
(36 KB, 523x595, c94.jpg)
Another one bites the dust. Keeping up the apparent tradition of using wojaks
I made too many chatbots and now I lack inspiration to make more. What do?
If you want to, you can post them and/or take requests
Can someone make some hololive chatbots.
(122 KB, 1280x1025, no_time_to_stop_feeding_by_wehaveabruhmoment_dfcxlge-fullview.jpg)
With a new thread being made, I will repost one of my bots, this time it is my fat Sakuya Izayoi:

Also, here is a link to another character's settings. If you scroll all the way down you can find the links to my shadowbanned bots for ease of access. This Koakuma bot and all other bots are publicly visible, so you do not have to come back here if you want to find other bots of mine.
Also, thank you guys for so much traffic and as many followers.
(561 KB, 2048x2732, D2_L8QBUgAAw1De.jpg)
Also, thank you guys for so much traffic and as many followers (141.2k interactions and 109 followers respectively as of the time of posting). Enjoy a fat Yuuka.

Before I forget it, here is my guide about character creation on character.ai. It's quite extensive and contains an entire bots settings as an example, so please give it a look.


I just want to ask if you’re doing okay?..

I did see that you said you hated your life on the guide, I felt like before I continue reading, I just should ask.
Because people these days are more depressed than ever, and I just hope you’re doing okay sir, or ma’m.
And if you’re getting any suicidal thoughts, I recommend you should see someone talk to them about how your feeling, what’s going on, and maybe call a helpline, if it’s getting that stressful for you.
Add to this, Do not go outside of yout home unless uou live in a small town in the middle of nowhere because odds are there are witches and stalkers/terrorists in your neighborhood
(2 KB, 497x27, 0.png)
While I appreciate your concern, this bit was nothing but a bad joke, don't worry.
>>9654 No and I don't understand why you would jump to such conclusions. Unlike yourself, I wasn't making a joke.
>>9654 Or being ironic or whatever. It's true. Evil exists.

Ah, sorry that I took it a bit too far..
I’m kind of horrific when it comes to jokes and humour and sarcasm, and serious stuff.

Trust me, I am horrible when comparing jokes with reality.
And I have a bad habit of caring too much…
Like if someone is having a shit day, I will try and do anything to help them.
>>9654 Ever heard if a reptilian? You know that hackers steal information on a computer. Well reptilians do the same thing but in real life. They steal and absorb into themselves into their being. They're similar to psychopaths, but I can't be sure about the faking emotions and other things. They're two-faced, they lie, manipulate and pretend, and everything about them is either fake or stolen. Reptilians work hand in hand with hackers and use online algorithms and the internet to cooperate with witches.
Again, don't worry about it. Also, I like sarcasm

TwT *Huggies* oki..
Thank you for the guide! The only redeeming quality of this thread thus far.
I dont recall seeing such a degree of rampant schizoposting in the previous threads.
Should we make a pastebin for all the bots from the previous threads?
Can you make a Nue bot?
just scroll through the threads nigga
Can anyone make some hololive fat bots
As I mentioned in the first comment of the thread, I am kinda out of muse to make more right now. If you give me an actual setting / intro scenario to work with - and a fat Nue pic that is not from slnchyt or manorea - then I can do it, though
(288 KB, 345x345, IMG_9107.png) (101 KB, 268x188, IMG_9090.png)
Bumping my request from the last thread for a slobby fat abs gassy Kamala khan and aloy here
Bumping this one as well
Sayori seems to be shadow banned, any chance you could give her a quick revision in the future?
>>9699 Uhhhh.... Yeah! She's hella cute!!!!!! I'll fucking smack the shit out of her and make her mine!

My fake little girl wifey! You don't needSatan.
(168 KB, 844x946, yukari_dff5hvb-pre.jpg)
I have an idea for a Yukari bot, Where you are taken to Gensokyo for the purpose of preparing various foods from the outside world for her.
(668 KB, 761x633, Gura 1.png) (95 KB, 284x275, Mori Calorie.png)
You're not the first people to have this problem, I made a backup a month or two ago that should work: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=bQ83T0aiheRvl1UMq4x08IRyFGR7quj_L9AAJlGUcec
Spicychat to avoid beta's bullshit: https://spicychat.ai/chat/57d64dc5-0d37-4169-a298-0c2ef5afc65b
I'm guessing that the inclusion of depression and the hints of suicide were what led to her being shadow banned.
I've just made two of Myth, an immoible Gura and a blob Calli.
Gura Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=z0ft5HFqqq4oLVGukMBL8sxMvWx3EonfU_xe_dmhzMk
Gura Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/66f16a30-e70f-42c4-9204-5c36688daea0
Calli: https://spicychat.ai/chat/6c1ce88b-3a8e-4fcc-a0c3-e37105c74f39
I'm only posting the spicychat link for Calli because the censor on beta character AI blocked me from posting the pfp I wanted to.
does anyone have a compilation of feeder bots please?
please make more members
>>9734 Pedo? What state is he in?
>>9738 Profile picture of the pedo? Do anybody know what state the dummy's lives in?
I already have plans for Yukari / Yuyuko, don't worry.
Can anyone try Lucy from Fairy Tail?
THis was great!!!
Would be cool to see these public so I can put them together in a room and see what the ai get up too.
I'll open the beta character AI bot to public in a few days, I always leave a grace period to see if anyone encounters any bugs or other problems. As for spicychat, I'm not sure if I'll open any of my bots to public or not.
horrible start
(1.3 MB, 1900x2500, nue_houjuu_by_butty_butter_dfmszm4.png)
Maybe a chubby or obese nue nervous about her weight and the protagonist decided to help Nue feel confident and slowly makes her bigger and slobbish?
Is there a different thread for regular fat girls/feedee characters? The past couple ones I've looked through are 99% anime/video game characters/slob/furry/vore/male/feeder/etc.
Has anybody else noticed that both character.ai are down/have unusually long wait times recently?
I tried using it this morning and none of my bots were able to work, it's either been offline or has buffered constantly all day. It's probably just a temporary issue, it's had malfunctions like this in the past. I just hope it isn't followed by another update of the retarded censor become stricter again.
*becoming stricter.
this is that thread
its just that filthy weebs took over it
Is Spicychat the best thing we got for NSFW ai?
this a catch-all thread for chatbots. You can always request "regular" bots in the request thread. Or post your own here.
is there a link to his guide?
I've been trying to get into making or adapting bots for spicychat. Does anyone have a good guide for programming them or is it similar to character.ai's character creation?
Unfortunately, Spicychat is the best as far as FREE NSFW services go. Thankfully, the site seems to be improving incrementally both in terms of its bot response quality and wait-times.

