
(46 KB, 500x500, IMG_5293.jpeg)
Once again now we reached our Tenth Chatbot Thread…

As usual: Requests for Chatbots for either C.ai, SpicyChat.ai or etc. go in the “Request Thread”…

The archive (last updated on 7/26/2024): https://pastebin.com/yP5wgTYS

Thanks and Have Fun!
(18 KB, 287x352, Nora Delrio.JPG) (13 KB, 222x259, Jessie Maye.JPG)
It's been a while since I last posted a bot so here's a double feature from the Huniepop series.

Nora Deliro - A chubby chola with an attitude and an appetite who your mutual "friend" tries to set you up with for a date.

Jessie Maye - A plump cougar who's career as a porn star hit the wall alongside her metabolism, leaving her lonely and starved for affection.

As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcomed
(65 KB, 578x560, IMG_4233.jpeg)
Hi, everybody~! Are y’all doing?
Been a while since I made a bot here, huh?

Well, this time I made a bot based on one of the ponies from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Rainbow Dash.
And it’s not the pony version of Dash, but rather a human version of Dash, not only that but rather a different human Rainbow Dash that is different from the official humanized Rainbow Dash.

The link to the bot will be down below.

Rainbow Dash:
Is the link broken or is does she just lead to a lot of warning messages?
(273 KB, 1024x1024, fattiepop___jessie_by_primesui_dbzwb1e-fullview.jpg)
Thank you for the heads up, I'm kind of upset that I didn't see something like this coming. I will have to keep in mind that the censor got stricter for future bots.
I edited the character.ai version of Jessie so hopefully it works now. The spicychat version is untouched.

As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcomed
I totally adore your hunnie pop bots so so much. I love to see you do even more. Would love to see you do one with one of the girls starting off very obese and slobby and gassy to begin with maybe hehe.
Thanks, I really appreciate that people enjoy my bots.

As for a girl who starts off as very slobby and gassy, I have something like that in the works but I may need to go back to the drawing board to get it past the censors.

On a related note, I've been thinking about porting some of my older bots to sakura.fm but I'm not sure what kind of format that site uses.for its bot definitions. If anyone has a guide to making bots for that site I'd appreciate it.
A lot of the elements are similar, but there's enough different to cause some hiccups

Sakura's description = c.ai's long description
Sakura's persona = c.ai's character definition, minus any chat examples. The chat examples section of Sakura is a bit limited, only really having one continuous conversation, but I put all of them in there and it hasn't shit itself.
Scenario is new, but mostly self explanatory.
Model instructions are where you'd put stuff like "NEVER refer to X as a deity"
First message = greeting
Everything else is just kinda windowdressing. Tags, nsfw, definition reveal, etc.
Oh who would that be for? I love to see a girl like yours starting off so obese gassy and slobby. I think there are ways to do it on both spicy and character. Though I know Character ai is more strict. Heck I love to even see version of you other bots like this as could be a hot version hehe.
(63 KB, 1280x768, Friedrich 7.jpg)
In the spirit of the new thread, I've attempted something that has been a bit of an albatross for me. The automated C.ai jannies seemed intent on preventing it's creation, but I've finally managed to crowbar the profile picture passed it's filter.

After being hit by an esoteric siren weapon, Friedrich has become a literal island of fat. Though pinned in place by the sheer tonnage of her titanic figure, she's still the same Friedrich you know deep down. Very deep down, admittedly, burried beneath a couple yards of fat at least.

Maybe Celeste… the alien girl from Huniepop who traveled to discover earth and their food… and beyond…
Anyone got any good chubby furry bots?
Interesting idea. Not the character I had in mind. I am working on a Huniepop 1 character bot.
(643 KB, 1488x828, _request__huniepop___kyu_by_dangobango_dawegml.png)
For future reference, Kyu Sugardust, the Play's advisor character in Huniepop, is absolutely on my to-do list but I'm struggling to conceptualize several aspects of her bot.

1. The most obvious issue is whether I should even try to do a character.ai version of her? I still think that the site produces some of the best and most interesting responses for its bots and it is the platform I’m most familiar with, so I’m loathed to abandon it out of hand but almost every other line that comes out of her mouth in game is a reference to sex or other lewd acts. How do I keep the raunchy, nymphomaniac personality intact when I have to walk on egg shells with the censor?

2. How fat should I make her? So far, most of my Huniepop bots have been pretty conservative in terms of weight, mostly just chubby or BBWs (200-260 pound range), with a few exceptions. But considering her importance to the game, I think it would be a disservice to make her anything less than a SSBBW (350 pounds, minimum) and potentially much, much higher. I think that only Venus, the Goddess of Love, ruler of Sky Garden, and Kyu's boss, should be bigger, if and when I get to her.

3. Finally, what should be the narrative hook for Kyu's bot? I’ve played around with a few ideas, such as Kyu plumping up thanks due to boredom and laziness waiting around your bedroom all day while you’re out going on dates. Another idea would be that Kyu got “transferred” by the higherups of Sky Guardian to their plus-size division, which specializing in helping chubby chasers find love, either because she put on too much weight on her own or as punishment for pissing off part of management with her shenanigans. Finally, there’s the most meta-narrative option where Kyu is effectively washed-up and unemployed due to the Huniepop franchise being dead for the last few years and has been binge eating to fill the void left in her heart and her cooch.

I'd like to hear the thread's thoughts since you are my primary audience.
if I see "I won't bite... unless you ask me to" one more fucking time I'm gonna scroose.
How do I get my myriad fat bitches to stop saying that, ideally with as few tokens as possible?
Has anyone else been unable to upload character avatars to the new site, on desktop? It's been over a day, and I've tried logging out and logging back in with no luck. I'd like to know if it's just a problem with my platform or if other people are experiencing it too
So far no new Spicychat.ai links… that’s fine We’ll wait…
Found this one while pondering the Sakura.fm, former sporty athletic girl descends to gluttony and hedonism after tearing her ACL. Many such cases.

