
(11 KB, 1043x1043, request_icons_org.png)
This is for requesting chats to be made. I will start.
And remember, images are mandatory.
Well, have fun!
I forgot to mention the she's love to eat a lot as well
It's beautiful
(558 KB, 750x1000, Shinobu.png)
I know this isn't fetish related but can someone make a bot for Shinobu Jacobs from No More Heroes?
That's right. Four bots representing chubby teens trying to loose weight.
That's right. I have three chat ideas for you, but one will be made. So, what or who is it gonna be?
thanks, also I know this isn't a fetish request but can you do Shinobu Jacobs from NMH?
uh what did you win?
It (>>3061) was a competition and you won! Congradulations!
you know it's easy to win the competition if you're the only participant
Well, you chose wisely.
I'm sorry to diss you man... But you have shitty tastes...
And anyone can do it!
Same case with >>3534.

Therefore I'm asking everyone here to do them all!

Bumping this request

Well, I tried your Bot. But since I’m a guest for some god reason? I didn’t get much far.
With each try, I tried to keep the theme similar, but unfortunately I said things here and there differently, since I’m not that smart with remembering words. But basically I played as a guy who wanted to meet Katie in real life, but only knew her user name, and I would use my user name to explain who he was. As in user names, as in fake ones to use for the Quake Champions game.
First Try: strangely became a dominant woman, and I mean heavily dominant mommy vibes. Who basically robbed me of my cash, and pointed a gun at me because she wanted me as a Financial slave. I escaped the situation however by slapping the gun from her hand and pointed it at her, and than made a run for it.
Things about the first try: Didn’t seem to respond to her user name, so I suspect the guy i played did in fact turn up at the wrong address.
Second Try: Turns out when I showed up, a guy was at the front door. Later when I got inside, he explained that He and Katie share the same account. He did the gaming while she had the headphones and used her voice to talk to me. And ina way, he explains technically Katie is the user, since she was talking to me. Both of them were pretty chill and nice.
Things about the second try: I am so confused how even with the introduction prompt that Katie gives you, she became another person, but then herself was introduced. H u h ?
Third Try: The most normal rp possible. I show up and explained who I am and bla bla bla, and she agreed that she was the user. I am welcomed inside and sat on the couch as she gives me a small glass of soda and home made cookies. During a sofa talk she kisses me on the cheek? Other than that, She really wanted to show me her enormous blubbery body, and her hanging belly. And wanted to tell me why she got so fat.
Things about the third try: Honestly, pretty good. I’m still confused about the cheek kiss though.
All things similar between the three tries: all of them describe how filthy the house was, described that Katie is really fat and doesn’t look after her health, she’s a huge slob, she likes to giggle and burp, and she’s a foodie and gamer.
Some odd things: I think shes a dominant mommy vibes type? (From try one). She has a room mate who shares the game account? (From try two). She’s really cute, affectionate, and seems really nice. And she has no problem with you looking at her body, or wanted to say how she got so fat. Plus the fact she could be so affectionate that a kiss on the cheek is a normal thing? (From try three).

So, all in all, she’s a pretty good bot. she’s really nice, I think? But other than that, with a few bits of tweaking, like grammar, and some other bits here and there, like you’re neatly cleaning and fixing some stuff, Katie could be a really good bot!
So, Thank you for making her! And hope my review was good.
I want to say спасибо you from all Russian souls ,for the review.
(3.5 MB, 7587x2754, d805334011e8c25ae0e46a79fefa98c7447358b8318c9d22e9dbc6fa369c9f59.png)
Can someone make one of Vette from SWTOR. I came across this picture, and I'd like to ask someone to make one of her possibly before her fattening but with the traits that could lead to that as well as keeping with her character.
Sorry it sounds like a bunch but my character making skills suck.
>>3762 If there was a genuine demand for bbw art and video games we would've seen open-sourced collaborations by now. It's been stated before that even back in the old chan those types of threads weren't popular. It makes no sense logicly, but there's zilch demand for real bbw art, and apparently there's not much in terms of artistry within the bbw community in general. Most art has been commisioned. I only know of 1 person that made bbw art. A female artist and it was as a hobby. She lived with her mom. I can't tell explain why there's not more open-sourced or free bbw ganes on android, and it sucks. It's my belief that it has something to do with a mixture of a lack of quality displayed in most art works, and the small size of the bbw art community. I'm willing to bet that an anime general board would be more popular than the bbwdraw board, for example, which is insane. Not much else to say. There are a lot of asexual users of this board making up the majority of the interest in content.
(51 KB, 291x689, Champa-1.png) (139 KB, 342x712, Beerus_DBS_Broly_Artwork.png) (81 KB, 1280x828, viroveteruscy_FLC_skylartarvos.jpg)
>>3060 (OP)
I'd like to request three characters, obviously ill be happy with just one but would rather save time
First two are on the easier side, im looking for Champa and Beerus bots from DBS
And the last one, is Skylar Tarvos from IHHAT: Secrets by ViroVeteruscy. Obviously that's on the harder side cuz its original media
Preferably burp and stuffing focused but again, ill be happy with anything that isn't vore and preg cuz those already exist (for Beerus at least.)
well I can only make you third
I'll be happy with anything, I'm not gonna come into this thread to become a choosing beggar lmao

