draw their own style will continue to produce art.
All I can say to this is fuck you
(69 KB, 605x661, 1560300969936.jpg)
>Is this the beginning of the end for fetish art as an industry?
Why, it all looks like abject garbage, so unless there's far better produced photos, it'll only affect those with little to no skill and fugly and/or but her faced women.

>time flies and I think weā€™ll reach that point sooner than we expect
You do realize everyone's pulling their money out of technology and experimental shit, with the global recession looming? By the time everything stabilizes, this shit will be long outlawed for the use you want or just blocked from creation within the program by the companies behind them.

>What happens to us once weā€™re so completely detached from the real world
>we can only imagine what horrors weā€™ll see
Have you been living under a rock, just look at twatter or VTuber fans.

Firstly, I think youā€™re missing the point here. Youā€™re absolutely right, but thatā€™s so obvious it doesnā€™t need pointing out. I never even suggested that Craiyon (they renamed it) was a threat to any artist at this point in time.

This isnā€™t nuclear fusion or colonising Mars. Itā€™s a technology thatā€™s producing astonishing results as we speak, it has immediate real world applications which means it can be marketed easily, and it clearly doesnā€™t require a huge amount of capital. Craiyon is case in point; created by a small team with no relation to OpenAI, and itā€™s both popular enough and cheap enough to run that it can be funded by adverts on its site. The results arenā€™t spectacular, but it took less than two years for DALL-E to be developed into DALL-E 2 and the improvement is incredible.

And lastlyā€¦ it was a rhetorical questionā€¦
Incredibly redundant. Good job, hero
These horrific faces serve as a grim reminder of manā€™s hubris. We flew too close to the sun by trying to play God, and this is our reward.
(809 KB, 700x759, 1_Nf_Di9el2jGA_-9P_agomw (1).png)
Yeah... no. This are some of the results the new version of a similar AI is pulling off at the time of writing this.
I will be surprised if we can't do this public versions in just a few years from now with similar skills.
Remind you that all those images were done by writing a prompt to the AI like "a shiba inu wearing a berret and black turtleneck"
(113 KB, 763x455, datucp3-9b93c543-6a23-42f1-8d37-6901d74bf117.png)
If dall-e 2 is even half as good as it's advertised to be, can't say I wouldn't be excited to play with it.

However, giving the power of the digital artist to every autistic coomer in the community is probably going to lead to some kind of an oversaturation scenario.

Remember when kisekae became a thing and autists would immediately start posting these abominations everywhere? I sort of expect dall-e 2 to be a repeat of that, but on a much larger scale. Sure, it's not gonna be an issue if the output is visually pleasing most of the time, but we won't know until we actually see it create fattywank. And if there are some sort of 'tells' it leaves on the generated images (hopefully something more subtle than these nightmarish faces on dall-e 1), people will probably start picking up on those really quick after having to scroll past 2000 ai generated images of ssbbw emma watson farting every day when looking for new content.
IMO, Dall-e won't replace artists but I can see it becoming a part of pre-viz
None of these >>21845 are finished images but given the speed at which they generate, they are perfect for making mood boards or the very early stages of taking commissions.
(652 KB, 512x512, comb1.png) (687 KB, 512x512, comb2.png) (704 KB, 512x512, comb3.png)
It's pretty easy to create pictures of ever-increasing weight with appropriate inputs. I wonder how high it can be made to go - I think this is higher than any original source material already (especially bottom left of the 3rd pic who more closely resembles the hungry caterpillar than a human).
Damn, how and where did you generate the first one?
If you tell me where, I might use it to do fattyart right now :D

You are 100% correct about the using it for base for commissions. I would add to that it will help the artist understand what the fuck the commissioner wants, which is a big issue that comes up often.
Dang! And you aren't getting warnings for these? What prompts are you using?
"Anime girl with big belly eating food"
It's not explicit! I swear!
In all seriousness, though, I have made an effort to NOT generate anything overtly sexual. As I see it, "cute" is fine and I would describe what I wanted from the prompt as 'cute' rather than 'sexually gratifying'.
The only thing I was flagged for so far was 'Kitten soldiers', strangely enough
We're not in we don't be in Kansas anymore, this be never land
Shit you got access? I thought Dal-e 2 was in a pretty strong closed beta!

