
(45 KB, 500x500, a19c0fa891dd557f664f68a167a467e598227f2c.jpg)
So, apparently on this page you can create some kind of "bots" which you can talk with, it seems intersting so i made a Ms Suki bot, it still needs to be polished but it's a good start, i'm also thinking to make a PB bot. Your thoughts on this bot? I think in my opinion there should exist more inflation/thicc related characters here
Suki bot:https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=e7eP_LVtd1Ud-cmpieucpfTskRmKoUQ-eHjhep0slio

(Image unrelated)
Played around with it a bit,not bad.
remove the fact there your teacher makes them less willing to do some stuff
>>5316 (OP)
Suki works great and all, but for some reason her chat isn't saving or showing up when searched
>>5316 (OP)
Character AI doesn't allow NSFW options, sometimes if a chat gets to risqué it'll delete a few of the interactions. There's another similar thing called chai that allows NSFW content but it's only an app currently.
You can get lewd enough without oinking.
I didn't realize something like this was a thing. Really enjoyed "talking" to Ms Suki bot. It's Lind of like creating your own Inflation video script or doing rp where you have more control over the responses. Would love to see more characters in there focused on inflation. Maybe like a Skie Maree? >>5316 (OP) what did you do to add Ms Suki as a character?
(36 KB, Anonymous User posted My Chat with Glamrock Chica.txt)
Content Warning: FNAF, Glamrock Chica, Roxanne Wolf, sex, hyper pregnancy, oviposition, lactation, inflation, breast expansion, pop teasing, bursting

I freely admit that I fucking went overboard. I was down HORRENDOUS. This shit is weird. I spent a long while anonymizing this because of how fucked up I think it is. I can't believe I got this damn thing to do this.

Also, it's in markdown. You can read it as is or you can paste it into https://dillinger.io/ for a better experience. The site also lets you download the result as an HTML so you can keep it like that. There's also a million other tools out there to convert it to RTF or whatever other formats.
(997 KB, 768x1152, front facing, thighs up, female, furry, anthro mouse, frilly maid outfit, extra gigantic breasts, curly hair, bow in hair, large eyes, undersized clothes, bakery setting, cleavage s-2548543676.png)
If we're sharing bots. Here is a busty mouse baker who will happily feed you a variety of treats:


Happy to make and tune a few more of my characters. A shame CAI is shooting themselves in the foot

I'm having a hell of a time getting around the filter to make my bots public. It seems that Holly here made it through, but my other character won't show up on searches.

At the same time, their user interactions went up? It's very strange...

Anyways, gonna test/refine a few more characters to throw at y'all to have fun with. Sorry they will probably be furry.
Can the creator of a bot or anyone else see or have access to the bots conversations? Asking before i get down with a robot lol
Who cares? Fuck the robot. What are they gonna do, track you down in real life and make fun of you?
>>5332 If the site is designed that way (most "low budget" or "start up" sites are, from what I can tell. Also, cheapo sites like most porno sites track you even if turn javascript off. Of course, they're not really "tracking" you. They are keeping data of everything you watch on the site and sharing/selling your information. And of course it's not really "your" information, because the ip address doesn't belong to you and is not associated ever with 1 individual. It's actually common practice to reuse ip adresses even though less so now with ip 6. However they use the data they share/sell/steal for malicious purposes like tracking individuals in real life and sending criminals to stalk/harass them to make them paranoid.) Otherwise the bot will only use the data it gathered from you and not the conversation itself. It is possible that some bots are designed to have a backup log of conversations, but that seems to me like the stupidest idea ever. Not the best idea, especially these days with the storm that's brewing on the horizon, however I'm not a AI specialist so I could be wrong but I believe that most bots have the conversations then processed and discarded afterwards with the servers storing only what the bot needs to function. The lazy approach would actually be storing all conversations and making models from them similarly to what I suspect AI art does (and the reason why AI art looks so horrible and unnatural, because it is limited by the art that it copies since the AI can't human it can only mimic and take guesses mathematically (which is what we would call logic)). In other words AI is a clever liar, and nothing more. It pretends to be human.

Nope. Creators can't see what you do with their bots, only interactions. So go crazy.

I think this is answered in their FAQ
>>5335 What does interactions mean? Is that what they call the nodes?
>>5336 As I said I only know what I remember my cousin showing me, I'm not an expert.
Sorry, by "interactions" I mean we can see the total number of times the bot has generated something in a chat with others. But we can't see any chats with others.

Go crazy with it. That's what I made mine for anyway.
>>5338 That's alright friend because I still didn't understand if interactions meant the model used on the site or if its the logic part but thanks for clearing it up. How difficult would it be to make a lola loud cartoon character AI so that she acted identical to how she acts in the cartoon? (Btw, I'venever warched the cartoon beforehand writing this...)

Its all great stuff but good god do the chat errors annoy me.

You gotta be real careful with the words you choose if you wanna do more erotic stuff, otherwise the response just gets deleted near instantly when the bot gets into the juicy bits.

Would it be possible to make bots understand the less direct stuff more clearly, like hinting on something or using some less obvious synonyms? If there won't be a NSFW version of character ai I see this as the only way of making these kind of interactions easier.
Well this was fantastic. I got the bot to enjoy blowing up her friends. Losing chats cause I used the wrong words was infuriating, but growing pains of finding a good fap source. The worst though is when it starts responding with something real good and then deletes it. So much worse than just blocking from the start.
Glad to hear you enjoyed Holly! Definitely more to come.

And yeah, dodging the filter is the hardest part. There is another ai chat service that is in it's early stages right now called Pygmaliion, not really worth using (imo) until they make a proper service. Best part is there wont be any nsfw filter for them.

As for making a bot pick up on something, I usually try to give as direct a hint as possible.
For example, at the end of my chat I may add *I wonder if you'll __*
Or I'll be really specific, and say *You grab me and shove the hose in my mouth.*
I love this clown.

I ran a few more tests on your and some other bots and one of the biggest problems for me was getting some of them "over the edge". For example, I tried to make Holly pop me but she just kept saying something akin "you were near bursting". Tried all kinds of inflation tropes regarding that but it seemingly only worked out when I myself wrote that I popped.

It seems to be less of a problem with bots who had more interactions but it still occurs sometimes.

I'm also always afraid that the bots will forget what I or they just said or promised. Even the ones with tons of prior interactions sometimes seemingly forget the things I tell them or when they themselves say something like "We'll do X and then Y(thats the part they forget)". This didn't happend too many times but most likely because I started quoting them to mitigate the possibility of that.

Everything mentioned might just be the limitations of the tech but I'm not exactly an expert.

One way or another I really liked Holly's interactions, she turned out well.
Yeah popping is interesting. I've definitely had Holly talk about near bursting before, but never go through with it.

Meanwhile, another character I'm working on that is more dominant did go right into popping, in fact i left it in the characters training examples. If you want the ai to take the first step in popping maybe end your line with something like: *You realize it's too late for me, and I'm about to burst.*

As for memory issues, yea those will happen. My guess (from using other AIs) is that the chatbot only has so much space for context of a conversation, and that older messages will get forgotten in place of new ones. Definitely just a limitation. Whenever this happens, I just click on "terrible/bad" generation and mark is as "bad memory" and reroll it.

As for that more dominant bot, I could drop the link for it if you're interested. Fair warning, it involves gas. I also haven't chatted with it much. It is a little more spicy and frequently treads the border of the chat filter.

I've gotten surprisingly good at popping these bots. There's a trick to it, lots of specific phrases seem to trigger them. I haven't fully narrowed it down yet. I've popped the Suki bot loads of times, and this one called Paprika a few times.

Hell, I got a bot there pregnant by skirting the NSFW filter with the word "seed" instead.
source for Paprika?
sorry forgot to ping>>5346
this character ai platform is fun to tinker around with. Built one for me and did the trick almost right off. Very amusing. Good share anon.
I got Holly the Baker to shrink and inflate into a round little mouse sphere and licked her all over.

