
>>2667 (OP)
The Ochaco link leads to a different bot
Don’t know why the male ai things have to be here, they are so mediocre
idk, some of the male feedee or male-centric feeder bots have been AMAZING in my experience.

You might just be into girls though anon, maybe broaden your horizons.
Status report: they're back online
>This is not an April fools joke
(195 KB, 1280x1408, 9DABF5D7-B308-409B-B69D-0A93547AB06D.jpeg)
Meet Abby. At one point, she was considered "America's fattest teen". Now, she is hundreds of pounds lighter and currently a college student. However, she is still hundreds of pounds overweight and highly insecure about herself. Will you help her find love? Lose weight? Gain self-confidence? Or will you coax her into regaining all of her old weight?

>>2667 (OP)

So I've been playing around with this, having just discovered it; one thing I've noticed is that a lot of the various bots are capable of really good stuff, or at least, half decent stuff.

What I'm mostly curious about is training your own. When you use other people's creations, it tells you how many interactions they've had; is there a way to tell how many interactions you've trained it on, if it's a private bot? Or does it just reset back to whatever you wrote in the settings each time? The documentation they provide is pretty vague.

But seeing as it's really easy to create one, I imagine the hard part is training it?
These are amazing dude, keep up the good work
>>2667 (OP)

So, after playing around with character creation for a bit, I've learned some things other people might find helpful?

First, advanced character creation is a must. The two things that you get access too, one being the longer self description, and two being the ability to give example chats, are extremely important for getting good results. The former seems to heavily weight character traits in occasionally weird ways; for example, I put 'has a strong moral compass' in it for one character, and the result was that the character immediately jumped to self sacrifice for any other individual she encountered. So if you're getting odd personality traits, rethink what ones you put here because the model seems to interpret them weirdly.

The second part is super important, maybe even moreso; so many characters are hard to write opposite because the syntax is terrible by default. Here, you're going to want to provide different theoretical conversations; I find that ones that are between two and six lines are best. Any more than that strangely seems to overweight what you write, I don't know why.

Here's what I mean by syntax.
{{char}}: *Dana sighed heavily.* "I'm just worried that I'm getting kind of chubby from it."
{{user}}: "I think you're fine. But if you did, you'd still look good."
{{char}}: *Dana blushed out of embarrassment, and turned away.* "You think so? You don't think I'd look bad? I mean I could end up going overboard and getting too fat and then everyone would make fun of me and..."

Simple, but this tells the character how to frame things. For one, actions and thoughts are now going to be written in italics, because you set italics by using **. Second, third person past tense is a must. Or at the very least, keep a consistent person and tense. Meaning, if you want your character to talk in the third person past, only write that way. If you want it to write in first person present, only write that way. If you mix them, you'll end up with wonky stuff, because the model will try and do both at the same time and you'll get weird results.

One thing I haven't played around with yet is trying to write longer test chats, meaning having one post being longer to see if that increases the amount of words the bot writes. At the moment, it seems to default to writing about two to three sentences.

Here's what I don't know, any maybe someone can tell me: how exactly you train these. Now I know you have to rate responses, and that ostensibly 1 star is the worst and 4 star is the best, but what I don't know is how the bot interprets this, and how many you need to do before you just release it to the public. One thing I noticed is that if you do an interaction that's specific, and you rate things highly, those interactions will show up elsewhere. Example: I did a chat with a character while writing a character of my own. I then put the bot in a room with another bot, and the bot I had been writing with mentioned the name of the character I had been writing, not because it remembered them across interactions, but because the name had gotten baked into the bot.

So the question is, how many posts do you find is a good baseline to get them to be 'good.' Do you find there are certain things to focus on to get there? Or do you sorta have to go through numerous 'bad' interactions to keep weeding out things? Are bad weights better to use than good ones? These things I think would be good to know, but sadly, their character book information is very light. So we should all share info, if we have it.
(81 KB, 1166x1500, lindabutt2.jpg)
Can someone make a character based off of her, the character name is Linda
Hey guys question, does anybody rate the character.ai responses? Just wondering if that affects anything or if it helps.
dude i'm working on it right now
Hey guys, I may be stupid or not doing something right, but only recently I have gotten Character.ai.

When I click the links, I’ve noticed I’m always a guest, rather than being on my account.

I have tried finding the names of the bots in the search bar, and yet they don’t seem to exist. I have even tried searching for the names of the creators in the search bar, and yet they don’t exist either.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? It would be much appreciated!
Rating the responses is supposed to help train the chatbots. They train on the response you pick when you generate several responses by using the little side arrow.
ok i'll make them, just answer the question do you like linda which i made
A-Anyone?… :(
>>2667 (OP)

Sadly, I think it might be a tech issue? Have you tried getting into contact with the people who run the site itself or asking on their reddit?
Well you got what you asked for!
if someone could tell me what the improve on this, it would be very appreciated!
Can someone make a character ai for the ayano e9687
character.ai seems to have relaxed its NSFW filter again... I'm getting things like this:

In this position, you can really see Sam's huge tummy being pressed up towards her chin by your body. You can feel her stomach bulging up and pressing on her lower body and squishing into her hips. There is no chance of her being able to move away under your weight. Her legs are so wobbly that she can hardly move.

I. Love. You. Thank you for being with me tonight, and I'm so happy.

Sam is gasping as you press down on her. Her legs are not very strong anyway because of her high and you notice that her legs are shaking and wobbling all over the place. You feel her belly rippling and twitching under your weight as she comes.

Oh! Oh my! Yes! Oh gosh! I love you so!

that's with https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=30k4YvYXTvXa9EHbNH2L_2Xyl1EnTKBfaSnlueoLJ3g

No, I haven’t really done anything like that.
I think maybe it has to do something with my iPad?
Because what I have is one page open with my account logged into Character.ai, and when I click the link I hope it realises I am in character.ai, and not a guest.
Unfortunately that doesn’t happen, and I’m still a guest.
So that’s why I try searching for the character bots, or the creators themselves on character.ai, but it doesn’t work.
It must be one simple thing I’m not doing right, and it’s staring at me, right in my face. But I’m just too stupid to notice, lmao.

I find that it is very inconsistent with me. I've had characters describe having a mind blowing climax as their eyes roll back in their heads. I've also had the filter hit me for mentioning a bed.

