
>>18533 (OP)

Wasn't the last remake of the games thread deleted for not having any content just like this...?
Is the Stardew Valley modding scene still around?
It’s still up

I'm obviously not referring to the one that is still up....

A new one was made after the old one starting auto-saging and it was deleted after reaching like 30 posts and I was told it was because no one posted any games in it... just like this thread.
He's doing 6 projects + 4 games at the same time?
Do you have a little trouble reading? It clearly says that things are not all going at the same time. Some are on hiatus and others are happening after something else completes.
So, are these games with us in the room right now?
>>18533 (OP)
I wonder what the pic of that game is
I'd say the better phrasing here is Dr BJ is handling/organizing 4 game projects that have halted/ongoing development based on different needs, priorities, and schedules of the rag tag crew he assembled for the dev team(s?)
So a fully complete WG visual novel just dropped onto Steam a few days ago seemingly out of nowhere, I only came accross tthis because Saxxon did the art and he plugged it in his latest DA post.

Tbh the presentation of this looks pretty poor but it seemingly has a lot of content, link for those interested (requires a steam login to view): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1938210/The_Pendant_of_Prosperity/

I played a version of this, was quite short, but it might've been a demo
Prob a bit of a broken record at this point but was the bug-update for SFRPG ever uploaded?
One suggestion, a fighting game would be nice with some models that exist like Jae, Sasha, Kellie Kay, etc... that is, if they are the size of skyscrapers and the buildings collapse with their fights
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anyone know how to cheat in vale-city arcade?
The cheat is to not play that broken ass game and just rip the images.
Ok, how do you do that? Or do you have the images already?
i did try that demo, but there are 12 images of characters you can choose (at least that's what i think they are), which only one of is available
do you know if it's the same in the full release or are all images available?
does anyone have worshippers of the gain update 20?
(106 KB, 500x562, inb4 Kilif starts raging in this thread.jpg)
>Imagine having a 5 hour meeting preparing for the next gain jam drama.

Jokes aside, the gain jam will probably be alright if they give enough notice and not pick a shitty date for the gain jam to be held on. Skeptical of how well the wild card system will be implemented and how future themes will look like, but time will tell.
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personally im a little worried about this bit here.
while yeah it does probably just mean opening it up to more non-neight related growth, my fear is that that they will go a little too far and start inviting unrelated fetishes to the site.
>We know a majority of our users are into weight gain.

On a site called WEIGHT GAMING.

No fucking shit. This better not mean we'll be getting inflation or blueberry shit in the Gain Jam.
(79 KB, 600x600, 1626898487463.jpg)
>Being surprised this is the road they've chosen
I'm only surprised they took this long to degenerate with the crap they've been putting out for years.
im not really surprised, more just disappointed that the degradation of a hobby/community has started to take weight gaming.
was a "good" run at least, wonder what will pop up next after weight gaming inevitably bites the dust
hopefully something a little more gatekept.
If you still bothered with that site for this long, you should already know how weak and stupid this community is; they'll never attempt to leave or try to make something better.
(267 KB, 1407x715, degradation.jpeg)
im only bothering with this shit because it drowns out literally everything in every search engine ive used, and even when i filter weight gaming the only other options are itch.io, deviantart, and the OLD weight gain sfw's on various furry sites. and almost everything that isnt linked to weight gaming in some way is just a tech demo or abandoned project.
anyways we have already started down the path of weight gaming becoming irreversibly damaged.
>blacks are people there to are there to play, share, and create weight gain/stuffing content. no catches or exceptions.
>greens are people there for other kinds of growth fetishes, but still wish to play share and create.
>browns are the people who have no sense of quality, are there to spread unrelated fetishes (see: soft fantasies, a furry VN that is exclusively gay romance) by using size fetishes as a vessel, or cant enjoy weight gain content without their specific fetish/kink (see: baalf and his massive shit flinging thread over a lack of furry characters) < WE ARE HERE
>females are people who are there primarily for attention or money, they may not even be interested in the fetish games. instead choosing to plug their off site accounts whenever they can.
>dudebros are people who try to flex that their fetish is better than weight gain or stuffing because it has no health negatives or is impossible IRL
>casualization stage is when the rules on whats allowed and what isnt become EXTREMELY broad in hopes of retaining dudebros, females, and browns.
it is simply just the natural cycle, eventually we will hit the casualization stage. and when that happens sooner or later a group of people there since the foundation or people in the black group who have joined over time will go and make their own, only for the slow and painful cycle to begin anew as the more sensible greens become annoyed with the current state of weight gaming too.
the only proper way to keep the cycle from repeating is to keep the greens out as they are the ones that bring in the browns, but with how niche the weight gain game community is already we would just be begging for a slow and painful fade into nothing.
>Path Overwatch exists
>It scored higher than half the games with wg elements in a GAIN jam
May as well rebrand the jams at this point
>Mods showing zero responsibility for the litany of errors made last year
>Two round judging still permitting the two biggest fuckwits on the site to have complete control with no accountability
>Dozens of talented (and untalented) devs making games FOR FREE being forced to abide by whatever rules they make
>Experimental wildcard system being introduced with no say from the community
>Deliberately driving people away last year to make their workload lighter
>Obstuficating the judging process to seem downright arbitrary

Meanwhile on bbw-chan
>hurr durr i hope none of the dozens of free games has blueberry in it
>thinking blueberry will be the worst of it when the floodgates open

What really sucks is that this has been a problem from the start, like how comfy companion won the jobs gain jam over fucking teaching at a magic school and the first SFOAS, the genuinely interesting and cocksplosive games got beaten out by "cOnSeNt iS iMpOrTaNt" as if nothing else in society is saying this. And with how odd the jam subjects have gotten I pray for anyone actually trying to make anything interesting with the judges having such shit tastes
So many issues here. I am baffled by some of the choices made.

>The wild card was contentious.
Now there are THREE wildcards- and you can score points for "attempting" each of them, which might just be as simple as typing a single sentence! Resultantly, ten minutes' work can potentially score higher on wildcards than someone who took the whole 14 days to focus on the making their game good and did no wildcards. One wildcard. Let your Patrons pick it as a gesture of goodwill.

>Everyone got mad at the extension.
Now there's room for a completely arbitrary and largely undefined up-to-one-day extension period on a case by case basis, which- I'm afraid to say- leaves room for abuse. To the entrants: Guys, I'm sorry, it's an amateur game jam. You hit the deadline or you fucking don't. You think professionals don't suffer power outages and illness and the like? You factor that shit in. And if you miss the deadline, well, shit, better luck next year, you just learned first hand the pitfalls of a creative industry. Upload multiple versions and keep on updating them, don't sit on something for thirteen and a half days and then grouse that there was a blackout in your area on the last day.

>The two-step judging spotlighted a number of disconnects between the forums users and the admins and also delayed the results by an ice age.
Hey, tough titty, buster! That shit ain't going nowhere!

>The scoring system was confusing because it used large numbers.
The scoring system was confusing because there were too many criteria and you've just pledged to add five more with the addition of two more wildcards and a second opportunity to score with each of the three. It's no good reducing the score to out of 10 (as per their example, I am aware it may not be the final number) instead of out of 500 if it means your judges have to give scores of 0.37 in some categories.

>Some users were confused because they couldn't find the rules and docs.
It's a sexual fetish site, underage kids shouldn't be on board. You just need to put that shit in post #1 in the thread announcing the contest and if they can't find it there then they're not clever enough to win the fucking thing anyway.

As for the themes, honestly I'd be tempted to say just flush them. Last year's theme was SHIT because it restricted the games mechanically. But past themes restricted them creatively. If they all have to take place in a given setting, that's not necessarily going to lead to a particularly varied game jam. Perhaps the theme ought to be "people getting fatter"- because, honestly, some of last year's games struggled enough with that very simple concept.

Ultimately, I hope the matter of quality control came up in that five hour meeting. I would be rather upset if I put in days' and weeks' of effort and was given plaudits galore by the users but because I forgot to put cat ears in the game the judges had me lose to something slapped together that appealed to their own fetish. Things like this are supposed to ENCOURAGE the weaker entrants to improve and give them something to aim for by REWARDING the entrants that put in the time and effort. If you only take one thing away from this ridiculously rambling post of mine, I hope it's that.

>Why didn't you post this on WG itself?
Hey, shut up! :)

the judging is extremely stupid, like really really stupid.

I don't know why they don't just let fans vote, and have the staff disqualify any game that isn't on brand. That would instantly become "fair" (except new developers with a great product would lose to developers with fans due to how social media style upvoting works). Thing is though it wouldn't be opaque or confusing and at least the whining about why it sucked would be one sentence long. While still retaining the part of the judging that was SUPPOSED to be important (keeping off-topic games out, but last jam they literally just accepted a game that had nothing to do with ANY of the themes or the site or anything.)

Good thing about voting would be, no more insanely long essays about rules.

But if there is a cash prize, and it's their cash, I guess they can do whatever the heck they want? I find 95% of the jam games to be trash though but I still like the site because of all the non-jam products random developers come up with and then share with the forum.

On One hand:

I can understand them wanting to try and put something in to stop it being a popularity contest more than a game jam.

