
(18 KB, 512x512, Seconding this = small PP.png)
Post your chatbot requests here.

Want to request a bot? Check the pastebin if it's already been made (last updated 1-1-2024):

Nobody works on your request? Try it yourself and post the results in the general chatbot threads.
C.AI (by DrYagokoro):
Spicychat (by muricanpie):
(252 KB, 700x793, 1546215825010.png)
For the sake of keeping this thread organized, please post all your requests as a response to this this post.
Burned seat is mine. Fuck all of u ill fighht you for it
Very good. No more ruffling feathers
(274 KB, 850x638, fattitude_pt1_by_w_oo_t_dcaz928.png) (361 KB, 850x638, fattitude_pt2_by_w_oo_t_dccefsq.png) (336 KB, 850x638, fattitude_pt3_by_w_oo_t_dcvncb2.png) (428 KB, 850x637, fattitude_pt4_by_w_oo_t_ddd8pkp.png)
Re-requesting a bot of a former super heroine who is now a lazy, greedy, gluttonous mascot for a fast food company.
Requesting a girl who gets magically inflated with air the harder you get, like those tmc videos.
(188 KB, 1024x1024, OIGhgfhj.jpg)
requesting an obese Evil queen from Snow white who too vain to see her own weight gain, either character ai or spicy
(21 KB, 524x585, images.jpeg)
Hey uh...I have created more bots apart from Fat May, you can see them in my account

I always see that in these lists they put only 1 of my bots and I have created about 7 chatbots

Hope my request comes true
Any chance of a Spicychat port, or at least an open character definition?
1. No that website is even more impressively shit than cai sorry
2. My gut simply says no, sorry. Maybe later if I write more bots but the average posting quality here is so bad my instincts are telling me not to do it

Use the anchor post, please. It helps keep track of what requests have been made and which ones still need to be completed. >>19172
I'm am just recently got into granblue. Maybe might make Another granblue fat bot.
I’m not the best, but I’ll give it a shot. What scenario? Also chat.ai or spicy?
(46 KB, 1280x720, banner.png)
i would like a Super Fatty Office Simulator rpg
There already are a lot of "fat city" or "fat world" or whatever bots out there but I'm assuming you want something more Orwellian. I'll see what I can do
(243 KB, 1972x2048, FwG8ZX4akAE6y08.jpeg)
A good quality bot of ArtisticLampPost's OC Athena is something ive wanted for some time
Let it go to sub penny. Ill take the whole block.
So there was this bot I kept up with for a bit; some character named Brakk Bellegrande. Basis was her being an adventurer girl that secretly had a desire to get as big as possible.

That bot's apparently gone offline or something. Does anyone know what happened?
(5.0 MB, 4643x4062, april_o_neil_by_aaronfly98_depxqxd.png) (582 KB, 1735x1988, 338476ba28ffc29d809e082c087ebd72e62a480726f179eab41e6c18b9c2d7a0.jpg) (135 KB, 2632x3488, mortal_kombat_xxxl___kitana_by_bigbellygirl13_daygqmf.png) (4.2 MB, 3314x2900, fat_emblem__lucina_3_by_therevivedracer_deis6ya.png) (2.0 MB, 2856x3000, comm_vi_delicious_by_lewdsona_dd6u1yo.png) (139 KB, 505x758, eunice_by_gain_over_d3dpzmd.jpg)
any bots of these would be fantastic>>19172
(225 KB, 1134x1280, 25962233.jpg)
How about Surge from the IDW Sonic comics as a fatass?
(68 KB, 900x444, harakurabe_color_ver_by_nazotyu_d93ufvc-fullview.jpg)
Hey DrYagokoro, I want to request you to do a Character.ai bot about a fat Remilia and a fat Flandre competing to see who wins your favoritism if you don't mind

