
(7.8 MB, 2912x2048, before_and_after_by_mixedbread16_dg1wvi1(2).png) (280 KB, 512x768, make_me_your_blowup_doll_3_by_dingonugget_dfq5n35(2).png) (2.0 MB, 1280x1280, incident_report____teaser_2__6_____by_olgrizzle_dg248ul.png)
Just wanted to so see which creators everyone follows?

Maybe spotlight a few creators out there doing good work.

Here's a couple I watch:

MixedBread16 : https://www.deviantart.com/mixedbread16

dingonugget: https://www.deviantart.com/dingonugget

olgrizzle: https://www.deviantart.com/olgrizzle
>>9204 (OP) What didn't youunderstand about the word "Artificial"?
>>9204 (OP)

The AI is generating the image off of real art that it has no right to.

The prompters are then asking it to render something that will make their dicks hard.

If you are paying an AI prompter, you are paying them for their masturbation scraps. Legit cumrags.

Nobody here knows the name of AI prompters because everyone here is a coomer prompter themselves. And none of us lack the self awareness to take what we're doing that seriously.
Calm down buddy.
Whether you like it or not, the whole premise of the bbwai board is to highlight the "masturbation scraps" of these "prompters" as you put it.

Given the amount of posts and traffic I see on these threads, it appears quite a few people couldn't care less about your grandiose opinion and are happy to carry on without you.

Additionally, why post here if you don't like this stuff? Seems like a waste of your time.
>generating the image off of real art that it has no right to.
Spoken like a true retard from Twitter that has no worth now that AI can replace them.
>>9213 To be fair, the only thing AI can replace's a literal retard. Other than that I'd tend to agree.
(116 KB, 1072x1280, dg36q4p-300ffc14-cf4a-48d7-a786-e06a50fb880a.jpg) (1.5 MB, 1024x1536, dg5jc7n-30be192d-895d-41c2-9b9f-a2602472a7db.png) (1.8 MB, 1280x1280, dg1f9o8-77c4fc12-607a-44d9-b4db-7e4334757526.png) (1.1 MB, 1024x1024, dfz6qo2-8eaf7601-bcbd-413b-be8c-1c6276c67066.png)
Olgrizzle is definitely my number 1. Those belly shapes and sizes... Absolute perfection.

Some variety favs:




>Additionally, why post here if you don't like this stuff? Seems like a waste of your time.
Because this is artist's bot. I can see many of them on deviants and other platforms. I know that BWS organised bot farm against AI users
I don't really have anything against AI art creators but what I *am* against is when they put that shit behind a paywall. Like fuck right off with that shit.
Saw some absolute retard pixiv "creator" claim that it was justified because they spent (a claimed) 14 hours a day "creating" AI art. Motherfucker you just press the big generate button and change some sliders you did "14" hours of jack fucking shit. And from what I've been able to see from the few images that slipped through to pixiv without having the metadata removed is that half of them use fucking NovelAI.
Okay maybe I'm not as neutral towards them as i thought.
(470 KB, 2336x3035, bWVkaWEvRnozVkdNdVhzQU1xQmMwLmpwZw==.jfif) (945 KB, 3634x4096, bWVkaWEvRkwzd2s2TVhJQXdXRl9KLmpwZw==.jfif)
>Motherfucker you just press the big generate button and change some sliders you did "14" hours of jack fucking shit.
Did you hear about i2i? The most AI creators spend the most times on solving problems with hands, adding more fat, making comic's elements for sequences. Many Ai creators can spend so much hours on those models, because we all have problems with hands because of datasets. Even if you use bgv5 lora with the newest models you should spend much times on inpainting.
>they put that shit behind a paywall
Man, many artist also make arts for money which they can't deserve. Just to see on pic below. Do you think that people can pay 130 for this shit?

Is someone cranky because they can't get their free lewdz anymore now that Deviantart is cracking down for the REEEEEE generation?
That's because some workflows involve manually drawing and editing things. Controlnets can be used to force it to follow the lines you draw (among many other things).

Some pieces take me 1 an hr, some take me 20+ if I want complicated and specific things.

Sorry you're so pressed on semantics and salty people are willing pay me for it.

"Don't call it art" "Don't call them creators". People are just using normal language. Everyone knows AI art isn't the same as drawing. You don't need to "well actually" every time you see someone referring to an AI user as an artist or creator instead of writing a f-ing paragraph to describe what they do.
Man, this is bws's bot which he uses for fight against our community. So i don't thicnk that this bot can realise your position
(5.9 MB, 1520x1280, going_down__by_cammielyvingstone_dfy9efb.png) (1.7 MB, 960x960, big_pool_party_evelynn_by_thiccnessenjoyer_dg02k4y.png) (627 KB, 3197x1792, ssbbw__220_by_dragonkl26_dg3lj3o.jpg)
Can't believe nobody has mentioned TheGuyWhoDidAThing
(74 KB, 1000x800, a_i__fat_anime_girl_450_by_fat_generations_dgea5ew-pre.jpg) (34 KB, 639x497, a_i__fat_anime_girl_478_by_fat_generations_dgea5j4-375w-2x.jpg) (73 KB, 1000x800, a_i__fat_anime_girl_433_by_fat_generations_dgea5c6-pre.jpg) (38 KB, 640x512, a_i__fat_anime_girl_472_by_fat_generations_dgea5i4-375w-2x.jpg) (75 KB, 1000x800, a_i__fat_anime_girl_438_by_fat_generations_dgea5ct-pre.jpg) (67 KB, 1000x800, a_i__fat_anime_girl_475_by_fat_generations_dgea5ik-pre.jpg)
FAT-GENERATIONS from Deviantart is THE best in my opinion. He JUST started and is already a monster lol

Check all his stuff here: https://www.deviantart.com/fat-generations
Do you really think that artists somehow created bots to go on some random threads?
Pretty sure you're replying to a clinically mentally ill individual that genuinely believes BWS is inside the walls of his apartment.

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