
I don't see how this couldn't be posted on bbwdraw
people lose their shit

post the brap
i really like this thread
Well, i drew them. They’re just from discord
Do you have a DA or something where you could post them?
Nice iluminaughty she never gets art!
Thanks, I always liked her avatar, she really needed a few pounds added on.
Hehe funny triangle girls goes buuuurp
any progres on that Shgurr request I made? ^_^"'
(91 KB, 1104x834, Shgurr_Blob.png) (495 KB, 2000x1125, image0.png)
Does anyone know the source to either of these?
>>5011 Don't know why that post got deleted but the request is here

Don't know why that post got deleted but good job saving it
No problem, dawg.
As for how it got deleted, it's just a result of the mods moving servers.
Good to know

Side note: Are there any other fetishes alongside fat and inflation anyone would want to see in any of these stories I write?

I really want to request something involving some massive hourglass expansion (basically breast and butt expansion), but I can't decide whether it should be about Tabbes or PantslessPajamas.
I read your story and I enjoyed it also I have an idea to pitch it has to do with weight gain but the characters are fictional ones are you ok with that? >>5118
Sure go ahead
Ok well first you should look up erza and brandish both are from fairy tail and their acquaintances both win a prize to a island resort for 3 months and enjoy their time a little to much with relaxing and eating over the time they didn't know they've been putting on weight until they leave both of them being 310 pounds so you think it's good enough? >>5121
Oh yeah, I can work with that
Really thank you I can't wait to to read it. >>5125
Oh if you don't mind can you add button pop's because who doesn't love button pop's. >>5125

Alright, I've decided to have that hourglass expansion story be about PantslessPajamas. ^-^

Maybe a scenario where her breasts, hips and ass start expanding in her sleep to room-filling sizes like this: twitter.com/Alpha_erasure/status/1241909258335203328
Unfortunately I haven't heard of her before

So....Tabbes it is?
Haven't heard of them either

Guess I'm out of luck... )X
>>5125 hey can I ask how the story is coming along?
(76 KB, 1024x1024, 1.jpg) (61 KB, 1024x865, 2.jpg) (113 KB, 1280x2124, 3.jpg)
god yes, the jaidens in this thread are so good. please make more- i'll post a few i have saved.
(3.2 MB, 4032x3024, 18.jpg)
plus, a bonus tabbes i found. there's barely any of her, weirdly.
>>5189 i read the story and i loved it if there was one complaint it's that I would have enjoyed Lucy and brandish to be same type of fat as erza but other then that I enjoyed it thank you.
No problem, figured I'd try for diversity
um... any updates on my requesy? ^^'
>>5198 hey i have another idea for a story but lets talk somewhere else i don't want to change this thread do you have a discord?
Sorry, I don't really use discord
Working through a hand injury, so it may take a while
Alright then are you ok with give me another place were we can talk also sorry to hear about your hand.
I don't really have anywhere that I keep up with people. I have an FA if that helps
>>5274 I'm not really sure what FA is mind telling me?
>>5278 tell me your DA account if you don't mind?
>>5280 thanks I've sent you a note on da.
How's your hand doing?
progress update, since its been a while?
sorry if you feel I'm being pushy ^9^"
Currently had to put that story on hold, will probably pick it up later
More Katzun!
(110 KB, 1080x1159, hopeless_peaches.jpg)
Hey, if you still want to do short story requests, can I request a story about a YouTuber who's kind of a bad person?
who is this?
A Youtuber named HopelessPeaches.
She's someone who got into boiling hot water recently for being outed as a liar, a manipulator, a coward and a petty little bitch.
wait, what?
There's a bunch of videos explaining the situation.
No idea who this person is but you can make the request
Okay, here goes nothing.
Since peaches are commonly associated with butts, maybe a scenario where every shitty action she takes causes her ass to keep getting bigger with no signs of stopping, considering how she always seems to think she does nothing wrong.
As for how big it would get, about bed-size, maybe even bigger.
This could be a good reference: https://www.deviantart.com/aregularblueslime/art/Commission-Flat-jk-847556581
Reference for the "shitty actions": >>5763
Anything specific about her personality? Huge ass for her sins is a fun idea
why not just make her entire body really fat? along with getting extremely slobby and just farting, burping and shitting a fuckton
Well, being a liar, a manipulator, a coward and a petty little bitch was the impression I got of her when I found out about the things she did, so...

