
(66 KB, 800x800, bed664135b54d8e0880a1ee0661ed948ec500045195f49df15912e9c95b8e1b6.png) (2.5 MB, 5120x4096, 191271-number-topaz-enhance.JPG.jpg)
Just about every other board on this website has a kemono.party thread. I figured why not make one for AI art? Sure, it may not be updated as often as the rest (I feel), but might as well have a centralized thread. I'll start with some I've found.





I know one of these isn't really BBW-CHAN related, but sometimes they pump out a good ass. Feel free to post any others you've come across!
(1.1 MB, 1024x1536, booty03.jpg)
>>8757 (OP)

Couldn't post the other two images due to size restrictions.
People pay for ai lewds, lol that's hilarious

Yes, people do. That's what this thread is for. So others like us don't have to. Seriously, think before you post stupid shit.
Just a wild concept. Like, I can make a thousand images in a day for free, where do I sign up for charging people?
just make a patreon and start shilling lol. some idiots will pay for sure
(139 KB, 500x513, ADA05E2D-228A-46AA-97E2-3C1493E25180.png)
Hold on there’s seriously people paying for this? Like, I understand paying for the software or service to generate this, but if you wanna pay for porn wouldn’t it be better to pay for stuff that is actually made by a human? That way you get quality stuff worth paying for, and is often more visually varied and choreographed then AI? Like, not bashing AI porn, what gets you off gets you off, but it seems like buying it already generated from someone is intentionally reaching for the lowest value deal here. Just fucking eludes my brain. Hell, there’s oceans of free stuff to skim if you’re just after quantity, so even that argument is iffy at best. I just don’t get it.
Not the best way to think about it really.

There's been advancements in technology everywhere, it doesn't matter how it's done it's about the quality of the output.

People used to compalin that electronic had less value because it wasn't analog, it wasn't played by humans. But the thing is analog music and electronic music still need human input to be created.

A human can create a bad song or artwork just like a human using AI tools can out put bad images or songs depending on their ability to properly use "AI Tools"

If the output is good, it just GOOD. Doesn't really matter what tools the artist used, judge them on the quality of their output.
It can still take a ton of manual work

I know my process involves a significant amount of manual corrections and over 100 layers of fixes, etc, finished works ranging from 1hr all the way up to 40.

That's like saying you shouldn't pay a photographer, editor, art director, etc. It's definitely tool assisted, but it still couldn't be made without a human.

Downplaying the human involvement is just a disinformation campaign from artists who don't like AI.
Based posts
> Downplaying the human involvement is just a disinformation campaign from artists who don't like AI.
In our community, it was organized by fat artists because their shit can’t compare with AI arts

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