
You could make a new one you know. Or I could do it if you didn’t want to do it.
Are you the idiot who tried to start the thread within a thread?
I want… no…. I NEED! More Fasha pics
Do you guys have some fat/ slobby kale
It's a war crime how very little dragon quest wg art there is.You'd think dq 11 would increase it's popularity in america due to the sales.
>You'd think dq 11 would increase it's popularity in america due to the sales
Not really; the kinda people within the WG community are almost all swayed by memes and peer pressure but that being said, even without being fueled by a meme or being Purse Owna or a shitty remake of Final Fantasy 7, DQXI still had a good uptick in art in comparison to previous entries.

We could've had a real boom had Squeenix not have butchered the offline version of DQX.
Where are those chi-chi pics from? Never found the artist
Source for the first two?
There are 6 pic in it
I wanna keep this thread alive.
The 21 one should have sounds like Stomach noises and Evil giggles.
Any caulifa
Needs more braps
This thread has officially been Bumped
Any erasa
Any bulma
Any 21

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