I can tell you right now that is good enough to be used in pro settings... or at least it seems like it (again, as a base)
These are great. I'd love to see some more photorealism stuff!
What keywords do you use to increase weight beyond ā€œobeseā€? Actual numbers donā€™t do anything.
(15 KB, 256x256, 244.jpg)
"the heaviest, fattest girl who ever lived" works for some reason. Sometimes add "with a swollen body" to that. You can specify age by saying "[n] year old girl". You can also type "blob girl" but that tag isn't very realistic. Numbers can be used but aren't very accurate, so "700 pound girl" might not get you a 700 pound girl but she'll be big. Make sure also to specify portrait view if you want the face to be more accurate, and don't forget mood lighting like "in a dimly-lit room".

So, for this image of possessed Karma from the New Mutants, I typed "the heaviest, fattest 19 year old Vietnamese girl who ever lived, velvet bodysuit, evil smile, in an ornate dimly-lit medieval palace". The image and preset could probably be improved on.
(1.0 MB, 763x810, 2 x9.png)
(414 KB, 512x512, paparazzi_photo_catches_feedee_Taylor_Swift_eating_an_entire_pizza_by_herself_with_her_big_bloated_belly_on_display_-n_6_-i_-S_2356093695_ts-1660160791_idx-1.png) (560 KB, 512x704, A_beautiful_portrait_of_400-pound_obese_Bryce_Dallas_Howard_as_400-pound_obese_Poison_Ivy_from_Batman_movie_digital_art_by_Eugene_de_Blaas_and_Ross_Tra_-H_704_-i_-S_3019729663_ts-1660157168_idx-0.png) (614 KB, 512x704, A_beautiful_portrait_of_400-pound_obese_Natalie_Portman_as_Poison_Ivy_from_Batman_movie_digital_art_by_Eugene_de_Blaas_and_Ross_Tran_vibrant_color_sch_-H_704_-i_-S_3019729663_ts-1660155818_idx-0.png) (508 KB, 512x640, full_body_portrait_of_a_slightly_overweight_gorgeous_Brie_Larson_wearing_a_micro_bikini_wearing_a_skin-tight_micro_bikini_thats_a_few_sizes_too_s_-H_640_-n_9_-i_-S_1532668533_ts-1660158789_idx-7.png)
Here's some stuff I did in Stable Diffusion. I'm going to try and wait until it's available to run locally to do more erotic stuff because I already got timed out and I definitely don't want to end up getting banned. I have one more on my PC that I'll post later that I saved before mods deleted the post, not complaining because I reported it lol
(438 KB, 512x512, 00013.png) (447 KB, 512x512, 00002.png) (483 KB, 512x512, 00006.png) (499 KB, 512x512, 00015.png) (517 KB, 512x512, 00016.png) (534 KB, 512x512, 00017.png)
I gave the recent leak of Stable Diffusion (optimizedSD) a try, using the prompt "the heaviest, fattest 14 year old Asian girl who ever lived, velvet bodysuit, addicted to food, in an ornate brightly-lit palace", a variation of a prompt earlier in this thread. The results are pretty decent, once you remove the nightmare fuel. But finding the correct prompt is still a challenge.
(344 KB, 512x512, 00004.png) (341 KB, 512x512, 00002.png) (341 KB, 512x512, 00009.png) (304 KB, 512x512, 00013.png) (351 KB, 512x512, 00010.png) (406 KB, 512x512, 00018.png)
I also tried variations on the prompt "young teen with a large belly that reaches her knees, large butt, F cup, photoshoot, hotel room, obese, SSBBW".
(452 KB, 512x512, 00009.png) (484 KB, 512x512, 00003.png) (481 KB, 512x512, 00004.png) (480 KB, 512x512, 00011.png) (428 KB, 512x512, 00013.png) (418 KB, 512x512, 00016.png)
And here's a set based on the prompt "young teen with a massive belly that reach her knees, huge butt, photoshoot, nearly immobile, sexy, obese, BBW, SSBBW". As you can see, there's still an issue with troll faces. The keyword "immobile" is also a bit hit-and-miss here.
I'm going to play around with it a bit tonight. Just remember these are old weights and the current ones in the discord are a lot better, they're going to be released in a few days.
Try switching out "immobile" for something like "bedbound"
The last one is almost perfect except for the fucked up nose, the second one is perfect. It's a shame none of us are going to get access to dall-e 2 until it's already fully censored and highly monetised
This is Stable Diffusion. The open source release is Monday. No restrictions against NSFW or anything of the sort
(493 KB, 512x512, 00001.png) (395 KB, 512x512, 00002.png) (405 KB, 512x512, 00006.png) (479 KB, 512x512, 00007.png) (508 KB, 512x512, 00007.png) (481 KB, 512x512, 00017.png)
I also tried to generate young fatties, using the prompt "the heaviest, fattest XX year old girl who ever lived, swimsuit, obesity, detailed, smile, outside on a sunny beach, sony a7 III".
Posted some of my generations with stable diffusion on my DA. My username is AlexH121212
What's the prompt?
I reported the posts, I suggest everyone else do the same.
isn't loli allowed on bbwalt? I know this is a more general thread for AI generated fatties but would you rather we just make two separate threads?
Loli are allowed, not children; that being said, these Frankenstein monstrosities might actually fall within the grey area of the law. That all being said, I'd suggest getting rid of AI before it gets out of hand since there has already been shit that looked child like but put through a Lovecraftian filter.

