
>>17083 (OP)
Shouldn't you be studying for your 4th grade math exam next week, little TimTim?
Don't start your shit, i already know what's about to happen.
Shouldn't you be probably masturbating to fat star butterfly?
Dude, just give it a rest already. You’ve made multiple posts and threads here and elsewhere asking for edits and it’s clear no one wants to do it. If anything you should just commission it at this point rather than endlessly begging.
I am commissioning, I'm just trying to wait for someone to actually do my request is all. But it just fails, everytime i try to make a thread.
Pretty damn clear no one is interested. The more threads and posts you make the more people you turn off. Just stick with the commissions and leave it at that.
then stop trying
Get a job, faggot.

You gotta be tripping big time if you think that's better
(114 KB, 1155x583, Nancypig.jpg)
Listen, I like Nancy being fat too, but she always gets more art and edits, but not Tilly or Gloria half of the time.
Maybe because Tilly and Gloria are minors?
and it's more appropriate to make art and edits of characters who are of age??

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