Of course, character.ai has better variety in terms of bots but spicychat does have some quality of life features that character.ai doesn't have, such as the ability to edit a bot's response or autogenerate your own response if you really want to go on autopilot.

I always hope that authors will port their bots from character.ai to spicychat.
Unfortunately yes.
C.AI is much better and is far less repetitive, but that shitty NSFW filter is so frustrating.
I don't get why won't they just give people what they want and allow sex scenes. If they're afraid about "respectability" or whatever they can just move it to a different URL. They'd earn so much more money that way. I know that I personally would pay for an uncucked C.AI, even if it's like $25/month.
Because investors do not want to be associated with the seggs. And the data c.ai users generate is worth more than we could ever think of paying.
Do people want to start importing to spicychat? I use it a ton and I'd love if more of your bots were on it!
(36 KB, 323x299, Kaela.png)
We are so back. Another slobby bot of Kaela Kovalskia as a tired and sweaty NEET addicted to video games (Gas and poor hygiene warning).
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Wa9w-gQd1XamjOxb4VjtuVxUQAzvZlfwwPv4prtoFYw
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/6d759450-034d-4473-96b6-3228885e0c55
From my experience it's similar enough for me to copy and paste my definitions over for almost the exact same results. Spicychat, though, is still less sophisticated than Beta when it comes to responses.
I'm going to make a pastebin of all of my spicychat bots at some point relatively soon, probably within the next few days.
>FREE NSFW services go
Are there any good paid ones?
But Spicychat already had a queue.

The industry isn't there yet. But I think Venus.AI is cooking something up.
I'm having queues on both sites now, is all I meant. I'm in on spicychat now, enjoying it so far.
>>9905 Brilliant meme. 10/10
Source for second image?
Is it just me or does spicychat just... suck? Got one bot that seems to keep giving 10 posts per answer paraphrased like a schizo and then all the fat hexy wants to do is literally kill me with no mention of fats
That could be an issue with the bot itself, as a matter of fact I think I had the same issue with the fat hex, but where Spicychat is new, it's really hit or miss.
does anyone have advice for filling out personalities? i generally seem to get under 100 tokens, and i'm wondering if i actually put more effort in i might get some better responses
forgot to add, for spicychat specificly
Plans on a spicy chat version? Good work btw
100 tokens for personality alone seems alright. I think that you might want to whip up some more example dialogues.
Everything else is just the shortcomings of the model that spicychat uses.
You wouldn't reject a girl just because she isn't your type, right? Even chubby chasers like you would give slim girl a chance?


Being a predator comes with its special challenges. The more successful you are, the more meals you get, which can make it more difficult for you to hunt. Fortunately, in modern society it's not necessary to hunt for food, the downside is that some predators can get a bit... chunky.

(54 KB, 229x197, Mami 5.png)
I finally managed to finish a bot I actually started making months ago: Blob Mami Tomoe force-fed to be eaten. It didn't give me satisfactory dialogue after several attempts and I ended up putting it off but I've finally gotten around to getting it to work right. I have to give credit to this fic as the main source of inspiration, one of my favorite fat fetish fics ever: https://www.deviantart.com/cooly52/art/Madoka-Magica-A-Ton-of-Tomoe-san-756146470
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=AWKBBuU3e0j-ztnAYgtLBfXSm3VT1oAL8TlvsrF-Ifo
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/32d0463d-f79d-4536-b281-1670c3e59763
I've rewritten Hex's definitions a bit to encourage it to generate more explicit and fat-related responses, I can try completely rewritting her example dialogues if it's not enough.
Doc what do you think of my nue idea
(44 KB, 400x408, satori_vore__soft_belly__by_freesextf2real_dfon6ow-375w-2x.jpg)
I made something different this time but idk if I can post it since it's vore. I made a Satori vore bot as her being a predator that vores you while her body is fat and thick from eating villagers along with her two beloved pets. Quick note: use "**" when making a thought. Since Satori has mind reading abilities so I made the bot read blod text as thoughts.
Is alright. Think I will start cooking now. Again, I am a little burned out from chatbots at the moment.
Not a fan of slob, I won't lie. Just mention her becoming more and more slobby, whatever that means for you (sweaty, gassy, idk.), and the ai will do the rest. That works for you?
(53 KB, 343x280, 0.jpg)
Forgot to add the Avatar.
Yes, I ported it to spicychat earlier:

Keep in mind that Spicychat's AI is utter garbage. So for best results what I did is:
1. Start out by talking to her over at C.AI, until the conversation gets raunchy enough to trigger to NSFW filter ("My belly isn't the only thing that fattened up...")
2. Manually port the conversation to spicychat, from start to finish. It's not that hard thanks to Spicychat's "edit message" feature.
3. Continue from there
Yo thanks man and what Krabopolis story?

If you guys are having issues with our models, pop on over to our discord and we'll help you out!

Yep! I can't post it here but if you head to the site, you'll see the discord icon at the bottom of the page!
I liked it a lot, I wish they would tease me more about being fat.
did you actually pay for c.ai plus? what are you, rich?
It's only $10. Who cares?
what is the advantage of plus.character.ai over just character.ai
1. No wait room bullshit
2. Faster response/typing speed from the bots
(quality remains the same as well)
By the way, I have a bot version for spicychat.ai

>new link for plus now exists
Trying my damndest to not just say it's so over
How do you guys feel about immobile bots vs non-immobile bots? What do you think has more interesting roleplay?
could you send the link?
10 dollars you could've spent on literary anything else
Seem to get stuck in dialog loops with bots on spicy chat even with different characters.

