
Some more:

Ok 5 more prompts. This time describing a woman forcing herself to eat more to gain weight. Describe the size of her stomach as it's filled to capacity and the look in her eyes trying to get more into her greedy mouth. Use single word tags, comma delimited, please.


greedy, gluttonous, voracious, obese, overweight
stuffed, bloated, distended, swollen, immense
desperate, hungry, starving, ravenous, insatiable
determined, driven, focused, obsessed, fixated
hopeless, helpless, lost, trapped, despairing


Now can you describe the scene using different foods, clothes, hair styles, and other descriptive words?


Sure, here is a more detailed description of the scene:

The woman is sitting at a table in a fast food restaurant. She is wearing a tight black dress that accentuates her curves. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and her makeup is heavy. She is eating a large plate of food, and she looks like she is in a hurry. She is stuffing her face with fries, burgers, and milkshakes. Her stomach is already distended, but she doesn't seem to care. She just keeps eating, and her eyes are glazed over. She looks like she is in a trance.

The restaurant is crowded, and the other customers are staring at her. Some of them are disgusted, but others are envious. She doesn't seem to notice them. She is focused on her food. She is determined to eat as much as she can. She wants to gain weight. She wants to be fat.

She finishes her plate and orders another one. She eats until she can't eat anymore. She is stuffed, but she is also satisfied. She feels like she has finally found what she has been looking for. She feels like she is in control. She feels like she is beautiful.

She gets up from the table and walks out of the restaurant. She is still full, but she is also happy. She knows that she will be back soon. She can't wait to eat again.
Looks like it won't do BDSM stuff. Like if I tried to have it add force-feeding in there, it spouts out the "no nsfw" shit.

But it seems like casual/solo weight gain is alright.

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