
So when in the fuck is that stuffing RPG maker game getting an update? Is it still being worked on? The last update I see happened in 2017
You mean 2019? That was the last big update on it.
My mistake, but question still stands, though. There's been complete radio silence since that last update.
(30 KB, 702x482, WTF IS THIS.JPG)
What the fuck is wrong with my copy of Monika's Special Day Yuri Blue Edition?!

I played it yesterday and it worked fine. Closed it once and now it doesn't work at all. When I click on the application to launch it brings me to this damn screen.
Hey Tiggertoo. I'm gonna share 0.7 so you can go ahead and just cancel your game now to save everyone time.
If you're in the Discord, Grimm *just* released a new update. Wait a bit for say an update to the WGaming page.
no slob games?

Haven't seen any. I wish I could work with somebody to make one, because while I modestly think I'm good at art, I have the programming skills of a monkey.

I have checked weightgaming for someone asking for an artist, but I don't really want to work for a shitty rpg maker project
better than nothing, so long as it's easy as fuck and filled with god tier slobs
But is the 0.6 of the weighting game around? I don't think the guys is going to publish a v0.7 as he says
>I don't really want to work for a shitty rpg maker project
Hey, that's not fair, they're all pretty shit; RPG Maker is one away from being the laziest and that's only if that site people were using to make choose your own adventure games, two or so years ago is still active.
I for one quite like text adventures.

Decent writers can make decent TA games relatively quickly. I miss Jerkajerk
I don't give a shit if it's rpg maker just so long as it's pathetically easy and concentrates on the weight gain and the UARRRPS and the BRRAAARRPS dude.
I like them too but all the ones I've seen stopped near the skeleton and the ones that tried to build on that for an adventure text game (noones game and tainted elysium) didn't get far either.

Without a challenge, it's not exactly a game.
>Without a challenge, it's not exactly a game.
How am I supposed to jack off?
>Without a challenge, it's not exactly a game.
you must be blasting some serious ropes to Sekiro, my dude

I bet someone could make it work. There are some good H-games made in rpg maker.

I just that I have this insane fantasy where I work for someone who actually knows how to use the program they claim to use.
that is a fucking deep cut, my mang

which game are you referring to? The currently unnamed stuffing rpg? or another one I haven't heard of?

also which discord are you talking about?
Yeah, the Stuffing RPG Discord.

whoa cool, never knew about this, but now that i'm in... there's not only unnamed stuffing rpg but some other stuff like lysithea's escapades and royal banquet they're talking up.
Anyone have one of the more recent sfrpg demos?
Anyone have version 6 of the weighting game?
>Anyone have version 6 of the weighting game?

Yeah, I have it bc I subscribed for the whole of 5$ a month.

Which is hourly wage here in the exploited, foreign-owned post-Soviet Europe where wages are so low our fat people are like half of the size of American ones.

It's all of 20 fucking minutes of work for someone living in the West.

I'll observe couple things: the game is probably best we FA pervs have. Apart from a couple of real short but sweet ones.

Secondly, tigger is credibly pissed with leaking, and not motivated.

Thirdly, I regret playing it before it was finished. Always ends kinda abruptly. I'd really have preferred waiting for the finished version.

Fourthly, it's going to get leaked bc people are retards and tigger is gonna bail on it.

IMO he chose an unusually laborious way of making a game. Stuck with it for quite some time, to his credit, but he's clearly had it.

Now he survived covid (didn't say so, but if you get hospital-grade pneumonia in 2021, odds are heavily it was covid). Or maybe it's an excuse for burn out- who knows.

So this is it. We'll get 0.7, but no more. Just when the game was starting to get seriously hot and not too ridiculous.

I hope whoever fucks it up feels happy about it. The glow of warm satisfaction they get for leaking is it and proving some point to.. who exactly is obviously going to outweigh the loss of enjoyment thousands would have had from the finished game.
Surprised you could manage to type all of that with tigger's dick in your mouth.

It's a good fucking game, twat.
(25 KB, 537x506, Tiggertoo Graphtreon.png)
Imagine getting mad over someone asking for a build to an incomplete fetish game.

Secondly, Tigger instantly fucked the game when their patreon wasn't made into a tipping jar and stopped making the builds public, even though tHeY dOn'T dO iT fOr ThE MoNeY.

Thirdly, the chances of the game being finished to begin with after a year of development were pretty low to begin with, especially in this fetish community. Might as well get hyped for whatever content gets released in build 0.7, if it releases. Special shout-out to Forks and Konosuba projects.

Fourthly, it's going to get leaked because Tigger doesn't understand Streisand Effect, how the more they mention pirates leaking their game will only make pirates want to leak their newest builds even more. All Tigger's done is give themselves a guaranteed way out of developing the game any further past 0.7 (if it even releases by this point given their current situation and with shitheads constantly dragging up these topics, myself included) rather than abandoning/halting development in a humble manner.

inb4 PiRaTiNg iS bAd because Tigger blamed pirates for hundreds of patrons leaving at the end of the month when 0.5 released (Sept. 2020), even though literally no worthwhile content outside of a few images gets produced in between releases. You can check tigger's patreon stats between Aug. 2020 and Oct. 2020 when their first big piracy outcry happened (pic included). Their patrons and earnings at the end of Aug match the numbers at the beginning of Oct. Only reason their patrons came and left during Sept. were for the product, because that's how patreon works when people use it logically to reap the rewards. Pirates have not affected their earnings at all. Funnily enough, they've hidden their patreon stats after this big fiasco, possibly to prevent naysayers pointing out the flaws in their bogus boogeyman logic.

Debatable. You hold the skip button for half the game until you unlock new image sets and dialogue, only to press the skip button to repeat the process. Pacing is much better than it was in earlier builds, but the coding in 0.6 was pretty jank when it came to the new locations introduced in how they affected Alice's stats. The game's a glorified CG gallery, imo.

Also, the player looks creepy as fuck in some scenes, and story is typical anime harem fare with everyone falling head over heels for the creep with little to no consequence, except in one avoidable instance.
Is v0.6 so different from v0.5? Also where tf has it leaked? Is there some volafile or something?
>>10921 (Dead)
I'll humor you and delete the post just to not be that shithead who gets fingers pointed their direction, even though Tigger will know if and when it gets leaked on ye-site-that-shall-not-be-named.

(Original-ish posts cleaned up with redacted info)
0.6 only adds additional scenes in between Alice's weight stages in new locations, as well as a few more scenes with Hannah/Laci/Becca. There's a new girl in the block named Sarah who goes up in size with Alice. Otherwise, the game ends at the exact same point where 0.5 does with its two endings.

Unrelated note, but I hate how there's no change logs of what gets added to any of the builds.

I will admit tiggertoo's patreon feed kind of sucks, and honestly I don't see the sense in supporting him other than in months in which he releases a build.

So I'm also not sure pirates are to blame at all. Additionally I'd gladly pirate the completed product, as I am a pirate myself. But I do question the wisdom of pirating incomplete betas.

As you yourself mentioned the pacing was bad before 0.6 for example, so pirates were playing an inferior product.

I think if he made more of an engagement effort, released more visual sneak peaks, and ran more plot related polls, he'd see a huge uptick in patreon support.

I understand too where he's coming from though, he has a full time job, catering to fans isn't part of it though.
Lack of WG fetish game content and the fact the game's been in development for at least a year is probably why it gets pirated in an incomplete state. Sure, it's incomplete, but it's in a better state than the free public demo of 0.2/0.3 that barely scratches the WG fetish in comparison to what the newer builds offer.

To be fair, 0.6 only got leaked about a month ago, which was about three months since it got released. I'm more surprised it didn't get leaked sooner, but it had it's time to draw in any patrons on the fence of grabbing the newest build.

It's truly a shame, really. There hasn't been any teasers for 0.7 either. I'm of the mindset 0.7 will be the last update just because the dude really needs a break after burning out on developing this game for so long while trying to manage life at the same time. It really sucks they got hit with pneumonia on this final stretch for 0.7's release.
>Imagine getting mad over someone asking for a build to an incomplete fetish game.

I'm not mad because people are asking for a build.

I'm mad because I'm sure tiggertoo is gonna cancel the development when next build gets leaked.

In my view, he's only going on with it out of a sense of duty, and would welcome any excuse to get out of it. Which the leaking will provide.
Since tiggertoo game is such a touchy subject, what about Gain of Life latest version? I know it's a grindy hell of a game, but it's the only other one, and it gets more frequently updated
SolitaryScribbles' game is pretty snazzy, shame there is no slob setting or something
Gain of Life has a strong love-hate relationship for me. I love the game gets updated monthly, and with each update, there's always a new weight stage for the player and often a new character to fatten up. However, I hate how mindless the gameplay feels with no objective to work towards other than to see the new sprites and what little dialogue there is. A lot of it boils down to the sandbox nature of the game and how it tries to aim for realism, which is fine and all. The game just feels so buggy, incomplete and hollow, despite some of the interesting mechanics in the game like with social media and maintaining your character.

Game easily gets broken in half when you take out extra student loans in the beginning to get all the upgrades and buy only chips and cookies to constantly feed the character, having their weight skyrocket quickly despite the realistic sandbox the game seems to aim towards. The fast food restaurant worker is easily the most tedious job. Social media isn't worth it due to the high cost of entry unless you break the game as mentioned earlier with loans.