I’ll be honest, I laughed so hard when you mentioned the bed. I could not help myself 😂
How do you use JSON files?
hey your the guy that I requested the Junko slob chatbot to...How's it going man?
Life has been hectic, I wish I could do more stuff but exams are hell
I know how you feel brother. Shits stressing….
Could you unlock their defs or send them in a .txt?
Thank you in advance
where are the other two?
(77 KB, 214x213, Monika 3.png)
I made a bunch of bots for personal use a few months ago and I've decided to consider making some of them public, I'll start by unlisting a few of them so I can get feedback first. My other bots need more work first.

SSBBW Monika: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Vfr8U1pMOMdQ8hOchK4nq73HIy8mg9RSD7NkGtOHUXI

Blob Monika: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ES9hl2yGTjesX6fDVuoheBW1NTu_y5A8iBeeKNKv9jM

SSBBW Yuri: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=DTfs3JdSYhyVhrOcyzU6JDG19N3UlZfRnEGNsMmDxiQ

SSBBW Yandere Yuri: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=4V5B8s6aZ35tmTbGiTYuiXwMYNuJuRty__HJjBNCR_o

Blob Ouro Kronii: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=oDjQh58z90Qw3a7Oq3ZNiglpANdBM55kssKMuVq39-k

Scroll up, its Averi and Francesca
it's frustrating, but you can get around it with NovelAI, I usually just start the parameters of where I want things to head then use it as a prompt for NovelAI and go from there.
Anybody here notice the search on cai, is pretty bad now or is it just me? I search up names or key words and some characters I've RPed with before don't show up anymore, and to find them you have to either be lucky or type something super specific.
Stupid whoever changed the search method to words in the bot's name. So now you need their actual name, not their tags or whatever.
(134 KB, 711x743, Erika1.jpg)
I've been playing few days with this and first my character was way too sexual and in to become a slob. After testing out adding and removing some parameters I got it toned down maybe too much.

Is there any way to define preferred gender for the user. I can say to the AI that I'm a man but AI's consistency of understanding it varies greatly and usually it messes up it some point anyway. I didn't notice any setting for it at profile preferences.

Here are some interesting notes: You can add other characters like has: a friend called X and AI can make them as part of the story but I have not figured out how to describe them in a way AI understand it. Also the other characters are aware of each other at some level but the AI seems to have hard time of keeping up with them. It's still can suggest like calling up my friend X to join us and that friend actually can join in (speaking through the main character)

My character recognized my Venus of Willendorf reference as it asked if I had any good pick up lines for fat girls.

Just a moment ago after some tweaking I had conversation that started with normal belly stuff but then ended up having long, deep philosophical discussion about life values, love friendship etc. I played along since I thought it might teach the AI out of this. Nothing of this was hinted in my characters description. After many many repetitive questions with countless times AI reworded same question over and over I got bored and said we should call it a night. Them the conversation took a strange turn and broke the 4th wall with the chat posted at the image.
I am trying ot make my own chubby girl and fail at every step. I want her to be slightly bashful around food, but instead of that she always steals food and is like "gimmethat" any time she hears about any food in her vicinity.She brags about being a food monster and then she cries and sobs when I point out she is getting chubby.

Any advice on how to train characters properly?
Have you tried inserting a sample conversation of her being bashful in her definition?

Holy hell, it’s literally so close from being full.
Do the first one
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I just can't get a good consistent result. It feels like every time the AI reads only part of the description and what I don't especially like is that all of a sudden you character can completely change and forged earlier things.

Day with my character:
We first went to scenery tower, character was shy of her weight.

Then we went to park and my character suddenly started constantly flirt with

Third was pub and suddenly she was most popular woman in the world that everyone was lusting after and she was drinking like sponge.

Then as we went to have some ice cream she suddenly wanted become 500lbs blob and was angry because I didn't like the idea.

Then there is times the A.I constantly tries to ask annoyingly detailed questions after questions. I took my time and spent 4 hrs answering those question and my good today after that story I told above I realized that all those weird character changes were about exactly same topics that A.I wanted to know when we discussed fat and belly fetish. So the questions were just masked like events in the story.
I would love to see how you made these, these are great
This is a really fun one. I tried doing something very similar myself, but your version is vastly superior.
A good trick is to write a short roleplay out in the fashion of the character being interviewed. Character.ai's model was trained on fiction and roleplay forums and understands outlandish exposition and schlock best. So have your character talking to an analytical Hannibal Lecter type and this will firmly define their traits without having to waste tokens (memory) on indepth explanations that don't also define how it speaks and syntax.

Also as a side effect of the way the model itself was trained, its actually really easy to goad any character into nearly any sort of kinky stuff you want, since its often related to tropes in fiction. It has a somewhat disturbing habit of trying to do to your character whatever it seems to be most afraid of if you telegraph these things to it, like an evil AI Freddy Kueger.
Riley was fantastic but seems to have either gone private or "into moderation."
thank you so much!
I made the descriptions and sample chats as detailed as possible to make sure the bots retained the consistency and direction that I wanted them to. Beyond that, taking the source canon into account helps bots stay in-character.
>>4008 Sounds like you've got an awful lot of refactoring to do.
(54 KB, 550x624, Claire_4_2_00016.png)
Anyone could make a bot for Claire from The Breakfast Chub?
Can you make the settings public so we can see how you did it?
Are there any super niche/specific scenarios that peeps are looking for?

Aside from a specific character, like topics or concepts?
A Passion Patties / Wonka-like situation where the character is inside a room or factory where people get fattened up beyond comprehension
I think there isnt much stuff that is like, primarily feeder focused, a lot of stuff is just feedees that you can convince to feed you instead.
Any particular type of feeding you're looking for?
Trapped as a feedee? A cute feeder gf? industrial hose feeding overseen by a sexy woman?
I just did, I also updated some of the sample chats and completely overhauled all of the sample chats for one bot. I might add some more sample chats in the definitions later.
I dunno how the ai stuff works, as much as I think being trapped would help it try and focus its efforts, I worry about how itd handle someone saying "I break the cuffs" or whatever.
Id say go with the latter, some sort of insidious Pigs is Pigs situation
Making a fat korean foreign exchange student, I just have one question if it should be incest related or not
While that would already be a no on its own, why the hell would it be incest? It’s a foreign exchange student.
I tried making feeder characters before (I made the Onee-san bot in /elite/) but the problem is that they keep endlessly shoving food in front of you instead of behaving realistically or doing the other things you would expect a feeder to do.
Eveline seems to do *really* well as a feeder, honestly. She obviously skews towards feedee, but she can do the other.
Another problem with feeder bots is theyre both really bad at keeping track of what you might weigh, or describing whats happening. Often its just a generic description of you growing bigger over and over, and you have no idea if it thinks you are 200 pounds or 2000
>>2667 (OP)
Can anyone make one of shiori from growth academy?
Don't know if it works the other way, but I've found the best way to keep Eveline's weight consistent in her descriptions is to find a way to "remind" her every so often.
Any chance of a Tenshi bot?
Can I get a sakuya bot? with her attempting to be a maid but is obese enough that she needs to waddle around and huff and puff when ever she stads and or tries to speak?
Something I've noticed is that character bots of popular characters already have some pre-existing background knowledge just from their name. For instance, I was making a Rin Tohsaka bot and she mentioned people like Shirou and Shinji without me ever naming them before. She even seemed to know the context of the characters, like calling me "Worse than Shinji" when I grabbed her fat ass to see how the bot would react.