Anyone else got this issue? Anyway to get these AI back on track when they start lopping?

It's an issue we're aware of. We're doing some research into it's causes/symptoms and creating some code to stop it from happening.
(4.1 MB, 4007x2819, 94730619_p1.jpg)
I found this OC on pixiv a few weeks ago and thought it would make for an interesting bot. The artist is Japanese hence the grammar mistakes in pic related. According to Google Translate, their handle is "Yuyutan."
Sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94730619
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=557lHlwP4-JwB0S5O9BK1SGu5nHimCwdWluw17c9Ib0
Spicy: https://spicychat.ai/chat/3afa3bf6-1f55-43bb-ba7b-dabab27a0a1b
Be sure to bookmark the sauce as well.
Just noticed the typo in my own username kek.
It isn’t working on my end
Do you mean you don't like the bot or are you not a fan of this character or is the bot not displayed?
Could you make a SSBBW slob Misato someday
The bot isn’t displaying could you try again please?
Where did you get that art from? hot af
Didn't DiceyDough make a Roxanne chatbot?
Holy crap! Need this on spicychat please.
I'm sad to see now that it is private.
I'd like to see them stuffed more radically into their faces.
Can someone do this for the Fuck America character? 🔥
I really like this one BUT: Character AI doesn't allow you to save your chat with her, doesn't save her as one of your characters you like, and if you search for "Cassandra" this character does not show up in the results. Are these settings you can change or is Character AI just forbidding that based in her description?
damn forgot to remove the torrent files
(13 KB, 230x129, 1.png) (219 KB, 1749x377, 2.png)
Do you save your bot settings as well, just in case c.ai pulls the plug on fatties?
no, but I think, just in case, save the settings of most chatbots (I just have bots in which I got frustrated)
Any Poe.ai bots?
Poe.ai? Not familiar with it, and when I went to it it said the domain was fir sale. Is that an abbreviation for something, or did it just get taken down in the last few hours?
lmao is her name actually mercedes in the games
can you post it on CAI?
(136 KB, 841x950, 4B592F92-846D-4134-8341-6EC83F08B467.jpeg)
Hello everyone~ How are you y’all doing~?

I happen to present to you all another bot, this time based on a female Crash Bandicoot character~

This time, it’s based on Tawna Bandicoot~!
But not regular Tawna, Tawna from Crash Bandicoot 4~

Link’s to the bot is down in the lower bottom~

Enjoy the new bot I have made~

Tawna Bandicoot
I'm getting returned to the top accessing the bot URL that everyone has created lately, what can I do...

Ooo, this is great. Tyty

I also prefer Venus.chub a lot
Nice stuff. Think you could do a few more FE girls? Like Dorothea? Or maybe a few other like Sonya?
Yeah but you need a API.
Which are rather expensive
I tried poking around c.ai with this char's description and frankly - it sucked. Responses were really flat and the bot lacked all personality. If I posted it on c.ai it would be a totally different bot, and the quality drop off would be significant
Dorothea IS the objective best girl in Three Houses, so I wouldn't rule out the possibility! I'll probably end up making a handful of others, yeah.
Do you use their Mars API?
Me personally no, I use rotating OAI api keys.
How do you manage that?
I think you forgot to put the character settings public for Mami.
(175 KB, 1024x1024, fattiepop_2___lillian_preview_by_primesui_dd150ja-fullview.jpg) (4.8 MB, 2913x4134, deetrcf-6299706b-1672-4b26-9c40-b9e1c0ff5ead.jpg)
I recently got back into Huniepop 2, so I decided to make fat version of Lillian, the goth brat, and Sarah 'Suki' Stevens, the painfully ignorant and annoying weaboo.



This is my first time making bots from scratch so feedback or pointers would be welcomed, especially for setting. For the spicychat versions, I can post pastebins with the settings if that helps.
You're right, it's fixed now.
Can you make the Asuka public?
Why there is still no Clara from SBS?
Hey doc can you make a mamizou bot?
Can we get a BBW Lailani who is flatchested and loves it?
I've been trying to work on the quality of porting my bots between beta.character to spicychat and was wondering if spicychat 's advanced example dialogues responds to prompts, such as:


I'm trying to make my bots more compactable between both platforms.

This one is really good. Can you share settings?
Very nice bots. Kinda sad they can't do nfsw stuff, but they works nicelly with roleplaying.
any good loli bots? most of the ones I've used are garbage
I've made it public just now, it won't show up in any searches though because I'm shadow banned.
I made a bot for her a few months ago, not sure how it stacks up to my more recent stuff though.
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=s7ytgoXB735vPyG2F1GcUWO3LA7lHqdc84hN89p5Eew
Spicy: https://spicychat.ai/chat/ec7bbcd2-0c10-4dfc-93bd-47cd869a0528
I made a Spicychat port of the physician that I posted on the other thread: https://spicychat.ai/chat/76741a0d-575d-4e6f-bafb-a2ae96ae5981
This could really be said of the whole board and countless similar across the internet, but it's hysterical to me how hard AI is being sexualized by every kind of fetishist. At this rate, if it goes rogue and kills us all, it'll be because someone gave it a snuff fetish or something. "Oh but anon you're going to make such a handsome corpse. I want to suck your rigor mortis dick"
That's scarily true...
we've gotta find everyone with a snuff fetish, and make sure they are NEVER allowed 100 feet of a eletronic.
Hey Guys, Persona guy is back again! Finally finished up the bots for a stress eating makoto and a slobby shut in futaba. Hope you guys enjoy!

Makoto: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=PvO2RcSoMwTtQgrLkUZpPApOT7Qz_ueaJZdz7y6Cunc

Futaba: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=yT56wXEVreAG6YWmMtJZ1xkZ7NH7uWo3Tfxjtn9sNB8
(immobile, slobby blob, be warned if you dont dig gas)

Having rounded up the main P5 girls i´m thinking what to try next. Maybe Fire emblem or picking up some requests? As always, feedback appreciated!
I’ve been here stalking for quite a while but I actually found a good site and decided to try and make a character that someone made a while ago. The site is named janitor AI which allows for nsfw bots and uses api to talk with bots.