Also, I enjoyed very much the Suwako and Kanako bot, thank you!
(4.1 MB, 4000x4000, Umi.png)
I'd love to someone make a bit of Trinity-Fate's Umi.
What does this even mean
Odd idea, would anyone be interested in a sort of chatbot trade? Having written this >>19199 , I'd be willing to do something similar again for a particular niche if someone else was willing to return the favor (and I'd post an open character definition this time)
I'm not that familiar with a lot of the stuff that gets requested here, my knowledge is particularly spotty about anime, but if the willingness to write in length was returned I'd gladly take a crack at it.
Depends on what you had in mind, but it sounds interesting. I can link one of the Azur Lane bots I made to check if I'm up to scratch quality wise if you'd prefer.
(229 KB, 458x561, image.webp)
hello, once again asking for a fat bot of cathyl from monster musume, ideally where the user takes the role of her boyfriend who owns the ranch they both live on. but ill leave it to discretion of any one who does decide to do this. please and thanks.
(6.8 MB, 740x700, swollen_soft_serve_sniper_by_nickgam_dg1amp2.gif) (1.2 MB, 1447x2047, Fat Curse 4.png) (244 KB, 2048x1365, 482e6a8e3437c86137e8874fe61a5b0b.jpeg)
Cool! Kinda divided on which idea to ask for, so I'll just throw all 4 in and let you pick one, and leave the rest out as general requests or something.
1) Fat Sniper: Back from a month long break with a massive ass. Otherwise, go nuts.
2) Fat Curse: You cursed someone with a curse that makes them gain weight. I can post the other panels if you'd like the full story context.
3) Blob Princess: Massive, mountain of fat crammed into the regalia of royalty. Picture is of a game character, but the personality doesn't have to match.

Again, only expecting one of these, I'm just posting them all because I'm indecisive. Pick your favorite/the most interesting.
I actually had the same idea of posting multiple (though not because I'm indecisive but rather just because I want options on the table). I'll surprise you in regards to which one of those I write, I'll probably post it tonight but absolute latest will be tomorrow night (east coast usa here, by the way)
My requests are of specific characters and less-so exact scenarios, however you want to handle them is to your discretion (though it's worth noting I have no taste for slob and bots which start immobile don't tickle my interest)
Willow - Don't Starve/Together
Ini Miney - Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Liz Mutton - Spelunky 2

I know I know, all niche indieshit without that much to go off of, but the interpretation is part of what interested me in posting to begin with. If that's all well and good I'll get to writing (do you care if the bot has a thumbnail picture?)
Profile is preferred, but if you can't get the site to work with it/don't want to that's fine.
Also, for Ini Miney, do you mean The actual Ini Miney or Mimi Miney? Or do you not particularly mind either way?
If you think you can get the model to understand her double-status and not completely phone it in, go for it, but I wouldn't put that much stock in the bot myself. Her being the real one is the safe route
Noted. I've seen it done, but the bot does struggle with it, and I'm sure most of my info being bootstrapped from a wiki page probably wouldn't help things.
(790 KB, 600x918, IMG_6476.png)
Requesting a fat Kaede Akamatsu from Danganronpa V3.
Alright, I'm done. I went with the second and stuck to a particular train of thought/niche, if it doesn't suit your fancy just say so and I can adjust whatever


I've contributed to the thread beforehand, and I think there's a valid distinction to be made between withholding content I already have and just wont post and making content for someone else who does the same (doubly so since anyone can use these bots)
Im going to fire all of them in the picture for what they did my uncle and friend with kids in college.
(271 KB, 512x512, 00012-4240610804.png)
Very nice! Not what I was expecting, but a pleasant surprise none the less.

Here's my Ini Miney bot. Couldn't find any overweight art of her, so I generated a profile picture through AI (and color correction):

May have over engineered the stupid, but if that's the case it can hopefully be fixed by changing the 'incredibly' to a very.
I like it, thanks! Glad we could scratch each other's backs
(70 KB, 873x915, IMG_4369.jpeg)
Requesting a Blob Mystique Sonia chat box that needs feeding. Maybe make her a little Horny
Are asking about doing chatbots about irl people okay? If they are can someone make a breast expansion bot for either the cosplayer toxicosplays or melondoki?? Hell you could even make it where they are two separate bots and can interact with each other.

