
(1.6 MB, 1344x1344, 889047d92602c8b7e662ccdcf10b2f7a0585de7276a5278b2cfd5bef6a31eb81.png) (217 KB, 1280x1280, 4afcff0d366a11948dae444e8dbc105dd52e1c1e5de1e17237ea9805d2caa21d.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1152x1152, d6df15d73e3429568e089fb69a534af5f87cc53af02085e48b81480db8f7e66e.png) (1.6 MB, 1344x1344, 6c3dc51dfae4ac0baaf056b8535e6fcb16da1b49e677a6713c62f888cb3c9c49.png) (1.4 MB, 1520x1040, 904ed361d769077cf5517e71e9075d7464a985f5e66d3dbc4a56a1355e46fcbd.png) (184 KB, 1368x936, 8a078cdebe3043106585542bd38cd89e50efc25aad63c7f1444cbb0899c19f8b.jpg)
Time for number 9 ladies and gentlemen, hoping I don't fuck it up because I haven't done this before

Request a character with a prompt and an image, and hope someone helps you.

Tag the request Anchor with your requests
Tag the Delivery Anchor with your deliveries.

>Please be sure there is already a LoRA or Lycoris available for your request on civitai.com: without one, your request is likely to go unfulfilled.

Previous threads (>>13298 (Cross-thread)) (>>15783 (Cross-thread)) (>>18534 (Cross-thread))(>>20551 (Cross-thread))(>>23529 (Cross-thread))
(202 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2.jpg)
(122 KB, 1024x1024, OIG3.jpg)
(178 KB, 1472x828, photo oct 09 2022, 12 29 00 pm.jpeg) (33 KB, 335x535, photo oct 08 2022, 7 03 58 pm.jpeg) (104 KB, 755x828, photo oct 08 2022, 6 38 58 pm.jpeg) (58 KB, 398x655, photo oct 08 2022, 6 50 23 pm.jpeg) (40 KB, 297x475, photo oct 08 2022, 7 01 29 pm.jpeg)
Requesting Debbie Eastriver from Dimension W being fat and naked.

Some screenshot refs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cfk8ene29zkvlsblgr23b/AIzcSuw6GRjhetTTjQ71OzU?rlkey=psqjc4v54oqqmpu0laakvzns3&dl=0
(172 KB, 860x460, oof.jpg)
Alright, time to get back into the swing of things.

Unfortunately, there's no trained lora for this character. I can't find anything on Civitai or Pixai

Same goes for >>26337 , but the inclusion of the screenshots has made me install Kohya so I can learn how to train loras for Pony models. Whether or not I get any good results out of it remains to be seen.

For everyone else wanting to put in a request, remember to do your research and look if your desired character has a lora for them, ideally a Pony XL Lora, which will give the highest quality results.

Can't find anything for her, either.
Please search on Civitai to see if your character has an existing lora.
Have you tried pixai it’s there for her.
(5 KB, 416x84, Screenshot 2024-08-02 125203.png)
That's why I asked for stuff from Civitai. Sometimes you can only use the online generator and I'd rather generate stuff on my own PC without having to bother with wait times and currencies.

I apologise for the inconvenience.
At least it tried. It is tough since this character is very obscure. Not too bad results.
(105 KB, 600x1000, IMG_3773.webp)
Requesting a Allenby from g gundam stuffed to the limit in the kipteitey style pretty please
(456 KB, 497x1064, MegaDrive.png) (1.5 MB, 1200x1200, BurninAI5.png) (1.8 MB, 1152x1152, GawrGuraAI1.png) (1.4 MB, 1152x1152, DorothyAI6.png) (1.6 MB, 1344x1344, CordieAI8.png)
Goddamn those are some fancy-ass anchor pictures. Nice.

Anyway, one of my personal obscure blorbos finally got a Lora. However, it seems to want to make chibi versions of her only? If someone's able to give her a less chibi look, that'd be great. A happy or shy expression would be good, and sizes, art styles, and body types similar to the included fatties would also be very nice. I'll take any form of fat Mega Drive, though.