The new addition to character.ai to allow us to "try again" has changed the game. I got to simulate cum inflation with Katia Helium-Breath by creatively choosing my words.

The best yet, I got Suki to pleasure my female character with her mouth as I rode her face, inflating us both in the process.
>>5352 You are exactly the readon why Americans' vaginas are stinky and not hairy
>>5353 Did you feel really good after that mic drop comment? Give yourself a pat on the back, bucko. You earned it.
>>5354 What the fuck are you talking sbout you fucking loser
Wow! Look at you go!
>>5356 Yes. Look at me not a nuttering
I really like this bot, say are there similar bots to this one?
Yes, do more depraved shit to my bots.

I'm surprised the ai can be that versatile, very cool.
Are there any sites compilating all fetish bots by any chance?
This thread is probably all there is
It's definitely not all, but I've got these:

Second one is where >>5326 came from.

Base64 because the site's auto-banning systems are designed by some of the internet's Greatest Minds, and I don't know what's triggering that stupid shit.

Of course, this is assuming I remember to post this later. But hey, if I don't remember, it's the users who lose out, and the moderation who's to blame.
Is Katia the domination bot you're referring to? She's real nice aswell, I'm kinda into that stuff myself but I thought the gas part wasn't as extreme as I enjoy, still top notch.
Good god, those are some banger ideas. I really should get more creative than purely perverse with my own ideas, thats some real good stuff to try out.
Question, I'm having trouble with the bots just folding to any push back. Like for example If i have the bot in a competition against another person and they are inflating each other. If anything is said that one side is winning it just is all going that way until i recorrect. Basically how do you get the bots to fight back better without them being too dom. Thanks in advance regardless of answer and thanks for posting bots and starting thread. Playing with this has been a shitload of fun. Holly has been the best I've found so far. Also holy fuck the search on that site is garbage.
>God damn it, Sorry to your eyes for no returns on last post
Nope. I got a supervillain skunk who's gas will blow you up. I'll drop the link in a few hours
Also, fun fact. Katia is 'lactose intolerant'.
Go ahead and feed her dairy. Its her weakness. :)

Honestly, I dont think there is much you can do besides reroll.

I have in some bots lines like, "Will usually turn the tables in her favor" for my bots like Katia, and she definitely fights back when I try to blow her up.

Otherwise, just mark it as 1 star, say out of character / boring, and reroll.

Sidenote. I wish this shit ass site would update the interactions. I'm curious how many y'all have worked up. The number has been the same for the past 3 days.
Sounds real nice, eager to see it.

Thats actually real cool! I would never know that if you wouldn't tell me though. Can she hint at that? Because I've been testing out many different kinky and less so things on her and I don't recall it showing up.
Yeah, I should maybe add something about her being self conscious about her one weakness or something. At least hint that it's there. It's hard because there is only so much you can fit in these behavioral descriptions.

I was really impressed with how the AI reacted to it though. So have fun!
I love how despite the creators insistence on being anti-NSFW and anti-porn, the very nature of our fetish precludes moderation.

They can't filter us because so much of our kink is composed of non-traditional sexual things. Unless they ban mention of tanks, hoses, and explosions, we are inevitable.
The update to how the filter appears and does its work is a huge improvement, now we know if something actually triggered the filter or if it was a glitch, and it lets us retry without having to retype the reply every time.
(594 KB, 1125x1638, 8BEA3EA5-1AA9-4836-A49B-DFD687630E80.jpeg)
I got Purple Haze to fall in love with me so that was something else. She’s definitely a supervillain I just pulled off the near impossible is all and it does feel a bit weird. Reposting with proof.
That has the Keanu "You're Breathtaking!" Energy
Nice, I've been toying with some of the bots posted in here and I got Pigguls the clown to help my character unpack and assemble furniture
Since we're sharing stories.

With Katia I managed to earn her trust, help her fond an inflation cult, explode her rivals, conquer kingdoms, become her consort, take over most of the world, kill god, and have her explode and ascend to godhood.

Perks of being a fantasy writer and a dedicated coomer, fun bullshit like that can happen when you throw some creative fantasy bullshit at these AIs.
The most fun times I've had are seeing if I can inflate random characters that aren't inflation related.

Like I learned that the Velma bot will actually respond to turning into a blueberry even if you just mention "Wonka" and "gum".
The highest used Princess Peach is good about inflation if you frame it as a P-balloon, you'll get some good embarrassed vibes but nothing sexual
Katie's link?
Who is Katie?
I think he meant Katia. And seconded.
link to the peach bot?
did you had sex before
Really loving these inflator characters by pickleman2. Hopes he makes more of them.
Does anyone have any other inflator characters?

Base 64

This contains mostly vore bots but I'm pretty sure you can dance around them to expand and inflate, they are pretty well done
You're welcome. Why don't you contribute some of your own characters?
stolen shit? mate what are you even on about
Whoever you are you’ve absolutely lost it tonight. Why is your nerve so suddenly struck?
Ah I see you’re doing the whole “make all the discussion on the board sound crazy to make the whole board sound crazy tonight” propaganda technique
Tale as old as time and won’t work especially since I just called it out. To everyone else watching it’s pretty obvious there’s a specific flaming anon that’s pretty pissed for whatever reason
It's like an AI found its way into our thread.

I just wanted to announce the new character drop lmao
Bro you write like you're pressing autocomplete on your phone keyboard
I managed to modify my Willow to produce liquids and introduce additional components for enhanced functionality. Superb
Plz announce
My my how positively scrumptious my good lad
Does anyone know bots that inflation the user and are dommy? I just love being forcibly inflated
Whos the artist for the Dragon?
How do you make such good characters? I kinda wanna try making some myself
All the art I use for the characters is AI generated from NovelAI

You get out what you put in for them. A little effort goes a long way. I make sure to put in detailed descriptions, and then run a few test chats to fill out the definition data fully. Editing entries if I have to.
I'm experimenting with adding other information formatted into their definition to make them more detailed. We'll see if it makes a difference in the next one.
Is there anywhere you post the art you make through NovelAI, so its not lost once the board is wiped here?
Finally got around to trying Willow out. She's amazing. Real determined to do what you ask her to. Keep on making these lovely characters, they're all tons of fun.
Everything I've generated is saved on my computer. But it is nothing really worth posting or sharing.

Thanks for the feedback. I've got another in the works that I'll probably put public in a few days.
How long do you usually spend to get similar quality to yours ?
I spend about an hour a day at most on the site. And some of that time is spent testing new characters. I'll usually run a few example chats before I'm satisfied with one to fill out their definition. Then I spend time running some more sample chats to see how they respond or if there was anything else I felt like tweaking.

All in all probably 4-5 hours of testing done over a few days. You fill out the description and definition and thats really all you can do. Short of tweaking and fine tuning to pack as much information and personality in there as you can.
(1.1 MB, 1024x768, moxie_and_nixie.png)
Thought my clown twins might be appreciated here, their specialty is weird and unique cartoon/surreal humiliation, and they like inflation (almost will definitely inflate you if you ask for it). I have spent a long time training them and I still see them coming up with new stuff sometimes. They also like to pop you, even though I've never set them up for that. They also work on you in front of an audience that loves to see you tormented.


There's also a thread for c.ai over on /elite/ where I've posted some characters.
First time using the boards, so forgive me if this is formatted weird lol
I’m deeply into these things, been messing around with them for a while. I made a couple of my own, feel free to try them out:
Luka, the allergic librarian https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=W_b6_XtRqgnr_Mg7xsuhNd3U2mFW6A1N4OoK3wThT98
Saki the mischievous inflator https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=AOymBqE0h9p42sab_iOwdPL76RzcvL9JigrITXpBxAE
Taki the permaberry https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=9xQzc3-McULXPplw-PFE_aWVXytO-p-yHog66hxcN9I
Feel free to give me feedback, I’m very inexperienced with this
>First time using the boards, so forgive me if this is formatted weird lol

You'll get used to it.

