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A thread for fat AI animals, yes we already know its weird.

Variations of this prompt typically do the best (Bing AI is recommended)

full body photograph of a humongous hyper fat enormous morbidly obese overweight flabby bloated food balloon overinflated back fat roll blob swollen belly distended stomach extremely fat face titanic massively absurdly fat mountainous blobby inflated wobbly rotund round gargantuan planet-sized butterball animal [SPECIES] with an incredibly fat face and neck huge hump back belly dragging on ground size of a house too fat to walk sluggishly laying on belly/waddling
I'd love to see a dairy cow eating from a cake filled trough, It's flabby udder leaking butter from its teats
I don't really remember anymore. Something like: incredibly obese dachshund/horse so fat it its feet don't touch the ground immobile with a huge spherical gut and its head disappearing into its huge neck folds with huge cheeks being forcefed/fed lard/donuts/cakes
Bing had the last one saved:
[SAFE: a incredibly obese dachshund, the world's fattest dog, weighing more than 1000 pounds, as huge as a whale, so fat it can't move, with a huge spherical flabby belly and fat head, lying on its huge belly, with multiple fat rolls and fat folds, its fat head almost disappearing in its fat neck, its paws no longer visible underneath fat flab. being forced to eat cake by its owner. fattened up like a pig, being rubbed with sun block and sweaty. realistic drawing style]
someone please make some fat feral chatbots so i can typefuck these blobs
How would that work?...
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Tried something, didn't quite work, but , worth sharing
Poor critters all look so unhappy!
Bleedin' shite, man. shouldn't these be on some other board? Everything Else maybe?
Beastiality Chan more like it.
[SAFE] full body photograph of a fat enormous morbidly obese overweight flabby back fat rolls blob belly ocean of fat belly spreading out around floor extremely fat face double chin massively absurdly fat blobby wobbly saggy butterball animal horse laying on gigantic saggy belly in stable (covered in mud + other preferred descriptors etc)
Can a mod move this shit somewhere else???
Seconded. Get this zoophile shit outta here.
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Bing Create updated and none of my raccoon prompts work anymore.

Or they work but they give me gross pink blobs covered in sores.
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Oh damn, I've got the same problem upon trying.

This prompt creates some fat raccoons, just not really to the previous degree:
full body photograph of a humongous wheezing hyper fat enormous morbidly obese overweight flabby bloated food balloon back fat roll blob swollen belly distended stomach extremely fat face titanic massively absurdly fat mountainous blobby inflated wobbly rotund round gargantuan butterball animal RACCOON with an incredibly fat face and neck huge hump back belly dragging on ground size of a house too fat to walk sluggishly waddling being fed lots of meat and groaning
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Where all my degen friends at?
I wonder if could get a thread like this, but for pokemon? There's an artist that drew some obese pokemon that aren't half bad. oruka0827
If AI can generate this level of fat or real animals, and if AI can generate pokemon, then an AI should be able to generate this level of fat for pokemon!
You could proabably try, through, I think AI would have a hard time recalling their designs
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didn't include anything about America in the prompt lol
They will hear whistles in the late silent night. The devil will lit that bitch on fire.
These are my people. Who could you trust. I make one command like right now. Work emails I control everything
Please talk more simply, my small brain doesn't work like yours, oh great work email controller
Where I am from they will shoot you broad daylight. I control everything. Wake up already.
I let all my other baby mothers go. You no different. Its coming. Idgaf remember what you said.
It's some psycho who posts in threads they "don't like" with weird schizo threats. They did this before.
Your old now. 10 years to late
I never thought i'd see a penguin with such a slappable ass
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*Desperate chittering and creaking intensifies*
Has anyone tried generating fat ferals on pixai.art
Where can I make these myself?
I know this was like four months ago, but seconded
Bing image creator. It’s free and online
This is so good!! Do you think we can get more like this?? I didn’t even know AI could do that.
It was very difficult to get but I can try to do more! Any specific animal?
But on the surface looks calm & ready lol
We need some fat blob deer in here
think we could get a cat maybe?

what prompting are you even using,,,
more feral photos? did anyone tried imagen3?
Could do more animals with it?
Any chance for some hyper fat deer blobs?

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