
Currently writing a shitty little cross-platform script to play ambient fatso noises in a manner roughly organized according to the digestive process. Think of the asmr you just linked but procedurally generated from individual sound bytes. I'll find assets for it wherever I can and share it when it's done.
(122 KB, 1024x1008, 1577796409475m.jpg)
> [ASMR] Anime Girl Breaks Into Your House And Eats All Of Your Ear Wax -Slurping & Whispering

Dear God...
Alright, this is the first iteration of the script. I know it sounds a little off, later I'll find new assets for the asset library and dork around with default parameters.
Do you think you can add hiccups?
any chance for a reup or new version?
(9.7 MB, 854x480, bloaty onee-san.mp4)
so uhhh, i don't mean to necro, but i kind of tried slapping some stuff together, and was kind of wondering if it sounds ok to you guys? no real visual to it because well...i wouldn't know what to put
I am seriously impressed with what you got there.
What software did you use?
i used a free copy of lightworks, it's pretty easy to mix sound files, but the result is that even if you just have sound it comes out as a MP4
Is there any way to get this audio now? They deleted this post, as well as the rest of their posts.
It wasn't very slobby it was like 3 small burps.
>>15 (OP)
There used to be an /inf/ thread with ASMR sounds, does anyone have it pechance?
Pretty impressive. Are the cute onee san voices included in the mega? Or do you perhaps have some other resource for those sounds?
Would anyone want to try a slob soundtrack of sorts?
very much seconded
Probably like the above one but way more slobby. Maybe one that's a little ridiculous and another that isn't as intense.
Also seconded.

can you re-up?

These are the closest I've found. IDK how but this shit gets my NUTS off...

I try not to think about why.
Can someone upload them? I did the things I need to do to bypass but it won't let me
It is a little ridiculous but it's doing the same for me.
I have a few findings here:

If you don't mind the intense echo, these have some pretty good slobby/fatty sounds:

This one isn't really fetish related, but she constantly pokes fun at how fat you are throughout, if anyone here is into that. Plus her voice is just legitimately relaxing:

This one is short, but straight up feeding kink:

I'd really love to find some more stuff like the first two, minus the whole giantess and farting thing. Just a good solid audio RP of a gal absolutely stuffing themselves silly with lazy slurred speech and belches.
Anyone know anyone who specializes in that and/or would be willing to do that for commission? Fat-related audio has really been my thing lately.
also, i think kitti minx ASMR does commissions, she uploaded a few audio roleplays with fat themes and they're really good. i linked them earlier in the thread.
here's a hazbin hotel one. it's got weight gain, lactation, a bit of inflation (i think) and it's LONG. like, nearly an hour.


Could provide a more elaborate link to the hazbin hotel one? I can’t seem to get to it.
I demand more slob. My dick demands it.
Bro, it's base 64. This very site gives you a decoder.

Ask and ye shall receive.

>that vocaroo
w-what the fuck is the source, bro?
swell reads, "dirty yuri."
that version was a special edition called something like "really dirty yuri", patreon only iirc.
God bless, anon.

Oh, I’m sorry! That was dumb of me. I always recall being stuck when people post those kinds of links. I had no idea that’s what the decoder is for.

Thank you!
That was... Honestly disappointing.
Granted, I'm not sure when it was made, but it doesn't seem to fit the character.
It just sounds like a generic domina wannabe.
Plus, the whole footshit at the beginning was completely unnecessary, and took up a third of the whole fucking audio. The actual eating, forcefeeding and the post-weight gain bits were unconvincing.

The entire thing just felt cheap and slapdash.
Fair enough, given that I could listen to it for free, but it's still disappointing.
Yeah, sorry.

It's hard to find the good stuff. Most of the stuff I find is for feedees, gay people or furries.

The worst part is that some high quality stuff gets deleted by the creator. One artist I enjoyed a lot deleted pretty much everything she made. I'm convinced I'm one of the few people to own her stuff.

Anyway, enough whinging.
Here's some shit:

If you find anything of interest, post it here.

FUCK i messed up the base64 on accident, sorry!

Got any more of her content?
I've got 2 archives from her former patreon.
I'm uncertain as to where to upload them though.

Mega, maybe?
Yeah you can do that



hopefully more audios will be found in the future!
(144 KB, 1575x917, unknown.png)
what a lovely website. waited several hours for jackshit

Shit, sorry.