SirMister needs to just take a month or two to properly hammer away at bugs and fleshing out existing content to make the experience better. The nurse hasn't been viewable for several builds, despite her sprites clearly being in the game folder. I would rather have more emphasis placed on having more events with existing characters, possibly even adding more sprites onto characters like Jane who barely get into chubby territory. Mansion needs to be nerfed since it basically gives infinite free food. Characters need to react to their weight changing. Actual romancing could be implemented. The list can go on and on on what needs fixing/changing.

With all these problems existing in the game, paying $13 each month is hard to justify with each new update. Content feels rushed and that you're really only paying to see sprites get updated than actually play the game.

Hate to be that shithead who keeps shitting on games, so I'm going to recommend checking out Spacethumper by Chubberdy. There's actual depth to the gameplay and fuels that wg fetish itch just enough for me. It's a resource management/defense game where you crash land on a planet and try to make your way back home using yourself as a energy-fueled fat battery. It's technically incomplete, but what's there is pretty good. Furry/Alien warning for those not into it: https://www.mediafire.com/file/tzmfljrwglzo2o0/Spacethumper_V0.7.4.zip/file
Forgot to mention, because the game is incomplete, there's a weird limbo/soft-lock state the game can get into if you don't set up defenses properly early on, as well as other minor jank that will likely get fixed by the final update.

yeah, I mean, gain of life is like..... insanely lazy and little content compared to something like tiggertoo's magnum opus. There's hardly any renders, and hardly any text per update. He releases an update every month, but each one contains almost nothing. AND he charges a lot more. Gain of life might be decent at this rate in like 2024 :-/

gain of life is managing to avoid piracy by just being so terrible hardly anyone cares about it. which is sort of a terrible way to compete piracy imo.
Does anyone remember this one weight gain scene of a girl in blue pajamas sudden becoming incredibly obese? If anyone has link to the Jrpg or just scene it will be much appreciated
Yes, thank you! For helping my austic ass.
Found this random iOS app called “Fat 2 Fit!”. Long story short, it’s in a similar style to like Temple Run where you have a character and can swap skins, etc. In this one, instead of grabbing coins, you grab stuff that makes your character fatter or thinner to complete an ‘obstacle course’.

The thinner version of the character can climb walls, jump over obstacles, and has better balance. When the character is fat, they can break through glass walls, (also a downside in that you can’t cross glass bridges that the thinner version can tiptoe across) and get more height from trampolines.

Three female skins, three male skins, a robot skin, a bear skin (not rug, just character selection) and a shark skin. Something for everyone: Not here to judge.

Per usual on most apps from this developer (or other devs with similar styles), toggling airplane mode can be a great timesaver for cutting down on ads. You do miss a 2-5x coin multiplier opportunity at the end of each course, so depending on how eager you are to get coins to buy a new character skin, YMMV.

Without ads you also miss a 3x key multiplier bonus to unlock chests. Keys pop up every other level or so, and lead to a free bonus game where once you collect 3 keys, you can open 3 chests to potentially unlock a character skin, gratis, rather than needing to spend in-game coins. If you have service, it allows you to watch an ad to unlock 3 more chests, which you can do twice (to be able to unlock all 9 that initially appear per round).
Oh and with ads on, every checkpoint with yellow flags triggers an ad also. Shit got old reeeeeeal quick lol

Again, the choice is yours, and yours alone. Good luck.
Now called ‘Body Run 3D’. Think there was a lot of fat-shaming concern in the app reviews.
Is the SFRPG remake worth it? Does anyone know what was added?
what's your art posting spot of choice on twitter/deviantart etc?
If you mean platforms, I'm mostly active on DeviantArt as Anoncat2, although the more the better in case there's a problem.
Haven't played it, but a lot of what you'd expect. New enemies, redone sprites, world map has changed up from the original, new areas. Whether or not its worth it really depends on if you think you wanna try what the early access has to offer.
Does anyone have the latest version of Gain of Life?
Bbwchan's opinion on Apostles by Waxerred?
Haven't played the latest updates, but I had fun with version 0.3. I don't really play RPGM games, hate the system, but Apostles and Some Bullshit are the only two that hooked me enough to put up with it. Probably because the story is decent... So yeah, decent story, and the stuffing/WG stuff is there if pixels do it for you.
From what I've played of Apostles, it's bad simply for being a VN with the game being barely remembered. On a more personal note, I feel the game suffers from the adventurers who have a member who's vulgar to the point where it become ridiculous and the one who fucks the females because sex in RPG Maker just looks stupid, even with my dislike of porn taken out of the equation.
Is there any way to see all the sprites from feed the crown?
Anyone know any text games? Like boundless or lipomancer.
I would like to know too, the guy making lipomancer is hilarious and I hope he just keeps putting more stuff into that game, or make new ones with the same spirit!
The only game I can think about is Noone's and other similar to it. Also in weight gaming there are some short jewels you can play made in the Quest engine.

you guys talking about lipomancer's ruins or is there another lipomancer game?
I was referring to ruins. I know the guy made a quick space game but that hasn't been updated as of late too.
Got any quest recommendations?
I wasn't aware, I will check it out!

I... can't remember the names actually... I think one was "the fat house" or something like that and the other "master of flesh"
Version 0.7 of the weighting game is out, is anyone gonna leak it?
can we get Sirmisters Weighting Game v12 as well. his kemono page is due for an update. were 3 months behind. the new stuff looks cool and i wanna try it out thank you
Damn, why not tho? I get the idea that the forum generally doesn’t like tigger but the game is really good imo
yeah but tigger hates piracy and he said if it gets leaked again it will be left unfinished
game is to good too have it left unfinished, tigger checks these threads.
You guys really give that game way too much credit. It's super slow and the writing is okay at best.
whats the incryption key dude. thank you so much btw. ive been hyped to play
decryption key sorry

Whatever your thoughts on the writing (I think it's good) the renders take a lot of effort and there are a ton of them. He's putting in work and there's nothing else quite like it out there
Why do you care so much? You tried to antagonize the game maker in the top of the thread too? Got a problem with Tigger?
What's in the latest chapter of Coven of Calahree, the creator won't update his changelog
someone have any of the otiiz's adventure games
it looks its Chapter 6 in Early Access but is only available in Bobo´s Patreon, and the public demo only gives us until Chapter 4... anyone that could help some souls on sharing maybe the Early Access one?
none of the links work anymore damn

You guys have your own board, stay there.

Where the fuck was it even posted? I subscribed four months ago to get access to 0.6 and support the development into 0.7, I'd been looking through forums hoping that this *didn't* happen, and now it's just gone.

Fucks sake. Way to show those pirates.

Oh no another unfinished game. They never planned on finishing their game as pirates will pirate. Its not an if but when.
Way to time "quitting" just as you got the latest month "donation" you bastard.
Not that it helps your situ, but I'm a little relieved I had the foresight in cancelling my membership before August in anticipation of something like this.

It genuinely sucks for those have paid for an August subscription, along with all those who paid extra in some vain attempt to mollify the situation. I know the writing was on the wall and his intentions should have come as no surprise, but it's really quite hard to not see this as a grift. People should be rightly angry since with the way things have shaken out it's hard to refute the claims that he had no intention of finishing the game since... well.

If I were Tiggertoo, I'd instead put the game in indefinite hiatus, offering August refunds as well as accept no further pledges in the interim (it's never been about the money, right?) until an alternative solutions is found.

I think we'll be discussing this as an academic exercise for quite some time to come.
Indie gamedev here. I get the frustration that Tigertoo feels, trust me, I literally won't be eating if I don't sell my game. But the second Tigertoo said that they would stop developing if the game gets pirated, was the moment they stopped deserving getting ANY money for it, since it was a death sentence for the game.
Tiggertoo lost any high ground he had over pirates when he decided to scorch everything and remove all download links he had of the game. Only way I can see this being redeemed is if one final bugfix release gets made (which I doubt) or he offers a refund to his patreons for this month. Ironic how pirates will be the ones to actually keep the game download link alive now.
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>Pirates reaction to seeing someone quit
Has anyone who opened up a patreon, ever finished their game?
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Tigger has alt accounts?

DAZ assets suck balls. They are the uncanniest of valleys.

he already posted that he was going to post a final link, but he was going to do it publicly.

he's also actually removed links to the game like dozens of times before because the pirate who was leaking the game most often was too lazy to mirror the links themselves, meaning that by taking down his own links and reposting them, he broke the pirate's leak. it's just that usually this happened in between releases when almost no one was looking at the link in the first place.
(173 KB, 400x400, 76224047_p45.png)
Oh nooo.

The petulant child took his ball and went home after collecting his money.

Who could have seen this coming? Now we'll never get the continuation of his mediocre render slideshow. If only we diligently policed the evil, evil internet more. We could have stopped this.

