
(154 KB, 882x884, A5F42D0F-6BD4-4C72-892B-C4A70CF3F41B.jpeg) (280 KB, 906x907, 9AA9272B-1C42-4841-AFBC-492DF1D47CEC.jpeg) (299 KB, 889x912, 1131AA4E-18F6-48A1-BA41-A467ABAD87C2.jpeg) (178 KB, 871x884, 92095863-FEAE-40A0-BBB7-87DEB9489D09.jpeg) (155 KB, 884x890, EEE5DACD-C8CC-4F1E-B271-3F74C7A8CD5E.jpeg)
I was wondering if things are at a point where one could actually scenes from really good weight gain fiction into images. Like, merge the two media.

For example, is anyone here good enough AI to create with realistic imagery that could work as a companion to this story: https://www.deviantart.com/dania201/art/F-ck-America-Chapters-1-2-887402425

I have a few random freely-generated images here, but I was wondering if someone could do this for real.
Or, said simply, illustrate WG fics
I'll give it a shot, but, first, give me 6 lines from that short story that you think best represent "scenes" that should be visualized. I skimmed it, but I don't want to waste time making gens and it end up not being the parts you were interested in seeing "come to life" so to speak.
Even better, use Franken Tavern plus gpt-4, appropriate lorebooks, semantic memory bank, animated character reactions (pseudo emotion system).
And it would be far, far better.
Amazing! I’ve pulled the segments from respective chapters that represent the representative scenes. Let me know if this is helpful?

*Fuck America*

>SCENE ONE: Young Stewardess from Jordan (~135lbs)

“The funny thing about being a stewardess is that you work long hours and eat out all the time, yet at 22 years old, it never caught up with me. I had amazing varieties of food from across the Middle East. I never even worked out (Arab women don’t work out), though I’m sure the hustle of my job burned plenty of calories. The most difficult part of being a stewardess to me wasn’t the hours, or the clean up, or the pay that doesn’t go as far as you’d think. The hardest part was the men. Even though I came from an old Arab Christian family, most of the men around me were Muslim. And Muslim men are notorious for how they see women. They see you as property—and specifically sexual property when you’re young. You may not be their property at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you’re not “property”. And a 22 year old unmarried woman apparently is “obviously asking” for their attention simply by wearing a red uniform and working her way down the aisle.

I had quite a share of unwarranted advances to say the least. It’s hard to sleep at night when you have drunk pilots pounding on your hotel room door threatening you. Two at a time sometimes, demanding entry. What do you do? If you call security, the pilots may later see to it that you get fired. Or worse, security simply may let them in—after all if you are in a conservative country, they are men, and you are only a woman. Your only option is to deadbolt the door, lie as silently as possible, pray, and hope the pilots are so drunk they won’t remember in the morning.”

>SCENE 2: After Moving To America, Slapping Her Cheating Husband (~185 lbs)

>Weight mostly in hips, ass, and thighs

“Food never fucked me over. But Yousef did.

One day he came home to the house drunk. It didn’t happen often, but it was never good when it did. He started going on about how he wasn’t a ‘real man’ because he had a fat wife. So somehow if your wife gets fat, your penis gets smaller? I slapped him. I slapped him so fucking hard. A full 185lbs of slap, landing perfectly on his smug face. He may have been drunk but he smacked me back so hard against the kitchen counter. My body flew back against the granite and I could feel the cold stone bruise me as it hit my lower back. That fucker, to this day it doesn’t feel the same.

I came back at him and smacked him with the full force only a fat girl can manage, even better than the first time. Left to right, like a boxer landing a hook. Yousef, drunk, went flying on the floor. The bastard was out cold.”

>SCENE 3: Eating Drive Thru Between Uber Pick-ups (~250lbs)

“The only other thing to occupy my mind was to plan where I would eat after I dropped off my passengers. Every fast food sign that would sail by popped a new idea into my head—a chance to nourish the emptiness and frustration. And I felt frustrated in those days. Very frustrated.

I would turn off the app for a while and pop around the corner to whatever I had finally decided upon. It felt special when I would pull up to the menu. It felt anonymous and like a treat at the same time. I could just ask for whatever I liked and 2 minutes later I could be hidden in the parking lot finding sweet relief in crunch wrap supreme, double whopper with cheese, a pile of egg rolls, a pile of bean burritos, a few junior bacon cheese burgers—whatever I wanted. I could feel good again and ditch the evidence under my seat until the next drive thru break and open my windows on my way to the next pickup. They always supplied trash bins at the end of drive thrus to ditch your last endeavor without leaving the car, so it all worked so perfectly. And there would never be any Yousef at home to give me shit about it, or any new pounds. Take that Yousef. Every bite made me feel a little bit better, and every bite felt like another perfect ‘fuck you’ to the man who wanted to control what I ate.

And my fat Arab ass spread across the driver's seat as a consequence.

>SCENE 4: Smashing breakfast tacos at work (working as a college security) (~350lbs)

I was determined to save myself the embarrassment of arriving to Jordan fat.