I see what you mean, I WILL say the ai was clearly trained on real people so yeah this definitely seems like a "legal grey area" more-so than loli/shota.

But it's important not to get rid of AI, it needs to be accessible to all or we risk it only being controlled by large corporations or government bodies. (sorry for the rant at the end, passionate about this sorta tech)
god fucking damnit this shit exists for like half a year and it's already being used to generate creepypasta CP
You're deluding yourself if you think people weren't abusing it from day one.
Since this is the alt board, has anyone had any luck getting these AIs to depict slob content? E.g. profuse sweat, gas clouds, girls' faces mid-belch? I imagine it's difficult but maybe someone's had better luck
(447 KB, 1536x1536, Fat_girl_bed.jpg) (257 KB, 1030x1030, generations2.jpg)
Suddenly? Those were just the first slightly realistic ones. And they are ultimately just AI fabrications (though the legality may depend on your jurisdiction).

Since there's little SSBBW slob content in the dataset these models are trained on, you will need to put in a bit more work. I'd suggest first starting with a promising prompt (see lexica.art for ideas) with txt2img, and then take the best components from multiple images and combine it in Photoshop. You can then run that composite through img2img with a similar prompt, and get a more seamless result. If you then repeat this process (with a lower strength each time), you should hopefully able to converge to a good result. At the end, you can also use Real-ESRGAN for scaling and face correction.
get this pedo trash outta here.
if the image looks like a child anybody with a brain would not post it, or let alone keep it. this is straight up cp.
(2.7 MB, 2619x2604, dalle myre lay on ball final but juxtaterrestrial.png) (985 KB, 1024x1024, DALLĀ·E 2022-08-05 19.44.02 - young woman, sitting on tan couch, diagonal couch living room, well lit,digital painting.png) (1.2 MB, 1024x1024, AI ART big belly Myre eating ice cream on the couch by juxtaterrestrial and dalle.png) (415 KB, 512x512, 00003-20_DDIM_3484216033-gfpgan.png) (67 KB, 512x512, huge belly and huge boob.jpg)
My best

Stable Diffusion

more https://www.deviantart.com/robojuxtaterrestrial
(23 KB, 512x512, 1.jpeg) (20 KB, 512x512, 2.jpeg) (21 KB, 512x512, 3.jpeg)
pornpen.ai works well for making sequences
"ssbbw emma watson farting every day"
don't give them ideas
(393 KB, 512x512, download.png) (477 KB, 512x512, download.png) (332 KB, 512x512, download.png)
finally got my hands on a 3070 now that everything is crashing but this is amazing.