All his paying customers really let him down by allowing this to happen. I'm glad they're getting the punishment they deserve for showing their support.
you really have to be sarcastic about this?
It takes forever for significant fats to start, but it's really great narratively. Not for people who just want to rub one out quickly... and not be depressed
Making an RPGMaker game with good combat is near impossible, Some Bullshit is the only fetishy game that even comes close to bearable

IMO rpgmaker is way worse than ren'py. Most of these gamemakers are just trying to tell a story, and rpgmaker is extremely bad at that. Heck rpgmaker is just bad at EVERYTHING. it's like 30 years out of date technologically.

Ren'py is extremely easy to use, so anyone who just wants to create a visual novel, and isn't a coder themselves, they should all just be using ren'py IMO.
literally where? is there a community site other than here or weight gaming that's even significant? i can't imagine whatever leak he identified spread to more than like 4 people.
always seemed weird to me how his public bitching got his patreon funds to shoot way up, far higher than it would ever have gotten organically even if every pirate chose to buy the final releases, but it didn't mollify him at all, as if the principle of the matter was more important than the funds he was supposedly in dire need of
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Well, that's good to hear he'll at least release a public link, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one until it happens. Still weird he screwed over the people supporting him if they subscribed to his patreon post-ragequit.

KP was where it got hosted. Since it's a patreon content importer, it's hard to tell if it was done maliciously or accidentally.

Either way, it was obvious Tiggertoo was not happy with making the game for the past year with the long time-stretch between each update (hospital emergency aside). The guy's always had this weirdly passive-aggressive bitchy tone whenever taking feedback or making announcements to his patreons.
(73 KB, 283x268, 1613709450888.png)
Local man pissed that he gets paid monthly to make pre-made asset slideshows

I've played a lot of these pre-made asset slideshows and his is above average. Also there are like 100s of these games and 1000s of fans. It's a pretty big thing, at least outside of the bbw sphere.

That said yeah, there are better products out there, made by professionals, sure, but professionals don't really cater to insanely niche clientele
Not him but the game really was objectively mediocre, albeit with more content then the usual DAZ render shit. Main character was creepy and uncanny as shit, story was kinda dumb and overbloated, and the drama following the game was more interesting then the game itself at times

People tried to defend his shitty behavior by simping hard for the game, but really dude wanted more then he was being dealt and just didn't want to make that game anymore. Pirates were his pet peeve so he just used them as his excuse to fuck off

Not saying the game was bad or anything, but it's not worth getting butthurt over

And there goes the whole damn patreon. Unprofessional of him, and definitely unprofessional of the fools that would've been sending slurs and threats.

The game was *fun*, the renders were hot and there was a genuine progression to them. Ah well, guess I'll go put the 7 per month into someone else
This dude wasn't cut out for gamedev in the slightest. The passive aggressive way he's been responding to bugfixes with shit like "Could you guys not comment unless you've found a bug I don't know about? Kthxbye :)" sounds like he REALLY did not want to do this.
The fact that he was getting bug reports to his mail and not Trello, or other sites that people with budgets infinitely smaller than his utilize, doesn't do much to convince me of the opposite. Mind you, I mention Trello, but I know people taking bugfixes in a Discord fucking channel.
But apparently, a modicum of organization was a bit too much for him.
Figures he would cancel his game, and push responsibility onto someone else, despite the fact he is the one taking the money to finish it. And, I should add, that he requested, and got extra payments, due to the piracy. None of which seemed to matter in the slightest.
This feels like him making a whole bunch of production mistakes throughout the development of the game, being too lazy to fix those mistakes, growing weary because of those mistakes, and deciding he'd be dropping the game as soon as a good enough scapegoat came around, while also trying to make a little extra cash.

TL;DR: Incompetent man blames his incompetence on everyone else but him.
I'm thankful it ended here, instead of becoming the fatty community version of Yandere Dev.
>I'm thankful it ended here, instead of becoming the fatty community version of Yandere Dev
Wouldn't that have gotten you someone making their own Weighting Game and completing it before he did?

Honestly, this version of the game is pretty complete. It's ending isn't even that bad or unresolved.

Personally I'm just going to choose to see this as the final version. And he just posted it publicly for anyone who wants it to download it.

As far as temper based ragequits go, this is basically the classiest one there's ever been. (Although of course not ragequitting would've been far classier still).
Wait, ending? How do you get to the ending?
I played this version and up to some point I stop being able to call her anymore, then the game does not advance anymore. I thought that was "the end"

You're just incorrect. I've answered questions like this dozens of times in his official thread. Given that he has posted links to the game publicly (and the links he's posted contain bug fixes that other links don't contain)....

It seems foolishly to discuss spoilers and game mechanics on a piracy forum (for a game now publicly available on another forum).

Which is why I deleted a post in support of tiggertoo yesterday because it was inflammatory. Yes, today I hid (not deleted) a post in support of the people that are angry because, literally shortly after us asking people to refrain from character attacks, they went on to disregard what I said despite my warning. You can't expect us to not enforce our rules just because it lines up with what you want, christ.

Seriously don't fucking care about this stupid drama, and am neither in support of the developer nor the people angry about how it was resolved. Keep on complaining on the thread until you're blue in the face and your fingertips bleed, just follow the damn rules.
Go back to supporting 17 year old animu content, Kilif.
They're drawings.
Come now, if you're going to insult me, pick one of the many reasons that actually make sense. I've given you plenty of ammunition, from my incompetence as a developer to my multiple failed attempts to get a project off the ground.

Seriously though, the state of the thread should make it clear that we're not silencing dissent. I would hope by this point that it is clear I try to be as straight forward about moderation as I can be. But, it is what it is, carry on.
(151 KB, 1280x720, media_E76OVN5VUAAQjsP.jpg)
>literally shortly after us asking people to refrain from character attacks, they went on to disregard what I said despite my warning
So what you're saying is that they can't talk about the person scamming them at all because that's attacking their morals and their morals are part of their character?

what game did you work on? is it as bad as you say? I'm always interested in hearing about games I haven't heard of before (much better than these arguments at least)
Aye, didn't want to carry on the argument like last time. No pleasing folks with an axe to grind.

At any rate, it was just a shitty game I released years ago under the moniker Vilified on FA. Download links don't work anymore, but you're not missing anything.

And then there were the many aborted projects, I finally just stopped mentioning plans because abject failure is my main export. And of course, there's the forums, which I had to give to grot so it'd stop being a pile of flaming garbage under my watch. At least some good has come of that.
Your game was honestly excellent, even if it never got anywhere. It was pretty pioneering, being a *very* early example in the genre, having some quite ind-depth mechanics, and a lot of promise.

It also directly led to the creation of Weight Gaming, and by extension, many of the games in the genre created over the better part of the last decade.
I agree with this dude too.

seems like you did a lot of reinventing the wheel too, probably why your projects were so difficult.

Starting with something like ren'py is like starting with 90% of a game already done (at least from a code standpoint, not from an art/writing one). I think that's why most projects that actually get made start with ren'py or rpgmaker, because they start with 90% of the complicated low level engine type code work already done (even if those engines also handcuff them to a certain narrow feature set).

reinventing the wheel is bad for actually completing projects but is good for inspiring them (because you don't start off handcuffed).
Stop with the furry shit. You guys have your own board for a reason.

you can always just report his post and a moderator can delete it, rather than arguing?

that said, the furry board has no dedicated gaming thread atm.
since the weighting game has been cancelled due to "pirates", does anyone have the newest version? because despite what tiggertoo says there isn't any cracks out there

lol, the reason no one is posting pirate links for it is that tiggertoo himself posted a public link for it in the weightgaming forum discussion thread in the OP itself.

It's actually TOO EASY to find for anyone to pirate it now.

way to be so biased in your question you can't take 8 seconds to answer it for yourself
To be fair on their part, the one Google download link for the game constantly goes down due to download limits because Tiggertoo couldn't give at least one fuck about having a Mega download available.
I thought since they disliked pirates so much the link would be only for patreons or something, i didn't expect for it to be posted for everyone by themself
can you guys shut the fuck up about the dumb gay ass weighting game post other shit
There’s a new update for super fatty rpg, anyone have it?
Does anyone here have Pkinad prison and can someone share it here?
Anyone has the latest version of Coven of Calahree?
I've been thinking of making a fat fetish RPG where HP is measured as Will, with gaining weight reducing your overall will to resist succumbing to gluttony. The benefit to gaining weight however is that the fatter you are the more powerful your abilities will be (Mages can draw power from their fat to cast stronger spells, Warriors can use their extra weight to crush enemies, I don't know what a rogue or ranger would do).
Would you say this is a good system or are you against the idea of the main appeal of a fetish game having to be avoided/circumvented?
avoiding the fetish or making the fetish the loss condition of the game is stupid.
anyone have the latest version of gain of life?
I think its quite interesting, I like the idea. But balance is key, if being skinny is good enough, many people will completely ignore the mechanic and go look at the cinematics only.
Anyone got update 16 of worshippers of the gain? The links to old updates on kemono don't work unfortunately so thats not an option until someone updates it.
Someone got upload for new version Surviving??
I'd rather take gay ass RPGs than this degenerate Winnie the Pooh schlock you shared.