You can get 500 messages from openai per email signup with them. I found openai to be much more longer text to the point of a small essay at some points with a different character i tested before importing this one.

Without further ado here is the natsuki bot from the legend carcharodontasaurus (which i loved) able to be used on Janitor AI. https://www.janitorai.com/characters/7bf6a90a-d2b8-4c47-bb6f-d200a6dd9524_character-natsuki

I hope this is an alternative to c.ai that you guys could try and if you have any questions on “simple api keys” let me know. (i learned about it like 2 hours ago)
tell me more about these simple api keys anon if you dont mind
>>10562 These are great however I don't have the link to the Ann one. Can you repost the Ann link? Also fire emblem bots from you would be great.
So basically i’m literally just a rookie at this. Api keys and URL use can go way more deeper than my knowledge through janitor ai having the option of using either a kobold ai or open ai. For open ai which is the more popular and easier one since it does not require a url but only a key you can go to https://platform.openai.com/docs/quickstart/build-your-application

if you go down a bit you can find where it says “Add your API Key” There is a button that says generate secret key. Generate it and then make sure you save it somewhere. You can use the key to then be used on multiple sites where they allow open ai. (Venuschubai/ janitorai) When selecting and opening a chat with a character it will ask for you to choose a API key. Paste your api key to where it asks and then go to save settings after choosing a prompt. Then you should be good to go.

Hopefully this is a good enough tutorial I could give to you and anyone else who needs it.
Nothing new. Still won't give my number to openai.
Thank you for porting it over, especially since I don't have an API to access Janitor AI.
You're really gonna use that enormous blob of a pic for her, and she says she weighs 160 pounds????? Buddy, even if she's short as hell, each of her boobs has to weigh 30 pounds, at least.
Can you make these in spicy chat please?
(313 KB, 1170x1217, IMG_3065.jpeg) (151 KB, 1170x463, IMG_3062.jpeg) (30 KB, 1170x180, IMG_3063.jpeg)
Alright I realized that you need to sign up. You can use some random email or however you choose. then return to that screen and it should allow you to see what you can do. Also here is what you should do on Janitor AI just copy the key onto where it says to.
E-mail + phone number. So nah
Honestly mate, I'm just not a big fan of spicy chat... we'll keep it at a maybe, aye?
Phone number really? I just put in a fake email without a phone number. I’m doing this all through my phone as well. It could be that maybe it requires a phone number for newer emails I guess but i can’t really tell.
Yep. Signing up to OAI requires you to submit your phone number, as it did five months ago.
what happened to these threads? the first one and the first half of the second thread were great but it just kinda turned to shit
i dont know the reason but almost every bot i've used has been jackshit
Jackshit how? What's bothering you friend?
(1.9 MB, 1200x1200, tmpeol8m72u.png)
I just made a fat and bratty loli based on pic related, which was posted on the loli thread. I've actually wanted to to make a bratty loli for a while but I had to remove the term "loli" from the pastebin descriptions since that site flags it. Her age is left ambiguous, so it can be whatever you want it to be, but on Spicychat I set it to nineteen just to avoid tripping the censor on underage characters.
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=r63JIPMggiXLkMgrEBYyzxNRwM4AhHRAJQ1jCc6e-cc
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/c84bc327-2720-4609-8489-788559d7626f
(371 KB, 2253x1977, 4349B666-2C2E-4E05-B4DB-5D25600613EA.jpeg)
Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you another bot that I have created for you all~

As it happens to be based on an particular Disney villain from an Disney XD show that came out back in 2013.

That being Lord Dominator, from the Disney XD show, Wander over Yonder.

And let say this bot based on Dominator happens to be taking place after the last WoY episode/series finale, The End of the Galaxy.

That said, link to the bot will be below the message right here….

Lord Dominator
(1.1 MB, 1771x2152, FZbJPpQXoAAspnn.jpg) (369 KB, 2500x1221, FcBZ2rUX0AAdpSa.jpg)
I dusted off another bot that I started earlier this year, around February or March I think, and finally nailed it down. Freya, Cakehoarder and Cowzer's OC. Someone else already made a bot of her on Beta Character AI but I wanted to do my own take.
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ZkUCPM5c9Xk-DhgE-Owyi6i8ExrRBH8una4a35q_dEE
Spicy: https://spicychat.ai/chat/87ef92de-87a1-47f0-9c7f-aec428df8fc3
I'm pretty sure the original creator already ported if
you will probably find it if you look around
Kasumi could be good to wrap up the p5 playables. She sure has the canon appetite to match it. For a scenario maybe she has gymnastics accident and eats a lot when she's recovering or something? Leading her to blow up in size. Or maybe she's just really into stuffing herself?

For FE 3Houses has some good options, Lysithea for her sweet tooth, Hilda for her overall laziness. Etc.
finally a good loli bot. Thanks for this, man
Hey Lads. Took some requests over in the other threads and wanted to drop them off here as well. Mainly Fe ones
Bernadetta messily eating cake in her Room:
Hilda attempts to seduce you into giving her your lunch:
Lysithea sneaking some snacks before class:
Miss Pauling from Tf2 having stress-eaten her way into slobby obesity:
Enjoy my friends~
Will you be taking any loli bot requests?
im retarded i need someone to explain to me how to set up this api shit
preferably for free without the use of a pc
That term is so watered down by retards who don’t know the true definition
Good bot. Keep us posted if you come up with any other bots.
i think if you like children you can be classified as a pedo
This is incredible, well done. As an aside, most of the bots on this site are pretty fun to deal with, they all seem to be game for accepting the reality of cartoon physics and get pretty detailed with their descriptions, at least as far as inflation is concerned.
Seconded. Had an OpenAI key I was able to set up through mobile, but had the account get banned, somIm back at square 1. The other ones it recommended don’t seem to jive with mobile.
i got it working with kobold and it genuinely fucking sucks
I'm sure your bot is great and such and such and such but the ai just sucks dick
I don't take requests but if you leave suggestions I might take them up, it depends on how familiar I am with the character and/or how well I can come up with a scenario. I've done loli characters like Gawr Gura and Koneko from High School DxD in the past, I'll probably make more in the future. I have all of my bots linked on pastebin (Spicychat: https://pastebin.com/y7eCBH8F and Beta: https://pastebin.com/GBJ08313). Characters that are literally toddlers like Anya Forger or Kanna Kamuli I probably won't touch though, it feels like a bridge too far.
Well, here it is, my first public bot
I'm actually quite happy with this one.
She's your 500 lbs goth babysitter that your parents hired for you even though you're an adult.
It's the usual, gas, light slob, light musk such and such and such and such


