
(1.1 MB, 2304x4096, 1634390052606.jpg) (1.0 MB, 2988x2988, 1634254229323.jpg)
It's by dwn/dowhatnow, I think the name of the artist was, from a collection of their stuff before they disappeared. Here's the rest of the faces from it
Holy fuck, this is amazing. This is the way I picture it in my mind, like with the sunken in eyes, though the forehead roll method is pretty good too.
(45 KB, 262x190, 20211225_175854.jpg)
Would be amazing if anyone happened to have the full version of this
I don't think Jesus can forgive you for this.
Is Darkfireballz doing more of this kinda stuff?
(883 KB, 4093x2894, FEmZPQ3XsAUZrgo.jpg)
Im kinda surprised seeing no @daifukudaidai1 content
She's a drawing.
There's separate threads for loli stuff for a reason. Makes people uncomfortable.

Also not really a request thread so much as a posting thread.
Probably Darkfireballz
(1.4 MB, 2000x1400, sin_by_thedookus_dcjccl6.png) (196 KB, 3300x1500, D-NgzJ5UwAA3tbj.jpeg) (1.3 MB, 2000x1000, human_blockade_by_thedookus_dcnizd1.png)
It actually looks more like TDookus to me. His old style was very similar to Darkfireballz. The way the fingers are drawn match up more to Dook. The sketching style is also similar. I will say, this is the first time I'm seeing something THIS extreme from him, but considering that he made the tags "Dooktongue" and "Dookforehead", it's not an impossibility that he would make this kinda stuff. Kinda whack that he recently tried to draw "The fattest arms" in his new style and it pales in comparison to 99% of his old stuff.

TLDR: Dook not Dark
Aight, this is gonna be a loooong list of me begging for sources, because I'm in dire need of expanding my repertoire with this stuff.

>>15357 (OP)
2nd and 3rd


1st, 2nd and 4th

All of them

Repeating the sourcebeg for my homie there

All of this shit

Again, repeating the call for source

While it looks similar to the previous splatoonoid post, I doubt it's the same artist. Too high of a difference in quality.
(2.1 MB, 3507x2480, 79851782_p1.png) (2.1 MB, 2480x3507, 月岡恋〇_05.png)
>2nd and third
Those are from Tdookus, though I'm not sure if they are still up on his accounts anymore and he's strayed away from that kinda stuff.
>All of them
All of those are from Dimmerolls (Just a warning, the majority of his stuff nowadays is really lame stuff with his "Asexual Panromantic Genderfluid Self-Sona".)
>Repeating the sourcebeg for my homie there
Both are from Darkfireballz. The first is in his deviantart scraps, and isn't even really forehead stuff. Where the second one comes from I have no idea. It's clearly a zoom in of some full picture, but he hasn't posted it anywhere public from what we can tell. Could be from 4chan or something, because thats where a ton of his stuff ends up for some reason.
This is only one I don't actually know. My best guess is it's from "FknPlat".
>All of this shit
>Again, repeating the call for source
>While it looks similar to the previous splatoonoid post, I doubt it's the same artist. Too high of a difference in quality.
I'm 99% sure these are all from "@pearlismywife2001". Some of these I don't recall being posted to his twitter, but I extremely doubt that it would be a different artist.
Now what I really want to know is where >>21483 come from. It looks like Fawxen, and this type of stuff tends to be a tiny bit more common for furries, but I have no idea if it's from an alt or what.
Anyway, might as well drop some stuff off here. I'm surprised some of Sunny's stuff hasn't been posted here.
>Those are from Tdookus, though I'm not sure if they are still up on his accounts anymore and he's strayed away from that kinda stuff.
Yeah, his gallery doesn't have that kind if stuff anymore, I wonder if there's some kind of archive or collection that does though.

>All of those are from Dimmerolls (Just a warning, the majority of his stuff nowadays is really lame stuff with his "Asexual Panromantic Genderfluid Self-Sona".)
Went through his DA and Twitter, none of those pieces were inside and only one outlier of the forehead fat. Guess he deleted them?

>Could be from 4chan or something, because thats where a ton of his stuff ends up for some reason.
Now you have me wondering what boards he frequents.
Is this fawxen's work?
Only the first 3, old stuff tho
Does anyone know where all this more extreme Fawxen stuff is coming from? The only hint he was into medical stuff from his public accounts was from a recent commission that he retweeted. Does he have a secret alt or furaffinity or something?
This is god tier. Which just makes me yearn to see Dark's trove of extreme content even more. Tbh I'm really fucking sick of the people in his inner circle who have full access to this stuff dangling carrots in front of our faces by occasionally posting a single image every few months when they could just dump everything all at once, it's been going on for like the past two years now.

