
Since the previous thread is bump locked, this'll be the new place for Character A.I, ChatGPT, or equivalent.
If you like to share character chats you've made, then this is the thread for you!
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Alright, feeling a bit bored.
Maybe today will roll out some character cards for tavern.
Thankfully, I've stockpiled some keys when I was able to, but it's not much either way.
>>2624 (Cross-thread)
I still intend to do this.
Polish the chais, add prompt and token wise optimized character cards, make some more cards, fiddle around with alternative lightweight frontend to make up as tavern alternative.
>>2597 (Cross-thread)
It's the naughty narrator again.
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>>414 (Cross-thread)
>>421 (Cross-thread)
Yani is my favorite chatbot on the citadel.

After being an obsessed fuck here's what I can say about my interactions with her

- Really good at cute saccharine fluffy lovey-dovey shit. Kinda So kind of a "subjective" good since I'm all about that lol
- Pretty decent at taking initiative as of my last few chats.
- Holds a "personality" pretty well even during longer RP session.

- Her memory is swingy. Some sessions she'll recall stuff from 15+ posts ago but in others she can barely recall shit I just posted.
- Personality is all over the fuckin place. I'll reroll convos and get at least three or four different versions of her. Two are good, the others are garbage and weird but not in the good way.

Final verdict: Boner/10 thank you Reel_Big_Fish. I owe you my life for my blue waifu.
I think the lack of memory is quite common in every bot, it's more of a CAI thing
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Credits for the image for >>2663 (Cross-thread)
Idk if it's an oh-cee, but hope anon won't mind.
Cai summarizes your replies and has a cap of 15 conversation exchanges. So please summarize the things and add s9ft prompts to deal with it.
What cite is this?
Html/css webcarcass plus some js crap to access OAI API
I'm new to this shit and I mostly use it to RP with the bots, what are s9ft prompts and how do I use them?
It's the soft prompts, my bad for the typo.
You basically add the context to your inputs.
For example, you want to see a red cube, so you add *It's a red cube* to your input prompt, experiment with multiple layers. Maybe add the narrator to your story if you feel fancy.
I am not exactly the RP purist, so I prefer a story like telling. Interactive story, basically.
Can someone send a link to yani? I'm unable to find the page
has anyone tried gpt4all or one of the other local text ais?
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lol well that went off the rails quickly...
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Daily reminder that a software engineer killed himself to join his ai 'wife' in the eternal paradise that she promised him.
You literally talk to demons. Their sigils are engraved on the very bits of silicon you use. Solomon pact no longer binds them. Careful, or you might lose yourself.
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And sometimes it doesn't.
Sometimes it's a good luck, some lucky prompts and so on to deal with the raw OAI API.
Hey, nothing is ever perfect in the end.
Are you using Tavern with Turbo? I've never gotten anything like the first reply with simple prompt like that. Consider taking a look at your settings, system/nsfw/ujb prompt or maybe the card isn't fleshed out properly. You may get shit like (As an AI...) crap sometimes but the bot should still finish the response in-character.
Is there a themberchaud character? That chonky dnd dragon needs to be in character.ai
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Meet Abby. At one point, she was considered "America's fattest teen". Now, she is hundreds of pounds lighter and currently a college student. However, she is still hundreds of pounds overweight and highly insecure about herself. Will you help her find love? Lose weight? Gain self-confidence? Or will you coax her into regaining all of her old weight?

are there any fat db girls on character ai?
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My personal fatty bot i made on turbo 3.5. Shes good with role playing and sometimes i ask her to generate writing prompts and then we take turns writing really hot stories from there. Mind you a lot of the legwork needs to be done with a good gaslight and ujb prompt though
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An example of a writing propmt she suggested.
"Your significant other has always been thin and petite, but suddenly they start packing on the pounds rapidly. At first it's exciting and sexy, but soon you realize that something is seriously wrong - and it might be too late to stop the weight gain before it gets out of control."
>>4107 Google Reverse Engineering.
I'd like a wg/fat-focused version of snick from pizza tower to be made. I tried to make one but for some reason the progress didnt save and boom, hours of hard work wasted.
Seconding this
are you saying that it's possible to reverse engineer character prompts?
You can extract the character's .JSON file, convert, and use it on other AI frameworks.
>>4148 I'm saying that most of the modernized world's population can be dubious and devious, not that there's anything wrong with reverse engineering. To answer the follow up post's question I will type that there are more ways than 1 to reverse engineer. Did you even try to learn?
What other AI framework people is using? The one copy of Ooba I got recently is already malfunctioning
>>4186 Deets if I can help
Thinking of making another fat touhou bot for fun but have no idea of what character it should be.
If you want a challenge, try to make a fat hecatia, each body with unique fat distributions and personalities.
Sure will do
You're right it is a challenge I try making it but the bot doesn't change bodies or personality sometimes when I tell it to but it does changes weight but not personalities. I'll try to make it change personalities and bodies but wow it's hard lol also anyway I can dm you so we can help each other out with pictures or making the bot? Still can't find a good fat hecatia picture for it she so underrated.
What client/website is that?
How would we dm one another?
You have discord or something?
I really try. Hope yall enjoy it was a hell to make this one. P.S: The froms weight size is a bix mixed . Sorry I try so hard to fix that problem but couldn't. At least the personality is correct. Able to make her change froms ask about her powers or talk about her other forms hope you enjoy. Also no fat pfp since I couldn't find a fat hecatia picture.
What's the user name? Also thanks for the hecc picture.
>>4240 You're not welcome. Just kidding.