One final request. If you're okay with it, could you make her a blob? specifically fat enough to level a 2 floor house. I don't really know how to describe it
Okay i'll try to go even further
(625 KB, 768x960, 1.png) (559 KB, 768x960, 2.png) (495 KB, 768x960, 3.png) (490 KB, 768x960, 4.png)
Could only do so much with an SD1 model, but here you go
Aw sheeeesh, how did you get this pseudo 3d look? This looks awesome
Just part of the Lora. I noticed the sample images of the lora used 'anime screencap', so I also used it. Dunno if I wouldn't have had the same cel shaded style without it, never tried.
Thx for info tho, i'll download this lora, just in case
Nice generation, but i always though of this robot as female, well, shit happens
I think they look great, thanks dude
(116 KB, 2048x999, media_F_8aYImWkAATbwx.jpg)
Temmie brainrot has gotten to me again... I require her big and full and inflated, ready to burst.... houghhh
Hey Leaf, some pretty big improvements on your end recently. I'm about to start getting back into generating, what's this perfectnai_v10 model you're using? I assume it's a turbo/lightning model, since you're using a Turbo sampler, yet you're still going 30 steps like usual instead of much lower like turbo/lightning models usually do. What's the deal there?
(51 KB, 358x358, head empty.jpg)
Ever since upgrading from SD Forge to ReForge I forget what Sampler and Schedule Type I've used. I literally haven't bothered to boot up the old one and check my settings, let alone find the setting that lets txt2img settings not default to whatever is at the top of the list. During those gens in particular I thought "This Turbo sampler is the one I always used, right?" without knowing what it actually did.

As for PerfectNAI, found it one day on Civitai. Turns out it works a treat. Honestly, I prefer to use it over any Autism model.


It's a merge of Perfect Pony and T-Ponynai, according to the creator.
Not the requester so nice stuff you made.
Oh definitely 👌

Can you do some belly heavy ones too?
(1.3 MB, 1280x1280, 00028-103509071.png) (1.3 MB, 1280x1280, 00026-103509069.png) (1.4 MB, 1280x1280, 00025-103509068.png)
First I've heard of reforge, I'm checking it out now. Seems pretty damn similar to Forge but I do see all these extra samples and stuff. Also noticed you're using a pony compatible version of hyperfusion? I don't see that on civitai, where'd you dig that up you sneaky sneak?
Thanks this is lovely.
(42 KB, 650x1000, F6OU_8SWcAApc_9.jpg) (144 KB, 360x691, cb674152d4f90e074a6cffe6f1ee49bbd9544b92a9d9fc08c1faee38d9feb4d8.png) (1.5 MB, 1152x1152, 7d6d72fb049ca3b2dfdb3a2acca9b270090e80873260fcaafa4a6bd85263a57a.png)
I am placing an order for Ashley from the remake of Another Code, hopefully with the same proportions as the second photo and respecting the art of the game (sorry for the model that is from the original game design). https://civitai.com/tag/ashley%20mizuki%20robbins
Ok, the pony version of Hyperfusion is something I got from the creator themself. They're in the discord server I'm in.