Derek strolled behind me one morning, whatever he had just eaten wafting in the air. “WOW, TACO ‘BOUT DELICIOUS, here’s two for the lovely lady…” Two paper-wrapped, cheese-oozing, immaculate, bedeviled pieces of perfection landed beside my keyboard. I glared up at Derek.

“What?” He looked confused.

“I’m not eating this. I’m on a diet, Derek.”

“Okay, well perfect, because these two bad boys are diet tacos.”

“Diet tacos?! Fuck you, Derek, there is no such thing as ‘diet tacos’!” I wasn’t supposed to swear, this was a Christian college. In America, Christians aren’t supposed to swear.

“You kiss your tacos with that mouth?!” This was witty in English, but I was only half-sure why. I picked up each taco, unbuttoned the pockets on each breast of his ‘security’ uniform, pulled my eyes close to his chin and slowly stuffed each oozy taco into a pocket. I pressed the outside of his shirt pockets until I could hear the crispy shell break. The old me was a fat fuck, Derek, but not anymore. This was a ‘lifestyle change.’ No more fucking tacos.

>SCENE 5: Parents Shocked by their fat daughter at the airport (~325 lbs)

After you pass through customs at the Amman airport, there is there is this long awkward corridor you have to make your way through before you’re free.

My mother and father greeted me. Well they came to greet me—there was this long awkward trod through the tunnel pulling my luggage trying to make eye contact before they realized it was me lumbering toward them.

“My dear? Is that you?” my mother stared at me. “Oh my dear! You are SO FAT!”

I didn’t even get in a single happy word in the trip before my mother had cut me down to size. I was stunned. In Arabic, “so fat” comes out as just a single word, and it sat in the air like a knife dangling from the airport ceiling. There was silence as we all stared at it. I had no idea what to say next. I had no idea that, despite months and months of dieting and hard work, my weight would completely eclipse all other topics this Christmas. I had no idea just how stressful the size of my ass could be to everyone else.

>SCENE 6: Seeing the photo of her accepting a “heroism award” from the College (~450lbs)

The next day, I saw the emailed photos of me accepting the award. It made me sick to my stomach. I was glistening with sweat, red in the face, and fucking huge. Absurdly, monstrously huge. My black dress did little to hide the outline of my shockingly wide hips and ass and my low, sagging belly pulled the dress’s fabric to its limits. Why were photos so high definition now? I studied the pictures—I had no idea I had gotten so big. No wonder the room gasped at the sight of me struggling to get on stage. If this is what I looked like, I would have gasped too. I was red—sweaty, breathless, and red. My upper arms seemed unhumanly puffed and bulky; my absurd beachball stomach hung low and mispositioned. You could see my navel pressed unwillingly against the thinning black material, confessing my gluttony to all the world. My breasts were absurdly huge, comically stuffed into what had been my largest bra. Below the vast dress, folds of white fat peeked out from my knees and calves, leaving no doubt that my shocking corpulence was comprehensive. I held back tears that this was how I looked on display, in front of everyone in my finest hour.
(243 KB, 512x512, 00078-2648913943.png) (306 KB, 512x512, 00080-2648913945.png) (383 KB, 512x512, 00053-3955816383.png) (266 KB, 512x512, 00093-876990960.png) (296 KB, 512x512, 00061-3955816391.png) (351 KB, 512x512, 00056-3955816386.png)
Very helpful. Ok, we've got the scenes we want, and the approximate weights we want her to be in each scene. Now, we need to define her, as basically all we get is that she's from Jordan and of Middle Eastern decent. But does she have short or long hair? What color are her eyes? Does she have glasses or her ears pierced? Is she tall or short? Her clothing is often described, but very little of what she actually looks like. We need some idea, something we can carry between generations and weights, that makes it clear it's the same character, which means we need some defining features. I can do chef's choice if you want, but I imagine you have some idea in your mind how this woman looks in your head.

Do you have a favorite artist you like the style of and would like to replicate?

Any accessories? Brooches, brackets, amulets, hairpins, rings, etc etc.

attached a few quickie gens for inspiration
(24 KB, 400x533, 3EEB0AE4-1D32-47DC-BDC2-2D677B3F08BA.webp)

To answer your question, it’s got to be a bit of “chef’s choice” if you like, but here is how it is in my mind’s eye:
- General facial features are akin to the first image in OP
- Long, brown hair with olive skin, hazel eyes
- For defining features, you could add a mole/birthmark; another common Arab thing is gold jewelry. You could give her an Arab “evil eye” necklace specifically too (pictured below)
- In terms of attitude, the character reads a bit sassy, sharp, and jaded—not unlike the attitude of the last image in your inspiration set
- Artistically, I have an affinity for more realism (versus cartooning) but maybe that’s just me

Does that help?
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Good good. We're narrowing it down. I won't say I'm the best at generating realism (I know there are models that are decent at it), but I have included generations from many different artists and perhaps one trends more to your liking than others. Let me know if any of these are a good base to start from.

I ended up decided on just gold earrings, as necklaces/chains often ended up blending into her business attire.