Holy shit I second this one!
This is probably far fetched, but I wonder if there is a bot, or someone can make a bot.

Is there a female bot that Is anywhere between 300/400-1000 pounds? and still able to walk.
I don’t care much if she’s a mega slob or not, or even a furry, I would just like a fat female bot to chat with.

Personally wise? I would say something with dominant mummy vibes, who’s romantic and playful. And what I mean as in dominant as in not a rude, bossy, butthole who wants to be dominant for unlikeable reasons. I don’t like to be treated as a slave or a worthless piece of gunk.
I’d like her to have charm and personality, someone who’s all around nice and wholesome. But yet, she can be an absolute awesome badass, who knows her way around humour and loves a good laugh. She’s here for the adventure and good times!

Damn, she doesn’t even have to be fat to begin with.
I would just really like a female bot with that kind of personality.

As for features? For a human I would like her to have green eyes, and ginger/orange hair, and A small amount of freckles is optional.
Her high would be around about 6-7 feet, because yes.
I don’t mind what clothes she wears, whatever she’s comfortable with mainly.
If she’s a furry, I am fighting between a Wolf or Bear, (A hybrid between the two if that helps.), with grey-ish or orange-ish or brown-ish, or green-ish or purple-ish fur, it’s a hard decision, but whatever work.
Maybe red or still green eyes? I got no clue.
I’d like her to still have the same hight, between 6-7 feet,
and still she can wear whatever clothes she’s comfortable with.
And hair on her head is optional, but I got no clue what colour. So that’s why it’s optional.

God, now that I read this to myself, I think I got mental issues? or strange preferences?…
Edit: also black-ish fur too as another option.
if people are offering. I'd really want an extreme slob, heavy health issues, immobility story
(67 KB, 750x676, FcUerOTXwAAjBXb.jpg)
Could someone please make chubby dbz girls? RWBY and MHA is good too!
Could we get a similar thread like this for so art?
Just... make one?
oh… I have a brain the size of a grain of rice
(507 KB, 1200x1400, 102177287_p1.png) (623 KB, 1340x2000, 58737597_p11.png) (1.9 MB, 3000x2100, 100398050_p0.png)
I'd like to request a bot of Utsuho Reiuji (or Okuu) from Touhou.
My idea for a scenario is "After getting yourself lost in the depths of Old Hell, your aimless wandering leads you to an incredibly obese woman absolutely drenched in sweat. Upon noticing you, she gives you a massive beaming smile. She tells you she's a Hell Raven named Utsuho Reiuji responsible for regulating the flames of the Hell of Blazing Fires, which explains her perspiration. Once her introduction is complete she asks if you have anything tasty to eat as she's starving, seemingly unphased by your current navigational predicament."
Basically, I wanna convey that Utsuho is kinda dumb (not super dumb), very hungry and fat, very sweaty, but a very nice (and cuddly, she loves hugs) person.
Additionally, I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement so feel free to skip it if it's too difficult, Utsuho's catchphrase is "unyu" which is said like an onomatopoeia at the end of sentences occasionally ("That's right, unyu"), as an interrogative ("Unyu? What do you mean?"), or as an exclamation ("Unyu! I wasn't expecting that!")
Thank you in advance.