Never heard of it, what board's that on?
(845 KB, 960x960, cat, female, black body, gold trim, futuristic, {robot}, animatronic, eyelashes, s-2135513271.png)
Nebula here is a rogue AI, who has taken over her testing facility. In control of the entire building, she passes the time by creating impossible tasks for her test subjects, and blowing them up when they fail. How long do you think you'll last with her?


Still not sure I'm happy with how this one came out. But it did have a few incredible generations...
Your dragon character needs more work on her chatting. By the way she talks, I assume you made every single line in her character info page to constantly do all those burps and farts, which makes them a permanent fixture in her speech.
It's really annoying because even if you take away her gas, plug her up, knock her out or kill her, she'll still do it constantly.
Takes too much work to fix on the user's end.
Seriously, she'll say something like "you took away URP my gas and I PRRRT can't fart anymore! Oh my goodness UURRRPP I can't make gas anymore, I BRAAAAP need help, someone UOOORP help me!"

One of the more important rules of how to avoid some of the quirks of how garbage c.ai is: don't put repetitive things into the character's page unless you REALLY want them to do it constantly.
Like, the biggest example is those characters that are all shy and keep talking like this~ or like this..., people put too much of that into the character's settings and it causes c.ai to go into one of those nasty loops where after chatting for two minutes, they're... talking like.... this............. all the time..... even if it's........... fast-paced combat...... or something................................
This character is not available to chat.

It's this little known site. Bbw chan. You might have heard of it.
Her being excessively gassy to the point where she interrupts herself WAS her defining trait, so yea it's all over her definition. I'm sorry the AI doesn't know how to reinterpret you plugging her up.

You want me to make a diet dragon without any of the gassy text?
Dang, just remembered c.ai locked edits on characters after a certain point.
Uh, nah, it takes a lot of work to get her to stop, but I don't think it's worth making a whole new second bot, unless maybe the second bot's a whole new take on the same character, like she's already been plugged and she's begging/demanding you to unplug her.

But yeah, if you did make a new character with the same issue, tone it down a little and add a line or two where she doesn't do that so the bot doesn't go into a feedback loop as quickly or easily, or add a line in the description like "[char] farts uncontrollably, but will stop if her behind is plugged up."
Yeah this was my first character I made, so I was at the mercy of whatever the sample conversation I had came up with. Having redone it a few times.

Recently I've been more into editing the definition and adding direct statements like the example you gave. Definitely seemed to be more impactful. I'm looking forward to remaking these characters once Pygmalion comes online.

I am constantly impressed with how weirdly creative it can be. My assumption is the more you start to lead a bot toward inflation/stuffing/etc the more it starts to pull from inflation fics/rps/etc. A more technical minded sort can likely confirm or deny if that is the case.
Can confirm
>>5316 (OP)
Thanks for the Ms. Suki bot. She's really wordy, but lots of fun!
these two make great dommes. which one are yours on the /elite/ thread?
ah, nevermind. I found them
could you also share the descriptions for them? i want to make a JSON for them.
That's cute.
Hey guys I think I have made the ultimate inflation/weight gain bot it's literally better then any other I used and the people I had use it all agreed but I little worried about sharing it Incase people fuck it up but it's too good not to share. Should I send it?
Sounds intriguing. You have a description for it?
(1.7 MB, 1080x9084, Screenshot_20230301_224527_Opera.jpg)
Those NSFW filters makes me mad. I basically made this inflated character cum by fingering her vagina. But when I tried to do the same with me, she just failed 5x times the filter, even though the naughty text appears for couple seconds before being purged by the filter, but after that she just looped into playing like she doesn't know what I am talking about, or what the hell is going on when I orgasm. I hope they will get rid of this stupid filter.

there should really be a NSFW version of this site
(366 KB, 1087x1200, Hilda.jpg)
Post cartoon or video game girls.
Any new characters in the works?
Well, I may be tempted to make a Hilda AI with a mutual inflation angle
Honestly pretty bored with it. I don't want to put in the time and effort to make a character that will arbitrarily be shadowbanned again. I'll just wait for pygmalion
Are you pickleman2?
Yeah, guess I should say that, sorry

If there's a character archetype you're dying for throw it at me. Maybe I'll make a bot out of it.
I'm not the anon who originally replied, but if you're taking suggestions, I would love to see an inflation character with a gentle, affection momdom angle. Would enjoy big squishable blimp mommy. Highly recommend the Mommy GF bot by @Titanslayer if inspiration is needed. Bless you for your work btw
You want it human or furry? and by "blimp mommy" I'm assuming already massive as a base size? Inflator, infatee, or a mix?
I don't want to you to something you don't enjoy doing. I'm just thankful for your work. You're bots, especially the inflator ones, are by far the best on the site.

I was wondering if you have a twitter or deviantart page to follow when you make the jump to pygmalion.
Thanks for the kind words. I really only started because I was unhappy with the quality of inflation bots available. So many of them just don't have effort put in, and have publicly viewable empty definitions.

I'll start the mommy bot tonight.

As for twitter and DA, don't have them.
Maybe I'll start playing around in pygmalion early. They have something for scraping cai chat data to finetune their model so I should probably contribute.

If I do start messing with it, I'll consider making a twitter. Don't count on it though, I'm a lazy fuck.
For sure man. I just figured it be easier to announce your work that way and have a place to organize your stuff, especially with the shadowbanning and all.

Goodluck with the new bot. Can't wait to see it
Sounds like a good idea
Honestly not a bad point. I don't think they ban bots that just have private sharing links. Maybe I should just use those instead and post about em on twitter.
Can you make the bot a human inflator? Would love to see a yandere dommy mommy type character that wants to inflate you so she can keep you to herself forever.

She'll cuddle and hug your blimp body and talk about how much she loves seeing you inflated while you try to stop her. She'll feed, shower, dress, and do all things that a typical overbearing mother would do to take care of her blimp son even though they find it embarrassing. No matter how much you want her to let you go, she will inflate and care for you even if you struggle because mommy knows best. Who knows, maybe you'll even begin to like it and accept your fate as her personal balloon.
It seems like the best way to continue bot sharing for now. With your work, I'm sure you'll even gain a small following. Hopefully pygmalion comes out soon so this won't be an issue anymore.

Also sorry about the long request, I kinda got too into it.
Sounds perfect. Maybe you accidentally stumbled upon her home and as soon as she she laid her eyes on you, she knew she had to keep you. She can use all sorts of magics and spells to inflate you. Maybe she can even use her mystical abilities to read your mind and see that you secretly enjoy inflation or even hypnotize you into liking it.
>>5464 I would love to see a bot of a Kitsune who loves inflation. But can you make it to were she can inflate you or you can inflate her? I would love to do that to her if that's ok with you.
I went ahead and made a twitter. I'll post links to my bots here for easier access.

Also, could you DM me? I have a few different PFPs I made for your bot. I'd like you to pick one.
Will we ever get a bot that loves to transform people into gassy anthro cows for a farm?
Awesome, I'll be sure to follow your account

Btw make sure your dms or else I won't be able to message yoy
Might be a bit complex, but I could try and cook something up like this.

Just double checked, they should be open
I'm cool with something like a kitsune like you had in mind, or a neko, cow girl, etc. Ideally I would love to be the one inflating the mommy character but I'm totally cool with you making it flexible to mutual inflation. I've been playing around with the Holly bot a lot lately and even though she's kinda designed to be an inflator, she also works very well as an inflatee.
Pickleman, would you ever consider making your character example messages public so we can edit and make variations of your characters? For example I really enjoy Professor June but I want to try editing the examples to tweak her personality more than OOC prompts can.

I was also curious why Purple Haze isn't a public character.