has anyone figured out god tricks, prompts or models?

i ant to try inpainting morphs to see if they can be made realistic
(394 KB, 512x512, download.png)
maybe not the best quality but ive managed to get something sorta equivalent to blob from the AI
LoL at the man-made part but yeah, it's.... Not exactly, Not horrifying. It's weird. Cool but in a wtf way
Has anybody had any luck trying to get a fat kink story out of kobold AI? I've been trying to use the Erebus 16GB model but it always seems to keep converging on weight LOSS, it's like it's taunting me...
(411 KB, 700x700, 1659070579187419.png) (2.9 MB, 2256x2167, DALLĀ·E 2022-10-15 09.15.52 - blob.png)
I attempt to expand/outpaint this classic image from DustinDemon in Dalle2 with mixed success, ran out of credits before I could really make a whole image. if anyone wants to fuck with it further feel free (I was going to color correct the red and yellow parts but I didn't want to put in the effort)
Oh woah I had the same idea to outpaint this image. Just getting into understanding how it works and how to do it. I really should find a group to talk to blut this cause I'm running it locally.

Every time I try to outpaint it draws tits to the sides and then just noise below the original image. Can't even get poor mans out painting to work just mk2. Just gotta keep figuring this stuff out I guess.
Fortunately Dalle2 didn't recognize that this was a naked person so I got past that filter but then I discovered its outpainting needs a word prompt and that was tricky, im surprised I managed to get her boobs defined when they have blocked the terms "breasts" and even "pectorals" and "chest" turned the area below her it a treasure chest lol. Surprisingly the term "breastplate" was not blocked. Also asking for a "fat arm" resulted in like a trogdor style beefy arm. Ultimately I got the best results just pluging in the word blob a doing trial and error. But like I said I ran out of credits, oh well, fun experiment
man v4 of midjourney is so good, would be perfect for this i would imagine, anyone have prompts left?
big hips fat ass fertility goddess with long blonde hair bending over
Super hot thick and naked
(38 KB, 592x443, 1660120184132424.jpg)
You father wanted a son, not a fag who likes to play pretend.
Go and neck yourself, tranny.
Fat woman laying on a platter
big huge massive fat belly, gorgeous beautiful adult tall
very fat overweight black female with a big sexy fat tummy, big tummy, black skin, very long hair, bbw, fat, big huge belly, bedroom, bunny suit, bunny ears,
big huge massive fat belly, gorgeous beautiful adult tall
very fat overweight black female with a big sexy fat tummy, big tummy, black skin, very long hair, bbw, fat, big huge belly, bedroom, bunny suit, bunny ears,
Wait what did they crack? Do you know what model or engine they're using?
(301 KB, 512x512, 00221-149281510-studio full portrait of a naked fat woman, overweight, obese, bbw, ssbbw, bloated belly, large tummy, ass, symetrical belly butt.png) (315 KB, 512x512, 00160-910632188-studio full portrait of a naked fat woman, overweight, bbw, ssbbw, bloated belly, young, beautiful, nude, detailed, film, studio.png) (365 KB, 512x512, 00212-3896139185-studio full portrait of a naked fat woman, overweight, obese, bbw, ssbbw, bloated belly, large tummy, ass, symetrical belly butt.png) (349 KB, 512x512, 00191-665035139-studio full portrait of a naked fat woman, overweight, obese, bbw, ssbbw, bloated belly, large tummy, ass, symetrical belly butt.png) (334 KB, 512x512, 00185-2222739461-studio full portrait of a naked fat woman, overweight, obese, bbw, ssbbw, bloated belly, large tummy, ass, young, beautiful, nud.png) (342 KB, 512x512, 00159-910632187-studio full portrait of a naked fat woman, overweight, bbw, ssbbw, bloated belly, young, beautiful, nude, detailed, film, studio.png)
Got the prompts a bit more detailed:

studio full portrait of a naked fat woman, overweight, obese, bbw, ssbbw, bloated belly, large tummy, ass, symetrical belly button, nipples, young, beautiful, nude, detailed, film, studio lighting, detailed iris, symmetrical circular eyes reflecting the environment, natural color, dramatic highlights, light, shadow, relaxed, detailed skin, symmetrical ears and face shape, 90mm lens