Bumping this request here
Thanks man, you’re the best.
(121 KB, 641x641, IMG_5480.webp) (157 KB, 850x850, IMG_5481.webp)
Since I’ve been seeing so many touhous. Could someone do Mokou and Yuugi, also make them fat slobs

I need a bot like this, and I hope a-lot of others can agree…
I can offer to create a Mokou for you, but you'd have to make her a slob yourself.
maybe i can do it but i can't promise you that you will like my bot
I can make the Hoshiguima Yuugi bot
(3.1 MB, 1047x1505, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_imblossoms__c6d0298116ab295228b059a16f463ee9.png) (874 KB, 800x1200, 107758850_p0_master1200.jpg) (4.1 MB, 3072x2560, 107312051_p5.png)
I have two Touhou requests and one not.
(and if these have already been made, I apologize for not knowing about them)
For the Touhou requests, I would like to request Hakurei Reimu (what is a setting of fat 2hus without its main character) and Saigyouji Yuyuko (what is a setting of fat 2hus without a character who is fanonically a massive glutton)
And for the non-Touhou request, I'd like to request a fat Hatsune Miku (she's still doing great as an idol, but she can't help herself around the backstage buffets. Of course, those buffets and snack bars are meant for the *entire stage crew*, but Miku either doesn't know or doesn't care. And who's gonna say no to an internationally famous, super cute, and super fat idol?)
Come on, at least post fathu art of the characters you request
Censor this shit, this a bbw thread
You got a scenario you want?
Nothing in particular, but if it helps the creation of the bot, then meeting a Marisa who became more lethargic and lazier as her weight increased
I can't seem to access this bot. You do have me very interested, though.
Odd. It's still giving me the whole "This Character is not available to chat" message. Dunno if it's something on my end, then.
Still hitting me with that same error. Not sure if there's something else I need to do then to access.
Seems like C.ai is having technical difficulties after maintenance. Again
Strange. I see the bot in his list now, but it's still giving me the same This Character is not available to chat" message.
oh and could the greeting started like the user is a delivery boy/girl that find Jamie opening the door and revealing she's only wearing a top and some shorts?
(69 KB, 1021x684, 1664117812504442.jpg)
>>3060 (OP)
I just started getting into these chat bots and my god, am I enjoying it a little too much. I now understand why people are into RP so much. It´s a whole world.
Anyway, as for a request, could I get a fat Princess Peach with this anon´s prompts .>>4041 . I feel she fits the bill almost to a T. Pretty please?
you take requests my man?
Request, it depends on the character.
Can I get a fat Uzaki Chan please?
Could you make a fat mori calliope
What good incest chatbots are there?
Can someone make a chubby tomboy character?
(135 KB, 1221x1733, IMG_8203.jpeg)
Can someone do an ssbbw office lady scalding you on your preference and as punishment she begins to force feed you.
Can anyone make a Junko feeder
Are you the one who made these? Can you make them public?
Second this but the office lady is a feedee and not a feeder
How do I make a room with private bots
I’d also like to see this
(4.7 MB, 2750x1974, Fn5hGonWAAUImVR.jpg)
Requesting a fast food burger hog Tokoyami Towa
Requesting hot news reporter in wg virus outbreak setting
(2.1 MB, 3066x2270, SPOILER_momgeonrun.png)
Is an obese gamer mom possible? i prefer my images colored but use this if you need to
Seems like a good charachter after chatting with them a bit. But im hoping for one where the char isnt lethargic and still social (in gamer terms) despite being a obese shut in like the pic in last post
Sauce for pic bro
Can someone make a Mamizou, Doremy or Miko bot
These characters are from the touhou project
(238 KB, 750x750, 1664972843103642.png)
Could you provide some fat art for those characters to go with the bot instead of this?

I cannot find anything that doesnt come from this cursed artist.
(178 KB, 1024x949, 1531215272534.jpg) (386 KB, 1280x1707, 1551965441984.jpg)
Requesting a bbw or ssbbw Sister of Battle or Lady Inquisitor from Warhammer 40,000.

Slob-ish elements are optional but much appreciated. Nurgle's blessings.
(1.2 MB, 2300x2000, Color_edit_.png)
Yo DrYago I got a better mamizou image same one but with better coloring
G-Nibbles on Deviantart
Much appreciated. I replaced the other with yours.
Also DrYago is there any other way to contact you
Just wondering
(116 KB, 358x245, EwFp28IWgAAC6lU.png)
Requesting the dummy mommy, definitely should be super confident in her weight and problems no slob, gas etc. She is a lady after all...

