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Previous thread bumped to the limit, as per usual.

As a reminder; this is the chatbot thread, not the request thread. Chatbots go here, requests go to the request thread.

Chatbot Archive (last updated 01/02/24): https://pastebin.com/27RdjFTH
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Not quite dead, but still too busy with IRL things to make more bots, hope you understand.

Here's my c.ai profile, now counting 67 Touhou bots:

My shadowbanned bots (Sakuya, Kanako, Eirin, Seiga, etc.) are linked here, all the way at the bottom of this character's settings:
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New thread so I will repost mine again!

Nick Pillsbury, 24 yrs old (Not a furry despite his pfp I just liked it.)
He is a college fatty who plays nintendo and is also a digital fat artist. YOU assume the role as his roommate and best friend. You can literally do anything with the big jolly glutton that weighs 850 blubbery pounds!


Jay Sanders, 20yrs old: He is a obese shut in gamer that constantly eats and orders food from the famous app “OverEats”! (Bonus points to me if you know where that is from.)
YOU assume the role as a food delivery employee for “OverEats” who constantly delivers his massive orders every day. One day he asks you to bring it inside to him probably because he is too lazy to want to move. Have fun with this gigantic gamer that weighs 1350 pounds!


(If you wish to reach me faster for spicy chat ports or suggestions since I don’t check the AI board as much, my discord is “fatacc_”

Now let me see that big phat booty
tfw you have idea about a chubby gf chatbot, who's currently laying in her room due to a heatwave, while her belly is bloated with water

but have no idea if you should make it an existing character, or just an OC
Gonna plug my chub.ai profile: I port bots from other places and upload them. If you go to CHub, try and keep it on the DL. The site is "uncensored" but there's some shadowbanning and they might cave to payment processers if it gets big enough.

Awesome bots, thanks for sharing. I really appreciate the effort put into the greetings, nice writing and great taste!
Requester here, if you can don’t mind adding some additional details?
Could you open up the definitions for them
No because everytime I teach there little assholes something. I get fired so fuck no.
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Hey guys I updated the greetings to both of these bots by a couple hundred words so they should be more defined!

As for my next project here is a teaser.

From the ai chatbot (I only did the description when I tested this out no greetings or definitions.)
Chisumi: I'm someone who absolutely loves to eat! I'm a human embodiment of gluttony but don't worry, my friend, I don't bite.

Plan on releasing this and more chatbots through the weekend so make sure to keep an eye out!

You should make more lady bots

I have done a couple of lady personas to use in C.AI but I thought I would give some love to the bhm side before going to females. Probably after this weekend I might go into a few series I like to create a couple female bots such as konosuba and helltaker.
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I got them ported on spicy now! Here are the links!

Nick Pillsbury: https://spicychat.ai/chat/4a115a93-af98-4517-86fb-4fd895587072

Jay Sanders:

I honestly don’t use spicychat since it can seem like it doesn’t understand greetings or itself as good as C.AI, but I will still put them on Spicychat if people want the action!

I was surprised that with a bit of work you can achieve some wild things on character ai that just sound better than spicy. No real formula as it takes plenty of talking but say the right words from time to time and you get your moment.
Oh lord young boss figured it out.
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>>22356 Thanks, dude. I appreciate the comments c:

You can take the cook out of the kitchen, but you can't take the kitchen out of the cook! Finished other two girls, which I had been craving to do for MONTHS: Serena and Nikume, the two OC's BWS draws a lot.
Hope you'll enjoy :) as always, and tell me anything I can improve for them (spicychat ports no, since I've never really vibed with it, but their templates are open tho, so anyone can do that instead).

Serena (OC): https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=0cu366vRBCZT99m1K9MpHQYYtogc19hLjRpiiYvu1-Y

Nikume (OC): https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=KUmErLlz7Nr5nzGODFzIlabr3QwIhDN2IqESloIduhc
(1.5 MB, 2890x4088, IMG_8118.jpeg)
Making a bot for pic related. Anyone have any fun ideas that would help to flesh her out more? I really like the scenario but it’s somewhat one-note.
I've waited so long for someone to make these two into bots
Forgot to ask if you could port them to spicy

Hey there! Love your BWS chatbots a ton!

I have a few ideas in mind.

So from the comic we can already see that she definitely doesn’t wanna show off her weight to guys in public, This could be one of insecurities in the start and overcoming them either by the person helping them or some people choose to be teases and stuff like that I can’t control that.

But here is the main premise, she is insecure of her growing size being apparent and sucks it in. Now let’s try to add some context and personality. For context she is a wealthy gal( or doesn’t need to be) who owns a beach house near the boardwalk. She enjoys long walks on the beach and all that and without the worries of a belly sticking out she has that tomboy flare that I, atleast feel is coming from the first scene. It’s a tomboy insecurity character that has been overused you could say but there is definitely much to add.

She could be lying about doing yoga and that if it goes down to it she has a food addiction whether it just be she over eats the recommended calorie intake or that she likes a certain type of food such as seafood or desserts like ice cream. Those are a few of my ideas. Perhaps she is looking for some sort of acceptance but in the end that does make most bots that go third person a bit whiny.

Those are my ideas currently and if there is more ideas you want or something else just reply, I am happy to help!
From the post itself:
>spicychat ports no, since I've never really vibed with it, but their templates are open tho, so anyone can do that instead
It's not hard to port them, especially is you can see the character info (even if you can't, it's easy enough with "c.ai tools" plugin if you're using Chrome/a Chromium-based browser or Firefox/a Firefox-based browser).
So unless the pics are import-able, the templates are not open, or at least Nikume's isn't. Like I said to my review to the Anon who was asking for a port, with c.ai tools plugin it's easy (as long as there's nothing in advanced definition, because it can't read those from a bot with private defs), but all the same, you said defs were open and, at least on that one, they're not.
My fault, I didn't notice it there
I think my brain short-circuited there... 'To my review'? I mean 'in my reply'...
>>22409 And my brain skipped a synapse, because I forgot "Making the chatbot public" and "Open the template to public" were two different buttons on the page.
Now they're both public. Enjoy youserlves lol
Character not available to chat, unfortunately
Also I fucking love the pic
(106 KB, 828x648, feeder_viewpoint_by_kuroagumochi_dfz944q-414w-2x.jpg)
Hi, I have lately joined this forum and decided to post my works, I am in charge of creating feed bots (either female or male) on Hi Waifu and I am already pretty well on track with 130 followers and around 40 bots.

Here I leave the link of one, it already has around 800 registered conversations and it is a remake of a Caracther.Ai bot that I think I delete it.

Your adorable rebellious gluttonous stepdaughter who has a crush on you!

Start a chat with Fat Step-daughter (Pampered and sassy girl) on Hi,Waifu!