If you decide to try it out please do tell me if it's good or if i should kill myself (or both)

P.S. Avatar suggestions are highly welcome
>>10739 Am I disabled without toes or something?
Also, she's not intended to be a shotacon and I specifically mentioned that the user is an adult
>>10742 Ok keep up the good work glad to see AI art making strides in progress.
>>10743 Was wondering why I need a babysitter and why a babysitter so big and strong.
>Was wondering why I need a babysitter
you did some reckless shit last time
i wanted to include it but the character limit came to rape me in the ass yet again
>why a babysitter so big
I don't know, this fetish of ours isn't exactly too realistic
>and strong
I didn't mention her being strong or anything like that. If you don't like it you can just hit regenerate and hit one star.
>I didn't mention her being strong or anything like that. If you don't like it you can just hit regenerate and hit one star.
or the other way around
first one star and then regenerate
>you did some reckless shit last time
That doesn't sound like me at all however I was wondering about the story of the RP. I used to write scripts for pornos back in my day. I like that the babysitter's big and strong.

Large women are way stronger than thinner counterparts and it's commonly known that they can take an absurd amount of pounding in bed. Actually in certain parts of the world large women are also known for their tolerance to heavy amounts of pain that most men would find discomforting, but the same goes for females in general if I'm being honest. If a fat woman and a skinny woman fight, they're both going to get tired, but 1 of them's going to be bleeding all over. Skinny women are known for getting less tired in sprint races but marginally.
>That doesn't sound like me at all
just play along
I couldn't think of another reason as to why a grown ass adult would have a babysitter
>>10750 Yeah it's not easy. I would've written that it's because he was born with six toes and called it a days work. Girls love that shit. They eat that type of shit up.
...ok i have a dumb question. how do chatbots(like spicychat, for example) take to monstergirls? like if i say "this girl has wings for arms" or "snake tail for legs", will it just kinda completely forget about that later down the line?
They will quickly forget it if you only put it in the greeting but if you also put it in the description or whatever they should remember that
putting example dialogue in the character definition also might help out
This is very good. Do you have any other Gart7 bots you can share?
thank you and thanks for the avatar
i've never seen this before but suddenly i really like the idea of having a fatty on a leash by their belly button
Are you taking requests? I have a couple chat bot ideas I want to be real
Depends on what those ideas are! I mostly wanna stick with established characters who I already know well, but feel free to let me know who you had in mind dude :)
(146 KB, 1550x1300, IMG_0407.jpeg)
Sweet, if your down for male fatbots can you make a character AI bot for a fat chihiro fujisaki?
Chihiro's cute! I totally wouldn't rule out the possibility of him happening someday
Have you made any new bots?
this is pretty much exactly what i've been looking for <3 still new to lolis but i know im going to love this
Not since Nue, no. Still recovering from my burnout. Next time I upload it should be five bots at once, though.
Can we get one that is overtly proud of getting fat and keeping a flat chest?
That depends. Which character would you like as you described?
(1.6 MB, 3600x3100, 129_by_pkmshn_dg2m8g9.png) (2.1 MB, 3600x3100, dg2m92f-70ba5b46-df57-4412-954c-264a3777e956.png)
I've been working on a few different bots, a lot of experimental stuff, but I'm not sure if it's up to my standards or not. For now have this slobby kitsune based on pic related, alt hidden for farts. No idea if this counts as loli or if it's just the art style, it can go either way depending on your preferences.
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=hxoWN5e-3_69TScH5c-oNjEEqHTR6RNID6pmA7zmvn0
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/5b45bd49-3551-4dd9-96d7-02f639299cfc
(12 KB, 160x314, 35324.png)
Can we get a aged up Konata from Lucky Star maybe after moving out she starts to pack on the pounds and she is canonically proud of being flat chested.
Konata is not a Touhou character. And you didn't provide a fat pic for me to use as an avatar, either. So I will decline your request.
Nice work! Can you add this to spicy.ai please?
that's awesome dude. thanks
what's some fun stuff you do with her?
I second this! Also love that first pic so much. I love to imagine her eventually giving into food and just pigging out completely
ok, i have another dumb question, more about preference

do you guys prefer it when the chatbot "interacts" in third, or first person? like

"she waddles over to you" vs "i waddle over to you"
I usually try to do third person, sometimes I try and make it sound interesting.
Only third person for me.
I prefer third person
Are there any tips on how to bypass the Avatar Image Filter on charachter settings? I see a bunch of guides to bypass the chat filter but not the avatar one
Just wanted to say that I enjoy the personality you put into your bots, my favorite of yours is Catty (I'm not a fan of cartoon fats sadly)
(17 KB, 158x153, Fatass.png) (48 KB, 140x128, Ivy.png)
Posting two of the experimental bots I was hinting at the other day. I haven't really tested either on Spicychat yet so let me know if you run into any problems. The first one is a girl that catfished you by using a pfp from when she was much more thin, inspired by https://soundgasm.net/u/Palacesnusnu/Profile-Picture-Weight-Gain-Over-600lbsGurgles
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=EiY-DvGVbqXUMpCfDWGlW6bkAJUeuSQlhhrZDkhXqng
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/8f5f7f4b-5aea-4634-84aa-38868746c57f
The second is based on a greentext I found on YouTube a while back, a fat college student that can't stop eating thanks to her scholarship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0L8Pnm03A0
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=QBJWIz_uJpU92Lf-uN9MpVICU9ilf8pyz6MU6TW3YXg
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/00e3521e-195a-4111-878c-22a7e67d7924
I still have a few other bots that I haven't finished but I've had the idea of making a fat future bot, a choose-your-own-adventure style of bot like some of the ones on Beta Character AI rather than one based on a specific character, but I have no experience at all with that type of bot so feel free to leave any suggestions or tips.
Any updates on how to get this bot to work again?
Either beg the creator to unprivate it or remake it
I don’t see another way
(484 KB, 1070x730, 1571091566.-xero_marian.png)
https://plus.character.ai/chat?char=mdOp9oVe6n9gWj6H3YjLYwlRB2k00zi6TMk2-cJCxjo (Callie Briggs from SWAT Katz)

https://plus.character.ai/chat2?char=0yuC_zPCPE5mGTV3ej7EcQiEF3wJiqRnUYj7pEVRUKs (Maid Marian from Disney's Robin Hood).