At least share something more palatable if you want to make a case for text-adventures (done on Quest), like Sarah Goes to College or anything made by machodummy and jerkajerk.
does anyone have Sirmisters Gain of life in its newest version? I think its in V14 right now if Im not wrong. Thank you!
Anyone else think this years gamejam was kind of a flop? There were a couple that had good art but a ton of the entries had disclaimers about how they are unfinished/broken/alpha version 0.0.1.
>tfw no wg & slob game I can jack to whilst playing
Blame the crappy theme and all the attachments with it. Had it been just "Hands Off!" and left up to interpretation, there might have been a better batch of games (even if the theme is kinda cringe). But nope, the theme specifically also included "In this Jam the player or player character can not directly interact with or control other characters."

Throw in the fact there was drama over the Gain Jam being extended by potentially two weeks (is it even a Game Jam anymore at that point?) and giving people the expectation that it'd be extended (when it didn't) along with the shitty timing of year, and you've got yourself a recipe for disaster.

Negativity aside, I'm honestly more amazed that there ended up still being as many entries as there were, even if a good chunk were unfinished/bugged. The ones that were actually finished were pretty good, though. Maybe admins will do a better job on the next Gain Jam, hopefully learning a lot from this mess.
>inb4 Kilif does damage control on here, especially since they claimed responsibility for the mess that was the extension fiasco.
I reckon they only thought of extending it because they had something like three entries for half the length of the contest. They'd have had to give a bunch of the prizes to the same people by default. Obviously there were a lot of last-minute entries.

Very weak theme this year, I thought. Needlessly restrictive and confusing. Prioritised being "clever" over what might make for a fun/sexy game.

A real shame 'cause I've been looking forward to this one since the end of the last one.
> There were a couple that had good art but a ton of the entries had disclaimers about how they are unfinished/broken/alpha version 0.0.1.

Is this your first Gain Jam? That's par for the course.

I just wish the fucking furries would actually tag their shit accordingly. Nothing worse than seeing an interesting game idea only for it to be furry shit.

I agree with 886b09 the theme was crappy but only because it came with detailed explanations designed to curtail creativity, the exact opposite of what you want.

I think hands off alone wasn't that bad a theme, but then trying to rules lawyer it chilled innovation and creativity
>First GainJam
>Theme: The Holidays
>Second GainJam
>Theme: In the workplace
>Third GainJam
>Theme: Weighty Systems
>This is what we mean.
>Fourth GainJam
>Theme: Hands Off
>This is what we want you to do.

Where's that "Fuck, go back" meme when you need it?
>I just wish the fucking furries would actually tag their shit accordingly. Nothing worse than seeing an interesting game idea only for it to be furry shit.
Or worse, male.
Or worst than that, male furries.

Not gonna lie, I mostly gave up on that site when the floodgates were opened for male (due to a certain SOMEONE pushing for it I assume), the site "mascots" nobody asked for or cared about, and the low effort RPG Makers/VNs vomited over everything, don't suppose there's a way to block the general/idea guy forums and RPG Maker/VNs from showing up in the latest topics? It's the equivalent of trying to search mobile games store for anything playable without p2w gacha shit. The decent RPG Maker games can probably be counted on one hand.

I only check back on the site for the occasional Eat the Dungeon updates and the very few other projects I find worth keeping an eye on. I miss when the guy running it was working on Fetish Master mods, those were pretty decent then they gave up on their old mod to work on an overhaul of the system which I have doubts will ever see the light of day.

Only thing I've got to look forward to as of late in the fetish game scene is that something like Liliths Throne eventually does something with the size/weight differences some day since the framework is already there, though I'm not holding my breath.
The thing is, without the convoluted explanation, the theme didn't really mean anything. "Hands off" as a phrase is almost too open, it could mean a million things. But, as you say, the needlessly lengthy explanation seemed to almost intentionally stifle freedom.
Yeah, seriously, I hope next year it's another "setting" theme.
I don't begrudge furries their chance to get off, nor those who like fat fellas. I like a wank, why shouldn't they?
But I'm not wired to find those things sexy and it's an instant turn-off for me. I know, I know, I'm not their audience. But, yeah, come on, guys, tag your shit, we don't all want to see hairy man belly or foxes with tits.
>It's the equivalent of trying to search mobile games store for anything playable without p2w gacha shit
The fuck are you looking mobileshit for gaming?

>The decent RPG Maker games can probably be counted on one hand
You barely need half a hand.

"certain SOMEONE"

Oh yeah, you know me, over there pushing so hard for male furries like the raging faggot I am, so much so the site is like 99% female and I've done literally nothing to direct it any other way and am on record saying, multiple times, I welcome all content.

Course, only clever commenters like yourself could see through my ruse. You got me.
is there a game or program where you can make custom fat characters? the best i can think of is honey select and stuff, but going beyond chubby in those is janky at best and impossible at worst
>come on, guys, tag your shit

The site is otherwise fine, but the reliance on tags for sorting content is why this forum system is basically worthless. Even broken ass invision was better at filtering and organising topics

no matter how more obvious the flaw is, nothing will be done

>OPs don't understand tags or don't care
>nobody will make people tag
>OPs will never tag

klif, I got no probs with you but seriously, manage the site for the lowest common denominator, not the ideal world where everyone sorts their content into neat little piles for you

if that means having moderators add tags manually, so be it

I can suggest it, just keep in mind that I don't have unilateral or even majority control of the site. The forums are going to be taking a backseat once the storefront (I know we've been saying that forever, just bare with us) is done anyways, and that will have a more rigorous tagging system (I believe). Hopefully should resolve that issue, but if it doesn't we'll have to come up with something else.

As to the rest of the complaints on here, yeah things didn't turn out quite right, we're preparing a thread to cover what went wrong, what we're going to do to try and address it, and open the floor for feedback, criticism, etc.
If the prompt needs any degree of explanation beyond the prompt itself, scrap it, or put it lower in the list of priorities, or de-rank it, or give it less value in whatever sort of system you lot use to pick prompts.
If it is something that cannot be described in one sentence or less, it's not good enough.

>The forest
>Takes place within a forest
>Makes measurements a part of the mechanics
>There cannot be any text present in the game


>Weighty Combat
>There has to be combat in the game, and the combat has to be designed in such a way that the actions each character can perform and be the target of will result in them gaining or losing weight

You're a wise guy, bub. I'm sure you get the idea.
i think if you go into the jam with a less hands in pants mentality, there's some pretty near games like cheetas are meant to be fast and burnt. but yeah, the theme was both over restrictive and over subjective as to what does or doesn't count for it, and while the extension i think was necessary, the fact two weeks was even put on the table was a huge mistake.

Aye, that's what we're hearing the most in terms of the themes. We have something we'll be announcing soon that will definitely help mitigate that, which will allow less experienced (or less competitive) devs take a more lax approach to the theming, while allowing more experienced devs to take on more challenge and restrictions. The primary consequence of this is that the main theme for each jam will be less restrictive in general, which should hopefully address the main criticisms this year

Beyond that, we're putting a higher priority on planning these events out so we can sand out any rough themes or, as you say, de-rank bad ones. We'll actually begin planning 6 months in advance for next year, as it takes at least a couple of months to get ads up and running, and any promotional material.

Truth of the matter is that nether grot or myself had the time this year, but that's not really an excuse and we're not treating it as one. We just have to make the time if there isn't any, as the other big strike against us was the timing. Its imperative that this happens in the summer, so hopefully this half year heads start will maintain that schedule.

And as to the extension, that's fully on me despite what grot might say. I lost a bit of faith in the potential turnout as well as hearing a lot of devs say they just needed a few extra days, and I made a poor decision. Further communication was also muddled due to the time constraints, which we'll be addressing potentially by trying to find a single person to be our community manager. This should reduce any confusing or conflicting messages.

Thanks for the feedback, I don't know when the feedback thread is going to go up on the forums, but I figure it'll be soon.
Hey, can someone help to find this mod?
This video got recommend to me as I was looking for fat mods to games in general, but they didn't give the right name nor link for the mod.
It looks fun to try. And even more as I plan to have a server with a friend as soon she got an original account, and that one is a mod I'm sure she would like to try. <https://youtu.be/4iH3nYUNgak>
can someone dump all the images of the weighting game? dont wanna bother to play through the whole game
Look up RPA Extract to decompile the images from images.rpa in the game folder
Do you know where the folder with the pictures is located?
Whatever that link is, its locked lol
anyone have the latest version of gain of life
i second ^
>DAZ 3D Models

No thanks.
nothing kills my boner faster
Is this why nobody has posted the new build of Gain of Life? Yeah I get the faces can be kinda weird in the 3D games but the bodies are good. I personally find games like Super Fatty Office Simulator for the most part ugly and weird.
Nah, I think that is more related to the... $10 monthly pricetag attached to it...
Also, I wouldn't call DAZ3D a "3D game" at all..
Does anyone have >>11045?
Theres is a new 0.3 build and chapter 1.5.
Super Fatty Office Simulator is ugly.

Mostly because their faces make them look like men.
This. A few are really egregious with this. Like the vampire girl. I think the mummy girl and ghost girl ain't too bad. That and your character has an object head with no face. And you can get fat so the game expects you to attracted to a flower headed girl for example.
Those were actually some of the main reasons that prevented me from getting into that remake/finished version/whatever it was classified as, unless I'm misremembering the beta/demo/free version/etc had better faces, so I can't help but wonder what happened there.
Pretty sure people complained about the masculine faces before and nothing was done about it, comments about it either got censored or ignored, so here we are.