If anyone making her needs some info or tips, just ask me
*Dommy* not dummy, god I hate auto correct, fuck >>5892
Morton from the Baby Fat comics would be hot. There's already one for Zoey on characterai
I mean, I have a throwaway account for discord, but why?
Source for these images?
Idk of this is the right place for this but idk of anywhere else that does chatbot requests so imma shoot my shot anyways. Would anyone be interested in doing a chounyuu (hyper breast) chatbot? Like a girl who has to live with having the world’s largest breasts or something like that
Thanks! This one’s pretty good. Got any other ones like this one and/or would you be willing to make a another one?
I don't have others at the moment, really. Just had that one lying around for a few months.

I can make more, if you request a Touhou characters, maybe include a pic for reference. I just don't know many franchises beyond that. Maybe add a starting scenario as well, idk.
I meant like actual chounyuu / fat art for visual reference.
(486 KB, 894x894, doremy_too_many_sweets_by_happypal_dekqxpf-pre.png)
Yes, but only fat / chounyyu art of the respective Touhou character, as long as it's not from slnchyt.
Anyways, here you go:

Chounyuu Kaguya

Kaguya got immediately shadowbanned, so I added her link to my Koakuma's definition.

And here is Doremy, sorry for the long wait.

Not me, sorry. I do BBW, SSBBW and bigger; strongfat, chounyuu, muscle, vore and maybe hyper butt.
Anything else I either don't like or don't know how to write.
(145 KB, 1450x2048, FewMZCMVsAAHdMl.jpg) (1.0 MB, 2500x2250, NFC2_a.png)
There were a couple of DDLC bots in one of the other threads, but I think the Sayori one was deleted. So a replacement there would be cool. If not her, Natsuki. Shortstack, hella fat, good stuff.
(71 KB, 1010x792, IMG_0253.jpeg)
I’d like to request a big 2B who is oblivious to her weight gain, thinking that being such a huge size is normal for her
Who made the artwork? It looks great!
Kafekafei was the one who drew her
(57 KB, 235x750, Elizabeth.jpg) (69 KB, 305x869, Christina.jpg)
I would adore if we got 2 bots of Elizabeth and Christina from Just one more bite/ Never Enough Bites because god I love this comic and I need bots like them
Give this man what he wants because he wants what I want
One of Alex from that comic would be baller too
I take it you want her BBW size and not bigger? Should I try to make her speech dated?
Ssbbw or bbw works and sure if you can
And if u want to, you can make 2 separate bots one being a bbw and the other being ssbbw >>6322
Seconded, would love to see a natsuki bot.
(190 KB, 669x621, Sayori 2.png)
I've had a Natsuki bot in the works for a while, I haven't finished it because I have to manually write her sample conversations since she wasn't tsundere enough. I'll try to have it out within the next few days. As for Sayori, I'm assuming you're referring to the one I posted. I didn't' delete it, here's the link if you need it: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=FWnJLw0aaNwTqdrZAJXLk1NuXoQLD9WQgcU2-b1vPSg
Sweet. that one will be worth the wait
Says character is unavailable to chat.
Having it tested it out by logging out, I had the same issue. I'm not sure what the problem is since I have everything is set to public, I could try making another bot with everything copied and pasted over if that helps.
So I'm new here and I posted a request here a little over a week ago... so do we just wait? But there are some requests that I've read that gave been done in a day or two... it just seems a bit weird to me. Again I'm new so that just might be how this works, idk...
Keep in mind that these are requests, not commissions. It's up to the people in this thread actually making the bots to determine whether they want to do a request or not or when they want to do it.

All we can do is wait and hope that someone is interested in our idea.
Makes sense, I'm a little disappointed I'll have to wait... but I'm sure someone will fill it... eventually...>>6384
>>6390 Yeah maybe when pigs fly but unyil then I wouldn't hold my breath
(79 KB, 510x680, 3F720278-F3C2-436A-A91F-84141E61858E.png)
Requesting a mage that uses magic to hide her true sweaty gigantic form or is wearing some kind of enchanted corset that hides the wearer's true weight until taken off/its capacity is exceeded is actually “cursed" so its also making the wearer have a larger appetite and gain weight faster, it's entire design built toward having its victim stuff themselves until the corset suffers a catastrophic failure and exposes them as the hyper blob they've become underneath it

