
(601 KB, 1125x1200, 1.jpg) (639 KB, 1125x1200, 2.jpg) (552 KB, 1125x1200, 3.jpg) (679 KB, 1125x1200, 4.jpg)
This guy makes pretty good slob and slob transformation pics. (If you want to check him out here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41546072/illustrations) I want someone to edit out the scat and piss, I am fine with everything else but scat and piss. I am posting the whole sequence to give a reference.
(633 KB, 1125x1200, 5.jpg) (782 KB, 1125x1200, 6.jpg) (721 KB, 1125x1200, 7.jpg) (860 KB, 1125x1200, 8.jpg)
(629 KB, 1076x1100, Girthy_Misaki.png)
Can I get a slob edit of this?
Anyone willing to do this
(347 KB, 1684x2162, EdAtHJ0UMAA5frE.jpeg)
Could anyone by chance cover up the light strip on her belly so it's green like the rest of it?
coloring it and add fart gas
coloring and add fart gas
(404 KB, 1972x794, RCO011_w_1583336917.jpg)
Really hoping if I can get an edit of this panel with Spider-Woman, but turned into a fatty slob, belching and farting as all heroes do👀👀

Of course if, don't know how hard panel work is but would really be thankful for it! Panel is from Strikeforce and the artist would be German peralta!
Even added a Hartman styled bg
Thank you
Just gonna ask, artist?
(113 KB, 360x450, Arachne_Gorgon.png)
Can someone edit Arachne into a fast foot addicted SSBBW?
(1.1 MB, 3000x1686, 1592445022338.jpg)
can you do add fart and burps gas, and frankie are farting more than vick?
Can someone colour this?
(339 KB, 4096x1248, EfiVWg7WsAAwHDe.jpg)
Could someone possibly edit the futa dick out of this pic?
(680 KB, 767x889, unknown (6).png)
Strangely enough, I got this out of today.
Just to clarify I'm talking about the girl in the Middle with the red bikini also the one editing this can you edit the bikini to become white and blue >>4167
(34 KB, 1024x576, 78D51BF7-AE4C-4916-B6E4-7F9462499D7A.jpeg)
Can you edit this picture of Mystique Sonia from hero 108 as a Massive, bulky, naked, enormous, sweaty and smelly blob, she should also have a large Blob face and her hair should be greasy and messy
Did you make that?
It’s a screen shot
Oh from where?
Ever head of a show called hero 108?
This frame is from an episode called the Liger castle
There even an episode called The Lion castle where Mystique Sonia actually does become fat and bulky
If you ask me she such a huge opportunity for SO MANY inflation artists out there
I was referring to the Sayu picture,
Anyways can someone edit my Mystique Sonia picture
(714 KB, 710x834, Alphastrike.png)
Can someone make Alpha Strike fat?
(110 KB, 1515x1235, EqVVBVMUYAAG_Z8.jpeg)
Can someone edit her super slobby with a lot of Sweat,Farts and maybe burps please? (Sry for my bad english)
(2.6 MB, 1530x1080, SPOILER_EsxGwSWW4As0ZLo.png)
Wondering if someone could make a slob edit of this, and I was also wondering if anyone knows the original artist?
(1.3 MB, 1332x1119, dino women.jpg)
can someone make these dino women in SSBBWs?
(1.7 MB, 2550x4564, 1620368759471.png)
I basically want a strongfat version of pic related. A nice hefty beer belly, loss of muscle definition due to a good few inches of pure fat on em and fattened face, loss of neck and double chin. And maybe a few empty jugs of heavy cream in the background.
(100 KB, 600x500, faa28f082cb83b5b3ee732c8a3aee971-imagejpeg.jpg)
Can someone colorize this? Both white, brown hair for the left, red hair for the right, slobify/ farts if you can. Asked on the slob thread, but I'm pretty sure its dead.
(7.0 MB, 3686x3486, k2apCLUg.png)
can anyone remove nick from this? (spoilered cause furry)
I'm really keen on learning how to do these.
Have you had any practice before, anon?
Not at all beyond basic photoshop stuff, I haven't really figured it out yet.
From what I've honestly seem, it's drawing/adding all the slobbiness to the drawing of, gas clouds, working with the original drawing to work with the shape and how things would stick, etc.

