
I reckon if you have it, you post it
I'd post more but I don't have much art of her unfortunately.
(326 KB, 960x540, 1553653612145.webm)
She gave me a fat fetish but not a blueberry fetish.
third and possibly 2nd image literally awakened my fat fetish side. imagine how different violet would be if not all the juice is squeezed out of her?
Her waddling out of the factory like she is in the third image would have been the best. Though I still do like the implication of what her new body can do. Its chemistry has completely changed so any food she ingests could cause her to start filling up in the same way rather than putting on and burning fat normally. Plus her stretchiness makes it so she can fit so much more food and drink in her than before.
>they will never make another willy wonka with a truely blubbery fatassed blueberry scene
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Found these on a chan a while back.
A sauce would be much appreciated.
How come we keep getting other boards dirty laundry?

Fruit are more flesh than juice so it could be said when a girl who's been dejuiced after turning into a blueberry but stuck with more blueberry than human genetics; that her overeating from her inability to feel full from her stomach gaining the ability to expand to the size of pick up trucks, would leave her hobbling around with a large huge soft fleshy gut that leaves her more self conscious about her jiggling belly causing the torrent of juice within her to loudly slosh around with every step than the juice causing her pants to split in public from having been steadily tightening around her butt and thighs as the excess juice bloat them up.

It's a low chance but it's still a chance with that cartoon that's being made.
Has SB99 ever drawn her before?
Go ask, maybe they’re open to it?
I want a story or sequence where violet or her mother ends up eating a large ball of blueberry gum like big league chew style.
And they end up growing beyond the limit and end up either becoming a juice factory or exploding like a blueberry nuke
You got a source for those first two?
luigistar445 for the first pic
and idk the source from the second pic. got it off discord
I don't even think LuigiStar445 ever uploaded this one on his DA or Twitter.
Props it's from a discord server. idk my memory is a bit fried
>Violet enjoying her expansion
Yes. YES.
I agree. The stages before she becomes spherical are so fucking good.
wish more violet art used that first pic's size
Bump, more Violet is needed~
I've seen this morph before and I'm sure there were more of them
I must say these are some good pieces of artwork.
(3.7 MB, 2306x2665, Viedit.png)
I understand the artist's intent in morphing it so it's no longer violet, but I always thought the face they opted for instead just looked weird. So, I made a really quick edit
Where are you finding these morphs?
Yes, cause it was done by me XD
Who are the first 3 by?
Same here. Sauce?
Shame we never got a sequel to this
Noice! Anymore?
That is insane.
Where did you find these?
Why. Why do we gotta see that.
Im kinda scared to ask what the dude posted
I get we’re all degenerates but Jesus Christ anon
(158 KB, 1024x1294, B5F0C61C-1BAC-4EDA-A1A0-000F34DA0BC5.jpeg)
Enjoy a bit of a palate cleanser. Love this dude’s art aesthetic and the aesthetic mixed with Vi just makes this a good piece all around.
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>mfw we will probably never expansion content this good again until some of us get hands on 2005 era Hollywood tech
What was it?
It was a 8k 60fps version of the 2005 Violet expansion on YouTube.
Got more like these?
Does anyone have the whole 2005 Violet sequence chopped up in to parts? Like each part of the song where’s she’s being rolled, swelling, etc
Fuck. I tried to compress them but it ended up making them mute and making the second one look like absolute shit, sorry fellas

Sorta, but like, each chunk of each section. Like, just the part where her butt inflates or the part where the walk over her head and you see her sides.
if there is a chance to make this in green screen mode then that would be awesome! like no one else, just violet only.
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Speaking of changing color, I really like the shot where she rubs her belly as it fills up. Nice attention to detail with the prints that her fingers leave behind.
Bro, how do you have footage this high quality? Can you send the source, or the full file?
Weird request, I know, but can SOMEONE post a walkthrough of them playing Charlie and The Chocolate Factory for PS2 where they spend a significant amount of time on the Violet level rolling her around and making her moan and go “Ow!”, please?