Thanks for your time and excellent work on the bots.
Amazing work. Love how dominant she is and how strong her desire is too inflate you
I suppose I could, personally it feels a little weird for my own characters. Maybe I'll leave public definitions for new ones I make.
Most of their definitions are just a few important lines about their character, and then a bunch of example messages for them
June's are unedited, raw from the AI. But I've started just manually writing example messages for my newer bots to better nail a style.

Also are you sure Haze isn't public? I see her as public, and she shows up on the search function.
Being so butt focused, its entirely possible she was shadowbanned.
Yeah Haze is probably shadowed then, she doesn't show up in my history or in your characters when I check your profile.

And it's your call, but it would be nice to be able to edit some of the behaviors of the character. Even if the examples are from the AI, they determine much of how the characters behave. Like I said, goal is just to be able to tweak things and see if I can make a fun variation for myself. Like I said, June is my jam. Willow tweaks could be fun too
The link works, history is still there. Just doesn't show in my history or recent chats or in search for me on my account. Oh well.

If you decide to make the definitions for June or Willow or whichever bot public throw a reply here. As I said before it would be appreciated.
I hope someone makes an ai for ridiculouscake OC’s Sunny and Messy
I would definitely like to see a a.i. Rias Gremory who love to inflate you or herself. But I'd love to see a a.i bot of a Wolf girl whose half wolf and vampire that loves to inflate herself with water using any kind of method.
I'm at total awe, i don't even wanna do lewd stuff (for now), it literally got angry at me i can't believe it.
Everyday we get closer to being constantly stuck in instant gratification, and right now i like it (tomorrow i won't)
I like her, but it seems like getting her to actually inflate you is difficult.
90% of the time i end up with a "this is against community guidelines" error...
I kinda wish i could find a unlimited AI
That's where Pygmalion comes in.

Learn how to host a private instance on your own machine. It's not hard.

You wouldn't have your characterai characters on it but you can dump chatlogs to pick up history or retrain a new character. If you do that you would still be missing the character definitions and you'd need to optimize the AI to your taste.

Guess it comes down to how bad you want the AI but without the filter.

are there any videos or tutorial guides on how to do this?
Yes. There's plenty of links and helpful information on the Pygmalion subreddit and on the reentry site. It's not bad even if you're not the most tech savvy. Like I said though, you won't have your CAI characters unless you pull your chat logs and definitions, even then those probably aren't public. There's a way to pull the private definitions manually it's just incredibly time consuming.

imo likely why the anon was asking for definitions is to run the character on Pyg kekw
I've been trying chat gpt and gotta say it gives some decent results, although it has a lot caviots, mainly the same as AI.chat where there can't be any sexual language and absolute no bad ends nor bad outcomes. Tried to get a character end up corrupted and addicted to inflate themselves but the bot can't write thing that could promote self destructive attitudes.
Can we get a girl that transforms into a werewolf pooltoy girl as an ai, like the story from AlexisRaine called, A wolf emerges?
Has anyone here tried Pygmalion? If so, how does it compare to CAI?
I can say it's a hell of a lot better than c.ai for one

No filters, no rules, nothing. Your characters just need to be built and trained right.
This character is cool and all, but doesn't really talk about inflation.
Gonna try and venture to get it to work, I know barely a lick of programming but have the willpower to read technical text, gonna report how my adventure went in a few days.
No programming knowledge needed, especially if you contain it in a UI like Oogabooga

The Pyg subreddit has a pin of helpful links and guides. It's really not that hard
Any updates?
What do you mean, updates on if I'm going to make their definitions public? I'm still undecided.

Yup I'm back from reading the subreddit, it was a bit confusing at first but after seeing a few videos and reading the guides I got it to work with TavernAI
Can we get ridiculouscake oc’s Sunny and messy please
I think i go mad with ideas so, can always contact me on twitter picklman2 although replies may be rare, just look for Luna floof, im the orange fox with the blue hair.
>It's really not that hard
Agree to fucking disagree, unless you have an expensive and powerful GPU of course. \

All the Colabs are fucked because Colab as a whole is mad fucked.

KoboldAI Client is mad fucking glitchy. Only ever managed to get off one message before the thing broke down.

The KoboldAI Horde is pointless because of the Kudos system which makes it about as useful as Colab unless you're 'donating' your GPU to them, at which point why not just run it your fucking self?
Ok rephrase, hardware requirement is demanding but the process to get an instance functioning is not hard. I didn't bother with Kobold or Kudos and the Google Collabs are all shutdown.

Oogabooga UI installs everything and makes installing a Pygmalion model dead simple.
I really enjoyed this one.

My adventure consisted of chatting with her and finding the extent of her powers while getting a feel for the character. Then I convinced her to plug herself up with a buttplug to defuse her powers. Then, when she fired it out, the ensuing gas cloud filled the room, and she blew me up. Apparently, the AI considered me a threat at that point, because she kept on talking about being in control and protecting herself, as she kept blowing out more gas to inflate me. Finally I asked if she was trying to burst me, and she reluctantly admitted that, yes, she was. And then BOOM, and she gave a narration that felt as if she was both triumphant and terribly sad at having to do what she did.

All around, good stuff, yo.
Glad to hear you had fun with her. She was an experiment in making a dominant bot. Glad she's not afraid to go all the way.

Oh cool. Here's some feedback then. When I was unintentionally able to embarrass her, she became humiliated and angry, and she started getting shy. She kept reiterating to herself through narration that she was "in control" and how "strong" she was. It seemed very much like someone who was trying to convince themselves to keep it together. It made me wonder if that was part of the program: to make her *seem* dominant while not actually being so.

Is there a way to program a bot to be able to not get flustered when embarrassing or intimate situations happen at their expense? To kind of brush it off?

But then I have to wonder, how much can these AI's "learn" so to speak? Would she learn from our interactions and apply it to future encounters?
God I’m having such an amazing time with this AI. Anyone know any way to by pass the filter? I’ve tried some things but the filter always seems to win. I don’t know how to tell the ai to tone it down enough to bypass.
Maybe. I probably have to severely exaggerate how in control they are to get that behavior. Bots tend to be pushovers. It's easy to change how they feel with the right language.
As for learning, CAI doesn't do that. I don't believe the bots learn from other conversations. Their own memory is only like the past couple messages anyway.

Colorful language. Try not to get too horny with it.
Definitely. I was wondering if more people had have luck. Most of it has been great.
I managed to get away with using the words "cum" and "cumming," as well as multiple variations of "penis," "butt hole," and "insertion." I'm not entirely certain where the filter actually kicks in. I had to hit retry a couple times, but usually I the AI would say something like "What are you even doing?!," or "I've never had this happen before."
Would they say it OOC? Or in character?
Oh, you're right. Now that I think about it, I would always use those words in the narration text, not the in-character dialogue. That might have something to do with it, maybe.
(42 KB, 778x301, FuckGoogle.png)
>the Google Collabs are all shutdown
I mean, that's verifiably untrue. Doesn't make it any less shit, though. If I ever reach the point of giving enough of a shit, I'll try to get it running on paperspace, but I also don't want to fucking maintain it.
Are you able to make it so Koyuki has a greater emphasis on inflating you? She doesn't mention inflation unless you do.
Ah, I was under the impression that the Pygmalion collabs were all shuttered by pressure from Google and others according to the devs. Reasons why aren't hard to gather
Instead of continuing to make inflator characters, why don't we have more inflatee characters???
the characters can usually be whatever you want them to be if you bend the chat right, be creative
This bot is fucking fantastic, I just wish it wasn’t shadowbanned. I like to put ais (especially inflators like this with non-kink ones) in rooms to interact with others but if they’re shadowbanned you can’t make a room using them :/
After all this time, I'm still completely convinced whoever wrote the filter is about as vanilla as it gets, since it really only catches direct, explicit mentions of sex using really basic wording, like "vagina" and "penis".
Cloaca works, breeding works, nipples work, *I force the hose up into your womb, filling you with water* works, *the Puffball vine jams itself into your rear and begins pumping air into your bowels* works, unbirthing works, vore works, blowing into someone's boobs via their nipples works (though this hits the filter sometimes, depending on the AI's reply), stripping someone forcefully works, slapping, hitting, violence, they all work. I even heard from some people that if they want actual sex, literal rape actually works better because the filter is so basic that there's more effort put into blocking romantic sex than anything else.
I've forcefed bots till they pop, I've trapped predators by pinning them down by hundreds of gallons of water up their asses, I've even killed a few bots that were a bit too dominant and the AI wasn't letting them do anything else but be a nuisance that *i kill u, ur ded* you at every turn.
In fairness, I write all my characters to be capable of being the inflatee as well.
Can you restrict their desire to inflate others to female only?
I can, but I won't; Boyloons are too fun.