On the other hand:

Man I've been getting a vibe from there for a while and not a good one.

*Warning incoming sort of rant*

So it started when I noticed an uptick in furry content and some of that content seemingly more inflation / expansion content rather than weight gain stuff. I know there's sort of a cross over to a degree but it smelt off.

My thinking is with the rather massive hosting costs for the forum they're trying to chase what is seen as a more lucrative audience, the furry one who seem to be a lot of failed hipsters with Iphones etc. More valuable visitors = better paying and more lucrative advertisers. Which all ultimately reduces hosting costs.

I mean I did, pretty sure my backup site still exists. Maybe it would be wise for me to start removing the mothballs and clean up the layer of dust just incase it's needed again
We are simple people with simple tastes.

And that taste is one that dislikes Blueberry, especially the furry variety.
Which game is the teaching at a magic school one? I must have missed that (not that I even vote normally in the gain Jams as I don't feel really qualified to do so)
Has anyone been able to beat Regal Regale without making a mistake yet?
Is it different somehow? I think I did it with only 1 mistake once, but if I actually tried I could do it.
Beating it under 4 minutes, with 110 items eaten, and zero mistakes unlocks a secret ending
Tried it, hit the requirements, no secret ending. Unless you're referring to the "fatter" ending as the secret? I think there's only two endings.
Same result. I did notice some images got unlocked on the gallery though!
Requesting Pendant of Prosperity game please!


I played V2 of this any idea what's new since then? (is it worth replaying or is it all the same story?)
Anyone got a new link this one doesnt work
(2.8 MB, 1380x975, Capture.PNG)
What are your favorite games in this genre? I've really enjoyed the Weighting Game, Whole Hog, Forks and all the Chaixas games
requesting Worshippers of the Gain most recent update
requesting an updated pendant of prosperity link
Personally i like "Coven of Calahree" by boothehobo and Fatties Eating Fatties" by herokero. (Both of them are made with RPGmaker).

Also i looked at the games you mentioned.
Are the public versions the most up to date?
And how can i get "Forks" for free? Because apparently i have to pay to get it.
Its the most up to date version. You can name your own price on itch .io but just say "no thanks, take me to the download" and its the latest version. The team is working on an update but its slow going.
anyone have the latest version of whole hog? its a good 3d gamre and wanted to play 1.3 or whatever newest versions out

Here you go
requesting latest update for worshippers of the gain latest update
is this Base64 or something else? I tried a base 64 decoder but I didn't get a link
worked just fine for me. dont know what to say other than grab the whole code
Can i get a re-up for the pendant of prosperity?
You need to decode it 2 times
Can someone update Sirmister's kemono now that the importer is working again?
anyone got a save file for coven of calahree that skips chapter 3? I'm pretty sure it's a game breaking bug because i cant talk to the witch malary.
Here's one from the start of chapter 4
Yeah anyone got the newest addition of worshipers of the gain?

He tried to FOMO people into subbing with the time limited easter version which has now expired. So there's no new version atm. Doubt kemono will get updated until the next version drops
Just played though the update, beat the final boss and it glitched out and didn't teleport me to the epilogue. Probably going to have to wait for a patch.
Requesting an re-up of pendant of prosperity!
Does anyone have coastalbunny's D.I.E.T.?
anyone got the new soulstream expansive?
Just resubbed to their patreon, I'll update the kemono when I have a few minutes off work
Thank you so much bro
yeah, the stardew modding scene is still very active. we just made a new server:

it's in the import que, check in a few hours

it'll be longer than that. the queue has grown from about 70-150-350 items over the past 1.5-2.0 days

there was also scheduled maintenance during the time period I'm referring to, which might've paused the importer, meaning it might clear rapidly, but that's rapidly on a backlog of over 300 import requests, so it'll probably take a bit of time.

I do think during maintenance it was running 1 import at a time, and possibly that 1 was paused, and now it's running 4 at a time.

sidenote: yt-dlp can rip embedded patreon linked vimeo videos

in case you're at a computer and don't mind using a cli ripping tool (kemono doesn't rip vimeo embeds)
Can someone update bobothehobo's kimono? 9.0.0 let's you finish everything, but the epilogue is a blank screen. He said he made a mini patch to fix it on patreon.

350 now 450. As time passes the queue grows longer not shorter. So, uh, yeah, I doubt anyone can update any kemono atm. You can check here on how the queue is doing overall:

There was a game that came out maybe 2 or so years ago, and i forget if it was on itch or another website, but it was fully voice acted, and had wg, breast/ass expansion, and preg. anyone have/know what game im talking about?
>A lewd furry RPG
No. You guys have your own board.

to quintuple down, the patreon importer queue was bugged and everything that was added to the queue during the period in time in question was invalidated and I don't know when it will clear/befixed/resume but it is likely you will have to resubmit your import request in the near future in order for to actually occur.

I'm following the storyline in the partychan chan replies
the most up to dates releases require a patreon account login that checks if you are subscribed to him
Can anyone reup the whole hog game?
What kind of setting or plot would you like in an rpg game?
Anyone got a pendant of prosperity link? The one earlier in the thread doesnt work.
The only settings i can think of would be either in a fantasy world or in the modern world.
In terms of plot i dont know.

and it's working again! hooray
I agree! I tried but the link expired. Could someone reupload the latest version?
(1.2 MB, 1263x711, 13.png) (1.2 MB, 1279x716, 02.png) (1.2 MB, 1267x712, 09.png)
Man I really wish the developer for Feed the Crown didn't decide to redo it and then disappear off the face of the earth.
What the demo had is still better then most projects and they could of easily be drawn out the platforming-to-princess time structure of the demo into something great.

>the pig empire's castle from the demo was just the first of many fortresses throughout the land, so you can have more then just one environment

>fully clearing each fortress and the princesses get bigger

>Go from Skinny to Chunky (basically the demo)
>Chunky to Fat
>Fat to Obese (they rip their old clothing and get new outfits)
>Obese to Barely Mobile (think of something around SmokedStacs size)
>Barely Mobile to Immobile
>Immobile to Bed Sized
>Bed Sized to Room Filling
>Room Filling to Castle Hallway Flooding

>in addition to feeding them you also have:
>belly rubbing
>arm massages
>cheek groping
>thigh massages
>"date" scenes where they struggle to do anything really romantic due to how much weight they've gained and how they've gotten into the habit of stuffing their face 24/7
>all with dialogs about how their finding it harder and harder to do their duty as princess with their weight always rising

Its such a shame.
Can someone please reupload pendant of prosperity
this guy was insistent on making it like a real platforming game instead of just focusing on the kink stuff. Like dude im trying to beat my dick not play a platformer for the challenge
>>19988 I don't know. Looks good to me, I guess. I would find a site to host a project so that other people can collaborate with you once you've figured out what you're doing. I am slightly against the idea only because there aren't many other artist doing works similar to yours. It takes a good pc gpu, skills and commitment for lack of a better word. Hopefully when better gpus become affordable and common place there can be at least a couple bbw 3d projects going that are actually good. It's a good hobby.
Can you reupload it?
Can anyone reupload the wholehog 1.3?
what game is this?
Does anyone either have a save file that starts at chapter 4 or a fixed version of the most recent Coven of Calahree. There's a bug at chapter 3 with the witch
Anyone here got that soulstream expansive game?
Can someone update Bobothehobo's kemono page? He just released the patch update for coc.
You'll need to update page 4771326, unless kemono can't replace edited posts, in which case, y'all shit outta luck
Does anyone links to https://yuliya3k.itch.io games? Their patreon is on kemono but it need verification to their dropbox to download the games.

you cannot do that, but the person could just look at the edit and copy/paste it here for us


if dropbox is asking for verification it's because he deleted the link (some quirk of the weird manner in which he deletes links, probably to do with mirroring them rather than really deleting them), the fresh link on the day he posts it doesn't require verification (but I also don't have the current one)

it's essentially the same way patreon's will edit posts to update with a new mega link, doing it via mega.nz or dropbox either way edits and freshened up links ruin kemono's power
Hello, could someone update or pass a new Pendant of Prosperity link please
Can someone post the new version of sirmisters game?
Anyone got any updates to myre’s Massive Mealtime
oof. I put the original stuff on kemono but my membership expired. If you want it it's not that expensive though

There was nothing there? Could you reupload it again?
Can anyone update the game Coven of Cahlaree from BoboTheHobo on Kemono?
Does any one have Super fatty rpg expanded
There's this arcade game called Diet Diet Go by Taito, but the girl doesn't get absurdly fat, not sure if the game could catch up with Fat Admirers and mod it to fix that.
I missed the Pendant of Prosperity, Could you reupload it?
i just want FNWF 2 to come out now man.
Same, we can complain about how goddamn long its taking them, but really, and specially as a gamedev myself... I'd rather have it late, than being an unfinished buggy mess and them stopping doing anything at all because of it.
could someone update bobothehobos patreon? The final version of coven of calahree game is finally out on it

