
(46 KB, 220x215, april_o_neil_by_misty_stuffer_by_arthurdisneysdw_ddpd7bs-pre.jpg)
The only reason this is a mistystuffer picture is because the original video had a LOT of mistystuffer shit in it, and figured this might jog someones memory.

All I remember is it sorta reminded me of the back street boys. The song started off with some guy saying something like, "Now this is what all guys fear the most, haha.." before starting up the song. One of the lyrics was something about "She was trying to tan all overrrr".

Need help, I have been losing sleep for years trying to find this song. Thanks
Song lyrics don't match what you say here, but if it sounded like Backstreet Boys, maybe "I Want A Fate Babe"? Loads of times where I've sworn I knew some lyrics for a song, but turned out to be completely wrong.

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