If not, please direct me to a realistic generation somewhere on the board, and I will attempt to the source the model it was derived from.>>4102
(335 KB, 1169x1121, 620B30DC-9E3B-4DBA-955B-C979CFDA5A10.jpeg) (415 KB, 1114x1119, D68F53BC-0758-4B54-8EC7-3FEC7A994C32.jpeg) (419 KB, 1169x1115, 150E9397-3ED6-4FFE-8D2C-B642D227F6CF.jpeg) (418 KB, 1153x1118, 010645E0-6C20-4419-B33F-32CD49148A1C.jpeg) (403 KB, 1107x1128, E5EA163D-0D68-4610-9CFF-5D97F1AE67AA.jpeg)
>>4105 I love the gold earrings, I think it totally works. In terms of ‘realism’ a lot of the images in the “Realistic Fatties” thread are really impressive. Some examples are >>3543 (Cross-thread) >>2930 (Cross-thread) and >>3295 (Cross-thread)

I’ve circled a bunch of your trial images too—red for matching character “vibe” and yellow for technical (though these largely just the ones that come out more on the “realistic” end).

Is this helpful? This is kind of amazing.
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Having now played with some of the more realistic models / loras, I can say just like those in the realistic fatties thread, getting larger sizes is a crapshoot.

It does seem like 250lb-300lbs is about the max the can push out normally, without some fudging in img2img.

Also, when using these Lora's, there tends to be difficulty generating clothing, as most of these realistic fatty loras are obviously trained on NSFW images. As well, ethnicity / skin tone tends to be on the white side.

With the story ending up with her being 450lbs, I really think we need to just pick the best of the the more "cartoony" generations and work from there. All those test generations were made with bbw_hll3.1 final, so we can really go as fat as we want with those.

A more realistic model is certainly possible, but it will be more work and have less variety. Attached some test generations of a more realistic style. As you can see, it starts out quite nice when she's thin, and gets progressively more grotesque as we try to make her fatter with these models. Occasionally a half-decent generation happens, but rare.
(571 KB, 768x768, 00436-1639675222.png) (689 KB, 768x768, 00420-16068762.png) (707 KB, 768x768, 00413-3148812509.png) (582 KB, 768x768, 00412-3148812508.png) (660 KB, 768x768, 00407-232661837.png) (645 KB, 768x768, 00406-232661836.png)
So, if we're going cartoony, let's explore your circles.

First red+yellow circle: this was in Michael Garmash art style.

Second red+yellow circle: also, Michael Garmash.

Third r+y: ALSO Michael Garmash. You definitely seem to prefer his style.

4th: John William Waterhouse art style. In this, I also added 50mm portrait photography, hard rim lighting photography, realistic lighting, highly detailed, sharp focus to the prompt to shift it more towards realism.

Final r+y:Michael Garmash with the added realism terms.

So, it looks like you prefer Michael Garmash's Style, and also like when the lighting is more defined. You also seem to like mascara/eyeliner.

Attached some Michael Garmash trials at different CFG scales to make sure I'm on the right track. I unbound her expressions a bit and did not enforce a headshot anymore. This would still be around her starting weight, of course. I didn't really define any body type whatsoever, so it's just kind of winging it atm.

Also no inpainting or touch ups so excuse any derp faces heh, we're still just feeling it out so I'm not putting too much work in. Minimal 1.5x upscale, low steps, etc. just trying to work out which way we're headed.

Speaking of, how is she built at 135 lbs? Wasp? Wisp? Athletic and toned? All in the bust? Or just super average 135lbs?

We also need to decide on her work uniform.
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As with all things AI, progress continues. In just the past few days, the guys who make the BiggerGirls Model released 3 semi-realistic models. https://civitai.com/models/2664/bigger-girls-model

Now, I would say getting semi-realistic outputs is pretty viable. Still playing around with it, but much better than earlier realism models.
(383 KB, 561x561, 0EE18612-B444-42CA-AA0A-E353D1CFF039.png) (1.3 MB, 1024x1024, A94B78A8-1FD3-4D11-8687-F1916CCCDC11.png) (1.4 MB, 1024x1024, E42401BE-090B-49B7-88B4-AD0BC820CE34.png)
Okay, these are actually really great! The face is more general than the “exotic” look in my minds’ eye, but that could be easily dealt with I could imagine.

I was trying to test out mid journey, which seems to be excellent for realism, but I can’t seem to get it to develop anything useful beyond small fat.

That said, the output you have BiggerGirls AI is inspirational. It’s beyond my capability, but is it possible to somehow combine the two? Idk
Interesting. What are the prompts?
>>4304 It's dope that you can make skinny ppl fat. It's just like real life. I love it.

I tried pasting the prompts in here but I got auto banned for it. Not sure how to explain without the words
That's funny, I wonder what it was. I forgot to mention, you should upload pictures to https://catbox.moe/ so the prompts are visible. Though, I don't remember if midjourney embeds prompts. You could also upload it as a txt file here.

which of 3 semi-realistic models are best for generating ssbbws in your opinion?

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