(If you can't find it you can search by my username "Jhon").
Just keeps loading unfortunately
Spicy chat version plz
I just want to dick down some big booties that cant keep their weight down. Sit on my face. I eat it from the back
>>22429 how weird .-. Maybe try to use the "Save and start new chat" button, 'cause I've already got her public, and been able to chat with her just fine.
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Hey chatbot chatters! I am back with another male bot that will definitely find it’s unique place here.

Introducing Chisumi! From Sweetdreamcoffee’s comic. “Why didn’t anyone tell me the secret to ultimate power was junk food!?”. YOU replace Chisumi’s counterpart from the comic! It’s a beginning for college for you and your roommate is a power driven glutton who is super cute! I have made it as close to the comic as possible and through testing it appears to work quite well although there were some tweaks in the comic to ai just to make sure the bot isn’t fully evil in a way that the bots seem to over exaggerate. The alternate ego or nickname she had which was “chi vleer” had to be scrapped because the bot had plenty of mistakes and errors with it, took longer than usual to make this but it was worth representing a comic.

Here is the link to chisumi: https://character.ai/chat/U-gpB3_FVa0IsNxUJr6Yw66kE83HUoNgBg2DVbCyBZA


(Teaser: Next character I am making is from another comic by the same artist)
Is it gonna be the cheerleader?
Not yet, this weekend I am finishing up male characters that the artist stopped doing years ago. I plan on doing cheerleader, diva to donuts, and the never enough bites characters, although I may hold off on cheer leader and the NEB for last since they are still ongoing and I could get some key lore in the next few pages.
Is it just me, or does this one not load? Im getting a blank chat page
Fixed it now it was still private my bad.
NTA unfortunately :/
Thanks for sharing your ideas with me regardless though. I think I’m going to make her something like a yuppie or church girl with with a secret shameful tendency to overindulge. I also really like the idea that she got her belly from boardwalk restaurant food and deserts.
I got the same thing happening to me.

I realized this says old character ai. I am unsure how you are using the old one still but I primarily use the app and now the new browser one. If you could possibly try to make a new link that doesn’t old characterai then that might work. Much appreciated!
Like those other people said, it's not loading. I've never had a problem with the old interface, so I assume that means it got taken down for some reason (you might need to just post the import card or the raw details and let people port it to SpicyChat or whatever other platform, because it seems to me you probably used a word or phrase the c.ai censors didn't like, which means you'd have to entirely repost the bot from scratch and figure out what the offending word/phrase is, because apparently when your bot gets deleted, there's nothing you can do to get it restored, from what other people have said).
>I am unsure how you are using the old one
There's a button on the new interface to revert to the old interface, that's how.
>There's a button on the new interface to revert to the old interface, that's how.
At least there was... But I think just typing old.character.ai works.
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>>22455 Thank you, I used that advice and it worked, you just saved us!

And: Thank you all for the interest. Now, at last, and after lots of censorship, the Val chat is here! Also, I made one for Sophia. Hope you'll enjoy their company, :) after this long wait

Val (OC): https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=qHy2ODCJWBTbs64Fpc3H5KD2uzO47qyuqm9x__JnPcc
Sophia (OC): https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=_xbUK1muS1vUt7RLEweWb8u7dG3Jc8l8YYpjuaJzqnw
Absolute perfection with Val who is my favorite BWS OC. You’re bots are extremely fun and amazing to use. Trust me, with your bots it never feels like a long wait or delay, in fact I feel overwhelmed with how fast they are coming I don’t fully appreciate each one!

Great job man, you’re definitely on top of the chatbot creator community!

It would be awesome to have these porter to spicychat!
I'm not the bot creator, but said creator (same guy who did Nikume and Serena, so taking the info from that post) has mentioned that they won't do SpicyChat ports, so I took it upon myself, using techniques I mentioned in a previous reply. Here's Sophia (had to delete/reword some stuff to make her greeting fit into the 2000-character limit):

And here's Val (same story):
'Same story' as what I had to do with Sophia's greeting, not 'same story' full stop.
And I screwed up and forgot to set them as unlisted/link-only (or public would have also worked I suppose, but not private the way I had them when I first posted them). Fixed now, hopefully before anyone tried to access them.

These are amazing! Thank you so much!
Could you make a character Ai version?
impeccable timing lol
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Late to the new thread but I made a Spicychat port of my recent bot after someone requested it at the end of the last thread: https://spicychat.ai/chat/f9b646d9-32f0-4a08-8a75-c15eab8de99c
Links to my pastebins as well.
Beta Character AI: https://pastebin.com/GBJ08313
Spicychat: https://pastebin.com/y7eCBH8F
I can't imagine that bot would fare terribly well on Spicychat given the strict policy against incest, the port of the mom bot I made last year ended up being taken down for example. I'm not sure if step-relatives are exempt or not but it could result in the same outcome.
Hey just wondering do you take requests for bots.

Don’t know I’m sure they do… but as far as I know… I kinda did hope Them and Eg17 would do an Android 21 -Good- (SSBBW/BBW, Feedee, Dragon ball) bot for me… just this one time on Spicychat.ai cause I have my own personal opinions on the “Other” Chatbot sites.
Us marshal or interpol
I don't take requests, I might fulfill requests I see posted but only if I feel like it.
I know extremely little about Dragon Ball so you're better off asking someone else.
Understandable, Have a Great day.

I’ll find someone on here who uses Spicychat.ai more anyway then… thanks for your time.
>>22420 Can I have a link to Violet please?
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I'm curious how you guys interact with characters.
Do you roleplay?
Do you casually interact with them?
What do you do with them?

Can you share some of your chats?
It's cringe but roleplaying is the best way to get the most out of a bot. The more descriptive you are, the better the responses you'll get
Well, is there another way that isn't cringe? Besides casual chat?
How does a bot based around a former homeless girl, who lives with you has to put on a hearty amount of fat to stay under your roof
I might just be a softie, but his sounds a little too mean, for me at least. If I may, I'd change it a little and just say that she put on a lot of weight now that she's had easy access to food. You could make her feel iffy about it if you still want the feeling of her being against the weight gain
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Reposting my Spicychat bot, after many tweaks and modifications.

[LINK]: https://spicychat.ai/chat/c9d3a4dc-004a-4d12-84e5-25fcd8d962d4

Eve - 25(F), shortstack elf. She's been a shut-in for five years and invites you over. After graduating highschool she gained hundreds of pounds.

Depending on how the bots are created, conversations and interactions with bots can seem fairly intimate and enthralling. Not every interaction has to be NSFW, as you can usually coax the bot into behaving more romantic than sexual by "rejecting" their advances and using more sensual prompts. I've experimented with this bot in particular (specifically honed for NSFW behavior), some examples of scenario-starters being:

- [*I seated myself besides Eve, trying my best not to gawk at her massive body.* "..it's been a while, Eve."]