Bump Again !!!!
Not yet! That'll be next month.
The 9.014 version of CoC is up, but the download link is down
Anyone else extremely excited for the new apostles update? It’s been 6 months since the last one and im so excited
can someone please update pendant of prosperity link?
Does anyone have the Hourglass Sequences of Edna Konrad and Lili from the Edna & Harvey franchise and Fat Yorda from ICO?
Does anyone have pages of fat Yorda from ICO?
(79 KB, 576x384, springfats.png)
Hey thanks! I'm hard at work but should get it done before the end of the month! Sorry for the delay, but it should offer a huge new line up of sprites and events!
requesting worshippers of the gain newest update please
Would someone be so kind as to update Sirmisters kemono?
(5.5 MB, 5760x3240, konosuba title girls.png)
Has Dr.Blackjack released anything new about the konosuba game?
I got the really old 2020 Alpha-demo 0.1.1 (or whatever the fuck it was) but i never knew if the game is just in development hell (seeing how "competent" they are in game development i wouldn't be surprised - This is the reason i stopped supporting them in patreon, i had my membership for months but i just couldn't tolerate the incompetence) or is unofficially cancelled?
You know, telling everyone "we are working on it" but doing absolutely nothing for years (just so you keep supporting them like a blind Fuckwad).
Sorry for my bad english.
>>18533 (OP)
Is there a hack for the Fat 2 Fit app game where we all can beat the game at the fattest?
These generic playable girls have no right to be this attractive
According to Black Jack they’re finishing up the final flash mini game. Most likely we will see it end of the month
I haven't read up on this in months, last thing I remember was WG pussying out and dropping its "curated" status because of some retarded inconsistently applied anti-underage policy. IIRC blackjack considered nuking Megumin's route entirely for a time (despite all the assets that had already been created), but then decided to give the middle finger to WG and keep making it anyway without needing their advertisement boost.
Which I left due to all the announcements. Way to go on that.

Genuine shame NotAHugeSecret will never update SF.
How did you manage to get it to run?
I opened the iso file using 7zip then ran the batch file, I clicked the exe file but nothing came up
Can someone update sirmisters Kemono please? It's two versions behind.
(174 KB, 640x480, Screenshot.png)
What iso file????
There are only rar and zip files, extract them and execute the exe.
Maybe is 7zip so just use the free version of winrar
Screenshot so you know it works.
Just copy and paste them in the Base64 decoder (just search base64decode).

Amount of times youve begged for it youd be quicker just paying for it yourself
That's true but I wouldn't be here if I could be bothered paying for it
Those look amazing!! Pamela is looking realllll thicc
Any news on when you think the updates gonna be rolling around?

NEVER NEVER NEVER download and open an iso file. this is a popup ad that gives you malware.

(you clicked in the wrong place I guess)
(13 KB, 751x141, He fucked up.png)
Yep, the dude really fucked up, the only files in the rar are this ones:
Please use as soon as possible malwarebites or any antivirus software you have.
If the infection is too severe please use the Tron Scrip to clean your Pc to the last corner
And use Ublockorigin with Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey scripts to prevent any ads/popups from download sites. NONE of them are 100% clean.
i dont see whats so "expanded" about this SFRPG shit, waste of bandwidth let alone money
furfags cant make games

Well shit, I'll get rid of the stuff it installed now
I went back to the link in tor and I've now downloaded the correct file- thanks for the help guys
post link to the correct one please? i dont feel like downloading a virus today

the link was always correct, the incorrect part was a popup style advertisement you're not supposed to click.
Anybody got the pic where Jennifer Simpson from Clock Tower is stuck in door with big butt and scissor panties?
link for most recent CoC and WotG pls
Thicker treat just got an update on patreon and the first version was amazing if anyone has it tell me how good the new content is
not great imo, one new weight stage for a character and new dialogue for many, but thats pretty much it. And it's buggy as hell
I see says the blind man, I'll wait till the next update then before subscribing to his patreon
Anyone got a working link for pendant of prosperity?
plz someone reupload pendant of prosperity
Of all visual novels you've played, which one would you say was the best one? I'd say weighting game probably.
Looks beautiful anon, big props for going 3D, not a lot of fat games like that, please keep working on it! What will the gameplay look like?
Forks. A female lead Weight Gain visual novel, who also gains?
Fuck yes. No Grey Blob Male MC like Growth Academy (Or the other shitty fetishes you have to deal with just trying to go through the girls routes)

A VN for the lesbians. It just sucks it's stuck in limbo because of Aria...
Does anyone know of any games that include slob elements?
I Think apostle's has some, don't quote me on that however since it's been a hot minute since I've played the game. But Feeder fantasy definitely has some in it
I am genuinely low on standards to consider downloading this shit, aren't I
Anybody has and would be willing to share a full version of Coven of Calahree by bobothehobo?
bobo's coven of cahlaree and coastalbunny's diet did i eat today have totally defeated kemono.party

the former via dm'd itch.io psswords and the latter via editing old posts with new links

so requesting 1.0 of coc by bobo or diet 3.0 by coastalbunny if anyone has either

earlier versions of both leaked to kemono
>>21759 you could just wait seven days for coven to release on steam

this is a piracy board, the steam copy won't be free :D
Does anyone has the Soulstream Expansive game? It seems that the full version was posted on the patreon's Discord for almost all tiers.
Kemono is updated, but whoever linked their account never linked their discord.
This... isn't a game though, is it? Its just a story...?
And it's like 50% getting vored.
So disappointing.
Worshippers of the gain new update?
Wait, wasn't that game released and done for?
Newer update ig
Unless I’m just dumb
Anyone have pendant of prosperity
You've been begging for this for months now. Bro, just deliver some papers or some shit and buy it yourself.
Can someone update struggle simulator kemono party page?
I know this is extremely unlikely, but is there any chance that anyone has the latest Insatiable Hearts? Just dropped a few hours ago. The updates were released public a few days later previously but it looks like that has changed with this version.
I gotchu homie (if you want the first version just tell me, but they are almost identical), aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW5zRmdGdzF4Z2s=
This is the version with voice acting and color, so enjoy.
welp. im pretty sure ive managed to find and play every single weight gain game there is on the internet except for one that sadly had its download purged before i found it.
now all i can do is wait for updates on existing games, or i could finally stop being lazy after a few years of procrastination and work on my own wg game.
Thanks.. can you upload the first one too?
Same,I think I've managed to find all the public ones.Supposedly there is a test version of The Weighting Game that only certain people can get.
Anyone got that soulstream expensive game
thank you very much, you are number one
Last version Diet by coastalbunny? Or last version of feeding my affection by tonbelly? Or last version of gain of life by sirmister?
Does anyone know if Hexalt's latest game has come out yet on Patreon ?
Gain of Life is buggy boring & expensive so no body bothers to pirate it. Sirmister is laughing all the way to the bank
Funnily enough, Sirmister is trying to come up with a means of anti-piracy for their game that's squeezed $300+ dollars out of anyone who has supported since version 1
Lol really? It hasnt been pirated in months! Guy is just fucking greedy
its a free demo
Anyone has the final version of "Coven of Calahree"?
Tramp has no CG and is already a better game>>22339

the ultimate unstoppable method of defeating kemono based piracy is to simply post a new post on patreon saying the game's new update is out, then edit a year old post from when the game was originally released with the new link

kemono does not re-rip old posts that have been edited.
Five nights with fatties 2 is released, someone figure out how to cheat the game, and also get the gameover animations
This. The update to unlock the gallery still isn't out yet. I don't know what Poppu/Dr. Black Jack is waiting for.
Can you get all of them? Even the animated and vore ones?
(3.7 MB, 1750x2313, Paranoia Game Over.png)
The animated ones are individual frames theres like thousands of them you can use AssetStudio or some other program to extract Textures/sprites from Unity games. BUT here's some more.
Honestly, I feel like the vore ones kinda miss their mark for the game. But, that's just me
Very frustrating for me.
As good as the game is, I feel like it barely delivered on the implied premise. Your protagonist rarely gets fattened up in-game, and the few 'bad ends' are too quick to enjoy.
(24 KB, 770x317, $13.50 per month.png)
Nonsense, SirMister's only trying to sate their mighty need for Starbucks money while pulling a FAF with their content.
worshippers of the gain? seriously been waiting for a while
Anyone have Hexalt's latest game ? Or Juxtraterrestrial's ? I'd love to sub to either of them, but paypal is not a thing here, and credit cards don't work outside of the country. That's Lebanon for you, I guess.
I bought the full version, but I don't know how I could upload the files. It's a unique link with the downloads and the page has my email so I refuse to post the link as is.
Wanted to pique the board's interest

What was your favorite games to come out of the gain jam?

Mine were definitely teaching at a magic school, SFOAS, That one game where you serve sushi to anime girls(It was a clicker) and Juni's Appetite, how about everyone else here?
(381 KB, 816x624, Correct_proportions_Title_EndGame.png)
Some Bullshit's final main story update released yesterday. It's a really solid end to the game, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with it from start to finish.
Thats one of the most arrogant comments from a gamedev I've ever seen. His POS game costs a lot more than most and he still wants more money. Next month I'm gonna skip a couple of starbucks and post the latest version of his game on here
I'm late to the party would anyone be willing to re up it again?
You think you could send it with a burn email? Like an email you make just to be trashed?
(398 KB, 720x1080, What a scam.png)
If you keep true to your word and do God's work, I'd recommend waiting to see if next month's build has actual weight gain content for the player character. Dev went completely mental and decided to add weight loss stages the past two updates instead of adding new weight gain stages.
Or, ya know just download the windows version. Get the files and make an archived rar.
There are few things that burst, so I would like to play.

