
This one is just fucked up to even make a thread about, what is wrong with you.
Guys this is /alt/, leave your fucking morality at the door. We have threads about fictional children and women literally bursting open.

I support this thread being here.
You're just as mentally ill as the OP
>>19961 dude we literally have a loli and health issues tread believe me a death feederism one isn't too far off
We need more death feederism art and stories
Lolicon, vore, vomit, shit whatever the fuck you people post here on /walt/ idrc but asking for necrophilia is just messed up, as other OP replied to your comment you are just mentally ill and sick in the head as OP who made the thread.
I think you should see a therapist about this one.
Wow, judging a fetish in a fetish forum. This indeed is the worst community. (Im also not a fan of death/necro but you wont hear me complaining)
I honestly see the Lego and scat threads as worse; at least with this I can at least laugh at it.

You both need to realize that the world isn't black and white and that things being grouped within the same category doesn't mean they're equal.
I don't care, how about don't jack off to dead people. So fucking simple with that small brain of yours.
how about dont jack off to fat people
Drawing aren't people.

That's why lolis are okay. They're _not_ people.

If either one was actually a person, that would be super fucked up. Thing is, if Bob fucked kids and Ted fucked dead fat chicks and I was only allowed o kill one, I'd kill Bob. Ted is fucked up, but at least his demented behavior isn't hurting anyone.
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God i love this thread, is full of people fighting in a fat fetish website
Saying that other people are worse than You doesn't make You good, this is fucked and I'm personally on disagree with other threads like Loli. This is All just way too much for a person.

Your straight up getting turned on by looking at Death bodies. That's something a psychopath would do, please get some help.
there saying there not real if your thinking drawing of fictional things are real then maybe you need help and not them. like when you play a shooter do you think your actully killing real people
Ah cool, I'm glad you figured out how to control what turns a person on. Fucking smooth brain.
Dude, if You play a videogame is because it's fun, this thing is literally fantazising about a Death body, is not even like a horror movie (You watch a horror movie, because of the nerves and anxiety it gives You) but this is fucking pleasure. You get that? Even if doesn't hurt anyone it's still Bad, cause you're probably causing some damage at You just by looking at this kinda things
Don't be that stupid, a psychopath that makes crimes Is not on control of what he thinks, but he still is dangerous and has to be stopped. I'm not saying You should got yo jail or anything, I'm just try to let You know, that You shouldn't be getting turned on by this, even if you're not on control of that, you still can restrinct yourself from this. That way you'll be at least a little les weird than You already are
Noooo the messages got deleted

This is literally like Tiananmen Square
>>19898 (OP)
Seriously dude, just make it about death feederism or at least fatal unhealthy fatties.

At least there’s some content.


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