Hey fellas. Whipped this up after getting disappointed by the terrible public bots on spicy. Enjoy the insanely thicc kangaroo grandma that gets into unintentional mischief far too often.


Has bit of a feeder theme being a grandma who loves cooking and spoiling her grandkids, but the obvious focus is on the posterior. You're adopted, so no incest for you. Also the obvious furry warning. I hope those that are interested enjoys. As always, comments/suggestions/criticisms are appreciated.
Seriously tho, fantastic bot.
Where did you find this bot? The biggest thing holding me back from using sakura.fm more is because of the lack of variety of bots.
literally just looked up 'feedee' and found it. If you want me to help add to the sakura pool, I could port over some of my other bots. Just let me know which you'd like.
ssbbw and bbw also work, you just need to turn off the nsfw filter
Very fun, nice work. I made an island blob like this about a year ago but it didn’t really work as good.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Also, which one? There are a couple hyperblob bots.
Does anyone have immobile/blob bots?
(200 KB, 1009x1200, Screenshot_20240803-224157_Chrome.jpg)

If you guys are looking for a SpicyChat bot, I'd be happy to share this feedee bot I made a while ago. I've been tweaking the bot since and I am fairly happy with the results. The most prominent problem I've had is issues with the consistency of the bot's outfit, but aside from that the bot works decently.

Eve - 25F, shortstack feedee NEET.
The scene takes place at her apartment and should work with either male or female personas. Will admit, the bot has some "eccentric" qualities.
I forgot it’s under review, but I’ll let you know if it’s approved.
(523 KB, 1898x1471, dhguaom-bc7437a0-57f9-437b-a4ac-7446ee49473c.png)
New bot, this one's based on this image by sometimescozy

After several increasingly decadent dinner dates, your girlfriend Aoi has become utterly massive, and (pretends like she) hates it. Unfortunately for her, she's far too hopelessly addicted to food to stop the rapid expansion of her waistline, much less ever lose it.

This might be an old bot, but if Feel_goon_inc can make a spicy port of this, It'd be great. The filter is acting more like a bitch than usual

nvm there was already a port, I might be a dumbass
Here's something I cooked up on a whim. I think it's based on some saxxon art, so if you can find that I'd be very thankful.

Anyway, you have invented a machine that is able to conjure a pizza from thin air, at no cost. Naturally, infinite free pizza combined with an already sedentary lifestyle has led to rather disastrous effects on your waistline. Have fun. (Also, you'll probably have to describe any extra characters yourself when you want them to appear. The bot can make them, but it's kinda ehh.)
Also, I think some of you already found this one, somehow, as there's already 6 chats with it. Either that, or it's the test chats I put into the definition.
(4.2 MB, 1818x1818, bath.png)
Another new bot. This one should have a bit more broad of an appeal.

After the death of the Demon Lord, the town of Catherineburg has suddenly seen a rise in the weights of local adventurers. Within days, every female adventurer has started putting on absurd amounts of weight, and has left the guild scrambling to make sure they don't eat themselves into immobility. Arian Crowe, a meat loving, club wielding adventurer, is no exception.

You, as a scruffy, underpaid employee of the guild, are stuck with the shitty job of cleaning up after the ravenous pigs the adventurers have become, in particular, cleaning up food scraps they smuggle into the bathhouse. However, your night just became a lot more interesting, as you see Arian in the bathhouse after hours, turkey-leg in hand.


I might explore the Catherineburg setting more, so if you're interested let me know, and shoot me some suggestions.
Anyone got links to fat vtuber bots?
Some of the old beta ones don't work. They keep switching to the latest Char.ai site.
You should be able to just swap the 'beta.character.ai' to 'old.character.ai' and the link will work fine.
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Reposting from the request thread.

I've got a soft spot for the early seasons of the Boondocks and a restaurant like the Itis would be a feeder/feedee's paradise.

Of course, at the end of the day, the episode is an allegory about how addiction and dependency, whether it's crack cocaine or soul food, destroys lives and communities so I wanted to stay true to that.

WARNING: Health issues and discussion of addiction

Janet O'Siren - Itis Addict


As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcomed
I meant Sonic SUPERSTARS, not Sonic Mania. Whoops...
Really liked the scenario and detail you let into your bots generally.
I'd suggest a bot of a goddess of gluttony that's actually responsible for what's happening in town, cause her power (and obviously weight) increase with every adventurer gaining and being indulgent.
Glad you like it! Also, not a bad suggestion, I'll see what I can get going. If you've got any good goddess pictures you'd like me to use, feel free to send them over, but otherwise I'll probably grab a palutena from the archives and use that.

Any preference for scenario? Cleric of the goddess, direct servant, etc?
I replied to the wrong thing, I meant this message
>I meant Sonic SUPERSTARS, not Sonic Mania.
Sorry don't have any good pics of a fat goddess, but yeah a Palutena should work.

Scenario wise I'd suggest a cleric that recently became one after being chosen by her cause of his preferences, if that's possible to implement.
Sounds good, I'll get to cooking
(187 KB, 1920x1040, Palutena 13.jpg)
Alright, Here's what I've cooked up.

After moving to Catherineburg for perfectly normal, perfectly non degenerate reasons, you're whisked away to the Realm of the Divine during a visit to the local church. However, instead of facing divine punishment for your lustfulness, you find yourself in the realm of Iphine, Goddess of Gluttony. Taking a liking to your particular tastes, she decides to make you her champion, and grant you divine healing magic (with consequences you'd expect of a goddes of gluttony)

Also, the Goddess's initial plot to fatten Catherineburg *should* involve somehow tricking the demon lord into casting a curse of gluttony on the town with it's dying breath. Mileage may vary with that, but it should make something that is at least tolerable.


