
(20 KB, 128x89, 2_1b47d65340c4e6730d9b9987c06ca7ca53c505ba62173145db9732424cad3bab.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1152x1152, 47c36f0721eb310c85ed0f12aa22a255abf938ce4c84972f4044691bd2fd0fc5.jpg) (849 KB, 1032x864, 77ce6e5b5c64cf8ca2632f5f06146ca82711d6b0493d9b2da0364022a7dd8dda.jpg) (1.7 MB, 1200x1200, 7f1de1cf8d09cc290cf1f09ea42bb8aae91b5c8880e48079d698f79aee93d585.jpg) (1.8 MB, 1456x1280, aeb166162aaa242111ff9fbeb9e78866a152328060afb944f3fd36e87e10c642.jpg)
Last Day of the Year Edition

Request a character with a prompt and an image, and hope someone helps you.

Tag the request Anchor with your requests
Tag the Delivery Anchor with your deliveries.

>Please be sure there is already a LoRA or Lycoris available for your request on civitai.com: without one, your request is likely to go unfulfilled.
>If there are multiple loras available, please specify which one you think looks best.

Previous threads (>>4273 (Cross-thread)) (>>8563 (Cross-thread)) (>>10373 (Cross-thread)) (>>13298 (Cross-thread)) (>>15783 (Cross-thread))
Forgot to say she must match the size in the second photo.
(97 KB, 300x566, ref.png)
>>18535 requesting Lila as fat and top heavy with huge boobs
Thanks these are perfect.
Like I said thanks. The fourth one is somewhat creepy because the hand but it’s nice.
(1.5 MB, 2473x3840, 1685927140039376.jpg) (568 KB, 1536x1754, 1685649292385858.jpg) (473 KB, 1413x1200, 1687387042766059.jpg)
Requesting some (strong)fat Nelliel Tu from Bleach. Ideally in the rags she first appeared in, but if the voodoo magic powering AI decides she should be dressed more appropriately I'm not gonna complain.
Size doesn't matter too much so long as she's got a gut.
(1.2 MB, 1536x1024, Yotsu_01-01-2024_00014_.png)
Oh damn, I didn't even see that extra hand the whole time I had it open in gimp or else I would have airbrushed it out. Heres another to make up for it.
Nice thanks but don’t worry it’s fine.
That's the stuff! Thanks Anon.
(1.2 MB, 936x1331, Nani Profile AI Drawing 1.png) (840 KB, 720x1024, Nani Profile AI Drawing 2.png)
Requesting Nani from "Lilo and Stitch: The Series" in an alternate version of the episode "Frenchfry" where she gives into Frenchfry's cooking and grows fatter and fatter with each meal that she consumes.
(152 KB, 378x800, Aoba_Suzukaze_render.png) (102 KB, 1024x1024, M-RRQzJ4KJg.jpg) (125 KB, 1152x1152, YYigdrmF-zc.jpg)
Can someone make a long sequence with Aoba Suzukaze, like this with Yagami, it wouls be pleasure if there would be different outfits like suqqubus one
>>18534 (OP)
is there a higher quality version of that melony image? it's really small for some reason
Hey, thanks! Appreciated.
Look at the end of the last thread, they're all there. I accidentally saved the thumbnail when making this thread.
Buy the feaaaaaarrrrrrr
(289 KB, 850x1200, Jenny Belle.jpg)
Requesting Jenny Belle from Jenny Mod with a huge dumptruck butt.
Killer work. I'm tempted to start throwing out requests again because quality is undeniable, but I think I'll leave a little cooldown. Really impressive stuff, honestly, especially with a tailor-made LoRA.
These are awesome man.
>>18535 >>18330 (Cross-thread)
Rerequesting this gf blueberry sequence from end of last thread, except I'm opening it to everybody. Really in the mood for big demon girls rtn.

Looks pretty darn good to me. Thanks!
Thanks these are impressive. I remembered someone else doing her in one of the previous threads.
Forgot to anchor

Thanks! I feel could have been better but the lora I found was overfitted and only had that single pose baked in.
this is tight, thanks man
I like how the AI interpreted USSBBW Black Canary as an opera singer
>>18745 Not bad. Although, she could be a little bigger/fatter. Still, not bad at all. Thank you for doing it.
Who's style is that? I know i've seen those drawings probably millions of times now but I can't place the artist.
(1.5 MB, 1200x1200, Hu Tao_1.png)
One Hu Tao for you. Just the one, not much time for goofing off today, sorry!
I'll probably make some more later.