I do think something simple should be great for practice first?
(6.4 MB, 5035x3903, super_stuck_by_trinity_fate_d8z8q3r.png)
Can someone edit this to make it look like Pochaco is filling the room behind her with farts? The world needs more braps being squeezed out a stuck fat butt
(1.5 MB, 2052x1400, Sombra.png) (1.2 MB, 1784x1400, Tracer.png) (2.0 MB, 2712x1400, Zarya.png) (5.8 MB, 2993x1600, Ashe.png)
Would anybody be willing to make slob edits of these Overwatch blob faces?
Very nice!
we need more knd stuff
In the Western thread is where they all are
Zee with this figure or the line art zee colored. I’ll take either one.
(277 KB, 1389x1365, 20210503_074803.jpg)
Anyone up for a more slobby edit? Including braps, stains, what not, and a fatter Nat!
Thank ye, looks great!
>>12208 (Dead)
I've got to ask anon, what other types of media (cartoon screen caps, art, comic panels, etc) are you willing to edit to? Or is it whatever peaks my interest lol
I'll edit pretty much anything as long is it isn't very complicated, female only, and etc. I've been feeling very artistic lately and wanting to just make edits for people
why that shape?
a big pear shape
Hell yeah!
Nice job
Thank ya kindly
OR here , great work OP, really liked how plush and marshmallowly? she looks!! Not too bad for a first!
(1.3 MB, 2567x1990, Nuevo_Lienzo280.png)
Hello, fat edit artist? I'd like to request a nude edit for this Konata please.
Thank mate!
Awesome job
You missed a bit of hair and the tongue but otherwise looks great!
Thanks editor Anon. These look fantastic. Is there any way you could upscale them? The OG screemshots are tiny, so the added detail from the edit is lost a bit
(1.1 MB, 2750x2886, 106f6e228c8f129acf50817132b87973fe520913bdb5f9a661ef68b742a94e6b.png) (1.9 MB, 2750x2080, 625206fae4a64c15792f8e363def0b981e392a9e7f9136a6d09a7ed28b4aa5f4.png) (1.9 MB, 2750x2061, 1ec2553f7616d1d5df32411f8f38b57b6f1ce075ef4896a8b193af520d4b1a26.png)
Like these. These ones are much bigger images, and the lines are cleaner as a result. Also, would it be possible to isolate Marie from the background of the images and give her clothes like this Sarah edit?
(27 KB, 605x461, Yumi_dance.jpg) (36 KB, 409x491, Empreintes_009.jpg)
Gonna request some fat edits of these images here. If anyone's willing to take a crack at them?
any size refences? or just chubby?
God yes I second this. Fat trixie gives me life.
i think a good edit?
Looks great!
Also, don't mean to sound greedy, but do you think you could do a Kairi alt of this? (Kh1 version)
I have no idea what or who that is?
Here another fan of the Code Lyoko girls, it would be interesting to see if you can draw them chubby or a BBW design, if you want other pic reference let me know, also have you ever considered on opening comissions?
me? also a refence for both girls would be nice
Anon, the drawing is on a white background ffs. Anybody with even the most basic computer competency skills could use the erase tool in MSPaint and get rid of the fart in like literally 2 minutes.

Unless you grew up as the kind of kid who couldn't colour inside of the lines, there's no reason to be asking for the aid of someone with good photo editing skills for such a piss easy and braindead edit. It's simple enough that you can get off your ass and easily do it yourself.
I'm on a trip and I don't have a laptop with MS or my editing software so I can't erase it or crop the original hence why I posted the request.
(551 KB, 3000x3000, d2d62f40762df33adb4736843ca03e7f-imagejpeg.jpg) (33 KB, 429x1250, 1629207116126.jpg) (145 KB, 1600x960, 140646320761_by_imustgetsomuchfatter-daccb5u.jpg)
I really appreciate your consideration. So far for Aelita I have a proposition to make a "remake" of the WIP fat version I have of her, by using this oficial Pic, and that reference picture, only with bigger boobs and thicker folds so it can equal the WIP. If you consider it, I would really appreciate it, even if its a lineart, if not, still thanks for reading.
Not gonna lie... I got frozen from the impact of how good this looks like o.O

If you would like to remaster/edit a Pic Yumi too let me know because there is another Pic of them together that you would love, but I dont want to pressure but thank you for it and give other open ideas.