The earlier game had no object head thing visual, and the mutual gaining that was also added further pushed me away from it.

this is also him


looks like he's new to coding.

his first attempt at a VN is free


the newer ones you can only get via his patreon, but well, you didn't link these details, so maybe you didn't know, so maybe you'll enjoy checking out his freebie? (It's pretty rough though so I don't really recommend it, but hey, he could learn, and maybe already is.)

followup, you have to download it from itch and then play it. ren'py games don't run properly if you try to play them in a webbrowser.
alright so I had some extra cash and decided to check out this guy's patreon. not worth it lmao. I fuckin wish you could refund this shit, though I obviously get why you can't

rip it to kemono and/or post it here?

Only way to prevent others from accidentally becoming tempted ;)

so uh, speaking of play2.textadventures.co.uk I've played chub club and now stuck in school, recommended by bbw-chan.... anyone else recommend any other quest text based games? (On theme for this site of course.)
Becky's binge, Sarah Goes to College and Kris: Day One are all pretty solid, but if you look up "textadventures.co.uk" on weight gaming forums to find a bunch of them.
Does anyone have the soulstream expansive update 0.3? You need they're discord to get it
Does anyone have the most recent Gain of Life update by Sirmister? Im really looking forward to trying it out and its been a few months since the last update. Sirmisters Kemonos still only at 9.4 and I would like to play somrthing new. Thank you so much!
anybody got a guide or tips for gain of life? it's stupidly long and stuff doesn't always make sense
It's a buggy grindfest with no real plot

Say what you like about tiggertoo at least his game had a story
Anyone know of any available pixel artists? We've got a small team trying to clean up Feeder Fantasy, and it's been going well enough that we're considering adding new content in the future, but I think you'd prefer assets done by an experienced hand rather than whatever amateurish swill we attempt on the fly.
Anyone else feel like the gain jam post mortem completely misses the point? They didn't even address the fake week extension poll which imo is the biggest fuck up they made. Wild cards also sound super dumb, if they can't handle one theme, is three or whatever extra going to make anything better? It's just putting up extra barriers to anyone trying to stand a chance at winning, especially solo devs vs teams.
The biggest thing they don't seem to realize is they they picked a theme that told you what you couldn't do, not what you could do, doubly so that it was mechanical. I just don't get how they don't see this.
(10 KB, 392x329, Free 10k is kinda cringe.png)
I hate how the WG mod squad postured themselves in a manner where anyone who criticized anything about the Gain Jam would look like an asshole due to grot getting hospitalized and COVID-19 fucking up everything. Hate to be that guy when both issues will obviously affect the quality of the Gain Jam, but it makes it hard to give criticism or call the WG mod squad out on the actual thread. Despite being a day old, there's only 4 non-moderator comments that either gush about the crappy Wild Card theme idea or suck off the mod team for doing a "good" job. The postmortem feels like a PR move to win brownie points with the community, even if that wasn't the intent.

Anyways, hard agree on the failure to address the fake week extension and understanding why complicating the jam theme doesn't work when you have to include some kind of fetish mechanic to the game already. I can't imagine how they'll score wild cards in their already convoluted scoring system (pic related with Gain Jam 2020 entries). Their 2 round judging system seems to have already failed if they still haven't gotten to the 2nd round of judging yet.

It's clear the Gain Jams are becoming too big for WG Mod squad. I'd argue it's better to just hand out a cash prize to the community favorites or at least limiting the round of judging to the top ten most rated entries If they're worried about not being inclusive to a certain someone's preferred content or some kind of bullshit, they can just make different categories to earn different cash prize (i.e. Furry Award, BHM Award, Stuffing Award, etc.) which will probably (not) motivate people to actually tag their shit.
So what are the best fat mods for stardew valley?
i wish all these shitty stock 3d model games would be purged from weight gaming.
Amy good BBW text adventure games?
If anyone has a soulstream expansive version 0.4 download link it'd be much appreciated
Beggars can't be choosers in a fetish as niche as this.

If you can do better, feel free. If not, stop whining.
Does anybody have the version 1.1 of the game called "Whole Hog".
Anyone has the new Super Fatty RPG remake?
It's not out until the 20th
I remember there was a wg mod for the game degrees of lewdity - does anybody know if it's still out there/where to find it?
seconding this i hear it's like the weighting game so i need to try it
Anybody got the latest version of the ultimate grind game aka ‘gain of life’ and can upload it? Thanks

I did. It's pretty good. A little short with not a huge amount of content but good for what it is.
it's honestly impressive how the mod team managed to fuck up literally every step of the gain jam and deflect all responsibility for it

also how did all the worst games win the prizes?
I don't think the actual winners were like super undeserving, but holy shit, how do you accidently give an award to a game that wasn't even nominated? You have to try to fuck up that badly.
User d9a489 = Moonslashx I presume? If so, hi!

I'm not sure I get your point about the accidental awarding, mind elaborating? As far as I could tell the secondary "Best X" prizes were open to all thirty entries, not just the top five.
Does anyone here have a download of the 0.5 build of Soulstream Expansive?
Thanks, Misrter!
Ah, yeah that's a goof right there. Admittedly I had overlooked that the first round judges were also picking the "Best X" nominees.
Yeah, the whole point of two rounds of judging was to pick out the top five and nominees. But apparently they just wasted a whole month for nothing cause they just pick whoever they want to win whatever. Sure, it's their competition and their money, but why waste everyone's time like this? Weight Gaming continues to be a laughing stock due to them.
You forgot the goof of them adding Momulator simulator to any of the best of categories.

That game was a hot pile of steaming garbage
The character was ugly as fuck too..
You all have such a giant fucking chip on your shoulders that you didn't look at the god damn score sheet to see that the game that won best in writing was in fact nominated, Grot just missed it when adding it to the announcement on the forums.

If any of you have any legitimate complaints, I won't be listening to them here anymore. You want your voice heard, do it somewhere that matters.


This is the only mistake I've made. This sort of negligence of just "missing" something like this is an insult to the entire jam. Get some actual help organizing, clearly the two of you can't handle this.
The chad "that's a goof" grot
The virgin "giant fucking chip" Kilif
The based "Hanlon's razor" Moonslashx

In all seriousness, here's some ideas if WG Mods decide to still take criticism here if they are sensible enough to distinguish constructive vs. destructive.

-I don't think it's fair to wait ~3 months for Gain Jam result, and I don't see this improving with the wild card idea that got tossed around with how things are currently run. Two round judging is a failure in my eyes, and if it's still kept next Gain Jam, have a hard cut off date for any judges who can't fulfill their duties due to life or whatever chaos the world throws tomorrow.

-Might be more efficient and help with everyone's sanity to limit what games get scored/judged based on the community's top 10 rated, especially if a big concern for the difficulty for this year's theme from the community was to cull down potential entries this year. If there's a concern certain content will get filtered out (BHM, furry, etc.), have people tag their entries for the content it has and do top 3~5 games per tag instead.

-If wild cards get implemented, for the love of god, be transparent on how they are weighted. If it gives a 100 points or a 1000 points, please make this transparent. The current scoring system still baffles me, especially with how 1st round judging and 2nd round judging have their own scoring systems. Have a public copy/template of what the scoring system will look like for people entering to give them an idea of how they'll be scored (if this already exists and I missed this, then good job)
Forgot to mention for the last point, but also include how many points each category (writing, music, gameplay, etc.) will give in this template. Also, ditch the misc. category or at least explain it's ambiguity better in the score criteria/template. I'd argue to label it as judge preference or enjoyment instead.
>accuse other people of having a chip on their shoulder
>come off as a seething faggot with an even bigger chip on your shoulder
this is just sad.
I was one of the guest judges and I gotta say there are some ways I think the scoring system could be changed like maybe condensing some tabs together, but I think there's also so big overrating here. At the end of the day the games that are the best are the best for a reason. Even if there were no number scores and we just had to pick our 5 favorite games and rank them, which is an option I don't even think is bad, the same games would have ended in the top 5. I'd also like to personally apologize for the first round judging taking so long. I thought I could handle huge hallows 4 and gamejam judging but I ended up delaying it by a full month. As far as letting the community help with scoring I think it's a nice idea but I have no idea how it could work. A lot of the community for lack of a better word has what I like to call "cheesebrain". They can't be trusted to give fair and honest scores over playing whatever game has art from an artist they like or whatever specific kink they like most. They also cant be expected to really play everything either.
Whilst it may not have been the wisest decision to take on both responsibilities, Grim, I'd argue the fault for the delay lies with the mods for not having more judges on standby for such an eventuality.

It baffles me why we need key individuals to be arbiters in the first place instead of any person who signs up to put the time in for the task and is of good general standing. It just smacks of elitism; it's not a good game unless Person X declares it so...

... Not that I'd want to be a preliminary judge, seeing how they use the same horrendously overcomplicated score system as before. If the preliminary judging is that in-depth, rather than just separating the wheat from the chaff, then what added value are Grot and Kilif bringing into the final decision if they use the same scoring metrics? To be frank: why does their opinion matter more than everyone else's, just by virtue of running a forum? Again, the elitism rings true.