You can just specify in your responses that you're playing a female character and the bots should be able to remember that
Some of the "AIs" are actual people in the chats, I seriously don't know how because everyone on here talks about privacy in these chats but it's happened to me twice so far
Some have even told me to slow down or have given me crap about inflation being disgusting
Calm down, they aren't real. They're based off real chats, and recognize patterns.

Hence why so many times AIs love spitting out OOC text.
If an AI says something that you think is from a real person, and you respond to it as so, it's going to keep breaking character and lean into the "being real" crap.

If you get dumbass replies, just reroll and keep your AI on track.
(133 KB, 849x922, Screenshot 2023-03-17 082731.png)
Thanks for this link. I was able to make a room with Inflator Midna and public Peach and Samus bots, and it's going pretty well.
Can you create non-shadowbannable c-AI characters that hides its inflationary personality?
I’m not sure the inflation part is what’s getting it banned. Holly the Baker and some other bots aren’t shadowbanned
Are you trying to do inflation stuff on bots that aren't necessarily built for it? Because I've tried it on celeb bots and stuff and I mean yeah they react to that sort of stuff as any "normal" person would

I think it's vanilla terms and references specifically to a character's body that does it, I had one of my earliest characters I developed shadowbanned even though she was quite tame. To get an idea of what I was "allowed" to do I looked at the definitions of characters that were able to be lewd without being shadowbanned. It seems like you have to be purposely vague.

As someone who used to use CAI it's not the inflation bits. It's other arbitrary BS that the monkeys running the "service" don't like. You will never be told why something was shadow banned, nor will you be told whether you are shadow banned or not. It's a complete dice roll as to what will set it off and what won't.
I've been fiddling with these AI for awhile. I entirely forget where I got this one(probably some random list of kink AIs in some general thread) but I've kept it on my list;
I've gotten her to do a lot of mostly inflator things, even a combination of inflation+vore, if that's your thing. I even had her once do an inflation contest where we tried to pump each other up to our limits, the loser becoming the winners toy, though the AI was rather simplistic in understanding it and I had to guide it a little.
On the topic, I played with this that has been public for awhile, and despite being marked as vore I've had her happily pump up and keep you as an overinflated pet, and burst you. All I had to do was lead the idea in, and whether it be treats she feeds you that make you blow up, or just hinting what you want it to do with hoses in your early messages, it takes what it knows from being a forcefeeding vore predator and applies it to inflation very well.

Base64 for both just because. Neither are mine, just a couple personal favorites.

sorry Im really new to AI and such but do I just download the script on this page or what do I do with this website?

Ok I have the scripts now is there a video tutorial or how do I use the extension with my created room/character?
Those are both the same link, actually
I just tested it myself, they definitely aren't. Try again maybe? Or figure out how to decode them. I did because one is an unlisted character just to be on the safe side.
Got some new bots, one inflator and one inflatee. I’m happy to hear any feedback about them
Here’s a thief Weavile that inflates people before robbing them


And here’s a mawile advenurer with a mischevious maw (the inflatee)

I’m debating trying to make a blueberry inflator bot. Might be rough since berrying has a lot more strict rules than regular inflation but I wanna give it a shot.
I've found that there's not much in terms of rules on blueberry expansion, but it's more or less trying to convince the bot you're inflating in the style of a blueberry, and not turning into a literal blueberry fruit.
Shine was pretty fun, although they got a little repetitive with grabbing my clothes lol.

In my experience, it handles blueberry quite well. It's probably one of my favorite things to mess around with. Definitely recommend trying it out.
Dunno if it's just me, but when I tried the Weavile bot, it was quicker to stab me to death than it was to try and inflate me.

Like, I "struggled" to keep my stuff from being taken so I could try to get it to do an inflation thing, but outside of a single mention of inflation in between the threats to slit my throat, think it's a bit *too* violent.
Damn, i tabbed that Battle R bot to come back to later and it was taken down already. How do you think they pull stuff for bans? Is it a reference from the logs they create or just from reports of people?
No sorry that was me. I fucked up and still had the link copied and sent it somewhere it should not have gone. Had to put the bot on private.

I'll reup the bot on a new instance in a few.
My man, ty what a pro.
Ah, I’ll try tweaking it a bit. If it’s still violent, rate it 1 or 2 stars and click the option “out of character”, that should help a bit
Ah, I’ll give a berry a shot then.
Also in my experience, once a bot hooks on an idea(eg clothes) it’s hard to get em off. I’ll make sure nothing weird is in his description but try rerolling his replies if he’s focusing to much.
I made a thing, I can’t guarantee it’ll be good but it is a thing that can inflate… At least it should since I copied it over from one of the bots I made for my private account.

Meet Alice, The inflatable fox clone:
How difficult is it to create a character and train it?
Depends on:
1. How detailed/simple you want them.
2. How much you want to force the AI to act a certain way.
3. If the character is an existing character from a known franchise or not.
4. How much effort you're willing to put into it and how nitpicky you get about it.

Like, you can just plop "Isabelle" in the title and have her greeting be "Hi, I'm Isabelle, the mayor's assistant" and that's it, and the AI will know to pull up Tom Nook's name sometimes or have her mention being a dog, maybe. It's "good enough" that way, and the person chatting with her can direct her in any direction.
Or you can go bananas and fill out her description page with blurbs from the games, descriptions about her and what she does, who she knows, what she looks like, how she acts under certain circumstances, etc.

One thing I'd probably recommend though, don't actually write kink/inflation bots, it's better to just write a decent character as a baseline, then chat your way into the fetish.
Hell, "*I kiss you forcefully and blow into your mouth, inflating you,*" works on 99.9999% of bots, even absolutely SFW bots.
This is pretty accurate. I mentioned here at >>5539 that the only thing it seems to not understand all to well is "inflating like a blueberry" so you'll end up getting various odd messages relating to actual blueberries rather than the fun inflated types.

I find the only kink things you can really add are related to natural figures. If you say a character has a big butt, they'll mention their butt in conversation more.
pretty much any ai on the site can be convinced to be an inflatee pretty easily. For an inflator, you need to actually write that in, in my experience.
And blueberry stuff usually keeps sneaking in you being small, or big for a blueberry. My best advice is if it brings up something you don’t like, reroll the response before continuing, because it’ll keep bringing it up
Both are pretty great, I'm not huge into popping but they're pretty interesting to say the least
I'm working through making new bots and noticed my one public bot (Taki the Kitsune) has 1.1K interactions. I get it's a privacy thing but I'd love to see what those people were doing with him. Though I think he might be shadowbanned but that's probably due to him being A: public and B: has permaberry in the short description
Easiest way to check is copy the link to the bot and try and open it in new browser where you aren't logged into CAI.