The style is Miramiraclerun's.
(1.5 MB, 1200x1200, Hu Tao_1.png)
One Hu Tao for you. Just the one, not much time for goofing off today, sorry!
I'll probably make some more later.

The style is Miramiraclerun's.
(30 KB, 436x703, images (2).jpeg) (277 KB, 360x687, Arte_de_personaje_Furina_2.png) (58 KB, 459x668, images.jpeg)
Could someone with a kind soul make Furina? He is a character about which I see that there is very little fat content.

(by the way, if you can, Could you do it with a pose similar to the second photo?)

Looks amazing thanks man, and no worries take your time, people got lives after all
these look really good if you ignore the hands
Thank you I suppose. The first is off due to her having one finger but don’t on what side.
This arts are so cute, huge thanks ^^
(6 KB, 333x567, Courtney.PNG.jpg) (179 KB, 1108x1075, whitney22.jpg)
Can someone make a bottom heavy Courtney Babcock from Paranorman about this big please?
“But don’t on one side.”
Yes, how could anyone not improve with such well thought out and delivered criticism. Absolute retard. Anyway, nice stuff OPsorry that you have to deal with ingrate imbeciles
I’m a simple person with simple tastes. Goth catgirl, as fat as possible. The rest is up to you.
I'm acutely aware of any inaccuracies and artifacts. I have to use a dumbed down UI with no img2img or inpainting. It doesn't even support Lycoris files.

It takes me roughly twice as long to create a worthwhile image because of what tools and plugins are available to me compared to when A1111 worked on Colab.

It's this or nothing.
(594 KB, 800x960, 1.png) (511 KB, 800x960, 2.png)
The only LoRA available for Rain is for her Trace Outfit. If someone else wants to have a crack at this, by all means.
(358 KB, 678x1177, latest[1])
Queen La super obese, preferably still in similar outfit

Do you think you could do it in Miramiraclerun's art style?
Those are awesome man.
Blessed request NGL, kinda seconding
where did you get the lewdlemage lora
(727 KB, 1152x1152, misery_1.png) (1.2 MB, 1152x1152, misery_2.png) (1.2 MB, 1152x1152, misery_3.png)
Bumping mine one more time, but it'd probably be smart for me to add a reference size or two as well.
Thanks man they look great
Oh please do more Pochaco!
(6 KB, 333x567, Courtney.PNG.jpg) (179 KB, 1108x1075, whitney22.jpg)
>Can someone make a bottom heavy Courtney Babcock from Paranorman about this big please?
(Reposting this because I forgot to attach it to the request anchor)
May I request chubby Frieren and Fern in Kip’s style? Haven’t seen any yet
Bro this is really great, I hope to see more of Hu Tao from you
Have you ever tried playing Yanfei or Furina? They will surely look very good
I second this, more Hu Tao in this style would be the amazing please
(61 KB, 960x1152, 1.jpg) (89 KB, 960x1152, 2.jpg)
Was fiddling around with stuckage, didn't get any good results before my laptop's battery died. Wanted to make more, might make them sometime later.
OR here, if possible a wg sequence could be good, but I know keeping consistency in sizes is weird, so no worries.
have any air inflation images?
These are awesome dude.
godDAMN these are spectacular. I'll take a thousand!
(86 KB, 850x550, sample_a4616125a3014e0d853b95ea76640387.jpg)
also requesting uzaki, but the biggest BE sequence possible. like, i'm talking enormous. hopefully something works out of these two requests.
(you forgot to pin this request to the anchor or, so i did it for you and me both)
(1.8 MB, 1440x1200, Mizuno Ai_1.png)
One Mizuno Ai.

