
Anyone have Saxxon's growth for both?
Does anyone have that pic where a fat couple are having sex inside an airplane's bathroom?
Seconding this.
Yo, source on that last one?
Anyone have a Kagome and Inuyasha mutual gaining pic that used to be on one of the old sites?
The classic early DWN piece...lost seemingly to time
Name of the artist?
Why are these numbered starting with 5? Are there earlier images in the sequence?
No, I just save a lot of pics and name them according to what the general theme is.
Name of the artist?pls
That image is heavenly good
Who’s the artist for that fritz the cat picture? I’ve been seeing their artwork on here from time to time and I still couldn’t figure out who it was?
Does anyone knows the source?
Mutual weight gain x sumo. That is all.
What mutual gaining dynamics are you guys into?
To me I’m into the idea of being big and fat with whatever big fat girl I have. Often times I’ve fapped to guys and I sometimes question my sexuality
Don’t worry man, there’s nothing wrong with you, I think we all had that moment of questioning in our lives, you are alright.
Anybody have that Valentine's Day art of BotW Link and Zelda FFANumber5 did?
Does anyone have any videos or stories on mutual weight gain?
this right here is my favorite type of weight gain!!
you got any more?
Anyone have that one kappass drawing of Link and Zelda? Zelda has her hands all over Link
I believe there is a third thing to this
>>7056 fat boyfriend "corrupts" skinny girlfriend into gaining weight
Where a skinny guy fattens up a girl, then he thinks about it and decides to get fat himself. That or accidental weight gain or magical weight gain (I like magical weight gain because it can be accidental and much more rapid than traditional weight gain
One person in a relationship starts gaining excessive weight, the other person is a bit unsure about this, even disgusted but due to being around someone ballooning themselves up so quickly they unknowingly (or knowingly) start bulking up too
(658 KB, 1024x594, 1.png) (615 KB, 1920x894, 2.png) (1.7 MB, 1920x1296, 3.png)
A skinny guy getting dominated and forcefed by a massively obese woman, or massively obese women, who want to make him their size.
Women should be in the dominant position (demanding food, if they're the feedee, or forcefeeding if they're the feeder) and bigger than the men. I'm not into fat dudes, but I am into female-dominated power dynamics, however that plays out.
Does somebody know the artist of the second image?
>>7056 fat girl fattens skinny/chubby/fat guy and she gains from the abundance of fattening foods
I've been searching for a particular image for a day or so now, to no avail. It's of two Steven Universe characters, Ronaldo and Jane, both in a theater and preparing for a feeding. Both are incredibly fat, and the style looked similar to something by AkJonson. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
hey on areku aleku's twitter his second most recent retweet is age restricted can anyone post that pic and tell me what it is please?
>>No. 19022

I've been looking for this! Is there any chance I could get a re-up?
>> 20371

where are the first two images from?
It's a shame there isn't a lot of mutual here. I find it really *really* hot
Might as well bump.
Does anyone have the full collection of that old Avatar TLA one where they feed Toph into a blob and then start on Suki?
There was a picture by Catboymech back when they went as cakehoarder that was a picture of a big boy and girl and I want to say they were in an airplane bathroom I want to say groping each other, but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone have a copy of it?
This is really good, who's the artist?
incredibly based.
who's the artist?
I FOUND IT mutual bros
@munimunimomoko on twitter
Anyone have the alt version of Momo and Deku?
Source for the first two images?
Yes but the colored version of the one where deku is in a bra and the one where he is in a bra and they are both farting.
congratulations on posting the ugliest thing ive seen in my life
ai fags should stay in their containment threads, that shit was genuinely the worst
I remember an image by nikutsuki of Loid & Yor fattened and shocked, as they ´re bumping their exposed bellies.

What happened to that?
god-tier pic, I just wish it was a higher res but thank you for saving it
Dude, not to sound rude, but you might want to spoil that just in case (and I'm not saying that because there's a BHM in the picture)
sauce on the last 3? can't find user in the filename
Source on this one?
Definitely Anastimafilia's artstyle.
(9.3 MB, 9000x7000, Link2.PNG)
Don't think I ever Actually posted this! This was colored for me by somebody a long time ago.

This may be a long one. Forgive me BBWchan is being weird with files
(7.3 MB, 9000x7000, link4_alt.JPG)
This should be the last one! Sorry about that guys
Oh man
Thanks a bunch
Never thought I'd see those pics coloured
Hold up what comic is this?
Anyone have the rest of these?
Incest is never a wincest
not only that, they are also CHILDREN
Any pics and/or vids of real life mutual gainers?
I just LOVE when the big boys inexplicably end up in panties or lingerie and I hope there's a lot more of it!