P. S. Seriously, if you are open to commission let me know, it would be really interesting to follow all your work beyond bbwchan
Glad you enjoy it, I don't really have an account anywhere to post all these edits and works to, (mostly due to the nature of this stuff and I'll probably be prayed upon on Twitter or DA for making this kind of stuff) I could probably just link my PayPal for commissions? or email? Also I can give the Yumi pic a try, just post it here i guess.
Don’t copy the expression on the 3rd and 4th image
(104 KB, 1600x960, 140646309345_by_imustgetsomuchfatter-daccb64.jpg) (63 KB, 141x473, Yumi_300.png)
Thank you so much for your interest, and yes, let me know about your email or best way to contact you, you can search me online as Infinite-F

By the way, here it's Yumi original design, and WIP to consider to remaster, I still can't find a proper fatart that could be use for base for the edit, do you have any proposition or ideas that can used as base similar to the WIP? If I found one I'll share it but it would be really interesting to see what you can come up with.

feel free to post a refence ill start on it soon with ideas
(539 KB, 1080x1400, de2obo7-68584a64-cc23-475f-8d30-b4c8bb2d6261.png) (327 KB, 1200x1200, de6tkqg-e1df55cd-6d6b-45b7-afde-7b0882cf6c2d.png) (236 KB, 1280x2058, asami_weight_gain_drive_pt__3_by_idle_minded_dehlf9d-fullview.jpg) (196 KB, 1280x1280, aerith_s_bounty_of_ham_by_idle_minded_degceus-fullview.jpg)

I feel this 3 images can get as close as possible of what the WIP originally shows, please if you have better options, surprise me!
(1.3 MB, 2700x3855, 20210819_065212.png)
Already had a rough base done but yuswd the images for some details here and there
Not gonna lie, this looks way much better that I could expect o.o and if want to improve it, go ahead be my guest!

I may have 2 more challenges of Lyoko girls if you are interested, but only if you want, also please let me know the best way to contact you please for possibe business, because some peopl in a server I follow they love your job so far!
I can use Twitter or discord if you have either of those
I would be down for a Discord link.

Me and Infinite-F have Discord. Since my request kind of got lost when he requested his edits.
Just for the record, those contacts are not from the anon editor thank you
Hey! I have known means of bothering, but any chance you could take a shot at this when all the other requests are done with?
Sexy! I love it!
Yo this is amazing thank you so much for doing my request.
(1.7 MB, 3536x1682, Claire_Fat_No_Smears.png)
Requesting an edit removing Claire's slippers and pants in the this image.
Can someone do my request
(1.4 MB, 3600x2400, Athena.png)
I know this thread is hella dead, but I'm gonna ask anyway. Could somebody possibly add burps, farts, and sweat to this pic?
(143 KB, 2048x1118, 20210912_014110.jpg)
-Scat warning-
Someone could make an edit by removing the scat?
I dont like the scat fetish but being the only drawing of this character (Gareth from FGO) that I find, I want to find a way to enjoy it and that is why I make this request
(266 KB, 1080x1740, Edit request pic.jpg)
Don't know if i'm asking too much but could someone edit this pic to reverse the roles?, as in like, the girl that's being inflated becomes the inflator and the girl that's inflating the other becomes the inflatee. The inflated one is called Jing Wei and the other one is Zoe btw.
Can someone do this request
its been done already
hey do you know who made this?

I'm not seeing the wobbling.
And I meant with andwobble, or any wobble effect program.
Woah! Awesome thanks!!
Could you try and make it even bigger?

Thanks for editing Osono for me. :)
(587 KB, 3375x4500, 087.jpg) (588 KB, 3375x4500, 082.jpg)
U tha best homie
May I ask for a similar (or bigger if possible) belly in these ones?
(911 KB, 1988x3056, 1629293810101.jpg) (980 KB, 1988x3056, 1629295378428.jpg)
>gag is that Felicia has their favorite meals
Now...what if she ate them too , haha, hoping someone can tackle this edit and make an evergrowing Hardy, big thanks in advance :)
(358 KB, 419x899, Robin_Post_Alabasta_Arc_Outfit.png) (351 KB, 435x1324, Manbagi_probándose_bikini.png)
Holy shit this is God tier and I'm high as fuck but this is beautiful! P.s if you want to can you do the same request but with nico robin, from one piece and rumiko from, komi-san can't communicate and if you can edit Robin nose and her popping the buttons on the outfit she's wearing and for rumiko just edit in the bikini she wearing if that's fine with you?
(2.0 MB, 4110x1263, maniacalfork-685384-rect8222.png)
Can someone change the blond gal to a Brunette? And give the Brunette some blond hair? Thanks!
Anyone willing to make it possible?
Hell yeah man.