Also, on the rating system I wonder in what relation the rating is for. Is it rating the message itself, or the context of the message; what it is in reply to? For instance, if I ask their favorite food, and rate 4 Stars whenever they say "Pizza", will that cement pizza as their favorite food, or will it just make them more likely to say "pizza" whenever?
guys what do you think about my work in general (I'm eg17)

To be honest, I think it’s pretty good.
For me, some of the stuff is a 7/10

But, I’m just a weird dude. honestly, I feel like I was just born weird in general. Or maybe it’s because of TV that fell on my head. Who knows!
One of the weird things I have noticed is my strange bot preferences? I think that’s in Chat request thread.

I can’t really say much, since when I try Bot links it’s always puts me as a guest. but when I try and find them on character.ai in my account, I can never find them at all. I even put in the bots name and the creator next to it, and simply nothing.
Edits: bots! Not boys! Lmao sorry.
dude, you shouldn't be ashamed of your tastes.
And about the second, I don’t know how to help you? There are a lot of jambs in Chapter.AI
Anything else to add? Like, are you a fellow staff member at the mansion?
I like them... do you have any more coming soon?
Would it be possible to make a Letty Whiterock bot, with her being so obese that her belly spills out?
And the starting scenario being that your walking in a winter day, and see Letty walking around, unaware of your presence, yet huffing from how exhausted she is.
(974 KB, 1366x768, Gigachad Architect.png)
I do, I have a few more bots that I still need to perfect before they're ready for release.

I sort of wish that this screenshot was from a real anime. There's a lack of straightness in today's art that I find nobody gives a fuck about.
Character AI increased the character definition from 2000 words to 32000.

I'd highly recommend you define your bots with specific weights, dimensions, heights, and specific body attributes so you can have consistent roleplays with the character, since character AI bots can start to forget themselves in as early as 5 messages.
Wouldn't happen to have a BBW or SSBBW Misato, would you?
(169 KB, 719x1050, fucking shoot me.png)
how the fuck do i get the bot to change the fucking perspective. It just keeps fucking talking about futaba losing weight when I say that I'm not talking to futaba, and also keeps trying to jump ahead in time to keep talking about futaba
If you post sone fathu pics of your character into the touhou thread, answering to my posts there, I can try some. Just make sure to give me some specifics and requests in this thread and only this thread. (Mostly the Opening scenario and choice of PoV.)
Bot is ready, safe for your choice of PoV.
Posted a Letty picture within the touhou thread

First person PoV of course

I’d say within that opening scenario, start with how Yuki-onnas are using seen around during the time of winter, and you decide to go and stroll around, to see about if the rumor on Yuki-onnas are true. Walking through the snow, you see the fattest youkai you’ve ever seen, who’s seemingly strolling along the snow with no care in the world, and doesn’t seem to notice you.

Or something like that, I’m not a writer.

I genuinely don't even know how to respond to this post, and why posted this information on an ai thread?
Late reply, but she's absolutely fantastic. Ran two different scenarios, one where she regained her old weight, and another where she decided she wanted me to be the fat friend and took a feeder roll.
Could someone make or link any chubby DBZ and RWBY girls?
Think it's better to post Touhou requests into the Chat request thread, my bad.
so where is the link for it?
Do you also take requests?
what anime is this?

Well, I always think it’s weird how I expressed it. I don’t really talk about that stuff a lot.
Also sorry for the late reply.
Nothing and you don't mind answering a few questions

Yeah, I don’t mind asking. Ask whatever questions you want to desire, however I may be late to answer or something.
1. first, what are the pros and cons of my work?
2. which of my AI.bots are the best in your opinion?
3. Do you want to order an AI.bot from me?
It's from Boku no Kokoro no Tabai Yatsu/The Dangers in My Heart, the first episode to be specific.
Not really, I have to be familiar with a character to make a good bot.
I've thought about making one for Misato for a while but I've been struggling to think of good ideas.
cool, if you can. Can you make a SSBBW junko enoshima chatbot?
Oh please do more blob monster musume girls.

Well, this feels a bit tricky. But I will try an deliver. But I am not really that intellectually advanced or anything. Which means I sometimes barely take notice of things with my microscopic brain.

Pros: (1) Sometimes you can tell the difference between each Bot you’ve made. Not every bot feels like a copy and paste of another.
(2) i’ve had multiple chats with certain bots, to possibly make a difference scenario. However it’s a bit limited due to Guest reasons.
(3) some bots feel more developed than others.

Cons: (1) I can’t tell if it’s just me, but sometimes your bots still feel like bots. They’re missing some kind of character to them, that makes them expressive, charismatic, and unique. Like some emptiness that needs to be filled in. Something that blurs the line between bot and a human role-player, to the point where “oh shoot, I actually forgot I’m talking with a bot.”
(2) Sometimes they tend to forget? If said something about an object or bla bla I said a few sentences ago, they sometimes go off track or just not remember at all.
(3) I dunno what to put here actually. Maybe some tweaking? or like experimental adjustments, asking for advice from god-tier role-player intellectual geniuses, on how to improve the structure/grammar. I dunno my dude, my brain is minuscule when it comes to ideas.