Sorry, I'm not into slob that excessive.
I'd be willing to compromise and make her fat with emphasis on her ass. Since I don't know much about her, I'll probably be a bit vague
Sounds good to me.
(119 KB, 900x900, unnamed (1).jpg) (96 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)
hey this was pretty good!! i was wondering if i can request a story of emirichu and wolfychu or just one of them
Give me an idea of their personalities and an idea to work with and I can come up with something

Wolfychu is really shy and introvert while Emirichu is more extrovert and very polite

Honestly i just want a scene of both of them getting fat and being really clumsy, both of them did a video about that lol
Not a bad idea, but I'll probably pass on it this time
it's ok i was expecting an answer like that lol
Got a link to that video?
What are some fetishes you would want to mix with fats/weight gain to with any of these?

Honestly, i think only slob and lactation
I've thought about including those before, but I wasn't sure how people would respond to them. Good to know for the future
slob and futa

Futa would be interesting to see honestly
gimme fat slobby futa Jaiden.
Ya know I was originally going to do two separate stories but I'll just mash em together and see what happens

sounds interesting, what are you doing?
The idea I'm working with is roughly this: Jaiden decides to delve in fetishes and settles on gaining weight. The weight gain suppliment she gets makes her fat, but also causes her to grow a dick
(141 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)

You know this reminder me about the spain youtuber Saya Kitsune
oh this was a pretty good start
Could you post the other stories you did here onto that site?
Sure, I don't see why not
who is she?
I'm down with that. I was genuinely surprised someone recommended Red. I thought I was the only one watching her content.
(124 KB, 1080x1350, 2398533007156160998.jpg) (55 KB, 1080x608, 2344028418398973250.jpg) (94 KB, 806x907, 2387341367620080559.jpg)
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but it seemed more appropriate than making a thread and killing another one, and it's sort off storytime related, least in the animation department.

Does anyone know if there's any fat art of Claire (yunoclarissa)'s avatar from James Bear's animations of them? She's depicted as "Thicc" in his animations and by herself on her instagram. Naturally I assumed fat art would be niche, but I haven't even found the usually bottom of the barrel DA stuff.

If someone could post some rare finds or point me towards artists who aren't anal about designs based on real people and all that shit, i'd be eternally greatful.
(75 KB, 270x208, thumbnail.png)
Im just going to put this and let the fetishes go
If anyone has IRL wins of her, that'd be great, too. I'd love to see how reality measures up against the fantasy.
Yeah... if we could NOT go into this creeper stalkerish path that'd be great.
(101 KB, 734x800, unnamed.jpg)
This cow needs weight
Does anyone know where fatty Jaiden went?
The story?
The artist
do you still want to do that PantslessPajamas hourglass story someone requested a while back?
There seriously needs to be more Wolfychu fat art and weight gain stories
and emirichu
Hell yes

pretty cool but who are they??
Emi and Dalton from joltoid
>Constant eating while on hiatus
>Get bloated and fat
>Too big to draw, but being a fatass is so hot
>First livestream after becoming 500 pounds is a mukbang
>Rebrand to Jaltoid fats
full body this you teasing bastard.
This post didn't age well huh
Can we get more Jaiden?
seconding this
Besides future pics, any ideas you guys wanna share together with these fatty e-celebs?

no offense, but those fartclouds look godawful
Yeah I really don’t like the artist’s design of the fart clouds
More Jaiden, also Claire
they gain a pound per every view on their channel.
infectious slobby tendencies spreading to storytime animators as a trend

who is Claire?
See a lot of videos popping up with titles or hastags about the slob trend.
I want more artists to draw fat storytime animators... that is all I have to add.

Definitely curious where this is from and HOW this story works, totally thrown for a loop here
Anymore Jaiden?
:O Where did you find this?
In a Discord server
>>8178 Give us the link to the server
Not half bad. Ever consider doing more?
Mainly with Jaiden
I second this. I really wanna know what server this was from.

it's from dark metal dragon server, i can't post the link for some reason
We oughta make a discord for Fat Storytime animators
Big Agree tbh.
Since we can’t directly post discord links, can someone make the server and post their discord Id here so we can friend them and join the server that way?