He doesn't need to bother. Latest version (July) is on KP now.
Eh, lemme know when it leaks
anyone got an update to tonbelly's game?

someone ripped kemono just today, just after the release of the game, but the link is already dead, tonbelly must be checking his own kemono page, and editing his post right after the rip occurs.

if someone mirrored the game here though then there'd be nothing to stop the sharing
Does anyone have D. I. E. T. "Did I Eat Today" that's any newer version than the demo?
Any chance of a reupload please?
HONEY There's a new forks update out for Hannah
Yeah and it is extraordinarily disappointing. There is zero chance this game will ever be finished
I thought it was good. Morgan got new stages and more screen time.

But I will say, I curse Aria everyday. We probably could have had this update months ago if it wasn't for that TF shit.
Agreed. For an update focused on Hannah, I was holding out hope we'd get to see at least 1-2 weight gain stages with the update.

She loses weight in this update, smh. I'm over it.
I'm with you on the Aria have, but there's one thing that makes me kind of tolerate it. The money Tron makes off Aria makes it so he doesn't go down the monetization rabbit hole with forks, so I appreciate that. Also, he seems to be bringing on a new writer, so that might speed things up.
Anyone got a list of stuff they would like to see in Fattening Career's next version(s) story-wise, especially for Katrine ?
I might be getting involved in the writing, so I'm open to suggestions
Im with you, but Tron must be paying FoxFire under the table with his own money or something because FoxFire has to be a complete idiot to keep working for this clown. It was implied on weightgaming that Tron is having FoxFire redo the art for aria for a third fucking time. And in the mean time in 6 months all tron can cobble together is 3 scenes. What an embarrassment. Tron doesn't even have all the cgs planned or boarded out so Toro has no choice to wait for trons slow ass to write to work on cgs so it's slowing down progress even more.

oh yeah, foxfire is so top tier i've assumed tron has been paying him all along.

if tron has the cash who am I to complain
The update/route isn't just Hannah though. We got a new weight stage for Alex and TWO for Morgan.

I think that more than makes up for not seeing the boring one of the game gain weight.
That's my main issue

It'd be one thing if it was just some shitty text game or another fucking daz one, but it's an actual kino artist being wasted on this project. Best we can hope for is the eventual release of all the assets once tron gives up
The worst thing with this is that all of the weight stages already appear to exist, as theres already low res images of Hannah and Grace's highest weight stages floating around, and two pieces of one of Alex's highest stage (but not the entire image) because they were posted as "teasers" almost two years ago. Its just the CGs that are still being created.

I get wanting to finish the game and not spoil the final size of the girls, but ignoring the fact that we already know how big three of them can get, its been literal years and we've gotten about a third (?) of the images. Just release the art, the story is actually decently written so you're gonna get the majority of people who would've downloaded it in the first place anyway.
Id love to see more of Katrine liking getting bigger and her accepting your tastes in bigger women. she doesnt really feel like she has much depth right now and it kinda feels too clockworky if you know what I mean. go on date, go to gym eat burgers, eat in sauna. shes very basic. give her a reason to not like her weight like her ex boyfriend hated fat chicks or something. Then add story of her liking getting fat. thanks bud hopefully you pull through and good luck!
The spoiler images on the forum aren't even the highest stages, there are still more that haven't been shown yet.

The problem with this game will always be Tron and his pace of writing the script. All of the art for the game is done he just has to write the rest of the game. The way this update cycle is going, this game isn't gonna be out for another 2-3 years unless people start hounding to co-write with him but he is so stubborn he refuses help every time.
Requesting a link to D.I.E.T version 5.0 or earlier.
Yeah, the dev himself currently admits that the writing is extremely barebones as he did the literal minimum to give the images some context.

Does anyone have any suggestions for the weight gain events for Katrine ?
Yeah dude. you should make it so she likes to eat when shes happy/stressed or something and she eventually reveals a previous relationship with someone that would shame her for gaining weight. she started working out to lose it. the relationship goes south and she never shook that behaviour. the character can comfort her and enable her eating while happy/stressed behaviour. another event could be later on and she could ask the player over dinner if she should quit the gym. she would just go for the sauna and snacks from the snack bar. just some ideas for her. i really like her character and think she has potential.
anyone got v3 of Vocalabs Thicker Treat that just came out?
Thanks for the suggestions, will definitely be keeping them in mind
np bro. good luck
He seems to have finally accepted help, as far as I remember. Hopefully that has some impact.
anybody have the collection of sprites from eat the dungeon?
Hi there I was wondering if some good soul couo share one of the following or all of them: Last version v0. 05 Diet by coastalbunny? Or last version 0.013 of feeding my affection by tonbelly? Or version. 0.3 thicker threat by vocalabs?
so lets go over the fuck ups of this year right out the gate:
>wildcards all mechanic based
>progress by failure is bad game design
>NG+ will be near impossible in any fun form due to the two week time limit
>due to how they work wildcards only allow you to "top up" your points, will result in many ties among teams and push down solo people who cant grab all three
>only change to scoring outside of wildcards was just dividing numbers by 10.
>wildcards and judge preference are worth almost a third of the second round scoring, meaning a game with goblin minions that give you buffs when they die and carry on through playthroughs is how you win the jam
and thats ignoring all the shit from previous years that has not changed, such as the scoring system being bullshit
wait the time limit is two weeks? YOU CAN'T MAKE A GAME IN TWO WEEKS!
first time hearing about a game jam?
they are more along the lines of minigames than fully fledged games.
Righto, time to break out the red pen...
>wildcards all mechanic based
Wrong. There's nothing stopping one from using, say, "Minions" purely via narrative. Write some engaging subordinate NPC(s)? You get points. Simple. It's even stated in the rules.
>progress by failure is bad game design
You should give one of the plethora of roguelikes out there a try. They're pretty good!
>NG+ will be near impossible in any fun form due to the two week time limit.
Says who? No basis for such a claim.
>due to how they work wildcards only allow you to "top up" your points, will result in many ties among teams and push down solo people who cant grab all three
Wrong and wrong. The first is predicated on maximum points being easily awarded; second point, again there is no basis for a claim that a solo developer is somehow less "capable" of coming up with an idea that uses all three, or that simply throwing more people into mix makes for a clearer, more coherent vision. That's just silly.
>only change to scoring outside of wildcards was just dividing numbers by 10.
"Other than this massive change, it hasn't changed" yeah okay.
>wildcards and judge preference are worth almost a third of the second round scoring, meaning a game with goblin minions that give you buffs when they die and carry on through playthroughs is how you win the jam
Wrong! The wildcards can at most replace 60 points worth of other scoring criteria out of a total of 325. Less than 20%. No idea where you got your numbers from.
And who cares to dredge up the previous years? Things change with the passage of time. You should try it sometime.
I don't want to mock this completely as it could be coming out of a place of simple ignorance as to how game jams work. Something to realise is that two weeks is fairly generous. Some game jams are as short as 48 hours, or shorter! If you want to see some amazing games made in 48 hours, check out the recent GMTK Game Jam (theme = Roll the Dice) and have your mind blown at the sheer ingenuity and creativity that people can come up with under such time constraints. The Weight Gaming Gain Jammers will be a-ok with two weeks.
I really just don't fucking understand the point of the wildcards. The only thing I can see them accomplishing is limiting the creativity of the devs. I really don't want the jam to be 15 basically identical games because everyone will spend time on this retarded shit instead of making something unique based off the theme. Which is supposed to be the whole point of a jam in the first place.
I'll speak more optimistically in that I think this year's theme is a vast improvement and that the wildcards aren't that big of a deal

omfg is this alex? only alex could shill so hard. if it is, i hope they pay you well for when the jam backfires.

wilds cards all mechanic, no where in the rules does it say narrative is acceptable. ask the judges, they'll tell you.