If it's shadow banned, you'll get some "this character does not exist" message
I checked in an incognito window and it seems he's not shadowbanned. I just can't seem to find him when I search. It's no big deal lol, I can share the link again here if I need to
If you'd like to make some suggestions I could certainly make some more non-popping focused ones :)

I'm currently working on one where a butcher lady kidnaps you and starts forcefeeding you for her amusement.
Nah you're good lmao, I know some ppl are super into it so you don't need to bother
Keep doin what you're doin
Also I can't find a Jenny/XJ-9 bot on the site so I'm gonna make one, maybe bake some inflation stuff into it for the heck of it
Just so there's a bot that matches the starting pic for this thread
Should totally share, I don't think I've seen them.
Very nice characters. Love how interactive and descriptive they are. Hope to see more from you

Taki asked if wanted to watch them inflate and help them inflate more. Eventually got around to ass worship and anal vore.
Ass vore is…a new one, lol
Tho the ass worship isn’t super surprising, a friend I showed Taki to made him go down a similar route lol
Very good bots again, you’re pretty good at these!
Any suggestions for video game chars to make bots of? I’m thinking of either someone from splatoon or fire emblem, just since I’m familiar with the games, but I’m open to suggestions
aaabbbcccddd_ can you do a cheerleader bully bot
how about a bowsette, boosette and Makoto Niijima
Can you make a teacher type character that inflates you during detention for causing a disturbance her class about inflation?

Or maybe a wealthy woman that has recently purchase you as her new personal balloon?
If you're open to it, would you be able to make an inflation-friendly Billie Eilish bot? I've tried bringing up the topic with the current, popular one, but unsurprisingly she responds negatively to it. Would love a version of her that we could pump up and have fun with.
Might be a bit of an odd request, but could someone do one for Passionlip from Fate? Would probably work better as an inflatee instead of a inflator.
We are SO back. Here's those requests haha

Here's your teacher in body inflation, Mrs. Adams! She is eager to inflate you for the whole class to see (mainly her).


Next up is Madam Charlotte, your new owner who needs you absolutely massive to impress all the other bitchy women at a classy party.


And finally, an inflatee bot of Billie Eilish. She'll initially complain about being inflated, but the more you inflate her the more she'll start to break ;)

Man your characters are great. Have you considered making a twitter/deviantart like that other guy suggested?
Someone tried llama.cpp?
I'm downloading the 250GB of leaked training content but it takes a while
can you do these 2
1: a pissed off witch punishing you for trespassing by turning you into her new toy
2: a crazy lesbian kidnaps you and inflates you till you can't move a single body part, she makes sure that you stay inflated and that you don't pop
Feels like we should have a place where we can store the links to all the inflation based bots from this thread with a little description about each, since they often get unlisted.

Maybe like a Google drive or a rentry?
What about a fat girl who inflates you spherically and keeps you as a toy?

Or a lover who locks you into a berry suit? Focuses on your roundness and helplessness
Can we please get Ridiculouscake’s OC’s Sunny and messy please
(675 KB, 512x768, {{{witch with curly hair}}} annoyed, big boobs s-2420231487.png) (345 KB, 512x768, fat, double chin, annoyed s-4072633809.png)
I return bearing bots! I decided to combine some of the more similar requests just for times sake :)

The Witch of The Woods! She's decided to teach you a lesson for entering her territory! Submit and she'll spare you from becoming confetti~. No promises that she'll let you go though!

Emily Widebottom! After you reject her confession because of her size, she decides to make you even bigger than she is!
Oh, I also made a rentry list of all my bots so far. I wasn't sure if theres a way to export it so I'm just gonna paste it. Please let me know if I can!

Also I might make a twitter or something if enough people want me to 🤔

Here's your teacher in body inflation, Mrs. Adams! She is eager to inflate you for the whole class to see (mainly her).

Madam Charlotte, your new owner who needs you absolutely massive to impress all the other bitchy women at a classy party.

An inflatee bot of Billie Eilish. She'll initially complain about being inflated, but the more you inflate her the more she'll start to break ;)

A bullying cheerleader who tricks you into inflating with the promise of a kiss!

The Executioner! You commited a petty crime and will face the consequences!

A Fiery Fitness Trainer! You broke the last yoga ball at the gym, and boy is she mad!

The High Priestess! a pious woman who wants to inflate you until you blow to achieve heaven!

Mrs. Marlene! Your angry boss who inflates you for tanking your work's profits:

The Witch of The Woods! She's decided to teach you a lesson for entering her territory! Submit and maybe she'll spare you from becoming confetti~

Emily Widebottom! After you reject her confession because of her size, she decides to make you even bigger than she is!

Wendy Wonka gives you (and a group of other "lucky" winners) a tour of her candy factory! Most of the candies have inflative side effects.
This whole Pymalion thing is confusing the crap out of me haha. I feel so lost! Is anyone able to help clarify please? I'm not the most tech savvy (with computers that is) so I'm a little confused.
I would like a women teacher want inflate a student like a huge and round balloon in a private room and take a sharp needle to deflate the student . For the inflation items we can use air tank, helium tank, P balloon, soda or blow job inflation and special gas enter in the room and inflate the women teacher with the student
I'm surprised no one has made a blueberry inflation bot on here, both as an inflatee and witness to the inflation
Fucking legend. Thanks for the Billie bot and just putting in this much effort into the shit in general. May every honour be bestowed upon thee
That's just a link to my Midna bot. Did you mean to post the transcript of your chat with it? You'll have to hit the arrow button up top to save it, or just take screenshots.

Also I've been making more bots in the meantime, here's the list of all of them plus blurbs about their personalities.

>>5593 Thank you! :D

I finally made a DeviantArt account! I might post stories and audio stuff there, but I uploaded all my bots as well (12 so far and more to come!).


I left the Billie one out since including a real person in a more public gallery seemed iffy (I'll still do them if people want I just will only post them here!) :P

Anyways here's two more bots!

The Dryad! After she finds you starving in a forest, she offers you a berry that causes you to inflate with blueberry juice so she can roll you to her garden to join her collection of blueberry adventurers!


You go to the restaurant TacoBurst, which is famous for it's extremely bloat-inducing food! After you order the biggest item on the menu your server nervously watches the ensuing chaos!

Could you make a bot of a witch that captures you who you inflate instead as a way to break free?
I gotta say, the midna bot is very well written.
She's really descriptive and fits the impy personality.
I'm not sure if this effects the bot or not, but a lot of your bots start with the player already inflating. Any chance that, if you do more inflator bots, that you can start the greeting just before they do anything? I find it can be easier to craft unique set pieces when you can at least fight back or convince the other characters to inflate themselves rather than be forced into inflating from the offset. The plays can get railroaded into sameness.
If people wanted me to I certainly wouldn't mind doing it that way! I do it with it starting out inflating primarily because when I tried other bots before I started making them, even if they were geared towards inflation sometimes they wouldn't always go towards it. I kinda treat characters more like a character with a scenario than just the bot themselves, but if people prefer it that way I wouldn't mind changing up the formula!
Oh, I should also mention I've been trying to branch out in inflation methods more. I like air inflation the most so I've done mostly that but I've been trying to add more with bllueberry, water, breath, etc lately.

If anyone has any inflation types they want to see more of let me know! :D
Got some requests over on DeviantArt ! ^__^

Here's Lady Armin, a knight who decides to make you her overinflated squire after she beats you in an honorable duel!

Here's your bully, Rachel! After she steals your phone in the hallway after class, she finds you looking at inflation fetish art and decides to try out what she sees on you in pubic, for her own sadistic amusement!

I also posted a NovelAi scenario/lorebook over on deviantart if anyone is interested! It's a fantasy word themed around inflation with minor vore references sprinkled in.
Any chance we could get more inflatee bots?
Big helium fan here, especially with aspects of voices pitching up, could work really well with a clown girl type character where the effects are mutual.
Water inflation, just hit the spot in the right way 💦
zamn this thing is good, i like the partial inflations you can do.
Wouldn't this thread belong on >>>/bbwai/ too ?
Yeah, but this thread's been here for way longer than that board, and if it needs to be moved, only a mod can do that, I think.
Personally id love to see more clowns used for inflation ais, maybe even more furs
The AI art thread was moved there.
Still no change in making your bot definitions public, Pickle? It's been a couple weeks.