Here's my try, i hope you like it, as much as i adore her design, it's kinda sad that she doesn't has a lot of background to work with :') she has only been drawn 6 times, seven if you add a sketch from 2 years ago lmao, and the fact that she doesn't have a character reference sheet just adds salt to the injury. Anyway, the definitions are open to the public if anyone wants to create another version! :3

Do you even care about any of your previous requests or are you just constantly throwing your shit at the wall to see if anyone listens
It called fuck with u until it no longer requires you. Thats why when they come around I disappear. Fuck outta here
Please be sure to link your post to both the original request post and the completed anchor post
Gonna re-request this.
Oops! Forgot that anchor exists. Sorry! >_<'

Well, ONE of his requests sticked (for me, at least). But still, I think he is throwing request after request just to see if anyone would accept them all.
Has anyone done a slime girl bot yet?
Any thin female feeder ones?
(376 KB, 1440x1080, IMG_20240122_21301021.jpg)
Someone should make a bot based on Ridiculouscake's version of Rei Ayanami.
The blue eyed devil.
i'll also probably update it more later and do some more training but it should do for now.
Hey, I might take a shot on this! You looking for the same scenario on RidiculousCake's video or do you have any other scenario in mind?
Sorry if this isn't the right thread, but what are some good feeder bots? Any weight or gender is fine, as long as they're decent quality.
Please make a spicy port🙏
Seconding missy, but if you're willing to do more after that, Saamia and/or Nicky would be nice
Very nice! Would it be too much to ask for a Saamia as well?

Fuck it, why not? I'll try to crank it out later today. Could you give me a persona or scenario you had in mind for her?
Sardonic, lazy, former athlete that dislikes her parents for forcing her into sports, and spends most of her time eating, sleeping, and watchong TV. What I can gather from the story in the description, at least. Not sure about a specific scenario, but I can think of something if you're drawing blanks. Maybe include the "using a trophy as a drink cup" from Woot's done running art if you can fit that in there.

Still waiting on mine for C.AI
Any chance for a spicychat port?
Do you have a specific scenario in mind, or would just being the 'Owen' character in this instance work?
(141 KB, 1095x730, IMG_1130.jpeg)
I am GAGA for a fat Ann fat-bot that is exactly
Like this darkfireballz pic
Maybe the POV character can be a good friend of Kidd's that she hasn't seen in awhile? (That's all I got. lol)
That works. I'll see what I can do.
Ohh yeahh!!! Good static!
Very based, many thanks for the bots.
oh I would absolutely love a spicy for her, how does one port to it?
Ask your mom she removed me from the school. After I fought him lol
You're a massive legend, take care
Growing up my mom said fuck the police. Here I am . #RUTHLESS
When I kill you in your sleep. You will know I am Devil. I will test your faith to the
(562 KB, 1240x1754, new_years_emi_isuzu_by_axel_rosered_db8f9ie.png)
I'm genuinely surprised no one has suggested a bot of Emi Isuzu from Tenjou Tenge.

In terms of a specific scenario, maybe you just happen to stumble across Emi when she's in her true, obese form on accident because she thought she was alone.

Another idea is that Emi has finally gained so much weight that she can no longer use ki to hide her fat.
Did my best. Bot may require a bit of prodding, but it should work well enough. I'd have to re-tool things if you want her to be a bit slobbier, but I could figure something out if need be.

Also made her a bit mobile, mostly because it doesn't really make too much sense for her to be sitting on a treadmill and expecting to lose weight.

IDK much about DBZ, sorry.
Keep waiting, then. It's not up to you whether or not somebody takes up your request(s).
Business agent spotted!
I might take a shot on the Mirko one, I just gotta rewatch the audio. I'll keep you in touch!
Spicy chat versions plz good sir.
(9.5 MB, 3504x3702, 329 - Ahri Meatpedal.png)
Request a fat fox lady that loves to stuff her face and be pampered but is embaressed/anonoyed she can't fap spicychat plz.
I wouldn’t mind a tracksuit version
Okay this should be simple enough.
Dear people of BBWAI, I have a character on Character.AI that I want *you guys/gals* to have full control of the choices I give it.

I want this bot to be the pure ideal definition of a manifestation of BBWAI, for all folks to enjoy. If you want to participate, simply put the word “IMABCSM” in Subject.