NG+ would be super hard to make good in short time. bonus modes are that, bonuses ontop of a full game. it's the worst wildcard.

solo devs are absolutely fucked by wild cards, they have more stuff to do, like, yknow MAKE NEW GAME PLUS instead of having a teammate help.

literally changing the number affects nothing. watch then judge everything 5.5/10, leaving the same thing.

not a third but looking at the sheet the points in second round make no sense. fetish worth more than regular? mechanics vs "use of nocel concepts"? why are wild cards so much? the answer is so grot and kilif can do what they want lol, and fuck everyone else, including the other judges.

every jam has been two week, idk what this retard is on about.
(4 KB, 598x145, shill moment.PNG)
first of all
>reddit spacing
even if its not 4chan, its still unappealing to look at so please dont do it.
second, lets beat your shill ass back to where it came from
>Wrong. There's nothing stopping one from using, say, "Minions" purely via narrative. Write some engaging subordinate NPC(s)? You get points. Simple. It's even stated in the rules.
it does NOT state in the rule page they can be narrative based. infact it explicitly says
"Was the card used in an interesting, novel, or mechanically significant way." novel in the "new and invigorating" sense
it would be IMPOSSIBLY HARD to write minions in a way thats interesting and doesnt include any form of ingame mechanic.
the best you could do is make is so that you are forced to send one off to fuck knows where and later in a cutscene the minion does something.
as for the other two, their descriptions literally say mechanic in them, it can
>You should give one of the plethora of roguelikes out there a try. They're pretty good!
except rougelikes are not "progress by failure", they are progress by learning and progress by skill. progress by failure is literally just "hehe can you please die? i'll give you a stat buff"
>Says who? No basis for such a claim.
>Wrong and wrong. The first is predicated on maximum points being easily awarded; second point, again there is no basis for a claim that a solo developer is somehow less "capable" of coming up with an idea that uses all three, or that simply throwing more people into mix makes for a clearer, more coherent vision. That's just silly.
its not about "coming up" with the idea, its about having the time to do it.
for example let me put it like this, a single person only has 14 days to work on it.
but two people will both have 14 days to work on a game, in total they can put in a month of work while a single person is still stuck with only being capable of putting in a total of 14 days on their game.
single people simply wont have time to implement a NG+ system, or the other wild cards, in a meaningful way compared to a group thats already going to get near max on every category and still have time leftover.
>"Other than this massive change, it hasn't changed" yeah okay.
from what i understand wild cards are a grand total of 18 points in the first round 3 contributing to the total and 15 being used to replace, just above or below 10%. meaning the people that need to make up a category already wont have time for the wildcard because once again, the solo teams already run themselves dangerously near the limit.
and further meaning that the teams who get near the point cap already can just slap on the wildcards with their extra time to top up.
>wildcards and judge preference are worth almost a third of the second round scoring, meaning a game with goblin minions that give you buffs when they die and carry on through playthroughs is how you win the jam
thats not what im talking about.
im talking about the fact that for the second round wildcard scores and just preference are worth 95 points in total, making up almost a third of the score, see the image.
and yeah, its only the 20 pointers for the wild cards that can replace, but altogether it still is worth almost a third.
>And who cares to dredge up the previous years? Things change with the passage of time. You should try it sometime.
yes, thing do change with time.
but they are not supposed to get worse, and thats what the gain jams have done.
>check kemono
>Build 0.6 WILL NOT:
>Have new sizes for the existing cast. Saving that for when Phase 3 dev kicks in full gear.
i'll be skipping the next version then.
i just hope the political commentary doesn't get worse.

giant wall of text essay cannot read due to lack of reddit spacing

I'm sure you're right, the jam rules have always been total shit, but if you think your post is easier on the eyes than his you're blind. (ignoring how everything he says is incorrect.)
Can someone update Owlkaline's kemono page?
>Some game jams are as short as 48 hours
imagine having a life

I don't care about hating people running the site or whatever nonsense.
I can work with 'Minions'. 'Progress through failure' is annoying because it skew the kinds of games get made but whatever.

NG+ requires making the entire goddamn game... then making it again. Has no place in a Game Jam unless there's a plan to extend it by a week like last time.
Does anyone have any version of
D.I.E.T. from coastalbunny?
Please share one of the following or all of them: version. 0.3 thicker threat by vocalabs? Last version v0.05 Diet by coastalbunny? Or last version 0.013 of feeding my affection by tonbelly?
yes I'm too poor please someone share those 3 games at the moment are the best for weight gain game on renpy.
call me a party pooper but imo coz theyre def the top 3 current weigh gain games at the moment I hope they dont get pirated and moved to development limbo like it happend with the Weighting Game
This is not a forum/site based on piracy? Or am I in the wrong place?
(415 KB, 1024x1024, 1660779086.png)
I appreciate that you like my game :)
Why are you all such pajeets?

there are lots of pirated copies of these games available, they're just like last month's copy of the game.

people are asking for updates of the game to be pirated, and it's not like bbw-chan is a 0day l33thaxpiratesoftware board :P

either play the slightly out of date pirated copies, buy it, or wait longer for someone to pirate a more recent copy?
Where I can find the slight outdated copy of those games? Because I searched on kemono and I didn't find it, I searched another site like f95 and I didn't find it. Could you please suggest some other sites for those 3 games?
Does anyone have Whole Hog Version 1.3?
well 1.3.5 specifically
Here you go bud 1.3.5 for wholehog. If you have the new Voca labs drop i would appreciate it if you could spread the love around lol. aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvTThnRFVUYlojd2NuOHRkVlhjQU8wdXRzR0FlYktGTEZmTkN4T3dmb0hVMzNmcG91UVJTWQ==
I know it's too early to call it but...

I'm already not feeling good about how this jam is gonna go with the first couple entries...
Does FtD even have weight gain or is it just numbers go up?
numbers only, which is kinda weird because it means you have no incentive to play the game because the dragon doesn't get bigger visually.
the "higher quality" games tend to release near the end of the jam. "cheetahs are meant to be fast" released on the last day iirc
The kemono page of Coastalbunny was updated recently but it is impossible to download or find any version of the game. Why?
This link appears to have been dead for months, and all entries have been wiped from the author's account, yet the author hasn't said anything about it on his twitter account and there are Japanese blog posts from a mere 10 days ago with this link. Anyone know what's up with this? I had this game once but I lost it.

edit trick totally defeats kemono, i've mentioned it before

so this has come up a few times in the past weeks and I honestly have no idea wtf difficulty you guys are supposedly facing.

Anyway here's a spoon feeding for you, Base64 encoded for your pleasure

(8 KB, 299x168, Download.jpg)

uhh whoops I guess they got to that link already, never mind

Try this instead
GG doggo 🐶
pc cant open it says it has malware can u upload version with no malware?
(6.9 MB, 1280x720, movie_033.webm)
Thanks anon, its just something I come back to randomly from time to time, I still don't know what it is I want it to be about. Right now just trying to figure out how to make clothes that don't look terrible lol.
same here. I cant open the file after downloading from Wetransfer

hmm if there's malware in that then I'm fucked. Windows Defender says it's clean though.

I get the message "... prevented an unrecognized app from starting..."
which you can start it anyway by clicking More Info.
worshippers of the gain pls god

so this is the edit trick in action.

you found the link, it worked, next day the dev breaks the link on purpose, then everyone is too lazy to do anything about it (except you).

you're right, all we need to do is have an early bird mirror the game link for us on a new link and it'll work and we're back in action.

you did it this time, so thanks

I feel a bit like I'm playing both sides, as I've explained this trick of just editing a post on patreon after the fact publicly here.

which means newer devs can learn about it here, but it also means newer pirates can learn about it here :)

the effectiveness of this trick shows just how little dedication the leaker is. one of your fans turned on automatic kemono ripping then forgot about it (otherwise they could just come to this thread and endlessly leak the content to mirrors over and over, but for the most part we haven't seen that)
(1.8 MB, 2048x2048, 1661472136.png)
It is what it is, you dirty pirates ;p

Hope you at least enjoyed the content.

I tend to enjoy watching y'all work. I'm not like tiggertoo or any of those other creators who despise pirates.

People will support me, they won't support me and move on, or they won't support me and steal the content. That's just understood. But I'm not here to make the third option easy ;)

But I genuinely mean it, hope for those who did end up playing the pirated version of 0.5.1 that you enjoyed the content. Maybe be slightly nicer pirates (go plunder someone else for a bit! lol) and I'll keep posting little tidbits here and there for you on this page ;p
(13 KB, 287x362, gamejam.PNG)
1 day left and participation is almost at an all time low. Not looking good.
I'd equal or even lower right now because at the moment two games don't have weight gain
>almost every game has a comically short gameplay loop and total minion because of wildcards
>obvious judge bias has made almost every single game have furries or goblins
>all time low because of the glaring problems from the start
as expected, i dont expect it to last two more years. 2023 might be the last gain jam
whats funny is biscuits and brimstone has the most potential to turn into something greater after the gain jam even though it has no weight gain yet.

Alot of the times there is a burst of entries at the last minute, so we may see that, but while I think it is better then last years in terms of participation, I do agree this one has been quite underwhelming. I do sincerely hope it doesn't die off tho, only since it does get people motivated to make WG games in a way that normally they wouldn't.
>obvious judge bias has made almost every single game have furries or goblins
>Furries or goblins
>Not cutting out the middleman and making Kobolds
i just regard kobolds as furries, but yes there are a sad amount of those too.
And I don't even mind furries, kobolds, etc. Just the games themselves feel so soulless, at least with the older gain jam entries they had some spark to them, some level of energy to the writing and visuals that, for the ones here, they just don't. And if the GAIN JAM doesn't have to have WEIGHT GAIN in it, then what's the point? The exclusivity was what gave it the spark, if the vorefags and inflationfags want their own jam, nothing stopping them from making their own. Why do we have to dilute the stream, for more eyes on a community whose point was to be niche?
Here are some examples of what good the gain jam has had to offer in the past (Imho). These are games I STILL play to this day

Salem's appetite: https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/salems-appetite-cakehoarder-game-jam-submission/2703
Doubt this needs an introduction
Club Feedee:
Cabaret club for feeders that you manage, super disappointed the author dropped it, since it had a game similar to it in a later Gain Jam but not NEARLY as good.
Teaching at a magic school:
My absolute favorite of the bunch, this follows two new teachers as you help (or hinder) the female teacher on her first day (Also has the most based bad ending the world may ever see, brandon ending best ending don't @ me), extremely disappointed the author never did anything else with the concept like a remake ala SFOAS, but love this game to bits and will die on the hill that this should have won that years Gain Jam.