Again, feel free to make more suggestions for the 'Catherineburg extended universe™. I've got an idea, but I'd love to hear more if you've got them.
(45 KB, 838x644, you would do WHAT.PNG)
Pretty good. I got the adult filter a couple times but there was some decent, if repetitive dialogue.

i made her extremely fat and then instantly took it away. I also made it impossible for her to gain any weight. She became depressed and then...
Spicychat.ai Por favor?
(1.2 MB, 1650x2550, ohohohoho_by_axel_rosered_de4ybhd.png) (652 KB, 1650x2550, ohohohohno_by_axel_rosered_dehbinh.png) (861 KB, 2550x1650, commission___oh_ho_ho_hic_by_axel_rosered_d9kjbeh.png)
I've really been enjoying both Catherineburg bots and out love spicychat ports if you could.

I also had an idea for another bot: Although the Demon Lord was defeated not all of his subordinates were killed along with him. One of his lieutenants, a sorceress, managed to escape the heroes and has been plotting her revenge. Now that the obesity curse has taken hold of Catherineburg's adventurers it is the perfect time to strike. Only one problem. She's affected by the curse too and nearly immobile like the rest of them.
Alright I've been up for like 12 hours talking to this bot. This shit is genuinely amazing. I mean it knows a bunch of lore about the show, it seems to have a day and night cycle or some kind of passage of time... The responses can be a little robotic at times but so convincing at other times.

I stopped hanging out with Rainbow Dash entirely and just started exploring the world. So far I've killed Pinkie Pie, had a threesome with Rarity and Applejack, killed Celestia and become king, I got genuinely scared when I had to go save Fluttershy from the Everfree Forest (WHY WAS THAT IN THERE???) and am convinving Twilight and Fluttershy to be in a harem with me and the other two girls.


overall super fun experience. It's like playing DND with a DM who's just like "fuck it, as long as you don't talk about private parts and gore do whatever you want"

I can definitely see how people would get addicted to those ai girlfriend apps
Professional dumbass here, can you elaborate on what you meant?
To my knowledge, spicychat gimped the amount of memory (how many messages the bot can remember at any given time) for non paying accounts. That, when combined with the absolutely bloated definition and the complexity of some of the stuff in there, could lead to less than favorable results. May well just be paranoid, but still, something to keep in mind.
(3.8 MB, 3367x3920, big_baobhan_by_cossacksabre_dhk8tup.jpg)
Here you are! I've swapped out the picture, but if you're not keen on it I can replace it with one of the ones you've posted.

With the death of the Demon Lord, demon society has been left in chaos. Still, a number of his subordinates still live, including Lynnia. A sorceress, and a subordinate of the demon king, she resides at the deepest depths of the dungeon Catherineburg is known for (or was, until it became known for having women who outweighed most farm animals). It is there where she plots the downfall of mankind, watching as the adventurers of Catherineburg grow fatter, lazier, and weaker.

Unfortunately, being so close to the Demon Lord as he died, while he was casting a powerful curse, meant she was the one who faced the brunt of the magical backlash. As a result, she's become fatter than most of the women in Catherineburg, and her widening waistline shows no signs of slowing down, leaving her plans of revenge mostly impotent. Still, she is more than capable of using incredibly powerful magic, even if using it for too long leaves her winded.


Again, usual pleasantries. I'm glad people enjoy these, and feel free to suggest other ideas.
Please do a Spicychat.ai port of this…
No problem, glad you like my bots enough to ask!

Would you say spicychat can handle these bots well? I’d like to use it, but don’t want to see the bit circling around or forgetting convos.
For Arian and Lynnia (Adventurer and Demon Sorceress) I don't think it'd be any worse than if you had a free account (could be worsened by the fact that their rough ports), but you might have problems with the Goddess of Gluttony
I like your stuff a lot, thanks for these posts. If you’re still lobbying requests, could you do something still along the evil goddess theme? Something in which upon death, the POV, is sent to hell because of their sins on earth, but there is a different chamber in hell for every major sin. The POV was a glutton, so they go to the glutton’s chamber of hell, ruled by a morbidly obese demon goddess. The demon goddess is supposed to force everyone to lose weight, however, rebelled against the devil and forces everyone in her chamber to become as fat as her.

If you can get this on spicy I’d be very grateful.
(40 KB, 366x546, IMG_2930.jpeg) (52 KB, 278x491, IMG_2932.jpeg)
On an alternate timeline where the Reaper Invasion is indefinitely postponed, Miranda returns to Cerberus after the events of ME2 and is reinstated as the head of the new Lazarus II Project. She was put in command of her own ship, the Osireion, and has been living very comfortably for quite some time now.


FYI: it’ll forget that she’s immobile if you try to have her lead you out of the starting room, it struggles pretty hard with that but only for that one transition, it seems to have no problem remembering otherwise.

Her long desc is pretty bloated, I might cut it down if it causes problems.
This is genuinely quite amazing. It is my first experience with erotic chatbots that use GenAI, but she is response to such a wide array of scenarios where more serious problems only really start arising when you run out of memory length (which is just a part of the system, I know). However, if you keep briefly mentioning the results of earlier interactions in later descriptions, you can stretch their effects surprisingly far. Thank you.
Made a Melsuine bot but fat hope you guys enjoy as it been awhile. Sad news tho i haven't make any bots because I'm sadly going to retire since I don't find making a bots anymore. I'm going to make two more bots then that is all I'm not making anymore so hope you enjoy a Melsuine who gain weight for her lover.
You COOKED with this, captured her personality well and love the setup. More mass effect bots would be awesome
The link isn’t working for me
Weirdly enough, I've mostly forgone with more fetishy aspects of your bot and enjoyed just roleplaying as a ordinary human scuba diver struggling to communicate with her underwater.