I’ve seen lots of playthroughs where they barely interact with the poorly rendered blueberry girl. Extra points if you post the Violet teasing video on YouTube. Just to piss off the normies.
If I had the equipment I'd do it
(3.2 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_4457.png)
I have to say, this scene was my favorite of the scenes while she’s rolling. I think she got a bit bigger while getting rolled, as her head and hands and feet sunk a bit more.
(3.3 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_4324.png)
Thats honestly my favorite shape
Look at her being so fat
She looks so squishy i bet she waddles in that size
Plus her belly is exposed
(178 KB, 1600x699, wonka_s_worrisome_woes__2_2____71_violet__by_bubble_boop_dfetclr-fullview.jpg) (285 KB, 1600x1012, wonka_s_worrisome_woes__viole_beauregarde__by_bubble_boop_dfeqtbl-fullview.jpg) (295 KB, 1600x1319, hvv_violet_beauregarde_1_blueberry_ed__by_bubble_boop_dfozlfi-fullview.jpg) (240 KB, 1600x1319, hvv_violet_beauregarde_1_by_bubble_boop_dfozlf1-fullview.jpg) (155 KB, 1280x805, hvv_violet_beauregarde_2_blueberry_ed__by_bubble_boop_dfozlfm-fullview.jpg) (223 KB, 1600x1006, hvv_violet_beauregarde_2_by_bubble_boop_dfozlf7-fullview.jpg)
Can you post all the movie star ones over 40 on the inflation thread, please?

Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez, Gal Gadot, Sofia Vergara, Salma Hayek, Natalie Portman preferred.

I posted everything on the beg thread of the inf board the last time someone asked for Bubble-Boop and someone called an admin to delete it all for spam.

Someone else can do it.
How do you feel about adding side effects to the 2005 inflation sequence?
Like side effects like extra gurgling and gas?
It's apparently unpopular to be into gas, but yeah, make her burp and brap and she'll be more embarrassed than being a ten foot blueberry, basically anything that makes her more uncomfortable in front of a large audience
Yeah I mean if some people aren’t into gas. To each their own. I mean I also had another side effect idea.
And what would it be?
Having accidents
Honestly, if I was a (fictional) friend, I would stand up for her and show those bullies a lesson or two (which may end up feeling blue by the end of it.)

playful teasing though, I don't mind!
A realistic side effect I can imagining already happening within the scene that we got is that she likely sweated out juice through her pores all over her body; it seems to the most likely explanation for why her tracksuit top and bottom were able to become so darkly stained.
>>37706 You're useful and valuable. You're not a fuck up.
Thanks, I suppose
Just an idea I had. Plus I think she’d be better off in those Wonka Berry Diapers
>>20668 (OP)
Did the mother character also get some fat/inflation art?
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I'm interested in making a higher poly remake of Violet's GameCube model, but I know very little about blender. Are there any artists who offer 3d model commissions? Alternatively, does anyone have any good resources for learning how to make both a regular character model, and blueberry model with the sunken hands/feet, puffed up cheeks and limbs, etc?
So prequel confirmed, which victim would've been the first to try Wonka's blueberry? Violet's ancestor?
I remember reading a story where it takes place a few years after the ending, Veruca now an adult is living her life but has having these dreams of her childhood. These dreams being either Wet, nightmarish or both.

So she gathers up her bravery and returns to the factory, she meets Charlie who is the one practically the face while the oompa-loompa’s are actually running the factory. They inevitably talk about the gum machine and Charlie says it’s been abandoned and offers her the opportunity to visit it.

She does and when given the chance to chew the gum she does it without hesitation. However she wants more, so she asks for another stick and Charlie activates the machine to make another one. After eating that one and growing practically 4x her original size, she practically begs for one more. When Charlie activates the machine again, it breaks down after creating the last gum stick and the story said “that the stick of gum radiated blue”. Charlie throws the stick into veruca’s mouth and now she can’t stop growing
It makes me wish for a redo, basically the entire scene but filed from a single far away angle so we can see the whole process.
i remember watching this scene over and over again whenever my parents weren't home. i love her inflation so much. i love her belly button, how helpless she looks, her moans, the way her booty expands and how her cheeks are filled with juice <3
Seeing her ass inflate makes me wish that the juice had concentrated on swelling her other areas too
Very ironic given she transforms into a literal berry but I guess they both kinda go hand-in-hand especially in the earlier stages of her inflation
Do you have any more bubble-boop content?