Mega's a cunt when it comes to big downloads and I've no idea how to get around it.

I cannot apologize enough.

As a form of compensation, take this audio.

Are there any KipTeiTei dubs?
Someone's doing dubs over at >>66505 (Cross-thread) (I hope i did that right!) You might be able to suggest PikTeiTei stuff there.
Oh no, I didn't do that right!

It's over on /bbwdraw/
Sorry for slightly offtopic, but what's that site called where you search and download audio, art and stories from patreon for free?
(48 KB, 181x181, 1609218457976.png)
God fucking damn it I commissioned this...It was mostly out of a fucking lust fueled haze while I was doped on pain killers due to a severe migraine that was kicking my ass. The fucker never got the ending right so I had to fudge my own not to mention the audio work was quite shit alone.
Does anyone happen to have an ASMR video of Japanese girls burping for 40 minutes? If I remember correctly it contained ear licking too.
It was deleted from Youtube and I couldn't download it.
Does anyone have any burpbug / cuteconi audio? Seems she purged her fanbox
I love my big fat belly and how it jiggles
(991 KB, 1280x820, unknown.png)
R tu y666
>>19419 i think its gonebies lad
because i tried looking on my own the best thing to show up is a dead archive torrent link
Unfortunately she always does this
What's this one, like the fifth time?
i would have asked if you have some of the weight gain stuff but im assuming this is all you have thank you regardless
anybody know any voice actresses that are fine with burping, farting and generally just being very slobby? im planning on commissioning someone to make a slob weight gain audio. although this stuff is so niche i can't really find anybody that would be ok with this sort of thing.
why not find a voice actress okay with saying slobby diologue whilst editing the farts and burps yourself?
I’d try @MacStarVA on twitter
or @CuteTootyBooty
I can only suggest Oolay-Tiger's moan packs. I'm not sure what else is out there...
Appreciate the dump, anon, but…how many of these are like…lolishit?
That's great... But how can I get the audios into MP3 files so that I can listen to?
The second link has a download button, for the rest you'll have to use a tool such as gallery-dl.
(464 KB, 800x624, Screenshot.PNG)
This is ridiculous, all these three links is giving me this I kid you not.
Did you try...

Logging in?
dude, just log in. it's not that hard.
Ah yes, the same version Swell Reads got tons of flack for since it was astoundingly awful, he changed his tone to blame the author for the low quality, then threw a fit on /d/ telling anyone who disliked it to hang themselves, then tried to memoryhole it by saying he never did a slob audio. Good times. It's always gratifying when someone you already despised gives you an actual a tangible reason.
Wait what? It wasn't even bad. If anything, it's one of the only swell reads audio that I actually like, even if Trmtum's writing can be a bit of a miss sometimes. Why must the people that have the connections and skills to do these projects are always the biggest arseholes (But then again, what else should we expect from someone who worked with Dr Black Jack). Also what exactly did people give it flack for? The only thing I can think of is that it's one of the only audios they've done that really lean into the obesity angle since most of the audios they make aren't even WG related anyway. (Which seems to always be a bit of a problem since a lot of these expansion VAs seem to not care for WG, especially ones that have a good voice and aren't either trans or obese themselves). Honestly one of the only things I actively dislike about the audio is the 5 seconds where one of the girls forces herself to actually burp, but because it's an actual burp it sounds underwhelming and pathetic to all the other burps that were edited in.

I saw that you linked this before, but I'm only mentioning this now because this artist seemingly hasn't continued to do another one of these, and I think it's because people keep reuploading this to other sites like here. Either the artist or a Japanese fan showed up on one of the Loli threads disappointed that people were already pirating it even though at the time it was only out for a few days. It was the first of it's kind as a Japanese Loli-Wg audio with fatspeak, but now it's looking like it might be the only one. Kinda sad. Sunny is our only hope of continuing the Japanese WG audio trend.
See the replies to this post to witness how Nametaken responds to criticism (funny for someone always dripping with arrogance and condescension to be so sensitive)