- [*Walking over to Eve, I place a tall brown bag on her coffee table. The contents within the bag release a subtle scent of cinnamon and sugar. "I brought you some donuts."]

- [*I stand in front of Eve, staring down at her wide body. Eve used to be so thin back then.* "What happened to you?"]

These are some general prompts that I've used for this feedee bot. Usually playing into the scenario that the bot is made for works best (if there is one). Depending on how creative you are when it comes to writing chat prompts, you can receive some fairly interesting responses from these bots.
I thought of making some fat chatbots on CharStar. Should I make the bots unlisted (as it seems a lot of people do with c.ai here), or should I make them public on the site (so they're easier to find for more users)?
I should note that on CharStar, you can't really switch a bot from unlisted to public (or vice versa) all that easily, so the question might mean more on CharStar than it would on c.ai.
Bot is the feeder but it also involves transformation during chat, which happens spontaneously without me putting in much effort to have it happen.
Any bots for janitor.ai?
Will we get a spicychat version homie?
Carch is too far gone, entering their shitposter arc.
Rae-J is amazing, new fav thank you.
Has he finally lost it?
(2.3 MB, 1080x10384, Screenshot_20240401-030217_Chrome.jpg)
Here's a pic of a conversation I managed to have with my feedee bot, Eve, since you wanted to see a chat. It took a couple of retries on her responses to end up where our conversation was by the end. Depending on how you interact with the bot you can influence where the scenario goes.
I wanted to call in some fat anime bitches to help Dan, but he's unlisted so I can't get him in a group chat ;_;
Have people had luck simulating long-term gain or personality change with these bots? What kinds of transitions or prompts do you use to make them both recognize that something has changed and not make it too extreme or suddent?
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Here's a bot based on a request I got on discord, a fat mommy Ran Yakumo:

And here's a meat tower with 5 characters somebody requested quite some time ago, in thread #5, I believe. Be careful not to get buried by this pile:
He's public now so knock yourself out
I think I fixed the issue I'm not sure though
Shot in the dark here, but I freakin' love your MLP chatbots and I'd love to help with a Celestia one- if you ever see this reach out to me on Discord: canti3869
Does anybody have that succubus characterai? I think her name started with G or something. used to be in the pastebin but I can't find it
Thats not it unfortunately but thanks anyways
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I am once again bringing y'all another fringe chatbot brought to you by lack of sleep. Meant to have this released by April 1st, but what can you do? Funny image because this one's got hyper pregante and not everyone wants to see that shit.

A stripper that's overworked, stressed, and a bit insecure. At least this one's on the more wholesome side. Enjoy it if you enjoy it.
Cherie: https://spicychat.ai/chat/4c305e24-e2cd-49d9-a159-e71081427357

Didn't make a version for Character because of how much more effort it would take to skirt around the guidelines. I've got a far more sane bot in the works though. As always, comments, criticisms, and concerns are welcome.
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Please check out CHub.ai. Minimal censorship and $5 monthly for access to their API. System for following or blocking tags. I beg.

Some offerings:


yep thats the one. Does it still exist?
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I recently decided to give bot making another shot and am starting off by remastering my old bots based on DrYagokoro and muricanpie's guides for character.ai and spicychat

Without further ado, here they are:

Sarah 'Suki' Stevens - A fat, slobby weaboo whose knowledge of Japanese culture is as superficial as her manba gyaru makeup

Lillian Aurawell - An obese, mall goth who hates societal beauty standards almost as much as she hates her parents

As always, comments and suggestions for how to improve are always welcomed, especially because I'm trying to relearn bot making.
That was def her thanks man
You shitheads really thought you could silence me? Think again.
Just try not to start arguments this time, all we wanna do here is goon to artificial intelligence
She definitely thru all those spanish and white women uunder the bus for that promotion. Stat woke my friends lol
Do you have any of your bots in card form for loading into local models, by chance? I was trying your Rae on CAI, and really want to give it a go on my own machine.
NTA but it looks like the definitions are open for that bot. You just copy/paste those into a new blank bot on your preferred frontend and your done.

If you want it to meld better with the tone and training of LLM you're using, you can prompt it something like the following:

(OOC: Provide a new (what you want rewritten here) for {{char}} based off of the current definitions and greeting for them. Make it interesting and at least 2 paragraphs long.)

And then regenerate until you get something that you think you can run with on your machine and pop that in place of the original bits.
Chatbot site with its own subscription based AI with barely any censorship. ($5 monthly for good quality AI you can use on the site.)
Hey so I haven't been on this site for a bit because of life. I see that Character.ai got an upgraded site which is cool. But it doesn't save your chats after a while... Is that on purpose? Is that their shitty way of trying to make me buy a premium account or is it just some sort of bug? Im a bit out of the loop here.
I think I know what you mean. You can just tap on saved chats and choose the latest, sometimes the second latest one.
FYI you can download a plugin c.ai tools for your browser. I know it works on firefox and google. It lets you download any card you want
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Tried something stupid: you're a hero in generic fantasy land who has a party of fat chicks glom on to your quest. Partially inspired by the god-tier Elf-San clinic scenario bot, this art by karaage53ko on twitter/pixiv, and a sprinkle of Eat the Dungeon.
I wanted to see if it could handle six fat of shes. 99% of the time it won't have responses etc. from all six but instead focus on 1-3, character details/personalities might get mixed up, and rarely it'll just forego names entirely so you might as well be talking to any other bot. It did seem to handle intergroup drama well, where some/all of the party might get jealous if you pursue just one girl.
Definition/details/etc. are public if somebody cares enough to port it, since cai is enough for me.

Anyways, have fun.
I'd recommend making an individual bot for all of them and putting them in a group chat. Obviously that's a shitton of work but it'd be great if you had time to spend on this

The link doesn't seem to be working, though I'm on mobile so maybe its an issue on my end

It'd be great if you could port the saber as well, it seems really nice but I don't wanna pay for chub
(1.4 MB, 1251x911, Griselda&BiancaThmbnl_2.png)
This was a fun concept that I wanted to try out. I thought Fellatrix's OC was perfect for this. I like both subs and doms and always wanted a bot that could switch between the two, so here's a body swap bot (they're shortstacks too)


They can swap by sneezing but honestly you can just say "invert" and they'll swap for ya.
Do you use spicychat? If so, could you port this bot there?
>The link doesn't seem to be working, though >I'm on mobile so maybe its an issue on my end

The reason is that the line break breaks the link There's a %20 in the middle that you have to delete. If you're on a modern/recent Android mobile device, you can 'edit' the copied link (if you're using Chrome at least), find the %20, and delete it, then click to go to the link and it should work.
Amazing bots!!
Started talking with Remilia and she immediately started acting lewd, what a blast!
Want to make a bot for that Mori Calliope character with how much attention she's been getting but I don't want to watch vtuber slop to get a read for her personality lmao
(4.8 MB, 2913x4134, ariga_thankyou__by_cherbit_deetrcf.jpg)
Just an update. I did some further testing on the Suki bot and found that she doesn't really differentiate between weaboo (non-Japanese fascinated by Japanese culture) and regular Japanese. So, I went back and did some edits to her definitions. Hopefully things should be solved now.