I tired working with the LoRA provided, but it proved difficult to, and other LoRAs didn't have her zombie version available.
Even if it was one that look’s excellent.
Dang, sorry the Lora wasn't ideal. I'm not able to test these things so I just go by if the preview images look any good. Thank you for trying, and the picture you did get is pretty good, especially the head! I appreciate it.
(138 KB, 750x750, 20210910_400501_十六夜咲夜_[紅]紅魔館のメイド_立ち絵_FIX.png) (134 KB, 750x750, 100501_Sakuya_Izayoi_FX.png) (900 KB, 1016x852, a9ae8c9ee111f7a1b2c8599db4e6e437eab1bb7bb228e4230d3a71310615fc36.png) (816 KB, 1026x1148, 0a38b156b633356cd124e3c132c1c127ee8fcc2cf187f251f29740ccf2e797e7.png) (4.2 MB, 3300x4400, fe69699ce68f732dae2bf477b27e765ff18a6a6e540f958af053a22dc43f3fa1.png) (2.8 MB, 2130x1800, e480747b370a749b2842b637c7d759f9c04792e4bc201ce4527677f9e288f13b.png)
Can someone make Sakuya Izayoi in Miramiraclerun's style? Preferably as big or bigger
(31 KB, 342x480, Sakuya_2.jpg) (134 KB, 750x750, 100501_Sakuya_Izayoi_FX.png) (138 KB, 750x750, 20210910_400501_十六夜咲夜_[紅]紅魔館のメイド_立ち絵_FIX.png) (816 KB, 1026x1148, 0a38b156b633356cd124e3c132c1c127ee8fcc2cf187f251f29740ccf2e797e7.png) (900 KB, 1016x852, a9ae8c9ee111f7a1b2c8599db4e6e437eab1bb7bb228e4230d3a71310615fc36.png) (2.8 MB, 2130x1800, e480747b370a749b2842b637c7d759f9c04792e4bc201ce4527677f9e288f13b.png)
Can someone make Sakuya Izayoi in Miramiraclerun's style? Preferably as big or bigger than these images.
Did not mean to send twice sorry
Don't worry, it happened to me once so it's normal for it to happen.
Your fine it usually happens sometime. Also you forgot to anchor your request which you don’t need to worry I’ve done it before.

Same here, would love some more Hu Tao in Miramiraclerun's style
A big improvement! Well done!
This is awesome man those are perfect.
Bumping this request
(158 KB, 1518x1075, MechaGirl.jpg)

Looked up an obscure girl I like and shockingly she has a lora, so I'll toss this out there, though I imagine she may prove a challenge even higher than Ai Mizuno was: Anyone want to try to do some fats of the Mecha Girl from Disgaea 6?


I realize the AI might have no idea what to do with this when trying to make it fat, but I figured it was worth a shot if there are any fat robot fans in the audience.

I also found a lora of Piyori from the same game as a backup idea if the Mecha Girl doesn't work out: https://civitai.com/models/94055/piyori-disgaea-6

Same size references as my previous idea, shown here. Aside from that, just having them be cute and fat is ideal.
(1.9 MB, 1799x2000, 9fb39af9ecae62364f631d51f52610a62918305748053e46044b40ca5c3ceacf.jpg) (312 KB, 1600x2000, d14a8977db8c1a38ca8c12408bfe8e76ff5e1e34440052beed4e0403378fc40a.jpg) (6.3 MB, 3553x4878, f71b5603cd808d3b31896064c2556c48d9d3c76aabc34a9604aa8353e8c68846.jpg) (4.2 MB, 1900x1500, 7c5c81b18eda04dfc1225278e8cdb030.png)
I'm going to take a bit of a gamble and see if I can request this lossbait chicken porked up nice and blubbery. I'd ask for a sequence from chubby to obese, but I don't know how viable that is, so I'll settle for her getting turned into a butterball in denial.

I figured I should keep furshit to the furry thread but it has the same activity as a decaying corpse
(201 KB, 1448x2048, 20240106_160628.jpg)
Can someone fatten her up a bit? Would appreciate
(19 KB, 472x386, SupremeVictory.jpg)
Wow, thanks! Delighted to get these. Curious as to how the "fleshy belly" ones looked, though. Fat cyborgs are fine too...
(475 KB, 1536x1536, Yotsu_20-01-2024_00001_.jpeg) (1.8 MB, 1536x1024, Yotsu_20-01-2024_00003_.png) (1.9 MB, 1536x1024, Yotsu_20-01-2024_00002_.png) (220 KB, 1536x1024, Yotsu_20-01-2024_00004_.jpg)
Sure lets keep this overweight robo-fest going. These turned out better and fatter. The reason is most likely that the models/loras have a lot of training data of fatties in sailor unforms so there's a lot more wiggle (and jiggle, kek) room. Plus with the mecha girl, there was probably a very limited amount of poses and just the one outfit.