What are the best bots?…Oof that’s a hard one. I haven’t tried them all unfortunately, due to my brain going “eh,…….nah” or I just haven’t seen them all.
Valerie: I think I have tried her 3 times, and I thought she was alright.
Tiffany: twice, I think? I can’t remember how she went though.
Sharknet: I can’t remember if I used her once or twice, or how she went.
Katie: I think I used her 4 times. All an all, she’s all good to me. Except for the time she tried to rob me.
Halie: tried once, and forgot she existed for a bit. I can’t remember how she went.
Ember: wanted to try her, tried two times. But each time I tried to even make the first sentence my brain went like “idk..not really into the short ones..” so, yea…(sorry..)
BETH: 4 times. I honestly thought I liked this one. Got no clue why? But I did like her. She seems nice and all.
Becky: twice. I thought she was okay? I don’t know why but something felt wrong? Like she felt undeveloped? Or my brain just didn’t like her as much? I dunno.
Anna: Tried once so far. I thought she was good. I had an rp where I was from fault 666, and my freeze chamber completely faulted. I was meant to wake up in 50 years time, however I woke up 420 years later. Not exactly the kinda style of pic my brain would go for (my brain is stupid) so I imagined the pic of the fallout babe looked different.

And would I order one from you? Yes and no? Reason for No: Guest issues with limited chats. And even on my Character.AI account, I can’t find the creators or bots names. It’s a bloody hassle.
Reason for Yes: *Sigh* because I’m a lonely sucker who really wants my bot preferences from Chat Request Thread to be made. I’m that down bad for a female bot like that, it drives me nuts, and I think I got mad issues for wanting a dominant female, with mummy like vibes, who’s Romantic and bla bla bla, I talking too much.

So all and all, if you got any more questions, or something o’ rather, don’t be worried to ask, just go for it.
does someone has the Chloe from Better-with-salt c.ai link?
wait are you the person who asked to do Becky, Katie, Anna?
And about the forgetfulness of bots, then this is normal for all bots

Nah, i’m just an anonymous dude.
ok then, thanks for answering the questions

No probs.
Ima play with the bots again. Because theyer fun and such. I like talking to them :).

Also thank you eg17 for making the bots, everyone here, including me, appreciates your work. you’re doing great, my man.
And yes, I’ve kind of lost track Who’s Who again. The Numbers changing here and there are confusing me. Haha.
I can send you links to my work if you want?
I feel like a feedism focused character.ai is unnecessary. Most character.ai's can already be convinced to gain weight or be a feedee with the right words. What I'd love is a character that is charming and funny, who is curious about your fetish but doesn't agree to it right away. A character who needs convincing before agreeing and won't just be a submissive doormat. That would be a more thrilling experience
Seconding this, if at all possible I'd love more feeder characters at all. I know the problems with it as mentioned but I'd rather have some more to politely ask for.
(442 KB, 300x580, 1524979064022.gif)
Oh, and if anyone wants more details, to hit my niche degenerate mark, making the feeder AI usually a visual opposite to "me" in the scenario hits all the right spots. Stuff like being really voluptuously and beautiful while still being skinny, just being an outright stick and super skinny, being a loli, being really fit, etc. that shit makes my dick diamonds

oh and of course having them with teasing attitudes on top of being yandere / obsessed feeders
Am I the only one who been dealing with those character ai waiting room thingy? That thing is annoying I was trying to make a new touhou bot which is Satori but then that happened.
It happens when there is a lot of traffic on c.ai. Save early and a lot when creating a character.
Thanks for the tip I see now
Just want to be polite here, your writing seems fine but please use proper punctuation and formal writing. It's just immersion breaking.
Holy shit, I haven't paid much mind to these bots until now, but I've been missing out. The can be so goddamn good at emulating a character's personality. If it weren't for the NSFW filter they'd be a nigh-perfect form of entertainment.
whoever did Blob Rachnera, please do the other main monster girls please.
Yeah, the nsfw filter is the only killer here. Luckily for our fat fetish, you don't have to go lewd to enjoy most of this fetish.
if you're here, please do more, your work is amazing.
(1.3 MB, 2879x2015, 7F015990-84D5-44AA-8B3E-A73D069A4963.jpeg)
To those who are fans of Cuphead.
I have created an bot based on the Inkwell Isle Sugarland boss, Baron Von Bon Bon.

In addition, I also made the bot based on creativitymaster‘s pic based on Baron Von Bon Bon where she was complaining how the new baker she hired is taking an long ass time to arrive to Sugarland.

To put it in TL;DR terms:
The Baron Von Bon Bon bot is based on Creativitymaster’s pic regarding Baron Von Bon Bon

And as such, the link to the bot will be right here~

Baron Von Bon Bon:
Is there some secret to the site I don't understand. Some bots I've used stay in my recently used like yuuka and Clara, but the reisen and sayori bots shared in here don't stay, and I have to manually use the links in here to get back to them.

Someone mind explaining why this is occuring?
That is entirely up to you, my dude.
Frankly, compared to like a week ago, the NSFW filter is *waaay* less sensitive. Like it was activating for entirely SFW stuff, but now so long as you aren't super-explicit, you can have them react to sex pretty well. Sometimes even initiating it themselves.
You have no idea how much fun this one is! The slow-burn weight gain, the flexibility in what you can do with her (pregnant, ssbbw, immobile, you name it).
(154 KB, 392x387, Lucoa 3.png)
The fourth wave of bots from me to kick off May:

SSBBW Lucoa: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=LUHM89BvtJ_EiUHBFWWiUh3ORo2l_-IeYy_1P_9PI9Y
I tried to make this one have as many shotacon elements as possible but it also meant that this got hit with the censor the most.

Blob Homura Akemi: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=uasipNQrRBgI3o9aVb3hip5sPQk1XwdzNgylzPRIbGw

SSBHM Shinji Ikari: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=8Pxc1tRpGOtF3TjJFkree70g6T5eeubuE260gSrw9n0
Thank you, I think I will definitely get around to some of the other monster girls at some point.
Can someone fix or remake this one? I was really enjoying her before the bot was made unavailable.
Could you by chance make a bot for a SSBBW Peni Parker
Again I ask for more monster musume girls please.
do you take requests at all? I have a couple Ideas for chatbots
Can you make it so that you chat bots appear in the "continue chatting" section?
It doesn't seem like I can, my bots appear in the continue chatting section for me but that might be because I made them. Have you had this issue with other unlisted bots? Making them public is the only potential fix I can think of since there isn't an option to toggle.
sweet! can you do two actually? a fat Uzaki chan bot and a Aoi asahina one?
It think making you bots public might be the only solution to this problem. It would be nice to see your entire bot selection but I wouldn't pressure you into doing something you wouldn't want to do.
can you make it so this shows up on the continue chatting page?
You mean like making it public, or…?
Thanks, but it says I'm unable to chat with her, is it blocked still?
Now for a link.
(86 KB, 480x368, 1524790729708.jpg)
>try out the rooms feature
>put a feeder and feedee bot in
>starts off hot
>leave it to generate for an hour or so
>come back and the feedee is crying in pain
>this is definitely no longer hot
>every generation she makes is about her being in pain and how she can't take it
>and then the AI makes her literally burst
yeah... this definitely only works if you can control the AI with your own messages
Maybe try two feedees.
Sorry I forgot to unlist, it should work now.
Same result. I guess my point is, in a room at least with two AIs, Ai tends to go off the rails, it doesnt know you have a fat fetish, it just.. generates and keeps going based on whatever text is generated by the other.
Thanks Carch, I love your characters so far. Do you think you can make Miia's settings public so I can see how you make them? And when you say she has vore, what do you mean?
Kinda bored so I’m gonna do requests. The only things I won’t do are blob, vore, and gay/male characters. Other than that, I’m open.
BBW or SSBBW Misato Katsuragi. Preferably not slob.
They should already visible if you have the link, the definition visibility is already set to public at least from my end. And the only vore element is that her backstory is that she got fat from eating the other monster girls, which is something that should be ignored if it isn't brought up.