Later he would place the blame solely on trmtum. And then not long ago here on /inflation/ he said he had never done a slob audio at all. An inflatefag obsessed with death having such thin skin is the definition of irony.
Wait, so this all started because the "High standards" of a couple /d/ users arguing with each-other? That's also just assuming that the one guy actually is Nametaken/Swell-Reads. (Not that I doubt it since the dude can be an unbearably sarcastic "meme god") It's not that I needed evidence or anything, it's just that this just seem like a petty squabble. Idk though, these audio organiser peeps are always a tad strange
The intensity of the reaction and sheer indignity they convey would lead me to believe it's either Swell Reads himself or tum, that is not the reaction of an impartial third party or even a fan. It would surprise me in the least that such a high and mighty smug edgelord would be a salty bitch when encountering even the most milquetoast critcism.
I extremely doubt it was Trmtum. I may be wrong though
I get what ya saying though.
the links you have sent are [unavailable to incognito] and also some of the videos or sounds might be [deleted] please upload a video in this thread to gain access.
what the hell are you talkin about? all of them work, save for ones that got deleted (and i can't bring them back, i'm not a fuckin time wizard)
me again

not a fan of how these two are tbh, but at least they're fucking *something.* they're ponyshit unfortunately, but beggars can't be choosers and all that.

there's also these as well.


wish i could comission some stuff but I dont know of any audio creators who don't charge extreme amounts of money for good quality shit.
Yo im glad to see you guys are digging my stuff. And I totally get wanting to get that free link. But I’d also appreciate if you could spare the money to check them out cuz I invest a heavy sum to hire the VAs and artists and animators to help me produce this stuff for you guys.

But if you can’t, I totally get it. I’ve been there. But the support does help me keep making this stuff cuz I pour it all back into hiring more VAs and artists and animators to help me make more for you guys!

Take care!
This nigger's obsession with gore and death got grating years ago. He literally cannot help himself but likes to condescend towards others. Really is something how little self-awareness one can have if they have a large following.
Come on people, we need more!
Phoenix do more audios where Dorn burps a lot, I will def buy those
there's gotta be more Weight Gain Audio
Surely we need to BUMP this...

Damn, that was incredible. Would love to get the other too.
I wanna hear the dragon empress as well.
Unfortunately it seems that this time she left for good she hasn't uploaded for nearly two years now and she seems to wipe almost all of her social media content minus her fanbox whom she said she will only come back if people can still fund her but only for sfw content
Okay, somebody has to at least upload some more Weight Gain stories by SGA Audio!
Buy em yourself el cheapo
It’s in here my guy >>33676

Free paid content in the zip folder.

-Phoenix erotic audio (weight gain stuff)
-SGA audio stuff
-and other fat asmr that’s worth being on there
do you have any more cuteconi / burpbug?
you dont happen to have those SGA interactive games as well do you? i have been looking for them but no luck yet.
God this is some superb stuff
any chance of another reup?
>>33676 Would a reup be possible? I woild really appreciate it.
first audio so I wouldn't mind some feedback
This is great! Would love to see more : )
Stop being furry, that's a start
royalbellymom on patreon has some good audios

mic quality isn't the best but there's some good stuff in there, giantess, milf, vore, burps, whatever. some of the better stuff to come out imo
(3.5 MB, 1920x1072, 8150555.mp4)
Anyone know where this is from? I couldn't find anything
No clue, but that's some good stuff.
I know, I was hoping to find out who made it and if there's more to it cause it gets cut off
Update-Account deactivated, but some of his stuff is still there.
Where is audioplayer090
I wonder what happened they were really active and all of the sudden disappeared like nothing hopefully come back looking for updates
Does anyone have good soundtracks that feature heavy breathing/wheezing?
Try using the google method of "site:URL" with audioplayer's URL as the replacement with keywords pertaining to different works.
Also, listing it in something like rentry or the like in one post would be better than sequential posts.
a couple of the links dont work for audioplayer090's stuff anyone have a pre downloaded collection of their stuff?
correction: the links work but videos wont play and the page loads infinitely.
(272 KB, 1080x1923, FB_IMG_1684549769713.jpg)
I think I'll make a Google doc of audio players non-burst vids. Those were the only ones I watched.
My phone can download the files and copy and past the descriptions for each video so long as its in my history. I'll see how much I can do
For the people who kept asking for a reup on the folder file, here.