Also wanted to add on >>14003, think you could make them innies?
Awesome thanks pal!
(1.1 MB, 3300x2550, 001 (1).jpg)
Request fart version please
(2.3 MB, 1905x2562, 20211024_183010.png)
The azula one might be too difficult to do, I'm stuck and spent hours trying to make a belly but the pose and colors are too obscure along with the legs>>13825
I'll see, I'll wait a bit to see if someone else takes the request since I'm busy
Very nice, friend! The tube could use the chalk-like lineart but nitpicking isn't style.
Dope man, thanks anyway!!
(571 KB, 868x1228, 92931701_p0.jpg) (74 KB, 247x401, Lisa_Simpson.png)
Anyone wanna try their hand at edited the first pic into Lisa? The recent weight gain episode made me want more.
Yeah I get what you're saying
Thanks indeed for uploading them!
I think it looks off because of the angle, which makes it look as if the belly was flat instead of spherical
(3.0 MB, 2600x2400, cm__battle_of_the_bellies_by_metalforever_dcp3ax5.png)
Could someone edit Futaba's belly to a stuffed belly by removing all of the bulges on it and the line running down the middle of her belly both above and below her navel, and also edit hers and Kawakami's dialogue to say:

Kawakami: Surely Joker would prefer a pregnant woman over one that eats a lot! That's just weird!

Futaba: Nu-uh! I read his internet history! He's super into stuffing!
(827 KB, 1000x563, 1638201669588.png)
Someone please edit this to make her look more bloated and fatter please.
(862 KB, 2483x2332, 2438857.png) (458 KB, 4096x3641, FHY0UrSXEAAvWLs.jpg)
Requesting one of the three beings (not exactly human) being generous to their chosen magic battery.
(140 KB, 1200x1062, FHXvwtYaQAU0EA6.jpg)
Could someone please remove the Futa of Shishiro Botan?

(437 KB, 890x1054, Jamorbital1.jpg) (282 KB, 936x935, Jamoribtal.jpg)
Can anyone make her chunkier? Really don't have much of a particular size in mind
I'm just going to bump this >>13886
(124 KB, 1920x1080, Catwoman Hunted Screenshot 2.jpg)
Can someone fatten both Catwoman and Batwoman in these screenshots from the DC anime movie "Catwoman: Hunted" via make them both as fat as this edit/drawing of Noriko Takaya from the anime "Nerae! Gunbuster" by Jeetdoh and their clothes and/or masks and belts ripping/snapping around certain parts of their bodies please? Thank you.
(53 KB, 800x639, Norika Takaya 2 by Jeetdoh.png)
>>18921 Here's edit/drawing of Noriko Takaya by Jeetdoh I've mentioned for reference as I was unable to post it in the previous posts due to the file size limit.
(1.2 MB, 1934x1176, Lucy 069.png)
Can somebody remove the background of this?
(142 KB, 1215x717, Samira.jpg) (301 KB, 1374x2048, image.jpg)
Could someone colour Samira from League Of Legends?
Is requesting edits of pictures of real life women allowed on this thread?
(68 KB, 294x407, Shrinking Rae.jpg)
Can someone edit Shrinking Rae from Invincible into a SSBBW?
(6.1 MB, 6382x4200, df2nn15-eef6754b-dd9b-4e03-8833-f2a05eae5a18.png)
Can anyone make Android 21's arms and face big and fat to match the rest of her proportions, mostly focusing on 21 here but you're free to do 18 on the right if you want
(1.0 MB, 3150x1780, Poison Ivy and Catwoman Edit 1.png)
Can someone take this group fat edit of Catwoman and Poison Ivy make them both fatter and put them both in bikinis and/or one piece swimsuits or maybe turn them both into blobs please? Thank you.
Who did these edits? These are amazing and sexy!
(1.2 MB, 991x926, bowz.PNG)
Can a kind soul edit this Bowser to be female? Doesn't need to be extravagant, just a pair of tits is fine
Saw your stuff on /draw/ any chance you're taking requests right now ?
(331 KB, 670x505, please edit.png)
Can someone please edit this into making Mipha's belly fat instead of pregnant?
(289 KB, 1536x2048, FYz3WsoX0AIjtWy.jpeg) (67 KB, 800x800, Notes_220807_121956_129.jpg)
Here's something rather dumb but screw it.
Can anyone here edit Black Cat/Felicia Hardy's hair to be a yellow-ish blonde hair color please??