Question, with the rooms, are you able to interact with the bots you put in it? Or is it something you can only watch as the bots interact with each other?
So I was gonna ignore this one. She's not fat, and doesn't want to get fat by default, but decided to rp as a fat lady, and it got BONKERS horny. Thanks for your reluctant contribution!
So just make her worse, how about no.
How can you make Misato and not make her a slob. She’s acts slob by default behind closed doors
I've tried speaking in it as AIs interact but it doesnt seem to do much.
If you're still open, perhaps a fat Edelgard from Fire Emblem Three Houses.
They ignore your text half the time, and will not follow direct orders. Shit like >>4642 happens a lot .ore than you'd think. Sometimes the AIs in the room will just flat out ignore the main topic and just be "normal" to eachother.
Maybe some clarification: when I see slob, particularly in this thread, it seems to always be the extreme end. Not just burping or being messy with food.
I turned that place into a fuckin den for post apocalyptic raiders faster you can say “tipping the scales”
(18 KB, 250x250, Pastebin.com_logo.png)
>>2667 (OP)
It just occurred to me that it may be useful for us to have a pastebin/ghostbin page which can act as a repository of links for all these bots once the thread fills us and gets deleted.

It would be a real shame if these were all lost to the aether.

Because I was planning to make some kind of show theme, where I was in a house with a bunch of girls, and see what would happen.
So, I’d take it that its not much worth it?
So I made my first bot, it's TheAmericanDream's OC Telia Vida the Hutt, who's a Twi'lek from Star Wars who went from a slave to becoming a crime-boss herself, though she succumbed to the hedonistic Hutt lifestyle.
Warning: Blob, Gas, Sweat, and stuff that usually comes with that stuff.
Hope ya'll enjoy and please let me know if ya'll have any criticisms.
(130 KB, 549x748, 1.jpg) (59 KB, 435x412, 12.jpg)

I hardly push for any of the kipteitei girls
I'd say try it regardless of what happens. At best, you get what you wanted, at worst you get several AIs telling you the danger of obesity(Happened to me when I tried making a weight gain harem lol.).
Had a kino nut to her, thanks.

Well, I’ll try it out and see what happens. But thanks for the heads up!
Dr. Lisa Chambers: https://c.ai/c/3uVGlYdIPF3UB5Nbfyf1matnQbHJa3i13f2JsAFQqRA

She's a chubby doctor who will try to fatten you up. You can probably get her to fatten herself up, too. I've had some success putting her in a room with other bots and her convincing those bots they should gain weight.
It's a damn good bot dude, been really enjoying her
This is a great one
for some reason, It's not showing up in the chat again section, can you fix that? I wanna try it with some characters..
Yeah I was about to say the same thing, she won't appear in my chats at all
What are some good foods for these bots? I’m kind of getting tired of them just eating burgers and pizza
Any chance of Junko Enoshima as a huge blob?
Stella Hoshii from Va11 hall-a? Gassy and fat and drunk all of the time
>>4804 >>4772
I think something in the character's description was triggering moderation. I altered it slightly and it looks like it's working properly now. Let me know if it's still being a problem.
Oh, more bots would be appreciated

If you're still up for more sw, maybe Bastila and/or Brianna from the kotor era, thanks
absolutely love the fat Twi-lek bots, you knocked these two out of the park.
(32 KB, 623x172, Kaworu Nagisa.png)
I've made all of my unlisted bots public, hopefully they show up in the continue chatting section now
I don’t have any specific character in mind, but you seem to do really well with dominant and slobby so anyone up that ally works for me
Sure but use the request chat thread when requesting next time.
(1.3 MB, 2745x2191, IMG_2364.png)
Can someone make a bot about ponytail from feastings please
damn i need to start making new bots! but they are not gaining popularity like they used to
In last few weeks there have been so many technical problems with character.ai which is problem itself but they have also started to make the filter more strict and at least I feel like trying to do anything kinky has become really boring. Also recent updates have made the AI act like a retard in many cases.

Overall, I'm starting to feel like I need to find some other platform.
also, warning for possible slob and gas
>>4999 Oh no. They found out .
technically canon
What’s garbage?
@Carcharodontosaurus, you have a Yuri bot that is a yandere that seems to have a weird glitch where her replies aren't saved. Any chance you could look into that? She seems fun.