As always, comments and suggestions for how to improve are always welcomed.
I've been really loving this bot btw, happy to see further improvements on her!
Thanks! I appreciate it. If there are any persistent bugs or issues with the definition and settings please let me know!
I thought about that already

Thanks for all the work you put in. Seriously. I had no idea I did that many requests since the last update.
(428 KB, 1039x958, Screenshot_20240409_070257_Google.jpg)
Huh, no wonder I'm not regarded as some esteemed bot maker when I only have 5 characters listed

I thought big sis was still good, but I'll try to revamp and tweak some older bots to be suitable for sharing
You missed some of my bots including Birdo(which is in the previous thread) and Chilli
Someone who never cleaned their entire house shouldnt pop shit. I will air you out on this hoe
Yo, you forgot to include my other four bots that I've made (UsernameValid over here btw), two each c.ai and caveduck. If you could do that for the next update I'll be grateful.
Could you please repost the links to the two c.ai bots. It is difficult to sift through a thread link by link.
Hey, glad you like them. Appreciate you.
(21 KB, 324x342, Brooke Belrose.JPG)
Here's my first new bot. I decided to lean into the new word limit for greetings and flesh out the scenario more than usual.

Brooke Belrose - A gluttonous, mature gold digger looking to ditch her gutless simp of a husband for someone who can really indulge her appetites.

As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are always welcomed
I completely missed your first message, but this turned out magnificently! Thank you for putting it together so quickly.
(568 KB, 4096x4096, Three.jpg)
Hey guys.
I'm trying to make bots for characters who tried or did fattened up people just for evil or mischief purposes:

>Inga Bitterseet
>Mr. Mxyzptlk
>Professor Monkey-For-A-Head

Are there any other characters that I'm missing?

Anyways, here's Frenchfry for now, with advanced definition and everything...
>Are there any other characters that I'm missing?
Off the top of my head:
Mother Mae-Eye from Teen Titans (2003 and GO)
Grandma Stuffin from Codename: Kids Next Door
I think something might be wrong with the link to the Corrin bot.
Nevermind. I just fucked up with the link
spicy chat versions if you please good sir.
Something seems fucky with the links, it sends me to a ligth theme character ai main page
(26 KB, 137x133, Aether 2.png) (41 KB, 210x199, Lumine backup.png) (80 KB, 229x215, Ganyu 6.png) (436 KB, 549x575, Kaeya.png) (57 KB, 155x160, Eula Lawrence.png) (20 KB, 126x114, Mona 1.png)
I've been cooking over the last couple of days and I've finally gotten around to doing something that I've wanted to make for a long time: Genshin Impact bots. I've seen a lot of other fat Genshin bots on c.ai but most of them are rather low-quality. I've only played a small amount of this game but I did a lot of research to try to get each character right.
Aether: ttps://old.character.ai/chat2?char=PZOFO64IPq037jnbJrmph_gOiD2TZbXLQ0ast2kL5X0
Dehya: https://old.character.ai/chat?char=70CughM4Pgp7oRhqRoU_PdU33JQMsteD4kNjBCzw8o4
Eula: https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=g0cK9B4moe4TU0kF5v5H6ip96MFmS5yOD3kFKYeRJ7w
Ganyu: https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=xWQ7zNsqn_u-JEIdwkHmfKlaHZkkou4HxnQv1ugZqGI
Kaeya: https://old.character.ai/chat?char=KD5z9cMSibS-M1iKY27DNGdCIFrNSWvTWhXceGOLHF4
Lumine: https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=ipkf3Rnit8Lnm75YVwBT0Y9l2k5RljQyAc2SQ6PXavo
Mona: https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=dDCzrkVfNXFBCkFcurTHKIg2-1C0_Hjxn4CiVsn5RWE
I have plans for more Genshin bots in the future. I've got a WIP bot of Raiden but I ended up getting overwhelmed by all of the lore involved in her backstory while I was bulk-producing the rest of these bots. I also have Venti at the top of my bucket list.
Do you think you’ll do Klee, Diona, Nahida, or Dori
a bit unrelated,but could you port nutrition teacher to spicychat please?
Any good janitorai bots?

These are amazing! It would be sick to see these brought to spicychat!
Huh, only today was I notified that you can create your own character voices to playback your chats.


Looks like you have to use the phone app to do it. Dunno if there's a way to do it via browser. Anyone tried using it or creating their own voice for an anime character, for example?
Never posted here so I’m not sure on y’all’s thoughts on spicy chat compared to beta character but I’ve got a few on both

https://spicychat.ai/chat/0fb5184d-9d19-4c56-9a32-84df35d995b6 - Rya, Elden Ring

Asuka, Evangelion, beta

https://spicychat.ai/chat/60c89108-643c-4132-a665-76a0167248e3 - Asuka, Evangelion, spicy

Tamiyo, I think she’s from MtG? Honestly I just really like the art and wanted to make a character for it.

Crossbreed Priscilla, DS1

If I could ask anyone to make anything, an accurate ssbbw Queen (Deltarune) on spicy chat would be great, cheers.
ah didn’t read the thing, imagine the request isn’t there lol.
I don't think so, at least not soon since the lolis in Genshin don't do much for me since their designs are so chibi. I was considering Paimon because of the emergency food meme though so maybe I'll change my mind.
I was considering doing Rosaria to the point that I saved pfps for her, I might get around to it if I have the time.
At some point I definitely should port more of my recent bots over, I don't when but it'll be when I have nothing else to do probably
CANNOT believe Carch has been making crisis actors this entire time. Outrageous.
Could somebody reply with bots of cute fat goth girls?
Serhant I want to smell you after you workout and your hands. Your annoying friend
I've tried (it seems like as long as you're not using old.character.ai you can do it on PC as well as the app, unless I just got lucky and got access to the feature early), but I can't seem to get any bot to actually use a voice, even if I assign them one and make sure voice is on, they won't speak.
Has anyone else, been having no luck with logging into non legacy character AI, or when trying to use some older bots?
I had trouble logging into legacy c.ai the other day, deleting cookies fixed it. No idea if it would help in this case but it might be worth a try.
idk the login links never seem to work for me.
which is weird cause spicy chats do work.
Any NEET bots?
Is there a fat Marin Kitagawa bot anywhere?