Didnt keep any of them sorry, my workflow is that I auto-queue and just cancel the gen if the preview isnt turning out into something I think I can't salvage without a lot of assistance from photoshop.
It's alright, I understand! Those are some pretty good Labryses.
I think you did just fine! I like the first two in particular.
(2.4 MB, 1152x1776, 299.png) (2.1 MB, 1152x1776, 545.png)
Requesting Gardevoir inflation.
Belly inflation: I guess it's pregnant or hyper pregnant.
Body inflation: I have no clue but some gen's are really impressive.

Thanks for the wonderful fatbots. They look great!
These look decent so thank you. Plus the third one appears somewhere else.
This look’s awesome thanks man.
Just a follow up yeah we can get that later like I said thank you.
Those are stunning, can we have some more?

Or alternately, is there a way we can do it ourselves?
Seconding more baked potatos
bitch hot

Aye it's still good man thanks, just hoping J can pick this up and take a crack at it if he has the time
(56 KB, 450x600, Yasaka.Kanako.600.2512429.jpg) (195 KB, 850x1203, __yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_u_u_zan__sample-2b2a9aa2a6a998a308967ee13a8f11ee.jpg) (1.3 MB, 2340x3380, Yasaka.Kanako.full.2223458.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1240x1594, Kochiya.Sanae.full.3238067.jpg) (442 KB, 992x1034, d6kgh45-4971a1a2-a787-4572-b92d-a16872324b79.jpg) (36 KB, 372x600, 1327f55325d047b62c9e0f66bad445fc.jpg)
Can someone make Sanae Kochia and Kanako Yasaka in same style? The characters should be in different pictures
Lmao I still didn't know how to correctly anchor, my bad
These look excellent thanks. For the first set I liked how you did the donut as a reference to the series.
(13 KB, 250x312, 184180.jpg) (7.3 MB, 2516x2568, Love and More.png)
Can someone make a super pochacco as fat as the image having her fat belly fondled by a chubby sonic? While eating sweets
dont spend on her. She cheating
Thanks these look nice.
Speaking of large robots, uhhhh... gonna bump Jenny over here. Once again, go nuts.
(413 KB, 1080x773, Screenshot_20240127-191402.png) (557 KB, 2281x1861, 72200a13a03f70632c7af16b6c0cdd66f3f8eadcda818f660414baba598bd289.jpg) (816 KB, 1026x1148, 0a38b156b633356cd124e3c132c1c127ee8fcc2cf187f251f29740ccf2e797e7.png) (183 KB, 1764x2000, 92af5f17a9117dd752ce098e9f08b879302308673324ecefdf23185a27d9070d.jpg) (900 KB, 1016x852, a9ae8c9ee111f7a1b2c8599db4e6e437eab1bb7bb228e4230d3a71310615fc36.png) (2.8 MB, 2130x1800, e480747b370a749b2842b637c7d759f9c04792e4bc201ce4527677f9e288f13b.png)
Can someone make a weight gain sequence of Crydiaa from slim and curvy to fat and massive
This request will be interesting since we have robot girls requested somehow.
(1.1 MB, 1440x1187, 2022ep3a_Lum.png)
Some Lum pics where she's a bit more hip/thigh/butt heavy, but still fat all around.
(10.2 MB, 4096x4096, Photo Collage Maker_2024_02_01_03_52_06.png)
I have a bit of free time again and would like to do requests.
As an experiment, here is a short form if you'd like to request generations from me specifically. I'll still try to fulfill other requests, but those using this form will get priority.