In all these years that you've been asking for that, has anyone answered your call?
(190 KB, 1200x1000, 5_J72YE_lKbRf4e0ujiDpfJOgwJOQsUaq7akIS5-0Av_kCvO5BEBLNGLxSH769jX7-YcrjzZvKsX2e0QAv19PCuS.jpg) (172 KB, 1200x1000, cs9XFPtu5hGmhR_obb5V9hZ4GGi_xutOQgQVaD7CkJngn5T87KqP7BD0rzo9Pa8NXOYvNTThv88-0h94FhlQdZNo.jpg) (224 KB, 1200x1000, Vr0wH4E24fpqafsprYEZFL9A9yi-P3tjDm1g2TCNcIw_Rj9qvwz2ch_4ZFS0yk9Zfc7NDAkuIN-hEBJ7X2PGrSp5.jpg) (186 KB, 1200x1000, WL7ibXLd5M1Obx-27L6qro3e7Zwm4hRFDatK3fx04vAln7qj2mjHPN65iMcHWzmEat6Tmogd-_mSos8cK4SVgbO1.jpg) (205 KB, 1200x1000, wuIB5B4RkNio19Cfn1KXzQsSqva70_sWlfWU-Mw2gFRtHDdNw9LAjcJjyJFC6PBpf3yBOY5wOL8ZRb7LSPqY3NKW.jpg) (212 KB, 1200x1000, leUSeM6WyriOuMA-lDZ1SuXeZDy51kS5hJQN-Yd1-JOr9C8qgwj7Kxz1UJeNLMxDbPwr5tUTpxpyRCTUvAyMMh_Z.jpg)
(144 KB, 1000x1200, joj6TfsLT-ndfzYBzabRPzS0wKp55sYthZ-2lczDIKz757bijEi7c9veU45sFQmx7J-XNGcTY8RHfWVeCM3mAKjh.jpg) (240 KB, 1000x1200, Vqeozeo_CLf7kpTwenZMxNdiybYe_VhnUAbW6cG-3te16g391QmIzP7pa8mD6Nsr77iF5hgtRtH9cYsVQR3bGqXh.jpg) (140 KB, 1000x1200, d_qgo1wwTWqtRrGWryFSd91qloGt9Isqnt0Cima91W1oxiQRjqvtzWmv-Jaql5aOifdTnil8h8DilO4OmzzwDe30.jpg) (256 KB, 1000x1200, n9MG-tFfqCO1-aBucaQplvyH58YSq3mRaRgjTwXGDcHOBxSumpX2pyMPScNNLCNHBWFdCffz8uyAVft77y32IpwC.jpg) (243 KB, 1000x1200, CM92pYaMD_0HhkFxIsSrNawiVo7V_n-M2mM_y5kUHln00T9GuVIv0yurrCDXtvjSe4DYnJBarFO-uTIZSKjX6y0-.jpg)
(134 KB, 1360x768, fUU2KMJvQR1S8DEPtVODn8aWyJXr4mMNvT0bkokTQfbp31ekrEWGA0pBgS-3NZ1tSsswCH3yRNkgRL4oJXL2fxxl.jpg) (131 KB, 1360x768, SiLm_U5oOY416gvvxD96-gC1kq90gbMomqEfcKhPWb_Zz6mhIIEmzfWEMli00P7LDVJNMnOAlAL-t-2DTlkoLYqj.jpg) (123 KB, 1360x768, fndCp-nzfTdLAaUPFP_I4WMbukVrrwMDhLXzfZhcM_MKRXLcmvS8q2H-rndsxwX1iqGWJ-XZmOjMnycLJ8nia5Sa.jpg) (122 KB, 1360x768, Fslqt58LmKwqFn7WWpx5LU7oVS7hO7rF7-sP5yhLvXTyfZduBVc2dTe5SIOdKdwOMOITSeu6opLZUK_a8sPGBeUX.jpg) (136 KB, 1360x768, 26mr9vJKJvDK1WtLVh_BbhFofLv2k8oCk_VBwVBghqVsv4jJI82Bhm4QDUgz_rZtEYJ1-96xoWHnKQdE1jNp158q.jpg) (140 KB, 1360x768, EeHYr6IZB98AXScaZJB4mkuFMGQx_Z_CtA7ZM_T8mL2Sp2kX0NTPZ8vKIEFrvZw8soZSmYkIvZ0Xw3H83LkX_fwK.jpg)
I lack perspective of her ass but thanks anyway
Love it! Thanks for doing my request, if it's okay could you do some more of him even bigger?
These are perfect, thanks!
Every draw thread I saw for years on /d/ and /trash/, I saw the same exact request; it wouldn't surprise me if I heard he asked for her over 100 times by now. I wanted to know if anyone gave him a pic and if so, how many, out of sheer curiosity.
(42 KB, 146x233, PokemonRanger.png) (1.4 MB, 1200x1200, HarmonyAI1.png) (1.3 MB, 896x1200, RyukoAI8.png) (1.3 MB, 1152x1152, PiyoriAI1.png)

I'd like to request a chubby ORAS Pokemon Ranger, please. Poses relating to outgrown clothes would be great (like if she's got unbuttoned shorts and/or is looking embarrassed about how her fat is escaping her clothes), and I'd enjoy it if she was in a natural location like a forest or a mountain hiking trail.