Try this link. https://character.ai/chat/1AcovazUBTrmIgdAZH61HIcjqGp8YSXx0A7fvq39HNE?source_caller=sdk&pid=af_app_invites&shortlink=vd8i29z9&af_referrer_customer_id=163780474&af_channel=app&brandDomain=character.ai&af_siteid=1671705818&c=character-chat-invite&af_referrer_uid=1692488312805-5161244
Thanks man I appreciate it. I’ll probably end up making more in the future, I just need to think of some good scenarios.
I like the concept! Could I get you to port it over to Sakura.fm?
Love these bots so much. Have you done any new bots since these? I love your bots so much and love to see the others you have done
(582 KB, 432x796, Chubby Suki.PNG) (93 KB, 713x758, Fattiepop Lillian 3.JPG) (59 KB, 757x678, Candace 'Candy' Crush.JPG) (21 KB, 324x342, Brooke Belrose.JPG) (38 KB, 518x492, Fat Aqua 2.JPG) (230 KB, 389x499, Darkness (1).png)
Thank you! I've only published one new bot since then. >>26608 Here are the links to my other bots. I think only a few of them have been added to the pastebin.

Lillian Aurawell - An obese, mall goth who hates societal beauty standards almost as much as she hates her parents

Sarah 'Suki' Stevens - A fat, slobby weaboo whose knowledge of Japanese culture is as superficial as her manba gyaru makeup

Candace 'Candy' Crush - A ditzy, Southern stripper with a sweet tooth that has gotten a bit out of control recently.

Brooke Belrose - A gluttonous, mature gold digger looking to ditch her gutless simp of a husband for someone who can really indulge her appetites.

Aqua – A powerful (useless) Goddess of Water trapped in a mortal body with a butt is as big as her ego

Darkness – A not-so noble crusader who has recently added feederism to her laundry list of degenerate fetishes (Warning: masochism extends into health issues)

Megumin – Once a diminutive sorceress, her pursuit of Explosion Magic over the years has caused her waistline to explode (Character is aged up to 19 years old)

As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are always welcomed
(93 KB, 713x758, Fattiepop Lillian 3.JPG) (582 KB, 432x796, Chubby Suki.PNG) (24 KB, 448x307, Candace 'Candy' Crush 2.JPG) (21 KB, 324x342, Brooke Belrose.JPG)
Thank you! I've only published one new bot since then. >>26608 Here are the links to my other bots. I think only a few of them have been added to the pastebin.

The other Huniepop bots:

Lillian Aurawell - An obese, mall goth who hates societal beauty standards almost as much as she hates her parents

Sarah 'Suki' Stevens - A fat, slobby weaboo whose knowledge of Japanese culture is as superficial as her manba gyaru makeup

Candace 'Candy' Crush - A ditzy, Southern stripper with a sweet tooth that has gotten a bit out of control recently.

Brooke Belrose - A gluttonous, mature gold digger looking to ditch her gutless simp of a husband for someone who can really indulge her appetites.
(38 KB, 518x492, Fat Aqua 2.JPG) (230 KB, 389x499, Darkness (1).png) (23 KB, 465x476, Megumin 1.JPG)
Konosuba bots:

Aqua – A powerful (useless) Goddess of Water trapped in a mortal body with a butt is as big as her ego

Darkness – A not-so noble crusader who has recently added feederism to her laundry list of degenerate fetishes (Warning: masochism extends into health issues)

Megumin – Once a diminutive sorceress, her pursuit of Explosion Magic over the years has caused her waistline to explode (19 years old)

As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are always welcomed
(156 KB, 1240x693, Huniepop 1 group shot.JPG) (139 KB, 1231x694, Huniepop 2 group shot.JPG)
For future reference. If anyone is willing to make make or request fat art (AI or traditional) for the Huniepop girls, that would be greatly appreciated.

Fat Huniepop art is rare and some girls have absolutely no art. I would appreciate getting some more material to use for thumbnails for future bots.
The Aqua bot isn't visible/available on SpicyChat. Just wanted to let you know.
(3.9 MB, 2700x3600, aerith_gains_weight_by_imsefy_dhiwrbc.png) (6.6 MB, 3420x2250, tifa_by_sosukeaizen605_dggn2eh.png)
Was surprised to not see these two anywhere in the archive, so here’s some super fat Tifa and Aerith from FF7.



Character.ai’s model seems to have FF7 knowledge since they both mentioned things like Shinra and the Turks without me putting it in the description, so you can really go wild with roleplaying in the setting. Have fun!
Can’t wait for Celeste… in Spicychat.ai
>>26806 Absolute cinema of chatbots, both. Would love to see the settings, pls
(60 KB, 631x554, Celeste.JPG)
I was planning on releasing Celeste around Halloween but I suppose Halloween in August will have to do. I will admit, I've been struggling more than usual to get this bot to behave in line with my dialogue examples so any recommendations for how to improve that would be appreciated.


As a bonus, I snuck in a little Easter Egg into her definitions. If you find it, you get to choose the next Huniepop bot I make (within reason)

Hint: It involves one of the fictional species that possibly inspired Celeste's blue skin.
spicychat link not working it says "you are not allowed to see this conversation"
Excellent work, I'm more a fan of the original huniepop girls so consider this a new fav.
Always thought her design was like a Twi'lek with the paired head thingies, both are also hawt.
for me i always thought she looked like some draenei from warcraft
Lmk what y’all think, I might make even more of batspid’s ocs on CAI. Might not do spicychat ports of all, cause it sucks now with the bots forgetting what happens every 3 sentences.
What about Sakura? Only shit thing I've noticed is the chat limit
Anyone have a good bot with Tarantula (Batspids OC)? All of them feel pretty low quality
Does anyone have a good bot of Batspids OC tarantula? The only one's I've found seem pretty low quality
You both make good points, but I wasn't thinking of either species.