Honestly, the scoring system is the most harmful thing about this whole jam for me. We're celebrating everyone's efforts whilst tacitly telling people they are not good enough to win.
Is Axxis a bad developer? Of course not. It's laudable that he creates anything and continues to do so. His games aren't for everyone, sure, but can still reach out to a specific audience. And yet anyone looking at the Jam results will see Axxis at the bottom of each list and draw a swift conclusion. Not a great message to Axxis at the end of the day. I'm surprised he doesn't just quit.
Looking through that scoring sheet is a really baffling experience. For example, Momulator came low down the rankings across the board, with one judge putting it as the second worst game and two of them deciding it didn't use the theme of the jam...

And it wins best art. And, I'm not being funny, while I accept it might well be the case that a bad game can have the best art, it absolutely does not have the best art in the contest from a technical standpoint- even among the furry stuff- when you have entries with detailed sprite work, competent hand-drawn pieces, etc.

Now, I'm not trying to kick up a stink here but that to me says Momulator won $50 for drawing a CG furry with big booba and nipnops that are out. I'm not suggesting the judges shouldn't be allowed to have their own kinks but when you have entries that have post after post beneath them saying they're a good game and they leave with nothing versus "Well, this technically works and it's a decent foundation but there IS a cartoon lion in it", the latter getting a cash prize seems a bit of an odd one for me. There is a clear disconnect between what the people playing the games thought and what the judges decided.

A community vote would probably make a massive difference. Yeah, alright, you'd end up with some people not playing certain games (I'm sorry, lads, but it doesn't matter how big their tummy gets, I don't like cocks and I don't like cartoon dogs). But there surely has to be some way to weight (har har) a community vote so the results are more representative of consensus.
Assuming you are a judge and not lying (it's freakin bbw-chan, I'm not asking anyone to prove anything) then I respect the hell out of this response. I think community scoring would ultimately not work for this exact reason. A popularity contest would just make things worse. The more I reflect, my impatience with the time it took for results to come out was exactly that, impatience.

Now let me get this can of pringles off my shoulders, apparently I have enough to share.

Was the judging taking so long the problem? No. Was the theme the problem? No. Is the scoring system the problem? No. Was the fake extension the problem? No. The fact they "missed" some of the nominees? No.

It's the fact that all of these occurred with Killif and Grot taking zero responsibility for it that's the problem. The post mortem is a bigger slap in the face the more I read it. Everyone on the planet has been fucked by Covid, not just the two people in charge. Allowing these mistakes to compound without truly answering them is the issue. The comments on it either praise, or their criticisms get brushed off.

I think two round scoring is flawed, but I think something good to come from it is MORE JUDGES. In fact, I think having the panel of five judges all do a single scoring would be better, compared to Grot and Kilif getting to have the final say. Them having so much direct control without accountability is the main issue I have with the jam. You can't have a perfect democracy, but having more community voices, experienced developers involved helps a ton. More and more I don't think wild cards are a bad idea, but I'm having a hard time to see how they can be implemented without making this more contrived and confusing.

As for the judging, someone has to come in last place, and people can't be completely objective. I don't think Momulator deserves this disrepect, especially when it was ultimately second to Honey Combat.

I am not a developer, I am not a patron, I am a fuckwit who likes fat games, but if the community is going to have a central forum, then it's leaders need to act like leaders. I loved a lot of the games the came out of the jam, I just want the mods to respect the effort they ask of people. If your developers are honestly fine with how the jam was run, then I guess I can't keep bitching, but get more help, and stop these compounding mistakes, and Kilif, if you're reading this, you also "missed" that camtbf was nominated for both art and audio, so with all due respect, cram it up your ass.
I think a lot of the drama can be disperse if they simply removed the direct competitive angle and just ran smaller and more frequent casual jams. Having more jams running throughout the year will lessen the all-or-nothing approach that is taken both by the mod team and the devs in order to pull off a singular event.

Four seasonal jams that run for a week. Let the entrants themselves or the community pick the most popular to earn some kudos or some minor gamedev prize (no cash). That's it. See you for the next season.
At the end of the day it's organizing a game jam, not the bloody Olympics!

The main issue though is that were we to deviate from the current plan, there are so many voices as to how the game jam should be run - what it's for and who it caters to - that there is no clear picture; a community consensus would therefore need to be struck first and foremost.
I believe there is some confusion here. The "best of" awards are not given to any games that score in the top. Otherwise which ever game wins overall would probably also win all those other awards too. It's more of a second chance sort of thing from the games that had good parts to them, but overall were not good enough to reach the top.
Anyone have the demo for five nights at fatties 2?
Yes, I understand, I saw in the score sheet that the top 3 games couldn't win other awards, hence why Momulator got best art despite Honey Combat ranking higher. That all makes sense. What I'm irritated by is the fact that both joblin and camtbf were secretly nominated for all three categories combined. Whether they "missed" it or not, it makes the first round of judging seem like a joke. I feel like camtbf deserves to say that they recieved those nomination.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like the jams are for the developers more than the mods or the community (ie fuckwits like me hungry for fat games). The yearly Gain Jam feels like an important community event, so I think I'd like to see.people who aren't Kilif or Grot try to host your seasonal jams and see if they can make it better. Of course without furry money, prizes would be hard. The more I think about it all it really comes down to the developers opinions, way more than the judges or the community.
Anybody got SFRPG - EXPANDED?
bump for SFRPG - expanded leak
there's a free copy for those that have patreon, so either wait for someone to post it, or wait for the kemono page to update
it propably wont work since he has released several demos on patreon like this but in the link he just puts the itch.io link and you will still need the patreon sub in order to access the game
It hasn't even been 24 hours. Calm down or pay $8 yourself.
tbf soon as I saw it dropped I came here too vOv

but begging and checking if it's being offered are probably two different things
The way it works is that if you’ve downloaded it in the past, you can go to your own profile and re download the newest update for free
>guy who makes Yaffaif comes out with a side project
>it's better than his main
Just work on Tramp, Yaffaif sucks

this tbh, but, uh, if we actually want this outcome to occur, there is probably a polite way to get this point across that might actually be convincing, rather than this aggressive wording that's sure to never convince anyone of anything :)
Yaffaif is still just a tech demo after so many fucking years, of course a smaller project with a well defined purpose like Tramp blows it out of the water.
Is there a way to say that without getting banned and post deleted on weightgaming?

yes, I already did... although I was so subtle you might not notice, mostly I just praised tramp a lot and whined a tiny tiny bit about yaffaif :-p

like I said, if you actually want to convince someone of something you don't really want to be hostile, of course, I doubt my comments will change much, but I'm sure random positive comments over on his tramps thread are something he'll notice at least.
Any one have Five Nights with Fatties The Second Course Demo?
I'm really excited for this game, but the demo is Patreon locked and I can't use my credit card this month.
Is the SFRPG remake worth getting
Anyone got the new version of Yuletide Sophia by Hexalt?
Just support and praise Tramp if you like it. It's not rocket science.
If you liked snails previous two games, I'd say it's worth playing
so what's actually different in this version? is it just the old version with new art?
does anyone know why I can't download super fatty RPG on kemono? is it an error on the website or what? any other I can download, it's just him. it asks for Patreon access which makes me super confused
Because it requires Patreon access. It's not the file, it's an Itch link.
>>15982 do you know where I can download the game? or if someone posted a viable link or download elsewhere?
Yes. On itch for only $10.

okay so, kemono is essentially both a place to go to download pirated content AND a spider. it essentially has a robot that pretends to be human and browses website and saves the information.

so anything on kemono under the normal parts of kemono will be literally exactly what it sees on patreon. so when it sees a mega link it includes the mega link, when it sees an itch link it includes the itch link (the mega link is useful and the itch link is worthless)

the patreon importer specifically works by logging in as a user who submits their credentials to kemono and then checking that users feed. what this means is that kemono is VERY OFTEN updated for NO REASON. If someone is following 10 artists and 1 artists has an update that they want to import to kemono, they actually cannot prevent the other 9 artists from updating.

this is why you'll see something on your favorites list with a new update that in fact does not have anything useful for you.

tl;dr your question was dumb but I tried to explain the internet rather than just insult you, hopefully this reduces similar questions in future...
Here's SF RPG Exp.


does anyone have a translation for this?

or even just a link to a thread where someone said they might translate it? the game itself leaked months ago but i can't play it without comprehension of the language.
>>16018 can you host the leaked one? I must of missed it long ago
shit i was too late got a dead link
does anyone have the fnwf2 demo from DrBlackJack's patreon?

SF RPG again

Is this an ok site to take from? It seems fairly sketchy.
Does becoming a Vampire do anything?
They delayed the full release….again
It looks pretty complex based off of what they've shown in the trailers and the videos of people playing the first day they allowed, I don't really mind that they're taking their time with it. Rather it be good than pretty half baked as a porn game like the original Five Nights With Fatties was.
half bake im sorry but the first five night at fatties was not half bake being they succefully mimic the fnaf gameplay if you dont like the gameplay that ok but dont call it somthing that itsn't
>reading comprehension
I'm using my minimal HTML5 and .io knowledge to start a fat monstergirl farm simulator.