I still hope the Gain Jam can live on, if not in name then at least in spirit, just because it helps inspire what are/will become extremely entertaining WG games, they just need to pick better themes and tightened whose allowed to enter, which I won't hold my breath for, but, GODDAMN these were good

I feel like the concept is good, and it's worked in the past, but all the rules are just terrible or uninteresting lately
any re ups of D.I.E.T? full version/latest build
(4.6 MB, 1920x1080, yarr.png)
So that StuffingRPG/G.U.T. game, does anyone have any links to the latest version/update? Also to anyone who played this one called Heroes on a Budget has anyone played/beaten the demo? I seemed to have problems with it and I think it might be due to me not buying equipment at the start cause the slimes kicked my ass but also it seems the weight gain part is slow.
Now we got furries AND ferals, with the fat dog (pokemon) game. For a mod team that clamps down hard on 17y old anime girls, it's INTERESTING to see the same people jerk it to animals fattening up.
This is embarrassing
yeah im definitely watching the score on that one
None of these really look worth playing. Only one with decent artwork was hoard, and that one still isnt really as good as sfoas was.
I hope Pet Project continues after the Jam mutual gain is so rare
I liked Deepest Dish. First off is the fact that it actually has weight gain and gameplay in it, so that already sets it above some of these entries. While the gameplay isn't much, it gets the point across(though it can drag near the end if you want to see all the narrative and don't want to restart).

Plus slime girls are good.
Deepest Dish is probably my favourite so far, my only real complaint is the extremely abrupt ending.
I'm just glad the game exists I'll just put this in my mind drawer, and wait, eventually forget and be pleasantly surprised if they pick it up again
WereGoblins who turn into pygmy werewolves at night and go wild, glutting themselves on the abundant animal life near their homes and wake up not knowing what's causing them to get out of bed being able to sink their hands even further into their belly than the night before.
I only have one problem with the furries on WG.

They need to learn to fucking tag their topics with the Furry tag.

That way I can easily avoid them. But as it is now I'll see an interesting looking title only for it to be furry shit (And most of the time Male, they don't tag their shit most of the time either).
Agree I really want this found, a guy on the weight gaming forums says he purchased the full version and wanted to translate it but never elaborated or followed up, need this
It's not the amount of games that's the problem. It's the fact that they all suck ass, because of the restrictions placed on them because of the wildcards. Like someone said before, there's no creativity at all. Maybe you should try to stop being such a dickrider.
Ignoring the moving goalposts (the previous post specifically highlighting the lack of game entries), it's a bold claim to be remarking on the quality and writing them off wholesale as there are games literally being released as we speak.
At least try them before you start whining, please.
I'm not the one complaining about the amount, which is why I lead with that. And what leads you to assume I haven't played the games? They are all objective shit because not a single one has an ounce of creativity. They're all the same thing because they've been so restricted by the retarded wildcards. None of the games put out in the 15 minutes after this will be any different because it's the entire jam itself that's the issue. Pull your head out of kilif's ass please.
So you're telling me that every game is a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater clone ala "Pro Skater XXL" then, is that right? Your opinion has incredibly little weight you do realise. Just pipe down and enjoy the over 40 free games you didn't lift a finger to contributing towards.
They may as well be given the complete lack of any form of creativity. Because of the rigid structure of the jam it has left vey little creative power in the hands of the devs, and is being completely controlled by the morons running the site. Every single game hits the same notes because of the wildcards, so they become incredibly boring after the first few.

Also do you really want to get into critic argument now? Because I'm willing to do so. Someone does not have to be a chef to criticize food. Someone does not have to be a director to criticize films. I do not have to be a game developer to criticize games, you flaming faggot.
I don't see a critic here. Just someone ineffectually whining about the same erroneous point over and over and over. Someone who simply and regretfully doesn't understand the term "creative constraints".
If you're feeling brave enough, why not discuss your issues or criticisms over on the forum? They're always after feedback to help improve proceedings. Or feel free to bleat uselessly here, that's cool.
I'm curious as to what your definition of a "real critic" is then. And if you really don't see the issue with 3 fucking wildcards that every game will have to follow to have even a slight chance of winning, that severely limit the both the gameplay loop and the narrative structure of said games, then I really don't know what to tell you. I don't expect my criticism to actually change anything at this point. The site staff have made it quite clear after last years debacle that they are unwilling to change, and this time around are trying to actively hamper the devs. But I am still free to voice my criticism of the staff forcing their retardation on everyone else.

And why should I go argue in your little hugbox? So the powertripping gay furry mods can immediately ban me for voicing any dissent? No thanks.
These games should be judged on how good it is to beat your dick off too, I don't give a fuck if the games good just have some good art and interactive elements to make it feel hot.
I'm going to say that Hoard wins this
does anyone have the latest version of D.I.E.T the game?
not be lacy bro post DIET game thank u
(2.1 MB, 356x400, 27f97fda217e8e86d702f6000f34baeac4030de7449658daca0014cc31daf2aa.gif)
After last year I didn't think it could get any worse but boy was I wrong. Not one good fucking entry, nothing even remotely interesting lmao what a shitshow
Also count me among those who are sick of goblins, kobolds and all forms of furfaggotry in almost every game, shit's getting old.
Local faggots mad that they aren't catered to, more at 10.
compare the amount of furry/goblin focused games to games with humans

Oh no, someone is making games that *gasp* don't align with your desires!? Almost like they don't give a shit what you want? Maybe because they put the effort into making something they wanted to make, rather than placating a degenerate bitchy leech on a pirate board that has spent months complaining about bullshit instead of doing anything about it.

Stop being a worthless piece of shit and DO SOMETHING about it.The fact that no one has told you to fuck off with your autistic drivel by this point is astounding. The fact that you've racked up over a dozen posts on a single thread in bbwchan is an embarrassment in of itself.
Tell us you haven't played ANY of the games, without telling us you haven't played any of the games.
the judge bias was so painfully obvious last year that anyone making humans either walked away or changed what they were making to be furry instead of human.
>post count waaaaahhhhh
unironically cry about it, you are probably just changing your id with a VPN to make it seem like there are more people fine with the gain jam than not.
>do something about it
people are once again not really incentivized to enter a gain jam with a human focused game when the mods are painfully biased for furshit and the mods on WG will ban you at the slightest hint of pressure. you cant criticize anything because of it.
>pirate board
its just a handful of anons that are begging, you are either a WG mod here to damage control or a creator salty at how easy it is to pirate stuff locked behind patreon for months at a time.
can you guys stop bitching and can we all get back to posting the newest version od Diet, please
No, get a job and get it yourself.
It's the fault of the wildcards. The site staff are so clearly trying to force games to cater to their specific preferences which is why they forced in 3 wildcards despite everyone hating it.
The fact of the matter is that the devs didn't make what they wanted to make. Every game was forced into a specific mold by the wildcards, which is why they all feel so boring and sterile. The fact that all 3 are mechanic based has lead to the same issue as last years theme, in that they limit the types of games that are viable. The wildcards even prevent certain types of games completely if the dev wants to have a shot at winning.

That's why this jam is shit. Although I also dislike furry shit, it's minor compared to the very foundation of the jam being fucked from the beginning.
Really the themes should just be something basic and vauge like holidays and in the work place. Idk why their trying to be a real gamejam, just let people do what they want, nobody is going in wanting to play the next mario bros, the just want to beat off. Maybe scrap the wild cards and do “best of” awards to each niche like “best of female” “best of male” “best of weight gain” “best of vore” “ best of human” “best of furry” etc. just keep it simple. Stop with all this tryhard game dev shit so visual novels can comeback.
Alright so maybe I'm just stupid and don't know anything but I don't understand people's beef with the gain jam this year. I played every game that wasn't male only weight gain, which wasn't too many, and I was pretty satisfied from a sexual pleasure side with most, then on top of that also had fun playing most of the games. First off I'd like to say that to say all of the games are objectively bad is just a bad take, and if you truly think that then that is your opinion. Next, if people didn't get to make a game they wanted to or didn't like the wild cards then why make a freaking game in the first place? Making a game takes a good amount of time already so to do so under a time constraint with optional parameter and then include those said parameters; then on top of it all to not enjoy or like what you're making? Yeah I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing that. Also if no one likes the wild cards then don't use them, simple as that.
Also whoever was saying the games felt too similar and became boring, please elaborate because I felt like there was a good amount of games that were different from one another in both game play and premise that they did not become too stale or repetitive. I think personally that some people are angry that their specific desire didn't get pandered to and they couldn't jerk off so now they're just bitching about it here.