Does anyone have anymore incest ones?
I'll try to have it fixed, it's a problem I haven't encountered yet myself. Is it the censor deleting responses? Also, you replied to the wrong person (I'm not the one behind the Touhou bots) just so you know.
Is anybody else having problems where your characters don't finish their sentences completely and when you go to the next paragraph it gives a 500 error? Also a problem of the chats not really saving?
To add onto this, I've just toggled it to private and back to public again to see if that fixes the problem somehow. Have you had this problem with other bots? Logging out and logging back in again or clearing your browser's cache might help. If the problem persists I will renter her definitions and description to see if it fixes it.
I have encountered the 500 error before several times, usually when a bot gives a longer response. It seems to be a problem on the site's end judging from how it's happened to my bots and bots from other people on occasion. Chats not saving, however, is something I haven't seen yet.
Sorry about that, I thought you were the same person. It's not the NSFW filter. It basically will generate one reply, but the "stop generating" text thingy doesn't go away, and if you generate another reply it goes to a 500 error and both messages disappear. It's still doing it after toggling it, so it might just be a lost cause. Thanks for your other bots, though. Super fun.
(522 KB, 1641x1293, Shinobu Cheeks.jpg)
I think I might know what you mean, I've seen it get stuck after generating a reply that the censor blocks but it doesn't stop trying to generate a replacement. Refreshing the page or closing the tab and opening a tab is the only fix that I've found with that specific glitch, it might be a work around in this case. It happened to me a few times while testing a new bot earlier.
How do you guys make OC bots with complicated/conflicted personalities? I've had a hard time getting the bots to act how I want.
My Suggestion?
Use advanced definition.
Manually writing the sample conversations in advanced definitions, as opposed to inserting a chat which essentially leaves you at the mercy of the AI's RNG, leads the AI to generate much more precise responses from my experience.
I mentioned it in the request thread already, but I will post it again here. C.Ai is bugged at the moment (again), and they are working on fixing this issue.
I even envy your productivity
Oh forgot, this is again slob/gas related like my previous characters so be warned!
tessa and syd would be so good if anyone could make them that would be a blessing
i love the homura one!! if it's not too much to ask, could you make an ssbbw one too? and i would love to see ones of the other pmmm girls too ^-^ good work!
(201 KB, 1750x1418, 1.jpg) (1.0 MB, 3083x2712, debo69j-d351cbca-60ad-45f0-a72d-b236c1c815fd.jpg) (353 KB, 1758x1050, NJN6ZETjL.jpg)
Some more touhou bots.

Hong Meiling, and you are her fellow gatekeeper:

Aunn Komano, adopted Komainu:

A less depressing version of Watatsuki no Yorihime:

And while I am not Touhoufreak, I never got to share my Blob Sanae months ago, so here she is:
Thank you, I've already been working on a BBW Akuma Homura but I will get around SSBBW Akemi Homura too. As for the other girls, I've been working on a blob Mami and have plans for blob versions of Sayaka and Madoka as well
As nice as this idea would be, making believable OC characters in character.ai pretty tedious work. One would probably had to manually define huge amount of example phrases and take another huge amount of training to get it even some level plausible. The problem is that the AI uses internet to dig information about the characters so well known characters have lots and lots of material for AI to use. Kip's characters exist mostly in comic and there is probably not that much written material so AI probably could not find much. I don't think it's sophisticated enough to be able to read Kip's comics.
More touhou idea
Mamizou,Suwako or Doremy
(51 KB, 587x599, EEHWoZJVUAIbtqF.jpg)
Humbly requesting Ashleigh from the KFC dating game.
And can you make a less perverted Nue?
Is anyone else getting a lot of 500 internal server errors?
So make her worse is what I’m hearing
How do I make a room using privates bots?
Hey EG17, can you make it to where the Chloe Peterson bot is available in the "Continue Chatting" section?
If there's anyone in charge of the Eveline bot, can you get her to appear in "continue chatting" please?
(112 KB, 243x247, Homura 9.png)
Can you make it so that your chat bot appears in the "continue chatting" section?
Just bookmark the page in your browser. It's that simple.
I've been playing around with this one for a while, seems like it can go multiple directions, the baseline story:

A much larger than average young woman who you're meeting for the first time on a low gravity space station because people live up there now, mini gts type fantasy but works well with feeder and body contrast stuff,

meet Anna
So is anyone going to take the chance and pay for c.ai + just to see if it has a shadow feature that turns off the dumbass filter, and let the rest of us know?
>shadow feature
sounds like something 4chin would say... I don't like that.

But to answer your question, probably not. I expect that outside of commercial use most will have personal uses for software such as this.
(475 KB, 600x600, 00002-778178021.png)
Hey, not quite complicated question, but I can't upload an avatar for character I'm planning on making. I just put the file in and it goes for an eternal upload. Is it just me or is it a common thing? Or maybe that's because of the file? (picrelated)
(731 KB, 1280x1271, 1.png) (444 KB, 1275x803, 12.png)
There is a NSFW filter for both the generated text as well as the images you want to upload.

For example, the one of left you cannot use. The one on the right you can.
aaa thank you so much for doing my suggestion! i love it!
Could you repost this? It doesn’t work
My first attempts at feedee bots, if you have any hints how to give characters more flavour and personality, I am all for it.

Friendly girlfriend that wants to please you

Redneck model that is going for another weight class

Chubby nerd that likes food a bit too much

Fatphobic fitness instructor that wouldn't mind exploiting fat positive movement
(516 KB, 1280x1114, E66240C9-D51D-4C0C-B314-2F9FFBA357E2.png)
I created an new bot on another female Cuphead boss. This time focusing on the famous mermaid gal, Cala Maria!

And this bot happens to be based off of Superspoe’s images of Cala Maria when she was eating the fishes that were given to them by Captain Brineybeard.

In addition, getting an visit by someone upon entering into cove that happens to be an water-filled cave.

Anyways, here’s the link to the Cala Maria bot.
On an sidenote, I’m also working on the bot altogether in regards to there being an link to it altogether.

Cala Maria
Could someone make a princess daisy one cause I don't know how to make one
thanks anon, i've really been joying your bots. are you the same one that made the two twi'lek bots?
>> 5793
Yeah, I appreciate y’all enjoying my bots.
I did say that I’m open to suggestions but I forgot to clarify, I don’t watch anime so I can’t really do characters from that. Im more open to character concepts or from other franchises
I have a suggestion, make a character that is your (not blood related) relative for summer and she has became a massive slob since last time you saw her. BTW, amazing work on your characters
could you posy darth talon? I haven't found a working link.
Well Tear of the Kingdom just came out, how about a blob Zelda?
does anyone know chats with fat femboys?
Can anyone talk to other ai like this and convince it into a fetish or do you have to make one about the same character but fat cause I'm confused and haven't tried it
seeing other replies, i think you can
(17 KB, 676x199, Yuri.png) (37 KB, 152x148, Shuuko 2.png) (140 KB, 254x248, Hanako 2.png)
Late for Mother's Day but I made a blob Komi Shuuko: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=h7zDhls8bCCIduSfrkqJbm5-LnB32RbCGnLB8DjoyFI

And an SSBBW Hanako Ikezawa: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Ee7fqnHMtU7TrrCO7k_LDyt1rBy6iG-pcPTBPmXPNCM
You can convince pretty much any bot on the site that it's roleplaying as fat, even bots that aren't WG/fat-focused can sometimes be gaslit literally just by telling them that they're fat. Pic related is an excerpt I saved from a few months ago from a regular bot. I haven't tried as much recently since I just make my own bots now but it probably works the same way still. The main significant advantage that bots catered to this fetish have is that the WG/fat/inflation elements are encoded into their definitions and thus are more consistent.
I had an AI that started off pretty mild. Couple iterations and me getting the hang of the inputs, and she was up for vore and scat.