Who is the artist for the last two? The ones with the green haired boy and blonde girl. I've tried looking and I can't find them, and reverse image searching hasn't really helped.
Joekie3wl on DeviantArt
that post does not exist
'page doesn't exist'
(360 KB, 1000x1000, F6fIoK2WsAAysws.jpg)
any more pics of communal weight gain? AbsolonAnonymous made this one and it kicks ass
the ideal family
Where did you get this from?
MurdochScrooge on DeviantArt
Thanks for reuploading it cause the original artist deleted it because of harassment.
Even though this is just a cute picture of a fat family and the nothing sensual about the daughter is shown, just the fact that she's chubby now.
Is this only cartoon stuff or are there also threads on here about mutual gain without cartoons?
Well anon that's the thing, xitter freaks automatically sexualize children in their minds and then accuse innocent artists of being pedophiles in order to pretend that they aren't terrible people.
Anon, what the fuck are you on about? You're not professor X, you can't claim to know what's going on in anyone's mind. I'm all for throwing twitter spergs under the bus, but this is genuine schizo babble you're spewing out rn. There's literally no logic in baselessly assuming that everyone who's part of the morality brigade is somehow a closeted pedo themselves.
It's the whole skeletons in thier own closer thing.
The idea that everyone's got something to hide does not make this anon's postulation any less insane lmao. Like sure there's probably a handful of people out there playing the long game and participating in this sort of stuff to try and hide the fact they're into underage content themselves, but to say that the literal thousands of people engaging in these online lynch mobs are all hyopricitical pedos themselves with no evidence is inherently just fucking ridiculous.
Odds are, a good chunk of these people are so hair triggered towards pedophilia, that the slightest idea that a creator is pedophillic, everyone must attack them and call them depraved monsters whether or not there's evidence to back it up. Or accuse each other of being pedos and act like you somehow won by claiming some rando on the internet is into kids. I just wonder if you keep throwing that word around, if it will lose its power, that it just doesn't feel like an insult anymore or like as big a deal if you claim that everyone is a pedo.
Bottom line is, don't add fat kids to fetish images, it will be questioned no matter the intent.
Defending child groomers on xitter is bad enough, but starting off your chomo platitude with a capeshit reference is corn kernel on the shit sundae that is your life.
you may be mentally retarded
You came back to this after a month and couldn't even be bothered to actually rebut the point I was making and then accuse me of defending pedos, okay. All I was fucking saying is that you can't pull shit out of your ass and make blanket statements against entire groups of people with no logic behind your accusations or evidence to back it up. That's just common fucking sense, you should be embarrassed by the fact I had to spell this out for you and its just bizarre that you seemingly still stand by what you said even though it makes zero sense and you continue to provide no comeplling argument.

Like, are you actually fucking okay anon? I don't know what compels you to say this dumb shit. I know all your 4chan drones love speaking in hyperbole, but there is a line between exaggerating your words to make posts more dramatic and just flat out schizo babble.
Not everyone lives online, and with the site lingering on flat-lining I hadn't given enough of a damn to check the place. Great job showing the rest of the thread how quickly I got under your skin though, got any other Freudian slips you'd like to share with the rest of the class? :^^^)
My dude, you're literally implying I'm a pedo. Ofc I'm going to go shoot that shit down right away, who tf wouldn't when you're accusing them of something like that? I don't know why you're pushing this onto me other than just trying to deflect from the fact you said something inconcievably dumb and can't think of a good counter-argument.

You're acting all smug yet you're literally going off this narrow-minded schoolboy logic where I'm apparently a pedo purely because I said something in opposition to your original post. Even though I've said emphatically that what I take issue with is you saying complete bullshit and talking as if it's fact when there's no logic or reasoning behind anything, it's not even about the specific demographic of people you mentioned. Talking like that is stupid and harmful in literally any context, that's not to understand lol.

Anyway I don't have anymore interest in this, we're just derailing the thread now. You're barking up the wrong tree anon and you don't really have a leg to stand on here so I suggest you move on and go about your day.
Bro's out here making arguments on the internet
Arguments? In my thread about couples gaining weight? More likely than you think.

With that out of the way, how would sex work?
The only thing bigger than the couples in this thread is how mad he is, shameful.
You virgin niggas need to go get laid and quite cryin on a fucking porn site.
Why you all talk like your sped tryna be fucking intelligent
Someone remembers a comic where a girl and a man falls in a place and are feeded by some kind og gnomes? I havent be able to find that comic.
I remember this one before the artist gave up and deleted most of her social media with her art uploaded on them. Does anyone have any more of this comic or her other works?

That one. How is it called?
Total moralfag death
Anyone have the other two parts of this?

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