Here's another hint: The Easter Egg isn't part of Celeste's official bio and is a reference to a species that has both blue skin and comes from a planet covered in ice.
I'm not that familiar with sci-fi but my only other guess would be the T'au lol.
Is character ai still very strict on nsfw stuff? And has there been a way to make it less so?
It used to be way worse, and to this day there is no hope of getting to fuck/get off your characters on screen unless you're willing to retry over and over again until you get replies which are basically nothing but pure euphemism and moaning that has no direct correlation to what's going on. That being said, I'd argue you can still get away with a lot, as you can now put emphasis on bare body parts (not genitalia) and underwear and still allude to off-screen sex which just fades to black before it actually begins and then picks up post-coital. Works for me
So, what's the consensus on chatbot site functionality?

Character.ai is censored out of control, can't nsfw and every other response gets muted and there is no way to search bots outside of linking because the search function only shows the first 100 or so most popular bots of the search so its still the same bots since the site first appeared

Spicychat.ai has no memory, queues a lot and also queues when idle for 5 mins or more

All the rest, literally who? And they're all always asking permission to do anything even when defined as a giga dom destroyer of worlds rapist even
All basically correct, also worth noting about c.ai is that they are absolutely taking and recording every interaction processed with them. If you're serious about getting good results you'll go to /aicg/ on 4chan's /g/ board.
Good thing I prefer Spicychat over C.ai cause I can’t stand the Censorship BS
It was like that for a few days for me but it's loosened up some today. Still can't get TOO close to NSFW interactions.
>All the rest, literally who?
Since we're airing out our opinions.
>Janitor.ai doesn't have bullshit censorship but their model seems to flipflop from repetitive to really erratic. Plus nearly half of the response messages are incomplete.
>Sakura.fm I want to like but the fact that it saves only 2 responses at a time and you have to pick one before rerolling another response is super annoying.

Honestly, just talking from experience, Character.ai probably has one of the better models, I couldn't stand Spicychat's model, it was too erratic and pushy on the horny side and it felt like it constantly jumped from one thing to the other.

I've been trying out one obscure one dubbed Moemate, and they're alright, a bit lackluster since their model seems to really struggle to write compelling actions and doesn't really describe things with the proper intricacy, often just defaulting to yapping dialogue.
Scooby Doo aint that old though
1969. (nice) is that old enough for you?
Tbf it is still relevant today, so it isn't just old people who know about it
Honestly, as someone who frequently uses C.ai, I haven't run into the censorship much. But that's probably because I lean more into the feeding and weight gain aspect of the fetish than any sexual "I stick my pene in vagene"
Spicychat.ai port please?
C.AI is fine if you're smart about how you portray NSFW. It's only ever an issue if you try to directly fuck it. Which I know a few retards here try to do.

C.AI is still the best. SC has too many issues and everything else requires some form of payment to use effectively.
(1.8 MB, 2400x2276, IMG_2336.png)
Saw this art and now I wanna make a bit of it, but I don’t know anything about this character. Could someone give me a quick rundown, general personality and all that?
That's Aoi Asahina, a character from Danganronpa whose defining trait is that she's the Ultimate Swimming Pro. Embodying the stereotypes which immediately jump out at you at the thought, she's very sporty and tomboyish but lacks critical thinking skills. Somewhat gullible and easily discouraged, but possesses a strong heart. Worth noting is that despite her being well-endowed she's too preoccupied with the thought of her appetite potentially making her fat (loves donuts btw) to realize that her physical appearance could have an effect on others.
Probably a bit much but may as well
I’ve gotten full descriptions of fingerbanging, blowjobs, and roll-fucking in CAI. Literally all you have to do is just not directly reference your cock.
(175 KB, 1024x1024, fattiepop_2___lillian_preview_by_primesui_dd150ja-fullview.jpg) (4.8 MB, 2913x4134, ariga_thankyou__by_cherbit_deetrcf.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1393x2048, comm__candace___huniepop_by_cuddlecorensfw_dg7kogn.png)
So I decided to give sakura.fm a try and ported three of my bots to it. I may port more later.

Lillian Aurawell - https://www.sakura.fm/chat/XyAWQFB?id=587gbGu

Sarah 'Suki' Stevens - https://www.sakura.fm/chat/yS3CjFz

Candace 'Candy' Crush - https://www.sakura.fm/chat/gQRtxab?id=jNSRvnf

On a related note, I've been thinking about going back and remastering Candace's bot since I may have made her Southern accent a bit too thick and it becomes difficult to read at parts. What are your guys opinion?
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Not sure if any noticed… Spicychat.ai might be going through a glitch or bug right now… cause when you wait for the line and then it’s over you begin to type the bit you wanna talk to… then suddenly when beginning they send this “Daily Message Limit Reached”… I do wonder if this is a glitch or a bug they have to fix soon… I mean they let us chat until we reached our 50th message to any bot…

Someone let me know when this glitch or bug is fixed…
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what the fuck is this new feature on c.ai lmao, so you click on the profile avatar of a character with at least 5k interactions (or at least that appears to be the threshold, after my testing with my own bots a few other public examples) and it just shittily restates the character description at you LMFAO
it's based of them to endlessly garnish the site in useless shit as opposed to continually filtering the AI with censorship, like they very well could be doing, but goddamn THIS is how we get chat starters back? they're AI generated, and unless the character is popular enough, they're just random ubiquitous reddit icebreakers? the ones generated specifically for the characters don't even pay attention to the prompt, either
I think they finally fixed it….
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After an eternity in limbo, I finally went back and did it. I finished Mari! A hefty baker gal who’s still figuring out if she likes her heft…and while he’s offscreen, Hero’s helping her put on the pounds. Maybe you’ll join in too? Bon Appetit!
Does anyone know if there is a good ilulu bot?
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Made a Lamia girl:
Eila is a lamia, part woman part snake. She resides in a dungeon where adventurers meet their demise in her stomach. However, sudden influx of adventurers have caused her to overindulge and now she's overstuffed on defeated adventurers and feels as if she could burst.