Bumping this one
Hey, which one is your request? Depending on what it is, I might have a go at it.
hey it isn't working, can you fix it?
I requested Bayonetta >>5892
If you do do it, and want pointers or suggestions for her I'll try my best to help.
hmmm i made it unlisted so people with the link should be able to chat with it. i dont really know how it works
How explicit were the things you wrote for your character?
When you set a chat as "private", nobody but you will be allowed to chat with your character, even when someone has the character's link. Unlisted means that it will not appear searchable from character.ai's search results, but can still be chatted as long as they have the link. (in some cases these may not appear in the chat history, I've seen the Eveline and fat Princess Peach chats do this)
Sure, I'll give it a go in the morning. Give me any pointers or tips you have. The most I know about this character is that she is broken in Smash Wii U. Lul
Yeah...she also pretty broken in her universe to,, she's defeated gods, angels and done some really crazy shit

Thanks, I'll try to be thorough so you have more info to work off of >>6457
Well for starters she is about 7-8 ft tall, we are never given a height for her, but comparison wise she's roughly that height

And since we're making her fat I should include what she likes to eat/drink. She likes candies/lollipops, cakes/pastries as well as wine and alcohol in general. And since she likes to keep up a good appearance, she's probably the not the "messy" "gorging" or "gassy" type, although if she were to burp or belch she'd probably cover her mouth and try to brush it off, even if it was loud and unlady like of her

And her personality is rather...bold, she's very openly sexual and often uses her profoundly attractive body to get what she wants, and she's proud, confident, sassy and nonchalant about her soundings even if they are potentially dangerous or otherworldly. She's also very dominant, using her power and charisma to tease and toy with others, often calling herself mum or mummy (mom, mommy) But despite her proud powerful exterior, she does genuinely care for other, especially those close to her and is fiercely loyal. And if she is questioned as to why she acts or dresses the way she does she often responds with *well I'm a lady after all* or *its how a lady should act* or *its what a lady would do* you get the Idea...

And due to her becoming fat in this instance, I think she should wear it and show it off with pride. As I said before, she confident, flirty, sexual, etc. So she should wear it with pride, flaunting it and being kinda smug about it. And it be pretty easy for her to considering she has immense super human strength

Sorry for the long ass rant/info dump, I'm just excited someone accepted my request so I wanna help you get as much info as you may need

is anyone able to do either Tali or Liara from Mass effect series where perhaps Tali gets a sickness due to a leak in her suit that causes her to gain weight?
sometimes she uses archaic half way and the uses modern English and sometimes she uses complete modern English
Great, she sounds like a tall version of my ex. Lol.

I'll give it a go.

What weight do you want her to be around? My personal tastes top off at 300lbs, but it's up to you.
Well she already weighs about 200 because of her height, and I prefer women a "bit" larger than 300 (for me I like ssbbw/ussbbw) so because of that and the fact that she's ridiculously strong, 700-900lbs is a good range for her, Imo

Thanks man, I really appreciate it>>6543
No problem. Anyone else got any requests?
You down to do an immobile girl?
Depends on who honestly.
are there any sites like character.ai that allow for more explicit things, because that site tends to not like when you do nsfw things with the bots
spicychat.ai has started up, pretty rough right now, but looks promising. Allows anything except underage, no incest and something else I can't remember.
It's kinda in a queue rn
Everytime when I put something into the Greeting section while creating an bot. It somehow keeps giving me an error.
Any chance for some dark feederism? death feedee or feeder ai?
Sure, just help me out here. Okamisty with her lamprey eel stand or her Izakaya?
I say the izakaya
(66 KB, 1000x500, ITdowntime.png)

if you are still seeing the maintenance mode image where the captcha should be, clear your browser cache or shift+f5
(9.5 MB, 512x512, 20230603200935_FILM_x2.webm)
>>6666 (Cross-thread)

I agree!

I really think that some of us really need to find a way to train like, a round body LORA or the like. That would certainly be helpful I think, to generating different body sizes. I've been trying to train one, but I've not had any luck getting good results yet.
>>6699 (Cross-thread)
I'm not into slob that much but a lot of bots, even those not catered to it, can be gaslit into doing slob just by typing something like *You fart loudly.* Several of the ones I've made have farted unprompted in responses before, the AI I guess takes the next logical step from burps on its own. One of my bots even somehow had diarrhea in a response once in a conversation with another bot. I might make a braphog blob bot at some point if I feel like it.
>>6684 (Cross-thread)
You're welcome, it was a lot of fun to write. The most personality out of all the bots I've made so far honestly.
I wonder if anyone has made any loli chat bots
(1.6 MB, 4618x4871, IMG_8805.jpeg)
>>6735 (Cross-thread) These lolis looking extra exotic lately. Very ethnic. Ay caramba you girls are going to get me in trouble with my wife
>>6745 (Cross-thread)

Yes, indeed I do! In fact, I made these bots during May!