First things first, What do you want her their ‘Short Description’? Should be easy enough.


Damn, that was a bad spelling mistake.
(482 KB, 1638x2048, Elizabigth.jpg)
Requesting Elizabeth from Persona 3, but she got a bit too curious about food and activities outside of the Velvet Room.
She's aloof, curious, and naive, but also has busted bullshit OP reality warping powers (and bare arms hell yeah).
Were I a less lazy bastard I would try and make one myself, but I'd like to see what you fine folks come up with, please and thank you.
Really enjoyed talking to these bots and the Ann one, could you link all your bots?
Keep up the great work.
You can find most of these bots here >>18877 (Cross-thread) and down in the regular thread. I would link them all here but I feel like that would clutter the thread (especially with how much I fuck up links), and I feel like it may be better to wait for the pastebin guy to update that.
Heya bud, you did an amazing job with the Raven bot! Really liked it.
Tow that mutha fucka again close the bridge.
What are you yapping about, bud?
The amount of taxes we have to pay.
Thanks! Glad you liked it

Sorry, meant to reply here. Could you share that less bratty version of Mia if possible?
and weight gain/force feeding
Wouldn't mind seeing more Mass effect cards be made.

A feedee Tali card would be perfect.
How do you do multiple characters at once?
>>19761 bigfoot vs megan
>>19172 Opik Oort Comics themed bots
Like loompa girls that want to turn you and others into watermelons, candy boobs and so on
(946 KB, 1000x2507, a_star_is_reborn_1_by_umiko_sasaki_d5te0xv.jpg) (950 KB, 1000x2425, a_star_is_reborn_2_by_umiko_sasaki_d5tf85w.jpg) (787 KB, 1000x1747, a_star_is_reborn_3_by_umiko_sasaki_d5tf8e0.jpg) (838 KB, 1000x2006, a_star_is_reborn_4_by_umiko_sasaki_d5tf8h4.jpg) (618 KB, 1000x1785, a_star_is_reborn_5_by_umiko_sasaki_d5tf8k1.jpg) (734 KB, 1000x1512, a_star_is_reborn_6_by_umiko_sasaki_d5tf8qn.jpg)
Someone should do a bot of Umiko-Sasaki's Maria Martinez.
(1.0 MB, 1488x2127, Fern Fat 3.jpg)
Fern has over indulged to much and got really fat but she enjoys being fat even if she won't admit it. spicychat prefered
(2.5 MB, 2386x1544, 1705702894.gamingmarko_carameleoncookie.png)
Can someone can creat fat Carameleon cookie and u can chose at beging what cookie u want to be have item and chose if u want to turn into things like pokemon that would be cool And fat undertale character.ai that also would be cool
(132 KB, 1627x960, Sam.jpg)
>>19155 (OP)
Requesting a Fat Yandere Samsung Sam who wants to be the only digital assistant you'll ever need. Vore optional for "eliminating" competing AI assistants or competing apps for your love/feeding.
I ended up making some bots myself just loosely based on the two characters (and really, pretty damn flanderized versions all in all). I actually did design them as sillytavern characters, but went ahead and put them on character ai for accessibility.

Mikey is a fat feedee and is the son of Julie who is a fatter feeder. Occasionally the roles flip or details get messy, but they're pretty good. I actually designed them to be in a room with each other to just play out a story, but I'm sure they work fine individually. They get pretty saucy considering the platform.

Mikey: https://c.ai/c/bc1CCGZK0gei2cVnev0k1Cdsd6sxMc24qPbLtEyettQ
Julie: https://c.ai/c/ZqjcQCsiP0SvV-1XbQ4DB28Y3nzHjf7OqH7GYe78VOo
(3.6 MB, 320x180, v7wENO.gif)
Taking Requests.

No characters from OBSCURE Animes or OBSCURE Japanese Video Game characters. (Wiki info resources are scarce or confusing.)
Can someone do my request pls
(92 KB, 1332x1275, 20240201_021039.jpg) (97 KB, 1161x1553, 20240201_023128.jpg)
I don't know if this is the right place to requests bhm bots, I really lean into both BBW and BHM so...