The sysmix artist examples attached are more for general body style comparison than to compare faces (as they all had their faces touched up by the character lora, not the artist lora, so they will be very similar in that regard). These are all how these artists represent "fat", and "large breasts", to give you a general idea of each artist's baseline when used within sysmix. These styles will be even more pronounced/discernible with specific artist loras instead of sysmix, and when combining both character and artist loras during the face touch up phase.

Character LORA: Specify civitai.com link
Overall Size: Random [ ] Skinny [ ] Curvy [ ] Plump [ ] Fat [ ] SSBBW [ ] USSBBW [ ]
Body Type: Top Heavy [ ] Bottom Heavy [ ] Hourglass [ ]
Breast Size: Random [ ] Flat [ ] Small [ ] Medium [ ] Large [ ] Huge [ ] Gigantic [ ]

Choose EITHER a sysmix artist (style will be recognizable but somewhat watered down):
Sysmix: Random [ ] or Akina [ ] Aymusk [ ] BeltBuster [ ] BetterWithSalt [ ] ccu [ ] CoffeeSlice [ ] DrWorm [ ] Ekusupanshon [ ] Fellatrix [ ] Jaykuma [ ] KipTeiTei [ ] Lazorchef [ ] ryokuchaMichi [ ] Sizemologist [ ] Squarewave [ ] Tashoelle [ ] xmasterdavid [ ]
Choose a SPECIFIC artist style (style will be mostly dead on and immediately recognizable, in most cases):
Specific artist loras: Choose from https://mega.nz/folder/AKoXRZCB#JuOhfrxHsUA6_PeoozproA [ ]

Scene: Random [ ] Custom (specify) [ ]
Poses: Random [ ] Custom (specify) [ ]
Outfit: Default [ ] Custom (specify) [ ]
Expression: Positive [ ] Negative [ ]
Facial Touch-up: Let Character LORA influence touch-up [] Combined Character AND Artist LORA touch up []
Extra tags: wide hips [ ] gigantic hips [ ] hyper hips [ ] gigantic belly [ ] stuffed belly [ ] hyper belly [ ] full stomach [ ] drooping belly [ ] double belly [ ] stuck [ ] on own stomach [ ] belly grab [ ] thick thighs [ ]
YES! Thank you for your service, Lieutenant.
Appreciated mate. May I ask for a bigger belly like really huge fat one.

Thank you so very much, you're a godsend!
I'd love to see a bottom heavy USSBBW Raiden Shogun, with, surprisingly, a flat chest, or as flat as possible given that her lora training is probably biased towards giving her a big chest. Either a JayKuma or Squarewave Lora would be nice. A positive expression in her default outfit would be nice, everything else with scene and such can be random. Hyper hips as a tag could also be nice. Thanks!

Thank you for the great pics!
(7 KB, 502x268, DorothyDrinkSpill.png)
Sure, let's give this a try. I deleted all the options I didn't choose so it wouldn't get cluttered up, hope that's okay.

Character LORA: https://civitai.com/models/58103/va-11-hall-adorothy-haze-charecter-lora
Overall Size: Plump to Fat, variety within that range welcome
Body Type: Bottom Heavy
Breast Size: Medium
Sysmix: BeltBuster
Scene: Outdoors in a city, either at night or sunset
Poses: Some simple standing poses would be fine. She could be waving or grabbing her belly (or doing both, one with each hand), something basic like that.
Outfit: Default
Expression: Positive
Facial Touch-up: Combined Character AND Artist LORA touch up
Extra tags: Wide hips, belly grab, drooping belly
I requested her before and had great results myself.
If it's possible could you make some more arts?
Thanks these are perfect. I’m waiting on one so that’s all but again thanks.
Lucky for you I just got qDiffusion working on my laptop. Means I can inpaint and do img2img again, finally.

What do you have in mind?
they look great thanks !
>>19980 Nice one. These are great. Thank you for doing them.
Thanks these are perfect. The wait was worth it.
I forgot to add, use those images as a reference to the weight I would like Akane to be.
In need of ssbbw drunk fatties
I've got a hankering for some big Elizabeth, let's see if I've got this right.