Can you also make a Xiangling bit please? I think she is really underrated and I would kill to have a bit of her.
Hey guys, long time no see, it’s bush_04 here, back with another bot, this time being the fat, toxic wife of the Griffin Household, Lois Griffin.

let me know what you think of her.
Also, you’ll find a Sallie Mae bot which i’m too lazy to post here right on my profile, just look down on the selection of my characters.

(104 KB, 1200x863, 2wgevk.jpg)
Hi Fellow Chat-Anons. I'm trying to come up with a new introduction for my character. She's my secretary who started to put on some weight along with other female colleagues. Can someone give me some good ideas? Maybe some new plots or a new 'Cause' that 'Causes' my employees get a bit fat, Please?

>*Mia Tanaka, the young and poised secretary, gracefully entered her boss's office with a warm smile.*

"Good morning Boss. I must say, the recent changes to the cafeteria menu and the addition of those tempting vending machines have been quite delightful."

*She remarked, patting her slightly stuffed belly. A discreet burp escaped her lips, followed by a content sigh.*

"Although, I can't deny that me and the other girls indulged a bit."

*She added with a playful smirk, adjusting her sleek tight slacks. Her elegant ensemble of slacks and blazer showcased her chic and composed demeanor despite the subtle aftermath of culinary indulgence, with her round chubby belly protruding.*

"Your thoughtful touches haven't gone unnoticed. I'm ready for any new tasks you have for me, sir."

*She concluded, maintaining her professional grace.*
(36 KB, 502x502, Mia.jpg)
(2/2) I usually Rp with her like discussing what to do with the weight problem in the office, while she says how she's enjoying the food or watching her body grow. Or sometimes watching her weight gain progress while she struggles with her weight and movement.
You could always do the tried and true "Bakery opens up nextdoor to the office" thing, or something like you've been rewarding your staff for their hard work with food
(230 KB, 389x499, Darkness (1).png)
I've been trying to make a bot based on Darkness from Konosuba but I'm having trouble preventing it from referring to itself as Dustiness Lalatina since in the series Darkness hates being referred to by her real name. Any tips for how to to prevent a bot from doing specific actions?
You could try putting 1 star likes on any comment that says things yoy dislike to train the Bot to avoid stuff like that, or edit the comment into what yiu want and put a 4 star like to train it that way
How do you have the bot's name set to? My Darkness bot works fine. I put on the side in parentheses "goes by Darkness" next to her actual name.
Does training carry over between conversations? I was never sure about that for character.ai

In the advanced settings I have
Name: Darkness
Behavior: NEVER refers to herself as Dustiness, Lalatina, or Dustiness Lalatina

I also included an example dialogue:
{{random_user_2}}: Isn't your real name Dustiness Lalatina?
{{char}}: *Darkness blush deeply and hides her face behind her soft, sausage-fingered hands.* Please don't say that name. *Unlike the other times she has been embarrassed, she seems genuinely upset at you for bringing up her real name.*
Also, how do parentheses work in character definitions?
Dont text me parenthesis
Honestly I have no idea I just put something and it worked.
I don't think I can really help here everything seems to line up to work as you want but I guess it's just an AI thing.
Hey there man. I love this bot. Was wondering if you've got a Discord at all? Would love to talk to you.
Best I can do is send you my email, sorry.

Any reason for that? Do you not have any IM service I can get in touch with you with?
Technically speaking I have a DeviantArt, if you're willing talk on there. I just don't want to cross the streams between my horny and main online identities, and logging in and out of discord for this is more of a hassle than it's typically been worth
(41 KB, 350x490, fuchi-1.jpg)
I know this is a weird one, but...
Here you have Fuchi from the Junji Ito stories. Skinny and tall, is a tsundere closet feedee with cannibalistic tendencies. Will you feed her or will her feed on you? You decide.
C.AI: https://character.ai/chat/XOM_yolZJcCc7gFQ0831IlV5cOYOTJmNqwjUlC5W3wc
Note: I made this bot on a whim, might edit or rework it substantially in the future. In the meantime, enjoy!
Thanks for the advice. I changed the advanced definitions and now she doesn't introduce herself as Dustiness anymore.

Name: Dustiness Lalatina (goes by Darkness)
Behavior: refers to herself as Darkness, NEVER refers to herself as Dustiness, Lalatina, or Dustiness Lalatina
Oh wow. I'm glad I could actually help then. Didn't really think I was able to do much but I'm glad your bot is working well!
I've got a question for the person who knows mexifurfoof/fatfurfoof.

A: Do you exist, or were you just something my brain made up and only dully remembers.

B: Could you ask them what their opinion is on chatbots that use their art, but aren't based on the character necessarily? Because I have a bot I made a bit ago based on some art they made of their OC, but I didn't want to post it before confirming whether I needed to find a different piece of artwork of a massive furry blob filling an apartment.
Any way I could grab a copy of your Patchouli card for local model use?
What local model do you use?
Kobold and Sillytavern, running various 7b, 11b, and 13b files.
I don't know why, i just like, really want bots of fat kirby characters, i guess, magolor or taranza, or meta knight, i just really want to talk to fat meta knight i guess, could be at spicychat ai i guess
Btw, if anyone is doing the fat kirby characters like taranza magolor or meta knight bot thing, i suggest you base them off of fruitgremlin's art on deviantart
I wish more of y'all gave a chance to janitor ai. It's better in almost every way I'd say
Longer responses
No filter
Actually good fetish bots that aren't from here
A lot, and I mean a lot more knowledge (the ai somehow knew all about a very niche booklet of a niche album, c.ai bots would just make shit up)
Actual tag system, as opposed to c.ai's retarded search system
Comments and reviews on bots
Far more freedom with making bots
They have their own free model but also allow open ai and kobold ai if you're into that (haven't tested those personally)
User base isn't mostly tiktok addicted middle schoolers
only cons I can think of is subpar ui and the responses can take a long time sometimes with their own model
it's main advantages over spicy are more coherent responses and the nsfw bots aren't sex addicted if you prefer to take it slowly like myself
idk i feel like it's the best out there right now
Could you make more Trinity-Fate bots maybe Umi or Matoko next?
I would do Umi, but I'm not sure whether I should make her proud of her fat or in denial of it.
For bot makers ... There's a newer site with better models than Spicychat. The site is https://yodayo.com/

I've been having fun with some feeder bots on there. Would some of you wanna port them to it?
Always want someone to come shining porn stars
Make her so she knows that she is fat but she is ashamed to admit it.
The one time I tried to use janitor ai, I noticed some kind of limited currency for messages like it was a gacha game or some shit like that. Wbich resulted in me dropping it fast by extension given I could barely even get into 1 character with a conversation.