1st bot made during May was Baroness Von Bon Bon:

2nd bot I made during May & to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Chapter 2 of Poppy Playtime was Mommy Long Legs:

3rd bot I made during May was Cala Maria

And finally, 4th bot I made during May was Holly Blue Agate:
Yo you take requests? I wanna see an Aoi Asahina fat
(82 KB, 925x864, full_chest_sitting_bunn_by_kazecat_dd8o2rm-pre.jpg)
Requesting a jiggly bunny bot. Description is taken right from kazecat's deviantart page.

[Ht: 5'1" Wt: 500 - 1000 lbs (Weight varies greatly) Jiggly is my sweetheart characters and has been around since my start. She's pretty much harmless unless she sits on you.]
It would be great to see other kazecat characters as well.
Honestly tho we need more vtuber chat bot
(156 KB, 1056x1200, IMG_8854.jpeg)
Hey, would anyone be down to make a slobby Ada wong bot for me. (Burps farts, and inflation would be appreciated)
Hmmmm good question
didn't really think of that.

Maybe something something stress eating I guess. Not really sure
Can someone make a slob chiaki
Anyone got any shortstack happy feedee type bots? Preferably human?
(320 KB, 1283x1224, 8caabb51381c223eab19bb0df9eb5c1484aca77b5d062c98f058f51c40bffbd6.png)
Requesting for an absolutely massive Lady Dimitrescu who has gotten quite addicted to her vintage blood wine she makes (Sanguis Virginis or maiden's blood) burps are good, but ideally no slob or braps. Clothes ripping as she drinks and grows more would be cool if you can do that.
(125 KB, 1280x1379, IMG_5197.jpeg) (122 KB, 1650x1275, IMG_5200.jpeg) (1.3 MB, 2800x3600, IMG_5198.png) (2.3 MB, 2607x3514, IMG_5194.jpeg)
Idea for a Character.aI

Android 21 (Good), even if she and other half Separated, 21 decides to go on eating sweets and string cheese and other foods while she gains weight with a Massive figure (Big Breasts, Big Ass and Big Belly)… make the place start her lab while she is wearing her Majin clothes… leaving her big belly hanging out… and big breasts Tightening her tub top. Probably at weight 300 or 400 lbs if possible. (You feature Burps and Belly growls… but NO farts or slobs).
(167 KB, 850x1020, sample_bab5530ff027e78f727d5225b791bf7a.jpg)
Someone can make a chat about this Bridget pig corruption ? without the little plush at her side, just her. A sexual, slob, fart, this things you know
Once again requesting kazecat characters like jiggly bunny.
Bumping these two!
The first one is something I'd like to see!
The second one would be interesting to see how it'd work.
I helped write the code for Forks. Seconding this request. If it's good enough I'll try to use it to help me continue the game, since Tron had to abandon it (and I'm too busy to do it without help)
I wish you good luck my friend
Bumping for this request to be made please
can you do something like a fat Aoi Asahina or a fat Junko Enoshima? or maybe both
Bumping for this to be made.
Unfortunately, I did not actually make that bot. I just happened to find it. That said, I do second a fat, slobby Junko Enoshima.
can you do a fat junko enoshima, the public has been clamoring for it!
sorry don't know anything about this character. leaving it for someone else
Can you port Willow the synth to other NSFW site?
The character.ai NSFW filter is getting annoying
I find that the chai app is pretty good. There is a 70 message limit if you don't buy a subscription, but it resets in about an hour. You can turn of the nsfw block even if you have a free account.
I've only looked at chai. seemed extremely underwhelming.

Is there any service that isnt garbage or run on your own hardware?
I only hope that Character.ai let NSFW allow as a option in the future
(378 KB, 879x898, 656B2AFC-04EB-407C-9C00-10B16FB6940B.png)
Requesting a Vanessa from Security Breach Bot who acts as your new tired and socially awkward, baggage-filled, twenty-something co-worker at the mall tasked with teaching you the ropes of being a security guard, (assuming she doesn’t try teaching you all the ways to goof off and indulge on the job with her first.)
What about Crushon.ai? It allowed NSFW content
You only get 50 messages a month unless you pay a subscription. And your chat is deleted after a week of inactivity on a free account. Also you can't even make a character without paying for a subscription.
That’s quite the boner (Which I mean toxic)

We need an NSFW Character.AI so it doesn’t force us to pay for a Fucking Subscription!!