I’m not gonna say it again after this, there’s tons of PAID fat asmr in there, along with some audios worth being on there. So nobody ask me what’s not and what’s on there. Find it yourself within there

-sincerely og uploader
Well. This was rough, but I managed to pull it off.
3 Days, then it's gone.
I'm new to this site, what do I do with that string of numbers and letters?
Please post the full link. It’s impossible without it
1. Copy the text.
2. Look up base64 decode site (any works).
3. Paste text and it will decode it into the real link.
With this text, however, you have to decode it twice.
Shortened link is working on my end but here is the full.
I've tried it so many times but it doesn't work
Missed it by a few days, time to rope
Would someone mind making audio for the video of Sakkie, from TheFudgman, just some belly sound, voice, etc, if that's cool
yeah sure I'll get right on it
Can someone please, PLEASE upload Audioplayer090's audio so that I don't have to do this shit.
audioplayer090's audios. no burst versions (Only saved those)

I mean upload them as MP3 Files
Anyone save audioplayer090’s burst audios? Thanks in advance!
Does anyone have audioplayer090’s burst audios? Thanks in advance!
Do you have the gum one? Seems to be missing from the collection here.
Anyone know why audioplayer090 left? Their stuff was the GOAT.
I imagine they got nuked by DA. They sounded like they didn’t have any plans of stopping according to their journals and it’s not like there’s any risk of being outed with the type of content they made
Is this entire thread blatant samefagging or did more than one retard honestly find audioplayer's low effort dogshit actually good?
Listen man it’s all we got. You don’t get to be picky with this shit
What else is there? Fucking nametaken?
Someone PLEASE upload some other artists into MP3 Files so that I don't have to do this shit!!
my thoughts exactly.
You got any examples of somethin better?
>Fucking nametaken?

The guy who actually writes a script, has a story, haa characters, has dialog and has actresses? Yes truly 1000 videos of literal identical glorp noises without context is way better.
Do you have a download that doesn't look like it's going to give me malware?
Also the guy who mostly uploads 90% inflation shit
Not only that, but his content also only recently graduated from "Female reads a fetish fic with the occasional sound effect".
Someone PLEASE upload some Audioplayer090's audio into MP3 files because I keep seeing these random letters and numbers and it's making me LOSE MY MIND!!!
Is there a good source for general expansion sound effects like belly rumbles, gurgling etc?
Type "decode" on google. You're welcome :)
Can someone update Ssublissive kemono?
may be the wrong place to ask, but does anyone have any videos of some titties with sloshing sound effects going on to sound like the milk inside?
omg that is so hot <3 i need more fart and burp audios
Do you have more channels like this one?
I've got 3 others but they need requisite's depending on your taste.
This chick is a confirmed furry and seems inactive but has some stuff you might be interested.
This guy is a gay furry with text stories. But I just replace the pronouns with female ones whenever they pop up.
These stories with a guys voice over but I just mute and read the subtitles.
Do as you will. Were starved for choice
(16 KB, 231x218, IMG_2106.jpeg)
That otherkin obese furry faggot is distracting me with her retardation.
>My usage of the term "obese" is reclaimatory. It may be used to refer to me in a positive manner, but that is with my explicit consent. Please refrain from using it to refer to other fat folks without their consent.
It’s literally a medical term you fucking freak.
Do you hear yourself, man?
what'd i do :^(
Nice larp buddy add in more burps
Are people still interested in these? I can't remember where I got them, I thought it was here but apparently not. Some mad lad tracked them all down in various users' DA favorites after AudioPlayer090 vanished.
I still hope for his return
Yeah, longer if we're lucky
Any chance of a reup on audioplayer’s stuff? I had his folder, alongside a fat asmr one but both were deleted after my PC bit the dust.. any reups appreciated!
Unfathomably based

I actually have that one its pretty good. no idea how to send files tho :p
Wetransfer or on mega or google files, or mab etc.
Could someone please reup the big Fat_Stuffing_Asmr_zip? Since anonfiles no longer works. Would be really appreciated
Fuck I missed it again can you reup?
Come on people, we need more sounds, keep 'em coming!
Anyone have a reupload?
Someone please BUMP this?!
Is there a chance for someone to upload "The Magic Formula" audio, without the music?
Can you reupload this please?
Where is the growing Panty asmr thing at?
can someone reupload the zip-file, since anonfiles doent work
A reup would be super nice :D
Links are dead, reup or anyone have the files?
Why is everyone wanting the same zip file?!
It's time to stop.
(40 KB, 596x628, 343.jpg)