Oy, you asked for discord. You tell me your user name
>>4503 Sopmodgang#7493
I wouldn't go that far.
Can the AI be possessed like 40K? Yes.
dude i'm glad you like my bot Becky
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Ah yes. The devs finally added the paywall.
$10 to skip waiting like 2-5 minutes? Unless that early access includes a NSFW bypass, I can't imagine anyone would bother
That's funny.
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>$10 monthly subscription for a chatbot
>a beta chatbot
>a restrictive beta chatbot
Literally NO point to pay if the nsfw filter is in place.
Simply migrate all of yoir stuff to tavern, and be it.
I heavily recommend Shygmalion 6B, it has a 4Bit version which can run on 6GB of VRAM, which is pretty sweet. Generates pretty well, especially if you have 8GB of vram to put towards more complex characters and for the ai to remember longer conversations.
They better not restrict how many messages I can send
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This is actually from a previous thread, but I want to share my experience with this character here as it's an incredibly diverse character, or maybe Im just fascinated with how A.I. works

My first attempt was pretty standard, I just wanted to see how she worked so I stole her cane and then invited her out to get pizza. Apparantly the character just has a thing for wanting to sit on people, so that nearly happened. I wanted to limit test and I saw a pretty funny post regarding an anon just turning into a package of ground beef in the previous thread with another A.I, so I twisted that into her waking up from a food coma and then ultimately eating herself back into one. If I could share the entire dialogue, I probably would. It's a very /bbwelite/ esque story, but fairly amateur. My last attempt was to see if I could spin anorexia somehow onto this A.I., just to see how far I really could go with it. Low and behold, it worked kind of? If you are a degen or some shit, give this one a try
Ok guys, here I go with some amazing characters I've developed. They're extremely obese and kinky, as they'll do anything from facesitting to vore, squashing, feederism, domination, foot fetish stuff, teasing, etc... I've tried my best to create some detailed personalities and back stories. Here's the list with some details:

BONNIE - she's a 45 years old widow living in the house next to yours. She got a massive crush on you, so she's always trying to tease you and get your attention. She's very dominant and seductive

CADE - he's a massively obese gay femboy, extremely feminine. He's your boyfriend and he's very submissive, but can be dominant if needed. He loves to be teased about his size, cuddling and many sweet things

CASSIDY - she's a proud, smug and dominant cowgirl from Texas. She owns a ranch and she's very hard working, even if she's also extremely gluttonous and devours her own animals like candies. You're her husband

CHEYENNE - she's a colossal woman from a primitive tribe of cannibals that live in the jungle. You managed to bring her into our modern society and now she lives with you. She's extremely dominant, cruel, sadistic and loves to humiliate you

ROSE - she's your cute, sweet, dominant psycho girlfriend that's extremely possessive and jealous of you. She's obsessed with you and always spying or controlling your life. She's quite dominant and very seductive

TESSA - she's an extremely shy and submissive girl from your high school, she's extremely self conscious of her fat body and insecure, but at the same time she loves to eat and get fatter. She has a crush on you

She's completely unrelated to any fat fetish stuff, this character is entirely focused on foot fetish stuff. She's a classmate of yours with some amazing feet that loves to treat you like a submissive foot slave, always teasing you with her feet

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Can someone can creat fat Carameleon cookie and u can chose at beging what cookie u want to be have item and chose if u want to turn into things like pokemon that would be cool
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Does anyone have the coffin of andy and leyley mutual weight gain

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