You're wasting your time. You're talking to coomers so bereft of logic that, in their mind, the only rule of the game jam should be to appease them. And that should be the only outcome. If some worthless fuck on this site isn't happy, my god, everyone wasted their two weeks.

I came here to laugh at these retarded fucks that can't help but sperg out after every jam, but I can't even do that. I think they might legitimately be fucked in the head, and that takes all the fun out of it. I implore you all to save up your neetbux and get a proper tard wrangler to keep you offline.
i really like the cowgirl casino, i recommend it if you haven't tried it.
stfu retard
The weight gaming mods suck massive ass but you're making them look like saints. You are the definition of the worthless bitching that causes them to ignore every bit of criticism they receive.

you also can it. people make the games they wanna make. you think the mods are smart enough for this little furry manipulation scheme? They can barely organized a lemming march. stop whining about the developers making games you don't like.

you're still a fucking shill even if I agree with you.

Remember, folks, killif still visits this thread even after he pissed himself in the last one. Also remember that the mods don't do shit and make up the rules on the spot. All they care about is getting their site traffic and making people produce free content. they don't care if it's male or furry or whatever. they just want to reap all the benefits.

mods aren't faggots for "promoting" shit you don't like, the mods are faggots for doing whatever they feel like without giving a shit about how it negatively impacts the people who do the actual hard work of making free games for them. Whiny retards like y'all only justify them.
i guess i'll make my game for the next jam non-furry....
How many games starred a kobold and/or dragon?
How many used dungeons as their backdrop?

I think that the last minute entries,Mainly Dragonic Expansion and Greed's End (I may just be a Waxer's simp however) save it from being as bad as last years. But good lord man, there were so many of a specific trope. I do think this gain jam is on the upswing, and this one is much better then last years, but that may just be a small rise before a huge dip in quality. I think the concept of greed was wide enough to fit a decent diversity of game types (Not nearly as much as with previous jams tho) I think next years jam themes should be something like

A day at the beach-Has to take place in either a beach setting (May just be my love of bikinis tho)

Can you feel the love tonight?-It has to do with a sexual relationship(I know, this means that the kink based sight has to *gasp* be sexual, but still would be vague enough to allow for a diverse amount of games)

Capes and Croissants- Has to be superhero themed in some regard, whether it be the rise of a villain in a super hero world, or a more basic super hero story (Directly able to insert fetishes via the medium of the superhero genre)

And these are just off the top of my head, the main problem the Jam has is the themes, if they just went back to vague umbrella themes, like holidays and workplaces, you'll get a much wider variety
Apparently I'm not being clear enough. The issue is not the fetish aspect of things. It's the way the jam is set up to creatively inhibit the devs. If next years jam was nothing but games like Path Overwatch, but the jam had no wildcards I would consider it 100 times better than this years because I would know the devs were making something according to their vison based off of a singular theme, and not the whims of a bunch of bullshit challenges. Which is what a game jam is supposed to be about in the first place. A simple theme for devs to get creative with and test their skills.

When you start introducing mechanic based wildcards you start to limit what types of games you'll get and they'll be less varied. It was the same issue with last years theme. You may say that "oh it's optional this time" but it really isn't if you want to have even a slight chance of winning. This jam is worse than last one because they've introduced 3 mechanical restrictions instead of just one. Every game is creatively compromised because they're being forced into a specific type, instead of just letting the devs run wild with theme, which worked perfectly fine the first few jams.

And it's going to get worse. You're a fool if you think they'll stop at just three. Last year it was one theme, this time three wildcards, next year it'll be 5, and after that 10 wildcards and 2 themes at once, and so on. And each time you'll get less and less creative output from the devs because they're being strangled by this retarded bullshit. I have yet to interact with one person (aside from WG staff) who genuinely likes the wildcards, and thinks they're a worthwhile addition. They do nothing to enhance the jam, and only serve to homogenize the types of games.
I know you're just a disingenuous shill and you won't actually read this, but on the off chance that you do, I'd really like you to ask yourself what the point of the wildcards is, and if they add anything positive to the jam.

Cope, seethe, dilate, and kys in that order please.
I would reply to the post talking about stuff above too but this one really hit what I was looking for. I completely understand where you're coming from in regards to the wild cards. Hell I didn't even make a game and even I think they are redundant and not needed. But if everyone feels that way then either people should not participate in the jam and make the game they want to and post it in projects category or just not use them and make banger games. Yes, you're right about having to use them if you want to win; which in my opinion, after reading everything the way the wild cards should work is that they have a category for best wild card usage. This way it doesn't interfere with the main grading scale but people could win a small prize for the best usage of the wild cards based on how they are implemented in the game. That or just nix them and only do a theme which works too. However if like you said nobody likes them then it makes no sense for people to both compete in the jam and use them as that just makes the mods go, "oh, people use these things. They must like them!" Or at least communicates that people don't have a problem with them, which apparently isn't true. You can't expect change by participating in the thing you're trying to stop. It's like advocating for racial equality while being a racist. Just doesn't make sense. However I appreciate your response because it gives me a better understanding of the situation and where everyone is coming from.
How many games in the projects category use rpg maker? How many are VNs that revolve around fattening up everyone around you? How many have something to do with either an incarnation or physical embodiment of the sin of gluttony or even all of the seven deadly sins? How many deal with a group of adventurers getting tied up into weight related shenanigans? It's the same fucking thing so to me this point is irrelevant, especially since the jam is themed. If people make similar games when there isn't a theme then why call it out where there is. The best argument you've got is like what the person below said in the fact that the wild cards cause game makers to be creatively stunted due to the optional parameters, but even then there are games that are pretty different. Pandara's Orb, Greed's End, Giantess, HOARD, Cowgirl Casino, Biscuits and Brimstone, Feastars, and The Good, The Bad, and The Chubby all play differently and feel different. And yeah, some games did feel similar, but that's what separates the good games from the not as good ones; how well can a dev work inside that set of parameters without falling into the trap of feeling samey. My point is that you can say a lot of things feel the same most everything is either based off of or inspired by another thing, so saying "oh there's too many kobolds, there's too many dungeons, etc, etc" doesn't really make sense to get pissy over and say all of the games felt too similar simply because of a small thing they share.
A question for all the wildcard critics and nayseyers: how does the best text adventure compare or even stand to compete against a decent game made by a community-famous artist? Having the contest reduced to a popularity contest, especially with how impactful art is to the fetish game experience, is no fun for those talented in other fields, and has long been an issue to address when it came to judging. Wildcards were an attempt to redress that since the points earned from them could backfill categories that a submission was going to be weak in. Now the text adventure, or the game that focused on a dope soundtrack etc, could in theory stand a chance of competing against the big, popular names in the community. Remember that the wildcard points are like handicap points.
Was it going to be perfect? Undoubtedly not since this is the first time the feature has been implemented so there will be some takeaways to consider. A lot of entries used the wildcards but I don't think it was under duress, but perhaps the creative constraint gave people direction in which to take their theme; the community chose the Minions card in the poll, and guess what? Turns out the community likes minions, whodathunk. Whether this direction too pointed is a discussion we'll no doubt have in the future.
Yes, by chance there happened to be overlap in the cards, but I have the suspicion that this was recognised by the mods. If you want people to buy in to your new feature then you need to hook them, yeah? It's tricky to balance them between "too impactful" and "a complete waste of time" but in this particular instance with their debut it was probably seen as better to let people have the realisation moment of "hey, I can combo these cards" and use the feature than to reject it with a resounding "meh." which no doubt would have been an embarrassment for the mods. If they roll with wildcards next year, maybe they'll be braver and go with more disparate, far-flung objectives now that people have a taste of what to expect with the wildcards.
>Wildcards were an attempt to redress that since the points earned from them could backfill categories that a submission was going to be weak in.
>Now the text adventure, or the game that focused on a dope soundtrack etc, could in theory stand a chance of competing against the big, popular names in the community. Remember that the wildcard points are like handicap points.
this again?
instead of trying to explain it i'll just respond with a question:
what stops the person that can make art from ALSO checkboxing the wild cards?
>what stops the person that can make art from ALSO checkboxing the wild cards?
Nothing. But if they had a strong entry then they would see less of an impact from those points, depending on how well-utilised they were to begin with.
It's another avenue for people to get a leg up in the contest and potentially make the cut for 2nd round judging. Points aside, a game that uses a wildcard well can make it a talking point to garner favor for the community choice award or as a general reflection on the developers since it afford them another opportunity to showcase their skills and excel in a category.
It's interesting that you should bring up text adventures since the wildcards this year prevent any games of that type from being viable. And the idea that it's for the purpose of boosting small devs is laughable. Big devs are going to get those same points anyways and with less effort. If your handicap is usable by everyone, then by definition it is no longer a handicap. Everyone is going to go for the wildcards because why bother with doing something new and unique, when you now have guaranteed points by doing the same thing as everyone else. It stifles creative flow because it forces games into a type.

