
(16 KB, 400x400, e73fc7d076b03d0c13a35b0be9306314_400x400.jpeg)
Okay so I can not find a particular WG art of Jessica Lovejoy. In the pic she's like idk 500 600 pounds-ish kinda slobby and sweaty I think. Sje might have been aged up but im not sure. It was done by someone competent unlike the majority of Simpsons WG porn, b-mage maybe?

If this jogs anyone's memory and they can repost it that'd be great thanks in advance.
More details that would be helpful, she's like in a reclined position and i think she's wearing like a negligee or something and her fat gut is exposed and spilling between her spread legs

Vaults you say?

I Don't supose you have any of the Argleziddly Lisa Simpson Pictures do you? particularly the ones where Lisa is quite obese eating a donut and fantising over Being a city sized Blob and Reading a Book. And the Sequel where Lisa is a much Bigger and Eating a bucket of chicken while Bart is being crushed under her chest rolls.

From what I remember they were on lined paper with light pencil and would love to have a go at Lining and colouring them.
Arabatos, He's on the Rule 34 Site.
Thank you these are exactly what I was looking for. I think my brain conflated the second one and the fourth one. God bless
I planned to draw a weight gain comic with characters from the simpsons, give me ideas and I'll draw the lewest :D
There was an episode called Lisa's Belly where Lisa and Bart gained weight. Lisa obviously hated it but what if she didn't? What if instead she found some body positivity websites that encouraged her to embrace her pudge. Being the feminist she is, she ends up seeing her new size as empowering and wants to gain more. She could even convince her friends to gain too so it won't be just Lisa.

That is my hornypost, thank you for reading
This thread should be for simpsons characters

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