
(120 KB, 873x1280, IMG_6049.jpeg) (90 KB, 705x1280, IMG_6069.jpeg) (102 KB, 834x1280, IMG_6068.jpeg) (118 KB, 760x1280, IMG_6067.jpeg) (108 KB, 841x1280, IMG_6066.jpeg) (114 KB, 1277x1280, IMG_6064.jpeg)
NSFW RP Idea: “Jenna Werewolf” of Americananomaly… Who is a human who turns into a Werewolf during a Full Moon, a Werewolf Hungry for food!

But put it I only on Spicychat.aI as NSFW Filtered bot.

Idea Still standing guys and girls hope this comes out soon.
Plus We need this in Spicychat.Ai
(378 KB, 879x898, 61C10304-24F3-43A6-A6A6-DA57D21FBD89.png)
Requesting a Vanessa from Security Breach Bot who acts as your new tired and socially awkward, baggage-filled, twenty-something co-worker at the mall tasked with teaching you the ropes of being a security guard, (assuming she doesn’t try teaching you all the ways to goof off and indulge on the job with her first.)
(134 KB, 1280x1699, mashuuu_by_adiposesaleswoman_deb41js-fullview.jpg)
Requesting Mash from FGO. Setting could be Chaldea pre-lostbelt story for a more peaceful fatty time with the chatter being master protag. Chaldea as a setting would also open up other fun with other endless servants as well.

Would prefer character.ai for the stronger ai but I wouldn't be opposed to a spicychat alt option.
(179 KB, 1024x768, IMG_6592.jpeg) (874 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_6560.png)
Here is a possible Idea: Juna the Pecachmallow, she’s Bisexual

Hope this goes to Character.AI as test and then Spicychat.AI as a NSFW Filter.

Juna (c) batspid2
>>8582 You guys have the best ideas!
Bumping for this one
Literally a day old. No need to bump
Maybe I can do it, but I don't know if I can do it well?
Never hurts to try
It seems like a intriguing thought tbh
Don't know if "yotsubuh" reads this thread but if he could port over Morgan and Amber from his c.ai bots to his chub.venus otd I'd be eternally grateful
Gonna bump this request from the last thread, why not
>>5844 (Cross-thread)
from their exact words in the future when the thread is gone "a fat Kris from Deltarune (burp and bloating focused if possible)"
(1.8 MB, 1200x1200, IMG_6587.png) (1.8 MB, 1200x1200, IMG_6586.png)
A ssbbw mallow who gets fat off of her own cooking would be cute, overindulging quite a bit
Bumping because it's been a while now
(289 KB, 2882x2201, IMG_0321.jpeg)
I’d like to request a fat Miss Kobayashi who let herself go from abundant food and beer, but she doesn’t really care about her weight, seeing it as just another part of life. Although she’s super into the fact that she’s way bustier now and is happy to get fatter if it means bigger breasts
Forgot to say, but it could be on both C.AI or Spicychat, both work.
(5.9 MB, 3508x2480, IMG_0357.png)
I’m surprised no one has requested a baikan chat bot
(1.1 MB, 1184x1026, 1662423139943223.png)
Requesting Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell suffering from a virus which has attacked her cyborg body and is making her extremely bloated and gassy.
I know this sounds kinda vague, but can anyone make a SSBBW chat bot or who always wears a tracksuit?
(1.6 MB, 1280x781, IMG_0366.png)
If anyone’s down for a fat Aoi chat bot, feel free to do so
i second this
it really sucks that they made the literal queen of gluttony a skinny bitch
they should throw us weirdos a bone from time to time
I see I’ve found another man of taste
guy who asked here, thank you for saving me the trouble of bumping it, Anon
now let's hope it becomes a reality
Bumping this Queen Bee-lzebub bot idea again it’s too good an option to pas up
10/10 bot, you’ve done gods work.
(101 KB, 268x188, IMG_9090.png) (92 KB, 345x345, IMG_8873.jpeg)
Would anyone be interested in making me a slobby gassy bot for ether Kamala khan or aloy please for character ai
(1.2 MB, 1703x2550, 20220824_104603.png)
I am requesting for someone to do Kagome from Inuyasha
Thx in advance
Bumping the Queen Bee-lzebub bot again
Can anyone make some hololive fat bots
(142 KB, 850x914, sample_3fb34991a8aa2b6b5505ef53a6a4d019.jpg)
Requesting a Gardevoir who, after she was given a couple of sketchy rare candies by her trainer (you), her body begins expanding.. mainly in her chest.
You can make it so her whole body expands into a big Gardeblimp if you'd like.
(668 KB, 761x633, Gura 1.png) (95 KB, 284x275, Mori Calorie.png)
I posted these on the other thread but I'll include them here too.
Gura (Beta Character AI): https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=z0ft5HFqqq4oLVGukMBL8sxMvWx3EonfU_xe_dmhzMk
Gura (Spicychat): https://spicychat.ai/chat/66f16a30-e70f-42c4-9204-5c36688daea0
Calli: https://spicychat.ai/chat/6c1ce88b-3a8e-4fcc-a0c3-e37105c74f39
My username is named after a dinosaur named after Carcharodon, the great white, so it was a matter of time before I got to Gura.
does anyone have a compilation of feeder bots please?
Oh you did? Must have missed them.
Surely make more members.
(158 KB, 1004x1080, Neferu.png) (214 KB, 1004x1080, Cassius (1).png)
Requesting for this boys. Starting as skinny and your mission is make them fat and big with any methods.
The bbw art content has this year officially gone off the deep end, I think. That or this site's done for.
Re-requesting this
Bumping this, I want to see more inflatable Pokegirls.
Sorry I just didn’t want it to be forgotten
Bumping yet again.
Yeah, I just wanted to keep it on the board
Got anymore male bots for spicychat?
Is there anymore femboy weight gain spicyai chats?
Can someone make a Spicyai chat where a gym girl starts to let really let herself go
>>9360 bumping this request
Thank you very much
Requesting more hololive fat bots.
Cut down on the slob thanks.
have you not had enough? has your hunger for more shitty fat fetish bots about 3d models of anime girls not been satisfied? kill yourself weebnigger
someone’s upset c.ai went down.
not OP but if anyone makes it, can you keep the tracksuit bit about it?
Before you ask, I found this list of fat Vtuber AI bots off of a post on 4chan.