these are pretty good but who is the one in the third image?
who did these
who did these
These are pretty well done!
Really loved the Jaiden one, would love more.
What about those who don't use Twitter?
you can ask me here I guess, unless someone makes the fat storytime discord, I would join that. :y
Aight someone make it or you will be beaten to death
Bumping request for the Discord
Yep, can hardly wait.
(1.9 MB, 1695x2048, Screenshot_20210317-091341.png)
Not storytime but youtube related. Fucking Saberspark posting genderbent art of his cartoon avatar. Also, this artist did a great job making her (him?) Thicc.
When is somebody gonna make the server?
Is there something stopping you from doing it yourself? Just click the plus and make a server, it's easy
I don’t want people to recognize me, in a server I join I can stay under the radar way easier
Hey, made this server
discord gg 4NFvyeDA
can you put your discord ID so i can enter?
just enter it through discord
It expired
discord gg WXVn8aA5bF
Wow, I made these I didn't expect anyone to actually save them. I still do edits but I haven't continued this.
Oh cool, I'd love to see more of your edits
Those edits are great! I'd love to see more of your work.
Well, with enough tracing, anything is possible.
Wait can you actually do it?>>8807
I don't have much interest in the character, honestly. What I meant is that it's not too difficult to do this stuff, even with a mouse or whatever.
God, really love those lachevite edits. They rarely ever to blobs
Does anyone have more fta illuminaugty?
Does anyone have anymore pictures?
I want someone to write this fake video script, in her usual style, just so I can envision her
Stop harassing everyone on this board for Mystique Sonia fats.
absolutely fucking yes please-
God that's amazing. Did you make that?
The base no, the draw yes, I like to do some edits for fun
who made these?
Credits at the artist Antioxidated for be the base of this edit, a friend and I do edits for fun and this one is a little secuence based on the work of Antioxidated. So credits go for the artist and a friend and I made it for fun :D
any have some emirichu art?
(503 KB, 724x461, PJ.png)
Honestly, PantlessPajamas is someone I REALLY want to see fat art of.
Can I rejoin the discord server I lost my previous way because of me changing my password and I need a new link
anyone got a higher res version?
https:// discord gg WXVn8aA5bF
Source for these?
The discord server
Oh hey, I did those ^v^
these are pretty good!

are you going to continue this edits?
sure, i enjoyed doing them

great, because Emirichu art is allmost non-existent :D
Hey uh, I dunno if you're up to requests, but if you are, >>10803
Legit was not expecting a pedo degenerate thread. This is gross.
(70 KB, 466x379, 52a41e68e4b49.jpeg)
Anon, if you willingly came to the literal degenerate board of this scarcely moderated shitshow of a chan site and "legit" did not expect to see pedo degeneracy then you're just a fucking moron. This is the internet equivalent of trying to pet a wild coyote and complaining to people when it bites you, get some common sense.
>Sam and Max
a man of culture i see

hey these are pretty good!! <3
thanks to you for the emirichu alt
Happylikeawall please
(233 KB, 588x539, Andiematronic.png)
Bump to keep this thread alive a little longer.

I think Andiematronic's little avatar is really cute.
Cute! If you drew this, can you do >>13256, if you want?
anyone have any chipflake art?

really good, who is she?
Oh can anyone resend the discord link?
discord gg cnfPNV2f
Does anybody have any emirichu fats?
any more illuminaughtii?

I wonder what happened to the guy that made this
>bad person
oh boy, that aged well
Why are you replying to a year-old comment?
Because he’s commenting on the awful aging of the comment you wonderful soul you
Nikocado Avocado
(459 KB, 2560x878, Jaiden Caption 1.png)
Got bored, figured I'd put up a caption I did for fun
(2.3 MB, 3134x3134, Jaiden blobimations.jpg)
Here's a jaiden I made not too long ago, I'm pretty new on drawing blobs so sorry if it's a bit wonky

This one is super good!

Gad dam is good, that belly looks pretty great
Do you have anywhere with more of your art?
I'm on deviantart as CosmicConfluence
Glad you guys liked it so much
Instantwatch, you should do more art!
Thanks! I'm pretty busy lately so I don't get to do fat art as much as I'd like to but I'll do my best to provide more fatties and get better at it too
(1.3 MB, 8500x6600, jaiden.png)
just drew a fat jaiden
That looks great! I love her expression a lot and her bod's looking great too, nice work!
Aww that looks so cute!

...uh. any reason you locked your Twitter?
also that was kinda an accident when turning off tags
(1.9 MB, 4000x4000, happylikeawall-extralike.png)

i drew it. i do draw STAs from time to time but i usually don't post em publicly.

also here's happylikeawall being fat.
Wow, I really want to ask if you can draw >>13256, cuz your art is really cute, but it's your choice.

how, your art is really cute I love it!
More iilluminaughtii plz
can somebody send an invite to the discord server pls?
Was is due to jaiden recently coming out as an asexual?
>Not very active recently, then suddenly reveals she's asexual.
Just doing what's viewed as popular and that men are trash.
Keep telling yourself that incel.
Being asexual is almost as bad as being straight to those types of people. You'll know someone has fallen when they start using pronouns and designer sexualities.
That isn't gonna stop anyone from drawing fetish art of her.
For how many trans women, "bisexual" women, and asexual women there are these days, being a straight man is the worst thing to be in the world right now, even moreso if he's White because of all the increased racism against Asians and Blacks over the last few years. People are too stupid to realize that not all White men are monsters.
Anything that keeps you from wanting to join in an orgy with literally anything that moves, is sacrilege to them.
Why is "bisexual" in sarcasm quotes?
Enjoying more than one thing at any given time is more than they can process
Perhaps people are getting over youtuber sonas and their fleeting avatars for better more fresh pastures with less controversy? Every time I've seen someone try to suggest or bring up a youtuber's sona or even commission it gets shot down so you're very hard pressed to get new content unless you wanna make it yourself.
(1.2 MB, 3000x2300, jaiden.png)
Just drew this