Basically, Mad scientist accidentally solves energy crisis by breeding fat monster girls, called "Gennys" because they generate resources. Keeping them happy and productive is a whole other story. Our player steps in to take over a desolate farm as one of the Scientist’s pioneers. Welcome to Kentucky. Become the Breeder!

I'm posting in hopes of bouncing some game design ideas about breeding, game progression, mechanics, etc..

Add me on disc if you want: biskitson#8777
For some reason the download keeps failing for me. No idea why.
Thank you average weightgaming post
how does this link work? what do i havw to add/move?
Assuming this isn't some convincing troll, I'll say the same thing I'd say on WeightGaming: If you're serious about this, make an active prototype first.

You know what sets the successful devs apart from all the rest who are just stroking themselves off with their revolutionary monster girl breeder ideas? They roll up their sleeves and actually make something first! They're not wasting time canvassing for ideas as if this was some collective effort.
If you don't even have the basic foundations down for the game that -you- want to make (which appears to be the case since we're scratching around for game design ideas) then you need to stone up, make some decisions and get something committed to code. You'll get a lot more traction and interest in the project that way once people see something tangible coming out of it and being led by someone with an actual vision, but not before.
is the f1 menu in super fatty rpg remake broken? I am trying to rebind my gamepad and it's not working...

my xbox controller X is confirm B is cancel and Y is run which is imo bad. I want A to be confirm and B cancel.... but uh... nothing I do in the f1 menu effects it at all it seems?

Actually by changing the keyboard configuration I managed to make A run.... but uh... changing the settings back won't STOP making A run ... something is screwy here, even resetting the settings won't reset the settings?!

anyone have this problem slash anyone solve it? (other than forehead stop using gamepad?)
shit i was too late got a dead link
does it have slob elements?
(227 KB, 900x650, Reacquainted.png)

Here it is. my pen-and-paper game. Its penultimate update. Major overhaul on a LOT of stuff. 177 pages. Weight gain. Lactation. 5 named NPCs. An optional economy based upon coins made from evaporated breast milk. Girls with freckles. Unnecessary amounts of description.
Not really, the main fetishes are feeding and weight gain.
Though I try to keep it varied, and most fetishes in the WG tree have at least one scene or another.
For example we have a blueberry expansion, vore, water expansion, ect.
Holy shit dude that game was wild. Just finished up to the current ending and my god, even if you cut out all the fetish elements (dont), you'd still have a fucking GREAT game here. Been a while since I've seen such a complex storyline made for an RPGmaker game, granted those don't have the best track record. But man, parts of it, especially the first half, felt like a Clockwork Orange, you actually thought out a story to a pretty deep degree, where you kinda feel bad for the antagonists sometimes, and with the traumatized girls where you wonder if living a dreamy lie is better then living the truth, and the body snatching, adding the Latin with the religious themes, and the parts where it got creepy and weird, mixed in with the humor, AND it's got fatties in it?
For real, you're making a one of a kind game here man. You're a seriously talented writer, and you seriously know how to work with RPGmaker (even if it does break sometimes)

Alright, that's enough jerking you off, but great game man, keep at it
Is this astroturfing?
requesting the fnwf 2 demo
no, just me being autistic and trying to be supportive
Anyone got the bug update for SFRPG?
Hey glad you liked it, thanks!
Can't tell if I'm more surprised that the FNWF2 demo hasn't leaked yet, or that the actual game somehow still isn't out yet. Very excited either way, a lot of the footage from day 1 on Youtube looks promising.
no the game is unironically very good. some of Lily's dialogue is... deeply uncomfortable, but it's otherwise well written enough to make you genuinely emotionally invested in the (admittedly convoluted) storyline.

though it might occasionally be rough around the edges, it's absolutely worth playing, and almost certainly the best thing to come out of Weightgaming
I, too, am down bad for SFRPG Expanded but haven't picked up any of the links before they died.
Here’s hoping someone leaks the demo soon, I’m excited for the game.
Anyone figured out a way to crack Vale City Arcade yet? All the methods I've used either require knowledge of the save file location or just flatly do not work, not a programming expert myself but I want to enjoy the art without having to worry about the dogshit gameplay.
you can find it on kemono
>>16910 How bad is the gameplay anon? The last game was somewhat passible in a vacuum but there were tons of anti player bullshit and new game plus was barely even a plus. I had to tinker around in its files to make the game more enjoyable.


Somebullshit is also worth a play.
Quality rpg gameplay experience with fetish content.
Can anyone finally share the demo for five nights with fatties 2? (I've pretty much lost hope but I might as well try again)
(18 KB, Map011.json)
Looks like someone made a cheat mod for Vale City Arcade, giving the player the maximum gold and food items. You just have to overwrite the file with the same name in data to get it to work
not that anon, but it's kinda fucked
fights are longer and you can only attack with belly points actions
eating food takes a whole turn now
and, well, your opponents have unlimited food, while you get very limited money, so good fucking luck
Played with a cheat plugin, and cannot fathom how anyone's able to play on Normal difficulty or higher without losing their mind. As if the game wasn't infuriating enough with how much healing the enemy gets from their food, they can also revive themselves. They will eventually run out of items (on Normal at least), but it will be an annoying war of attrition getting to that point. Even winning the tournament just cuts to black and resets to the next run like nothing special happened (as of v1.06) There's very little story or reason to play the game outside of the art assets, which boil down to preference (never was a big fan of vale city's artstyle)

Best to just pirate the art or unpack the art assets with petshko's decrypter, the game's not worth it.
I even wonder how it is possible to win, not even farther in the game and week 1 kicks your ass, ik some can be like "lol git gud" but it is tough even if you know what to do and are a seasoned RPG player
moving away from the fnwf 2 demo, can anyone share a completed (banquet mode complete, gallary unlocked) save file for the first game? I honestly cant be fucked to put in the effort to beat the game so if anyone could share i'd be thankful
the save file for the first one is tied to your registry for some reason, so i think it's near impossible to save a completed save. I've done some tinkering, and the closest I could work out was editing the registry to makethe continue button start at night 5, and then if you complete night 5 you should get everything else unlocked.
is there anyway to enable a night skip command like CD+?

Just finished the latest version. You got some serious talent. If I were you, I would focus on making a non-fetish related game for mass appeal after you finish this one. You got what it takes to make a game that's worthy of acclaim.
(82 KB, 672x836, 1630184885768.jpg)

To add to this post, the only thing I would suggest is to not become too scatter-brained. Focus on making the writing tight (which you've more or less accomplished already) and don't rush releases. One of the few good benefits that the digital age has brought is that written works, whether games/books/etc./ are allowed to be immortalised and seen by all. You don't want to leave a mediocre product behind for ages to come.

That'll be my last post about it lol. Like I said, you should look into creating something not fetish related. Your game has value regardless, but focusing on creating something that can reach all people would work out well for you, I think.
(6 KB, 423x349, EN_COW4.png)
Can anyone re-up SFRPG Expanded?

I think no one is posting re-ups of SFRPG expanded because the bugfix patch hasn't leaked. I for one don't intend to reupload a broken copy of the game while we wait for the fixed copy to leak.
whatever happened to this guy?
followed his DA months back to keep tabs on how much he was charging for his shit games (and because sometimes he'd have a decent enough premise that became monotonous after 20 or 30 minutes) His Patreon says he's still uploading stuff but unsurprisingly no one has bothered to put his stuff on kemono (can't blame em) but question to anyone insane enough like me to consider subbing to this guy, has he made anything worth it recently or the same old shit?
Can someone post the new release of Worshippers of the Gain?

Is it just me or are there several debilitating bugs in this demo version?

I can't access a menu with escape and have to closeout and restart the game whether I win or lose the level.
It might just be you. I was able to play without bugs.
Well scratch that, the only one i've encountered is where it doesn't say night 2 is completed, despite the fact that I've beat it 3 times.
Does anyone have the new version of Sirmisters game? The kemono page for it isn't updated.
(1.4 MB, 666x878, FNWF2_SpuukiPump2GIF.gif)
Cute. Looking forward to somebody ripping the assets. Lack of popping bums me out, I thought Suki would actually pop you...
Is this the bug fix
Still no word on Five Nights With Fatties 2. Was supposed to come out last month. Hopefully it’s coming out soon
I really wish the fnwf 2 devs weren't so silent about game progress. The last time they spoke about it, they said that it was 97% complete, and that was like 2-3 weeks ago
If your familiar with the shitshow that's the Konosuba project being in development hell, FNWF 2 being delayed 5+ months from its slated October release isn't surprising. Demo felt rough, can only hope there's some needed QoL changes and polish to the final product. God forbid the pixel minigames suck since they're the latest reason for the delays now.
Gamedev is hard guys. Specially when amateur people are working on them. Estimating times is one of the hardest things, specially since this projects are so small they don't even have a producer that takes care of those things and keeps them under control.
If I remember properly, FNWF2 is literally being hold down completely because of some missing spritework.
Holy shit thanks! Even if it's not the bugfix, thanks for re-uploading it
I get that, really I do, all I'm saying is that I wish they gave updates a bit more frequently, dev logs and all that
Might anyone have the recently released Worshipers of the Gain? The demo was pretty good
Why not do it with the demo?
Does anyone has Soulstream Expansive's patreon builds?
Still no word on the release date yet for the sequel. Dr. Black Jack was saying January but there’s been nothing
Best place to find any updates on the game is from Dr. Black Jack's end of month updates on their DA. Basically sums up to medical issues with pixel artist for latest delays. Expect the game to get stealth dropped or another end of month update explaining more delays.