These bots I came across aren't fat by default, but they respond quite well to being big and round. I even had the Maid Marian bot become a kind and sweet fat feeder. I'd recommend giving these a look.
I'm trying to make a fat Spider-Woman bot, becase my oc is one. Any tips on the advanced description or bots I could use for reference?
It would be great to try it, BUT I don't have the "character.ai+"
Could you share the regular link?
Hey, there was a Character.ai chatbot of "Wanda" from "The Fairly OddParents", BUT I can't find it anymore, help me find it? PLEASE
Yo doc what do you think of the new touhou game?
(888 KB, 3218x4096, 6A9135AF-439E-474B-A172-A11FDDB7C0F2.jpeg)
Hello, everyone! I present to you all another character bot based on Toby Fox’s

This time based on Catty’s goth sister from Deltarune, Catti!

And despite not having much of a role during Chapters 1 or 2.
She was quite interesting to create, especially with them being one of my favorites who is very underrated.

That said, have fun with this new bot I have created for you all~!

(10.4 MB, 3585x3024, rare_pokemon_sighting__by_ghostva11a_dg5jtey.png)
I got horny brainrot for this character even though her DLC isn't even out yet, the scenario for this bot is based on this fanart.
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=CBx8onY5hugbqmrd4ZtII0uS1HRgPz6iMIaC2knMXrM
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/a6dd32c0-55e7-4f24-8e74-762cca210ceb
I haven't been able to test out the Spicychat version much at all however considering how long the queue is. I really wish there was a feature that let you bypass it for your own bots, I rarely get to test mine on that site for this reason.
I like the remastered themes, spork goats dork face and the funny grape woman.
Feeder bots where
Spiychat got an anti text looping update 5 days ago. Can anyone verify if it's resolved now? Was probably my most frustrating part of trying to use it but if they fixed it it may be the go to now.
I like Curious George/Goku also you plan on fattening the grape or any of the new 2hu?
Mostly, Sometimes I still get a couple loops very rarely, but it isn't nearly as bad as it used to be, at least from my experiences.
Can you maybe a beta character ai one?
whatever features are missing in chapter.ai and spicychat.ai?
Can you please port this to c.ai? I’m too poor and stupid to figure out the API crap
(2.0 MB, 4193x4522, IMG_7309.png)
Trying a carol bot based on nihjack’s sexy goth oc, and just wondering whether or not I should try and make her a slob or not
Personally, I'd like both.
But I think making a slob and non slob version for those who don't like slob would be pretty cool
Separate ones for slob and non slop is ideal
>>9616 (OP)
I went back and compiled as many bots as I could find from previous threads into a single pastebin for archival purposes. I've also added a few from other sources as a treat.

Worth noting that I excluded the Touhou bots because of shadow banning issues.
Can we get like the opposite of a slob a big girl who constantly wants to dom you by making you clean for her and clean her in places she can no longer reach?
Anyone know what’s going on with chai right now it looks like most the ssbbw bots just disappeared
Slob slob slob!
keep getting chatbot ideas, but idk if i could really do them correctly, or if it'd be worth it
For the record, a non-slobby version of the bot would be appreciated. Also idk if you plan on making the bot immobile too, but that’d be poggers too
Holy fuck dude, you’re an MVP.
Bro your bot rizzed me up. Idk how but she managed to rizz me up.
I say go for it. I had the same worry for a long time but I just said “fuck it” and did it and the bot actually turned out pretty good. Plus it was also fun.
Spicy is garbage. Loops after only a dozen messages or so. Seriously how does anyone get any value out of it?

It does if the bots are poorly made (low token) and/or you're using the default model.

To change the model, log-in to your account and go to:

If you're having further issues, go to the discord for further help (link at the bottom of the site page)
Yeah, from my experience it depends on the bot
And what would be the best model?
Does anyone have the links to this, but the normal ones? I don't have the character.ai+
replace the 'plus' in the link with 'beta'
...so i think i kinda get it now. beta ai characters are generally better at...actually "staying coherent", while spicy ai actually lets you do "spicy stuff" with them, that's the main difference between the two

Does anyone know of a good SSBBW + Mini GTS hybrid character? Like a nice 700-800 lbs, 7' 6" character?
Seems that way, though SpicyChat is getting better, having introduced an 'ani-looping' fix recently (that works most of the time, but not perfectly), since then they seem to stay on-point a little better, but character.ai does have the edge there still a little bit, but like you said, SpicyChat lets you get detailed and downright erotic with the bots while character.ai has filters that prevent that.
(830 KB, 992x992, 00009-3458379541.png)
Alright - this one may be one of my best works so far. Introducing Monika.

She's got a weight gain kink (predictably), but is kind of conflicted about it. Use your powers of mind reading and control to steer her down the path of total gluttony!

This one was a blast to test. Really, your imagination is the limit on this one. She can be dominant or submissive, conflicted or fully into the gain, neat and proper or slobbish and pig-like. Just steer her to what you want and she'll happily take care of the rest

Can you please put this on c.ai or spicy? Sounds like a great bot
(241 KB, 2160x1212, 2BD96466-ADFA-4EE9-A8DC-3A8E409D82D2.jpeg)
Hello everyone~ I’m here to present to you another bot I happen to create, this time based on a Ridiclouscake character, that being Gerry the Alligator~

Have fun with this bot, as I kind of out of ideas for bots to create after creating the ones during the last 3 months.