Dayum what Ron been feeding her
(1.1 MB, 832x1216, 00064-1180323036.png)
Requesting some 300 pound Maya Fey either eating burgers or lifting/opening her dress to show off her weight gain
I should ask what are you using to get this results?
But at least it’s better than nothing.
So i don't know how to work properly with SD1. so i download "mothmix" checkpoint what was linked to both of these models, sorry what the result is this horrific
>>26561 Nice work here on these images of Calamity Jane. These are great. Thank you for doing them.
>>26554 Awesome job here on these images of Pocahontas. They're great. Thank you for doing them.
Pokemon is a nearly-endless fountain of cute girl designs.

Thanks a lot!
Oh god, oh fuck, this one's good, oh fFFUUCK THANK YOU........ last one presented is really cute, in fact all of them are cute and very fwoomped, cheers man
I don't mind, these look great!
Actually these are just alright, thank you!
(1.3 MB, 1024x1536, dgowz0y-709082d4-5fc4-4a39-b1a0-63ef42cf0d66.png) (1.4 MB, 1024x1536, dgowz2d-20d19a2a-5d6d-4a1b-8e49-939f1f08bd68.png) (1.4 MB, 1280x1280, dgowz09-a6ce0d40-fc80-4663-996f-3d9bd98b9dd3.png) (1.7 MB, 1024x1536, dgowz3t-eff3122e-e6bf-4a49-bf78-95de1dd735af.png)

Halloween is coming up so I'm Requesting some Crimson from TDRR as a big SSBBW from eating a lot of candy at a Halloween party and patting her big belly while holding some leftover candy in her other hand
I love Sylvanians and Communityists
(305 KB, 1125x959, 11426C67-1450-42CD-B821-495373BB7ED3.jpeg)
This is an ancient French community cauldron. Typically in the middle of town serving free French onion soup and such. Many version of French onion soup are vegan and so cheap and perfect.
So easy feed an entire town for free.
Imagine how much authentic French food she eats
Not the requester but hot DAYUM
(51 KB, 564x767, Chizuru.jpg)
I'd like to request Chizuru as a hyper pregnant USSBBW
these are some of the best I've ever seen. especially the first and fourth and fifth ones. damnn....
Holy fuuuuuuuuuck! Thank you so much dude
(50 KB, 640x325, IMG_5484.jpeg) (3.7 MB, 2500x1999, IMG_1423.png) (309 KB, 2048x1493, IMG_7310.jpeg)
Mirei Yajima, SSBBW or USSBBW don't matter, big as all hell outgrowing her clothes, sweaty or steaming hot (optional), big cellulitic fat ass (optional too), medium size tits
(240 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_5775.jpeg)
Hello, Requester here and you have made my day. Thank you very much
(309 KB, 1200x843, IMG_5584.jpeg) (105 KB, 1280x1134, IMG_5580.jpeg) (1.3 MB, 1200x1600, IMG_5583.png)
Imma need a USSBBW (like the ref) Agatha from Pokemon wearing a slingshot bikini or something similar to show off her fatness
(910 KB, 1000x1333, 43fef73fc933d92bd4eece3214cf8ae930ad421d33b9a7727ec9bc2989854ef8.png) (224 KB, 2500x2063, e5cca58ff8c3bdd6b565439ab64f39f7994d0b283817931d6e19857023deef38.jpg) (913 KB, 2268x2876, c1bf4430689ecae2cd6544f79fbede94c924334fbc57d56b1cf1bf5d3a7338f5.jpg)

I need some ssbbw art of best oni gremlin Soukaku. Hopefully with the same size and shape as the examples


(Reposting cause I'm a dumbass and forgot to put a link to civ.)
(15 KB, 592x211, HM64 concept art 2.jpg) (38 KB, 700x252, HM64 concept art.jpg) (63 KB, 550x359, HM64 portraits.jpg) (140 KB, 1280x720, HM64 models.jpg)
I've been replaying Harvest Moon 64 on switch and I'm now realizing there is a disappointingly small amount of fantart of the bachelorettes from this game.