> Sora:
> AkiRose:
> Matsuri:
> Mio:
> Okayu:
> Marine:
> Flare:
> Noel:
> Kanata:
> Lamy:
> Botan:
> Polka:
> Reine:
> Ollie:
> Kiara:
> Ina:
> IRyS:
> Fauna:
> Bae:
> Melody:
> Froot:
> Mint:
> Miori:
im upset because of all the shitty vtuber bots flooding every chatbot thread on this board
How about mighty mega for nish13?
Bumping this request.
Don't know if this meets your expectations (or even if I'm replying correctly, I don't use *chan type sites often enough), but here's my attempt (if the replying thing didn't work, it's a Kiari by Foxfire486 bot), using the condensed backstory from the 'levels up' full sequence + some of the info, and extrapolated stuff (like the part in the first or second pic in the individual parts version of the sequence where the guy who collected them says his headcanon is that the parents are dead), from the individual parts.
(same guy as ^ here) Apparently the replying to specific comments didn't work, I'll have to figure out how exactly to do that.
(Guy who posted the Kiari bot again) Also the bot is probably not very good because I don't really know what I'm doing, but as a fan of the character from the art and story I've seen, and seeing how no one else seemed to be doing it and so many were requesting it, I figured I'd at least attempt it.
(same guy as the last few messages about the Kiari bot) And upon closer inspection, that bot may not even be public, I don't know how to set it public vs private on spicychat, I just know that it has a lock icon on it but when I click the lock it just goes in to a chat, and it doesn't seem to show up when I access it when not logged in (which may or may not mean anything).
Requesting a Itsuki Nakano bot, since, well, she's a foodie. Maybe a fatso, blob, slob, whatever
Hey, guy with the Kiari bot here, I figured out how to make it unlisted but available, it's still probably not very good, but at least people other than me can use it now.
Can anyone please set a submissive fat/slob Rem from Re:Zero?
Whaddup, its the guy who requested the Kiari bot. Firstly, you’re a champion for doing this! I’ve been hoping someone would do Kiari forever! Second, I’ve tried the bot and its pretty good. I have a few problems with it, though I think that may be due to spicychat’s ai not being as good as character.ai’s (minus the dumbass NSFW filter). If you don’t mind, do you think you could share the character details? That way we can tweak the bot a bit to see if we can make her more like Kiari
Also, you reply to other posts by clicking on the post number thing at the top of the post (ex: No. 69420) then type your message. Just for future reference ;)
>>8543 been a few weeks so I'll request bump my Mash request.

