
(313 KB, 512x512, 00146-543906218.png)
posting this one by itself because the AI got creative and I feel it deserves the attention
Man, I always love your stuff. Love to see it in the loli thread and here. Thanks a lot!

oh, I'm not :3-anon. I'm just using the same model.
Ah, gotcha. Still, great stuff and much appreciated!
You wouldn’t happen to have any more good immobile ones, would you?

I'll generate some more later!
Can you generate some in hospital or bariatric bed?
how do little girls even get that fat! they havent even been alive that long! parents at fault? or ae they naturally greedy?

probably both... also sorry OP for hijacking your thread - I wasn't necessarily trying to make lolis, but this model makes very loli-like gens while also being really good at mobility stuff, so...
i'm not even a loli guy and i think your pictures are hot as fuck. i loved their embarrassed and pained expressions and how fucking big every part of them is. the fact they developed tits from being fat alone is also cute.

All praise goes to veldoramix (the model I'm using), honestly. It's really user-friendly and doesn't require much tuning. All I do is give it some basic parameters and have it generate a hundred pictures while I do something else.
(697 KB, 640x768, tmpi8lnyl9k.png) (705 KB, 640x768, tmpw67_iycm.png) (700 KB, 640x768, tmpccirbjwo.png) (673 KB, 640x768, tmphe4j1ql1.png) (631 KB, 640x768, tmpzzsj566a.png) (662 KB, 640x768, tmp78bxbr_4.png)
thats actually me but thank you! their ai gens are still very good though! 

the model creator did more work gathering data and training it than we're doing making images ;p it's seriously so simple to give it a basic prompt and usually get really good results!

also here's some wheelchair bound and bedbound fatties ;3
I’d love to see more bottom heavy bedbound fatties. Maybe some of them in a diaper if it’s possible?
Can you make a batch of these fully clothed?
Incredible work! What's your prompt?
(1.6 MB, 1536x1024, Yotsu_20-12-2023_00016_.png) (1.9 MB, 1536x1024, Yotsu_20-12-2023_00015_.png) (2.0 MB, 1536x1024, Yotsu_20-12-2023_00017_.png)
I used the obese girls concept for the lora and then prompted the keywords obese or immobile to get the bigger sizes to pop. The models I used seem to understand wheelchair best because I couldnt get any other prompt to come out correctly. Picrel was done with BBW Aurora with 2 hi res passes of dreamshaper. I prompted motorized wheelchair this time and got one with kind of a joystick but thats as far as I could get.

The built in blemish fixer that come in the windows 11 photo viewer actually does an ok if hacky job at fixing extra navels on the super blobs. But shopping it would be more effective.
Hah!~ So big!!! I need more impossibly obese lolis!
Maybe like the house-sized dough blob in the 5th pic of >>16510 ?

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