You fucking retarded I would seriously get yourself checked save some fucking chromosomes for the rest of us on BBW Chan for Christ's sakes. Did I not very clearly state that the reason I have not posted more bubble boop content is because the last time I did I got reported for fucking spam you are a fucking idiot yes I do I have plenty of it I have more of it than fucking but we'll be himself but I tell you what I will not be posting it not because of spam not because of anything else not in this entire universe except the fact that I am compelled not to because you you specifically you of the fucking ID 83aaad is a fucking retarded person and does not deserve it therefore neither does the rest of the world fuck you in particular nobody else on this fucking planet just you let's home in 8 billion people on this fucking planet some of them are fat some of them the fucking sexy some of them are both - you
....The fuck? was this huge rant necessary?

Shut the fuck up.

This is either a troll or the original op is high. Probably a troll. Ignore it.
Does anyone have or know where I can find a comic that features Violet Beauregarde from 2005 and Violet Beauregarde from 1971 dueling to see who has the biggest blueberry inflation, and they expand until they get bigger than the Galaxy? I think this comic is from the former artist Fari's Berries for the art style. Please help me with any information.
should you really be turned on if she's canonically 12?
i'm just saying.
you're actually braindead if you can't understand why flooding a thread with a massive amount of images all at once could potentially result in them being deleted for spam

If I made a few Google Drive links in one post, would that be fine? I have a few of the sets.
If you have bubble-boop content in a drive link, you should absolutely share a link

Any chance you got Google Drives of the non-blueberry stuff? If not, that’s ok.

Nope, sorry man.
Anymore violet pics like this?
You happen to have more bubble-boop content?
braddersking21 on DA made the edits but only a handful of pages
Fuck no he didn't. He just reposted them on his dA. There was an anon that made a dedicated thread where he uploaded them all but unfortunately I'm not quite sure where archived posts go because if you scroll through all the thumbnails in bbwalt, the thread no longer appears. Sadly I didn't save them either
I found this entire comic, and alot of others on some obscure blueberry website not too long ago. Im pretty sure I saved alot of the pages if its down.
Do you happen to know where you found the story or what it's called?
Do you have any of the Veruca themed bubble boop morphs?
Blueberryverse is your guy for this. 3D models are his specialty, and I believe he does requests weekly if you subscribe to his Patreon.
Anyone buy the new bubble-boop Beauty in Blue gallery
Anyone got the extreme violet beaureguarde edits that grapeknight deleted?
Anyone have the new pics from bubbleboop?
What’s a costume card?
Pretty sure these were trading cards
iirc they were actual cut-out pieces of the outfits/costumes that the actors wore on set - this one being violet's. and they were used as collectible trading cards.
Pretty sure the second one is an edit
I saw that edit on its own years ago
not necessarily violet-centric but there's currently a chud on deviantart who is making violet "edits" where all he is doing is changing the hue of the scene so violet swells in different colors and charging $15 a month so you can view it

the jokes write themselves
He's been around before. The usual ESL/Mentally retarded DA crowd like 'thatvioletgirl' Are the ones faving it and giving him praise.

(also chud should not be used outside of the 'arty, xister)
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>>49731 my bad wrong thread
NIGGA, THATS NUTS! (You are a pedophile)
Next time you fucking retards post a fucking child, I'll delete this fucking thread. Fuck sakes
Isn’t Violet also a child? (I am clueless on what happened)
>>49751 You do realize that the Alice Thread is still up?
They cant read thats why lmao>>50865
Would anyone be able to upload the alternates from Bubble-boop's artwork? Namely Trip to the Fluffing Flowers, Happy House Viewing, Taste of the Pastry Paper, The Blueberry Burglar, and Beauty in Blue?

