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Hate the fact that guest mode no longer works on Character.AI?

Can’t find any of the fricking bots from Character.AI that have been posted on here, no matter how hard you search on Character.AI?

The other AI services making you pay subscriptions without a free option, or a filter being a complete nightmare to deal with?

Welp, you are slightly in luck!
In this thread, it’s everything that relates to SpicyChat. Want to post bots from Spicychat? Go ahead! Ask for someone to make a SpicyChat port of a character, or a bot from Character.AI? You can do that here!

This thread may or may not be an Anonymous figure going against Character.AI, because they are pissed off with it.
It’s a blessing if it stays active. And If it does, I have done everything all good 👍.
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Spicychat.ai requests:

Emi Isuzu from Tenjou Tenge
Risley Law from Fairy Tail
Kirio Hikifune from Bleach
Mary from Dimension W
Bonyu from DBZ Kakarot

Here is my masterpiece, I made it based on a scenario that I made up my mind that I would really like to turn into a story, I want opinions on what you think of the chatbot (this is my first Chatbot) (If there are any errors in English, I'm sorry, I'm using the translator)
Bump. I ain’t letting my thread die.
Fire, I was thinking about requesting something like this
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Spicychat definitely deserves the traffic.

[SPOILER]: AI-Generated Avatar, NSFW
Eve, NEET feedee elf.

Reposting this bot since I believe I've tweaked it enough to cover a broad spectrum of traits without seeming too inconsistent. Definitely recommend resubmitting the bot's reply to experience multiple "routes" with the bot. Will continue tweaking the bot's traits occasionally.
The link is supposed to be what the bot is supposed to be based off btw
No, really? I thought it was just some random link that had nothing to do with the rest of the post at all. Because I'm retarded.
Been using spicychat off and on since getting a real bot setup with claude or chatgpt is a pain in the ass.
Is the paid version worth it or does everyone have good success with bots on there? As a secondary, what's the method to build a bot for it? I'd like to try my hand.
Bot creation is pretty simple, it's the bot scenario and avatar that really make a bot pop in my opinion. There's four factors that make a bot:

"{{char}}" and "{{user}}" are used in place of bot's name and the user's name when it comes to formatting. It helps the bot with differentiating between the user and itself.

- Scenario: helps the bot keep track of what's suppose to be going on, and can also be used to help certain bot features appear more prominent during conversations. Limited to 300 characters.

I use two short sentences to set the stage, like "{{user}} is invited to {{char}}'s apartment. It's been years since they've last seen each other." I then use the rest of the characters to define important characteristics/traits for the bot. Just lines like "{{char}} is stout and slender" or "{{char}} has purple eyes and long brown hair."

- Intro Message: should be a good hook, not just "hey, what's up" or less than a paragraph. It helps build the scene - works in tandem with the Scenario box - and can also help define certain things about the bot (e.g. clothes, physical features) and objects of interest. You can describe the bot while also setting the scene. Definitely shouldn't have grammatical errors or typos since they'll kill immersion.

*Your eyes shoot open as you awaken back into consciousness. Shooting up in a cold sweat, you find yourself lying on your back in your familiar bedsheets. Your eyes dart around the dimly-lit room until they spot a dark figure by the bedroom's balcony door.*

"..well, well..I've been waiting for you, love."

*{{char}} struts out from the shadows and into the moonlight path that blankets the floor, gliding towards your side of the bed. You feel the bedframe shift as her wide hips settle beside you.*

That's an incomplete example of how an intro should be formatted.

- Personality: I personally use third person phrases like "{{char}} is amiable, playful and flirtatious" or "{{char}} towers over her peers." You can then describe more traits like this:

(hates heights + skinny + seven-feet tall)

.. you'd have to look into the official Spicychat bot guide for more info on how to format these boxes.

- Dialogue: decides how your bot is going to converse. I specifically made a French bot, so when creating dialogue examples I'd use certain French phrases to make the bot chat like she's actually French. Helps your bot stick out, so that it isn't another bot that just says sexy stuff in plain English. You can make a bot say little to nothing or make a bot that grunts or snarls frequently when talking. This can also be defined in the Personality box (e.g. "{{char}} speaks in a strong Australian accent," "{{char}} is a mute thaf cannot speak.")