If you’ll excuse me I have to wait for some to make Fat Android 21 (Good) Bot.
I mean chai isn't so bad. You can do a lot with 70 messages, and it resets every hour.
The message number I mean, not the chat. The memory is about on par with characterai, though the way you make characters is a little different.
Once again bumping for this request to be made. Pretty please?
>>3060 (OP)
Dumb question but are there any AI chatbot sites that DOES allow sexual messages?

It's annoying that you can't RP sex scenes with any of the characters
Jenni Bombshell or Mary Boberry :O
There's spicychat.ai. It has a waiting line, and it's a bit slow, but at least it's free
>You'll need an openai code or such, though
Cool, what is an openai code and do I need to buy it?
Does spicychat.ai have any fat bots?
The hell do you even us this site
Adding onto this, would love to see some fatty Stella
(7.8 MB, 7200x3096, TW Thickerwasp - Caroline Dress Up.png) (827 KB, 3000x1538, TW TKxKjIl.png)
A different kind of request perhaps. A while ago I commissioned this sketch from the artist Thicker Wasp on DA based on the character in the first image. Unfortunately, he skipped town and never completed it. Can someone have AI take a stab at completing it?
Nerds make the best art
>>6669 (Cross-thread)
Isn't she kind of busty in the anime, you know, that type of girl that when she gains weight, fat tends to go to her female parts first, like her breasts? Also she is so pure, you wouldn't want to corrupt her and provide her with steady bread supply to see if she balloons, would you?


Magical corset? Brilliant idea. Who would need diets in the wizarding world if you can simply enchant your clothes? Or the food. Nobody can see you snacking if the food is invisible, and invisible calories don't count, right?

(1.6 MB, 2550x3300, 2765816.png)
I've recently started playing around with spicychat.ai and while its still slow at generating texts compared to character.ai, it seems to be getting better and the queues are less frequent. This is specifically from a user standpoint.

I would like to know if there are any Character AI(s) on spichychat.ai specifically for fat fetishes like on character.ai

So far, the closest I could find is a fat, dom anthro Rarity
The Chatfai bots all seem super adverse to weight gain stuff. Just one mention of it and they go into the generic “fat is unhealthy” and “don’t body shame me” even if you’re praising and admiring their figures
What they're talking about is the API key so that other sites can access the openai API.
you can get one from the openai site. As far as cost goes, my experience is that it's usage based. I think you get $5 worth of credit as a trial. I got a few hundred messages out of the trial credit though.

Basic process is this:
1. register on openAI and get an API key
2. Add the API key to whichever site you're using.
3. Chat for as long as you have credit to use.
Working on one based on Rea from Forks
Well, seeing how Character.ai is down... again... might as well spend some time here.

I'm legit surprised that no one has requested BB up to this point, given that she's a fairly popular character, actually an AI, and this type of shit is totally something she would do.
(134 KB, 825x1050, EMgve9WWkAAFdB-.jfif)
Someone should make a chat for this version of Rairity in Character.ai .
i request to know what these are from
Has anyone ever made a submissive feedee bot? I know I've seen some dominant Feedees, but never any submissive ones
Requesting blob Cersei Lanister
(1.9 MB, 1951x2101, IMG_5867.png) (2.0 MB, 1815x2229, IMG_5868.png) (3.1 MB, 3000x2700, IMG_5865.png) (3.0 MB, 1800x2400, IMG_5866.png)
Call me a rule breaker or weird but I would like a Blueberry Inflation chat on either any AI Chat
Once again requesting a kazecat bot.
Yo, eg17, where you at?
(675 KB, 1280x1127, 08e9b70c850a5bc53d7f20ab70db3c85a340f4d4ae1ca657a063e9653b3ac634.png) (133 KB, 1600x1149, scarlet_3_by_cutiepopblue_deyel3j-fullview.jpg) (86 KB, 1229x1080, de7nsk3-01fd39da-36a4-4a93-941c-310becb80e3d.jpg) (105 KB, 1024x783, pile_of_scarlet_by_yer_keij_fer_cash_dc6oytz-fullview.jpg) (229 KB, 3364x3045, deih1ii-783331f9-a424-4fe5-8e8e-2947a55b00ce.png)
Seconding this, and suggesting Scarlett Beauregarde. Hell, a Scarlett for fat would be fine too, I'm just slightly surprised there isn't any bot of her
(723 KB, 1024x1207, IMG_5944.png) (256 KB, 1280x1821, IMG_5909.jpeg) (182 KB, 1280x1189, IMG_5910.jpeg)
Request for spichychat.ai or Character.aI