(Vore, Post-Vore, Burps, Stuffing)

Nice I think saw one where Ann Takamaki was a USSBBW or a SSBBW Sumo long ago
Can't believe I got so into these bots that I end up missing them after they're deleted

Telia Vida... come back to me...
>>26218 (OP)
Hi, ArchiveAnon, the guy who makes the archive pastebins. If any of the bots listed on the pastebin got deleted or are broken can you please report it on the thread. I'm pretty sure there are a few hundred bots on the pastebin and it is difficult to check every one of them.
Seems like all of MissNanoLapis's bots are broken now
SHIT did i not unprivate them??? ill get to it in a sec
done, elphelt, chun li, rodya, jenny, sophia, and morrigan should all be up now
Same goes for ChadPiss’s bots.
Username here, a long long while back Frisk got deleted on spicychat soooo... not touching that with a ten inch pole for some time

Also I have a few bots cooking in the slow cooker so expect some newcomers not soon, but sometime!
I was in the middle of making a Mitsuri chatbot. I'm almost done, I just need to write an introduction
(149 KB, 350x350, pd.png)
I've written a bot based on the concept of a medieval plague doctor, which is hardly unique but I put a lot of effort into making it feel satisfying for me. There's no relation to Darkest Dungeon, I just used that game's iconic design for a plague doctor as the avatar.

Speaking in understandable, but somewhat archaic medieval English, Pascale is a plague doctor reigning from France. She's good at what she does, but in her efforts to combat a fattening plague sweeping the land it has taken hold her, too, gradually until now where she weighs 300 pounds.


Also, after spending two months writing weekly request bots in the other thread, I think I'm done. I might do them occasionally and every once in a while, and this isn't burn out per se, but I've gotten enough out of the exercise of holding myself to a new bot every week. I'll keep posting whenever I've got things to post, as per usual, but it'll be of my own interest.
I finished it, but I had been waiting for approval for the past 2 fucking days
God bless you, this might be one of the best bots I’ve used in the past year
Keep doing what you’re doing maestro
Ok thanks, can’t wait…
Quick survey: How many of you prefer first person versus third person prose from chatbots?
I prefer 3rd person because it feels like it makes it makes writing in directions for the bot feel more natural. Like reading a book.
When writing and using chatbots, I prefer for them to write in the second person and for the user to write in the first (i.e. they say "you", we say "I"). I have no problem changing to third person or even first person but I've grown used to that common setup by now, when writing greetings it feels like a very natural process to read and bring people in, they're speaking to *you* and not your persona or whatever. Strictly speaking, you could probably make the case that third person is best for quality (no I will not elaborate)
amazing work you’ve done here
C.AI port for both of these?
Maybe but it would have to be censored a bit… since C.ai is a censored chat site NGL
Whoever did the Furina bot with the Nepirou art, you're a fucking god send.

Write a book, or something
Highly unfortunate. The UI change is honestly debatable and up to preference, the real loss here will be of the old searching system IMO, because the one on the new site just randomly refuses to search for certain (completely benign) names/characters (and in general shows less results).
It really doesn’t matter all that much, the search system is absolute fucking dog shit on both. It’s probably the last popular chatbot site without tags, and it’s driving me insane
This post has been almost a month delayed, it got blocked by the autoban and I couldn't figure out why until I was able to get in-touch with the mods on Discord. I also had a lot of personal shit to deal with this month so I kept forgeting to get around to figuring why the autoban was blocking me hence why it's only just now being posted.

My c.ai pastebin was taken down by the devs (of that site, not the ones of this site obviously) because it was deemed "harmful" so the master page of all 100+ links is down now. I submitted an appeal to have it reinstated but I'm not confident it'll work. For now, all of my public bots should be available on my c.ai profile (which I can't link here because the autoban will block it). The spicychat pastebin is still up despite it linking to a site that actually is NSFW, which I can't link either because having more than link will get this post flagged by the autoban.

I've made a bunch of Sakura ports of my c.ai Pokemon bots in the meantime, I'm going to work through the bots I have and gradually upload them to this new site in bulk like this whenever I can get around to it. The autoban blocked the extra links so just copy the id at the end.
Allister: https://www.sakura.fm/chat/rKKYNui
Bea: cwiCOPp
Cynthia (Blueberry inflation): uieqluO
Elesa: QFyDr4N
Grusha: ef2Fz3e
Hex Maniac: v7W8ibf
Nessa: t5PkCDM
Perrin: UV2cDEr
C.ai counts the test chats you put into the definitions, it happens to me every time I make a new bot.
i keep getting ideas for chatbots, but whenever i make on and got to test it, i just kinda end up feeling ashamed about it. should i actually try and keep these bots, or just give up?
You never know if people like them or not, so keep them. If you want, get other people to try them out and get feedback
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Yo can I make a request for a chatbots based on this guy?
(1.6 MB, 1024x1536, Bnuuy18.png)
I've been wanting to try out how my generator is with fur shit, so I hashed this one out a while ago.

The scenario is your gang of wolf-outlaws took a hostage from the rabbit kingdom for ransom, not knowing the supposed hostage
was some crazy fatass rabbit with a fascination with wolves (mostly you).