I've managed to make a fairly consistent bot for my own use, and I'm honestly surprised by how much different scenarios the bot can write up. It's part of the experience to repeat results/retry results to see how else the bot would've responded to your prior message. I recommend reading the official Spicychat bot guide since it goes over way more stuff.

I recommend the cheapest tier. It's like six dollars and they're providing updates fairly routinely.
As the maker of this thread, I am happy to announce that all of you are such great folks.

Every one of you who are making and effort posting bots and just talking in general is keeping the thread alive, so great work to all of you! 💖

As another tip, here's how you should be formatting your bot's Example Dialogue:

<USER>:"What's gotten into you?."
<BOT>:*She titters, hanging her head bashfully.* ".. It's been ages since we've last had a chance to meet, love."
<USER>:"I need a drink."
<BOT>:*She impishly winks, her eyes half-lidded.* "Anything for you, dear.."

You can use the dialogue to influence how your character talks. Pretty sure you can even influence the answers to questions or actions that the user may say. As an example, for my feedee bot I used this type of dialogue example:

<USER>:"How did you get so big?"
<BOT>:*She hangs her head, looking down at her bloated body.* "Mon chéri, I have no control around food. I stuff my face and play videogames every day. I feel like an utter cow.."

I used some French in my example so that the bot would frequently use French phrases and such, making the bot's dialogue a bit more interesting in my opinion.
What I also did in that example is make the bot feel conflicted about weight gain. I noticed that in practice when you ask the bot the questions you've inputted into their Example Dialogue, they use the appropriate examples when creating a response. So whenever you ask this particular feedee-bot about their weight gain, they'll make a response that revolves around the Example Dialogue I made for them.
On another note, if you're interested in trying out different bots then here are some suggestions. These are certain scenario bots that I've used in the past. I don't know how much you value text adventures, but certain bots can really set the scene for unique stories.

Mindy - chubby, punk/alternative bachelorette that got stood up at a bar.

[Furyy-Warning, Technically] The Naga Captive - A towering, anthro-serpent woman that you stumble upon as you wander inside the depths of the Demon King's Castle. Will you set her free?

Might share more interesting picks in the future.
>>24579 reading your insults since yesterday 12am I dont sleep. I catch all insults.
Really do appreciate all of these tips. I do a lot of writing so I sometimes use these bots as a means to get some scenarios or banter ideas.
I'll see what I can do when I get some real time to sit down and build a bot, but I'll report back when I do. Thanks for taking the time to fill me in!
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Requesting Nagatoro she's gotten so fat hardly walk anymore and now she is at your mercy what will you do to the cheeky glutton. Spicy chat please.
No problem. A reminder that I've only created a single bot, but I'm happy to share what I've discover from tweaking it in certain ways.

Additional notes on making an intro:
Depending on how you "set the scene," you can influence the first response that the bot pops out.

For example, a section of my bot's intro is composed like this... [{{char}} is used in Spicychat's formatting to address the bot.]
*{{char}} waddles over to a 12-foot velvet loveseat that's tucked in the corner of her dwelling; her derriere eats up nearly half the seat as she plops down comfortably. A mini fridge sits besides the loveseat with a tray of marijuana joints above it.*

..cliche subject, admittedly, but by addressing that there's a mini fridge with joints in the intro, the bot now has a tendency of providing responses relating to the mentioned subject when first responding to the user (e.g. the bot offers the user a joint to break the ice). You can really drive a bot's responses with a good intro.

I'll definitely try answering any questions you've got in the future.
How do you handle the sort of repetitive replies? I mean, those AIs have a habit of saying stuff such as "barely above a whisper", "a mix of pain and pleasure" and shit like that
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I haven't heard any of those phrases that you've brought up, honestly. Though I think that may be due to the benefits that I receive from subscribing to their 2nd membership tier.