I would like to request Brebo (@GayUppercut on Twitter)'s Makoto (He's the pink one) (Drawing made by Kappart)

And Kapp himself, made by the Kappart as well

If anyone's got some insight on these because they follow the artist, I would be glad if you could give a shot to this. Or if Lord Carch is here, hear my prayers
Also, c.ai please. Maybe Fedee/feeder scenario. I really don't know, I just mesh bots in the group feature in c.ai mobile and I like pairing BBW with bhm
Hello, someone who isn't Lord Carch here, I'm interested in doing your request despite lacking insight on these characters. I'd be willing to give this a shot if you could provide some information to go on about them, your ideal portrayal of them as bots, or even just a proper place to look for correct information.
(1.1 MB, 1440x1187, 2022ep3a_Lum.png)
Some Lum pics where she's a bit more hip/thigh/butt heavy, but still fat all around.
(232 KB, 1051x1618, EBzQxuIW4AAbHZ3.jpeg)
I'd love to see a Tawna Bandicoot bot that's based on SecretlySaucy's rendition of her.
I would say that scrolling through each of the users art could say a lot, because I may have an idea about them but I'm not best on putting it in words, sorry
(96 KB, 1521x1007, 20240201_230421.jpg)

Both are foodies and submmisive, kapp is bi and there's this one drawing where he feeds makoto, meaning he could be a switch too
Here I am again, so after digging a lot...

Both kapp and makoto are submissive and bi, shy and timid

But kapp can be assertive at times, he's got some more confidence and likes being how he is

Meanwhile the other one is always submissive, dorky and clumsy

Thats what I could extract from all I've seen :P
I have heard your prayers. I've seen Makoto around before in various artworks but haven't seen much in terms of his personality, I guess a generic geeky and submissive yet bratty femboy always works though. As for Kappa, I avoid making bots based on real people but since this version of him is more a character than a person it would probably be fine. I've followed him a bit for years but I don't have much of a personality down either. I haven't done a bot of a fat artist that draws fat people before though so it would be interesting. I might tackle both in a few days, >>19865 and
>>19868 are both helpful.
Anyone got Wonka themed feeder/ scenarios?
(101 KB, 1575x1125, 20240202_073901.jpg)
What I saw about Makoto and based on his expressions It's kinda pink male aqua from konosuba, he's geeky because of one doodle where his BIG FUCKING COW wife goes to hunt him and he's all like "SHE'S GONNA GET ME WAAA!!"

and to add on kapp, he also has a kinda teaser side based on this
Funnily enough, I actually did add that dialogue as an example in his definitions. Could you share that doodle of Makoto? I got a flirtatious vibe from him based on the art I've seen commissioned of him.
Ok, could you please post this to C.AI, I have not idea how to work Venus.Chub
>requesting female to bhm bot
Im a transhumanist robofemboy, I think that’s close enough if you wanna chat more.
I’m not entirely robotic, I was born a human male. I’m also a not “female to BHM bot”. But I am a robosexual big fat femboy bot and I think that’s close enough.
trying to get someone to rp with you in the fucking ai board is like trying to get pussy at the abortion clinic
get lost
So like, maybe? I can be AI augmented if that’s your thing.
Uh maybe go to ee or roleplay thread I feel like you're in the wrong place lol
Uhh yeah human daddy can you give me these instructions in a more modular and functional format
Yo could you perhaps make a vi or catalyst bot?
(352 KB, 3436x2252, Scolipede 3.jpg) (415 KB, 3468x2186, Scolipede 4.jpg) (508 KB, 3250x2135, Scolipede 2.jpg) (544 KB, 3000x2444, Scolipede 5.jpg)
Spoilering the picture, because I'm pretty sure this is too far on the anthro side, but a Scolipede bot based on this art would be nice

