
To be fair, that thread has been incorrectly titled, and I chose a image that had enough color and such to divert attention to the thread, while the other is small and uses darker coloring which makes it harder to notice, not that it is bad though, it’s still good
Can someone add multifaker5 pixivfanbox to kemono? They have Hazbin hotel and helluva boss stuff.
Is…no one gonna post anything or what?
Bruh, y’all need to fucking post something
A man of tastes as well I see.
Bump of revival
There's nothing new.
I posted 95% of the previous thread's content, and I'm not going to bother doing it again.
Why the fuck are you STILL on this thread acting like an absolute spaz every time there's a content drought? You're just proving the fact that most of the people in this fandom are autismos with the mental capacity of five year olds every time you come here to throw your toys out of the pram.

Just do everyone on this site a favour and properly shut the actual fuck up for once, seriously. .
Hey, don’t get all pissy because I proved you wrong lmao
Also you say content drought like there hasn’t been anything for months, but yet I post all this, so buddy, you’re not only lazy, you’re full of shit too
How does any of what you said just now invalidate my point? If there's literally any lull in the content output of this thread you always come here at some point just to act like a cunt and harass no one in particular for being 'lazy', as if randos on the internet are obligated to post anything for you.

What sort of insane delusion are you under to think that being an incessant shithead is going to make others post content? You only make these posts on the Hazbin threads specifically too, as if you're suffering withdrawal from not getting your precious Hazbin Hotel fat of she/he injected into your veins every microsecond. You're almost as bad as the mystique soniafag that was plaguing the /bbwdraw/ board for a good few months with their autism. Get some self-awareness and realize how pathetic you are, seriously.
>lazy ass
Did you miss the part where I did most of the legwork your previous, precious thread.
If you want content, upload it yourself.
I'm not gonna go hunting for shit to appease some entitled autist.
Novadoesarts I believe, some of these haven’t been publicly posted though, I’ll only found them because my friend commissioned them and posted the pics on discord
thanks, i spent a lot of time reworking it
i appreciate your enthusiasm, but you’re definitely gonna catch more flies with honey than vinegar
What are you looking for pal?
im intrigued
can i get source on these
Huskyblue42, he’s got more in his patreon
Can someone commission more fat Alastor and Sir Pentious?
he's apparently selling like every picture he's ever made for $50 on his twitter.
Someone buy it then lol
What about commissioning more Angel then?
Literally commission someone else with lower prices
Not sure if she’d really classify as fat, but it’s still good art nonetheless
God dayuum! Good work Anon!
Anyone have HuskyBlue42's patreon Helluva Boss content?
Sorry, not on discord. Also, there was a sketch of Stolas turning Blitzo fat as well.
You wouldn't happen to have that, do you?
I believe I do, what can you post in exchange?
Where'd you get that pic?
You’re subscribed to his patreon?! Plz post his other stuff like his Stolas pics!
>tfw no mimzy art though she is a fat bitch in canon

why even nut bros
I'm not, I just took it off his twitter.
Can someone put multifaker5 art and comics here?
Can we get some Vaggie?
I want a blobinomicon
Huh, where'd you get this one?
A guy is feeling down, got any Moxxie or Millie to make me feel better?
Charlie is pretty good too
Bump for Charlie and Vaggie
Keep it up, you are a chad Anon
Any new pics of the Imp couple?
Source for the Millie image?
Source for these images please
So, they're pocket sadists. Gotcha.
Has anyone found any fat Asmodeus or Valentino?
Aight, who’s got more Husk, also, whoever commissioned this, thank you
Does anyone happen to have that picture of Moxxie being a fat, sweaty nerd?
It was done in a style similar to
I like the old design better tbh
Full thread revival? Thank you kind sir.
Does anyone have this? I really want to see it
Thanks, if you or anyone else finds the other, notify me
where do you get this content from?
where do you get this content from?
From the artist's patreon, when I had the money.
We need more fat Octavia tbh
Yes, but we need to find that Moxxie first
We need more fat Alastor!
Someone should commission a audio story of a fat Alastor
Thanks man, always great to see more of her
I love him, please send more
Can we get more Alastor and Verosika?
Love this thread
Source for the Charlie pic?
I recently got it as a commission from SuperSpoe.
Last I checked, he hasn't posted it anywhere.
>>what is revenge image search?
sounds illegal
You literally just copy and paste the filename into google.
Bumping for anything new
Needs more homo-sexy-ual spider in here
Ye that is some lazy art aight, but it's like that other guy said in that other thread. Having an over-abundance of low-tier art everywhere is an actually a "good thing".

I am paraphraseing. I am not convinced that what he said is true yet.
I was talking about >>18498, >>18510 asking for art instead of whining in the fucking thread for it.
But keep fucking biting the hands that feed you, I guess.
Who's the artist on the fat octavia?
Keep up the good stuff mate
Is there anymore content of Alastor anyone can find?, I’ve been looking but can’t find much
That is sexy af, thanks for sharing, if you find anymore lemme know
There's no artist for the Octavia one?