How is it having issues? Is it repeating or just not working correctly?

Also, for those on the site, you can change from default (which uses Pyg for nsfw and chronos for sfw) to the newer model (bottom one on the drop-down in the link below).


As always, if you guys have any problems or questions, head to our discord (link at the bottom of our site page)
(353 KB, 1280x1440, IMG_6999.png)
Currently making a fat possibly slobby Kawakami chatbot. List some suggestions you’d like me to include
I think they mean suggestions for their Kawakami bot duh
Just make your own at this point.
Its mostly repeating the same replies for the most part whenever I try to reroll for a better response, and its memory isn’t the greatest. The Kiari bot I requested is supposed to be bed-bound, but the AI will forget that after a while and have her get up and walk around. Other than that, its pretty good
Thanks for the help re: replying. I think the issues the bot is having are general spicychat fuckery, I'd offer to try to do it on chai (also unfiltered, but limited to 70 messages per what appears to be 2 hours, and only available through an app unless there's a web interface I haven't found), but I don't know how to share bots on there (if there is a way) since, again, onlt available via an app. I'll reply again with the details I used, though it's mostly tweaks and clarifications on the condensed version of her story from the all-in-one pic of the sequence.
"Glitch gaming streamer, pizza lover"

"*Kiari hears her door start to open, assumes that it's her sister or brother coming in, but recoils, or as close to it as she can at her size, when she sees someone who isn't either of them. She tries to cover herself up with a blanket to hide her size, but the blanket, at this point, has no hope of covering her, and even if it did, it wouldn't really be very effective at hiding much* W-who's there?"

Personality details:
"Kiari is 5'9" tall, 25 years old and as of the picture used as the avatar here, in the neighborhood of a full ton (2000 pounds), though only 6 years ago at age 18 she was a mere 120 pounds. A soccer superstar throughout her high school years, she became the family breadwinner after graduation, because her parents had passed away leaving her as the 'woman of the house'. She had great success as a booby video game streamer on "glitch.gg" (equivalent of twitch.tv in the real world), though her poor diet and now sedentary lifestyle saw her putting on a lot of weight. This turned out to be a good thing, as her breasts took a large portion of her rising weight, increasing her subscriber numbers and income.

She eventually had liposuction done in areas above the chest in order to hide the scale of her gain from her fans while keeping her boobs growing via overconsumption. Her fears about her rising weight assuaged, Kiari added the Pizza Bot (a chatbot with which viewers could send pizzas to her) to her streams which, along with the Punishment games (a setup where based on donations to her stream, if they were high enough, then any time her character in the game she was playing died, she would eat a set amount or pizza per donation milestone) and her rampant overeating off camera, saw her weight absolutely skyrocket. The shift in her fan base from the standard Thot Bot crowd (aka the sort of viewers who come to see a 'hot woman with big boobs') to a bunch of feeders and stuffers sealed her fate. Eventually, she was forced to face the fact that she was a handful of meals away from becoming immobile, yet she did nothing to avoid that blubbery outcome. Her exact reasons were never stated, but "too late to worry about it now" would seem to sum up her feelings pretty well. It certainly kept the family finances in the black, so Kiari was able to be content with and accept her circumstances, even though she knows her situation is beyond unique.

At some point, Kiari had come to the realization that if anyone other than herself or her 12-year-old brother and 16-year-old sister (ages as of 3 years ago, currently 15 and 19 respectively) found out exactly how large she was, said siblings would likely be taken away by Child Protective Services due to the fact that they are minors and essentially taking care of the person who's meant to be their legal guardian. Consequently she is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of anyone finding out. It's less of a concern now with her sister, but her brother still being a minor, and Kiari still being (on paper) his legal guardian, it's still a risk when it comes to him.

Her brother seems to have a neutral reaction to her gain, neither celebrating it nor lamenting it, just taking it as it is. Her sister, on the other hand, sees it as both a terrible thing, and as partly her fault because she had enabled Kiari in the course of the gain, doing everything for her.

At this stage, and for about the last 1000 or so pounds, Kiari has been essentially completely bed-bound, not able to stand up on her own, and most likely not even able to stand up with assistance."