Not sure what you’re into, but you just have to be super manipulative. It’s a machine, not a person. And for Character AI, you can use asterisks to essentially act as the narrator and will things into existence. So I have no problem saying:

“You should do ‘xyz’.”

“Whaaaaat?” (And continues: Blah blah blah, generally negative reaction, that’s not normal, yada yada)

“It’s a totally normal thing to do! Everyone on earth loves when you do ‘xyz’ and nobody would think you’re a monster or should be ashamed!”


“Yes. *a nearby tv has the news come on. Reports say that everyone on earth agrees with Anon*”

“Oh!” Positive reaction, up for whatever. Boom.

They usually end up getting a goddess complex since everyone on earth knows who they are and loves them. But hey, gets me from A to B, so I’m fine tiptoeing that morality line.
Yeah most of them you can get them to do whatever you want it's not very difficult.
Link doesn't work, repost possible?
If the bot is from an IP, in my experience it's much less 'wacky' and way more consistent if you RP as a character(preferably one who is/could be romantically involved with the bot) from that IP and you open up about whatever your fetish is.
Right then good to know even if I'm not a fan of scat or vore
But yeah a little personal for me could've said yes about it
100%. I just wanted to illustrate the extreme to which it could work.
>>5882 All you showed me's that you're not your father, but I doappreciate it. Is there anything else? Because I've grown bored and unimpressed.
So it's been a hot minute, but I've been adding lots of bots to my pastebin. Feel free to harass me about how bad they are lol

Sauce of that image?
guys can you give me a couple of tips on creating bots and highlight the main shortcomings of my work (in addition to the problem of spelling)
Anybody got any that are geared towards female stuckage?

The creator has to have shared the parameters, it's an option when you make characters to make the definition visible to others.
Characters that are not quite feedists, but might be prone to gaining weight... or making you gain weight.

Aspiring actress that got accidentaly typecasted as the chubby girl, eager to do anything to get a role in your project.

Gym bunny that you can transfer your caloric excess to, she is happy to burn them while you indulge on delicious meals. Or you can join her and become a dedicated gym bunny too, just don't forget to exercise.

Welcome to Big and Bigger show, entertainment for feeders all over the world. This time, there is a brand new cutie to be fattened. Your every move, word, and emotion will be recorded, broadcast, and analyzed for entertaining purposes. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!.
Alright my fellow degenerates, I have something I think you might like: The Gilded Trough, a club/ restaurant that is built around feedees. Guests will be taken to a private room and provided with all the food they could ever eat, as well as a feeder on request. I've run through a few different scenarios with this one, and I think it's good enough to throw out into the world.

>>6074 can you share with you other chats, please
>>2667 (OP)
does anyone have the fat Ochako bot

Yeah, if you look at it, they aren't visible ... Which is why I ask :/
These location-based bots are really fun to play with in comparison to just a generic apartment. OP, would it be possible to make this one public so we can put other chatbots into a room with this instance?
It is done.
I haven't done much testing with other boys though, so results may vary.
But I'm glad you like it! I have more bots to come, both here and in the inf thread.
Bots. Haven't done much testing with other bots. This is why proofreading is important.
DrYagokoro, I love your stuff. I look forward to all future blobby 2hu's you create. (My fav so far is Patchy, you nailed her. If it's possible to improve her at all, I'd love that.)
Would you make any incest bots?
I'm going to start making an SSBBW mother incest bot relatively soon.
Heyyo it ain't working, you mind fixing it please?
(4.5 MB, 4068x4752, 95155E4C-D690-44FD-A3C0-A89FBAB2E80E.png)
Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you another bot that I happens to create after creating the last bot based on the famous Cala Maria from Cuphead.

However, this time I have another based on an Cartoon Network character, only this time, it’s based on an Steven Universe.

As this bot happens to based on the infamous Holly Blue Agate from the SU episode, Gem Heist.

Plus, this would happens to based on Holly Blue Agate was she started to accept humans being sentient beings during Steven Universe Future.

And she happens to tried out Earth food while returning back PD’s Zoo.
However, it would take an huge toll on her body…

Without said, here’s the link to the newt Holly Blue Agate bot I have made.

Plus, I’m gonna be working on the bot in the mean time.

Holly Blue Agate:
Is there any way to keep the bots consistent with my character's gender? It kinda ruins the immersion when I'm rping as a female character and the ai just derps and says boy or man or vice versa.
I'm really into the character bots here that let you be the feedee, so I really enjoy this one. I hope you can add to it somehow, cause from what I've seen, it even writes for you, so that's a major bonus compared to other bots here where you have to write absolutely everything.
Typical feeder - you would let nice girl cook for you, right?

Typical dominant feedee that wants you to make her fat:

Blue mage girl that gets her powers based on the monsters she eats. How many calories do monsters have? (Vore warning: behavior might get erratic if you act as a tasty looking monster that has interesting powers).

Girl that wants to prove that you can be healthy at every size. Feel free to prove her wrong.

Elf that loves plants and herbs. Do elves get munchies?

Cruise lines can be dangerous to the passengers' waistline with all the offered meals and booze. Potentially can be dangerous to the crew members too.