(I know, odd request. So what?)
Nothing more. Thanks.
(196 KB, 2079x960, F039595D-5AE5-488E-BEE8-838F225E7DE1.jpeg) (174 KB, 2079x960, D34A303C-907A-4964-9EE6-5ED2B71008D9.jpeg) (167 KB, 2079x960, C2C0C375-3CC5-4F30-9F9B-9DB01C6484DF.jpeg) (168 KB, 2079x960, 9100C292-46DA-469F-9559-3B7870A55688.jpeg) (203 KB, 2079x960, CB1E8C66-8177-49A3-9337-229D3C8CC57F.jpeg) (193 KB, 2079x960, 93ABDC6A-A5BE-4350-B024-FCD02520051D.jpeg)
I’m surprised no one has asked for this considering the sumo scenes both cartoons are known for.
(1.5 MB, 1920x1090, e9d99e81456ab30eb53670e59900b173945d55cf9bc644a98d4831b7b1a83241.png) (179 KB, 1240x796, acb241d9e4847a09136e55daf155948dafaaf9df96c3ab4eee3dd2fe7c632cfa.png) (614 KB, 1920x1080, c2f8fcabb42f9421244168c885fcf4b02e7fdd4791474d8af6595630de53c7ee.png) (571 KB, 2041x2160, 02351665648bc289b8fb439bd0b0b56a365f4081b1dd61616ce18aa7a8e93e05.png)
Could someone make some blob edits of Aquamarine from Steven Universe? Either screenshot is fine (though doing both would always be appreciated)
Make her a slobby, gassy blob in the first screenshot, or give her a screen filling blob face in the second
Okay but... Why or how? The colored version fits the source material.
>>26377 it's low quality and not that great honestly
(928 KB, 1240x971, JingWei_Colour_edit.png)
Coloured one.
Sorry if I changed too much. I never really coloured other people's art before.
If someone wants to continue it, they can. Colouring takes a bit too much out of me right now. At least I got to put post of my effort in the area I like the most
(1.4 MB, 3600x2000, 1958921.png)
Requesting on a descending order of importance.
Requesting feet removed.
Requesting human skin color edit; some anons keep one value to give them more than one and the same hue.
Requesting nude edit.
(1.5 MB, 1080x1920, 8f93d94f5b4e52a091aa4c3ddae640e938856c67b1da3e2375bf60e518e3ea4d.png) (102 KB, 623x794, 724959f4af2d14b2daaf7360124a79439b61663b8185d71d2839e8201ed298f2.png) (398 KB, 2161x2934, 9fa353ec5cb0947a36174fd9c171348b32e4221c82e39bb204d99e0cb2bb15ae.jpg) (419 KB, 2161x2934, 38221c10164d008c08aa04c07588973b6bc8c8d84607c31b2c234249c6923de3.jpg) (416 KB, 2161x2934, cc11efdf57fa458da65978522115b65be243c46f206c48b690d0fe400f1efa4d.jpg) (423 KB, 2161x2934, 93e12b03eeb8b541939cb6d4627b7e830e062b0d59b1ca3153bdd8c64e1314ab.jpg)
Requesting her rounded, or them rounded. Choose any image.
Thank you very much, I don't mind the small changes, it still looks great.
This is such a fucking pointless edit request, the background is entirely white and all of the elements implying stuffing aren't even blocking other parts of the image. You could just do this yourself in like 2 minutes in MS paint using the erase tool with no artistic talent required, you don't need someone else to do this for you.
Remove an implied stuffing? What kind of logic is that
(594 KB, 2048x4096, FfyIswyWAAMDCRv.jpg)
Requesting the first two panels removed. I need templates for img2img.
Just crop the image??? You can do this in literally any basic ass image editor in like five seconds, I'm amazed at how much of the stuff people are asking for in this thread is pathetically simple shit that anyone can do with no effort or significant time investment whatsoever
Open up MS paint and use the erase tool to get rid of the drawings in the first two panels, it would take a couple of minutes at most and unless you're completely incapable of moving a mouse cursor around and keeping it within the confines of a 2D box there's really no excuse as to why you can't do it yourself because it's dead simple. You could do it on a phone even, you really don't need to ask someone else to do this shit for you as it doesn't require any advanced phot editing knowledge whatsoever.
They're not wrong, easy stuff
Yeah how rude of me to tell someone how to complete a minimum effort edit themselves so that the thread isn't clogged with pointless requests for edits that don't require any actual artistic or photo manipulation skills whatsoever, god I'm such a miscreant.

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