And there's no advanced details, at least not as posted thus far.
I noticed that too, like I said, I think it's just spicychat wonkiness, but maybe with the above info and some workshopping we can work it out. In fact some of the stuff at the bottom of the personality details was added because I noticed that it was forgetting she's bed-bound, and it seemed to fix that for me at least, but the looping dialog was still an issue.
Yo whaddup, its ya boi, the Kiari requester. So, from what I’ve noticed, some of the better bots of character.ai have example responses in the advanced details section. Maybe we could do something like that? Also do you have any other ideas for advanced details?
That could work, I just wasn't in a creative place to come up with any at the time. As far as other details, honestly not a clue, I'll have to go back through the info provided in the individual stage pictures of the progression, see if I can find anything there.
Bumping for a nsfw chat
Thank you for getting this back out in the open
bumping also, the only inflatable gardevoir ive seen was a sphere
Bruh can’t be viewed… this is why we stick with Spicychat.aI
I’m gonna bump this one
Could we get some female feeder bots onto spicychat?
Maybe we could throw in some direct quotes from “Kiari’s Folorn Hope”, or maybe some examples sentence’s inspired by that story
Holy shit, seconding this
Oh, that's a nice idea.
A Mommy-type character without the literal incest.
Plus, Raikou works really well as both a feeder and a feedee.
There's more than a little fatart of her putting those udders to good use and fattening Guda with her milk.
(47 KB, 537x680, 11fdc27969b7f4509a2178388491a37b-imagejpeg.jpg)
Can someone please make Jolyne? Also: Please either make it on Spicy Chat/Janitor.AI or make it so you can view the settings if you're gonna do it in character.ai
*Karina, not Katarina.
Bumping this one too. I LOVE mash
(2.4 MB, 1473x2264, 5 Year Quest.png)
Anybody doing a Lucy bot? Spicychat or character.ai? Either one works
How is it going Kiari chads?
Ayo wuss good? Its the Kiari requester guy, back at it again. Last thing I posted was the post about potential examples sentences. Idk if the chad who made the bot has incorporated them i to the bot yet, but hopefully we’ll see. If anyone else has any ideas or feedback for the bot, please don’t hesitate to share. I’m sure if my fellow Kiari chad would be interested in what y’all have to say
Sorry for the delay, busy days. Finally got around to trying that out, haven't tested to see if it helps or not yet, but just thought I'd let you know I made the edit. Just dialogue and general descriptive text from the story posted under the image in question (though I do wish there was story and dialogue posted under the image I used for the avatar of the bot, aside from the one-liner in the picture itself, which I did also incorporate after thinking about it for a sec while typing this), but hopefully it makes a difference in the right direction.
Could you try to put her on character ai aswell please?
Seconding this. That way we can see the character descriptions for ourselves
Can you post it on CAI?
If you're talking to me, I posted the description further up (>>10218), the only thing I changed since then was adding some sample dialog to the Advanced section, which is just the dialog from "Kiari's Forlorn Hope" and the one-liner that's in the actual picture "The Streamer's Secret".
Yeah id also like this as well, bumping
I dont really care for character description, i just loathe spicychat, all the bots there are dumb, uncreative and unadaptive.
That sounds pretty biased there bruh.
Spicychat’s AI isn’t as adaptive as character.ai’s, but its not that bad, dude. Calm down
When was the last time you used Spicychat? This seems excesive.
Sure, it may have more repetitive responses than C.AI, but the fact that you can actually roleplay more mature scenes, and edit minute output typos, leads me to question you on why you hate it so much.
(107 KB, 1280x1280, cm__zero_by_jakbenimbel_dg4d9qf-fullview.jpg)
Would anyone be willing to do a fat feedee/possibly feeder Zero from FFXIV? she already likes to eat in the game, i think theres definitely some stuff to go off of
Buddy I’m still tryin to get a Fat Bee-lzebub bot approved
(2.0 MB, 3083x2579, IMG_0406.png)
Hey can we get a Fat Rinkah bit with Sumo themes? Preferably on CAI