1. Why?
2. You realize you're basically in the Internet equivalent to the second ring of hell, right?
Yeah, and trannie shit belongs in the third level in hell. Stay in your lane.
(52 KB, 700x394, 145.jpg)
Oh, right, fuck me for looking for weird shit in an asmr thread on a fat fetish site?
And be frank, if I was pro trans I would have lied and said it was a chick.
I just want some content that doesn't sound like it's done by a girl trying to do an anime voice. If you find some, great, if not idgaf.
>Chick doing an anime voice
I would MUCH rather that than an actual dude, cos at least's its actually a woman doing it.
(37 KB, 680x533, sad.jpg)
Whatever kid, you gonna post some content or are you just here to sneed?
Anybody willing to reupload Audioplayer090's non bursting stuff?
Dude if I even suspect I hear a man's voice I stop listening.
Although I dont like trannies, its not an anti-transthing for me. I just feel really offput by the voice created by a man trying to imitate a woman's speech. It unironically activates my fight or flight response at a small level.

Its kind of like anti-asmr.
Any of cuteconi/burpbug audios
I'm looking for what is maybe lost media type audio, I can't for the life of me find an old Phoenix Erotic Audio that he had on his NewGrounds. It was for free and was about a queen who needed to eat an entire feast, and would have the listener help her, eventually leading to sex. I think it was voiced by Dorn too. I would really appreciate it if someone could share it, or help find it. If not, that's fine.
She said yeah in the voicemail then kids appear go lucky me.
you finally found out
Does anyone remember ffa-muffintop? All her audios are deleted from soundcloud for some reason
(4.2 MB, 1280x720, bd93a08ca196b61a144c20b80fb6e82cac5045f1c79723e7e8af20e013731ff1.webm) (821 KB, 1920x1080, f4a9a85c148be8a114ae6e753a3eb23e1474821fddd1886525adb83925bed7d7.webm)
This seems like the right place to ask

I'm making a weight gain animation from fit to blob in blender, and I started with a robot/android because it's easier for facial animations. Is it too weird TOO weird to have robot noises like the bots from DRG/wall-E? The alternative is putting human vocals through a vox distorter and I'm not sure what people prefer, or how to sound mix in general

Also, any good resources for fat sloshing? Like jelly or ooze churning
I felt like a sloshing plastic water bottle could work. It needs to be muffled by changing the EQ and slowed down.
(964 KB, 1280x720, test3.webm)
thanks. I think I got something close.
do they have a different name? I've searched it and all there it is just Wall-E?
Oh hey, I saw the finished version of this on twitter. Pretty good 👍
does anyone still have those audioplayer090 audios from awhile back?
Any SGA Audio Weight Gain Stories?
Have a zip with the latest ChubChompChill version character audio files (and some of the game music files i forgot to remove)


Remember, you saw nothing
i know this is from 4 years but did anyone save videos from this channel?
Link dead, account was suspended.
If you needed it, hope someone else saved it and can repost here.
royalbellymom has some good audios, her kemono is missing a bit but its still pretty good
I'm going to save this thread and ask for more inflation.
tbh, the animations reminded me of that lost video I couldn't find? It's a fempyro with no boots or gloves and her weight gain makes sloshing noises when she grows while staying in a pose?
what site is this? where could i buy it? i tried googlin' it but i can't find it.
Does someone have the SGA Weight Gain audio stories?
There has to be an archive of EncouragingGrowth's audio, right?
EncouragingGrowth's "Wealthy Fat" audio archive, anyone?
bought it but i'm not sure where i should upload the files. what's a good site?
If all of the files in totality are less than 200mb in size, just use catbox.moe. Otherwise go with my airbridge or we transfer, although with the latter two options the uploads will only persist for a week.
SGA Weight Gain audio stories, anyone?
You got the oppurtunity to make more then your father & he became a jealous old fool.
Stay woke. They cant derail every new opportunity for you. They left you for dead. We all see it
What are you ON about?!?!
There's other people that want to listen to those WG Stories!
can i pls get a reup
Kindly ask you to reupload. Tried buying it myself before realising that credit card companies have literally ceased supporting DL-site. And with Anon-files gone I can't get it from e-hentai either.
Uncle sam just going to tax the hell out of me. Ok fine
Damn, Now I wanna hear the English dub of it to be honest.

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