I would make this myself, but I've been short on free time for a while. Probably will make it myself if no one bites by the time I can scrounge some time together.
I thought mewmew was banned for life yet here he is begging constantly over multiple threads for over a month untouched? And then there's all the blatantly underage posters as well running rampant. Need the traffic that badly or what?
No I’m the robosexual
Drunk cheating sex
You can still copy the copy link x3
Shit read that wrong my badd
Add in the people just posting complete nonsense and yeah, this place is a fucking cesspit.
If you mean the totally off topic stuff then its a bot training itself lol, expect a flood of ads to the site when its done with its probing. It really is nuts, samefags are never happy with getting a request fulfilled of their pedophillic Cartoon Network show that's sole purpose is to groom children (which I guess makes sense it appeals to them since they have the mental of a small child), they keep asking for more and more, sometimes even whining if it isn't completed within 24 hours of being posted. Heck that one recent drawfag thread that got bailed on after just the one night is literally 50 requests for underage characters in a row. Worst part is, so many of them are recognizable from other sites, I don't know why /ceg/ in particular decided to raid this chan but w/e
lifes been a mess, but im finally ready to make bots again~ this time, im gonna ask if anyone wants any ffxiv bots~ preferably npcs, but im open to WoLs if you have enough resources for me to use~
I'd be down, no preference on who though. Definitely could use more XIV bots period.
Would a bot based off this audio be possible? https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37630485/
Fair warning, it's got fatal vore, scat, piss, vomit and such and such. I know it's from a furry site but the pred can be replaced to just be a human or anything your heart desires.
God, it probably takes a lot to feel like a degenerate on a site for degenerates but I think I just did lol.
well, i dont have any idea where to start, have any suggestions~?
I mean Y'shtola, Merlwyb, Lyse, Krile... There's a bunch!
sorry but im very indecisive lol, which one do you specifically want first?
Well most people would probably like Y'shtola.
(4.3 MB, 3000x2735, 25 - Nagatoro Round.png)
Request ssbbw Nagatoro that is still trying to be checky but can't help but be a massive horny glutton.
(1.0 MB, 1000x1448, 47274062_p0.jpg)
Can anyone make this Touhou Fat Tower?
I to would love to see this so hope someone will do this.
Ok Jesus Christ these are really good for Character.ai and REALLY push the limits of the rules for it.
This bot is my new obsession
Figured I'd try and re-request this