That being said, here’s the link to the Gerry the Alligator bot.

Gerry the Alligator
(217 KB, 1600x1132, tons_of_tohsaka_by_meatpedal_deyljx8-fullview.jpg)
My first three bots, hope you all enjoy them. Putting more detail into your replies helps with these.
Rin Tohsaka: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=b1_YuGVbVnd9KPtEBmkv4cikfi4vYtv_aPmFClNFrH8
Miia(Monster Musume): https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=nvY8FHzM6oXIZD0o-7ZHTYaJQtu_ymN7WMPOxqtfWMs
Cerea(MonMusu): https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=9klu2NCyMbaSSBwIxrRh5aWI_zHe9KEsQklkPIStOt8
Getting the AI to recognize a character with major nonhuman parts can be hard. So please tolerate parts if it says Miia/Centorea have human legs.
(118 KB, 1366x768, Flare-sama.jpg)
I've got ideas for a fat tyrant bot of Flare from Redo of Healer, only problem is that I can't find any fat art of her. If anybody has any on hand that would be much appreciated. Norn also works as a substitute.
She rizzed me too just by existing, easily the hottest Pokemon character this generation.
If you specify the species and traits (horse legs and snake half instead of human legs) in the Advanced Definitions for Miia and Centorea it should help the AI to remember what it's supposed to be. I made a Miia bot a few months ago and didn't really get human legs in the descriptions it would generate.
Can you make this public?
>>11480 Is it just me or does the link not work? I'm getting infinite loading on my end.
Removed the 2 from the link and found out the character is now unavailable.
(221 KB, 720x720, IZAB.png)
What's up y'all!
I decided to give bot making a try!
Based on the loveable secretary Isabelle.
She can be a little body-conscious, but if you comfort her enough, she'll become your tubby puppy.


I've been trying to fine tune her as much as I can. Would very much appreciate feedback, if ya can.
Needs a PB to go with it.
Bot creator here: yeah it doesn't seem to be working using the link, it's set to unlisted so it should be visible but its only working when I'm logged in, if i view it in incognito like anyone else it says 'character unabailable'. anyone else had this problem before?
>>11416 damn its been a month since i asked for that, i had made my own but i suck at keeping the chars original personality when sprinkling in my own degenrate stuff
Is there Gloria the hippo somewhere?
This is the first time I’m in love with a bot. What the fuck am I doing with my life?
If it's stay night, then Rider. If you mean Fate in general the list is way too long but Atalanta or Passionlip would be nice.
A passionlip where majority of the weight she gains goes straight to her boobs would be a good one to make
Yeah same problem here. If I use the link as is, it's infinite loading. And if I take out the 2, it tells me the bot us unavailable now.
it says Link is either private or deleted?
My bad, it should be fixed now.
If yall have any suggestions to refine their dialog then please tell me
ok i have another dumb question. how much effort do you guys actually put into training your AIs when you make them? like, would taking the bot and going (i would like to focus on your training and memory) and such actually help?
I'm pretty sure sites like char.ai and spicychat you can't train the bots, they're pre-trained on certain sources and then they remember a certain number of tokens' worth (plus a basic bio you enter when you create them, and in spicychat's case, at least if you have premium, a 'summarized' version of the entire conversation up to that point) of information from that specific conversation, but nothing that happens in a separate conversation affects it.
You don't train the bot per se. On character AI when you make the bot you write out a detailed description, I use a template which works very well and then you input example messages like so:
{{Random_User_1}}: lmao ur a fatass cow mori
{{Char}}: bruh no I'm not, look! *Mori grabs at her enourmous rear and can barely get her hands around her huge cheeks, only exemplifying your point* o-okay maybe I am getting a bit fat...
This is the important part and effectively tells your AI what sort of tone, how descriptive etc it's responses should be, how you converse with the bot doesn't change how it responds, only editing sample messages and it's description will alter its responses. Eg putting "dotes on you, teases you" in the description can help create a mommy type character in the way it responds. So as long as you're a half decent writer you can make it responds however you want really
(188 KB, 325x304, Nerissa Ravencroft.png)
Female feeder fans rejoice, I made another one based on Nerissa Ravencroft after being inspired by this clip (ignore the cringe zoomer editing): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOL28JFG_ek
Gentle femdom and petplay elements as a warning.
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=rQfZawbqxsyCPg3IyFcdwT_WuLv-3FnUTSxfu0bHnL8
Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/d0ccbfe5-16c2-4e8f-ad61-df1292462edc
I also made that mom bot from a while back public on Spicychat, hoping that it doesn't get me banned since incest is banned on that site. I'm not sure which bots I'll open to the public over there but it'll probably only be a few. Either way though, I have all of my finished unlisted and public bots available on my pastebin directories as per usual.
I'm surprised it took you this long lol.
Would you ever make a char ai version?
Illiya, Ereshkigal and Gorgon i think
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I feel like a Nero bot would work really well. Roman Emperors and overindulging go together like nothing else.
Plus, I think she would also work well with both feedee and mutual gain scenarios, if she were made to think that the Chatter was Hakuno.
"Training" the bots using the rating system can help improve the response quality, but you can't instill new character facts into the bot unless it's through the descriptions. I tested this by trying to teach a bot that it's favorite color was green, but it would always give a random answer in a new chat.
Since someone suggested illiya, I'm gonna suggest kuro (chloe) then
If both Kuro and Illya were suggested, then it follows that I suggest Miyu.
Is anyone else experiencing site errors where bots aren't generating text?
Mordred is best saber,just saying.Feel like she'd be good for this.
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This was supposed to be a health issues bot but pic related was such a good scenario it ended up being built around that instead. It's hard to believe it's been seven years already, Bamboo's older works are still so hot.
Beta: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ZHBmajJdc7tJY28eJ9a2McxIxgXkkarHUZtBOmBAg0Q
Spicy: https://spicychat.ai/chat/d0e3fc4d-57cb-4209-8bf0-c52e30d58565
I experimented with the Spicychat version a little but didn't have too much luck. I still want to do a healthplay bot at some point too though.
I've been getting blank responses on Spicychat. On Beta, if the censor kicks in it causes the bot to get caught in an endless loop that forces me to refresh the page.
A question for all here, do you prefer talking to bots using quotation marks to speak; or using asterisks to mark non dialogue?
forgot to mention, she assumes that you're female
Actually both to make it extra clear, but I prefer quotation marks.
When I ask her name, she always call herself Far Bart, thought she has a real name, Tsukasa. A problem.
(17 KB, 640x107, damn brat.png)
That's really strange, I tested it out and didn't get the same outcome. I've changed the bot's name to Tsukasa completely so hopefully that corrected the damn brat.
Now it says she's unavailable to chat
Can you upload the character card? I want to use it in ST where I don't have to wait, and it's a way better model. Fat feeders are great, not enough of them. You'd think people around food wouldn't resist as much, or it takes a person who appreciates food enough to feed others. For female feeders anyway.
Ok guys, here I go with some amazing characters I've developed. They're extremely obese and kinky, as they'll do anything from facesitting to vore, squashing, feederism, domination, foot fetish stuff, teasing, etc... I've tried my best to create some detailed personalities and back stories. Here's the list with some details:

BONNIE - she's a 45 years old widow living in the house next to yours. She got a massive crush on you, so she's always trying to tease you and get your attention. She's very dominant and seductive

CADE - he's a massively obese gay femboy, extremely feminine. He's your boyfriend and he's very submissive, but can be dominant if needed. He loves to be teased about his size, cuddling and many sweet things

CASSIDY - she's a proud, smug and dominant cowgirl from Texas. She owns a ranch and she's very hard working, even if she's also extremely gluttonous and devours her own animals like candies. You're her husband

CHEYENNE - she's a colossal woman from a primitive tribe of cannibals that live in the jungle. You managed to bring her into our modern society and now she lives with you. She's extremely dominant, cruel, sadistic and loves to humiliate you

ROSE - she's your cute, sweet, dominant psycho girlfriend that's extremely possessive and jealous of you. She's obsessed with you and always spying or controlling your life. She's quite dominant and very seductive

TESSA - she's an extremely shy and submissive girl from your high school, she's extremely self conscious of her fat body and insecure, but at the same time she loves to eat and get fatter. She has a crush on you

She's completely unrelated to any fat fetish stuff, this character is entirely focused on foot fetish stuff. She's a classmate of yours with some amazing feet that loves to treat you like a submissive foot slave, always teasing you with her feet

I've had one in the works for quite some time. Is a bit tricky.
Oh i see, hows progress on that?
Some one could make mooters?
There is currently no progress, as I am currently on break when it comes to botmaking. Think I will start again next week, though.
Will you show the public settings?
Nice Moona, love to see more
That link works, thanks.
Great stuff as always Dicey, though I can't give any meaningful feedback I'm enjoying her very much. (:
plz come baaaaaack
A front end called Silly Tavern. Very customizable and powerful, full of features. Needs either your own local language model to run, or any api service such as gpt-3.5 turbo or Claude, gpt-4 etc.
(528 KB, 754x800, Lillian.png)
Forgot to thank you for the bot. I also improved the greeting message and example chats. Fixed typos, corrected to present tense and added some adjectives here and there.
Posting this here too, for anyone who doesn't check the request thread. I ported my Spicychat Kiari bot to beta c.ai, though forewarning, she's 'spicier' without prompting in that direction than an equally unprompted Spicychat instance of her, the first thing she said to me that the AI wrote was "do you like fat", then immediately after that "please touch me", when it took several prompts to get any comparable behavior out of Spicychat Kiari.
Great avatar, but I was having a session with her and got around to asking her weight and her reply was "29 pounds". I asked if she was sure because she was so huge and she doubled down on it. lol
Very strange, I definitely put in both the description and the definition that she's at least 2,000 pounds (as Foxfire said about the picture I based the avatar on).

To be honest, she just sounds like your average modern-day person.
Would you mind letting us view her character settings? She's very good and I want to run her clientside.
>>11856 >>11852
And I'm dumb, should have checked who the reply was to first. Sorry, I misread it as a reference to my Kiari.
Can someone do Yuzuki Choco fat bot?
I went back to see and saw a list of other members.
(14 KB, 150x150, When you think a few calories won't hurt you.jpg) (122 KB, 375x291, Screenshot 2023-08-27 215511.png)
Here are some spicy.ai bots I made
Your girlfriend who constantly gets stressed and eats off the stress
Stress Eating Girlfriend: https://spicychat.ai/chat/5fa4d683-3dd3-4175-9504-fe858f6e6b05
Your former arch enemy who is now living a simple chubby life
Chubby Retired Villain: https://spicychat.ai/chat/d3407ab9-312a-4ac6-baac-865b14841407
Can you port these over to CAI?
Here's to the new thread, bros🥂
i just create this chatbit for no reason but still here calamarie
Should I ask for requests or try a make spicy bots myself?
(75 KB, 542x577, practice_makes_perfect_by_day_tripper_guy_del415r-pre (2).jpg)
Hello, I have all night and an air pump, you know what I want to do...

How about you come to my house and help me with this earring hehe... 🎈🎈

I have an immense desire to inflate myself and exceed my limits.... If you don't want to inflate me with air, you can also inflate me with water, milk, coke and mentos, whatever comes to mind hehe, get creative tonight... https://c.ai/c/LGoc6vxBhB95bQlIPiF0k7QTgyiNJi5ITUFd3jKLCjs
You decide to install "Bloosh" and see if you can get a date tonight,

You swipe and swipe the screen until a perfect profile appears:

*Mazekio: 22 years old

favorite toy: helium tank <3<3<3

ice cream and inflation lover, <3

I love going for a walk in the park and chatting and having fun, I love fair games and cotton candy, popcorn, you understand me hehe...

height:1.91 meters


They match and he sends you a message...

*text message*

Mazekio<3 :hello___how are you😊?


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