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Do you guys think AI could be used as a lying mechanism? It has recently occured to me this idea of using AI as a means of hiding in plain sight or "obfuscating reality".

By the obfuscation of the processes that go into not only writing code but the brainstorming and designing phase before you begin to write the code could one not concievably use AI as an excuse. By having the AI perform the less clever and more straight-forward parts but inconspicuously guiding the AI through the rest of the areas that are more obvious to the AI programmer you could trick a 3rd party into believing that it's the work of AI when in reality you nudged the AI into a preconcieved design that you already knew of and had in mind?

Using AI to "hide in plain sight" in this way could be theoretically undetectable without a lie detector test. Do you guys think some clever have already thought of using AI in such a way before? In theory somebody could steal any idea or design by means of hacking a computer's files and simply claim it as the AI's own making.

This' a thread about the darker side of Open Source, AI, and technology that nobody ever wants to talk about. Even a search on Google will result in news articles that hide the truth. Post links concerning bbwai tech gone awry if you have them so that hopefully someday the government decides to get off their lazy asses and do something about Operating Systems such as Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, and Android that are blatently givibg hackers access to all our giles and everybody akready knows.
Sir, this is a Wendy's

Oh I think you're mistaking my identity from another similar post. I wrote my own post aswell trying to help the fellow in the schizo thread. As I am a victim of these groups I too know what it feels like to have your work stolen and have nobody believe that hackers exist. I try to help when I can for that reason but mostly I do this because I understand that the problem has only gotten worse due to the neglegence of authority figures, because the crimes have reached the young population who have some taken their own lives in my city.

There's no return from hell and this' the last straw that I will not permit even if it means extreme action. The worst thing to do is keep quite about secret groups commiting crimes and AI only plays a small part in their deeds. I don't want AI to get a bad reputation either because of these monsters. It's the way it must be done.

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