
(114 KB, 1155x583, Nancypig.jpg)
Let's do some nancy green.
Compelling ideas, wish there were more results. If I were an artist, I'd offer some, but sadly I'm not.
In the meantime, does anyone else wanna share something?
Some other anons need to posting edits or drawings, I'm the only one around posting.
>I'm the only one around posting.
Yeah no fucking shit, and why do you think that is? Because you're literally the only person on this board who's interested in this garbage, it's kinda amazing that after like what a year of making edit requests and dead on arrival threads you still can't process the fact that no one else here wants to see this shit despite being told to fuck off by other anons every single time you make a post. Seriously, take the hint.

Get some self-awareness and realise that your sperg hyper-fixation on fat art for this show is a niche within a niche, stop gormlessly wondering why people don't do your edits or sustain these threads when the reason is right there in front of you. Just do everyone here a favour and stop plaguing this board with low quality content that only you and you alone are interested in.
I was just watching an old AVGN video, and I instinctually read this post in his voice. While I think you're being a little bit too harsh on that guy, this post was utterly hilarious. A+

Anyway yeah Big City Greens is a bad kinda ugly show its not a surprise only maybe 2 anons want art of it . Passion Patties this is not.
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>While I think you're being a little bit too harsh on that guy
That's the nicest way of putting what everyone is thinking; he's been a menace not only here but also on 4chins.
Look dude just stop posting this on the board, I'm going to say this very politely to stop doing it, everyone who has talked to you has been incredibly hostile and ridiculed you for posting this stuff time and time again, I personally don't really like this thread but that's my opinion but it seems like your the only person who is in to this series on here, so do yourself a favour and stop posting so you don't feel like shit and I can say that from existence and let me tell you it is not a good feeling. That's all I have to say, have a good day sir.
Forget about the *to* between politely and stop
Really don’t get nor like this thread either, but your ”stop” is being repetitive. Cut it.
The underlying issue with the spam is the lack of content. There just isn't a lot of it out there.
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Here's a reshaded version that some anon did in a/trash/ WG thread.
Nice edit anon.
Yo, this is really good! Love to see gramma with a ruined waistline
Glad you do anon! I actually requested this edit by someone in discord, I could request the same user to give alice a ruined waistline, however I don't what that means though.
More huge fat bellied Alice and Tilly edits I say. Or even blob
Would love that! We need more fat alice!
Yup, and more fat bill!
Yeah, right now, I'm dm'ing with someone currently, but it'll take a while to get any more alice fat/obese edits, unless some anons here would want to share any edited screencaps.
Jesus Christ this is just pathetic
Then don't come on this thread then, simple as that.
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Genuinely have no idea why the mods haven't nuked this thread yet, 90% of the content here has just been a sperg jerking off their weird hyperifxation with this show that virtually no one here shares.

Threads like this constitute the absolute bottom of the barrel, shit content , sporadic activity and the op is just a pathetic little weirdo. Please just fucking stop already, the already abysmal standards of this board drop by the day because of threads like this I swear to god.
>on the most degenerative board of a fetish website
>huu huu muh standards
That's /ee/, you twat.
Shit take. Board being dedicated to degen kinks and subject matter isn't an excuse for the board itself to be shit, there are threads here that aren't populated by autismos and have consistent activity and quality content. But most of the new threads that pop up now are so niche they die off instantly and are created by people who can't spell out their ABCs with alphabet soup.

Tbh it might just be objectively true that these fetishishes attract more potato brains than they do actual functioning human beings so maybe this board is inherently doomed to be shit, I'm just absolutely sick of seeing garbage like this pop up at least once a week when I'm prowling for content here.
Shit take. Board being dedicated to degen kinks and subject matter isn't an excuse for the board itself to be shit, there are threads here that aren't populated by autismos and have consistent activity and quality content. But most of the new threads that pop up now are so niche they die off instantly and are created by people who can't spell out their ABCs with alphabet soup.

Tbh it might just be objectively true that these fetishishes attract more potato brains than they do actual functioning human beings so maybe this board is inherently doomed to be shit, I'm just absolutely sick of seeing garbage like this pop up at least once a week when I'm prowling for content here.
It should've happened to everyone besides just Cricket.
>It should've happened to everyone besides just cricket.
That's what I've wanted to happen as well, but they just had cricket gain weight in that episode and not the family. It doesn't make sense why we can never see any of them get fattened up.

At least we've could've gotten an edit out of this or something.

We need more Fat Alice! This is really good
If only there were more artists who like to watch the show, it'd be cool seeing more edits and arts of alice. ^^
Dude don’t you like anything aside from Big Greens?
Can't say I like much cartoons, aside from FOP, Amphibia, and TOH
More edits of alice would be nice.
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Someone should edit alice into fat with this.
It would be cool to see her belt wrist snap off and have her belly show out.
Reject edits
Embrace original content
I'm not familiar with the show but these edits of the purple dress girl have gotten me interested
Really haven't been around this thread posting most of the new edits, sorry for that.
I have seen the picture before on the left, but what's the other drawing on the right made from? Looks good btw
Won't be much considering not much fat art of bcg is found anywhere, but I appreciate you trying to keep this thread alive
Forgot to ask, where did you find this from?
I got them from deadlight93 on FA
Ok, you have a link? I could probably have him/her be interested to join my discord
Alice ones maybe? (Referring to bcg alice)
To be fair I don't think there the only ones into the mom as altzegoz has quite the thing for here people do find her hot but it's just a niche. That's my two cents on the subject. That said she's not a bad inflatable subject either it's basically a pumped fat biker chick which I'm surprised doesn't appeal more to people hell of you want to blame anyone blame Disney channel who airs reruns like Nick airs SpongeBob
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I mean I ask myself that same question whenever a new loli shota board pops up.
Like someone drop the tactical nukes on these fuckers please

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