Character LORA:
(There's also https://civitai.com/models/189890?modelVersionId=213246 but I don't know shit about telling which LORA is better. The former looked like it was better at getting her dress right)
Overall Size: USSBBW
Body Type: Bottom Heavy
Breast Size: Large

Sysmix: BeltBuster (It's REALLY hard to choose between his style, Squarewave's, Salt's, or Jaykuma)

Scene: Custom (A mall, or a fast food restaurant)
Poses: Custom (Not sure how to word this, but something with her arms up in the air or behind her head, like she's stretching after glutting herself. If that doesn't work, maybe come-hither + belly grab?)
Outfit: Custom (close to default: keep the gloves and hat, but if possible, her dress is riding up and is more of a makeshift shirt or bra, which also leaves her bottomless. If not possible, default is fine)
Expression: Positive
Facial Touch-up: Combined Character AND Artist LORA touch up
Extra tags: gigantic hips, stuffed belly, full stomach, thick thighs (thick arms would be nice too)
Yeah I know her head accessory can be too hard of doing but like I said thanks.
Hey thanks. It is my request after all.
(578 KB, 800x800, 6.png) (631 KB, 800x800, 7.png) (708 KB, 800x800, 8.png) (579 KB, 800x800, 9.png)
And some of the other nice ones when making the sequence
Thank you very much, those are great
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
(1.4 MB, 1920x1080, 095483di2le71.png)
And if it's not bothersome i'll wait for additional Nagatoro
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
(801 KB, 800x960, 1.png)
Only just started making the sequence when I ran out of Colab time. Enjoy this in the meantime.
(158 KB, 1280x1331, CasttiBrinaanana.jpg)

Just cleared her story in Octopath 2 yesterday after picking her as my first character, so I'll put in a request for Castti fats.

Character LORA: https://civitai.com/models/185861/castti-florenz-octopath-traveler-ii-lora
Overall Size: Plump to Fat
Body Type: Bottom-Heavy
Breast Size: Medium
Sysmix: BeltBuster
Scene: A forest during the day
Poses: Basic standing poses showing off her gut.
Outfit: She normally wears a dress, but I want to see her belly hanging out so if it could be turned into a matching shirt and skirt so her belly is exposed, that would be great. Otherwise the same outfit she usually wears, just one that doesn't hide her belly.
Expression: Positive (gentle smiles preferred over being eager or exuberant, Castti is a sweet girl)
Facial Touch-up: Combined Character AND Artist LORA touch up
Extra tags: wide hips, drooping belly, belly grab, thick thighs
(225 KB, 1280x2102, frisk_by_vile_eyes_dg8q74d-fullview.jpg)
Fuck it, I'll ball.

LORA: https://civitai.com/models/19986/chumpychoo-frisk-undertale-lora
Overall Size: Curvy to SSBBW, sequence
Body Type: Hourglass
Breast Size: Small to Gigantic, sequence as well
Sysmix: BetterWithSalt

Scene: Bedroom
Poses: Random, go with whatever
Outfit: Default
Expression: Negative
Facial Touch-up: Let Character LORA influence touch-up
Extra tags: thick thighs, belly grab, hyper hips+hyper belly+on own stomach (especially on later stages)