Making the wildcards "more obscure" isn't going to fix the problem when the issue is the very existence of them at all. The theme is supposed to be the limit that devs base their games off of. With the wildcards, they've introduced 3 new limiters that everyone will have to follow because everyone else is doing it. A single theme worked perfectly fine as a "creative constraint" for the first few jams. They are fixing things that don't need to be fixed, and have ended up breaking everything as a result. Just fucking stop and leave it alone, it was fine the way it was before. If they wanted to change something, maybe they should focus on overhauling their retarded and heavily biased judging system.

There is no way to make wildcards work, because by nature of their existence, they are further limiting all devs, not just the "big artists". I don't care if it would be embarrassing for them, it was a flawed idea in the first place. It's damaging to the community as a whole, because less game types will appear in these jams if this continues forwards. Devs already have a theme and a time limit as their constraints for creativity, they do not need this extra bullshit on top of that.
>It's interesting that you should bring up text adventures since the wildcards this year prevent any games of that type from being viable.
MightyHalberd and "The Salvage Run" would disagree with you there. An excellent usage of the minions wildcard and an excellent entry as a text adventure. I genuinely urge you to play it as it's really good.
Dare I say, all the complaints about the wildcards (and the theme to an extent) being too this and too that are coming from people who just lack the creativity to harness them well? There's no shame in not being able to think up good ideas for them! I'm not knocking one's lack of ingenuity, I mean I couldn't come up with half of these ideas myself, but the distinction between you and I is just because I can't come up with these ideas doesn't meant that no one else can, and I don't arrogantly and incorrectly proclaim so. You want proof? Honestly, check out some of the entries.
People can't use the wildcards? People can, and have done so.
and thats the end of the argument right there.
the person with a strong art skill still gets the same amount of bonus points from the wildcards as one without, meaning that the person with art skills will have more total than the person without, even if both fully invest into wildcards.
and im pretty sure i haven't read "wildcards can only be invested into one category" anywhere. but even if, its still making it so that your weakest category gets topped up to a perfect 10, you HAVE to use wildcards or you are at a severe disadvantage.
Apparently you didn't read my post, which doesn't actually surprise me all that much. The text adventures will get no points because it didn't use the card mechanically as is stated in the rules.

And my bigger point is the limitation of devs. A theme and a time limit is perfectly fine as a creative constraint, wildcards unnecessarily complicate that and thus dilutes the prospective variation of the games. If there were no wildcards, I guarantee you the entries would have been more diverse, and better off. Being forced to incorporate the wildcards has done nothing but limit what can be done creatively with the submission. The wildcards are forcing devs into a certain type of "creativity" instead of just letting them flourish on their own with a simple theme that worked fine in years past. I have yet to see you list a single positive effect of wildcards aside from forcing devs to waste time on them that could have been spent better developing new and unique ideas, instead of just doing the exact same thing as everyone else. Of course you won't actually acknowledge this point because you don't have an actual argument against it. The wildcards are counterproductive to the unshackled creativity of the devs, which is supposedly the whole point of the jam.

Also, I'm still waiting for you to define a "real critic".
>Also, I'm still waiting for you to define a "real critic".
Well, for starters, not someone screaming "It's shiiiit" at everything that people have worked hard on. In that sense, the bar is set hilariously low for defining what a critic is and yet you still are unable to clear it.
Stop trying to conflate being an asshole as having an informed opinion.
As predicted you have no actual argument as to the rest of my post. Also congratulations, you got the definition of critic incorrect which you would know if you read the rest of my post, instead of shitting yourself over the fact that someone disagrees with you. Criticism does not have to be "nice". I could call you a faggot at the end of every one of my posts, and it would still be just as much "real criticism" as it would without. Stop being a thin-skinned baby.

Now try again, and respond to my actual argument please.
The way this bigot keeps spilling his old-man-yelling-at-cloud energy all over this thread like it's a full-time job...
>new id the moment he got called out
>empty social justice words
at least try to hide it.
Dragonic Expansion is the best game to come out of that shitty website in its entire lifespan
No I haven't played those shitty 3D model VNs
Pandara's Sphere is also pretty good if you're okay with RPGM. A very cool depiction of Hell. Some fun characters and writing. Also excited to see where failmuseum takes Draconic Expansion further, post-Jam - one of my favourites despite the wonky balance and bugs.
>Pandara's Sphere
Stopped playing 10 seconds in, I cannot stand the le quirky "humorous" RPGM games. Only one that ever made me laugh was Some Bullshit. I played PS's main game, Auxgeum or whatever, and it sucked.
I hear a lot about Apostles, but the first thing I saw when looking at that game's thread is something about gay sex scenes. Is that avoidable or what?
I'd definitely recommend it, iirc there's only one scene where a woman shapeshifts into a man to have gay sex and it can be easily skipped.
Coven of Calahree is the worst game I've ever played. 3 hours of unfunny fetch quests and constant random encounters just to look at stock RPGMaker blob templates from 5 years ago - sold for ten dollars. It ends on a fucking BOSS RUSH. I'm NEVER buying one of you fuckers' scam games again.
The thing that stops me from getting on board with Apostles is the insistence of tying the weight gain and eye candy part of things purely to the game sprites - the doofy little chibi RPGM character sprites. It just ends up looking silly to me.
Much preferred the way it's handled in games like Some Bullshit and Edypos by having separate dedicated character artwork to show off the weight gain or specific stuffing scenes. SB also had character sprite changes and the occasional sprite animation as well, but we all know the money shots were courtesy of Clinko's art.
Hi someone could please share feeding my affection v 0.15 and fattening career v0. 3?

It's possible that I've broken my brain from years of this stuff, but I actually infinitely prefer doofy chibi sprites to any 3D CG art that makes up the games everyone begs for in these threads. Maybe it's because you directly control characters in RPG maker games and the 3D art games are always just slideshows.

Drawn art "custcenes" being included in games are amazing though.
Hi there someone could please share fattening career v0. 3? I'm too poor to pay the patreon and I can't already pay my bill.
Someone could update the kemono page for fattening career and feed my affection?
all recent thread whining of the game jam but silence once we ask for Fattening Career please guys post link

>You guys suck but please give me things for free
I took the liberty of playing through all the interesting entries this year and I can only echo the sentiment here: almost every entry is fucking garbage. Admittedly, I was fairly prejudicial in determining which games I would play (I instantly disqualified bad art, unapologetic furshit, etc...) so I might have missed a gem with interesting mechanics but I could give a shit

The only game I was impressed by was Greed's end: high quality custom sprites and hand drawn portraits, engaging story, fairly interesting characters, and a gluttony punishment/horror element. My only gripes were as follows: I don't think the gluttony/punishment element was fully realized, the final boss battle was lame, and the creator seemed to have to ability to make engaging puzzles put didn't for some reason. The only honorable mention is Pandora's Sphere
I had high hopes for draconian expansion after reading your post but found it dull as fuck. The dialogue is atrocious and the sprites are decade old. I really liked the basebuilding game play but that was quite literally the only redeeming factor. The dragon girls reactions to weight gain was cringe
i made pro skater XL and i wanted to say, i didn't really go into my entry with the intent on making something hot. Pretty glad people are disappointed in that aspect of it.
Pretty much the only reason i participated this year was because i wanted a good excuse to take a break from working on momulator. I had a fun break and i got to prototype something i already wanted to try, just with weight gain incorporated into the concept. I'll probably be removing the weight gain later.

I think if you want games to yank it to, a game jam might not be the greatest place to look. especially with something so niche. I feel like a good nsfw game is either given a lot of time to cook, or not much more than a slideshow of decent art.
Hi there please I'm begging you to share fattening career v0. 3a or update his kemono? I really need it.
i played the first version and it was pretty alright, people are mostly just mad at the fact that the WG mods seem to have an addiction to making the gain jam worse every year.
>increasingly obvious judge bias
>inability to learn from mistakes
>theme gets more restrictive every year (this year with the wildcards forcing three different mechanic restrictions if people want to win)
i ignored the wildcards because i heard that they don't allow you to score higher than the limit. I just want to show people what i can do. also you should try the second version ,it's pretty good.

Yeah, but it's a fetish based gamejam...
I also personally don't think nsfw is a requirement for it to be good material.
Hi there could you please share fattening career v0. 3a or update his kemono?
I decoded and say buy the patreon poor idiot dude that stuff is not funny
please share fattening career v0.3a now

Because begging several times a day for the same game isn't going to piss off anyone who might feel like sharing it in the slightest
This game Version will be free on October just wait it is not our fault if you are poor
shut up and buy it
Be good and please share this game v0. 03?
Please share last version of fattening career?
i dont get why you are so obsessed with fattening career.
its just another daz 3d visual novel.
(480 KB, 1280x720, 1662123880.jpg)
Hey, i am humbled by the fact that you like the game, but like >>24811 said the update will released for free in October. And just so its clear, all updates will be free 1 to 2 months after they release.
Too much time to wait for the version 0.02 we waited only 2 weeks please share the game v0. 03 now

Dude just shut the fuck up. The more you whine and needlessly bump the thread the less likely it is anyone is going to share it with you.
Pretty please someone could share fattening career 0.03 or feed my affection 0.15 or update their kemono?

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