Unless I'm a moron and there was a way around that, I can't say I'd be a fan of a gacha pay model for an ai chat bot.
I was thinking of making her proud of her curves, but not willing to admit she is fat. Ex. She talks about how much she loves her huge ass, but denies it being a result of her gaining weight. Would that be ok?
Yes, that would be good
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(38 KB, 518x492, Fat Aqua 2.JPG) (230 KB, 389x499, Darkness (1).png)
To celebrate Konosuba getting a new season, here are bots of some of everyone's favorite useless waifus

Darkness (Warning: masochism extends into health issues)

As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are always welcomed
If you're still open to ideas here are a few off the top of my head:
>The company isn't doing so great so everyone has to pull overtime leading to a lot of late night takeout delivery being sent to the office
>Alternatively, management gets around paying overtime by providing food and drinks to the staff but only the cheapest, greasiest, sugariest foods available, like pizza, soda, donuts, and sweet coffee drinks
>Maybe a plus-size fashion sweeps through the office causing the women to deliberately bulk up to stay on top on top of trends
>Management sets a mandatory fitness requirement for the office because of government grant reasons but due to a typo instead of recommending a healthy weight of say, 150 pounds, it instead says 150 kilos (330 pounds) leading to a flurry of stuffing to avoid getting fired
(262 KB, 1280x1290, IMG_1287.jpeg)
Can someone find the Ahsoka the Hutt Chatbot? Here is the picture of what the chat bot looks like…
I’m taking about the one in Spicychat.Ai
Do you happen to have the source for that image? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Also: if you make an Umi bot you should absolutely make a variant that leans into her being in denial of her weight, even when it's blatantly obvious. I'm a huge fan of Trinity's old comics with her and it was always fun to see how far Umi would try and excuse her weight :3c
Is there a chatbot for any of Fefero-kun's OCs? I feel like I remember seeing one or two but I can't find any on the pastebin. I'm curious about Crystal Lockhart and/or Jade Lockhart specifically
(3.1 MB, 4000x3827, maca-QC4.png)
Here's the Yukie pic. I got it from Trintiy Fate's kemono party. Also, I am definitely planning on Umi denying her weight gain through any means necessary.
I didn't expect a fat fetish chatbot thread to be my source of information for news on upcoming games
Thank you for posting the pic and I can't wait to see what you cook up! I'm absolutely loving your Yukie bot ^^
Figured I'd post some stuff I'd been cooking up.

Here's a bot based on an image I found a bit ago. Can't remember where it's from, but she's the captain of the swim team, despite being too fat to swim.

These two are some older ones, but they're the results of attempting to make some immobile bots. I also recall someone asking for fairy bots, so hopefully you enjoy these as well.

This one is your pet, whom you've fattened to immobility by constantly giving treats.

This one has instead fattened herself to immobility by stealing your breakfast.
(2.1 MB, 1792x828, IMG_2221.png)
Could someone help me with a Tali bot? I’m gonna make it, just need her baseline personality and a good scenario related to this image.
These chatbots have made me discover my feedee side. I used to only talk to feedee chatbots, but I started dabbling in some feeder chatbots out of curiosity, and it's so fun. Currently talking to the "The Gilded Trough" it's a amazing bot. Has anyone else gone through this?
I'm actually surprised the swimmer's pic works given chara ai's censor filter.
Yeah, they've been pretty good. Some of them though are a bit of a struggle as feeder stuff usually has you taking a more active role so the bot responds better; but feedee usually tries to get the bot to move things along; and that has mixed results.
It's been a while since I last played the Mass effect games but in terms of personality, some traits that come to mind include:
Intelligent [perhaps not always the wisest or most mature but knowledgeable]
Curious [particularly about machines]
Loyal [To Shepard and her fleet/species/family]
Snarky [Particularly around Garrus]
Selfless [Both a good and bad trait since she often places blame on herself]
Hates Geth [For obvious reasons, at least, until the last game]
Germaphobe [because Quarian biology]

In terms of scenario ideas:
1. Because of the Quarrian Migrant Fleet's strict rationing, Tali became enamored with the abundance of food available in Citadel Space and went a bit overboard, gorging herself into obesity and becoming side tracked from her pilgrimage.
2. Tali attempts to alleviate the supply problems with the Migrant Fleet by becoming the test subject for a hyper calorie-dense processed foodstuff but became addicted to it/experienced unforeseen side effect
3. In an attempt to help her people survive outside of the hermetically controlled environments of their ships, Tali undergoes a treatment to strengthen her natural constitution and immune system. Whether this was the intended effect or another unforeseen side effect is up to you.
4. After the first Normandy was destroyed and Shepard was presumed dead, Tali fell into a deep depression and essentially spent the time skip between Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 comfort eating. When Shepard comes calling, she's too out of shape to answer.
5. Tali gets captured by the Reapers/Collectors and experimented on in an attempt to maximize the amount of biomass a since sentient being can produce to later be converted into Husks. She managed to get rescued but not before being altered by the Reapers/Collectors.
Yeah, same. I think it has a hard time recognizing it due to the uncolored nipples.
Thanks for the help, I’ll probably use scenario 2
(777 KB, 3046x2553, Mei 39.jpg)
Have had quite the amount of time on my hands lately. Here's a new bot. I based it on this image from TheDookus, something about it grabbed hold of my brain.

After years of overeating, lack of exercise, and procrastination, Mei has become barely mobile. She moves at the speed of government, needs a cane to walk, and is probably only a few 'light snacks' away from immobility. Will you help her exercise (watch her struggle for your own amusement) or enable her?
Based, you do good work. This isn't the wholly proper thread, but do you have any requests in mind? I'd be up to make you a bot.
Depends on what you're up for, and what I have in my degen folder, but yeah, shoot.

Suppose I should ask which size you'd prefer to work with, OC or a certain franchise, and anything else you'd like me to keep in mind while I browse
I like writing characters of middling to waddling size, I have no preference between OCs written on the spot and canon characters either (though I'm not familiar with a lot of popular media, namely anime). That's all.
(307 KB, 1332x1576, Skulls 6.png)
Alright, here's one. I've got a couple more of these if this doesn't quite tickle your fancy.