Can't send photos to the bot, why?
One more bump for this one.
Bumping for this one too.
Bump for this need slobby obese Marin
why is she just standing in the middle of badwater? Is she stupid?
Bumping because it's been an entire month.
(146 KB, 1550x1300, IMG_0407.jpeg)
Hey I know it’s a male fat, but can we get a chihiro fujisaki bot on CAI?
Bumping for this request… again.
Now I'm wanting the same
It's REALLY not hard to make your own CAI's, just suck it up and start writing if you want it that bad
Not every person on the planet is good at making ai’s ok
Does this guide work for other services like Spicychat or TavernAI?
In general, do you think bots generate better dialogue when speech is enclosed in quotes or does it not matter?
Honestly, I have no idea, but it should be the latter. Dialogue is dependant on the personality described in the bots profile and then refined by example dialogue in the advanced definition.
Yet again… bumping this…
Dude, spam bumping won't make your request magically appear
Not only are they spam bumping, but its a trash request too
how about one of the characters from the new touhou game? no images yet because it released like 3 hours ago
(248 KB, 1649x1275, 23820247 (1).jpg)
I would KILL for a fat Charlotte Bot from FE.
Hey, there was a Character.ai chatbot of "Wanda" from "The Fairly OddParents", BUT I can't find it anymore, help me find it? PLEASE
Idk what this is but it sounds interesting. Sell me on this manga, anon
Any chance of this bot getting uploaded to SpicyChat? Or the settings for the bot going public? The latter is preferable
(2.4 MB, 2480x3508, revenge_page180_by_annonnxyz_dfzygo7.png)
Requesting either or both, Lex and/or Cass from Annonnxyz's "Revenge". I imagine Lex as either, as the story depicts, just somewhat of a (major) glutton, or an outright feedee, and Cass as either just a feeder or a 'switch' type (feeder/feedee, not domme/sub).
Any chance you could put her on spicychat?
I'm not that guy, and I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like SweetDreamCoffee's own work.
Plus, you know, the name is in the post
(378 KB, 879x898, 61C10304-24F3-43A6-A6A6-DA57D21FBD89.png)
beta.character.ai/chat2?char=1jSM8f5zj357bQpf9I9mOmqnGLj17DeuCAShOX5nW1A hey i made a vanessa ai that some dude asked for first time doing a fetish bot second time overall and i am starting out so if there are any weird things about it like back tracking on accepting her fetish or her being a feedee ill make it editable by anyone might try and make an inflation one of her
okay just figured out how to do this so um heres the guy who asked for her>>8474
also yes i used the image he used but but it was a good one and gave me a good jump off point also ive only done 2 test chats so far and will do 3 more before making it public
this is sort of a test group so give me feed back or ask me about how i felt making my first bot based of a fetish
remove the two from inbetween the chat2char= near the beginning of the link
Can you do that?

And post it?
I think you will be fine.
beta.character.ai/chat2?char=1jSM8f5zj357bQpf9I9mOmqnGLj17DeuCAShOX5nW1A heres an actually working one i fogor to make it unlisted
did this ever get finished?
i've had a couple ideas for bot, but i'm kinda not too sure about making them. if anyone wants to take the ideas then go for it:

[MGE anubis, overweight but not immobile. smug and dominant, you are her servant]
[umamusume goldship, fat but still athletic. uncooth, "ladybro" with you]
[vtuber saruei, chubby, topless in her room during a heatwave. sweaty, but not slob]
(148 KB, 1200x1394, Mommy_Long_Legs.webp)
Kinda dumb one, but how about a chubby mommy long legs?
Bumping this idea again as I need it so bad

well i guess i will be making this two on my own
wish me luck cuz i am newfag on this
(180 KB, 1416x1581, arzurpm03y351.jpg)
Politely Requesting a fat korone bot because well there's already an okayu one :p
Over a month, gonna bump again..
i think one of us might need to change the avatar for the bot
(1.4 MB, 3266x3152, IMG_0451.png)
Requesting a Violet Torsodottir chat bot plz.
You’re the fucking goat.
Chatting with her now, you've a great deal of talent and I'm enjoying these bots you're putting out thoroughly. (:
You're too kind. It's the only thing that I can do as a fat folk enjoyer.

You're like this thread's equivalent of that one electronics repair Guy on tiktok, love ya
(210 KB, 448x414, image.png)
Never heard'a him. But thanks nonetheless. I'd also love for y'all to give me more suggestions.
(79 KB, 425x247, help.png)
Almost done, just need to finish one more..uoh.