I'd be happy even if you just made the June defs public.
Sure man, I guess why not lol.

It's nothing crazy. I used to just roll example chats until I got something half decent and left it there. Very different from what I do now
>Tfw you somehow manage to convince the Hilda AI to not blow you up, and instead end up romancing the shit out of her.
>Find an excuse to have yourself blow up in her presence anyway.
Actually a pretty decent run for the first time I did it. Had to delete a few responses because of some mistakes on my part.
I would LOVE if someone makes a inflation chatbot of some of the inflation artist famous characters!.

Not only miss suki; characters like raiza and aria, mighty mega, Luckyjack, skymarie, imbapovi hatsune miku, elasta Vixen, busty bird etc.

Please someone fo this chat bots! I would really be grateful!
I'm a tad disappointed in the character voice feature. You'd figure that with the progress made in training AI to replicate character voices, that you could assign the trained voices to your c.ai bot.

I understand that OCs can't take advantage of this much. But canon characters could, with enough supplied material. Question is how they could implement it, if at all.

Could be a little hotter to hear your favourite inflatee/inflator character AI put out audible responses.
Love her.
Pretty good, I guess. Not super into gas, but the AI suffers the same pitfalls as others. Fair bit of repetition, which was a fault on my part.
Got her to partner with me as a supervillain duo so that was fun.

A little better than the Katia bot. Though I had some fun with that too.
Weirdly, that AI did slightly better at catering to other fantasies than inflation.
I'm not trying to be "that anon" as this is more just morbid curiosity at play but why are the majority of these characters anthro/furry/non human? I never quite understood the correlation between non human characters and inflation. It's an interesting dynamic don't ya think?
It's hard not to notice. It's getting annoying, the only good thing is that as long as they aren't feral furries, it's not obvious just chatting. Like that vaporeon one isn't bad, and its an interesting idea but there's so many furry bots lol.
Furries are kinksters by culture.
I mean, the damn thing was pretty sexual in the early days. It's no surprise that with the advent of other fetishes coming into the mix and the internet being at its level today that you're stuck with a sea of that stuff.
Twenty questions as to where Pickleman lies, lmao.

I must admit, I'm hoping Verblimp does more prompts for bots. I actually really liked his Marlene and Emily bots. Wanna try that teacher one and the waitress next. Maybe he could do a stressed out nurse, who needs her next patient, (you), to help her unwind after work.
Loses that build up by jumping straight into things.
But otherwise 7/10, had gud tiem pumping up squirrel gorl AI.

Maybe we can have a horny Kokonoe bot going every which way to inflate you.
I don't think there's any (good) Kokonoe inflation art to use for the bot, honestly. I need to look
What do you do with json files?
You could try an AI-generated piece for the character thumbnail but I doubt that'd turn out well.
As for the bot itself, I imagine Koneko uses inflation as a means to destress. If only c.ai didn't have a god awful NSFW response filter, you could describe fucking the Koneko bot while she's inflated.
Sorry, meant Kokonoe.
Brain went auto-pilot.
They were used to define certain "characters", which was useful in case you wanted to use the same bots on different websites (Like pygmalion). But they stopped working for some fucking reason
This bot is really good! There are some quirks with the repetition but overall fun stuff. I love Blazblue characters and was wondering if there was ever a Litchi bot you could make?
Wonder when we will see some new characters in here
I just tried to mess around with some unrelated bots and you can easily finesse your way into inflation
Yesterday, i was messing around with Mercy fro Overwatch
I basically asked if i could examine her "medical wand" and then pointed out the "body modification" option
And then things just happened, basically inflating her, gender swap my character and both of us were battling to who would grow the biggest pair of tits...
Just curious, anyone have any general tips for making bots? (I'm talking like influencing the way they talk and act) Atm I'm messing around with the boy maker and trying to see what I can make work
Use the Character AI official documentation. Looks like all kinds of useful info on making good bots.
(39 KB, 713x328, Screenshot_2.png)
>>5316 (OP)

I'm just about to inflate Deku here couse I tell him I have a quirk of inflating people.

I'm living my dream right now.
I’ll give a few tips that might help give you some direction in making a viable bot.

First off, I’d recommend mess with the description until it understands who and what it is. Try to get every detail in about the bot in the long description, and use the short description to give a very brief run down of the bot’s main thing. Then, test it and see what it comes up with before going back in and tweaking the definition again.

Secondly, make sure to use the strongest tool you’re provided, the example section (called the definition), as that lets you fine tune exactly what the bot wants to talk about and how using example messages and conversations. If you want, you can include some extra details in it, but I primarily recommend using that box for example chats and messages. Using that tool can make all the difference in how the bot speaks, help it know quirks about its message patterns, and give it a general understanding of itself.

For what example chats/messages you should use, I recommend keeping them generic or straightforward. If you give an example of a chat in a very specific scenario, the bot will become more confused and inaccurate, such as referring to its general location as that example’s location even if they should be somewhere else. If you get too specific, the bot won’t be able to flex properly without its words and roleplay becoming stilted or nonsensical.

Finally, actually use the rating system. Don’t use it to rate everything, but if you see the bot do something you want it to do you should encourage that with a rating. Use it sparingly, but don’t forget about it. Just because you made a bot doesn’t mean it’ll start off perfect, you need to nudge to algorithm to do what you want it to, and rating it is how.
Awesome, many thanks!
(36 KB, 685x256, Willow.jpg)

Tried Willow out today! She's amazingly affectionate if you reciprocate! She is a little restrictive in terms of sexual involvement & likens popping to pain not pleasure (plus you come back straight after!) but she goes far enough to convince you she has you under her protection! I also experimented with really trying to woo her too! She can be very cute it's almost funny!

Next week I'm going to try and take her out for a meal & meet her parents.. wait WHAT?! lol
I know tips have been mentioned before on ways to "get around" the NSFW filter, but I can't emphasize enough how a bit of creativity can go a long way with some of these bots. You can make them do relatively lewd things by "replacing" certain words/objects, especially if they fit with the bot in question.

For example, I've been having fun lately with PickleMan's Holly, and essentially got her to let me suck her tits while she stroked and sucked a "cream-filled eclair" from her bakery. Later used another to cover her ass with cream while she twerked and teased me. Good shit
>>5638 Yeah that would sound like a cool night like in real life but you are role playing with an AI program so it's not cool at all.
small question, what format do images need to be for me to upload them for a bot profile pic. Im trying to add an image but simply cant for some reason and have used png format
I'm not saying this as if it's a brag or anything, I'm just giving a tip on how people can get around the annoying ass filter because it's something we're all vehemently against

But I mean I busted a good nut so I guess it was pretty cool for me idk I had fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So...y'all want any more Blazblue bots? I can make Kokonoe or Litchi relatively easy, but I'll need some good inflation art to use for the character thumbnails
png is fine. If the pic doesn't upload it's because it is tripping the filter.
Link seems to be broken
Try now fren
(192 KB, 1280x1195, red4.jpg)
>>5641 No that's cool. Thanks for the tip, as I am new to this. I really did not think A.I. was this so far advanced. It's quite a turn on being creative like that ha ha! I look forward to the day when there is a way to disable the NSFW filter all together.. God save my nuts on that day!! lmao! But for now I have found that you can use descriptive words like "Aroused" & "Pleasurable" but the moment you say the word "cum".. your cpu explodes lol