Humbly requesting more Blitzo and Stolas, I have some stuff that's gonna come out soon that I can post
>no Charlie (old or new), Vaggie, Cherry Bomb, or news anchor
S/He's normally so based.

where can I buy this?
Do you guys have any new Katie Killjoy fats?
Stolas my beloved
The name of the artist please
I could do it for commission. But it would take me a while to do it because it was exam week.
More Human Mrs. Mayberry Please. :)
Sorry mate, I’m broke
Can we still get more Al though?
Come on, there's plenty of content to be posted, you guys need to look harder
>>19717 so you post it
Holy shit, source on the angel dust?
Dunno, I'm afraid.
I recognize the artist (mr5star), but I couldn't find this particular pic anywhere - I originally got it off 4Chan.
Actually, it might be an edit of picture of his.
(8 KB, 191x264, millie.jpg)
Anyone saved this pic? It's same as DA as in this >>16959 But some of them are nowhere to be found now.
Is there any fat Fizzarolli art? He’s a cutie but I can’t find art of him
(742 KB, 1920x1080, image_2022-05-13_005900200.png)
So spootz released a new animation on his patreon today, of a certain spider inflating.
Subscribed to him, but the actual video is on Vimeo, so I can't really make a rip of it.
Fuck, can you link it or record it somehow?
Also post more Vaggie or Charlie if you have any
I'll record the video if someone tell me the artist of the fat Octavia on the right
Hundreth AKA TheAbsoluteMadman (commission open)
If we have anyone who can voice Stolas, I really want a fat Stolas audio story
We told you the sauce, bring the goods
Finally, someone who animated Angel, now we need to get other artists to do it, whether it be inflation or weight gain
Also couldn't you share the vimeo link?
Unfortunately I can't, I tried clicking on the original link of the video but it's sending me directly to the front of the website
Try a mobile device and hold down on the link to copy it
I need more Stolas and Blitzo
(50 KB, 434x722, put_your_money_where_your_mouth_is_pt_1_by_theflamingalberto_df6de5r-fullview.jpg) (60 KB, 568x766, put_your_money_where_your_mouth_is_pt_2_by_theflamingalberto_df6deap-fullview.jpg) (67 KB, 612x716, put_your_money_where_your_mouth_is_pt_3_by_theflamingalberto_df6deje-fullview.jpg) (329 KB, 788x531, df6denk-5bc89ad9-786f-45e0-a06c-b28d6e212ef2.png) (75 KB, 1016x595, put_your_money_where_your_mouth_is_pt_5_by_theflamingalberto_df6detc-fullview.jpg)
Gentlemen, we have more Angel, and to any commisoners, we know you got money to spare, buy more Angel
>we know you got money to spare
Spend your own, you cheap fuck.
We're at the threshold of a recession.
Do I seem like one of the various furry commisoners that has thousands of dollars to spend on fat art?
No. Considering that you meltdown every single time you find fat art and obsessively bump this thread in testament to your weird hyper fixation on this show, you seem like an immature teenager and/or sperg who's not out of the education system yet and still living with your parents so you don't earn income.

Literally can't see any other explanation for this sort of behavior other than you actually having money and just being a cheapskate. If people choose to commission an art piece it's of their own volition, not because some whiny rando on an internet forum begs them to. So please, shut the fuck up.
Ok but like, have you seen Angel Dust's gut though, gottdamn
You’re both retarded in my humble opinion
I agree, and I'm one of the retards, but at least I admit it
I suppose that's a no, oh well, gotta wait then
(1.2 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1167.jpg)
Ladies and Gentlemen, behold
The first fat hazbin Lucifer art
The announcement of season two is already awakening the slumbering fetish artists, very good...
Bump, there's plenty of new content, I'm looking at you Mister 'Waahhh, I posted everything in the last thread'
>"There's plenty of new content"
>Decides not to post said content themselves and instead acts like a literal fucking child arbitrarily demanding that other people post the content for no other reason than being a dickhead.

Why is it that you always make these threads loop back around to this shit? Every. Single. Time. No one here is going to or wants to post content for your sake specifically, no matter what you say. If you can't realise that at this point I'd question whether you even have the brain capacity to learn.

The more you act like an insufferable piece of shit the less people will want to engage with this thread and sustain it with the content you desire. Which is already beginning to show as for the past few months this thread has mostly just been you jerking yourself off and making unrequited idle prattle and weird keyboard smashing sperg posts, which is quite sad really.
Damn, this guy falls for the bait real easy, keep crying.
Fuck off with that, you've been acting like this unironically on literally every incarnation of this thread for over a year and now it's suddenly 'bait'? What a smooth brained attempt at deflection lmao

I met someone like you before. Someone who really thought he was smart. He was a supporter of the black lives matter movement. I also noticed that he would always be wrong about everything.
I think she is (slowly) gaining weight.
Bumping, does anyone know if there's any new fat Katie Killjoy? I can't find any
It's good, but it didn't start with him being skinny and *then* blimping up, though, perhaps someone here can commission an artist for a animation like that?, and before you tell me to do it myself, I need to pay for food, not porn
Thank you, and sauce for the last one?
It's something I commed from the guy, but he hadn't posted it anywhere else yet.
Someone leak this, I love Blitzo, but I'm not gonna wait a fucking month for it to release
I can't post it because bbwchan is fucking retarded, but check casadecal's kemono for a good ol BL-I.M.P
Also you guys got any fat Moxxie?
Perhaps someone can write a greentext for this?
Finally, someone else pitches in, thank you
Fuck yeah! Millie and Katie!, please keep it up anon
You ever wonder if the creator approves this? Like, the setting takes place in hell and half the characters are degenerates and dickheads, so....

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