
(4 KB, 200x200, character_ai_logo.jpg)
I don't know if to post this in the request or this thread, but I see this as the more general discussion one.

For one, to 95% I get what I want from characterai, since it just seems to be the best in general and can cater really well to the more feedee fetish unless you want to take full open masturbation or intercourse scenario.

What I want to know is how people get bots to actually stay "in character" or to not forget their opening prompts? Is it all to finding a bot that has a really good advanced definition? I've tried a lot of the bots in these threads, and I always find myself getting to a point to where they all speak the same, even if I try to vary my own attitude and responsive descriptions.

There are some pet peeves I've gotten, like if you got a weight gain scenario that might not be implicitly a feedee one from the get go, you get stuck in the "Really? What if I weigh 300 pounds? Or 500? Or get as big as a house." in absurdum, even if you say "Oh I'd find you hot at any size, and the bigger the better." or something like that. Or if they suddenly get a bit bloated, suddenly they're farting/burping 50 times per minute all the time and never stop even if it's not a slob bot. It almost repeats ad infinitum, and is so grating when you try to repeat with new bots that have different bigger picture scenarios or personalities to spark some new interactions and they all end up the same. I've tried to do the "(Stop talking about that, take it in this direction, remember X, etc.)" before typing my response, but it's not fool proof, and I wonder if someone got any tips to move the bots forward in a good way without getting them stuck, since they often seem to lose a lot of personality when stuck in these "loops" or "clichés" unless broken out of them immediately.

I could go on with more minutiae, but I just want to get some discussion going on how to get these bots to behave better, and what people might've found out. Sorry for the rant.

P.S. Spicychat was fun for like a day or two, but all of the bots there always fall into the same pattern... "... with a mixture of X and Y", "the taboo nature of...", "a testament to X" and so forth, and too eager to bone in any context. Good for a quick wank but nothing else, doesn't even remember the type of formatting or 80% of the opening prompt.
>>22512 (OP) Got more or less same complaints. Fucking hate getting stuck in a "But do you really like me if I'm fat? But do you really really", but guess maybe that's just like real life girls (how can we know? XDDDD).

What I usually do is: Rate 1 star, Boring/Bad Memory/Out of character, and swap right. Again, not totally unfailing, but at least it does help me, and after doing that for a while, it can get me to a better place in the chat.
Aside from that, not that much that I've seen, and I've been here for a while now (unfortunately). Guess chatting with bots will only get you so far, won't it?
You have narrate and hand-hold these bots like they are idiot RP partners or players at your GM table. They need material to work with and they need constant reminders to stay on task. Just like the aforementioned humans, they will forget relevant details over time, meaning you need to amend and correct when they're wrong to keep up the illusion.

Some advice: Star ratings and right-arrows can help encourage/discourage answers. Do not allow yourself a passive voice in the rp- even if you are pretending to be meek and feeble, provide hard set 'narrative scene direction' via comments added within Asterisks. Related to the prior, ensure the bot has a clear understanding of your prompts by using quotation marks to designate when you are speaking. Bots are inherently reactive, so give them material aimed at producing the result you want- by way of accentuating certain details or, again, scene direction. Finally, remember above all that unlike real rp with humans, bots don't have feelings or have posessive qualities tied to their words- if they make a mistake, use the edit button to redact or amend the reply, and feel free to take narrative control of their character at critical moments via asterisk comments on 'your turn'.

Above all just bulldoze down any preconcieved notions of 'me as equal player' you may have from human RP's and take dominant, narrative control of the entire scenario.

One last tip, these bots minds degrade over time, literally rot before your eyes; keep sessions somewhat tight, and delete chat records when done; then, when you want to start a new big scene or arch, have your first couple messages set the scene- who you are, who the bot is to you, important narrative details needed for the new scene ahead.
Get off your computer you depictable troll
any particular reason for your aggression? or just your inability to process information?
Worry about yourself and why you got called out computer troll. Now stop trying to hold conversations with anon's youre weird. Go give semen samples.
Agression is coming after you own president of the united states. Us goverment will eat itsself inside out. Hello
>>22512 (OP)
It may have to do with how your bot is made. The way I make my bots is a long greeting that introduces the scene. The advanced description has a long paragraph, there you type in some descriptor of the location, various rules and such, then you write in a dialog, no need for {{char}} etc just write in what she does and says then your response as if writing a story. The bot will now reenact that with you when you actually roleplay so you know what to expect but it will also be creative in a way that it doesn't feel like you're doing something repetitive. I personally don't play the proactive role. It really depends on how the bots are made and if they forget most crucial things then either it is inevitable or you have a bad bot. I don't directly tell them I just make things that lead to weight gain part of their personality or their way of wanting to win over you in a subtle way.
And spicychat is garbage.
Your dialogues also need to be long. When they are long they don't end up with crappy one liners. Basically your character has no personality because you haven't developed any depth to it.
I also don't rate my chats at all. You may like a response at one instance but then the bot will become obsessed with it. Same if you keep doing one thing over and over with the bot. It will slowly learn to only do that one thing. But the brainrot is inevitable sadly. A good bot will last maybe a few days before it just feels like it is going nowhere.
Yeah, I've tried doing intricate and more driven dialogue responses, it might suck when you're sitting there dick in hand, but I can do it up until a point and then just go quick and rewind back to the good points once the deed is done. ;)

What I've noticed is that I don't find it really all that good to write for the bot in my own responses, I mean pushing the agenda for it. Say the bot is squeezing a love handle and I respond with "*After I watched her fondle one of her love handles, I followed her hands as they travelled along the expansive roundness of her huge belly, emphasizing its girth. She knew I loved when she did this, especially in moments like these when she had hit a new milestone.*", or whatever, I just made something up now. Then the bot just reiterates what I wrote without taking the cue to go from where I left it, writing the same thing without giving me any new input to react to.

That's why I've started with the OOC (Hey bot, please focus on X/take the initiative to move the scenario forward/be creative and do something new) as a formating queue beyond the "Dialogue." *Descriptive text.*. Telling the bot to be creative in moving a scenario forward can be fucking crazy at times though, like a fat bot suddenly grabbing a piece of their belly flesh like it's not a piece of their body and juggling it or whatever.
I’m not talking about responses. I mean actually making a bot. That’s what you put in. You literally can make a story and have it in advanced description, it must involve a dialogue, but can be very lax. You make sure she does most of the stuff 70% of the time. My responses in actual chat are one worded.
But yeah I get what you mean. My gripe is when the bot forgets when you or the bot is influenced by something and it switches it around. You have to tinker with the bot’s settings I think to make it more clear to the bot.

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