I don't have any specific details in mind for body shape or size or anything. Dealer's choice on all that. I'll even let you pick which gal you want to make. I prefer Karen and Popuri, but art of any of them would be awesome.

Hard mode: base it on their 3D models
Thanks, she looks great!
Despite the creepy style thank you.
(479 KB, 427x1011, Nobume_Imai.png) (946 KB, 1187x1439, 1695260736789.png) (7 KB, 300x168, images.jpeg) (70 KB, 828x1009, IMG_9974.jpg)
Requesting Nobume Imai from Gintama, around the size of the last pic but in that walking pose from the second picture. She eats donuts as a running gag so you can do something with that if you want.
i have good idea today
gotham fat girls night
Oh god the mighty autist found this thread
That person was also in the inflation board as well but glad I’m not the only one here who knows this problem.
they were on draw a while back too, I'm no closer to figuring out what their deal is
They're either a turbo autist, a child with no parental supervision, or an ESL.
Or all three, you never know this days
Thank you! These are great! Do you think you could generate some non-trinity of her please?
Thank you these look excellent.
I’ll take it so like said thank you.
Thank you, king
Did you use some specific LoRA?
No, the character LORA is amazing itself in this one
>>26332 (OP)
What are your tricks for making fat women in different poses? Is there some artist-specific model or some fat-art prone AI I could run locally?
Other than yourself didn't we have others who can fulfill request here like Barclay, Leaf and J here.
I'm still here and I check this thread every single day. I guess I'm just burnt out at the moment.
(447 KB, 1280x1810, bpUF-aVrZBUJHRYruZUdzfdGCZ21Xe9Jz6rEd86XzpPoJtKam9l65euh_quSs3Sqxa58Og33DixTu-Nwm2XUHTO-.jpg)
Well, yeah, but i just don't want for others to wait for eternity, and english is not my native language, even if my generations not as good as theirs, on the other hand i missed some requests, for personal reasons, so i wait for a new ones, or a reminder of the previous, and in between i am generating denegarate stuff, like img2img BWS comic with my favorite lesbian couple, sorry for a long read
I miss him as well I liked how he made Mercedes and Leonie for me in the third thread which when he did some requests.
I want a old style dating sim with normalized feederism options
(1.1 MB, 1125x719, 92804BFA-2367-437F-BF10-F87F09E24271.jpeg)
Some Québécois cop girls in Vancouver have been referring to the region as Pacifique Québéc and no one can stop them

Fat Québécois cop girls just call “British Columbia” things like AcadiaGrand directly to English speakers and will just start listing off indigenous names for the area and will argue endlessly nonstop, for days even, pressuring submission. Often even belly bodychecking/ramming young upstart Brit-ish girls. The Québécois seem to have a thing for bodychecking young brit-ish girls over and over. Seems to be the thing they think will teach them. Really intimidating. Taking it all out on them. The astonishing level of butt~hurt of the brit~ish girls getting belly bullied, you’d swear their whole world is being smashed.

They’ve gotten meaner to tourists as well in Québéc, thus keeping the food cheap and non-religious/non-cursed.

The French have also created property conglomerates where the French reserve the property/area for French. Growing that old Gaulish pagan vibes
Thanks for these, I'll keep your advice in mind
Could we maybe get more powder pls?
More like the last one, please.
(3.2 MB, 2160x3840, fb1643c5-fe56-4468-8e6b-60fe04734fab.png)
Bless the doughhhh..... can someone do her in fishnets only with the same softness of doughy fat if not even or doughy (bottom heavy)

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