I understand Gamedev is hard, but it's another thing when Dr. Black Jack constantly hypes up new games when they still can't even finish the Konosuba game. Even after this mess with FNWF2, they still intend to do another Halloween game while still working on 3 other games on the side.
Yes indeed. Hype is bad. Positively promoting new projects and not falling into hype is quite hard too. As long as he learns the lesson, and the projects EVENTUALLY get done... I would be happy..
Wasn't the konosuba one canned?
Might as well be if they're gonna bend over for Weightgaming.
Was there a new Forks update? Does anyone have a link?
I mean, it's up for free on the weightgaming forums, so why ask here? It's a tester version and still has placeholder art and some bugs from what I've seen in the thread though, so I'd just wait for the proper version.
They basically caved to peer pressure and released it as soon as they could. Not played it myself but is apparently very buggy and has a lot of placeholders for images.
I'd wait till the full release.

It has virtually no bugs. I tested it extensively. You have to intentionally do something incorrect in order to get bugs.

If you do what tron suggested, like say, play the game and go for the hannah route, it works fine (missing some images of course.)
>133,000 words long and features 10 exclusive illustrations by Saxxon
Wow, 133,000 words to ten images, that's a level of succinct I'm not used to from Saxxon.
Seconding this.
Bug Update on SFRPG leak yet?
Could someone please send the latest update for Grimmic's stuffing rpg. The link on kemono got taken down
You've been begging for this for almost a month. Could have honestly worked for a fucking hour during that time and tossed the dollar needed to get into the patreon to get it.

But I guess mommy and daddy won't let you work yet.

It'll be public soon anyways.
(1.6 MB, 854x480, Test2.webm)
I have no idea what i'm doing
so for those who care aria demo was released a while ago after like a year of development and.... yeah.

I honestly dont know why FoxFire is still sticking with this clown Tron when he writes at such a glacial pace after one whole fuckin year and more. we only got like a handful of scenes in forks and barely anything for aria. Im losing hope lmao.
I will never not be pissed that such a great concept as Forks has been pretty much sidelined by a shitty Furry-esque TF game.

Or the fact that Toro is so busy with both of them that he had to stop his patreon.

that is not correct.

aria is broken and doesn't work, so tron stopped adding what he wrote to the game. presumably his purely written word is longer than the demo. since that's like literally what was said in the release of the demo.



heavily this, i'm heavily sad aria is preventing forks work
I did. Art is unappealing, story is cringe and you're too restricted by the game mechanics.
Kek wtf is this
it still fucking confounds me that they wont just knock out forks out which has almost all of its art assets done and instead are insistent on delaying it as much as possible in favor of the furfag game
That and why the fuck Tramp dev feels the need to focus on his eternal demo is a mystery for the ages
Because its fucking dumb to. If there is an update, the fucking dev will put it out.
Anyway, prohibiting the very possibility of asking how's the project going leaves a lot of room for some machinations. Obviously it has own disadvantages.
Because people get tired of retards like you "Where update?" posting.
please... once more...

like begging for a month?
you have proof
Whats that?
And what's the difference between generic version and this one?
(143 KB, 1280x720, fnwf2___status_update___all_pixel_art_received__by_dr_black_jack_df0jnth-fullview.jpg)
Alright guys we finally got an update of Five Nights With Fatties 2. This is what Dr. Black-Jack said:

First up, I'd like to thank you guys for your patience and support for our game projects so far! Game creation as you know, is a long and arduous process which does take up quite a chunk of time, financial input and polish to make it the best that it can be!

We would like to assure you all that things have fortuantely been smoothing themselves along as we continue forward to round the corner of what we all hope will be a super enjoyable game.

As it stands, we have received all the requested minigame pixel pieces which will combine to make something more than just the flat walking sims that we used in the previous game. We have scattered these pieces through the game with the intention of having you hunt them down in order to unlock them properly, adding to the challenge and replayability of enduring some of the more anxiety invoking shift difficulties.

Shouldn't be too much longer!

Happy hunting!
so if I had to make a guess, we're looking at either a release either next week, or most likely sometime mid to late March
neither of those games are going to be finished, at least at this rate. a small indie dev team deciding halfway through to work on an even bigger game never ends well
Is that from some game?
Darkest Dungeon mod that swaps the townsfolk images.

I mean tron isn't the team's coder, so the fact that aria doesn't run properly and is being abandoned isn't something tron had any control over.

also neither of them were working much on forks, but, the forks release was put out ahead of artwork foxfire wanted to create for it.

tl;dr seems to me like they're all part time and all working super slowly, as such tron's glacial slowness may or may not be slowing any of his teammates down at all.
Anybody have the full version of worshippers of the gain?
Anyone have the Mega rip of the DDLC Special Day assets? I swore it was in this thread but I can't find it.
Damn, that is truly unlucky of them. That is also the bad part about indie/small studios... one man down can paralyze a whole project for days or weeks at a time...
Final update for worshippers of the gain:

How do i open this from android?is it a mega link?drive google link?
How do I use this link?
how do we open this????? its not a clickable link
The new game thread appears to have been deleted for some reason?

probably because there were no games in it. You can't just make a thread with nothing in it, it's a waste of space.

in theory the opening post of a thread is required to have content people might actually be happy to see after clicking the link, otherwise it's a waste of limited space on the chan.
>surviving the end
is there anything more embarrassing on weight gaming that has had actual effort put into it?

>rpgmaker sprites and uncanny daz models mixed together creating a horrid abomination of clashing arforms
which doesnt help the uncanny daz thing, if anything it just makes it stand out more.
>MC is a eyesore
at least its a promotion to spend as little time on the pause screen as possible.
>takes entirely too much dialog before even a crumb of content actual content outside the pinup photo. which isnt even WG its fucking "breasts and ass at a size that anyone normal could get off to"
same with the pinup photo too. what it it with daz artists fearing anything above obese? is it just too hard for them to edit stock models or something?
>restrictive time system that limits what you can do in a day
why? it exists for the sake of existing. your day isnt even tracked.
>looked through the images folder, again on the fearing anything above obese. all images seemingly tied to a story so more or less all of these only appear once.
a disadvantage over regular rpgmaker sprites where they can easily be reused for content throughout the game i suppose
>doesnt even put story images into the pinup menu
no comment needed
>game is hyper railroaded
shoulda just made a visual novel.
>ZERO fat faces
not even chubby. like for fucks sake is he even trying?
>immediately after the crumb of content you are sent to do filler tasks
and i genuinely cant play anymore, ive played every other fucking wg rpgmaker game on that damn site, but this takes the cake for absolute shit. even the unfinished Japanese games that were machine translated were better
Can someone update Sirmisters kemono.party? Please?

I think the fairest critism here is that really this should've just been a ren'py visual novel game, but personally I feel that way about almost all rpgmaker games ever made. rpgmaker games are like fan rpg games from the early 90s. I'm not sure why they're so popular. I'd take daz uncanny valley over rpgmake sprites any day personally.
Any update on the guy? Is he out of the hospital?
any one play the new version of wholehog, if so how is it?
Is basicly like a cut down copy of weighting game. Graphics not as good but has potential specially as weighting game is cancelled

with the way the images are superimposed I'd say it's a less poorly conceived and less poorly written gain of life.

also weighting game isn't cancelled, just in-progress content is cancelled until the game is finished released and sold
Think it’s worth subbing to Patreon then?

I did, and I'd say no, it's absolutely not worth it, wanna know why? Because he released version 1.2 for free for everyone in his forum thread and it is only a month or two older than 1.3. As such if you have more patience than money, just wait a couple months and this version will probably be free to.

I don't regret supporting the game though because it was worth it for me personally. But if you're the kind of person who only comes to bbw-chan to beg for content, and the author of the game is giving away partial versions of their game, why not just go play the free version? Yes it's missing some content, and if you play the free version and love it enough, go support them, otherwise just wait a few months?

Personally this is my preferred method. How do I know something is worth paying for if I don't get to sample it first? And for a cheap 5$ I was more than willing to pay for it after my sample because it seemed fair to me, after I had all the facts.

But if you play 1.2 and don't love it, and don't think it's worth 5$ version 1.3 isn't going to change your mind, it's just more of the same. If you play through 1.2 and you're desperate to play 1.3 just pay for it.

I might be a pirate, but I'm very old, so I still remember shareware.
Is there a list of text games? Mainly about female wg?
>D.I.E.T. demo on weight gaming
>check artist's patreon page through kemono.party
>nothing larger than 300 pounds
what is it with daz artists and fearing anything that could be considered obese?
A) I dont know what planet you're from but here on earth a 300lb woman would definitely be considered obese
B) Its a very early release. Presumably more will be added
C) Ever used Daz? Its shit for large characters
D) Lots of Daz artists still manage to produce large characters even though its shit
hello i have a question
Does anyone know where I can find the "Angry Susan in Tireland game"?

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