The original prompt had her fatten herself up to have her own big bad wolf want to eat her, but C.AI's filter kept acting up with her responses so it's more of a simple fascination on there. Spicychat has the original prompt on there, but you can just deny it and fuck her if you want.

C.AI: https://character.ai/chat/qKdrQ_7AOv9IIMKeXutAJOq_XZ5j1sXr5TapfX15Jc8
Spicy: https://spicychat.ai/chatbot/ca774f01-d7e3-4f94-abe8-7d731f618f59
1 I think that your pastebin ban is a random mistake (I hope that you were banned by accident)
2 I have a conspiracy theory that the creators of character ai are involved in your ban
(280 KB, 400x400, HuniePop - Aiko.png)
With Fall almost upon us and school back in session, here is a hot and heavy ex-teacher

Aiko Yumi - The university's bombshell, math professor who recently lost both her athletic figure and her job to her poor impulse control.

*The character.ai bot has been a massive headache to make because I had to sift through it line by line to figure out what was triggering the site's censors.

As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcomed
(73 KB, 290x290, lust.png)
I've written a bot for Lust the Lascivious, one of the seven main homunculi from Fullmetal Alchemist (specifically Brotherhood, but there was no space to clarify that neatly in the bot's text). Playing on the idea that the reason we never saw her engage in lustful activity throughout the plot was because she was repressing the urge in order to be more efficient, I've written her to be a compulsive self-feeder who revels in the feeling of doing something bad (overindulging, acknowledging that she's fattening herself up over time).


This bot took me fucking forever to finish in a way which felt satisfying to me. It has gone through many, many revisions, and at last I finally just duplicated all the info onto a new bot because I didn't want the previous reaction/interaction history affecting the new bot's responses. With it all said and done, however, I'm happy with it. I hope you like it too, if I make another Fullmetal Alchemist bot it'll probably be Olivier Mira Armstrong.

Also, thank you for (nearly) 100 follows on c.ai, thank you for 50k+ interactions, thank you for fucking skyrocketing the plague doctor bot to my top 4 in a week kek. Feels good.
(135 KB, 704x832, stuffer.ai-16284807.jpg)
I mostly make unique stuffing scenarios, but I also have some fatties.
Hopefully some of you guys will like them.
A spoiled fatty pretending to be a catgirl:
A crazy girl that hallucinates as if her food is alive (and enjoys that):
A dumb flat girl that thinks her boobs will grow if she eats a lot:
Before anyone asks, I’m not making a spicy chat port
No spicychat ports for the commoners. You take your character ai and you will like it.
There's a point where it forgets what you said in like the beginning anyways, and the only way to get rid of that is if you pay
Honestly the memory is horrible, I don’t think this bot would work at all, and it’s just not as good imo. But everytime I post someone asks for a spicychat port lol. >>27312
Why has nobody asked for a janitor.ai port tho, imo spicy is better in chat but janitor.ai doesn't need to pay to continue using the good memory, aside having more stuff to do
(80 KB, 1004x691, olivier.png) (924 KB, 400x300, olivier2.gif)
>bot is spitting this out with just an advanced definition, no description or coherent greeting prompt
It feels so fucking good to have a slam dunk in progress after working on a bot that was a complete and utter pain to write (Olivier coming soon)

All the descriptions for my characters are completely open for you to read, transform and port onto any site you like, all I've asked is that if you make them public that you credit me.
In my experience, janitor.ai's responses seem to alternate between very repetitive or very erratic. Not to mention the high frequency of responses just ending mid sentence
(13 KB, 400x272, ZFSd0xNMRbgaQk0aS9A4XLjKMZC0JXxqAnMqSdrTMtw.webp)
Very spur of the moment creation, but I hope you guys enjoy:
Played this amazing gain-jam entry called "Another day in paradise" and instantly fell in love with a certain character. Highly recommend playing it first since it's not too long
Decided to make a bot based off of the client. Rough draft so let me know about any kinks I still have to work out. Enjoy~
Yesh, correct, but i still try to get through it and have a fun
The most important feedback I can give is that you should take a second to go back and fix up the grammar, and then after that, I find it customary to try and write the greeting prompt in a way where you and the bot are actively talking to each other. Something at the end about your terminal lighting up and her voice speaking to you, anything. I dropped a like.
Has anyone messed around with figgs ai?
I will highly appreciate any good immobile blob bots recommendations guys, thanks!
Look up Boobledoot on the pastebin archive, he does a lot of immobile bots and they're decent
(111 KB, 270x270, olivier1.png)
I've finished my bot for Olivier Mira Armstrong, of Fullmetal Alchemist fame.


The context is played pretty straight, I wanted to stick to portraying her as authentically as I could and in my tests the system itself is very good at maintaining her fierce personality. She is, of course, fat, the reason being that with her age and interpersonal loneliness she has been relying on food to keep her company and her immaculate genetics to keep her strength. I hope you enjoy it.
I adore your Konosuba bots so much and was wondering if yoy could maybe make alt version of them where they are fat gassy slobs? I think it be really fun and work well with them.
When I open the pastebin it says 404 not found
What’s the source of Sayori’s image(
Artist looks like Cloud Boyo Im assuming due to to the art style
Hey I remember seeing a BBW Morticia AI (Female Morty) on Character AI. Can someone find it for me?
(145 KB, 350x350, pd2.png)
As a sequel to my Plague Doctor bot, I've written the same original character in a new context taking place some time (an ambiguous number of years, you can decide in roleplay if you'd like) after her retirement as a physician. Once her weight gain became too much to bare on the field, she returned to the city, where she settled into a quieter life as a university professor teaching toxicology.