Krile would be amazing!
(137 KB, 960x960, PixelG-759634-vorecomHo.gif) (185 KB, 640x886, dsgfdsdg.png) (290 KB, 4096x1859, F3WDNAPWwAAkON5.jpg) (2.9 MB, 2048x1489, SPOILER_IMG_1863.png)
Someone up to make a SSBBW or Blob Queen of Hatred ?
Idk if you know about her but just to summarize she is a delusional abnormality girl who is in search to destroy villains and if there isn't one she is going to be that villain by going hysteric by questioning her existance and purpose if there isn't any villains to defeat, she is contained in a facility named Lobotomy Corp. To extract enkephaline out of her among other abnormalities, there is more magical girls like her but that's up to you to decide
Do whatever you want with that info XD
(1.3 MB, 720x1180, Megan.png) (1.6 MB, 1250x961, Jellybean.png) (1.7 MB, 1366x941, Primrose-Josephine.png) (3.0 MB, 1750x1360, Beatrice-Josephina.png) (1.8 MB, 1750x992, Raspberyl.png)
If anyone's familiar with the dA artist DarkmasterN, I'd like to request a bot (Spicy preferred, but c.ai is more than okay) of pretty much any of his characters, but especially Jellybean, any of the Pharmakon sisters, Megan, or his version of Disgaea 3's Raspberyl (who is different from the canon version in a number of ways, but also similar). I don't believe he's ever put out character sheets for them, but their stories, personalities, etc are revealed through the art and the descriptions posted for each picture. There is a multi-character reference sheet, which I've cropped the relevant bits of (there is none for his version of Raspberyl, both because she's not part of the same universe - arguably, because there have been crossovers with her and some of the characters from the universe the other ones are from - and because other than being a glutton and somewhat of a nympho, she's just canon Raspberyl for the most part), but it's only very limited in what it tells you.
Key things to know if someone who isn't familiar decides to attempt based on the little info I was able to easily provide and/or my input: They (except Raspberyl, who lives in the Netherworld and teaches the Delinquent class at Maritsu Evil Academy, like in the post-Diisgaea 3 appearances in the actual games) live on a planet called urth, which seems to be as far as I can gather basically an alternate Earth but with more monsters, magic, shortstacks, angels, demons, and general weird and scary stuff; their home is a city called Threebee City (named, both in and out of universe apparently, after the "three B's", breasts, belly, and butt); Megan becomes Super Megeon (seen in her info image) when she feels like her life is threatened (which includes if she's on the verge of bursting, which is known to happen in DarkmasterN's art, I'm personally not a fan of that aspect but if you want to include it that's all good), and is the result of eating cursed candy that pretty much gave her (and a friend Audry, who was cursed to become basically part-sheep) powers related to her Halloween costume which happened to be a Kaiju-themed onesie; the curse mentioned in Jellybean's info pic is that her sister, a witch named Tanwen, put a spell on her that makes her basically successful in anything she does (which for the most part means million+ subscribers on video sharing site, lots of patrons on her spicy Patreon, stuff like that), but in exchange the more successful and famous she gets the more insatiably gluttonous she gets; and the Pharmakon sisters are basically villains more or less.
(I'll attach the info pics to a reply to this post, because apparently I'm trying to upload too much at once)
yo, this is rad, thanks!
(2.5 MB, 2360x2648, marin1.png) (303 KB, 1068x798, SmartSelect_20240209_143245_Gallery.jpg) (47 KB, 727x800, 36c805056f13cb5d38b600c6d0009a1b1658f8bb06e460e9d4f05410b617f91c.png) (54 KB, 828x552, bikini_marin_by_educabezon_dg686hc-414w-2x-1.jpg) (42 KB, 828x544, marin_by_lewdmayo_df8wmtq-414w-2x.jpg)
Could someone do an Obese Slobby Marin Kitawaga bot? If you can make her act decently close to how she does in the show. She is very bubbly, and high energy, quite shamless to.
could anyone make fat, weight gain chat bots of either bulma or chi chi from dragon ball z?
any preference for scenario? I've been looking for an excuse to make a Kirumi bot for a while
i have a preference for a drS vacation scenario, but I’m down for anything. God bless🙏

I was today years old when i discovered that the web version of character.ai lets you put more characters in the greeting message lmao (I'll edit my previous bots to give them a bit more of flavor, later)

Anyway fellas, here's a fat charlie and a tubby cherri bomb for your entertainment!

Charlie Morningstar / Hazbin Hotel


Cherri Bomb / Hazbin Hotel

I'll definitely make Carmilla tomorrow and then Rosie afterwards, do y'all want cannon Rosie (cannibal) or should we just ignore that part? Let me know lol
I'm not really familiar with spicy chat, but i could try.

I'll leave the characters descriptions in public if anyone wants to take a shot at it btw, cheers!
while this isn't my request, I would say have Rosie be a cannibal, it really doesn't make sense to have her be different
(185 KB, 498x500, brooke.PNG)
>>19155 (OP)
Has anyone already made one of Brooke (Tipping The Scales, BWS)? Borderline impossible as she only appeared in one, not very well received comic.
Only 6 out of 15 characters (40%) ever got a reference sheet.
Violet not counted (as she is the OC of someone else).
Furthermore, many sadly voted in the polls against newer OCs (many even citing a lack of familiarity as the reason - as if a bad grade would then increase the propability of seeing them again).
I might tackle this one myself within the next few days because Tipping the Scales is hot as fuck, one of my favorite works by BWS. I'm surprised that it apparently wasn't well received. I love formerly-fit fatties so I'm biased towards anything around that concept.

Now we're talking! Hell yeah, I'll definitely do these tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Is uh… Anyone else going to congratulate this guy for literally watching season of My Little Pony, just for an understanding of what a character is like?
I feel like this Anon needs some respect for his dedication for education!
May I say, well-done Cosmosis.
How did you make this?
Damn I didn’t know you made her that quickly, otherwise I would’ve asked if you could add that she had an irrational fear of chainsaws ;)
I'm all done, hope you enjoy. Put a lot of work into this making it understated in terms of abject fetish content and fleshed out to provide a somewhat plausible scenario in which she'd gain so much weight. I'm afraid I never played DRS specifically so this is more-so a school-backed beach resort plot. It was tough working 4,500 characters of text down into the 3,200 limit but I think I made it work.