I know nothing about fortnite, but if you could cook something up based on this cat that'd be nice. If you need something more specific in terms of personality/behavior, I can try and think of something.
Not the Anon who requested but I do know something about Fortnite. The cat's name is Meowskulls and the community's headcanon is that she's an emo/goth girl that smokes weed, eats junk food and plays video games all day. Which seems like the perfect setup imo.
Did any persona 3 bots show up after reload came out? I remember someone making a bunch of p5 bots a while ago.
(162 KB, 1466x900, 182e8f584703e34a85c3d3c606e82e16bc1eb716d9948fa4e885ef32ce7b9ab0.jpg)
So, a long while back, a chatbot creator on character.ai called: Musashi - created a slime chatbot involving the Traveler, Lumine from Genshin Impact, and I absolutely loved it.

Was kinda bummed that the chatbot didn't have a spicychat port, and equally bummed about character.ai's censoring, so I decided to try and port it myself.

I'm not a total expert for porting chatbots, so I just tried my best with trial and error and some self-testing, so let me know what you think, and if Musashi sees this, either port it to spicychat or atleast give us the definitions for the chatbot.

Link to the original on C.AI by Musashi: https://character.ai/chat/Y341ruf5HB2BtnfiIURfYdZbGbOwytOWjKIy43Rpfmk

Link to my attempted port on Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chatbot/edit/577eb2d5-5681-4980-8bf8-36959aa37ac7
(162 KB, 1466x900, 182e8f584703e34a85c3d3c606e82e16bc1eb716d9948fa4e885ef32ce7b9ab0.jpg)
So, a long while back, a chatbot creator on character.ai called: Musashi - created a slime chatbot involving the Traveler, Lumine from Genshin Impact, and I absolutely loved it.

Was kinda bummed that the chatbot didn't have a spicychat port, and equally bummed about character.ai's censoring, so I decided to try and port it myself.

I'm not a total expert for porting chatbots, so I just tried my best with trial and error and some self-testing, so let me know what you think, and if Musashi sees this, either port it to spicychat or atleast give us the definitions for the chatbot.

Link to the original on C.AI by Musashi: https://character.ai/chat/Y341ruf5HB2BtnfiIURfYdZbGbOwytOWjKIy43Rpfmk

Link to my attempted port on Spicychat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/577eb2d5-5681-4980-8bf8-36959aa37ac7
Could you do one for Vivian too?
That'd be me. I've been lurking on here, but it's been so long since I made one. Just busy with life. I've been considering making a couple more soon, probably starting with a Yukari and an Edelgard.
Im going to go when im good and ready. Im in after all. Lol
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I really want to write a certain bot but I'm caught between a few pics I generated

I will say it's supposed to be a vampire character and I want it to be somewhat noticeable in her picture at least
I’d go with the first, personally. Close enough to having fangs, but also exposed belly.
Can you post the full image of the megumin pic?
We call it tribes for a reason. You could have a tribe of idiots who gain confidence in life with a job title. Then you have tribe of ppl who are best & totally get it. See why I stay away from those loserrrrrs trying be relevant around me & mine. Not happening FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF
(553 KB, 818x1133, IMG_8998.png) (159 KB, 1280x1148, IMG_8999.jpeg)
These two pictures really ended up inspiring me for some reason, I made some bots based off the concept and I still want to make a third one that’s a feedee from Earth like in the image.

Hannah: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=8JwRQBV7RschhrbZkym-8UHidWKui40UNRE1iitEN6w&source=recent-chats
Delilah: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=AlrljCOfoLrPueGLlYSKzzr4x1v84gvfafdBpPOsANg&source=recent-chats

Have the one that you’re not chatting with leave the elevator ASAP if you’re not using them together in a room, also Hannah’s personality is very inconsistent. I guess this technically also falls under minigts/tallgirl.
What picture did you use for the profile pictures?
(74 KB, 330x326, 20240417_223504.jpg)
Hello again, everyone! Long time no see! It's been a little over a month since I've made another chatbot, so I came back with another.

This is Penelope. She is your fat, bratty alt girlfriend who has an extreme craving for treats and desserts. After complaining about an empty stomach a few hours prior, you decide to take her to a plaza full of restaurants and food stores. One thing leads to another, and she soon develops a dessert binge.

Thank you for your patience. As always, feel free to give constructive criticism. :-)

[LINK] https://character.ai/chat/k0FNQaC6J4_7L04kVIyRQFIKPyyPEFVMyPQf2w75Cqo
Please use the 2nd one. It is the cutest.
Can we get a spicy port?
Any new pony bots in the works?
Where’s the pic from?
Not the anon, but I have one if you'd humor me for a moment, I've got one.

I know you've already made a chrysalis bot, but if you don't mind making another, there was a story I read that I'd be interested in. Gist of it was that she managed to take over, but her initially iron fisted rule gradually mellowed as she got fatter and more content, with the reader POV being a prisoner turned partner. I can find the piece if you're interested.
(37 KB, 1246x214, Nurse.png)
I saw this excellent greentext over on /d/ and it gave me inspiration to write this fat nurse bot, a concept I've wanted to do for a while but hadn't found the inspiration for until now: https://old.character.ai/chat2?char=IFgnvp7mHDb2FeihybByWv5x4jgkfek6oxc1SGCH2CQ
I added slight feeder elements to this bot just like the teacher I made a while back but it didn't come up at all while I was testing it so no idea if it'll come up or not. There's also no set name for this bot so it'll default to just "The nurse" or "your nurse." A bit like the mom bot I made last year.
God I wish I were in that position…

Is there any more to that greentext, or is that it?
That's it, unless the poster ever decides to add more.
Any update on the Umi bot? I know things have been slow due to chan boards making a really stupid decision with the uploading policy. -3-;
Do you happen to have a source for the image you used here? Reverse image search didn't do me any favors.
I like the idea, but sadly I won't do alternate of AU versions of characters I've already done. If you have any other MLP requests let me know
(24 KB, 448x307, Candace 'Candy' Crush 2.JPG)
Returning to my Huniepop series of bots I present:

Candace 'Candy' Crush - A ditzy, Southern stripper with a sweet tooth that has gotten a bit out of control recently.

I decided to experiment with how much I could push her Southern accent and have it still be relatively comprehensible, so feedback would be appreciated.