I'm not asking for all of the alternates, there are just some specific celeb ones I'd like to see. Listed Below:

Elizabeth Olsen
Emilia Clarke
Hailee Steinfeld
Margot Robbie
Kathryn Newton (I know there wouldn't be much of her, but I remember seeing that there were alternates featuring Kathryn Newton)

Sorry, there's one I missed, AnnaSophia Robb.
This confuses me because she already played Violet
Apparently ultrahand made it
Who? I can’t find them anywhere? Are they deleted?
(1.5 MB, 2864x1621, IMG_3271.png)
Btw I tired to make it more High Quality sorry if it looks like piss.
Quickie little reminder, KilrQuin deactivated their Deviantart account
What the fuck

Someone archive their art
Did you draw this? It looks good.
The vast majority of movies are shot in 30 lol
Why are people so obsessed with 60fps?
it's a meme to brag about monitors, most people wouldn't notice the difference unless you're one of those pro gamers that need to make frame-perfect inputs
The "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" Video game has a bunch of .wav sound files that will work on modern systems full of Violet/blueberry sounds. Gutteral noises, creaking, sloshing, etc. They make an excellent audio accompaniment when jacking off to blueberry pics or fics
Do you have them or know where you can access them?
I’m listening…
Found em I think.

For folks curious, it's under Disk 1 > DATA > VioletsGame.

they are the .WAV files unless anon was referring to another subsection of the files
(71 KB, 358x358, QxPfUAh.jpg)
"That's the spice."

I busted hardcore loads listening to that while I write berry smut or look at it. Literally makes everything better.

also I comm'd a violet x veruca thing that is a bit extreme body wise. Might post it here I dunno.
>also I comm'd a violet x veruca thing that is a bit extreme body wise. Might post it here I dunno.
post eet
It ain't done yet dongus *bonks*
what's it about and why is it so "extreme"
there's also some stuff under DATA/VO. Specifically S20_VB_0X.mp3
Anything worth using from any of the other games? Off the top of my head there was a Gameboy game and a Playstation title which both had Blueberry Violet centered levels. Might have some good sounds as well.
Anybody gonna put the sounds in a Drive/Dropbox folder?
>>48306 that guy is slapsticksausage889, there's a kemono.party page with his shit but its a bunch of txt files that resemble .m3u format... one edit that made her jiggle stood out as pretty good and i kinda want to download it but again it's a bunch of txt files. if someone could figure out how those work i'd be grateful
It's because they were flagged as pedophilic most likely. Violets 05 scene features annasophia robb being like, 11 years old? Just move away from that kemono and don't waste your time trying to decipher it so you can watch violet 'jiggle'.
Remember how you felt when Tom & Jerry rebooted Willy Wonka and they skimped on the Violet expansion? This just came out today. Skip to 2:30 and prepare to laugh and cry.


To his credit, he drew Scarlett sexy as hell. Still would have loved a scene where she tried to shove blueberry Violet through a suspiciously circular door.
The last one is Violet. What are you talking about.
>>56578 Man no one knows how to give the people what they want
My brother in Christ, he did the exact same thing as Tom and Jerry did.
That was his entire point? They completely butchered it.
I know. Cas knew how much “impact” that scene had. It’s just the way that anon displayed it like a cars salesman.
I don't understand why artists feel the need to make a nice piece like this and just totally fucking alienate everyone with giant feet.
(3.2 MB, 498x278, tenor.gif)
Aw man, all the elements were there for this to be the hottest shit ever if not for the gigantic feet
Go up there make sure theyre doing right by our members. After all they pay.
Go to each office. Audit their hire list. Question the fuck out of them

I can ask for a version without the giant feet? I can even pay a bit extra if you'd like
I asked. Sorry for ruining your day with >feet but I wanted them to kinda give them plump feet because i think it's hot for them to stick out of the divots. They made it a bit too big tho