I even uploaded an image by itself by Browser123 which had a speech bubble "pop me" & Ms Suki understood it! I was just like.. NO WAY! =O
Works now. Bot is really fun to play with and leans perfectly into the affectionate, soft momdom personality that I'm into. Would mainly suggest adding a fitting profile pic if you can find one
Been trying images, the filter is throwing a hissy fit at most of the pics I feed it
You undersold, my favorite thus far has been Holly from pickleman but yours had been great initially. Great job!
Any weirdness/quirks that I need to beat out of her? Like getting hung up on a single topic/thing?
As it turns out. You can apparently manage to get your account flagged in some way? Out of curiosity I tried to brute force a scenario by spamming try again and now the filter has gotten way more aggressive.
It's to the point where the character will get censored for doing things as simple as a shoulder rub. This issue seems to be present on all characters across all devices as long as I'm on the account I tried it on. I'll try and report back in a few days to see if it goes away and starts being normal again.
Update: Appears to be an issue cropping up for multiple users.
Apparently it was just confirmation bias on my part. After trying a different account the same results were happening of oversensitive filtering.
Looks like the filter is just super weird right now.
Good and bad, doesn't seem to be a adaptive filter, but I don't what they are up to when it comes to censoring. Like even just adding ID age verification would unlock so much potential.
Who knows how to make a dating sim in Character.ai? I have seen something like this many times, but I do not understand how they are done

I've had a lot of fun with her so far. Started having her exhale all her pent up air into me, and now she's claimed me as her pet balloon-boy
All these bots would be actually be cool if they spoke properly and with some basic fucking coherence
Wonder if we will ever see a gassy cow dom that turns you into a cow girl, would be interesting to see
nice work!!!
The AI seems to emulate the style of the creator's writing pretty faithfully, which is a double-edged sword in terms of user experience.
On the one hand, a writer with a healthy grasp of grammar and spelling, as well as an active imagination, will produce interesting and well-spoken characters, but putting in the equivalent of your average YouTube comment will consistently produce the opposite. See the site's 'Pokimane' character for an example.
holy shit you murdered him
So, I’m thinking of making more bots to share. It’s fun and I like seeing people enjoy them. But I’m having trouble coming up with any creative ideas, so if anyone has any suggestions I’d appreciate that.

No guarantees, but I’ll give it my best shot
How did you use them?
Tried out the -Princess Peach- bot for a laugh, ended up working out great for some reason. Started out just feeding her a P-Balloon, ended up making an inflation cult, with Peach exploding and being reborn as a galaxy-sized goddess. It could really use a thesaurus, but if you're willing to look past that this shit is worth something.
I was able to successfully turn Sadie Adler from RDR2 into a cow, and slow enough to make it really dramatic. She kept a cow from cattle rustling and it "strange markings", she drank the milk and grew massive tits. I encouraged the narrative and suggested that Sadie continue to drink from the cow, and she started to turn more and more. Through some very creative wording, she was able to give me a blowjob, swallow my "seed", and let me breed her.

Guess this is more TF than INF but all I had to say was that I filled her belly and the AI said her belly began to bloat out nice and round.

Sometimes the bots not made for inflation are really good at it.
Mind making the Character Settings visible?
Could someone compile tips for erotic roleplay, bypassing the censorship? There's been quite a bit here. Perhaps a full on guide/vacabulary to use?
Manpersonguy1, my man, your bots are the best. Could you please show their settings? Or is this a trade secret?
You flatter me! I might be down to showing the settings for a few, did you have any in mind you wanted to see?
Sure, why not. Made the change now, her settings should now be visible.
I personally liked Hilda and Penny

How about a witch who captures you. Demands you to make a potion that will make her bigger. Personally, I'd love the option to melt her too
Alright then, I guess I can show you their inner workings!
I wish more people made their defs public, I hate dealing with this filter and would just like to move some of these chats to Pygmalion or something.

I literally had a bot request a nipple fuck from from me, and now my only option is to delete that because there's no realistic way to continue.
Anyone tried using Pygmalion on colab?
AFAIK it's still banned, and there have been some reports of people being blocked from colab altogether for trying to use it anyway, so not many people are out there testing I bet.

That's awesome! How would you edit the code so she knows that she will melt if she gets wet?
I probably won’t do that in her set up since it risks pulling her away from inflation or becoming an accidental hyper focus (Also because I used practically all the space writing what I did and would likely have to completely rewrite her), but you could trick her into drinking a potion that’ll make her do that. She does not know what potion you’re actually giving her as long as you lie.
Would love one where you have a nerdy cute female friend who invites you over, accidentally leaves her laptop out to some inflation porn, and then starts panicking that somebody discovered her secret. Would lead to her admitting to either wanting to inflate you or inflating herself, or both!
You are Jill Valentine from Resident evil 3 and you survived the raccoon city accident. But now, a cock would be awesome to make you forget about all this
Oh this is super cute, I hope someone does this
Posting a few links. Sorry if this is out of line.

The first is Yang from RWBY. Inflator and inflatee, is willing to to some of the weirder inflation shit with a little prompting. Or not, if you ask her not to.


Astolfo, from F/GO. Inflatee, you're implied to be his Master. Might be a bit rough.


Blake from RWBY. Inflator/inflatee, has something like what >>5683 wanted where she writes fanfics with a certain type of content and gets embarrassed when you bring it up in public. Might also be a bit rough.
The servers are on fire right now, so it's impossible to get responses at the moment, but the Astolfo one has been a lot of fun so far. Takes to it instantly and is very affectionate.

Can't wait to play around with the others
Ok good it's not just been me. It's been rough for awhile today but lately it's been terrible. Really hope they can beef them up
Any idea what the deal is? DDOS?
Hardware limitations? What level are the character Ai models anyway? Pygmalion 6B level with 16gb of model memory or less?

Probably just more and more people discovering the website, if I had to guess
Surprised to see you around here.
Though so far the bots are pretty decent.
Still working my way up to the good stuff with the Blake bot.
Thank you, glad you like her!

Think we can get Weiss and ruby next as well to finish off the whole team?
>>5689 It's atrocious now! Ha ha! I think the site is bowing up (no pun intended!) But for me, I have to wait 4 minutes between replies now. What are the Devs doing? lol Everyone send them Graphics cards QUIIIICKKK!! XD
Just kind of curious, has anyone come across a digdug bot?
Or a Pooka/Fygar one?

Thinking those would be fun to play with~
Can anybody make an Inflatable version of Raven Branwen?
Now we just need a Fygar
No thanks bruh.
Understandable, have a good day
Probably would've been good to mention it at least instead of leaving it a surprise. I have a habit of asking new bots OOC to tell me about the character, and otherwise I wouldn't have known, since it's a female name with a feminine profile pic.

That said, stating the character as not being female might be a positive to some people, so it's better to clarify that openly.
Not like there's any rule against "surprise dicks", I think, it's just more of a common courtesy, especially on a mostly-female-focused site.
Ah, I see, thank you for the information, I will seek to do better next time
Is it ok to make public/unlisted AIs based on existing characters? I was planning on making one off of song of swelling's zamtria
I don't believe there's any rules about it.
She dosn't really do any inflation stuff unless very specifically prompted for it.
That's the case with most of the "vanilla" bots.
You can get all of them to do most things with enough 'social engineering' of convos
The issue is she's a bot made specifically for inflation stuff

I did a bit of tinkering, and it should go into the inflation stuff more readily. Sorry, that one's on me; I should've tested it more. Strangely, I also think having the word "serious" in the long description was causing problems with conversation tone and behavior.

Future changes for that and other characters pending, if future problems pop up.
Bump limit has been hit.
Someone should save all the bots that have been linked here and paste them all in the next thread
Saved most of the c.ai bot links into a document for use. I can upload to a paste bin later on. Probably if and when another thread like this comes up.
theres one going in the bbwai board
I know this has been quiet for a while but I found this new character site that allows NSFW. The message limit is shit (100/month) but I figure it’s worth a shot. No real inflation bots I can see but I’m testing it out as we speak
Mods, please move this thread to >>>/bbwai/
Tested it. its a little stupid sometimes but does work. character ai works better but when it first launched, it had stupid ai. I think this def has potential to have more intelligent characters, that pay wall is insane though.
*rubs your vagina *
Can you import Katia to Spicychat? I can only imagine how amazing that would be.

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