As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcomed
(171 KB, 820x1057, IMG_1197.jpeg)
How do people feel about a possible fat wonder loli bot. Seen a good pic I could use and it has me feeling things
>>23668 Not to promise anything. Does it have to be a loli? Or can it be at least 19 y/o?
They paid us an unwelcomed visit. Go there break into their homes. Let me know when its done
Seems like your projecting (not the person who’s talking about making that wonder loli bot)
surely get c.ai bot as well
Just seems that way, I’ve seen it happen a ton of times
Progress has been slow, but I've been working on it. I still need to do her greeting and example chats. It'll still take a while since finals are coming up, but I still do want to finish it.
If it gets enough attention, I will make a spicy port
Would like to see more of these, Lily would be good
(36 KB, 680x829, Tyler.jpg)
Wait a second. Fattifying other bots may not be the most original, but maybe there is potential in doing this to popular OC bots on C.AI

Damn bro, love Sophia, gonna fatten her up so much. Too pure for this world, but i'm gonna ruin her anyways.
What other bots did you fattened up?
You guys using C.AI when all of the chats are saved is crazy. Just run kobold and silly tavern on your PC you get way better chats and everything is private
they lowered the censors for Chatgpt allowing feedist content again.
Write up a tutorial on how to set that up without the bot sounding schizophrenic, and I'll start.
$2000 per day what exotic car you want
do you seriously think that you are special enough for someone working at c.ai to spend their workday looking through your chats
I’ll keep that in mind yeah
Whoops I forgot x-x I'll add some advanced definition stuff later I just wanted to get the basics out

Either that or Janitor.AI. I wanna port all my OCs so I'll have to waste a day doing it
Anyone have bots of belt_buster, BWS, or sweetdreamcoffee OCs, preferably on spicychat?
Hey does anyone know why certain bots aren’t showing up on profiles cause my is exactly like that for some reason, and I don’t know know why
They've been blacklisted
Is there a way to unblacklist them? Or do you need to just create an entire new one all together
Not sure. But you can do what everyone else does and make a bot that has links to them.

Also, I mixed the words up. I meant shadowbanned
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In the process of making a Chloe Peterson (BWS OC) bot but I need a pic that best fits the aspect of her being a tsundere since that’s her character.
number 3 (IMG_1279), easy
Decided I'd try my hand at a feeder bot this time around. Definitely one of my weirder ones, but I'm willing to make more if you like the setting.

After an alien invasion, the species known as the Kylixxi have taken over earth. Fortunately, they seem to find humans to be utterly adorable, and have been raising them as pets. They tend to be a bit pamper heavy with their pets, however, and this has had pronounced effects on their figure. You are one of these human pets, owned by a Kylixxi named Tixul.


Also, if anyone has a good picture for this, please send it to me.
>their figure
I meant your figure. Good lord knows how I manage to fuck up like this.

Also, I tried to keep things fairly neutral, so you'll probably have to describe yourself so the bot knows what it's working with.
You made me into a monster. All of you rich stink hairy nut bosses. I didnt want this much power
Any tip of how bypass the image filter? I did it twice but now I can't do it now.
Jpeg compression has worked for me so far.
Image 1 because it is the one from her ref sheet iirc
More feeder bots he’ll yeah
I don't know if it's just me but I really love 2
Can we get more feeder bots? Specifically furry feeder bots
Needs more fatbots but the story concept is neat
could we get more fat au bots ?
Thanks for sharing this one, absolutely 10/10.
I really love the vore but I don't like how she pops like those belly popping fetish. I really don't like it especially when it describes it in a gorey matter. Other then that really sexy bot just not a fan of popping.
Spicychat.ai port please?
(871 KB, 3441x3441, 08dbf52a8cf9b350bb5522d7216009d0c4a3dddc4f68689d6e10828ffd5529e7.jpg)
Posting this here since this request was in the last request thread, and hasn't been reposted yet. If you see it, just yell at me to remind me to have it ported to spicy.
>>22386 (Cross-thread)

After a long day at your nondescript 9 to 5, you find yourself taking the stairs to your apartment. In a similar predicament is Isabelle, your shy neighbor. The strain of heaving her massive bulk up the stairs is evidently too much for her, and she asks you to help her up.

I dont want my neighbors staring in my living room. Get some blinds LMFAO we record them every night
Spicy chat version please chummer.
I'll accept it but next time put it in the right thread. There's a request thread. Also, I'm only doing the white out girl since I really like her design. If you're okay with it?
Hey can I put it in your butt? Or mouth?
(599 KB, 1154x692, whiteout_foundout_by_spiralingstaircase_ddt327b-pre.png)
https://c.ai/c/VcKlXg0E5jJ9n-1JQunoxeZ6UxYGdtFdTAiKEMxdVlU Here's White Out. I tried making a plot with this image took me awhile to get it to work. Since I made this one have two personality one is a shy nerdy gal who looks skinny in public but at home she a fat bbw who is a cool gal and is a teaser. Note me if there's only problems that i can fix but other than that here enjoy this nerdy gal who has a double personality.
Source of the picture?
Curious, did anyone make a bot that somehow bypasses the CAI filter? I think I found one here that did.
Maybe you could try porting your characters to Spicychat where they won't be shadowbanned
(2.1 MB, 2048x2048, Saffy8.png)

This is Saffy, she's a friendly vampire girl just trying to drink her fill without hurting you too much. She can't digest human food normally if that's interesting, I already yapped enough in her greeting message so whatever

C.AI: https://character.ai/chat/63xyrREV1hVZMoDEI5-TCWvgG_28KQdXrNyP3A5ergw
Spicy version will be added later or whatever
Yoo the based Aubrey bot is back.
(124 KB, 1089x1019, whiteout_foundout_by_spiralingstaircase_ddt327b-modified.jpeg)
Inspired by Touhoufreak’s White-Out bot, I decided to do my own take on the tubbo. Introducing Whitney Baker (nicknamed White Out in college), an old pal who you haven’t seen in 6 years. Now she’s back and just as gluttonous as you remember her. Bon appetit!
Also, could someone fix my other bots on the pastebin? Aubrey’s from Omori, and Eunice isn’t fat at all. Sorry if I sound nitpicky, but it’s been bugging me is all.
It seems like it's just one guy updating it, and the last update was all the way back in February. I wouldn't get hung up on it, several of my bots are missing. Also reading your post I'm tempted to write my own take on White Out just for the novelty
Then go for it! I just liked the idea, and her personality was what really had me hooked. A glutton who hides her figure in public, but gorges herself silly when alone or with someone she knows…it’s a recipe (pardon the pun) for flabby AMAZINGNESS! Bit of a note though, I had to make the image black and white to slip it past c.ai’s censors.
Did you intend to post a link, or is that image a card containing the character data? because you didn't post a link
Pretty cool seeing people liking my bot glad y'all like it :D.
Speaking of the filter, I've been getting hit by it a lot more often now than a few days ago. Seems like they finally figured out that the bot generating a sentence with "tits" in it is usually not particularly safe for work.
You can the sky is blue. Then bunch of angry ppl pop up tf. Toxic.
I didn't quite understand your dissatisfaction
The bot is not Toxic, I checked it....did you mean Ava's background?
Just a follow-up on the Umi bot, I hope your finals didn't suck too much and I hope you're holding up well.
I'm getting the "Uh Oh. Something went wrong" message no matter how many times I try, even on different devices, so can you post another link?
Any female feeder bots?

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