this is pretty good!
I love your blobfaces
Yo this is amazing! Do ya do requests?
(174 KB, 924x1077, jaiden_s_jiggly_by_colbob111_dehbm9e.png) (175 KB, 976x1151, let_me_gain_studios_by_colbob111_deiqu9w.png) (623 KB, 1440x1440, let_me_inflate_studios__by_demon_thingy_df34qcl.png) (91 KB, 1600x1150, milky_rebecca_by_lordriveros_dey6kar.jpg) (90 KB, 826x1200, pregnant_rebecca_by_voreandpreggos_deoqvct.png)
>>1905 (OP)
Wish there was more Rebecca. Something about those sultry eyes and the tacky sock & sandals with a dress hits different.
(201 KB, 1280x1210, _fat__round_and_red_like_an_apple_by_pivete_o_grande_ddq0e4m-fullview.jpg) (120 KB, 1280x1012, _preg__friday_night_bellydancin__vs_pregtube_becca_by_pivete_o_grande_df3wulo-fullview.jpg) (546 KB, 1920x2319, _preg__pregtube_first_look_by_pivete_o_grande_dekl4z6-fullview.jpg) (16 KB, 154x195, dcqkhnm-535d15b6-dba7-42ff-b036-54244279e725.png) (1.7 MB, 1978x1107, _let_me_explain_studios__rebecca_parham_vore_by_dog275_dehryf9.png)
Is there any art of ScribbleJuice?
She’s a kid you pedophile
ScribbleJuice Is 20
If anyone is willing to do it?
Pretty sure there is a request thread somewhere on this site. Don't use this one to beg
Sorry where is it?
So where is the request thread
Where can I request?
Oooh, these are really great stuff
Love some gomotion fats 👌
discord gg U7B5xz3xB2
(102 KB, 345x385, R) Fat Andrew Blaze.png)
Does this count? (Sorry for the low quality, it was the best I could find)
Don’t really think that’s a Youtuber so probably not
Its Andrew Blaze, who was a youtuber
>Andrew Blaze
You mean Randy Stair, an actual psycho who shot up a bunch of his coworkers in a murder-suicide a few years back. No idea why you're bringing him up on here of all places, jesus fucking christ.

And that's Ember McLain from Danny Phantom, only associated with him because he made a bunch of shitty fan animations about her. Literally no relation to the subject matter of this thread other than the fact he was a youtuber, now please cease.
Can you make Gomotion vore?
Any new Jaiden?
holy shit who made this and where can I find more-
(2.1 MB, 1360x768, rebecca_parham_edit_2_by_spacetoofar_df3lah9.png) (514 KB, 1360x768, rebecca_parham_edit_1_by_spacetoofar_df3lap5.png) (150 KB, 1119x574, jaiden_edit_edit_4_by_spacetoofar_df3l6hm.png) (124 KB, 987x726, jaiden_edit_3_by_spacetoofar_df3l6gc.png) (235 KB, 1360x768, jaiden_edit_2_by_spacetoofar_df3l6fh.png) (108 KB, 963x768, jaiden_edit_1_by_spacetoofar_df3l6ea.png)
Ditto, her sassy grunge look with her sultry eyes do something to me.
Source for the first edit?
More Jaiden edits
OH shit, you have your works saved anywhere?
More fatty Jaiden please
(174 KB, 1466x1080, Jaiden edit 6.png) (107 KB, 1685x1029, Jaiden edit 7.png)
howdy :)
I most of my E-Celebs edits are on a discord server, except for that my other works are on twitter and deviantart (Spacetoofar) If people are interested I can put yuber edits in MEGA and share the link.
Here you go :y
Thanks mate, what's your biggest edit of her?
>If people are interested I can put yuber edits in MEGA and share the link.

Please do, I would love to see more of your stuff!
oh my god PLEASE do a full body blob of her-
(412 KB, 2560x942, Jaiden caption 1.png)
Fuck yeah! Thanks a bunch man. Decided to do a caption based on one of your edits once I saw the full collection
Very nice Rebecca edit!
Make Jaiden a massive blob please.
(205 KB, 1647x1200, unknown-7.png)
(made by JuacoProductions)
Why has no one done CandyEvie yet?
I once saw an inflation piece of CandyEvie

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