He's debatably the best blob artist on the scene right now and one of the only to dabble in this degenerate niche yet a good chunk of his alts and unique pieces aren't public, fucking blows man.
I'll admit, I have zero clue if there really is a cabal of shadowy insiders who conspire to keep this kind of material to themselves, it's distinctly possible, but I think it's more likely he keeps it on the down low since there's a not insiginificant amount of people who would clutch their pearls over this kind of stuff and try to announce some sort of fatwa against him or people who similsr stuff. Same thing with loli material. The "community" has dogpiled on people for much less. But that's just baseless hypothesizing.
At the very least these are definitely shared by him exclusively to close friends as there's literally no trace of this stuff being posted publicly by Dark, I've searched basically everywhere at this point. Evidently they would be the people who leak this stuff out occasionally but they either don't care or don't want to share everything when there's obviously more out there. I remember someone posting a stash link of his that had a scat alt of the river city girls followup drawing he did a few months back and that's the closest we've ever gotten.

It's very likely that he just posts all the taboo stuff to his deviantart stash but only shares the links with certain people, but even knowing this information doesn't change anything as there no way we can get the content from his stash as outsiders. The reality might be that we'll never see all of this content.
How about fixala?
(87 KB, 1280x892, 4.jpg) (202 KB, 1222x899, 2.png) (266 KB, 1270x810, 5.png) (537 KB, 3500x2000, 3.png) (785 KB, 5500x2500, 6.png)
(202 KB, 1222x899, 2.png) (87 KB, 1280x892, 4.jpg) (266 KB, 1270x810, 5.png) (537 KB, 3500x2000, 3.png) (785 KB, 5500x2500, 6.png)
Genuine question. Should we allow this thread to get clogged with so much furry stuff? Cos this type of thing is weirdly a lot more common among furries, and this could very easily just become an almost entirely furry thread.
Fat forehead degeneracy is probably the smallest niche sub-kink within this whole fetish, like seriously I can't think of any good blob artist that draws this stuff with any sort of regularity other than Dark. And the cruel irony with him is that whilst he's arguably the GOAT when it comes to this stuff, we can't even see the majority of his art as most of it is shared only to certain people and has to be leaked out of that circle.

Whilst I'm not really interested in anthro characters at all, I find that I don't mind them in the context of this sort of art as my interest in the fetish generally overrides any ambivalence I have to furries. The amount of art pertaining to this niche is already woefully small so if the furfags produce more than other artists, might as well just accept it here since it's better than nothing and the thread would be likely to go stagnant otherwise.
Already gave you a blessing by spoilering all the furry shit. Just don't look my dude
Send me your discord, if you got one, I can tell and share more there
Oh, sure! My discord is Pootis Bear#5831 , if you wanna shoot me a request. Might take a few hours to accept you as a friend as I'm currently a bit busy.
(33 KB, 444x252, SPOILER_unknown-2116-2.png) (173 KB, 1113x641, unknown-2684.png)
Not to be a dick but some of you are too sensitive about what you like or dislike lol

The only reason furries tend to have a hold of this kind of content is because anime fatfags are too chicken to get into and draw extreme sizes. or if they aren't, they don't post them around in fear of being outed as a degenerate, as if that matters much in these spaces.

Take what you can get, it's not that bad and it's a hell of a lot better than any human stuff I've seen here.

Liking furry content doesn't make you a furry.
Bismillah if the shaitan can't tempt me to bestiality, you can't tempt me to bestiality