I think I included way too much info, fuck.
If some one could do a few ai and make a few obese Nanachi and or Riko image's that be great. (Both from Made in Abyss.)
hell yeah, what kind of prompts did you use
(131 KB, 666x990, Shantae.png)
Some Shantae pics where she's a bit more hip/thigh/butt heavy, but still fat all around.
Hell yeah, thanks man!
To quote Castti from in-game: "That was very helpful." Thanks!
(247 KB, 954x2678, Uzaki.png)
Could someone make Uzaki sequence until immobile?
WoW, what model are you using? :3
Thanks these are nice. I was hoping she would be angry or something but this fits too.
(243 KB, 935x1335, Ushio_Kofune.png)
>>19859 Could you do an USSBBW bottom heavy and then also all around Ushio kofune
Wow, these look great! I'm curious now, could you do something like these with Lynette still, but in a giantess context, or with big food (think a brownie the size of a couch cushion, soda the size of an oil drum, etc). Thanks so much for those!
(798 KB, 800x960, 1.png) (768 KB, 800x960, 2.png) (902 KB, 800x960, 3.png) (664 KB, 960x640, 4.png) (748 KB, 800x960, 5.png) (896 KB, 960x800, 6.png)
Apologies for the wait. I have a high standard of quality. I prefer to spend a long time creating a really nice image.
Thank you very much! Those arts are gorgeous, definetly worth the waiting
If it's not troublesome could you make her even more fatter? Like twice as much
(1.2 MB, 1152x1152, 00617-1891101051.png)
lucky for you one of the prior generations was in fact giantess themed on accident. behold, kaiju-sized lynnette invading mondstat
Want to know why im the best future agent? Because I spotted turnpike job post literally just now lmao all my men get sent out. HAHAHA
(166 KB, 1200x1800, 374dcb73ddeacddc3975de935a076bbb.jpeg)
I've been wanting to see some more big Rhyme since my last request months ago, so I'll bite.
Character LORA: https://civitai.com/models/160512/rhyme-the-world-ends-with-you-neo
Overall Size: SSBBW
Body Type: Bottom Heavy
Breast Size: Medium
Sysmix: Jaykuma
Scene: Random
Poses: Random
Outfit: Default
Expression: Negative
Facial Touch-up: Combined Character AND Artist LORA touch up
Extra tags: wide hips, drooping belly, double belly, belly grab, thick thighs
(76 KB, 450x675, IMG_2952.jpeg)
Can someone do some ssbbw and/or ussbbw images of Linda Flynn-Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb’s mom) in her usual outfit and a swimsuit please? Thank you.
Woah, thank you very much, those are pretty cute
(b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
Thank you, dude. Man, I should really get AI set up on my machine.

Forgot to mention preferably a wg sequence

Looks amazing man thanks, if it's not too much to ask do you think you could make it a wg sequence? Like from very curvy and slim to fat and massive? Same style ofc

Make her stuffed and in discomfort the fatter she gets would also be cool
Thanks these are perfect. I like how she is angry in one of the photo if we took her ice cream.
Thanks these are perfect just like the first set.
could you do some of her more regular bbw size as well
>>20213 Wow that was fast. Nice work here on doing these. These are great. Thank you for doing them.
(7 KB, 153x330, images.jpeg) (9.6 MB, 4500x5100, 05.jpg)
Can someone make some fat Cynthia around this size?
(6 KB, 333x567, Courtney.PNG.jpg) (179 KB, 1108x1075, whitney22.jpg)
Can someone make a bottom heavy Courtney Babcock from Paranorman about this big please?
(38 KB, 324x871, Rogue X Men Evo.jpg) (46 KB, 564x834, Rogue 90s.jpg)
I'd like to request both versions of Rogue as hyper pregnant USSBBWs. If possible, I'd like 90s Rogue pear shaped and Evo Rogue apple shaped
(286 KB, 1200x675, Kate.png)
Request for Kate from Inner Workings as a SSBBW.
Remember our conversation as young teenagers about your lame bf's you so easily switch up. Savage
Nice! Thank you kindly.
(38 KB, 361x762, IMG_0386.webp)
I'd like to request Sayu Higehiro as a belly heavy, apple shaped USSBBW. Bonus points if she looks seductive
(1.3 MB, 1024x1024, Osono Profile AI Drawing 1.png)
Can someone do some ssbbw and/or ussbbw images of Osono the pregnant baker from "Kiki's Delivery Service" in her usual outfit please? Thank you.
(1.1 MB, 1152x1152, 00006-3504615281.png) (1.2 MB, 1152x1152, 00011-4074259490.png) (1.1 MB, 1152x1152, 00023-4074259502.png) (809 KB, 1152x1152, 00029-4074259508.png) (1.1 MB, 1152x1152, 00032-3504167856.png) (1.2 MB, 1152x1152, 00037-2306104922.png)
>Sayu Higehiro
I'm unsure if I've ever seen a more generically designed character before. I'm almost positive I could gen this without a lora, it's that simple visually. reminds me that anime is becoming increasingly homogeneous. but here's a few
I'm the guy who asked you to Akane
I really thank you for the request 🙏
I like this but make it more Anglo style and less worshipping japanimation. It’s Bruce Banner for Christ’s sake.
>I like this
>Proceeds to complain

Stop being an ungrateful little brat. You're getting free images.
What the other guy said, also it's Jennifer Walters, not Bruce Banner;
>>18534 (OP)
Once again, I return to beg for more of the chubby choco elf lass, as she is unspeakably hot.
>>20417 Thanks, it was the best I could find at the moment and these are pretty good.
Will You be doing the other requests too.
(243 KB, 935x1335, Ushio_Kofune.png)
Could someone do an USSBBW bottom heavy and then also all around Ushio kofune
(136 KB, 804x1024, EdeaArutoria.jpg)

Requesting some tubby royalty with Grand Marshall Edea Lee.