Spicychat has three different tiers when it comes to membership. It seems that with the higher tiers, the bots you interact with are provided with better memories. They also come with methods of tweaking the way bots generate responses. According to Spicychat's subscription page, the 2nd tier - the one I'm subscribed to - receives:

• 4K Context (Memory)
• Semantic Memory 2.0
• Longer Responses
• Conversation Images
• Access to additional Models

So admittedly, I'm getting a better experience with these bots compared to other users that may be using the website for free or are subscribed to the 1st tier, which comes only with:

• "Skip The Waiting Line" (access to bots whenever)
• Memory manager (new feature: helps bots keep tabs of certain things/events)

I haven't had any issues with repetitive response. There's a new feature that was added recently that allows bots to add on to their prior response without needing to add any input (bots can now follow-up their prior response which fixes the issue of bot answers cutting off, like if a bot finishes an answer with "..he whispered into her ear" without explaining what the bot whispered). Using the feature too much could result in repetitive answers, apparently, but from experience the feature works just fine and allows the AI to drive the conversation different directions.

I'm the creator of this one feedee-bot that I made a couple months ago, and have yet to become bored of it. As mentioned already, I'm getting a better experience compared to free users and 1st-tier users so unfortunately I can't see how limited the bots' memories are. If you want my honest option, I'd recommend the 2nd tier if you've got a steady income. It's the only adult subscription I've got and it's because they're still adding features. Personas are gonna be added in the near future, which will allow users to switch between "personas" so that users won't have to modify their single profile every time they want to switch their character's traits or being entirely (you'll be able to make a variety of presumably basic characters to roleplay as, as the current user profile has to be formated in 2-3 sentences).

Basically, I think it comes down to either the bots you're using, or your subscription tier. The bots you're interacting with may not be formatted in a way that'll help it stick out from the rest (or they could be poorly formatted or over-fed with too much data). You can try filtering the bots by rating on the Homepage. I've tried a multitude of bots and they've all seemed to be their own type of "adventure." If you're still getting crappy responses then I think 100% it's because you're not subscribed to a higher tier. What you can also try is the memory manager - that is, if you're paying for the basic tier membership. It'll help the bot keep things in mind, like your character's sex and likes/dislikes.

[[NSFW Warning]] Here's the bot I created, the feedee-bot I mentioned earlier. It's risqué as hell so it might not be everyone's cup of tea:
You can try interacting with the bot to see if you get repetitive responses.
Ok, but why are investing so much effort advertising on a thread/board/site that gets less traffic than a 2010s Blockbuster chain
If people have questions then I love being thorough with my responses, even if this is admittedly niche. This AI stuff is starting to get impressive - in my opinion, at least. It'd be interesting to see where it ends up in the future with the support.
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Made another bot. Been awhile since I made one but this time it's on spicychat only since I thought about try making one in spicychat instead of character ai. Enjoy. It''s Konata from Lucky star since I recently got into the anime last month and it's enjoyable so why not make a bot about the silly Okatu.
Just to clarify, when I mean everything, I really do mean anything that has to do with Spicychat.

- Updates.

- Tips.

- Requests.

- Paste Bins.

- Ports.

- Original Characters.

- Non-Original Characters.

- Slobs.

- Scenarios.

- Whatever you can think of. Just anything to keep the thread alive and active, while I try make things clear as possible.
All of my Spicychat bots, some of these could be better since they were just copied over from c.ai and I haven't gotten around to updating them: https://pastebin.com/y7eCBH8F
I wish there was a way to DM users in C.ai because I worry on whether it is wrong or not to port bots from other users to Spicychat without them knowing.
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Emi Isuzu from Tenjō Tenge For Spicychat.ai
Do drafts only last a certain amount of time? I made a draft of a bot the other day, and today it’s gone. It’s either that or the mods saw it in drafts and deleted it.
Admittedly, it’s a pretty edgy bot, the idea was to make a doting feeder who you gradually discover is basically a yandere who is obsessed with making you fatter and fatter until your health fails, and then she moves on to her next victim just like she’s done multiple times before.