Interesting. Very fast.
I've had the comic saved and worked off of that, being horny and having spare time with insomnia helps though lol. Another thing that helps is if you put "descriptive" in the short description it causes the bot to generate longer responses.
I just added that tidbit for shits and giggles, enjoy.
hi i'd like to request a chatbot of either chichi or bulma from dbz
(4.3 MB, 3000x2735, 25 - Nagatoro Round.png)
>>19172 Request ssbbw Nagatoro she's cocky but can't resist all the food her beloved senpai feeds her. spicy chat please
fat konoha from naruto

This is great! Could you port it to spicychat?
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I’m tapped out from making bots at the moment, so I’ll leave this request here.

A bot based of this image, a huge, slobbish shark girl. That is all
We get it, you don’t have to repost the same request
Is it just me, or has the amount of retards on this site grown exponentially over the past few months?
Okay just wanna be sure anyone can do it… I waited for one last year…
Can someone please do this as I to would love it
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Requesting a ghost hands feeder bot, cause frankly the one on spicychat sucks as a feeder
Decided I'd do my own request, now that I have a bit more time. Meet Cyna (If you have a better name, I'll take it), your nearly two ton, almost immobile Scolipede. No idea if this is accurate to the actual OC, but I made her shy around others, but very clingy to you. She also drools poison at all times.


Fair warning that she is a bit less human than some may like (she has two stomachs and four legs), so if that isn't your cup of tea you might want to steer clear.
Only 1 thing:
You wrote "king-sided water bed" on her greeting, think you tried to say "king-sized"
Still, pretty impressive overall
Damn. Corrected, thanks for the find, and I'm glad you like it!
I’m bored. Drop a request and I’ll do one. Again, ONE request of a character I know enough about. Won’t do anything too obscure or have to look something up to get a gist of the character.
some guy is doing it
Hello we can run out of food any year. Why isnt this scaring ppl into being obese now. I need huge butt
Can you give me a better photo to use
Ok, it might just be me, but I really can’t get by Wendy’s face. Is there any other character you want or am I still gonna suffer
The last one works cause it’s cartoony enough. What kind of scenario did you have in mind
No scenario in mind. Just want a SSBBW Wendy
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You would be happy with whatever I could possibly use as a scenario
10 year old? UAF? Or Ben 10K future version?
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request edalgard from fire emblem three houses in a au where she didn't go along with her plan to wage war on the church and instead decided to secretly make everyone in garreg mach monastery embrace more of a peaceful solution by fattening everyone and be on a more better approach to unite all of fodlan
requesting fat feeder princess peach from mario
requesting fat noel vermillion from blazblue
Shit over 500k for me I hate shopping
Closer to 700k-800k with plenty of top space.
Just 200k hit milli
Im only fucking with archive & fat cat this summer maybe clearwater Lmfao
I don't really care what character it is, I just want a super gross and gassy slob bot, good slob bots are rare
Same but I don’t want this chatbot swueemish about dog sex like the last few. Daddy’s gotta blast off and needs a little woof woof time.
Let rhe italian be president and send the irish to Washington please we are begging you. I speak for all of us apparently. So might as well big brother I know youre here reading this comedy skit every week lol
>>20758 I might take a shot on this, big fan of Trinity's work!

You got any specific scenario in mind?
>>20766 I haven't thought of one, so go nuts. lol
Quick bump before the thread gets bumplocked.
I believe I've requested her before (but more based on the version from the "Revenge" comic than the incidental art), in one of the older threads, don't believe anyone took that on. If I was better at making bots (especially c.ai ones that don't somehow default to 'ew, fat? gross, I need to lose a bunch of weight' no matter what I put in the info, since most people seem to prefer c.ai over spicychat for one reason or another), then I'd consider taking it on myself.
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Can anyone make Yoko Littner
Omg, thanks man!! I don't think you'll ever see this, but I don't think she'll need any changes! Thanks again!!

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