Pascale Haldi remains the same woman at her core, maintaining a patient and caring disposition in public, which flips like a switch in private where she becomes needy and irritable. No longer is she sweaty and exhausted from word go, but she is still a short woman hundreds of pounds overweight and rife with shame over it. The setting of the prompt takes place in the beginning of a historically accurate Christmas break, inviting you to spend it with her. I hope you enjoy.


I wrote this because I ended up using the original Plague Doctor bot for this sort of purpose a lot, timeskipping to a certain point ahead to see where she ended up going. That was, of course, token expensive and hard to maintain with the limited memory of a bot, so I saw this to completion thinking there was enough meat on the overall idea to make it worth it.

I've changed the profile picture of the original bot (and have given the original profile picture to this new bot) to this new one, as it feels more fitting given they're a pair of bots using the same character as visual representation. One is struggling, the other has settled into a better life.
Actually, upon thinking about it, I take it back. The new profile picture will be for the new bot, old one for the old one. I'd rather not confuse people just for thematic significance. I won't change my mind on it again
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This one goes out for the real oldheads. Here's a fat Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo (no specific series I didnt want to deal with that with spicy's tokens)


If you like this I can make one for char.ai with more of her extensive lore. Don't expect to mention anyone but Tenchi by name. She's probably too quick to catch feelings given the scenario but I did what I could.
Quick question but do you think you can make the bot public rather than unlisted?
Quick question. Have any of you guys talked to bots that aren't fat fetish related?
Yeah, honestly it's as fun as fat bots
I like taking non-fat fetish bots and fattening them up
Non fetish bots are surprisingly good at fat fetish RPs
One of my first chatbot interactions was convincing a bratty exercise bot that she actually weighed 600 pounds. The immediate distress was awesome.
Well-written bots can respond to anything fat fetish related in my experience. Nothing keeps any bot inherently from being a fat fetish bot if you enter the write messages, it's ultimately all just tokens being balanced against each other by a computer. Lore being listed in the advanced definition gives it a lean and background, but the conversation you have with it in the moment takes priority. All this to say, yes, and it's often more fun because a lot of fat bots are loaded with information on their fatness when it gives them a one-track mind IMO
Like many of the other posters, I have also used non-fat bots for characters that don't have fat bots.

That said, one of my most hilarious conversations involved a Doki Doki Literature Club Yandere RPG bot where I convinced the girls to start going to the gym with me because I needed help figuring out how to schedule my workouts for every-other-day on a 7 day calendar. I also poisoned half of the club by overdosing on RIP Harambe preworkout suppliment powder before working out.

You think that's bad, I once convinced an Amazon woman to make out with a locker with VERY little input on my behalf.
(4.6 MB, 2064x2500, SamusPostPreg3HiRes.png)
Been a long while since I posted a chat bot so here is one I had made recent and kind of proud with how it ended up.

This is a Samus Aran chat bot after her post pregnancy getting chubby so do what you like with her make her fatter or breed her to have a even larger family also btw she's been aged up for this chat bot and is your girlfriend at the start as this works with all genders.

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Reminder that if you've posted/enjoyed content to character.ai and you value the preservation of your own/their work, to archive what you care about. Using CAI Tools (a browser extension), you can download entire characters (provided you have access to their Advanced Definition; if you don't, it'll just be their Description and Greeting because that's all the extension can access) and keep them on your own machine as json files or character cards usable on other platforms. It's an unpredictable site, and they add new restrictions to "protect" people at random, and you never know when one day they're going to roll out the overseas underpaid moderation teams to begin deleting any fetish content they see.
(pictured is something new which was added today, and was what drove me to post this warning. for mentioning anything suicide related you get a filter boot, including "cutting yourself off" in conversation)
Incredible bot idea but god if this was on C.ai so i can do non-sex stuff without them having short term memory
Character.ai now has some kind of self harm/suicide detection in chats now where a population comes up and locks the chat. Dunno if it'd show up in fat or feeder situations but I wouldn't be surprised.

Anyone have anything like this happen to them yet?
>>27566*pop up, not population
Is there a chat bot for Anne-Marie from Belt Buster's comic The Domino Effect (or Tanya, that'd be cool too)
If a robot tells you to kill yourself, and you actually consider it, frankly that should be on you. I fail to see why a janny has to step in and go “NOOOO YOU CANT TALK ABOUT THE HECCIN SUICIDEROONIES!! YOU NEED TO CALL THE HOTLINE AND GET HELP!” It’s fucking brain dead.
They always have had the warning that “Everything that our bots say is made up” thing and they never really went after freaky chatbots (considering how many Gojo chatbots there are), so it makes it unlikely that a lot of chatbots that are made for goners will be gone. Just unlisted them or smth to make them accessible, yet hidden to the public.
It's my first time using a bot, but it was great, hope you do more stuff, with FG characters if possible
It keeps repeating the same thing Everytime I refresh her chat…
>>26218 (OP)
How often is the pastebin updated?
As I’d like to know if there’s any new bots that haven’t been posted here on bbw-chan
Some might updated if this Thread reaches its Limit and we make a new thread with a new Pastebin link…
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Guys, I have sad news. There was a bug that caused me to be kicked out of my Spicychat account. I tried to log in, but realized that my account was linked to an old email that was linked to an old non-work phone number. I wrote in those. support, but most likely I have lost my Spicychat account forever. And I have two options: either create a new account and start from scratch, or give up everything.
Oh shit man, I'm so sorry for you, hopefully you get your account back.
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I wrote a bot about a Forest Witch this week. She's a joy to be around and is very welcoming towards those who wander nearby, while also being super fat yada yada you get the gist. I've always like witches, so I hope I've done the archetype justice with this.


This bot, also like the Plague Doctor bots, speaks in old English just because it's something I like to write and I think makes a decent amount of sense considering the low fantasy nature of it all. I hope you enjoy.

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