Character LORA: https://civitai.com/models/59710/edea-lee-bravely-defaultbravely-second-lora
Overall Size: Plump to Fat
Body Type: Bottom-Heavy
Breast Size: Medium
Sysmix: JayKuma
Scene: Inside a fancy house/castle/mansion
Poses: Smug and showing off. Grabbing her belly, etc.
Outfit: BD1's default costume (with the red top) is preferred.
Expression: Positive
Facial Touch-up: Combined Character AND Artist LORA touch up
Extra tags: wide hips, drooping belly, belly grab, thick thighs
Still waiting for an Uzaki sequence tho
seconding any and all bottom heavy bravely defaults obesity
Amazing. Love Inner Working Girl's massive dumpy. Thanks.
>>20429 Awesome job here on this weight gain sequence of Eva. These are great. Thank you for doing it.
And you'll keep waiting with that attitude.
(1.1 MB, 1152x1152, 00344-253387967.png) (1.1 MB, 1152x1152, 00347-2522635722.png) (1.1 MB, 1152x1152, 00348-2522635723.png) (1.3 MB, 1152x1152, 00363-1285002204.png) (1.3 MB, 1152x1152, 00364-1285002205.png) (1.2 MB, 1152x1152, 00369-1285002210.png)
I am highly enjoying these extremely specific requests via the form. It makes it much more satisfying to set it all up, do the ground work, etc, when I have at least some confidence what I end up putting out is at least specifically tailored to the request. I always wonder when I fulfill a request that never gets replied to, if they just didn't like the style I used, or the setting, or the physical attributes but didn't want to ask for something different.
(12 KB, 166x256, EdeaPlush.jpg)
I'm happy to hear that! I got no problem using the form, especially if it makes things easier for you. I also always thank the person who took time out of their day to generate fap fuel of my obscure waifus, and cringe when a fulfilled request gets ignored or the requester complains or immediately demands MORE and BIGGER. It's not hard to be nice to people. I've gotten a lot of amazing content from these request threads over the past year and the folks who made that content for me are great.

Thank you for these lovely Edeas, and so quickly, too!
(913 KB, 1152x1152, 00387-1227730415.png) (935 KB, 1152x1152, 00380-556783345.png) (1.1 MB, 1152x1152, 00375-4119746927.png) (973 KB, 1152x1152, 00400-729005244.png) (1.0 MB, 1152x1152, 00401-729005245.png) (1.1 MB, 1152x1152, 00402-729005246.png)
To encourage more form use, here's some bonus images specifically because you used it.
>lot of amazing content from these request threads over the past year and the folks who made that content for me are great.
We have some real talent here. I'm glad it's being shared with people who appreciate it.
The requests you for all of us is excellent I’m the only one does it but their are others as well who would reply immediately.
I’m waiting on Lacey. Like I said I’ll wait a little more.
Can someone make some beastiality? I’m really hot and horngy for a femdogboy.
Well now I'm DEFINITELY using the form next time. Bravissimo!
I mean. Most hoes on this website 24/7. Place to roast them IMO they will pop out when u offend them just to cover up for thyself
Thanks these are perfect and awesome.
Appriciate this man, you are the goat
Putting this request on hold since the thread is almost at the limit.
(47 KB, 530x618, Cc_r2_0001-1.jpg) (1.0 MB, 1020x1530, CC.png)
USSBBW Bottom heavy CC (From Code Geass)
Also if you could have one picture of her eatting pizza well also with her ass on full display or not, it be amazing. (It's kinda her thing in the show.)
Thanks these are perfect.
Exceptionally good. How well does it handle Gardevoir/Kirlia?
I second this request too.

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