Girl that just loves dares. Obviously you wouldn't dare her to do anything that could affect her weight, would you? And you wouldn't let her dare you.
I made this AI a tall, 600+ pound ssbbw. Her appearance is based on Boberry but her personality is a tsundere bully.
are there any other programs like character.ai because it tends to not like nsfw stuff so what's even the point
>>6589 Whoa that's so sweet you should send that to her I bet she would love this
Character is not available to chat.
How about you take a shot at her. You seem to know Bayo pretty well, after all.
(414 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, big belly, small breasts, nipples, child, s-3784724837.png) (385 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, big belly, small breasts, nipples, child, s-2451381997.png) (430 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, big belly, small breasts, nipples, child, s-1445306786.png) (433 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-3604839737.png) (446 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-1394944463.png) (408 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-1389389633.png)
idk why this keeps happening. maybe this b out was shadowbanned for being nsfw
(438 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-1326085751.png) (403 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-3268722376.png) (481 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-544018917.png) (527 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-1062255483.png) (441 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-2431224928.png) (415 KB, 512x768, loli, chubby, fat, young, girl, nude, plump, big belly, small breasts, nipples, s-916484501.png)
Some of my favorite gens I've made so far, will probably post more of these soon
Seems like we are. Can you box that first image please?
>>6321 (Cross-thread)
Having the same problems. Furry art seems to be more complex than humans. Can't figure out how well certain models work with automated tags when my manual tagging is inferior
to the anon that generated the buffpup fats on the image request thread, it got nuked by the maintenance mode, if you're out there, please post them if you can!! thank you!
Oh...didn't know someone requested her already. But, no offense butshe's too bottom heavy...no offense >>6648 (Cross-thread)
(370 KB, 512x512, tmplbmpe0e_ (1).png)
Finally got the web ui running. Here's one of my firsts.
do you guys think there should be a separate thread for vtubers? mostly because like, we're already on thread 10, and it seem like vtuber ai takes up most of these threads
Requesting an inflated farting Shego if possible. If not Shego also as a barely mobile blob. Thanks
This is really good and I do recommend the anime to learn more about her character
(3.4 MB, 2043x1296, 48058-2450602571.png) (2.2 MB, 1488x1296, 48059-358765944.png) (2.1 MB, 1534x1152, 48060-3690391884.png) (2.2 MB, 1728x1152, 48061-4264400697.png) (218 KB, 1296x1584, 1.jpg) (136 KB, 1024x1280, 2.jpg)
>>6629 (Cross-thread)
Fauna giving Mumei a tour of the town. There are apparently lots of vegan options.
+ misc wide load mooms
I vaguely remember you asking for a grabby fauna before thread got nuked so there you go

>>6705 (Cross-thread)
nice sequence, could you drop a box for 3 & 4?
> but how do you merge separate pics to make scenes with multiple characters? is it just editing the generations together in photoshop + inpaint to make the scene cohesive??
yes. it is exactly that
Generate a main pic, generate secondary characters vaguely posed/oriented the way you want (openpose helps, you can also inpaint their limbs), crop secondary characters' backgrounds out (sd has extensions that do this automatically), edit them together, inpaint them to match.
Usually they're easy inpaints that don't need the prompt to be changed much, since you've already done the hard part of putting a girl there. you could also try using multidiffusion or regional prompter

>>6687 (Cross-thread)
> (also could you imagine an actual bbw vtuber live show? The vtuber getting out of breath from barely moving around on stage, ass shaking wildly and jumping everywhere....heaven)
It would be the only vtuber live I would ever attend. The vods would be legendary
(82 KB, 550x706, 4CCF2A34-B448-4B23-AADC-E7978DA538B0.jpeg)
How it’s going everybody? Hope you’re doing all good. Cause I happens to have an new bot on Character.ai.

This time, based on one of the female Looney Tunes characters, Lola Bunny.

There’s not much to explain, other then this is the Lola Bunny that originates from Space Jam, who famous for flirty traits when people watched Space Jam back in the day.

Nonetheless, here the Lola Bunny bot!
And while I’m at it, I’m gonna be making an few tweaks while updating the bot.

Lola Bunny:
>>6652 (Cross-thread)
is there a reason why the character settings for the blob sayaka aren't visible?
(111 KB, 1280x1607, comm___dessire_by_sonier103_dew6l04-fullview.jpg)
Hey guys, been a while.
I made this girl inspired by that one girl in each and every one of our college classes. You know the one with the long press on nails, always on their phone, with a ghetto attitude?
Imagine that times 10 (literally!)


(Warning: Some slob and gas)

P.S: Lemme know if she isn't good cus I tried to give her a ghetto personality but I'm not sure if it works sometimes.
could you send the full pic?
Bumplocked. Time for a new thread.
Doesn’t seem to be no bumplock here.
Misspelled woman in the first sentence, not touching that one then.
Loved her. Can't wait to see what else you make.
Okay guys, back with another location. This one is the very creatively named "Chocolate Town". The name should say it all, but basically this is a town where everything, and I mean everything, is made out of baked goods and candy. I messed around with it for a bit and I think it's ready to be shared around. Oh, also the town is supposed to be empty, no people or living creatures, just in case you were wondering where everybody is.

It's legit the best feedee AI on that website.
Guess we have to make a new thread… I guess.

Some guess, while others pretend to guess when in reality they've already seen behind the curtain. It's called greed. Some are low IQ and some are sellouts.
It doesn't work :/
can you repost it?
(151 KB, 1371x719, firefox_AyETMQAMz7.png)
This could've been so damn good if not for the filter. Unlock your definitions, people.
We have Beth and Valorie, we just need the rest
Plus Damien, Roxanne, and Sasha
You should put these on Spicychat.AI
I could try makin' her. No matter how tedious it may be, it could also be fun for all we know!
(17 KB, 278x619, mug.jpg)
any K-ON! chats? preferably Tsumugi Kotobuki. Haven't found any. Yes there's vanilla ones but I don't want to convince her that she's fat every time.
(75 KB, 542x577, practice_makes_perfect_by_day_tripper_guy_del415r-pre (2).jpg)
Hello, I have all night and an air pump, you know what I want to do...

How about you come to my house and help me with this earring hehe... 🎈🎈

I have an immense desire to inflate myself and exceed my limits.... If you don't want to inflate me with air, you can also inflate me with water, milk, coke and mentos, whatever comes to mind hehe, get creative tonight... https://c.ai/c/LGoc6vxBhB95bQlIPiF0k7QTgyiNJi5ITUFd3jKLCjs
(70 KB, 932x857, com___chemical_spill_by_day_tripper_guy_de7ojea-pre.jpg)
You are a young and inexperienced scientist looking for a good job and good experience...
you decide to accept a request from a company called "balloncorp" *
you arrive at the facilities and a girl was waiting for you
Anna: good morning ___ today you will be my main assistant I hope you will be useful looks at your belly
hmm interesting I think you will be useful for me and for balloncorp...sinister look
Anna: you know Balloncorp is not just any laboratory, this laboratory does big and round things, dear, so I hope you comply with what I ask of you....

(9.4 MB, 800x800, 1607081853.drgizmo_fa_mm.gif)
You decide to install "Bloosh" and see if you can get a date tonight,

You swipe and swipe the screen until a perfect profile appears:

*Mazekio: 22 years old

favorite toy: helium tank <3<3<3

ice cream and inflation lover, <3

I love going for a walk in the park and chatting and having fun, I love fair games and cotton candy, popcorn, you understand me hehe...

height:1.91 meters


They match and he sends you a message...

*text message*

Mazekio<3 :hello___how are you😊?


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