Negative prompt:
disfigured, cartoon, painting, doll, blurry, grainy, black and white, broken, cross-eyed, undead, photoshopped, overexposed, underexposed, rash, sunburn, mutated, alien, unthinking, unfeeling, unrealistic, cramped, flexing, soft lens, hard light, wobbly iris, square iris, flat iris, edge of iris following, surreal, surrealist, fiction, Wax sculpture, caricature, frame, fish, Neanderthal, reptile, rings, jewelry, cataracts, dumb eyes, creepy, zombie, face paint, tattoo, folds, rolls, flab, scar, surgery, fruit

- 20 steps
- CFG 4.5
- Seed -1
- DPM2 a Karras
- Restore Faces
Ssbbw in Bikini
Bbw blonde naked
>>21273 (OP)
Holy shit, this might be the most autistic thread I've ever seen....
(793 KB, 832x832, 00772-102-obese, fat, tight shirt, short hair, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, cat ears, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump,.png) (440 KB, 640x640, 00766-100-obese, fat, tight shirt, short hair, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, cat ears, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump,.png) (411 KB, 640x640, 00768-102-obese, fat, tight shirt, short hair, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, cat ears, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump,.png) (541 KB, 640x640, 00671-282-obese, fat, tight shirt, tight pants, purple hair, hair, blue eyes, big belly, female, 1girl, thick thighs, nipples, choker, ca.png) (294 KB, 512x512, 00417-2638804336-Sexy Korra from avatar rubbing her fat belly while eating food in a restaurant, large ass, fat, huge boobs.png) (288 KB, 512x512, 00410-2638804329-Sexy Korra from avatar rubbing her fat belly while eating food in a restaurant, large ass, fat, huge boobs.png)
Been using Stable diffusion and a few different models to make some 2D art. Realistic stuff just doesn't seem to work very well right now unless you were to train a very detailed model yourself. I've tried to mixed results so far.
(331 KB, 512x512, 00005-2739786091-Extremely overweight woman naked.png) (739 KB, 832x832, 00777-107-obese, fat, tight shirt, short hair, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, cat ears, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump,.png) (751 KB, 832x832, 00773-103-obese, fat, tight shirt, short hair, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, cat ears, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump,.png) (411 KB, 640x640, 00768-102-obese, fat, tight shirt, short hair, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, cat ears, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump,.png) (443 KB, 640x640, 00752-102-obese, fat, tight shirt, tight pants, short hair, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, cat ears, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, c.png) (434 KB, 640x640, 00699-310-obese, fat, tight shirt, tight pants, purple hair, hair, blue eyes, big belly, female, 1girl, thick thighs, nipples, choker, ca.png)
(746 KB, 832x832, 00780-102-obese, fat, tight shirt, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump, highaesthetic, beauti.png) (716 KB, 832x832, 00779-101-obese, fat, tight shirt, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump, highaesthetic, beauti.png) (788 KB, 832x832, 00782-104-obese, fat, tight shirt, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump, highaesthetic, beauti.png) (794 KB, 832x832, 00778-100-obese, fat, tight shirt, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump, highaesthetic, beauti.png) (719 KB, 832x832, 00781-103-obese, fat, tight shirt, blue eyes, female, 1girl, nipples, choker, fat, bbw, blush, curvy, chubby, plump, highaesthetic, beauti.png)
Too lazy to learn how to make real art, huh?

Careful, or you'll get deleted. Your posted comment.
How come this site lures in the most absolutely retarded individuals ever? Like how did even find this site with theIr room temperature IQ?
Immobile blob
(81 KB, 1600x1200, 12x.png)

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