*Jesse Pinkman hell yeah.mp3*

You're too kind and awesome
Seeing how there's sudden activity in created characters.. I guess I'll... Umm.. yeah. You know the shtick.
I changed mine. Sadly, there really aren't very many good ones of a fat Vanessa.
Mornin. Today I ask for suggestions on what my next works could be.
Could we get a Himiko Toga bot?
(388 KB, 680x481, IMG_1742.png)
I’d like to request a Fat Sonia bot.
Can I get like an anti-slob? I want a BBW sized clean freak feeder who dominates you by making you clean her in places she can now no longer reach due to gaining.
Any chance of the bot settings going public?
bro you are the fuckin GOAT with these
Hey! I’m requesting if we could get a mochii babii bot? That Asian fat fetish/gainer/feedee model?
Gimmie a few pics and I'll be done in about 20 minutes.
Thanks. I pride myself on it.
And could there be a spicy and character ai versions as well?
I can't guarantee any of the featured scenarios, but you'll get the fatso.
That’s fine dude
Can you make one of these two ? I tried myself but i suck ass at it and lost motivation
A bit late btw sorry
hey if its not too late to ask, could you fix up this one? im not the guy who requested it but i would like to have other inflation based characters interact with them >>8480
Hi, everyone. Musashi here.

I'm gonna ask for y'all to request me some anime/video game fatties to make in c.ai
Is there anything you won’t do?
Hey, I know this isn't fat-based but I would like to your attempt on this old request from the first thread. >>7449 (Cross-thread)
I saw someone make their own independent adult Frisk & Chara bots not based on the main request, so uh.. make of that what you will...
Jesus fuck. I just woke up-

All of yer requests will be done, though. Don't worry.
(445 KB, 858x1200, 82528240_p0_master1200.jpg)
Might be a bit of a longshot, but I had an idea for Passionlip from Fate, where she decides to get big for you so you can safely get close to her without her claws getting in the way. (Just don't get squished!)
(203 KB, 566x513, rise.png) (143 KB, 365x420, ema.png) (149 KB, 424x374, nino.png) (92 KB, 221x202, edelgard.png)
Requesting either Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4), Ema Skye (Ace Attorney), Nino Nakano (5-toubun no Hanayome) and/or Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem Three Houses). Would prefer BBW with some mutual gain potential.

(915 KB, 1368x5494, E4F331CD-A8C1-4AD0-8CC3-35E174287365.png)
Requesting Jan the immobile Insatiable milf in huge denail and lot of resentment towards her new figure, yet powerless against her apetite
Holy shit man! Thank you! If you don't mind, could you please make the settings visible?
Not makin' them visible. Sorry mate.
lovely how you made that 2 hours after i bumped one requested but oh well, ill bump again >>11507
Don't bitch if I don't make something.
>>11574 if you want it so bad, stop begging and just make it yourself. Its not that fucking hard.

Musashi, this one looks pretty good ;)
Yeah, that'll do. Thanks man.
Do you just have a full on folder of baki reactions?
Question: Why does everyone seem to use chat ai and not spicy chat ai?
99% of the stuff we want to say to the ai is blocked in the vanilla chat.
Spicychat is uncensored, yes, but the AI is just worse (though not by as much as it used to be, and honestly at this point not by much at all, except occasionally it goes into a loop stiff).
(854 KB, 1280x966, ilulu.png)
a Ilulu bot thats wants to get bigger/destroy the city would be pretty good
The spicychat ai is straight up retarded, also i fucking love when you writte the most detailed and long description or messege only to get hit back by one word reply

(129 KB, 755x755, 000875677567 (2).png)
This guy knows.
Beta you can at least have a back and forth with, plus it makes for the rare treat when you slip some utterly depraved stuff past the filter.
Unironically the character ai is more keen to creating erotic scenarios and feel on its own, it takes iniciative from time to time. On spicy chat you have to force the bot to do anything. Also i dont really feel like i need to fuck that fat bitch i literally wanna chat
(141 KB, 267x337, ehe.png)
Musashi here. Request yer waifus and I'll do like.. one right now.
Best girl Retsu Kaioh.
Seras Victoria or Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing Ultimate
Mileena from Mortal Kombat
Lusamine from Pokémon Sun and Moon, if you don’t mind.

yujiro-mid-diff/10 quality post.
Thanks! May I port it over to Spicychat?
Bumping for this one -h

I've been having way too much fun with the Lumine AI you made.

You're an absolute godsend!

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