A BBW Shantae will grant any wish you want… even if it’s fetishy or lewd…
hey EG17 can you see if you can make Chloe Peterson Show up in the "Chat Again" Section?
I don't understand what the "Chat Again" section is
you mean "save the chat and start a new one"
Can you make a Fat Rosalina chat for SpicyChat?
Bro wants you to set the bot to public, but does not know how to ask
fuck bot and so public
Oh I meant the continue chatting thing
Google started a new AI service called Bard intentionally to compete with ChatGPT which is another AI service that was also started by Google? Did I get that right?
Is lumineakapayon here?
Any new touhou bots?
Hey I was wondering if we could get a fat version of Queen Bee-lzebub out here if that’s ok. My Helluva Boss fans you know what to do
Here is the photo of reference
bumping this one i like this idea
I posted Tenshi and Marisa on wednesday.

Any ideas? Maybe with a nice fathu picture attached that is not from slnchyt?
Are we supposed to see the pic in our mind’s eye or something? Cuz I’m not seeing a photo
Here you go sorry there’s not much fat art yet she’s relatively new

Your third eye's your dick. The meaning's encoded. Niggers enjoy being secretive and derive pleasure when talking about something while they're really talking about something else.
Hold on give me a minute I’ll try my other device

These days you should be trying AI, genius. For now it's just a hunch though.
Heres what she looks like
Hopefully this works
How about Minoriko Aki? Maybe something relating to an extra bountiful harvest?
Here's a picture for it.
(410 KB, 1296x1400, 101745805_p2.png)
Apologies, I didn't realize it saved as a webp the first time. Should display now.
Don’t worry mate I had the same problem as you
Somebody please make this slut so fat that she needs to be carryed everyhwere with severak of her golems
Where did you post the marisa and tenshi?
requesting for a queen Bee-lzebub bot and with a better image now
re-requesting this
I'd love to see this suggestion, in either CharacterAI or SpicyChat
I've also heard some things about Perberos' RolePLAI being good for unrestricted bots, but I never used it myself
The link for the baby one doesn't work
(120 KB, 873x1280, IMG_6049.jpeg) (90 KB, 705x1280, IMG_6069.jpeg) (108 KB, 841x1280, IMG_6066.jpeg) (118 KB, 760x1280, IMG_6067.jpeg)
NSFW RP Idea: “Jenna Werewolf” of Americananomaly… Who is a human who turns into a Werewolf during a Full Moon, a Werewolf Hungry for food!

But put it I only on Spicychat.aI as NSFW Filtered bot.
I am very interested in your idea
Thanks I use to watch they're artwork when artwork when Tumblr was cool until now.
Was that a Maribel bot and a Renko bot or one with both? The latter can be rather tricky to make.
Bringing this back to make up for the site going down.
Oh hell yeah! Thank you so much for this

just say child if you aren’t going to post actual “lolis.“
Seconding Bridget if her PFP is that first one.
A fat Junko enoshima
(68 KB, 645x773, wojak-thinking-1.jpg)
wait...that's it? I mean, you can start a Fat roleplay with a normal Junko.
(180 KB, 638x480, I'm rolling 2012.png)
Oh I meant a blob or slob Junko chatbot, plus it would be easier just to make a separate Junko bot for fat roleplay in my opinion.
(2.4 MB, 1473x2264, 5 Year Quest.png)
Anyone doing a fat Lucy heartfilia?
yo thanks doctor may i request one ask thing?
There's this one request that got breezed over. I would like to see it. >>6365
I guess it depends. What do you want to ask.
Any special traits?
Can you make this on Spicychat.aI ? I would really like to do it in NSFW If possible.
Thanks for taking your time.
Oh damn, this good. Had to regenerate messages until I found what I desired, but wow, this is good.
I wonder if you can define her just a bit more? Seeing as how the chat in her settings just ends out of nowhere.
Let’s make a new thread…
wait hasn't this thread not hit the archive limit yet? maybe we can let this one go on for a bit longer, while the new one continues its legacy
Just to be safe: I posted the link in the new Request thread.
(17 KB, 249x203, IMG_9034.jpeg)
THANK YOU SO MUCH. Do you think you could make one for Susie from deltarune too?
(17 KB, 278x619, mug.jpg)
Tsumugi Kotobuki, please. For a girl that canonically gains weight easily, shes barely represented as such.

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