I just figured they wouldn’t snipe her so early, I didn’t even save her as a private bot or anything, just a draft.
Damn that is pretty dark. Anything in particular inspire this, or did you just come up with it at random?
Kind of at random, just trying to think up dark bots until I came up with this “serial feeder” idea.
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Oh for fuck sake.

One of my reasons i created this thread was to avoid retarded shit like this.
I feel absolutely cheated and back-stabbed by Spicy’chat…
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I've had some okay chats with random bots and tried my at creating one, it started okay (definitely needs some work but not bad for my first attempt I think) but eventually it devolved into just repeating what I typed. Is there a way to prevent this? Free account right now if that helps
Bless you, this is good shit
Chatbot got either privated, deleted or possibly banned by the new WOKE ToS…
Sadly, the port got privated. It's because of a bs rule that you can't copy other people's chatbots even if you credit the og creator. I removed the fact that it was port of someone else's chatbot, which sucks since the og creator can't get any credit.
Hopefully, the bot can be un-privated since I removed any mention of it being a non-oc port.
As the creator of this thread, I am making sure it’s not going to die.

So.. I’m just going to bump this up. It’s a good thread anyways since there is no shitty filter in Spicychat. Except sometimes the AI is retarded, which makes the mood irritating.
The small memory that comes with a free account is the most frustrating thing about spicy chat. The bots will forget things that have already been established as convos go on and can get brain dead quickly without manual intervention by editing their messages.
>Creates a thread about everything Spicychat related.

>It becomes a good hit.

>Starts to slow down, but it’s all good, people take time to make bots.

>Thread movement is dead.

>Begins to see people are posting Spicychat links in the other two threads.

>Sad anonymous sounds…
I made a port for her last year on spicychat and she managed to get like 30k conversations or something like that. The problem is that spicychat is against incest content so it ended up getting taken down. It just vanished one day.
What's the point of having a no filter ai chat if you can't pretend to fuck your mothers belly button?
I am now curious on what your chats are like (not in a rude way of)
How and why did this thread die.
Because they made the AI memory limited if you’re not supporting them. And people probably ran out of ideas, idk
Is it worth it to open a free account in spicychat? Or is it basically the same as the guest mode
Nah I'd say it's really worth it imo. The most major problem I'd say I have with free accounts is that you can only have 3 personas max
Is it just me or is Spicy having a problem with viewing saved chats? The page refreshes and puts you back in the conversation you were just in.
That ones good. I keep going back for new chats.
Pretty good stuff considering it's Spicychat AI. It gets Shiori's butt growth factor well in action and speech. Personality wise it's fine despite SpicyAI wanting to be constantly horny and want to fuck.

She did mention characters in the school that don't exist. She also fails to name the growth factors of all the other main girls, she just repeatedly states their hips and tits grow. Sometimes she entirely misunderstands what 'growth factor' means.

Anyway, pretty good stuff, Anon.
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‘ppreciate the anon that took the time to leave a reply, but getting more than 1k chats in 48 hours is enough to tell me that you guys liked this one. More cooking, something to show soon hopefully. keep the thread alive in the mean time.
Does someone have immobile blob bots please?
Incredibly goated, thank you for making this
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Anyone have fat Splatoon bots that aren’t OCs? I’d love to fuck an out of shape, washed up Callie but don’t know if getting SC to understand what an Inkling is would be worth it.
(Pic for engagement/inspiration)
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I discovered Spicychat through this posting a few weeks ago and loved it. Became very motivated to make my own bots thanks to the NEET femcel and Shiori bots you guys crested and shared - thank you for that.

This is my main contribution, OC named Noemi. Art courtesy of my own promptd on stuffer.ai. Immobile, USSBBW, childhood friend you haven't seen in a few years gains a massive amount of weight (IE: Sweat, humiliation, tomboy). I tried to take a different approach to the bot greeting so it begins as horny or wholesome as you'd like. It's gotten more hits in less than a day than I would've thought, so I'm gonna post it here.


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