
For fucks sake, stop doing this shit. Spamming this dumb autismo crap on alt instead of draw isn't going to save your bad waifu thread.
Fuck off. There's literally nothing more autistic than OP constantly spamming this same exact thread in draw and alt countless times over.

It's not even about whether we 'like' the content of the thread or not, it's the fact that this troglodyte keeps posting this EXACT SAME thread based on some random ass character from an obscure cartoon over and over again, on a site that kills a thread for every new one created.

Getting these dead-on-arrival threads that can't sustain themselves as one-offs is bad enough, but the fact hat this person spams this shit repeatedly as if it's going to magically create more art of this character is even worse. Other threads of actual quality are deleted every single time they do this, it's inherently bad for the site. Don't try to justify or defend this shit.
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You're gettin' pretty heated over a thread on a website about fat chicks. I walk by you fuckers circlejerking the same 5 anime girls over and over again but I don't feel the need to run into said threads and throw a hissy fit. Cry about it.
Look, you're missing my point. /draw/ is a circlejerk of the same shit over and over again but at least the thread topics over there can actually sustain themselves because they're based on popular franchises that artists are always producing new content for. This on the other hand is focusing on a single character from a cartoon that wasn't popular and most people probably don't know of. The amount of fat art out there for this is limited and really only exists because of that one fetish episode. All of the images you've posted here have already been seen on every single iteration of this thread beforehand which proves my point.

It mainly peeves me off though because this has been happening on a large scale across the entire site, multiple times a week people make threads like this based on characters so obscure that they barely clock three replies total but end up nuking other threads with 10x the replies because of how the site works. As a person who frequents this site it's frustrating to see threads that I watch and contribute to be deleted because someone else creates a low-quality thread asking for fat pictures of a background fish from Spongebob or whatever.

I don't think it's wrong to show my ire with this situation, especially when OP in particular has been contributing to this problem for a good couple of months now.
People are getting way too angry about this, but I think I get their point too

Like maybe just have a single thread on here and /draw/ for obscure waifus or something, instead of multiple single-character threads clogging up the board?
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I made the Weight Gain general explicitly for trimming down on zombie threads at the start of 2020 when it was starting to become hard to notice a new one popping up and now, over a year later, /bbwdraw/ has become a full blown zombie apocalypse. The new generation were too influenced by social media retardation that now they can't think of things fitting together under one thread and instead see everything as needing to be segregated into its own specific space.
they’re just fat chicks chill lmao
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I find this Thread nearly pointless but I wondered if she really wanted to go the King-Size Homer route then maybe she could've got help from this guy and this food group chart. Who the hell cares anyway. That episode reminded me of King-Size Homer gaining weight deliberately to obtain a rewarding purpose is very underused. but my post is as pointless as this thread.
This art is amazing. Also why doesn't kemono party work anymore?! It's kind of like Yiff Party and it doesn't work so I can't see this guys patreon work.

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