I'll send you the new pic without the hyper feet after I pay for the edits
It's your call at the end of the day, personally I would much prefer it without the giant feet but it's also your commission like you can't let other people decide for you
It's five bucks extra. I'll shill. What's the point in buying porn if you can't let other people enjoy it?
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This image has a seemingly good base for a morph given the angle that she's in. Wonder if there's anyone out there skilled enough to actually fill in the extra space so it looks like she's actually a blueberry
>This image
Of all the behind the scenes shit I've seen about that movie, that image is one I've never seen before.
A very nice rare behind the scenes 05 violet find
Those mocap tape are meant to be tracked. Its trivial to map it into 3D. The hard part is matching the DoF and camera angle. I could easily turn that into a blueberry, and just composite the face overtop the CGI. Like how they did in the movie basically.
Eh, I wasn’t really saying to make it a 3D render. But I’d like to see an artist try their best to photoshop the original image so it looks like her blueberry form - either by drawing/photomanipulating/blending the edit to make it look like it’s part of the actual scene itself.
What in the doxing
This is Violet SrongFat
by Azumaonfire
You’re welcome
Sorry the edited version isn't done yet

on another note how many people here have jacked off to either the 70s movie or 2005 version movie expansion scene? I don't know why so many blueberry fetishists deny doing it. How else would you have got the kink?
Y’know I once cummed to the ‘71 scene.
Oh and it was mainly because of the waddling.
That’s all I’m saying.
Rolling for me. I like the oversexualization of the 2005 more though.
Both are winners in my book.
And yes, I’m only saying that because of the ass expansion part.
(4.2 MB, 660x720, 1713900230982571.gif)
They knew what they were doing. There is no way they didn't. I refuse to believe anyone on board saw this and was like "This is child friendly."
Goddamn stupid movies corrupting my dick and the youth of america
Okay one: it feels so off seeing this flipped.
Second: Apparently according to a response related to this, the movie was created at the time where, “ASS = COMEDY”, hence they added this.

But I don’t believe it in the slightest because why else would you add jiggle physics to it.
I didn't make the gif. Probably got it from a bootleg upload on Youtube where they flipped it so it wouldn't be taken down.

>"Hahah look honey! That brat's ass grew big enough to rip her pants! Her jiggling booty is now bigger than beachballs! Kids, isn't it the funniest fucking thing you have ever seen?"

Tim Burton is just a pervert and I love him for it.
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I'm an inflatee and have dreamed about being in violet's shoes since I was very young, so I will admit to enjoying the '05 scene more times than I can count. I've never been much into the '71 scene at all really, partly because I saw '05 first and so was 'spoiled' in that regard, but also because Sam Beauregarde is a bit of a boner killer for me. I think a big part of why I find '05 hot is because of the scarlett reaction shots, and that shot of her in the pipe where she gives her a push.

I heard a theory from someone that maybe the reason for the ass shot is that Violet and Scarlett's tracksuits were supposed to be juicy velour - so her ass swelling to accentuate the 'juicy' on the ass was supposed to be ironic. But maybe juicy velour objected at some point to their brand being used, but the shot stayed in somehow. Bit of a crackpot theory, I know - but a part of me finds it might be more plausible than just "butts=funny"
Fuck. Some of those clips didn't have audio. Oh well you get my gist
I think because her cheeks were full of juice or because they didn't want the brat to ruin the prerehearsed song

I think Scarlett, veruca, and Augustus were hot characters to have fetish shit done to them but violet stole the show. I think it would have been amazing if Scarlett and vi both chewed the gum as they argued who should be juiced first
This is why alot of ppl start families & move far away.
Personally, I'd rather see fetish art of 2005 Veruca; weight gain, inflation, either one works.
Smooth transition of loud voices.
thread's been dead so i think i'll ask

what the hell are you talking about?
It wasn't bad just five bucks. I wanted you guys to enjoy it too.
Well thanks again, it's a really hot idea and newgains did it justice
Her love language is just toxic every sentence out her mouth is meant to throw jabs go back to shop rite
I don't get it, did the chemical reaction make all the juice in her, alcoholic, so she's incredibly drunk and will never be sober again or what?
I think she's supposed to be getting off on the inflation, not that she's drunk.
At least I think so, anyway.
Could any of you upload it to a google drive or something? My computer bit the dust recently and I’m still saving for a decent computer. I understand if it’s too many files or something

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