Jerking off to cartoon animals with human characteristics isn't beastiality you ding dong.
It's less that "Anime fags are chicken" and more that furries just have no restraints. Doesn't mean the contents bad, per say, just that it's hella degenerate and very self serving. The majority of this type of content mostly involves peoples fursona's and whatnot, so it makes sense that they would indulge in the depths of kinkdom as much as they do.
looks like chechecheartist but he doesnt post stuff like this on his main account, usually shows up via the commissioners
(324 KB, 2048x1365, 20221104_002336.jpg)
Was lucky enough to get a comm slot from Dark recently and he was more than happy to do an extreme fatal forehead alt for me, enjoy you degenerates.
What's the character?
Christina Mackenzie from mobile suit gundam war in the pocket.
I don't mean any disrespect when I say this, but I seriously doubt anyone here would have what you're looking for. Gnibbles for the past couple of years has just kind of been living in the background and only seems to be making art as part of private trades and commissions for his close accomplices.
It took us forever to finally find get Cooly52's banner, simply because for whatever reason Gnibbles just doesn't seem to be posting art anymore despite the fact that he's making it. It's a bit similar to Darkfireballz, expect there are hardly any examples of art that wouldn't be fit to post to Gnibbles twitter or deviantart in terms of content.
Now with that being said, we don't even have much of an idea if there even is a "Full picture" to that sketch, or if it would even contain fat forehead stuff, since if I recall correctly, I have literally never seen any Gnibbles pic with that kind of content before.
Fuuuck I love that shit, please do more of that!! I'm not here to judge but subtlety like that goes a long way for me (not that my opinion matters I just really like your art)
Source for the first two?
(560 KB, 3196x2352, Fti58XWWwAEwB_N.jpeg)
Now we just need Dewsh to finish the Workout Mom sequence like this...
But that will never happen 🙃
Source for the fourth and sixth images?
Source on the third image
As well as the fifth image?
We need more blob face, I love this
but why? Why would anyone want this? Explain the psychological reason behind this subsubfetish.
What is there to explain? There's no engima here, this isn't an obtuse or 'weird' kink even if it's a somewhat niche category of art. It's just weight gain taken to its logical extreme, it appeals to people for the exact same reasons most people find regular fatties attractive. The exaggerated fat distribution underpins and emphasises the ridiculous level of obesity of these blobs, which people find hot. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't think there's any deep subconscious explanation for why people enjoy this, it's just merely a question of whether your own enjoyment of weight gain as a kink goes this far as everyone has their preferences. There's already hundreds of unique examples of this kind of art out there from tons of different artists, so there's somewhat of a broad appeal for this. It's not exclusively damaged people and autists creating/consuming this content lol.

If anything else I find it kinda bizarre that you're so bemused about what's essentially just an extension of hyper weight gain, but don't question the two threads on this board full of people who want to see fat washing machines and plants.
Nah I can see the later because they’re extensions and projections of the (relatively) normal fetishes. This is its own branch. Now a plant with a giant forehead? That would be vile.
I am not even into this specific thing but like dude it's not that hard to understand.

You want them even fatter. This is a way to visualize that. Just cause it's not mine or your favorite thing doesn't mean it's that far from the core.
Who is the artist of these?>>26372
Got sources for all these?
calorie and triplemeat
Because fatty smothered in fat, come on, this isn’t rocket surgery.
I read that entire story only for it to have zero mention of forehead fat. My dissapointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
So you noticed the joke, good boy!
None of these are actually fat forehead art...
last one doofus
Where did you get this alt? I've seen the original but not this one
It's Ceru Art.
Don't know where this alt came from though
Source for the second image?
oh hey two of these are my commissions lol
DWN and Elektr0_H2
Any source for these? I can't find the @ on here at all.
It's stuff he posts privately between groups that he doesn't ask to be kept private.
When he wants shit to not be posted around he specifies, there's a lot of that stuff that will never even maybe be leaked.
(119 KB, 1000x501, F8bnHvn6KVsyfNkCKHkxAPfSSLYPSg_j3mr5GaMvphg.jpg)
>Dark has more extreme content that will never be shared outside of private criclejerks.

Why would you tell us this part specifically anon? You could've kept us living in blissful ignorance. There is nothing more disheartening for us coomers than to hear that a quality artist has content locked in the vault.
Sucks but it could be worse. Dark could've pulled a Gnibbles at any time and just not posted literally any of his art and we would've had to rely ONLY on leaks.
dang MFA doing forehead stuff? good shit!
i'd say its not out of hand just yet, this is fucking great
I meant that in the best way possible. Its truly a great drawing
No. I'm here. But I'm not the one posting unspoilered furry/male content.
(2.7 MB, 3507x2480, a.png) (2.6 MB, 3507x2480, b.png) (2.1 MB, 3507x2480, c.png)
sauce for the first?
source for the second?
>Dimmerrolls Goomba Porn in the thread
Grow a fucking pair anon, it's hardly any different from the swathes of anthro art that have already been posted in this thread.
Where IS dimmerrolls uploading all of their stuff nowadays, anyways?
Can someone post some of dimmerrolls’ art here?
Medicgrow & optic boomfiya
Post what exactly? The majority of their art has already been posted here already seeing as they were one of the first artists to popularise this niche, they produce art at a snails pace now so there's fuck all they've put out over the past few months that's relevant to this thread.

That Goombella was their most recent post and I can almost certainly gurantee you it will be an entire month or longer before we see anything similar to that from Dimmerolls again.
Personally, I hope to not see more from Dimmerrolls 😎

It's like wanting to fuck a sentient cock head

Can't imagine anything more insipid than a 'fattuber'
It’s a mushroom, dumbass
If you can’t tell the difference between that and a dick, get glasses

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